Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil

Page created by Rick Osborne
Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil

                                                       4 0 y ears of
                                           m o re than      e n t and
                                   y fro m          elo p m
                             Qualit e in the dev t systems
                                   enc              ou
                             experi tion of black

Product range 2019 / 2020
REMIS is your specialist for:
• Front blackout systems
• Sun and insect protection for windows and doors
• Roof windows
• Room dividers
Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
Pioneer, developer
    						and visionary
    For more than 40 years, REMIS has           to do with your motor home and          and made in Germany, that is
    provided smart ideas for one of the         caravan. In the following section, we   REMIS, your supplier for creative and
    most fantastic hobbies that there is:       will introduce our range of products    tailor-made ideas for your caravan or
    Discovering new horizons, experien-         that will make your hobby even          motor home.
    cing other cultures but still maintaining   more comfortable, with the well-
    a feeling of home, even in a remote         known REMIS quality and at a fair       You can obtain REMIS products
    location.                                   price-performance ratio.                exclusively in competent specialist
                                                                                        camping dealers.
    To fulfil your desires, we work on          Many years of experience, well
    finding useful solutions for everything     thought out products, family run

                                Development and production in Germany

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
Table of contents

               		 the REMIS world
REMIS - The company
    Where is REMIS from and who are we?........................................................................................................ 4
    The REMIS team............................................................................................................................................. 5
    You can find the REMIS product range here................................................................................................ 6
    Social involvement - REMIS helps!............................................................................................................... 7

REMIfront blackout systems
    for the Fiat Ducato, Peugeot Boxer and Citroen Jumper...................................................................... 8 - 9
    for the Ford Transit and Transit Custom........................................................................................... 10 - 11
    for the Mercedes Benz Sprinter and VW Crafter............................................................................... 12 - 13
    for the Renault Master, Opel Movano and Nissan Interstar...................................................................... 14
    our diversity of REMIfront blackout systems............................................................................................. 15

Sun and insect protection
    for doors
          Caravans and motor homes..................................................................................................... 16 - 17
          Delivery vans............................................................................................................................. 18 - 19
    for windows......................................................................................................................................... 20 - 25

Roof windows..................................................................................................................................... 26 - 29

Room dividers.................................................................................................................................... 30 - 31

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
What we are:
    		 An overview of REMIS

        The REMIS headquarters in Cologne   The REMIS factory in Gronau

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
The company

That everything goes smoothly:
		 Our employees


They are the people who push our       requisites for efficient and successful   as a team and in dialogue with custo-
company forwards, with their com-      collaboration with our customers.         mers, colleagues and partners. We
mitment, creativity and expertise.                                               educate and train our employees, so
With our dedicated and qualified       Our employees work in an innovative       that REMIS will also remain a driver of
employees, we can offer all the pre-   manner on new solutions, together         innovation in the future.

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
Find our products here!

                 Here you can find
                 			our REMIS range
    To fulfil your desires, we work on fin-    at a fair price-performance ratio, and   You can find a list of the dealers
    ding useful solutions for every­thing to   of course „Made in Germany“!             sorted for location below.
    do with your motor home and caravan.
                                               You can obtain REMIS products exclu-
    In the following pages, we will intro-     sively in competent specialist camping
    duce our range of products that will       dealers with a wide selection and at
    make your hobby even more comforta-        the best conditions.
    ble, with the well-known REMIS quality

REMIS products can be found at these specialist and major dealers among
other places:
    Germany                                      Great Britain                               France

                                                 The Netherlands                             Spain

    Sweden                                       Denmark                                     Norway

    Turkey                                       Italy                                       Australia

    Portugal                                     South Africa                                The USA

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil

      We help:
       REMIS Health-Centre e.V.
In 2003, we began our long-term cont-     its own self-sufficient power supply      the long-term upkeep of the ward.
act with Tengelmann AG and with HCE       and support it financially, technically
(Hilfs-Center-Essen Darsilami e.V.) our   and also with personnel on location.      The association transfers 2000 euros
commitment in Gambia (West Africa).       At the same time, since 2003 we have      a month of donations to Darsilami.
                                          been running annual fundraising ac-       With this money, the staff costs, the
In cooperation with the ISET (The In-     tivities for this and other connected     clinic management, the nurses and
stitute for Solar Energy Supply Tech-     projects in Darsilami.                    carers, the medication and current
nology at the University of Kassel), we                                             purchases can be paid.
have a project to supply the children‘s   At the centre of our help are the acti-
dormitory in Darsilami (Gambia) with      ve fundraising activities to guarantee


Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
Front blackout systems with
              			visual protection
        Large front and side windows on a                     blinds and side components darkens                   REMIfront system is integrated into
        mobile home provide a beautiful view,                 the driver‘s cabin almost completely.                the A pillars and adapted exactly to
        but also offer a good glimpse inside for              An additional bonus: Heating up and                  the interior design. Perfect darkening
        curious eyes. When the sun is beating                 cooling down are reduced consi-                      and protection against unwelcome
        down from the sky, the interior room                  derably.                                             curious glimpses significantly extend
        heats up quickly due to the large sur-                                                                     your usable living area and protect
        face areas.                                           When developing our front systems,                   your private sphere. Installing into
                                                              we place great value on having un-                   your new vehicle or retro-fitting can
        The easy to integrate solution:                       restricted vision and conform strictly               be done with no problems.
        REMIfront, consisting of front pleated                to the EU guidelines. Therefore, our

    REMIfront IV for the FIAT Ducato
    Structurally identical: Peugeot Boxer, Citroen Jumper

           Year of                                                Front (left and right-hand drive)                                            Sides
        construction /                               Without           Secial packages            Special packages
                                 Solution                                                                                           Left                   Right
        vehicle model                                sensors           housing type 1              housing type 2

         2006 - 2011
                                                    10032228                                                                     10032233                10032234
         Model X250
         Model X250
                               REMIfront IV
         from 2014
                                                    10056725               10058968                         -                    10043742                10043743
         Model X290
         from 2019
                                                         -                      -                      10075640
         Model X290

                                Adapter for
                                                       Optimises and extends the function of the sun visor. It
                                 sun visor
                                                      can also be used at the side with the help of an adapter
                                                          after the installation of a REMIS blackout blind.
       For all vehicle
      models from 2006
                                Visor down
                                                        Further reduces the incidence of light into the lower
                                                                   area with the front blackout.

              Our REMIS front blackout systems are unsuitable for vehicles with an airbag on the A-pillar and above doors as well as for other special packages than the
8             ones mentioned above: Please check the compatibilty of the product for your vehicle before purchasing.
Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
Front blackout systems

                       n 4 0 years of
          o m m ore tha pment and
      y fr            elo
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc             ou
experi tion of black

    The front window is darkened by        The side elements are supplied as a       The system is easy to fit and ensures
    a two-part sliding element with a      complete frame and are secured to         quick and pleasant visual protection in
    magnetic catch.                        the vehicle door frames. The REMIfront    an uncomplicated manner in daily use.
                                           blackout system simply compensates
    They close together in the middle of   the vehicle tolerances, the ventilation   All components of the REMIfront fit
    the front window, the inside mirror    openings are not covered.                 perfectly into the interior design.
    remains in place.

Product range 2019 / 2020 - REMIS is your specialist for: REMImobil
REMIfront IV for the Ford Transit Custom (Model V362)
        Year of                                              Front (left-hand drive)                                                          Sides
     construction          Without visibility pack               Visibility pack 2                Visibility pack 3                 Left                 Right

     2012 - 2017                   10058294                          10068262                         10068263                   10058295             10058296

 REMIfront IV for the Ford Transit (Model V363)
        Year of             Front (left-hand drive)           Front (right-hand drive)                                         Sides
     construction           Without visibility pack            Without visibility pack                        Left                               Right

     2014 - 2019                    10058218                           10066661                            10058219                            10058220

      From 2019                     10075051                           10075051                            10075658                            10075659

                                            Ford Transit (V363)

          Our REMIS front blackout systems are unsuitable for vehicles with an airbag on the A-pillar and above doors as well as for other special packages than the
10        ones mentioned above: Please check the compatibilty of the product for your vehicle before purchasing.
Front blackout systems

    Ford Transit Custom (V362)                                   Without visibility pack

       Without visibility pack                                       Visibility pack 2

           Visibility pack 2                                         Visibility pack 3

                      a n 4 0 years o
          o m m ore th pment and
      yf r            elo
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc             ou
experi tion of black

    The front window is darkened by        The side elements are supplied as a       The system is easy to fit and ensures
    a two-part sliding element with a      complete frame and are secured to         quick and pleasant visual protection in
    magnetic catch.                        the vehicle door frames. The REMIfront    an uncomplicated manner in daily use.
                                           blackout system simply compensates
    They close together in the middle of   the vehicle tolerances, the ventilation   All components of the REMIfront fit
    the front window, the inside mirror    openings are not covered.                 perfectly into the interior design.
    remains in place.

