Project Origin International Product List July 2020 - In loving memory of Gilberto Baraona

Page created by Duane Cook
Project Origin International Product List July 2020 - In loving memory of Gilberto Baraona
In loving memory of Gilberto Baraona

Project Origin International Product List
July 2020
Project Origin International Product List July 2020 - In loving memory of Gilberto Baraona
Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Project Origin’s Sourcing Philosophy
Project Origin sources exceptional quality green beans from over       Black Label   83 – 85.9 points
a hundred producers in over ten countries. We work with                              Black Label green beans represent our selection for blend
farmers, exporters and cooperatives with positive attitudes                          coffees. Solid specialty grade, balanced and consistent.
towards community, sustainability and ongoing development.
                                                                       Green Label   86 – 89.9 points
Dealing closely with the farmers and exporters means our prices                      Green Label coffees are more unique in characteristics and
are received by the people who deserve it most with minimal                          cup profile. Suited to being roasted as a single origin or to
layers of value adding in between. On average we pay 2-3 times                       boost a blend.
the commodity coffee price (C-market).
                                                                       Gold Label    90+ points
Our aim is to build relationships all over the world, source great
                                                                                     The Gold Label is recognised for being truly unique coffee.
coffee from farms in every producing country, and continue to
                                                                                     They are special coffees selected for single origin use only
experiment, research and improve farming practices and quality
                                                                                     to showcase the success of the producer.
of life in communities we work with.

Project Origin Community Work
Project Origin allocates money from every bag (or box) of coffee       Support       We love our partners to spread the word about the work
sold to Community Work.                                                              we do. You can do this by sharing information with your
These funds are used to finance projects at origin, such as building                 customers about where and how your coffee is sourced.
stainless steel fermentation tanks to improve quality in Colombia,                   You can also run events to raise funds for future projects.
or building sanitation blocks to improve hygiene in India.             More Info     Visit

Project Origin International Product List July 2020 - In loving memory of Gilberto Baraona
Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Contact Details and Ordering
Project Origin works closely and flexibly with our partners to         Contact         Habib Maarbani, Yanina Ferreyra or Weihao Jin
ensure they have what they need. We can work with you to secure              
coffees in advance at cheaper prices or you can order as you need            
at the current price. Whatever your needs let us know and we’ll              
always do our best to facilitate them.                                                 +61 467 001 710 / +61 434 258 469 /+61 423 629 030
                                                                       Samples         To request samples please contact Habib, Yanina or Jin

Pricing, Freight and Storage Terms
Project Origin aims to be transparent in our quality assessment of     Pre-booking     We encourage pre-booking and offer this for coffees that
our products and we price coffees based on their quality, the rarity   Price           have yet to arrive at Sydney port. Pre-booked prices are
of the coffee lot and the price we paid for them. We share our                         only offered if a signed contract and delivery schedule is in
feedback with producers openly so they can take pride in the                           place. The coffee will be invoiced and sent to you within 4
results and also work on any further improvements.                                     weeks of arrival at port or storage charges apply.
We cup everything on the Cup of Excellence scoresheets both at         Full   Pallet   Within Australia, when a full pallet (16 bags) is ordered,
origin and in Australia.                                                               including mixed pallets, freight is discounted as below:
                                                                                       Free freight – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wollongong.
                                                                                       Half price freight – Adelaide, Hobart, Perth, Cairns,
                                                                                       Townsville, Sunshine Coast.
                                                                                       We are also able to offer discounted freight for orders
                                                                                       weighing up to 240kg (eg. 4 x 60kg bags).
                                                                       Storage         We are happy to provide storage where a signed contract
                                                                                       and delivery schedule is in place. Charges apply.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                           STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS
Coffee                                 Varietal/           Harvest time        Status     Availability Packaging                                       Notes

Black Label
HONDURAS Campanario Women’s Group      Bourbon/Catuai,     Jan - Mar 2019      IN STOCK   17 x 69kg   GrainPro                     Orange, chocolate, caramel, red apple and
                                       Washed                                                                                                   medium body

EL SALVADOR Cruz Gorda                 Bourbon/Pacas,      Dec - Feb 2019/20   IN STOCK   70 x 69kg   GrainPro                       Brown sugar, creamy, caramel, orange,
                                       Semi-washed                                                                                          raisin, red apple, prune

                                                                  Click to see all Black Labels
Green Label
ETHIOPIA Uraga Supernatural            Heirloom, Natural   Dec-Feb 2019/20     SHIPPING   5 x 20kg    Vacuum                          Plum, dark grape, cacao, pinot, black
“Belesi”                                                                       ETA Sept                                             currant, banana, candied orange, cherry

HONDURAS Mogola Supernatural           Catuai,             Jan - Mar 2020      SHIPPING   11 x 69kg   GrainPro                       Plum, raspberry, chocolate, red grape,
“Lot La Tina”                          Supernatural                            ETA Sept                                               cherry, melon, blackberry jam, spice

