Affinity Health Product Guide

Page created by Maurice Wagner
Affinity Health Product Guide
Affinity Health
Product Guide     | 2019
Affinity Health Product Guide
Affinity Health, medical cover you can trust.

Medical Provider Industry             Affinity Health Average
Average Hellopeter Rating             Hellopeter Rating

Through our knowledge, passion and expertise we
have revolutionised the Medical Insurance Industry.
Access to private, primary healthcare services remains out of reach for many
South Africans. Our goal is to change this by providing all South Africans with
access to affordable, private health cover.
Affinity Health Product Guide
Who are we?
Affinity Health is South Africa’s leading health insurance provider
offering you an extensive range of health cover at affordable rates.

What do we offer?
Affinity Health provides you with a Day-to-Day plan, a Hospital plan or a
combination of the two for total peace of mind. We also offer benefit booster
options to increase your level of cover.

      Doctors                         Dentists
      Specialists                     Hospitals
      Medication                      Day Clinics

We understand the importance of having medical insurance that meets
your needs, budget and lifestyle.

Through extensive research, we have created a varied and affordable
range of healthcare products that are designed to protect you and your
family when it matters most.
Affinity Health Product Guide
Quick access to over 4000 medical
                                        professionals on our provider network.

           Day-to-Day Overview                                                  Hospital Overview
The Affinity Health Day-to-Day plan has been designed to            In the unfortunate event that you fall severely ill or
help you cover the everyday costs of staying healthy such           require hospitalisation due to an accident or injury,
as going to the doctor or dentist, obtaining prescribed             your treatment can be performed at one of our
acute medication or receiving a pair of reading glasses.            preferred listed private hospitals.

      GP and Specialist Consultations                                      Dailly Illness Hospitalisation, including Day Clinics

      Acute and Chronic Medication                                         24hr Emergency Services

      Radiology and Pathology                                              Maternity

      Basic Dentistry                                                      Accidental Permanent Disability

      Optometry                                                            Dread Disease

        Casualty Room Treatment                         Family Funeral Cover
Affinity Health Product Guide
   medical benefits

Our Day-to-Day Health
 Plan assists with the
  management and
treatment of common
   illnesses, injuries,
preventative measures
  and other essential
medical requirements.
Affinity Health Product Guide
General Doctor Consultations                                    Specialist Consultations

                  Your health is our primary concern and as such, our              In more serious cases your GP may refer you to a
                  Day-to-Day plan provides you with UNLIMITED,                     specialist for further treatment. We will cover a Rand
                  managed visits to a network GP. We’ll do our best to help        value for the consultation based on your plan
                  you get back on track and feeling better as soon as              composition (individual or family).

                                                                                   Single Member             Family

                  Out-of-network consultations                                     Covers 1 visit per        Covers 1 visit per
                                                                                   policy per year           policy per year
                  You may also visit a doctor of your choice, outside of our
                  provider network, in which case we will reimburse you up         R800                      R1,600 per visit
                  to a maximum Rand value for the consultation fee.

                                                                                   3 Month waiting period
                  1 Month waiting period

                          Acute Medication

                  Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may dispense or
                  prescribe acute medication to help alleviate your symptoms.
                  We will cover the medication costs according to our formulary.

                  1 Month waiting period
Affinity Health Product Guide
Casualty Room Treatment

                   Casualty Room treatment is for a sudden emergency
                   like a car accident or severe illness where you would
                                                                                                  Immediate Casualty
                   need to be treated and stabilised as a matter of
                                                                                                  Room Treatment
                   urgency. This benefit is available 24/7 and requires
                   pre-authorisation.                                                   Casualty room treatment as a result of an
                                                                                        accident between the application date and the
                     Up to R3,000 per          Up to R4,000 (R4,250 Senior) per         commencement date, up to R1,000 per policy.
                     policy per year           policy per year if a combined plan
                                               is taken.