REMIfront III for the Mercedes Benz Sprinter
 Structurally identical: VW Crafter from construction years 2006 - 2016

                                                                Front (left-hand drive)                                                           Sides
        Year of
     construction                  Mirror base plate                                                      Lane keeping/
                                                                         With rain sensor               full beam package                 Left             Right
                              Straight              Angled                                           (Mercedes codes LA1/JP4/JP2)

      2007 - 2017            10021022             10023924                   10059902                         10058221                 10021023           10021024

           Our REMIS front blackout systems are unsuitable for vehicles with an airbag on the A-pillar and above doors as well as for other special packages than the
12         ones mentioned above: Please check the compatibilty of the product for your vehicle before purchasing.
Front blackout systems

                       n 4 0 years of
          o m m ore tha pment and
      yf r            elo
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc             ou
experi tion of black

     Straight mirror base plate                                Angled mirror base plate

         With rain sensor                                        With special package

    The front window is darkened by        The side elements are supplied as a       The system is easy to fit and ensures
    a two-part sliding element with a      complete frame and are secured to         quick and pleasant visual protection in
    magnetic catch.                        the vehicle door frames. The REMIfront    an uncomplicated manner in daily use.
                                           blackout system simply compensates
    They close together in the middle of   the vehicle tolerances, the ventilation   All components of the REMIfront fit
    the front window, the inside mirror    openings are not covered.                 perfectly into the interior design.
    remains in place.

4 0 y ears of
               m o re than        ent an
      y f ro m          e l o p m
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc               ou
experi tion of black

  REMIfront IV for the Renault Master
  Structurally identical: Opel Movano, Nissan Interstar

                                         Front (left and right-hand drive)                                                        Sides
         Year of
                                 Without sensors                     With rain sensor                            Left                               Right

     From 04/2011                    10043735                            10049610                             10043739                            10043740

            Our REMIS front blackout systems are unsuitable for vehicles with an airbag on the A-pillar and above doors as well as for other special packages than the
14          ones mentioned above: Please check the compatibilty of the product for your vehicle before purchasing.
Front blackout systems

        Fiat Ducato              Fiat Ducato

       Ford Transit              Ford Transit

Ford Transit Custom      Ford Transit Custom

Mercedes Sprinter         Mercedes Sprinter

Insect and rain
                		 protection for doors
     To make the all-round feel-good            way, you can enjoy a pleasant and well      vides a slight visual protection and
     package complete, the doors must also      ventilated camping trip, without            hence an improved level of privacy.
     provide protection against un­welcome      any visits from mosquitoes or gnats.
     insects along with the insect protection                                               For the Fiat Ducato, a rain shield
     systems on the windows.                    You can also leave the vehicle doors        ensures a dry entrance area. Even with
                                                open at night for ventilation and close     a gentle wind, no rain water gets into
     With the REMIS insect protection for       the insect protection doors, you will get   the vehicle and hence the risk of slip-
     doors, you can enjoy a great deal of       fresh air with no annoying mosquitoes.      ping is reduced.
     fresh air and light and simultaneous-
     ly be protected against insects. In this   The pleated black material also pro-

                         REMIcare II                            REMIcare Van with rain shield and table connection

Insect protection doors

Insect protection door with pleated material
for caravans and motor homes

        Dimensions                    Frame depth                        Frame: White
        (W x H in mm)                     (in mm)                       Grip rail: White
                                                                  Insect pleated blind: Black

         650 x 2000                         58                            10024342

         650 x 1800                         58                            10024343

         650 x 2000                         92                            10022440

         650 x 1850                         92                            10022441

Height = fitted surface (floor/cable channel) to the upper edge
Width = door rubber profile + min. 25 mm
Frame depth 58 mm for caravans
Frame depth 92 mm for motor homes
Width can be shortened individually.

  Anyone looking for stylish and effective                The insect protection door has a white,    The door can be variably adjusted open
  insect defence has found the right answer               decorative aluminium frame and fits        or closed using the handle. It sits securely
  with the comfortable REMIcare II pleated                exactly into the design of the interior.   and smoothly on the robust runners.
  insect protection door.

