Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula

Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
Professional and educational landscape in
Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and
Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
Questionnaire results
• 11 responses
• 9 countries:
   – Estonia
   – Macedonia
   – Republic of Moldova
   – Lithuania
   – Hungary
   – Bulgaria (3x)
   – Russia
   – Latvia
   – Israel
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What is the status of the professions of
optometry and optics in your country? (1/4)
• Estonia: Not regulated, social ministry, everybody can open
  optical shop, right to work as optometrist only if graduated
• Macedonia: Regulated by Ministry of Health but not good,
  seek change
• Republic of Moldova: Optometry regulated as a health care
  profession since 2015 according to the Classification of
  occupation in Moldova - optometrists and opticians 2267
  approved by the Ministry of Labor, Social protection and
  Family.( nr 22 March 2014)
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What is the status of the professions of
optometry and optics in your country? (2/4)
•   Lithuania:
     – Optics has no status and it is not regulated in Lithuania. Optometry is
       not regulated currently.
     – A few years ago, the Ministry of Health Care has started to develop a
       regulation system of optometry.
     – Since November of this year, optometrists will be included in the list of
       healthcare professions. From November of 2019, optometrists will
       have a stamp number. Since the beginning of 2020, the
       Accreditation Service will provide licenses for optometrists.
     – Currently there are no special requirements for optics’ shops, except
       there is an ophthalmologist employed.
     – Nevertheless, in the near future, when regulation will come into force,
       hygiene standards and license for optometrist activities will be
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What is the status of the professions of
optometry and optics in your country? (3/4)
•   Hungary: Regulated by the Ministry of Human Capacities and the
    Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The opening of the shops are
    licensed by the State Public Health and Medical Officer Service and the
    local government.
•   Bulgaria: On Sept 21st ,2006 c.a. the National Assembly of the Republic of
    Bulgaria unanimously passed an amendment in the Health Act whereby
    the two professions were integrated and re-defined as healthcare
    professions. The amendment was promulgated on Oct 6th,2006 in State
    Gazette. But untill to day the both professions are still not regulated .
    According to commercial law, every entrepreneur in Bulgaria can open
    an optical shop. However, there are requirements in the Health Act that
    determine who has the right to manage the optical shop - this must be a
    graduate optician or optometrist. There is no Ordinance setting minimum
    requirements for standards in optics and optometry equipment.
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What is the status of the professions of
optometry and optics in your country? (4/4)
• Russia: Regulated Ministry of Healthcare License for optometry
• Latvia: From the year 2020, the optometrist becomes a
  medical person. From this date, optometrists will be regulated
  by the structures of the Ministry of Health. A healthcare worker
  may work in a medical institution. The medical institution is
  subject to special conditions. The opening of an optometrist
  cabinet will be regulated. There is no regulation opt-in store.
• Israel: It is regulated by The Ministry of Health. Anyone can
  open a shop but only a registered optometrist can carry out
  eye examinations
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What educational programmes exist for the
optometry and/or optics in your country? (1/4)
• Estonia: Tallinn Health Care College, Diploma is equal to
  bachelor. Applied science.
• Macedonia: 4 years for optics and 3 years for optometry
• Republic of Moldova : The teaching program of optometrists
  started on 1 September 2017 at State University of Medicine
  and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitanu of Moldova due to the
  Eurasia project Enhancing primary eye health care in Moldova
  CPEA -2015/10066, the valuable support of Norway
  government , University College of Southeast of Norway , etc.
  The teaching program is conducting according to the EDO
  requirements and offers 240 credits and lasts 4 years.
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What educational programmes exist for the
optometry and/or optics in your country? (2/4)
• Lithuania:
   – There is no education program for optics, neither intentions to
     start it. Since 2004, optometrists were educated at the Faculty of
     Physical Sciences, Šiauliai University. Absolvents of this study
     programme have a bachelor’s degree diploma of Physical
   – Next year this study programmme will be closed and a new one
     will be started. The new study programmewill be established at
     the Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.
   – Therefore, absolvents of this new programme will obtain a
     bachelor’s diploma of optometry in Biomedical Sciences.
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What educational programmes exist for the
optometry and/or optics in your country? (3/4)
•   Hungary:
    – Optics: optician training (up to 25 years: full-time education, over 25
      years: adult education)
    – Optometry: Semmelweis University of Medicine, Faculty of Health
      Sciences, 8 semesters Procedure: written exam, oral exam, practical
      training, state exam, diploma work.
•   Bulgaria: There are several Programs. There are two programs for
    the optics The first Program is taught by Opticians. The second
    program teaches Medical Optics. Optometry Education also has
    two programs - the first program trains optometrists, and the
    second Clinical optometrists.
•   Russia: There are two main educational programs under one
    specialty called "Medical Optics": 1. Medical Optician - 3 year
    course 2. Optometrist - 4 year course
Professional and educational landscape in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities - Saturday, 12 May 2018 - Pula
What educational programmes exist for the
optometry and/or optics in your country? (4/4)
• Latvia: University Bachelor's Academic Program 3 years and
  then Professional optometry Master's Program 2 years. To work
  as an optometrist, the total study period is 5 years.
• Israel: Bar-Ilan University and Hadassah Academic College in
  Jerusalem have a programme to educate and train
  optometry students
What educational level would you like to see
implemented in your country as the most optimal for
the profession? (1/2)
• Estonia: BSc seems to be enough right now. 3,5 years, 210
• Macedonia:4 years optometry or 4 years optic and optometry
  with specialization after 2 years. Optometry is medical school
  but want to be physics.
• Republic of Moldova:1st cycle-of university studies – license
• Lithuania: We consider that bachelor degree is optimal.
  Nevertheless, we will seek to have a master’s degree program
  for those students, who will want to deepen their knowledge
  of optometry science and clinical competencies.
• Hungary: The MSc is absent from the current education
  system, the highest level of qualification is BSc.
What educational level would you like to see
implemented in your country as the most optimal for
the profession? (2/2)