                   1 Month waiting period

                            Dentistry                                                        Radiology and Pathology

                   Good oral hygiene is important for overall health. With our      Sometimes medical ailments go beyond the doctor’s
                   basic dentistry benefit, you get proactive and reactive          room and require futher tests and analysis for a more
                   dental care for prevention and repair, provided by one of        accurate diagnosis.
                   our network dentists.
                                                                                    Affinity Health will cover unlimited basic blood tests and
                   We will cover 1 full mouth assessment or 1 scale and polish,     x-rays as recommended by a medical practitioner.
                   infection control, 2 intraoral radiographs, 3 extractions and
                   3 amalgam fillings per member per year.
                                                                                    1 Month waiting period

                   3 Month waiting period

Affinity Health Product Guide
Medical Society
                           Optometry                                                      Centre Consultations

                  Struggling to see those road signs or the fine print in your   Operating in partnership with strategically located
                  favourite book? Why not go for a quick eye test at your        private medical centres, The Medical Society is able to
                  nearest Spec-Savers? We will pay for for your consultation     service thousands of people in need of primary health
                  and a pair of standard frames and lenses.                      care, everyday.

                  This benefit is applicable per member, every 24 months.        Easy walk-in service with no need for an appointment
                                                                                 and you get unlimited, managed consultations.

                  12 Month waiting period
                                                                                 1 Month waiting period

                           Family Funeral Cover

                  Nobody wants to think about losing a loved one, but it’s
                  something we all need to plan ahead for. Funerals are
                  often unexpected and the costs are high. This benefit
                  offers funeral assistance to you and to your family as a
                  result of the death of a member.                                      Waiting periods commence on the Commencement
                                                                                        Date, unless otherwise stated.

                  Policyholder                                 R12,500
                  Spouse and Children over the age of 14       R12,500                  The Day-to-Day Plan Family Funeral benefit is
                                                                                        excluded on Affinity Junior.
                  Children over the age of 6                   R6,000
                  Children birth to 6 years of age             R3,000
                  Stillborn from 28 weeks                      R1,500

                  3 Month waiting period
Affinity Health Product Guide
  Private hospitalisation

Our hospital plan provides
you with a wide range of
 benefits in the event of
hospitalisation as a result
 of an accident or illness.
Affinity Health Product Guide
When it comes to medical expenses there
                are two types of costs associated with

                hospitalisation; hospital stay costs and
                medical costs.

                                 Hospital Stay Costs
                                 These costs are associated with
                                 general daily expenses like your
                                 bed, your meals and theatre. These
                                 costs accrue with each passing day
                                 during your stay in hospital.

                                 Medical Costs
                                 Medical costs are charges
                                 from specialists like surgeons,
                                 radiologists and anaesthetists.

                Having Hospital Cover with Affinity Health
                means that you have a benefit amount
                available to help cover these kinds of costs.
Dailly Illness Hospitalisation                        If you have an active ICU Booster, the maximum daily
                                                                                  cover amount increases to up to R24,000 per day if
                                                                                  you are admitted to ICU within the first 3 days.
                When you are admitted to hospital due to an illness,

                we will cover the associated expenses up to a
                maximum Rand amount per day.

                1st   Day         Up to R20,000           Senior: Up to R17,000   Day Clinics
                2nd Day           Up to R20,000           Senior: Up to R17,000
                3rd Day           Up to R20,000           Senior: Up to R17,000   As a cost saving measure and to minimise any
                                                                                  potential shortfalls, we now cover certain minor
                4th Day           Up to R8,500
                                                                                  procedures at an affiliated Day Hospital under
                5th Day           Up to R8,500                                    the Daily Illness Hospitalisation benefit.

                Thereafter up to R3,000 per day up to a maximum                   3 Month waiting period
                of 21 days per member, per illness event.

                            Accident Cover

                Cover for accidental injuries that require admission to
                                                                                          Immediate Accident Benefit
                hospital where you will be stabilised and treated. Each
                event is covered up to a maximum Rand value.                      Up to R100,000 per single member per event.
                                                                                  Up to R150,000 per family per event.

                Up to R175,000 per single member per event.
                                                                                  Senior Only
                Up to R275,000 per family per event.
                                                                                  Up to R70,000 per single member per event.
                Senior Only                                                       Up to R85,000 per family per event.

                Up to R110,000 per single member per event.
                Up to R150,000 per family per event.                              Available between the application
                                                                                  date and the commencement date.

                No waiting period
Casualty Room Treatment                                             Accidental Permanent Disability

                Casualty Room treatment is for a sudden onset of severe          No one wants to imagine being involved in an accident

                illness where you would need to be treated and stabilised as a   that may result in them losing their arms, legs or even
                matter of urgency. This benefit is available 24/7 and requires   eyesight.
                                                                                 This benefit will cover the costs of all your medical bills
                                                                                 such as hospital stay, treatment and procedures.