REMIcare Van
     Insect protection door for vans
     Fiat Ducato
     (Models X250 / X290)

                                   Without table connection     With table connection
                                   Left-hand      Right-hand   Left-hand     Right-hand
                                     drive           drive       drive          drive
      Size: 1435 mm x 1080 mm
      Low door cut-out, short          10049017       -         10075698          -
      wheelbase (FIAT-Code CH1)
      Size: 1435 mm x 1250 mm
      Low door cut-out, long           10043837       -         10075699          -
      wheelbase (FIAT-Code MH1)

      Size: 1710 mm x 1250 mm
      High door cut-out, long
                                       10043836    10066711     10075700       10075702
      wheelbase (FIAT-Code MH2,
      LH2, LH3, XLH2, XLH3FI)

     Rain shield for the Fiat Ducato
     (Models X250 / X290)

                                                          Item number
      Specification                                Left-hand      Right-hand
                                                     drive           drive
      Suitable for all sizes
      (FIAT-Code MH1, MH2, LH2, LH3,               10063345             -
      XLH2, XLH3FI)

       With the REMIcare Van insect protection       In this way, you can enjoy pleasant and      a dry entrance area. Even with a gentle
       door, you can enjoy a great deal of fresh     well ventilated camping trips, without       wind, no rain water gets into the vehicle
       air and light and simultaneously be pro-      any visits from mosquitoes or gnats. For     and hence the risk of slipping is reduced.
       tected against insects.                       the Fiat Ducato, a rain shield now ensures

Insect protection doors

                                                                                               REMIcare Van Ford Transit Custom
REMIcare Van
Insect protection door for vans

Ford Transit Custom
                                                     Item number
                                        Left-hand drive      Right-hand drive
 Ford Transit Custom
                                            10058222                     -
 (Model V362)
                                                                                                REMIcare Van Volkswagen T5/T6

Volkswagen T5/T6
                                                       Item number
                                         Left-hand drive      Right-hand drive
 Transporter and Transporter
                                             10057922                        -
 Combi in the Startliner version
 Multivan and Caravelle                      10057199                        -

Mercedes Sprinter                                                                               REMIcare Van Mercedes Sprinter
Structurally identical: VW Crafter from construction years 2006 - 2016

                                                       Item number
                                         Left-hand drive      Right-hand drive
 Size: 1650 mm x 1360 mm                     10061073                        -
 Size: 1960 mm x 1360 mm                     10061074                        -

  To make the all-round feel-good package          this way, you can enjoy pleasant and well   overnight and close the insect protection
  complete, the door must also be pro-             ventilated camping trips, without any       door directly and now there is nothing else
  tected against insects, along with the           visits from mosquitoes or gnats. You can    in the way of a relaxing night - without
  insect protection for the windows. In            also simply leave the vehicle doors open    mosquitoes.

Sun and
  insect protection for windows
     Enjoy uninterrupted light and air at all   blems and the product is available         properties and makes your caravan or
     times of day! With the sun and insect      appropriate to the window pane. And        motor home even more homely thanks
     protection system from REMIS, you can      the best of all: From a simple roller      to its elegant design.
     do both: Effective protection against      blind to a high-quality pleated blind,
     insects as well as darkening and visual    the right solution for everyone is avai-
     protection is guaranteed, without          lable.
     having to do without fresh air.
                                                Stable, hard-wearing and easy to ope-
     Replacing any existing blinds can          rate and install: The all-round protec-
     be performed without any pro-              tion possesses first-class reflective

                                                      REMIsun                                                  REMIflair I

                                                    REMIflair IV                                              REMIbase II

Sun and insect protection

    REMIsun                    REMIflair I


Sun protection blind           Double blind

  REMIflair IV                REMIbase II

Combi pleated blind           Combi blackout

                                                 4 0 years of
                                   m m o re than ment and
                             y fro            elop
                       Qualit e in the dev t systems
                             enc              ou
                       experi tion of black

4 0 years of
            m m o re than ment and
      y fro            elop
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc              ou
experi tion of black

     Sun protection blind

          Frame exterior                              Colour
        (Width x height in mm)       Cream-white/silver        Grey-white/silver

