Page created by Jeffery Scott
2021 Centre for Economic Transformation
             Research Day


    Turning Businesses Inside Out

    Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
       Faculty of Business & Economics
      Centre for Economic Transformation

                22 March 2021
2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Table of Contents

Programme Overview...................................................................................................... 3

Speaker Bios ................................................................................................................... 4

Parallel Sessions 1, 13:00-14:00 ..................................................................................... 5

Parallel Sessions 2, 14:30-15:30 ..................................................................................... 7

Instructions for Parallel Session Presenters .................................................................... 9

Instructions for Parallel Session Chairs ........................................................................... 9

Academic Career Workshop ......................................................................................... 10

CET Research Day Organizing Committee ................................................................... 11

List of presenting participants........................................................................................ 11

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Programme Overview

 10:15 – 10:30                Virtual walk-in: Klik hier om deel te nemen aan de vergadering

 10:30 – 10:35                Welcome, Lucy Kerstens,

 10:35 – 10:45                Opening, Ineke Bussemaker, FBE Dean

 10:45 – 11:30                Keynote Speaker, Edwin Diender, Chief Digital Transformation
                              Officer, Enterprise Business Group, Huawei Technologies

 11:30 – 13:00                Offline Break / Lunch

 12:30 – 14:00                Academic Career Workshop (only for enrolled participants)

 13:00 – 14:00                Parallel Sessions 1

 14:00 – 14:30                Offline Break

 14:30 – 15:30                Parallel Sessions 2

 15:30 – 15:45                Plenary closing, wrap up, Lori Divito:
                              Klik hier om deel te nemen aan de vergadering

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Speaker Bios

Ineke Bussemaker
Dean Faculty Business & Economics
Appointed in February 2020 as Dean of FBE, Bussemaker has
extensive experience in the banking sector. For the past 30
years she has worked at five different banks in five countries,
holding diverse commercial positions including product
management, innovation and general management

Edwin Diender
Chief Digital Transformation Officer,
Enterprise Business Group, Huawei Technologies
Currently overlooking smart education and healthcare markets,
energy transition and industry enablement, Diender advises
customers and partners on innovation, business growth and
guides their digital journey. He is considered a blue ocean
strategist, thought leader and frequent speaker at events
around the world. Adept on a range of subjects, from big data
to safe and smart cities, to enterprise solutions, Diender is
globally involved in several (public and private) programs
and initiatives; scaling from small up to medium and large roll-
outs throughout the value chain. Providing insights to the value
of digital transformation, bridging physical and digital economies and helping create digital
twins. Experienced in digital transformation and bringing to-market concepts and solutions for
Smart City/Safe City and eGovernment, including Collaboration and AI-enabled Business
Process, Big (Video) Data Analytics, and the Economics of Smart Cities.

Guest Facilitator in the Academic Career Workshop
Diane Sloan
Professor, Learning and Teaching, Newcastle Business School,
Northumbria University
Her research interests include approaches to delivering study
and language skills, the use of technology to support learning,
student attendance and is currently working on supporting
academic researcher development and transnational education.
She is a Principal Fellow of the HEA, and jointly convened the
HEA Internationalising the Curriculum initiative and contributed
to the development of the HEA Internationalising Higher Education Framework. As a past
member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching and Student
Experience Committee she supported the development of learning and teaching strategy and
practice within the sector, the CABS Learning and Teaching conference. She edited their
‘Perspectives on…’ web publication and was joint designer and deliverer of the Leaders in
Learning and Teaching development programme.

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Parallel Sessions 1, 13:00-14:00
1.1 Culture, identity and consumption patterns, Chair Victor Cabral
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Riana Schreuders, Andreia Carita
"We did this, we went through this, and we’re still ok.” An exploratory study into the impact of physical
social isolation on the intercultural adjustment experiences of South African women in the Netherlands
during the intelligent lockdown due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Louisa van Dijk
Third Culture Kids’ Consumer Identities & their Relationship with Material Possessions
Radek Swiecinski
Accentedness in international business communication

1.2 Becoming and being entrepreneurial and resilient, Chair Richard Martina
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Anoesjka Timmermans
What Works, Why and How in Entrepreneurship Education to promote Self-Directed Learning Readiness
Maarten Hogenstijn
Towards impact-driven entrepreneurship education for children
Jason Good, Lori Divito, Tuanh Lam
A new organizational form in the transition to a circular economy: The material-discursive orchestration of
value and multi-stakeholder engagement