EL SALVADOR Villa Galicia              Bourbon/Pacas,      Dec - Feb 2019/20   IN STOCK   21 x 69kg   GrainPro                       Honey, peach, cooked orange, caramel,
                                       Honey                                                                                              chocolate, juicy, structured
NICARAGUA El Suyatal                   Caturra,            Dec - Feb 2019/20   SHIPPING   4 x 30kg    GrainPro                       Orange, toffee, dark chocolate, cooked
                                       Natural                                 ETA Sept                                              peach, dark berry, cherry liqueur, apple

                                                                 Click to see all Green Labels
Gold Label
ECUADOR Abel Salinas, La Papaya        Typica, Washed      Jul- Nov 2019       IN STOCK   3 x 25kg    Grainpro                       Chamomile, jasmine, rose honey, lemon
                                                                                                                                    verbena, red apple, tangerine red berries,
Winner #1 Best of Loja Auction
                                                                                                                                            blackberry, peach syrup

ECUADOR Edgar Encalada, Pueblo Nuevo   Acawa, Washed       Jul- Nov 2019       IN STOCK   1 x 25kg    Grainpro                       Pineapple, white grape, kiwi, blueberry,
                                                                                                                                       orange, panela, black tea, almonds,
Winner #2 Best of Loja Auction
                                                                                                                                              caramel, passionfruit

                                                                  Click to see all Gold Labels

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Producer/Farm/Region                  Varietal    Altitude   Harvest     Status     Availability   Packaging             Notes

El Salvador
Mauricio Salaverria, Finca Himalaya   Pacamara,   1450-      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK   4 x 11.5kg     Grainpro              Bright & vibrant, with a tea-like texture and very
                                      Cascara     1550m      2019/20                                                     sweet. Flavours of red cherry, red currants, forest
                                                                                                                         fruits and green tea.

Mauricio Salaverria, Finca Himalaya   Bourbon,    1450-      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK   4 x 11.5kg     Grainpro              Well-structured and full-flavoured with notes of
                                      Cascara     1550m      2019/20                                                     shiraz grapes, plum, mulled wine, spices, black
                                                                                                                         cherry, black tea and a red wine tannin finish.

Exclusive to Project Origin           Geisha,     1700-      Dec - Feb   IN STOCK   2 x 6kg box    Vacuum                Delicate & delicious this cascara presents flavours of
                                      Cascara     1850m      2017/18                                                     white tea, crazy sweetness, honey, caramel and
Jamison Savage,                                                                                                          yellow & white florals like jasmine and chamomile.
Morgan Estate

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                           Black Label
Producer/Farm/Region              Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest     Status         Availability Packaging           Notes
                                  Process                 time

Fazenda Santa Lucia 16+ scr       Yellow       1200m      May - July SHIPPING        48 x 60kg   GrainPro             85pts: Creamy, sweet and well-balanced natural with
                                  Bourbon,                2019                                                        aromas of caramel. Medium to full weight with citrus,
COE #23 winning farm Jan 2015     Natural                            ETA 14th Sept                                    orange-like acidity and flavours of chocolate, orange,
                                                                                                                      marzipan, red apple and stone fruit.

Regional Minas Gerais 14/15 scr   Yellow       1100m      May - July SHIPPING        64 x 60kg   GrainPro             84pts: Our new Brazil uses smaller beans than the Santa
“Samba”                           Bourbon,                2019                                                        Lucia but still brings body and sweetness to any blend.
                                  Natural                            ETA 14th Sept                                    Notes of chocolate, hazelnuts and citrus peel with a hint
                                                                                                                      of earthiness; perfect for espresso.

Decaf Regional Piendamo           Colombia     1400-      Mar - Jun   IN STOCK       30 x 70kg   GrainPro             84pts: This regional coffee presents citric aromas & a
                                  /Castillo,   1500m      2019                                                        well-rounded citric acidity. Flavours of orange,
                                  Washed                                                                              mandarin, plums, red apples and rich caramel. Rounded
                                                                                                                      mouthfeel a long and clean aftertaste.

Regional La Fantasia              Castillo,    1600-      Mar - Jun   IN STOCK       42 x 70kg   GrainPro             85pts: Fully traceable to a single farm this is a classic
                                  Washed       1700m      2019                                                        Cauca coffee. It has medium to full weight, lots of citrus
                                                                                                                      notes in aroma and flavour, orange and mandarin, as
                                                                                                                      well as some red apple, chocolate and caramel flavours,
                                                                                                                      a buttery mouthfeel and a sweet, clean finish.