             620 x 600                   10002570                  10002592
             770 x 600                   10002540                  10002571
             770 x 700                   10002731                      -
             870 x 600                   10002544                  10002574
             870 x 700                   10002732                      -
             970 x 600                   10002546                  10002577
             970 x 700                   10002734                      -
            1000 x 1000                  10002752                      -
             1020 x 600                  10002549                  10002578
             1020 x 700                  10002736                      -
             1120 x 600                  10002551                  10002580
             1120 x 700                  10002738                      -
             1270 x 600                  10002553                  10002581
             1270 x 700                  10002739                      -
             1320 x 800                  10002741                      -
             1420 x 700                  10002558                  10002584
             1420 x 800                  10002743                      -
             1520 x 800                  10002746                      -
             1620 x 800                  10002748                      -
             1720 x 800                  10002750                      -
     *Data incl. mounting brackets

        REMIsun is a functional and cost-effective        The effective sun and visual protection   The roller blind can be used individually,
        roller blind that is suitable for all types       darkens sufficiently and is also a good   as the width can be adjusted specifically
        of window. It is available in two colour          addition for the night time.              to the requirements.

Sun and insect protection

REMIflair I
Double blind

Suspended window

                 Frame exte-                        Colour
 Window pane     rior dimen-
                                 Cassette: Cream-white   Cassette: Grey-white
 (W x H in mm)      sions          Sun: Cream/silver       Sun: Grey/silver
                 (W x H in mm)       Insect: White          Insect: White

  680 x 595       750 x 700           10002050               10002035
  730 x 595       800 x 700           10001975               10002037
  770 x 528       840 x 633           10010136                    -
  830 x 595       900 x 700           10002020               10002038
  930 x 595       1000 x 700          10002026               10002040
  930 x 895      1000 x 1000          10002634                    -
  940 x 658       1010 x 763          10010133                    -
  1030 x 595      1100 x 700          10002028               10002041
  1130 x 595      1200 x 700          10002031               10002042
  1230 x 695      1300 x 800          10002200               10002043
  1270 x 658      1340 x 763          10010129                    -
  1330 x 695      1400 x 800          10002201               10002044
  1430 x 695      1500 x 800          10002202               10002045
  1530 x 695      1600 x 800          10002203               10002046
  1630 x 695      1700 x 800          10002205               10002047
  1730 x 695      1800 x 800          10002206               10002048
  1830 x 695      1900 x 800          10002207               10002049

 REMIflair I is a high-quality double cas-      The aluminium-coated sun reflector film     Effective protection from insects and
 sette roller blind and is attached directly    provides an excellent darkening effect      easy installation make the REMIflair I a
 to the inside of the window, giving the        as well as outstanding reflection of heat   true all-rounder.
 space a homely ambiance.                       and cold.

REMIflair IV
Combi pleated blind

Suspended window                                   Aluminium frame window
      Window          Frame                            Window            Frame
        pane         exterior                            pane           exterior
                                     Colours*                                      Colours*
       (W x H          (W x H                           (W x H            (W x H
      in mm)          in mm)                           in mm)            in mm)

     400 x 350      464 x 450       10032656          500 x 400        542 x 464   10058157

     500 x 450      564 x 550       10032657          500 x 550        542 x 614   10058158

     515 x 500      579 x 600       10035423          600 x 500        642 x 544   10058159

     550 x 520      614 x 620       10032658          700 x 200        742 x 264   10058160

     600 x 550      664 x 650       10032659          700 x 400        742 x 464   10058162

     650 x 550      714 x 650       10032660          700 x 500        742 x 564   10058164

     700 x 550      764 x 650       10032661          700 x 520        742 x 584   10058165

     750 x 550      814 x 650       10032662          800 x 400        842 x 464   10058168

     800 x 550      864 x 650       10032663          900 x 450        942 x 514   10058170

     900 x 550      964 x 650       10032664          900 x 520        972 x 584   10058171
     1000 x 600    1064 x 700       10032665         1000 x 450       1242 x 514   10058174
     1100 x 600    1164 x 700       10032666         1000 x 500       1042 x 564   10058176
     1200 x 600    1264 x 700       10032667         1100 x 350       1142 x 414   10058183
     1300 x 600    1364 x 700       10032668         1300 x 520       1342 x 584   10058185
     1450 x 700    1514 x 800       10032669

     1600 x 700    1664 x 800       10032670

*Cassette: Cream-white; Pleated blind Grey-white/white; Insect protection: White

         The REMIflair IV with pleated material pro-          The interior looks modern and cosy. The   Characteristic features include a flat,
         vides you with visual protection and the             insect protection section and blackout    modern design and easy installation.
         bright insect protection simultaneously              pleated blind are firmly connected to
         ensures good light incidence.                        each other via a handle.

