Page created by Dwight Sharp

Superintendent Priority Performance
Continue to advocate and monitor the Coppell ISD Strategic Design work that serves
as the guide for the district.

Targeted Objective: Implement and advocate the work of the long-range plan for Coppell ISD.

Strategies will be used to engage students, teachers, parents and community members through a strategic
design process. Core values, strategies and beliefs will be developed through this process and an
implementation plan will be designed that will guide the District’s work for the next five years.

   c   Continue the work within the CISD Advocacy planning groups at the campus and district level
   c   Continue and expand on the training related to Advocacy
   c   Utilize the Advocacy Deck to help focus our work around the Core Values
   c   Create an online informational pamphlet/video highlighting ways the core values have been embedded in
       various ways throughout the district and community
   c   Continue centering district work around the Core Values – Great Teaching, Redefining Success,
       Relationships and Engagement – and refine the filter used to measure progress in these areas
   c   Highlight Relationships as a Core Value focus for the 2020-2021 school year
   c   Explore and create tools/resources helping our families understand and embrace the Core Values, while
       supporting their child’s academic and social emotional needs
   c   Continue building on our CISD professional learning library for training needs so as to bring all staff
       together with our focus on learning and growing
   c   Keep our Core Values at the forefront of discussions and decisions concerning the budget and future needs,
       including hiring practices, new hire orientation and professional learning
   c   Continuing to bridge the work with CISD Strategic Design, our CISD Visioning Committee and last year’s CISD
       Facilities Committee
   c   The Authentic Relationships Solutions Team held student, parent, staff and community input sessions to
       gather ideas for the problem statement. The team is now developing the pilot project plan.
   c   Panorama survey provided to students for learner voice input around authentic relationships
   c   Article on Strategic Design in Fall 2020 Our Story Magazine
   c   CISD Visioning Committee Work continues for thinking of next steps for the district
   c   Learner Focus Groups (CHS, CHS9, New Tech) feedback taken as a part of the Visioning Process and
       Community Group being formed

 Measurements/Deliverables will include:
   c   Formal Board Updates on Sept. 28, Jan. 11, Mar. 8 and Apr. 26
   c   Strategic Design Advocacy Training – Sept. 24, Dec. 9 and Apr. 14
   c   Routine use of the Decision Filter by the leadership team
   c   Completed Strategic Design new hire training
Superintendent Priority Performance
Design and implement a Community Based Accountability System (CBAS) that is
growth minded and incorporates the learning requirements of future-ready students
as identified by the CISD Profile of a Graduate and fulfills the requirements of HB 22.

Targeted Objective: Create and implement a communication plan for community and staff roll out.

Strategies will be implemented to design the CBAS, engage staff in the development of the CBAS, include the
voice of our community in the process and align instructional practices to best meet the needs of all students.
Awareness and explanation of current assessments and opportunities will enhance partnerships between home
and school.

   c Collect, analyze and share data with district stakeholders for initial feedback on our CISD Community Based
     Accountability System
   c Continue updating the work with our CISD Learner, Educator and Leadership Profiles in order to publish and
     share with stakeholders
   c Continue board training and collaboration with other local boards and district leaders
   c Host a Facebook Live event detailing the work of the TPAC and CBAS to share with the community
   c Publish the CISD Community Based Accountability System to all stakeholders within the community
   c Continue seeking input from community members via online survey tools and focus groups to get their input
     about the CBAS process
   c Continue seeking feedback from staff, learners and families with our Panorama online survey tool
   c Continue work with our TPAC large group and small group
   c Continuing to partner with small cohort of districts (Prosper, Grapevine-Colleyville, Gunter and Sunnyvale)
   c Continuing to meet with TPAC districts virtually
   c CBAS Lunch Byte
   c Panorama Data updates on Engagement given at Board Meeting
   c Panorama Data updates on SEL to be given in April
   c CISD Visioning Work has tied in CBAS to reflect on their understanding of the next 5-10 years and how this is
     embedded in the work
   c Learner focus groups from all levels - Elementary, Middle and High School
   c A CBAS Website was developed and implemented
   c CBAS article in Fall 2020 Our Story Magazine

  Measurements/Deliverables will include:
   c   Formal Board Updates on Nov. 16 and June 28
   c   A completed CBAS with key questions and pillars to be shared with the Coppell ISD community
   c   Aligned goal with District Improvement Plan strategies
   c   Student achievement and progress levels will exceed state and national (where applicable) standards/aver-
       ages for all student groups
   c   Increase performance in core course mastery by 10%
   c   Improvements vertical and horizontal delivery and assessment of the curriculum
   c   Increase in mastery of students receiving services through special education/504 by 10%
   c   Create an online informational pamphlet highlighting various data throughout the district to be shared with
       the community
   c   Host a Facebook Live event detailing the work of the TPAC and CBAS to share with the community
Superintendent Priority Performance                                                               GOAL
We will implement training and strategies aligned to social emotional learning for our
students and staff in order to create and sustain a safe, inclusive and responsive
environment for all.

Targeted Objective: Design effective professional learning opportunities for staff and continue the focus
the social and emotional needs of every child.