Regional Cauca                    Castillo     1400-      Mar - Jun   IN STOCK       37 x 70kg   GrainPro             85pts: Delicious Cauca regional coffee with bright citrus
                                  /Colombia,   1500m      2019                                                        and caramel aroma. Medium to full bodied, clean and
                                  Washed                                                                              structured with orange acidity and flavours of toffee,
                                                                                                                      orange, red apple, a hint of stone fruit and some citrus
                                                                                                                      peel and good sweetness from start to finish.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                    Black Label
Producer/Farm/Region       Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest     Status     Availability Packaging           Notes
                           Process                 time

Regional Timbio Cauca      Castillo     1400-      Mar - Jun   IN STOCK   16 x 70kg   GrainPro             85pts: This regional coffee from Timbio, Cauca has an
                           /Colombia,   1500m      2019                                                    orange aroma and a well-rounded palate. Clean and
                           Washed                                                                          balanced with citric acidity, caramel sweetness and
                                                                                                           flavours of orange, mandarin and caramel.

El Salvador
Mauricio Salaverria        Bourbon      1500m      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK   6 x 69kg    GrainPro             84pts: Aromatics of orange and cacao. Medium to full
Cruz Gorda                 /Pacas,                 2018/19                                                 weight with creamy mouth feel. Bright acidity, caramel
                           Semi-                                          C4 2019                          and flavours of dried fruits, raisin and red apple.

Gilberto Baraona           Bourbon,     1300-      Nov-Feb     IN STOCK   25 x 69kg   Grainpro             84.5pts: Orange and chocolate aromas, clean, sweet and
Los Pirineos               Washed       1600m      2018/19                                                 balanced. This is Gilberto’s classic washed bourbon
                                                                                                           profile with citrus acidity, brown sugar sweetness and
COE #6 Winning farm 2018                                                                                   flavours of toffee, lime, orange, raisin and medium body.

Raul Rivera                Pacas,       1100-      Nov-Feb     IN STOCK   5 x 69kg    Grainpro             85pts: Fruit and sweet herb aromatics are paired with
Finca La Esperanza         Natural      1300m      2018/19                                                 medium plus weight and soft malic acidity. Flavours are
                                                                                                           of peach, apricot, red apple and orange with toffee
                                                                                                           sweetness and green tea finish.

Mauricio Salaverria        Bourbon      1500m      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK   70 x 69kg   GrainPro             85pts: Aromatics of clean citrus. This coffee is medium
Cruz Gorda                 /Pacas,                 2019/20                                                 to full weight with creamy mouth feel. Bright acidity,
                           Semi-                                          C1 2020                          caramel and flavours of dried fruits, raisin, red apple,
                           Washed                                                                          and prune.

Regional Ayarza            Bourbon      1800m      Dec - Apr   IN STOCK   19 x 69kg   GrainPro             84pts: Rich chocolate and citrus aroma with flavours of
                           /Catuai,                2018/19                                                 chocolate, orange and caramel. A medium body coffee
                           Washed                                                                          with a smooth cacao and citrus finish, great value for
                                                                                                           chocolate orange lovers!

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                   Black Label
Producer/Farm/Region       Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest     Status     Availability Packaging           Notes
                           Process                time

Finca Amucamp              Bourbon                Mar - Jun   IN STOCK   17 x 69kg   GrainPro              84.5pts: A delicious cooperative coffee representing
                           /Catuai,               2019                                                     the Campanario Women’s Growers Association in
Grupo de Mujeres           Washed                                                                          Marcala this coffee has medium body and citric,
Campanario                                        Late                                                     orange-like acidity. It shows classic Marcala style with
(Women Growers Assoc.)                            Harvest                                                  flavours of red apple, caramel and orange.

Don Fabio, San Francisco   Catuai,     1300m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING   16 x 69kg   GrainPro              85pts: Medium weight, well-balanced with citric acidity
                           Washed                 2020                                                     and a creamy mouthfeel. Brown sugar sweetness and
COE #1 winning farm 2018                                      ETA Sept                                     flavours of caramel, peach, orange, plum and red

Regional La Paz            Catuai      1400-      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING   20 x 69kg   GrainPro              85pts: Medium to full weight and aromas of orange and
“La Duenda”                /Caturra    1800m      2020                                                     rich chocolate. Flavours of marmalade, mandarin,
                           /Bourbon                           ETA Sept                                     brown sugar and chocolate with a clean and balanced
                           Washed                                                                          finish.

NKG Bettadamalali Estate   SLN9 &      1200m      Jan - Mar   PRE-BOOK   SOLD OUT    GrainPro              84.5pts: Snickers bar style aroma with chocolate and
“NKG A”                    S795,                              FOR 2021                                     nuts, this is a classic washed Indian coffee. Sweet,
                           Washed                                                                          medium to full-bodied with caramel, chocolate, nuts
                                                                                                           and a hint of orange.

Thalanar Estate            SLN9 &      1200m      Jan - Mar   PRE-BOOK   SOLD OUT    GrainPro              85pts. Full weight with orange, citric acidity. Creamy
“Thalanar A”               S795,                              FOR 2021                                     mouth feel with flavours of cacao, spice and earthy
                           Washed                                                                          notes. Long sweet spice finish reminiscent of
                                                                                                           cinnamon/cardamom/star anise.


Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                       Black Label
Producer/Farm/Region         Varietal/     Altitude   Harvest     Status       Availability Packaging           Notes
                             Process                  time

Mario Gonzalez,              Catuai,       1500-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK     22 x 69kg   GrainPro              85pts: Well-integrated citrus acidity and brown sugar
El Avion                     Washed        1700m      2018/19                                                    sweetness with medium weight. This coffee has
                                                                                                                 flavours of nectarine, lemon-lime, apricot and is clean,
                                                                                                                 balanced and vibrant all the way through.

Claudia Lovo & Sasa Sestic   Caturra,      1100-      Dec-Feb     SHIPPING     7 x 69kg    GrainPro              85pts: Sweet chocolate and soft citrus aroma, full
El Arbol                     Washed        1300m      2019/20                                                    bodied and clean. Flavours of toffee, lime, orange,
“Lot Mira”                                                        ETA Sept                                       caramel and red apple.

Mario Gonzalez,              Catuai        1050-      Dec-Feb     SHIPPING     10 x 69kg   GrainPro              84.5pts: Sweet caramel aroma, citrus acidity and
El Amparo                    /Catimor,     1200m      2019/20                                                    medium weight. Flavours of chocolate, toffee,
                             Washed                               ETA Sept                                       marmalade, raisin and cacao nib with good sweetness

Olman Valladarez             Marsellesa,   800-900m   Dec-Feb     SHIPPING     14 x 69kg   GrainPro              85pts: Rich chocolate and dark fruit aromas, full bodied
Miraflor                     Natural                  2019/20                                                    and long. Flavours of chocolate, dark fruit, raisin,
                                                                  ETA Sept                                       marmalade, grapefruit, cacao and classic hints of earth
                                                                                                                 from the Marsellesa varietal.

Papua New Guinea
Kaw Kaw Mountain PSC         Bourbon,      1300m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING     10 x 60kg   GrainPro             84.5pts: Dark chocolate and nuts in the aroma lead to
                             Washed                   2020                                                      remarkable citrus and red fruit flavours. A full bodied
                                                                  ETA August                                    and sweet coffee with hints of nectarine, red apple and
                                                                                                                a little classic PNG earthiness.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                               Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region          Varietal/      Altitude   Harvest     Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                              Process                   time

Francy Elena Rivera,          Castillo,      1950m      Sep - Jan   IN STOCK       2 x 70kg    GrainPro        87pts: Rich caramel meets juicy stonefruit in the aroma,
Santa Elena                   Washed                    2018/19                                                with flavours of lime, white peach and nectarine. This is
                                                                                                               a super-clean, medium acidity coffee with excellent
                                                                                                               balance and sweetness.

Finca La Fantasia “Premium”   Castillo,                 Mar - Jun   IN STOCK       17 x 70kg   GrainPro        86.5pts: This new project delivers a delicious washed
                              Washed                    2019                                                   Castillo, with medium weight and great clarity. It has
                                                                                                               floral notes and flavours of peach, apricot, chocolate,
                                                                                                               caramel and green tea and is well-balanced throughout.

El Salvador
Mauricio Salaverria,          Red Caturra,   1550m      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      16 x 69kg    GrainPro        87pts: We thought this was an Ethiopian natural on the
Finca Himalaya                Natural                   2018/19                                                cupping table! Expect the unexpected from this coffee;
                                                                                  C2 2019                      raspberry, orange, toffee, peach, milk chocolate and
                                                                                                               strawberry. Prepare to have your expectations of El
                                                                                                               Salvador changed!

COE #1: 2014, 2017, 2019      Pacamara,      1500m      Feb - Apr   IN STOCK      3 x 30kg     GrainPro        87pts: Intense fruity aromas or toffee and dark fruit
                              Honey                     2019                                                   followed by flavours of ripe strawberry, peach, apricot,
Jorge Raul Rivera,                                                                                             caramel and orange. This coffee is vibrant with citric
Santa Rosa                                                                                                     acidity, hints of florals, medium weight and a creamy
Lot 12                                                                                                         mouthfeel.

COE #6 Winning farm 2018      Pacamara,      1300-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      14 x 69kg    Grainpro        86.5pts: Sweet caramel and soft white floral aromas,
                              Washed         1600m      2018/19                                                medium body and well structured. This washed
Gilberto Baraona                                                                                               pacamara tastes like chamomile, caramel, orange and
Los Pirineos                                                                                                   dried fruit like raisin. It is very sweet, well balanced, clean
                                                                                                               and smooth.
Lot 2

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                            Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region          Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest     Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                              Process                time

COE #6 Winning farm 2018      Pacamara,   1300-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      1 x 69kg     Grainpro        86.5pts: Sweet orange and chocolate aromas, medium to
                              Red Honey   1600m      2018/19                                                full weight and well balanced. Gilberto’s signature honey
Gilberto Baraona                                                                                            pacamara has flavours of milk chocolate, marmalade,
Los Pirineos                                                                                                plums and dried fruit. It has stewed fruit sweetness and
                                                                                                            a long, sweet finish.
Lot 3

Mauricio Salaverria,          Bourbon     1500m      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK      21 x 69kg    GrainPro         87pts: Medium to full weight with a juicy mouth feel, and
Villa Galicia                 /Pacas,                2019/20                                                 orange and peach-like acidity. This honey processed lot
                              Honey                                            C1 2020                       is well-structured with flavours of chocolate, honey,
                                                                                                             cooked orange, peach, caramel and a sweet aftertaste.