Sun and insect protection

                          4 0 years of
            m m o re than ment and
      y fro            elop
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc              ou
experi tion of black

  REMIbase II
  Combi blackout

  Suspended window

                               Frame exterior               Colour
       Window pane                                   Cassette: Cream-white
       (W x H in mm)                                Pleated: Light beige/white
                                (W x H in mm)
                                                   Insect pleated blind: Black

         500 x 450               577 x 538                 10075710

         520 x 500               597 x 588                 10075711                                                      Control cord
         600 x 450               677 x 538                 10075713

         700 x 350               777 x 438                 10075714

         700 x 400               777 x 488                 10075716

         700 x 520               777 x 608                 10075717

         800 x 400               877 x 488                 10075718

         900 x 400               977 x 488                 10075720

         900 x 500               977 x 588                 10075721

         900 x 520               977 x 608                 10075724

        1000 x 500              1077 x 588                 10075725

        1100 x 600              1177 x 688                 10075729

        1200 x 500              1277 x 588                 10075730

        1300 x 600              1377 x 688                 10075731

        1450 x 550              1527 x 638                 10075732

    With the combination blackout roller        provides a contemporary contrast with      properties and the innovative control cord
    blind, the level of visual and insect       the cream-white coloured privacy and       minimises the incidence of light due to
    protection can be set separately and        sun protection pleat blind. In addition,   the lack of bore holes in the pleated blind.
    variably. The black pleated insect blind    the blind boasts outstanding reflection

Roof windows
          		 for more air and light
     A holiday with a lot of light and fresh     REMIS windows of course possess an       the roof window test of REISEMOBIL
     air has always been a basic necessity       integrated fly protection system and a   International 2011, the REMItop vario
     for every camper. REMIS has developed       blackout pleated blind. REMIS places     II occupied 1st place as the quietest
     a complete range of roof windows to         great importance on safety: Our roof     window. As a result, it is not necessary
     meet your individual requirements.          windows possess an integrated forced     to additionally purchase an expensive
                                                 ventilation.                             roof spoiler. There is nothing else in
     All of the designs however have one                                                  the way of having perfect comfort on
     thing in common: The best visibility        Furthermore, the high level of quality   your holiday.
     and at the same time, a reduction in the    of the product pays off during instal-
     level of sunlight shining in due to the     lation and in terms of use­ability. In
     specially tinted roof window covers. All

                                                REMItop Vario II                             REMItop Vista

Roof windows

Comparing the REMIS roof windows

                                    REMItop Vario II                               REMItop Vista

      Product image

                              REMItop Vario II is a multi-functional roof
                                               window.                      REMItop Vista is a multi-functional roof
                                                                             window including the internal frame
     Short description
                               Additionally, you can choose between         and which is opened and closed via two
                                        notched positioner                          notched positioners.
                                and hand crank variants (400 x 400).

                                              400 x 400
      Sizes available
                                              500 x 700                                    400 x 400
       (W x L in mm)
                                              600 x 900

                                         Notched positioner
   Closing mechanisms                                                                 Notched positioner
                                            Hand crank

  Frame colours available                    Light beige                            Cream-white (RAL 9001)

  Available colours for the                  Beige/white                                  Beige/white
   Blackout pleated blind                 Light beige/white                            Light beige/white

  Available colours for the                 White (blind)
                                                                                         White (blind)
        insect screen                   Black (pleated blind)

          Opening                             Up to 60°                                    Up to 60°

                                                                                               n 4 0 years of
                                                                                  o m m ore tha pment and
                                                                              y fr            elo
                                                                        Qualit e in the dev t systems
                                                                              enc             ou
                                                                        experi tion of black

n 4 0 years of
          o m m ore tha pment and
      y fr            elo
Qualit e in the dev t systems
      enc             ou
experi tion of black

     REMItop Vario II
     Put up roof window

        (W x H                      Description                        Item no.
       in mm)

                        Roof window with notched positioner
                    (Roof thickness 24–35 mm; fixing kit included)

