Countryside Team Five Year Work Plan 2016 to 2021; Year 2

Page created by Tammy Munoz
Countryside Team Five Year Work Plan
                                 2016 to 2021; Year 2
This five-year work plan updates the actions for Year 2 of 2016 to 2021. It retains existing elements:
familiarises readers with the Team, provides a work schedule in line with the Corporate Plan,
summarises existing work commitments, retains working themes and sub-themes, and a schedule for
the work plan, income generation and external funding applications. It will continue to be reviewed
and adjusted annually.
The Countryside Team comprises the following services:
        Conservation Manager
               Senior Ecologist and Climate Adaptations Advisor
               Rights of Way Officer
                       Rights of Way and Wardens Assistant
               Countryside and Access Projects Officer
                       Assistant Conservation Officer
               Wardens Manager
                       Four Area Wardens
                       Three Assistant Area Wardens
                       Five Estate Wardens (Two seconded to Skills in Action).

The purpose of this Five Year Work Plan is to provide drive and focus for collaborative team
working, for income generation and applying for external grants. It provides focus for some but not
all areas of delivery, focussing on rights of way, access and site management (habitats and species).
Table 1 lists the four focal areas that have guided delivery for the past three years, as well as obligatory
delivery areas. Table 2 lists the Team’s short, medium and long term work priorities, which are
updated from the previous 5 year plan. This is in order to anticipate emerging opportunities and
themes arising from current work and from legislative and policy changes.
Corporate Plan 2017-2018
The Corporate Plan includes two Improvement Priorities of direct relevance to this Work Plan:
Improvement Priority 2: Through effective partnership, facilitation, practical action and
the planning function the National Park’s landscapes and biodiversity will benefit from
broad-scale targeted and promoted conservation projects
What will we do and how will we do it?
Within this Improvement Priority we have identified well-being objectives that cover biodiversity and
     Reducing land-based carbon emissions and restoring upland habitats:
            o Commence and continue peat restoration projects (grip blocking, bare peat
                protection, erosion gulley blocking and upland path construction) in the Black
                Mountains (Black Mountains Land Use Partnership), Central Beacons, Great Forest
                (Waun Fignen Felen AMP6 Project) and Mynydd Du (Glastir), to achieve biodiversity
                conservation and landscape restoration, whilst contributing to the Fforest Fawr
                UNESCO Global Geopark Management Plan
     Waterfall Country: - Service Level Agreement with NRW
            o Implement the SLA, and undertake improvements to Gwaun Hepste Car Park
                maintaining and developing links to the local community and its businesses.

   Black Mountains: - Black Mountains Land Use Partnership Sustainable Management Scheme
           o Implement the programme of actions approved by Welsh Government for which we
               are the lead partner during this financial year.
      Research Programme and Strategic Research Partnerships
           o Co-host a joint BBNPA research conference with strategic research partners.
      Local Biodiversity Action Plan (Local Nature Recovery Plan)
           o With local and regional partners, scope and agree a programme of work setting out
               the aims and sources of funding for the Local Nature Recovery Plan.

Improvement Priority 3: Visitors from a wide range of backgrounds will have access to a
sustainably managed range of recreation opportunities
What will we do and how will we do it?
Within this Improvement Priority we have identified a number of well-being objectives that cover
outdoor access and recreation.
    Maintaining and improving access to the countryside; best practice in upland and lowland
        path surveys, management and restoration:
            o Agree revised Rights of Way Delegation Agreements with the 6 Unitary Authorities.
            o Use the 2017 Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP) grant to deliver a number
                of ROWIP projects.
            o Commission and implement WG Capital Grant-funded projects: access
                improvements at Llyn y Fan Fach and Black Mountains, landscape improvements at
                Pont ar Daf, traffic management solutions in Pontneddfechan and modernised P&D
                machines at Centres.
            o Pending further grant availability from WG, commence ROWIP Review and
                development of an integrated access management plan.

Geographically, our site-based commitments continue to be delivered through four Focal Areas
(Table 1).

Delivery of the Corporate Plan Improvement Priorities is influenced heavily by the principles of
sustainable natural resource management (Environment (Wales) Act 2016).
       Action:    Through delivery of corporate Improvement Priorities, and to
       complement the principles of sustainable natural resource management (Section
       4 Environment (Wales) Act 2016), the Countryside Team will pursue the cross-
       cutting theme of connectivity, with the following sub-themes:

       Theme: Connectivity (ecological, physical, intellectual)
                       Improving Experience (of living in, visiting and experiencing the Park)
                       Habitat focus – Peatland Conservation and Restoration
                       Survey and Monitoring
                       Site Management
                       Marketing (social and economic)
                       Understanding and Enjoyment
                       Training and Capacity Building
                       Visitor Management.