                  Up to R3,000 per        Up to R4,000 (R4,250 Senior)
                  policy per year.        per policy per year if a
                                          combined plan is taken.                   Up to R250,000 cover for the
                                                                                    Policyholder or spouse only.
                1 Month waiting period

                                                                                 No waiting period

                       Maternity                                                           24-Hour Emergency Services

                                                                                 Hospital cover isn’t much without the ability to get
                Having a baby can be an exciting, yet stressful time.
                                                                                 you there safely. Our extensive list of medical
                With our maternity benefit, you will have peace of
                                                                                 providers inlcudes ambulance services standing by
                mind knowing that you have financial assistance up to            to come to your aid, 24/7.
                a maximum Rand value, depending on the procedure.
                                                                                 This benefit also provides 24-hour medical advice,
                  Maternity Natural         Maternity C-Section                  inter-hospital transfers and the arrangement of
                  Up to R25,000             Up to R35,000                        guarantees of payment to the treating facility.

                3 Month waiting period                                           No waiting period
Family Funeral Cover                                         Dread Disease

                Nobody wants to think about losing a loved one, but it’s      Being diagnosed with a dread disease is not something

                something we all need to plan ahead for. Funerals are         most people plan for. Affinity Health’s Dread Disease
                often unexpected and the costs are high. This benefit         benefit will cover your treatment costs up to R200,000
                offers funeral assistance to you and to your family as a      according to severity.
                result of the death of a member.

                                                                              • Heart Attack                 • Cancer
                Policyholder                                 R25,500
                Spouse and Children over the age of 14       R10,000          • Coronary Heart Disease       • Kidney Failure
                Children over the age of 6                   R5,000           • Stroke                       • Major Organ Transplant
                Children birth to 6 years of age             R2,500
                Stillborn from 28 weeks                      R1,250           3 Month waiting period

                3 Month waiting period

                          Pre-Existing Conditions are subject to a 12 month   The Hospital Plan Family Funeral benefit is excluded on
                          waiting period from Commencement Date.              Affinity Junior and Affinity Senior.

                          Waiting periods commence on the Commencement        The Dread Disease and Accidental Permanent Disability
                          Date, unless otherwise stated.                      benefits are excluded on Affinity Senior.
Combined Plan
The Affinity Health Combined Plan provides you with a combination
of all the benefits available on the Day-to-Day and Hospital Plans.
Your benefit amounts for the Family Funeral and Casualty Room
Treatment benefits increase automatically. Your overall premium is
also discounted.

        Casualty Room Treatment

   Up to R4,000 per policy per year.

        Funeral Cover

Policyholder                                R30,000
                                                                        Included in both Day-to-Day and Hospital
Spouse and Children over the age of 14      R15,000
Children over the age of 6                  R10,000                   Plans, Post-Hospital Private Home Nursing for
Children birth to 6 years of age            R5,000                    up to R10 000 per policy as recommended by
Stillborn from 28 weeks                     R2,500                            an Affinity Health Specialist.
Policy Rates /                                                 Monthly premiums are based on the plan type chosen

Monthly Premiums                                               and the number of dependents on your policy.

Standard                                 Day-to-Day                          Hospital                            Combined

Policyholder                         From R509pm                         From R819pm                          From R1,179pm
Add spouse                           From R459pm                         From R699pm                          From R1,029pm
Add adult dependant                  From R509pm each                    From R769pm                          From R1,129pm
Add child dependant                  From R239pm each                    From R194pm each                     From R394pm each


Policyholder                         From R789pm                         From R879pm                          From R1,349pm
Add spouse                           From R709pm                         From R769pm                          From R1,169pm
Add adult dependant                  From R789pm                         From R829pm                          From R1,299pm
Add child dependant                  From R239pm each                    From R194pm each                     From R394pm each

First Child                          From R479pm                         From R734pm                          From R1,104pm
Add child                            From R239pm each                    From R234pm each                     From R394pm each

• You may add up to a maximum of 7 dependants.
• Premiums may be subject to an additional risk premium which will be confirmed upon application.