                          Roof window with crank handle
                   (Roof thickness 24–35 mm; fixing kit included)
      400 x 400
                  optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 36-45 mm)      10033504

                  optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 46-55 mm)      10033505

                          Roof window with crank handle
                   (Roof thickness 24–35 mm; fixing kit included)

      500 x 700   optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 36-45 mm)      10033508

                  optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 46-55 mm)      10033509

                          Roof window with crank handle
                   (Roof thickness 24–35 mm; fixing kit included)

      900 x 600   optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 36-45 mm)      10040514

                  optinally: Fixing kit (Roof thickness 46-55 mm)      10040515

       The REMItop Vario II roof window im-             •   For roof thicknesses of 24 - 65 mm    •   The quietest roof window
       presses with the high quality of its ma-         •   Integrated blackout and insect pro-   •   Tinted double glazing
       terials and processing, stylish design and           tection blind                         •   Large angle of opening up to 60°
       proven functionality:                            •   With forced ventilation               •   Simple and safe operation
                                                            (unlockable)                          •   Aerodynamically optimised
Roof windows

REMItop Vista
Aerodynamic roof window

   (W x H                 Description                        Item no.
  in mm)

                   Exterior hood with interior
 400 x 400       frame and mounting brackets                 10059520
                 (Roof thickness up to 42 mm)

                                                Successor to
                                               REMItop Str
                                                    with full
                                                     compatib ility

 The new REMItop Vista attracts attention        •    Extremely flat structure      •   3-stage notched positioner
 due to the particularly flat internal frame     •    Adjustable up to 60°          •   Blackout pleated blind
 and the user-friendly notched positioner.       •    Roof thicknesses 28 - 42 mm   •   Insect protection blind
                                                 •    Lockable fan position         •   Forced ventilation lockable

Room dividers for
       individual space arrangement
     Separating the individual living areas    adjusted conveniently and easily to       using the convenient clasp.
     is also a part of making a comfortable    the individual dimensions and fit in
     home on four wheels.                      perfectly into the living ambience.       Enjoy the feeling of even more space
                                               A number of colour variations and         when out and about combined with
     With the REMIform room dividers,          forms enable the coordinated design       a better level of privacy.
     you can conveniently divide the           of your interior space.
     living area of your motor home or
     caravan into separate rooms and           If the room divider is not required at
     hence obtain a better level of privacy.   the time, it can be pushed together
                                               easily and very compactly and stored
     Room dividers from REMIS can be           safely by using a retaining strap or by

                                                  REMIform I                                                REMIform II

Space dividers

                                                                                                                                    REMIform I
REMIform I
Flexible room divider

                                        Description*                       Item no.
    (W x H in mm)

     800 x 1900            • Pleated blind, grip rail and guide rail   1   10002770
                                 in cream white (RAL 9001)
    1500 x 1900             • Fixing of the pleated blind package          10002842
                                     with a retaining strap
    2100 x 1900                                                            10002845
                           • Width grip rail / pleated blind: 48 mm
     800 x 1900            • Pleated blind, grip rail and guide rail       10002856
                                     in grey (RAL 7036)
    1500 x 1900                                                            10002899
                            • Fixing of the pleated blind package                                         Colours                      Track
                                     with a retaining strap
    2100 x 1900                                                            10011290
                           • Width grip rail / pleated blind: 48 mm

*Width can be shortened individually.

REMIform II                                                                                       1

Flexible room divider

    Dimensions                                                                                                            Convenient clasp
                                        Description*                       Item no.
    (W x H in mm)
     800 x 1900            • Pleated blind, grip rail and guide rail       10067149
                                 in cream white (RAL 9001)

    1500 x 1900          • Fixing of the pleated blind package with        10067150
                        convenient clasp; simple one-handed oper-
                              ation with no additional supports
    2100 x 1900                                                            10067151
                                    • Total width: 45.5 mm
*Width can be shortened individually.

  With the REMIform room divider, cara-                atmosphere. The dividers feature a com-        dividually cut to size and installed easily
  vans and mobile homes become even                    pact design and are lightweight, as well       and flexibly.
  more homely. The natural partitioning of             as being particularly quiet to operate.
  the open space creates a cosy, intimate              The REMIform room dividers can be in-


Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 67–69
D-50829 Köln

Tel.: +49 (0)221 / 7 88 80 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)221 / 7 88 80 - 249

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