Exclusive to Project Origin   Bourbon     1500m      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK      55 x 69kg    GrainPro        86pts: Rich and sweet with a coating mouthfeel this
                              /Pacas                 2019/20                                                natural has flavours of chocolate ganache, orange,
Mauricio Salaverria,          Natural                                          C1 2020                      raisins, red apple and a hint of peach and fig, with
Divisadero                                                                                                  medium to full body and a long aftertaste.

Yirgacheffe Peaberry          Heirloom,   1950-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      7 x 60kg     GrainPro        87pts: One of our 2019 Ethiopian peaberries and a
                              Natural     2300m      2018/19                                                fantastic coffee. Dark red apple and plum flavours in a
                                                                                                            clean and sweet cup, it also provides a little surprise with
                                                                                                            a bergamot note in the aroma!

Guji Uraga Honey              Heirloom,   1950-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      9 x 60kg     GrainPro        86.5pts: Experimental Ethiopian Honey processed lot.
“Lot 1”                       Honey       2300m      2018/19                                                Nicely balanced with notes of peach, orange, toffee, malt
                                                                                                            and a hint of blueberry. The creamy body complements a
                                                                                                            very clean aftertaste, with subtle mandarin lingering for
                                                                                                            minutes at the end.

Guji Uraga Honey              Heirloom,   1950-      Dec-Feb     IN STOCK      25 x 60kg    GrainPro        87pts: Experimental Ethiopian Honey processed lot.
“Lot 2”                       Honey       2300m      2018/19                                                Geisha-like, very delicate and floral nose, with citrus,

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                          Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region       Varietal/      Altitude   Harvest   Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                           Process                   time

                                                                                                          honey and rosewater flavours with full body and a hint of
                                                                                                          raspberry and milk chocolate at the back of the palate.

Guji Mesina Gr1            Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   IN STOCK      4 x 60kg     GrainPro        86.5pts: Pink champagne! It’s hard to describe this coffee
Lot 023                    Washed         2300m      2018/19                                              much better. Super-clean with flavours of pink rose,
                                                                                                          apricot and orange blossom, combined with a lovely,
                                                                                                          sparking acidity and citrus aftertaste.

Yirgacheffe Konga Wete     Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING      6 x 60kg     GrainPro        87pts: Red fruit and chocolate aromas, creamy, balanced
                           Natural        2300m      2019/20                                              and very sweet. Flavours of blood orange, red fruits,
                                                               ETA Sept                                   strawberry, red apple, papaya, pineapple and toffee.

Yirgacheffe Aricha         Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING      19 x 60kg    GrainPro        87.5pts: Bright floral and caramel aroma, delicate and
“White”                    Washed         2300m      2019/20                                              refined. Flavours of lemongrass, apple, sweet lime,
                                                               ETA Sept                                   lemonade, white florals, peach and nectarine.

Guji Uraga Supernatural    Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING      5 x 20kg     Vacuum          88pts: Intense dark fruit and chocolate aromas,
“Belesi”                   Supernatural   2300m      2019/20                                              phosphoric acidity and very sweet and long. Flavours of
                                                               ETA Sept                                   black plum, dark cherry, black grapes, cola, cacao, pinot,
                                                                                                          blackcurrant, banana, and candied orange.

Guji Mesina Supernatural   Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING      5 x 20kg     Vacuum          88pts: Vibrant yellow fruit and caramel aromas, very
“Injori”                   Supernatural   2300m      2019/20                                              balanced and super clean. Florals and tropical flavours of
                                                               ETA Sept                                   pineapple, apricot, mango, passionfruit,              and

Yirgacheffe Konga          Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING      25 x 20kg    Vacuum          88pts: Purple fruit, chocolate and winey aromas, super
Supernatural               Supernatural   2300m      2019/20                                              sweet and long aftertaste. Sparkling malic acidity and
“Hamerawe”                                                     ETA October                                flavours of dark grape, chocolate, toffee, marmalade,
                                                                                                          apricot, and ripe tropicals like pineapple and peach.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                        Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region   Varietal/      Altitude   Harvest     Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                       Process                   time

Yirgacheffe Konga      Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb     SHIPPING      25 x 20kg    Vacuum          87pts: Cooked orange and chocolate aroma, balanced
Supernatural           Supernatural   2300m      2019/20                                                with great texture. Flavours of orange, toffee, cacao,
“Selam”                                                      ETA October                                green apple, white florals, pear and lime with lemonade

Yirgacheffe Konga      Heirloom,      1950-      Dec-Feb     SHIPPING      25 x 20kg    Vacuum          87pts: Red fruit and wine aromas, bright acidity and well-
Supernatural           Supernatural   2300m      2019/20                                                balanced. Flavours of raspberry, cranberry, orange,
“Webanche”                                                   ETA October                                yellow peach, nectarine, milk chocolate, green apple.