Strategies will be used to develop and empower the staff to implement a robust learning experience to better
serve the social and emotional needs of the students in Coppell ISD.

   c In response to COVID-19 and our goals for SEL, provide training to staff on how to implement strategies such
     as check ins, class meetings, and restorative practices to support the social emotional and mental health
     needs of learners
   c In response to COVID-19 and our goals for SEL, continue finding ways for our CISD staff to have training and
     opportunities focusing on their mental health, finding work/life balance and healthy ways to handle stress
   c Use Panorama Social Emotional Learning data from learners, staff and families to target areas of need and
     growth opportunities
   c Continue using the District Social and Emotional Advisory Committee for gathering feedback, aligning the
     work and monitoring implementation of social emotional learning for the district
   c Continue building and embedding social emotional learning supports within our CISD Curriculum and
     Instruction Resources
   c Create and implement training opportunities for families related to social emotional growth, mental health
     and overall well being
   c Review current district policies and procedures surrounding equity
   c Continue professional learning on SEL for all staff members
   c Create a CISD Equity Policy to align district core values and ensure equity for all stakeholders
   c Continue implementing training efforts for culturally responsive teaching, equity and inclusivity for all
   c Panorama Survey given - Fall and Spring
   c Crisis Counselors have worked with campuses to give training, provide support by being on campuses,
     started many online meetings with a wellness activity
   c Motivational Mondays from the Human Resources Department
   c Emphasis on healthy living and special events (American Heart Association Month) and tips/information in
     staff newsletters
   c SEL tips from the Crisis Counselors are included in every internal newsletter starting in March
   c Launched Mindful Moments on Alexa and tips and strategies for SEL
   c Magazine article in Fall 2020 edition of Our Story on SEL
   c Keep Comprehensive Counseling Program Internal Audit - Done with Counselors, Principals, APs and
     Curriculum Team (to help us in moving ahead with strengthening SEL and academic supports within our
     overall counseling services/curriculum as a district)
   c Required Trauma Informed Care pushed our to staff - asynchronous training housed in Schoology PL Library

  Measurements/Deliverables will include:
   c Formal Board Updates on Oct. 26 and May 24
   c Aligned goal with District Improvement Plan strategies
   c Create a Schoology course for parents related to social and emotional growth and other areas beyond core
   c Decrease in reported student discipline issues by 10%
   c Increase in attendance rates
   c Host a Facebook Live event detailing the work of the SEL Committee to share with the community
   c Create and publish a robust hub of resources to be access via the CISD website
Superintendent Priority Performance
We will create and implement a district-wide plan to enhance the student experience
from PreK through post-graduation.

Targeted Objective: Design and implement Reading Academies per HB 3 to improve the reading level of
students in CISD.

Strategies will be used to develop and empower the staff to implement a robust learning experience to better
serve the needs of the students in Coppell ISD.

   c In response to COVID-19 and our district goals of focusing on academic and social emotional growth,
     continue using tools to collect, analyze and evaluate data to provide targeted support (NWEA MAP, Schoology
     AMP, aligned online resources, Bulb Digital Portfolios and Panorama)
   c In response to COVID-19, continue providing CISD Distance Learning (virtual or blended)as needed during the
     school year
   c In response to COVID-19 and our district goals for learning, continue providing and reviewing supports for
     learners receiving Special Education, 504, English Learner, Dyslexia and Gifted and Talented services in
     order to ensure needs are being met
   c Continue building on Professional Learning Community expectations and structures concerning collaborative
     team efforts, data protocols and intervention and enrichment opportunities
   c In response to House Bill 3 requirements, begin implementation of the Texas Reading Academies and
     Strategies, Math Goals and Strategies, and Career, College and Military Readiness Goals and Strategies
   c Continue goals with the CISD Equity Plan, including intentional training and instructional practices to support
     specific learner groups
   c Continue reviews of hiring and retention practices in CISD to strengthen goals with great teaching and overall
     learner success
   c Continue focusing on the whole child and strengthening our Response to Intervention and data tracking
     processes with the implementation of the Panorama Student Success Platform
   c Continue using digital tools, resources and platforms that allow for innovative, creative, and efficient practices
     as well as provide opportunities to showcase evidence of learning in a variety of ways
   c Continued expansion of the PL Library to include “Just in Time” Training. Supports for accessing the aligned
     digital tools which support the 4 questions of PLC, and support high quality learning design regardless of the
     modality of instruction.
   c The district developed a consistent online process for kindergarten enrollment. The new system is efficient
     and effective and will be used on every elementary campus.
   c Developed and implemented a Virtual Adulting Day for all CISD seniors involving alumni and business
     partners to share insights, tips and advise with graduating seniors
   c The district launched the “We Value” podcast to celebrate the core values in CISD telling about experiences
     of staff, students, families and alumni. Some of the podcast stories have focused on great teaching and
     redefining success.
   c Several of the stories in the Fall 2020 Our Story magazine focused on great teaching and redefining success.
     From students excelling in swimming to volunteering in our community, the magazine celebrated our stu-
   c Reading Academies have been in place and training has been happening since this fall for our Kinder and 1st
     grade educators as well as our elementary ICs and elementary ESL facilitators
   c Rolled out mClass early literacy screener assessments that also have an additional dyslexia screener support
   c The Curriculum team has been partnering with DLCs, ICs and educators to strengthen tools for ELAR, Math,
     Social Studies and Science for intervention and progress monitoring in all content areas (Schoology lessons,
     EL and newcomer tools embedded into Schoology, focus on intentional small group instruction and assessing
     in a variety of ways - Schoology AMP, Blub Digital Portfolios, etc.).
                                                                                        Continued on next page...
c The Curriculum Team is continuing to focus and work with campuses on alignment with certifications for
   CCMR, iExplore classes and discussing next steps for CTE within the CISD Visioning work.

Measurements/Deliverables will include:
 c   Formal Board Updates on Dec. 14, Nov. 16, Jan. 11 and Mar. 29
 c   Establish and implement Reading Academies
 c   Implement Student Success Platform through Panaroma
 c   Increase in student reading scores
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