• Bulgaria:
   – There are the following levels of study - For opticians - high school
     and professional bachelor For optometrists - bachelor, master
     and doctorate.
   – Minimum BSc and optional MSc
• Russia: BSc, MSc, OD, PhD in Optometry
• Latvia: We believe that the existing programme is good.
  Bachelor plus Professional Master.
• Israel: We have a BSc course at both facilities
What is the scope of practice in your country?
• Estonia: Refraction, CL fitting, dispensing glasses, almost
  everything, but not diagnosing eye diseases and use
  diagnostic or other drugs. Referral to ophthalmologist in case
  of abnormality.
• Macedonia: Scope of practice is limited
• Republic of Moldova : The optometrist will be allowed to
  perform dispensing, refraction, prescription, contact lens
  fitting, participate in screening, diagnosis ( eye examination).
  except treatment.
What is the scope of practice in your country?
• Lithuania: Currently, vision tests with appropriate equipment
  and give a qualified consultation about glasses (frames,
  lenses, sunglasses, etc.) for customers of the optics’ shop. After
  the regulation primary eye health care services: evaluate eye
  health by making bio-microscopy and other eye health and
  vision tests, prescribe corrective glasses, fit contact lenses and
  educate patients about eye health issues. Optometrists will not
  be allowed to use diagnostic and therapeutic drugs.
• Hungary: all of them
What is the scope of practice in your country?
•   Bulgaria:
     – According to the law, opticians and optometrists are allowed to
       manufacture and sell eyeglasses and contact lenses and other
       optical devises . Nowhere in the Law is explicitly mentioned that the
       two groups have no right to refraction. There are also no restrictive
       measures on the issue of contact lenses and their sale. According to
       the Law, doctors allowed to work in the optician's area have the right
       to prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses.
     – As the rights and obligations of optometrists and opticians are not
       sufficiently detailed in the Regulation, practically everyone does what
       they decide.
•   Russia: Allowed - Refraction, standard contact lens fitting...etc
    Not allowed - diagnostic and therapeutic drugs, individual
    contact lens (orthokeratology) fitting, children refraction... etc
What is the scope of practice in your country?
• Latvia: Eye examinations, prescription of spectacles and
  contact lenses, correction of eyesight with glasses and
  contact lenses, visual exercises, sale of vision correction
  means. All this is determined by the profession standard of
• Israel: Refraction, Contact lens fitting, selling and dispensing
What are the main issues you are currently
dealing with? (1/3)
•   Estonia: legislation of optometry, license. It has been on the table
    for several years already, but our SM is really slow (or heavily
    loaded with more important work).
•   Macedonia: dialogue with government ongoing
•   Republic of Moldova : As we are at the beginning of our teaching
    process and some of the topics are new for us : - lack of
    equipment ( dispensing lab, contact lens fitting, etc) , books,
    teaching materials, etc.
•   Lithuania: The biggest issue is the process of legislation for the
    regulation of optometry profession. Additionally, we have some
    issues in developing the new study programme. We are seeking
    to have the study program as close as possible to programme of
    the ECOO European Diploma in Optometry.
What are the main issues you are currently
dealing with? (2/3)
•   Hungary: It would be really good if we could improve the relationship
    between the eye doctors/oculists and the optometrist society. We are
    constantly working on it.
•   Bulgaria:
     – Negotiations with Health ministry for legislation of the profession.
     – There is a fundamental change in the law - the two professions of opticians
       and optometrists are recognized as health care providers. The next steps that
       need to be taken are to create secondary legislation with established
       standards for recognizing the level of education and the right to practice the
       acquired skills and competences. Consolidate professionals around the idea
       of creating an organization that can self-regulate and self-identify in order to
       be a partner of the state in the discussion of the branch and educational
     – "Optometry and ocular health", 04-06 October 2018, Sofia. This is a joint project
       with Sofia University, make the profession of optometrist and its benefits more
       familiar to society, organize screenings of vision, lobby that ophthalmologists
       can also benefit from optometrists
What are the main issues you are currently
dealing with? (3/3)
• Russia: Government believes that Optometry is a part of
  Ophthalmology. We are in the process of Federal Professional
  Standard in Optometry approval
• Latvia: Association work with the Ministry of Health on the rules
  for the inclusion of optometrists in the health system.
• Israel: Upgrading the standard of the course
About ECOO
European umbrella association, representing the interests of
Opticians and Optometrists in Europe
Our vision
To improve vision and eye health by providing high-quality, cost-
effective optometric and optical services across Europe.
About ECOO