Benefit Boosters
Get the most out of your Health Plan

Within each plan type there are benefits which are eligible
to be upgraded for better overall cover. You can add or
remove boosters on your policy at any time.

You have access to the following Boosters:

      Chronic                      Increased Accident
      Medication                   Cover

      ICU                          iER
Conditions Covered
                 Chronic Essential                  Addison’s Disease
                                                    Cardiac Failure
This benefit offers cover for chronic medication    Cardiomyopathy
                                                    Chronic Renal Failure
over and above the Acute Medication benefit on
the Day-to-Day Plan. We have a defined list of 23   Coronary Artery Disease
chronic conditions covered under this benefit.      Crohn’s Disease
                                                    Diabetes Insipidus
We will pay for the medication as defined on our    Diabetes Mellitus 1
medicine formulary.                                 Diabetes Mellitus 2
“How do I qualify?”                                 Hyperlipidaemia
You will need to see your doctor who will
diagnose, approve and prescribe the required        Multiple Sclerosis

medication accordingly.                             Parkinson’s Disease
                                                    Rheumatoid Arthritis
                                                    Systematic Lupus Erythematous
                                                    Ulcerative Colitis
“How do I get my medicine?”
Your doctor can dispense the medication directly
(if he/she is a dispensing doctor) or you can
collect your prescription from any pharmacy
linked to the Affinity Health formulary.
                                                    R69pm per member
                                                    per chronic condition.
3 Month waiting period
Accident Benefit

You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where
your medical expenses exceed your cover limit.

Get complete peace of mind with increased Accident
Cover up to a maximum of R1,050,000 depending
on the level of cover chosen.

     Single Cover                           Family Cover

Up to R250,000     R89pm              Up to R400,000     R159pm
Up to R350,000     R178pm             Up to R550,000     R318pm
Up to R450,000     R267pm             Up to R700,000     R477pm
Up to R550,000     R356pm             Up to R850,000     R636pm
Up to R650,000     R445pm             Up to R1,000,000   R795pm
Up to R750,000     R534pm
Up to R850,000     R623pm           The Accident Booster has no
Up to R950,000     R712pm           waiting period and is applicable
Up to R1,050,000   R801pm           from the Commencement Date.
Intensive Care Unit

An Intensive care unit provides specialised treatment to
patients that require critical medical care. Patients in ICU
are under constant care by specialised medical staff.

Up to

cover per day in ICU for up to 5 days.

     Single Cover                          Family Cover
     R79pm                                  R158pm

Remember, when you take out the ICU booster, your
Daily Illness Hospitalisation Benefit amount is increased
to R24,000 per day if you are admitted to ICU within the
first 3 days of hospitalisation.

                        iER is South Africa’s leading, dedicated 24-hour emergency
                        response and disaster management network. This service is
                        linked directly to our own ‘free to use’ and graphically appealing
                        mobile application with built in GPS location functionality.

                        • Access to over 2000 network providers.
                        • Private Emergency Evacuation Services.
                        • Hospital stabilisation deposit up to R40,000.
                        • Emergency Casualty Room Stabilisation up to R6,000.
                        • 24-Hour telephonic medical advice.
                        • All benefits, except the telephonic medical advice, are
                          applicable to life-threatening events only.

                           Single Cover                           Family Cover
                            R39pm                                 R59pm

 Download the FREE
TO USE iER App today.

                                                                SAVING LIVES
Contact Information

                Call Centre                                            Email Address               Fax Number
                0861 11 00 33
                                                               @   086 607 9419

                Physical Address                                       Postal Address
                1 Dingler Street,                                      Posnet Suite 124,
                Rynfield,                                              Private Bag x101,
                Benoni 1501                                            Farramere,
                                                                       Benoni 1518



      This is not a medical scheme and the cover is not the same as that of
      a medical scheme. This policy is not a substitute for medical scheme

      Subject to Demarcation Regulations, the Insurer does not refuse
      membership on the basis of any means of discrimination.

Affinity Health, a product of National Risk Managers (Pty) Ltd (FSP 47132), the
Underwriting Managing Agency; Lion of Africa Life Assurance Company Ltd (FSP 15283),
the Insurer. This policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription
or non-disclosure of any particular material fact to this insurance by or on behalf of an
insured person. Terms and conditions as contained in the policy document apply.
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