El Tambor              Catuai,        1700m      Dec - Apr   IN STOCK      6 x 69kg     GrainPro        86.5pts: Chocolate and caramel with a hint of nut in the
                       Washed                    2018/19                                                aroma; think Snickers bar! On the palate, you’ll find juicy
                                                                                                        lime, pear, green apple and some lingering, sweet
                                                                                                        chocolate, with a clean finish.

Las Plantas            Bourbon        1650m      Dec - Apr   IN STOCK      24 x 69kg    GrainPro        86pts: Sweet caramel and a touch of citrus on the nose,
                       /Caturra,                 2018/19                                                this is a very clean and sparkling coffee full of green fruit
                       Washed                                                                           flavours like lime, green apple, green tea and lemongrass,
                                                                                                        with a lingering aftertaste.

El Socorro, Palencia   Pacamara,      1750m      Dec - Apr   IN STOCK      20 x 30kg    GrainPro        87.5pts: Full bodied with dark fruit and chocolate
                       Washed                    2018/19                                                aromatics. Flavours of dark fruits like blackberry,
                                                                                                        mulberry, dark cherry, grape and rich chocolate. Finishes
                                                                                                        clean with tropical fruits like papaya and rockmelon.

Nelson Ramirez,        Parainema,   1550m        Jan - Mar   IN STOCK      1 x 69kg     GrainPro        86pts: Full bodied, citrus washed coffee, starting out in
Finca Androz           Washed                    2019                                                   the orange and mandarin part of the flavour wheel
                       Experimental                                                                     before moving into a sweeter, chocolate range. A
                                                                                                        lingering, creamy aftertaste.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                        Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region   Varietal/      Altitude   Harvest     Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                       Process                   time

Mary Nery Marquez,     Catuai,        1450m      Jan - Mar   IN STOCK      1 x 69kg     GrainPro        86.5pts: We tasted a little bit of Ethiopia in this cup,
La Cueva               Natural                   2019                                                   bringing us subtle red berries, delicate stonefruits and
                                                                                                        creamy chocolate mouthfeel, ending with a lingering and
                                                                                                        sweet aftertaste.

Caballero Natural      Catuai,        1500m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING      18 x 69kg    GrainPro        86.5pts: Red fruit and caramel aromas, very clean and
“Lot Las Corinas”      Natural                   2020                                                   balanced. Flavours of watermelon, raspberry, cascara,
                                                             ETA Sept                                   cherry, peach, nectarine, maple syrup, fig, date, red apple
                                                                                                        and mandarin.

Caballero Natural      Catuai,        1500m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING      45 x 69kg    GrainPro        87pts: Chocolate and red fruit aromas, creamy with
“Lot Las Lomas”        Natural                   2020                                                   candy sweetness. Flavours of strawberry, chocolate,
                                                             ETA Sept                                   grape, red berry, Earl Grey Tea, stone fruit, rose, red
                                                                                                        apple and cherry.

Don Fabio, Mogola      Catuai,        1500m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING      13 x 69kg    GrainPro        87.5pts: Rich chocolate and ripe fruit aromas, think,
Supernatural           Supernatural              2020                                                   sweet and long cup. Flavours of dark fruit, plum, raisin,
“Lot La Isabel”                                              ETA Sept                                   pomegranate, grape, dark chocolate, apricot and cola.

Don Fabio, Mogola      Catuai,        1500m      Jan - Mar   SHIPPING      11 x 69kg    GrainPro        88pts: Plum, raspberry and chocolate aromas, very sweet
Supernatural           Supernatural              2020                                                   and cordial-like. Flavours of red grape, raspberry, dark
“Lot La Tina”                                                ETA Sept                                   cherry, plum jam, red currants, melon, blackberry,
                                                                                                        cinnamon and nectarine.

Rukira AB              SL28/SL34,     1700-      Nov - Feb   IN STOCK      5 x 60kg     GrainPro        87pts: A signature Kenyan AB with lemongrass and
                       Washed         1850m      2018/19                                                caramel notes when hot, followed by clean and juicy
                                                                                                        stonefruits, orange, red apple and cherry as it cools.
                                                                                                        Super clean, balanced and well-structured.


Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                     Green Label
Producer/Farm/Region   Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest     Status        Availability Packaging       Notes
                       Process                time

Olman Valladarez       Caturra,    1300-      Nov - Feb   SHIPPING      4 x 30kg     GrainPro        87pts: Vibrant orange and toffee aroma, balanced, juicy
El Suyatal             Natural     1500m      2019/20                                                and textured. Flavours of marmalade, cooked peach,
                                                          ETA Sept                                   sweet dark chocolate, dark berries, cherry liqueur, cacao,
                                                                                                     red apple and nectarine.