Budget cuts have come during an era of increasing policy ambition in Wales, for which additional
delivery capacity is required.
        Action: The Countryside Team might submit a further expression of interest to
        the RDP Sustainable Management Scheme to support the Park’s Nature Recovery
        Income generation for site management and funding priorities relating to the Work Plan are
        listed in Table 3.
Organisation change and emerging areas of work
A new Management Team came into effect on 1 May 2017 as part of the restructure introduced
following the development of a new strategic framework focussed around four key work areas and
four critical success factors. Core delivery on site management (landscapes, habitats and species),
access and rights of way, and the Authority’s principal engagement with volunteer teams, critical to
delivery of both Park Purposes and to providing a resilient environment for the Park’s socio-economic
and health well-being will be delivered across the key work areas of Biodiversity, Heritage, Community
Well-Being (which incorporates access and RoW management) and Economy.
Emerging areas of work that ideally will ease pressures on the team include:
        Expansion of Waterfall Country (NPT, RCT, Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Fund) to ease
        pressure on the existing Project area and build capacity in local communities through an area
        Blending opportunities in Waterfall Country with the Enviroparks S106 projects (benefiting
        Blaen Cynon SAC) and with the potential S106 Forest Holidays development on Garwnant
        (benefiting Manor Penderyn) – a potential area-based approach.
        Maximising opportunities to use earmarked reserves, and grant funding (e.g., WG grants) as
        leverage for additional funding, particularly to support project staff to deliver work.
 Table 1 The four geographic focal areas for project delivery and obligatory delivery
 Focal area             Existing commitments
 Mynydd Du              Delivering service level agreements for six Glastir Advanced Common Land
                        Meithrin Mynydd Partnership
                        Waun Fignen Felen Management Forum and Welsh Water AMP6 Project
                        S39 Agreement for warden service on Welsh Water’s Great Forest and
                        Cribarth land holdings
                        Llyn y Fan Fach WG Capital Grant project
 Waterfall Country      Waterfall Country Management Plan
                                5 year SLA with NRW to retain Gwaun Hepste receipts
                                Gunpowder Works – Explosive Times HLF Project Phase 2
                                Waterfall Area Safety Advisory Group
                                Gorge Walking Codes of Conduct
                                SWOAPG partnership
 Llangasty and Caeau Llangasty and Caeau Ty Mawr Mgmt Plan Implementation
 Ty Mawr                        NRW Partnership Plan for habitat mgmt. April 2017 to March 2018
                                Finalise tenancy agreement renewals
 Black Mountains        Black Mountains Land Use Partnership project delivery, pending successful
                        grant application
 Obligatory delivery
 Rights of Way          Delegated agreements & redefinition thereof:

Table 1 The four geographic focal areas for project delivery and obligatory delivery
Focal area             Existing commitments
                               Finalise new HoT for delegation agreements with UAs
                               Definitive Map Modification Orders
                               Public Path Orders
                               Path surveys
                               Path maintenance programme and database mgmt.
                               Advice to public and colleagues
                       Rights of Way Improvement Plan Review and successor plan development
                               ROWIP projects
Countryside and        Access Authority
Rights of Way Act      Local Access Forum
                       Delivery of Access and peatland elements of BMLUP SMS
WG Capital grant       Site access improvements
(£133,000)                     Llyn y Fan Fach (£74,900)
New WG Capital

Table 2 Short (within year), medium (two to five years) and long duration (over five years) work streams.
    Deletions (xxxxx) indicate work completed or removed. The  illustrates whether or not the project has
                              Work Plan                                                       Years
Short duration (< 1 year)
Medium duration (2-5 years)                                                  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8     9   10
Long duration or repeated annually (> 5 years)
                          Clydach HEP habitat project delivery            
                          Halfway Cattle Grid
                          Surface holes/caves risk assessment             
                          Biodiversity sensitivity maps for MoD
                          Annual Grouse Surveys                           
                          Predator control licences                       
                          WFF SMS EoI with DCWW
Mynydd Du
                          Glastir common schemes                          
                          WFF AMP6+                                       
                          Secure new Vols team
                          Waun Ddu Bog fence
                          DCWW S39                                        
                          Meithrin Mynydd                                 
                          Llyn y Fan Fach Access improvements             
                          Penwyllt Hub
                          Parks for People HLF
                          Research (UWTSD)                                
                          Repeat lower plants survey
Craig-y-nos CP
                          NRW SLA                                         
                          Explosive Times HLF Phase 2                     
                                                        Ecology Support   
                                              Woodland mgmt. contract     

Table 2 Short (within year), medium (two to five years) and long duration (over five years) work streams.
    Deletions (xxxxx) indicate work completed or removed. The  illustrates whether or not the project has
                              Work Plan                                                       Years
Short duration (< 1 year)
Medium duration (2-5 years)                                                  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8     9   10
Long duration or repeated annually (> 5 years)
                          Paths maintenance                               
                          Revise tenancy agreements                       
                          Site meetings                                   
Llangasty Caeau Ty
                          Habitat mgmt. (NRW funding)                     
                          Grazing agreements                              
                          Survey and monitoring                           
                          Peat protection Grwyne (AMP6)                   
                          Hatterrall Predator Control licences            
                          Annual Grouse Surveys                           
                          SMS full                                        
                                                       Peat Waun Fach     
                                           Education and Interpretation   
Black Mountains                                                 BMLUP     
                                                          Upland paths    
                                                      Bracken strategy    
                                                         Southern scar    
                                                          Visitor mgmt.   
                                                BMGA long project list
                                                       Hatterrall burns   
                          Canal tow path                                  
                          Survey app dev’t
Countryside and
                          Access contingency planning
                          Ground truth peat mapping, project dev’t
                          Miles Without Stiles                            