  Executive committee: Elected,      General Assembly: All members,
    provides strategic direction     highest decision making power

  Standing committees: Elected,    Secretariat: Brussels based, represents
     work on specific projects          ECOO interests at EU level
About ECOO
Our mission
• To improve eye health and vision for all and eliminate
  avoidable blindness and visual impairment in Europe.

• To create a harmonised professional and educational system
  for optometry and optics based on the European Diploma in
  Optometry and the Qualification in Optics.

• To develop the scope of practice for optometrists and
  opticians to the degree that the same high standards apply
  and are mutually recognised in all European countries
ECOO’s work and activities at EU and national

                         EU level

              Data                  National
            gathering               support

            Communi                     al
             cations                developm


           evaluation of
                             test directive

           Vision and         Classification
           driving            of Fluorescein

           Medical devices
           legislation         GDPR
• Mutual evaluation example
National support
• Upon invitation by an ECOO member
• Information and comparisons with other countries
• Speaking at conferences
• Joining meetings with policy makers
• Support letters
Professional development
WCO Categories of Optometric Services
     1.             2.             3.                                          4.
     Optical        Visual         Ocular                                      Ocular
     Technology     Function       Diagnostic                                  Therapeutic
     Services       Services       Services                                    Services
                                   a) without drugs b) with drugs

                    dispensing        dispensing               dispensing        dispensing
    dispensing                        refraction               refraction        refraction
                    refraction        Prescription             prescription      prescription
                    Prescription      Recognition of
                                                               Diagnosis and     Diagnosis and
                                      abnormality                                management of eye
                    Recognition                                management        disease
                                      Diagnosis and
                    of                                         of eye            using DPA’s
                                      management                                 (diagnostics)
                    abnormality                                disease
                                      of eye                                     treatment of
                                      disease                  using DPA’s       eye disease
                                                               (diagnostics)     using TPA’s

© Feike Grit 2006
Scope of Practice of Optometry
     Box 1          Box 2           Box 3           Box 4               Box 5
     Turkey         Belgium         Austria         Finland             Australia
                    France          Czech Rep       Ireland             Canada
                    Iceland         Denmark         Netherlands         Colombia
                    Italy           Germany         Norway              New Zealand
                                    Spain           Sweden              Nigeria
                                                    Switzerland*        UK

                    OPTICIAN                                           DOCTOR OF
 dispensing         dispensing     dispensing      dispensing          dispensing
                    refraction     refraction      refraction          refraction
                    prescription   prescription    prescription        prescription
                                   screening for   diagnosis of        diagnosis of eye disease
                                   eye disease     eye disease         using DPA’s
                                                   using DPA’s         (diagnostics)
                                                   (diagnostics)       treatment of eye disease
                                                   * Diagnostics not   using TPA’s (therapeutics)
© Feike Grit 2010
• European Diploma in Optometry

• European Qualifications in Optics

                                      Number of graduates over
                                             the years

                                                                                43             46
                                  2   3   1   5   1   1   5   1   1
Data gathering
ECOO Blue Book
ECOO membership
   More than 40 national associations from 24 countries
Discussion: collaboration and support
Your responses:
         Recognition of the profession and standard

         • Upgrade and support academic standards (accreditation in the future)
         • Bring regulatory status to the same level across Europe

         Information and sharing

         • Access to information about professional policies in Europe
         • Share experience with other organisations

         Representation and support

         • Opinion/recommendation to support national outreach and objectives
         • Support recognition of independent profession, achieve legislation
         • Attendance at national events, promote ECOO nationally
         • Balance between Optics and Optometry interests
         • Interest representation at EU-level (e.g. e-commerce)


         • Lower fees
ECOO membership
    Support network
    Information sharing platform
    Project specific work
    Studies, position papers and press releases
    Development of the scope of practice and educational
     standards across Europe
    Information on legislative developments at EU level and from
     other EU countries
    Formula based on population and GDP (neutral)
    Minimum fee
Next steps

 European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO)

 Rue de la Loi 227, bte 4
 B-1040 Brussels

 T +32 (0)2 580 05 32
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