Olman Valladarez       Caturra,    1150-      Nov - Feb   SHIPPING      6 x 69kg     GrainPro        87.5pts: Dark fruit and rich chocolate aromas, very
La Laguna              Natural     1350m      2019/20                                                creamy and smooth. Flavours of orange, caramel, dried
                                                          ETA Sept                                   fruit, black currant and tropical like mulberry, plum,
                                                                                                     pineapple, starfruit, and grape.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                                            Gold Label
Farm/Region                    Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest    Status       Availability   Packaging        Notes
                               Process                time

Abel Salinas, La Papaya        Typica,     1,920m     Jul- Nov   C1 2020      3 x 25kg       GrainPro         90.25pts: Florals of chamomile & jasmine are nicely
                               Washed                 2019                                                    balanced with a hint of lemongrass, before revealing
#1 Best of Loja 2019 auction                                                                                  flavours of red apple, tangerine, peach and blackberry. A
                                                                                                              subtle lemon acidity complements notes of mint and rose
                                                                                                              honey, with a creamy mouthfeel and a clean finish.

Edgar Encalada, Pueblo Nuevo   Acawa,      1,050m     Jul- Nov   C1 2020      1 x 25kg       GrainPro         90.25pts: The Acawa varietal was created as a coffee rust
                               Washed                 2019                                                    proof alternative for local producers, and this coffee
#4 Best of Loja 2019 auction                                                                                  gives a unique tasting experience. Flavours are white
                                                                                                              grape, blueberries, pineapple and kiwifruit as well as
                                                                                                              panela, black tea, almonds, passionfruit and caramel.

Luis Narvaez, La Fortuna       Bourbon,    1,870m     Jul- Nov   C1 2020      1 x 25kg       GrainPro         90pts: Beautiful, fruity aroma of peach and chocolate
                               Natural                2019                                                    combine with flavours of malt, passionfruit, orange and
#7 Best of Loja 2019 auction                                                                                  silky chocolate. There is also a hint of red wine notes
                                                                                                              (think merlot) with a creamy mouthfeel, balanced acidity
                                                                                                              and tea-like aftertaste.

Roberto Brener,                Geisha,     1600-      2018       IN STOCK     8 x 5kg satchels Vacuum          2018 crop but still a well-structured coffee.
Ironman (Auromar Estate)       Natural     1700m
                                                                                                               Very clean with rich fruit aromatics and medium
                                                                                                               weight. This year’s Ironman natural geisha is jammy
                                                                                                               and sweet with flavours of stone fruit, caramel, red
                                                                                                               apple and strawberry jam and a long, sweet finish.

Finca Milva                    Geisha,     1500-      2018       IN STOCK     1 x 15kg box   Vacuum            2018 crop but still a well-structured coffee.
                               Natural     1600m
                                                                                                               Sweet fruit aromatics, stone fruit acidity and very
                                                                                                               well rounded. A classic natural geisha profile with

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

                                                        Gold Label
Farm/Region   Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest   Status     Availability   Packaging        Notes
              Process                time

                                                                                           flavours of peach, jasmine, caramel and also black
                                                                                           currant, a silky mouthfeel and a clean, sweet finish.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Carbonic Maceration
Officially launched in 2018, the CM Selections are a series of                 Diamond      The most elegant and delicate of the four. Floral
intentionally crafted coffees created through collaboration with                            and clean, with a refined and gentle flavour profile.
producers across the globe, using the carbonic maceration method of
fermentation.                                                                  Jasper       Flavours reminiscent of red, orange and yellow
The Carbonic Maceration (CM) process was first introduced to the                            fruits. Maximum flavour and clarity with medium
coffee world by Project Origin founder, Saša Šestić during the                              intensity
2015 World Barista Championship in Seattle. Since then, Project Origin         Indigo       Intense flavour, powerful fruit qualities and unique
has researched and developed a range of CM techniques in a variety of                       elements creating a bold and strong flavour profile
CM Selection coffees exist in washed, honey and natural processes and          Amber        Delicate orange & yellow fruit flavour profile and
involve the careful control of specific yeasts during fermentation to create                sweetness, with a focus on flavour transparency
particular flavour experiences.

The CM Process
In the Carbonic Maceration (CM) process, coffee cherries are picked perfectly ripe, hand sorted & floated to remove unripe and overripe cherries.

Washed CM Selection coffees are pulped before being placed in temperature and humidity controlled tanks flushed with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to
remove oxygen from the tank. After fermentation, the coffee is dried on African beds for 12-18 days before being stored to rest before dry milling.