Table 2 Short (within year), medium (two to five years) and long duration (over five years) work streams.
    Deletions (xxxxx) indicate work completed or removed. The  illustrates whether or not the project has
                             Work Plan                                                      Years
Short duration (< 1 year)
Medium duration (2-5 years)                                                1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8      9   10
Long duration or repeated annually (> 5 years)
                          BMs Upland Volunteers                         
                          E & Central Beacons Volunteers                
                          Access and other projects                     
                          Upland path surveys                           
                          LAF                                           
                          Blaen y Glyn Visitor Mgmt Plan
                          RoW Database                                  
                          Complete Events Mgmt Policy
                          ROWIP projects                                
                          RoW Finance Review Project                    
                          Complete Challenge Events Guide               
                          ROWIP Review and successor plan               
                          Joint Research Conference with universities   
                          Review the LBAP/new Nature Recovery           
                          PTY student                                   
                          PES paper
                          Glastir Contract Officers training
Other projects            Peatland mgmt. decisions guide
                          NP Ambassadors and Geopark Ambassadors
                          NRW Focal sites workshops
                          Glastir woodlands consultations
                          Wardens and rangers meeting
                          DCWW biannual liaison                         

Table 2 Short (within year), medium (two to five years) and long duration (over five years) work streams.
   Deletions (xxxxx) indicate work completed or removed. The  illustrates whether or not the project has
                            Work Plan                                                      Years
Short duration (< 1 year)
Medium duration (2-5 years)                                               1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8      9   10
Long duration or repeated annually (> 5 years)
                          Predator Control licences                   
                          Challenge Events guide
                          Removing Trees from Traeth Mawr             
                          Ecosystem services mapping
                          LBAP EoI SMS consensus (November 2016)
                          NG pipeline review
                          AMP7: Brecon Beacons Mega-Catchment         

Table 3 Income generation from site management and external funding needs not yet listed in
support of Work Plan (Table 2). Deletions indicate work completed or removed.
                                                                           and for  Long
                                                                           next 5   term
                            Income generation for site management
£157,300 WG access grant
Waterfall Country warden service agreement
Glastir Advanced Commons Schemes SLAs
RoW Finance Project
Professional Training Year (in-kind capacity increase)
University field courses (in-kind capacity increase)
AMP6 project Grwyne
AMP6 Project Waun Fignen Felen
£133,000 capital grant
NRW Partnership Fund Llangasty-Caeau Ty Mawr
Llangasty-Caeau Ty Mawr annual rent
HAC Service Level Agreement

                                      External funding needs

Connectivity mapping
Four focal areas capital projects
Usk catchment (WUF idea)
LBAP/Local Nature Partnership collaborations
ROWIP Review pilot project
                Access improvements identified in ROWIP Review
Project officers required for: -
                                               Black Mountains LUP
                                     PES Sponsorship Negotiations
Area Experience Leaders (Wardens)
 Small sites (Llangasty, Pen y Crug, Mynydd Illtyd, Trust reserves)
                                                NNRs (with NRW)
                                                       Wildlife Sites
                                              Wildlife Ambassadors
     Volunteer Teams (e.g., Mynydd Du and Great Forest Upland
                                        Park Peatlands Restoration
Applied research: -
                                                  DURESS scenarios
                                 HNV farm distribution and profiles
                                           High PES potential farms
                        Bracken distribution and ecosystem impact
                                                       Bracken uses
                          Landscape and biodiversity impacts of fire
                                              Evidence gaps (WBP)
               Biodiversity research strategy (Park’s biogeography)
                                    Research student grant scheme

Table 3 Income generation from site management and external funding needs not yet listed in
support of Work Plan (Table 2). Deletions indicate work completed or removed.
                                                                           and for  Long
                                                                           next 5   term
        Follow up to Donna Carless’s research and ADAS report

Survey and monitoring
                                     GMEP demonstration project
                   Assistant Ecologist/Participation Science Officer
                      Collaborative (LBAP) survey and monitoring
Local biodiversity projects: -
 Community-led partnerships, place planning and theLBAP/ Local
                                                 Nature Partnership
PES pilot project (Peatland Code template)
Capacity building: -
                                                   Local contractors
                        Full time Volunteers Development Officer
                                   Countryside mgmt. traineeships
                                                Ecology traineeships
                                                    GIS traineeships
Farming: -
                                      Hill Farming Training Scheme
                     On-farm working holidays and apprenticeships
            On-farm partnerships with other businesses (LAND?)

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