1.3 Awareness and bias in behavioral change, Chair Simeona Petkova
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Adriana Krawcyzk, Burcu Kör, Ingrid Wakkee
Addressing Food Loss and Waste Prevention
Mai Nguyen
What Bias Management Can Learn from Change Management? Utilizing Change Management
Framework to Review Bias Strategies
Erik Kostelijk
Cross-National Study of the Pandemic Crisis Effects: Subjective Well-Being and Intended Consumer

1.4 Digitalization, accountancy and risk control, Chair Frank Jan de Graaf
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Lisa Klinkenberg
The digital accountant; a new role, challenges and chances in applying information technology
Marion Smit, Hannah Berkers
The digital accountant; a new role, challenges and chances in applying information technology
Jalal Mrabti
The role of capital in curbing risk of financial institutions: Resilient does not mean safe
Micha Keijer

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

1.5 Transformation in urban contexts, Chair Willem van Winden
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Amelia Roman, Jesse Blits
Characterizing hybrid entrepreneurship across generations: The Dutch case
Simeona Petkova, Nuria Arbones Aran, Jeroen Keip, Lily Moodey, Silvia Alves Gomes
City Walks as Tool for Research and Learning: An Iterative Process
Darren Sierhuis
Contested decarbonization: Unpacking the political dynamics in urban decarbonization experiments

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Parallel Sessions 2, 14:30-15:30
2.1 Adopting technology enabled solutions, Chair Tibert Verhagen
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José Ruiz del Portal Tranche
Fintech and the Make-or-Buy Decision: A Valuation Model for Retail Banks Facing Disruptive Innovation
Mike Russell
Blockchain-Enabled Academic Credentialing
Paola Scala
The future airport passenger experience: IMHOTEP

2.2 Impact of COVID-19 on work, Chair Daniel van Middelkoop
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Amie van Woudenberg
Relationships in Virtual and Hybrid Teams
Shohreh Parham, M.A. Rauf
Online Education in the Post Pandemic Era and its Impact on Work-Life Balance Amongst Academics in
the Netherlands: A Phenomenological Study
Victor Cabral, Willem van Winden
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community in coworking spaces. A case study in Amsterdam

2.3 Ethics, trust and big data, Chair Lori DiVito
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Marion Smit, Gert de Jong
De Onafhankelijke Controlfunctie binnen de publieke sector
Aurelius Rapozo
Trust: A catalyst in binding market participants towards improvements in Business Performance
Alicia Roman Alonso
Understanding the factors that support the adoption of Big Data by SMEs

2.4 Collaborations for industrial and societal change, Chair Maarten Hogenstijn
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Jakomijn van Wijk, Lori DiVito, Jason Good, Julia Planko, Ingrid Wakkee, Richard Martina, Iteke van Hille,
Tuanh Lam
Organizing logics in circular fashion: A case study of four collaborative organizations in the textile industry
Sara Rueda Raya
Circular Supply Chain Management: Overcoming Institutional Tensions in Transitioning from Linear to
Circular Systems in the Fashion and Textile Industry
Chantal van den Ouweland
Collaboration for sustainable urban development: Making sense of smart city projects

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

2.5 Exploring new research projects, Chair Lucy Kerstens
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Alexandro Carolina
Exploring how the institutionalization of responsible innovation affects the transformative capacity of
Zijian Wang
Sustainable Innovation & Technology Management
Burcu Kör
Digital Innovation
Vincent van den Berg, Carolyn O’Rourke
Sustainable Development Goals Barometer

A compilation of abstracts will be distributed to participants and is available from the conference
organizers. It can be downloaded from the CET website of contact Ria van der Holst if you
haven’t received it:

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Instructions for Parallel Session Presenters
Each participant can present one paper; co-authored papers may be presented by any of the
participating authors. Team presentations are allowed. Each session has 3 presenters for a
maximum of 30 minutes of presentations and 30 minutes of discussion.

Basic rules for presentations:
• 10-minute maximum for presentation.
• Make sure to use the correct MS Teams links (under each parallel session title) to enter your
• Keep an eye on your own timing since there is no way to give you time signals in online
   presentations. The session chair will stop you if you go over time. Please finish your
   sentence and STOP so that all presenters in the session have equal time.
• Present your paper clearly and concisely.
• Avoid jargon as there may be people in the audience that are not familiar with your field.

Instructions for Parallel Session Chairs
Each session is 1 hour and includes three papers for presentation. It is the responsibility of the
chair to keep time, ensuring that each presenter has an equal amount of time to present and
that there is sufficient time for discussion and questions after presentations.

Suggested format:
• 10-minute presentation + 5 minutes of questions from the audience for each presenter (45
   minutes total)
• 15 minutes for further questions or group discussion

Chair responsibilities:
• Read the abstracts of the presenters in your session before the conference.
• Arrive in the MS Teams link 5 minutes early and ensure that the presenters have access to
• Introduce yourself and the topic of the session. Communicate the format of the session.
• Introduce each presenter in turn, name and title of paper.
• Keep track of time for each presenter. If you can give them a time signal (hand signal or via
   chat), please do, but the presenter may not see it. STOP the presenter if over time.
• Moderate the online Q&A / discussion.

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Academic Career Workshop
Workshop Facilitators

     Lucy Kerstens                             Lori DiVito                   Diane Sloan
     Manager CAREM,                            Professor, Chair              Professor, Learning and
     Amsterdam University of                   Collaborative Innovation      Teaching, Newcastle Business
     Applied Sciences                          and Entrepreneurship,         School, Northumbria
                                               Amsterdam University of       University
                                               Applied Sciences

The Academic Career Development workshop aims to help early-career scholars think
through the challenges they face in their academic development and define actions to
overcome them. Given the applications received, the emphasis is on identifying and
reflecting on interests and capabilities to provide more focus to areas of development.

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 12:30 – 13:00            Plenary -- Introductions, warm-up activities
                          Explanation Research Career Wheel
 13:00 – 13:30            Breakouts – Interest-Capability matrix
 13:30 – 14:00            Plenary – Discussion, next steps and wrap up

Participation is restricted to those who have enrolled in the workshop. Each participant
received a personal mentor and homework prior to the start of the conference.

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

CET Research Day Organizing Committee
The 2021 CET Research Day was coordinated by:

Lucy Kerstens, Manager CAREM
Lori DiVito, Professor Collaborative Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Ria van der Holst, Management Assistant CAREM

List of presenting participants
Participant                            Research Group
Adriana Krawczyk                       AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Alexandro Carolina                     Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Alicia Roman Alonso                    AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Amelia Roman                           Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Amie van Woudenberg                    Team Professionalization
Andreia Carita                         AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Anoesjka Timmermans                    Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Aurelius Rapozo                        Corporate Governance & Leadership
Burcu Kor                              Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Carolyn O’Rourke                       AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Chantal van den Ouweland               Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Diane Sloan                            Newcastle Business School
Darren Sierhuis                        Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Edwin Diender                          Guest speaker from Huawei
Erik Kostelijk                         AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Gert de Jong                           Corporate Governance & Leadership
Hannah Berkers                         Corporate Governance & Leadership
Ineke Bussemaker                       Faculty Business & Economics
Ingrid Wakkee                          Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Iteke van Hille                        Urban Technology
Jakomijn van Wijk                      Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Jalal Mrabti                           Corporate Governance & Leadership
Jason Good                             Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Jeroen Keip                            AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Jesse Blits                            AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
José Ruiz del Portal Tranche           Corporate Governance & Leadership
Lily Moodey                            AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Lisa Klinkenberg                       Corporate Governance & Leadership
Lori DiVito                            Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Louisa van Dijk                        AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Lucy Kerstens                          Faculty Business & Economics
Maarten Hogenstijn                     Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Mai Nguyen                             AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy

2021 Centre for Economic Transformation Research Conference, 22 March 2021

Marion Smit                            Corporate Governance & Leadership
Micha Keijer                           Corporate Governance & Leadership
Mike Russell                           AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Nuria Arbonés Aran                     AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Paolo Scala                            AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Radek Swiecinski                       AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Riana Schreuders                       AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Richard Martina                        Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Sara Rueda Raya                        Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Shohreh Parham                         AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Silvia Alves Gomes                     AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Simeona Petkova                        AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Tuanh Lam                              AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Victor Cabral                          Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Vincent van den Berg                   AMSIB / Center for Entrepreneurial Dynamics & International Strategy
Willem van Winden                      Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Zijian Wang                            Emerging Technologies

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