Natural CM Selection coffees are placed in the tanks still in the cherry. After fermentation, the coffee is dried on African beds for 30 or more days
before being stored and milled.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Farm/Region   Varietal/   Altitude   Harvest   Status      Availability   Packaging        Notes
              Process                time

Guji Masina   Heirloom,   1950-      Nov-Feb   SHIPPING    Express        Vacuum           White floral and stone fruit aromatics, vibrant acidity and
              CM Washed   2300m      2019/20               interest                        refined mouthfeel. Flavours of jasmine, white stone fruit,
“Lot 0420”                                     ETA Sept                                    nectarine, lime zest, green grape. Very sweet, clean and
                                                           4 x 5kg per                     balanced.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Farm/Region       Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest time Status    Availability   Packaging              Notes

Jamison Savage,   Geisha,      1700-      Dec-Feb    SHIPPING   18 x 15kg       Vacuum                Rich red fruits, red wine, raspberry, red grape, musk,
Morgan Estate     CM Natural   1850m      2019/20               boxes                                 hibiscus, pineapple, cherry, mandarin, lemonade,
                                                     ETA Sept                                         jasmine, plum, rose petals, blood orange, coffee pulp.

Jamison Savage,   Geisha,      1700-      Dec-Feb    SHIPPING   8 x 15kg        Vacuum                Structured, thick, juicy, orange, cranberry, watermelon,
Morgan Estate     CM Natural   1850m      2019/20               boxes                                 rose, violet, winey, plum, hibiscus, cacao nib, strawberry,
                                                     ETA Sept                   Available in          cherry.
“Ether”                                                                         7.5kg satchel

Jamison Savage,    Geisha,     1900-      Jan-Mar    SHIPPING   14 x 15kg       Vacuum                Plum, red grape, rich chocolate, rose hip, white
Finca Deborah      CM Washed   2000m      2020                  boxes                                 stonefruit, pineapple, passionfruit, pomegranate, red
                                                     ETA Sept                   Available in          cherry, blackberry, blueberry, cooked plum and
“Evolution”                                                                     7.5kg satchel         blackcurrant. Balanced, complex, fat, juicy & sweet.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Farm/Region        Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest   Status      Availability   Packaging            Notes
                   Process                 time

Yirgacheffe Koke   Heirloom,    1950-      Nov-Feb   SHIPPING    Express        Vacuum               Floral and stone fruit aromas, juicy, clean, balanced
                   CM Natural   2300m      2019/20               interest                            and well-structured. Flavours of green tea, white
“Lot PR11”                                           ETA Sept                                        peach, pear, star fruit, orange, yellow plum, red
                                                                 4 x 5kg per                         apple, apricot, nectarine and white grape.

Yirgacheffe Koke   Heirloom,    1950-      Nov-Feb   SHIPPING    Express        Vacuum               Floral and red fruit aromas, very sweet, clean and
                   CM Washed    2300m      2019/20               interest                            round. Flavours of milk chocolate, brown sugar,
“Lot PR12”                                           ETA Sept                                        green apple, ripe pear, peach, apricot, grape,
                                                                 4 x 5kg per                         blueberry and orange.

Jamison Savage,    Geisha,      1700-      Dec-Feb   SHIPPING    17 x 15kg      Vacuum               Rich and fruity aroma, balanced and structured.
Morgan Estate      CM Washed    1850m      2019/20               boxes                               Peach, apricot, orange blossom, nectarine, cooked
                                                     ETA Sept                   Available in         stone fruit, toffee, white floral, structured and
”Fusion”                                                                        7.5kg satchel        sparkling.

Jamison Savage,    Geisha,      1900-      Jan-Mar   SHIPPING    16 x 15kg      Vacuum               Floral, earl grey tea, white grape, bergamot, peach,
Finca Deborah      CM Washed    2000m      2020                  boxes                               honey, mandarin, brown sugar, nectarine, ruby
                                                     ETA Sept                   Available in         grapefruit.
“Synchro”                                                                       7.5kg satchel

Jamison Savage,    Geisha,      1900-      Jan-Mar   SHIPPING    1 x 15kg box   Vacuum               Vibrant florals, jasmine, green apple, lime, nectarine,
Finca Deborah      CM Washed    2000m      2020                                                      yellow peach, green tea and toffee. Cools with
                                                     ETA Sept                   Available in         strawberry, watermelon, roses, honey and mandarin.
“Vivid”                                                                         7.5kg satchel

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

Farm/Region         Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest   Status      Availability   Packaging           Notes
                    Process                 time

Yirgacheffe Konga   Heirloom,    1950-      Nov-Feb   SHIPPING    Express        Vacuum              Big, winey and purple fruit-filled aroma. Flavours of
                    CM Natural   2300m      2019/20               interest                           orange cider, dark grape, dark chocolate, ripe
“Lot 1212”                                            ETA Sept                                       pineapple, raspberry, apricot, date, fig and stewed
                                                                  4 x 5kg per                        fruit with sparkly acidity.

Jamison Savage,     Geisha,      1900-      Jan-Mar   SHIPPING    10 x 15kg      Vacuum              Complex, tangerine, apricot, cherry blossom, lots of
Finca Deborah       CM Natural   2000m      2020                  boxes                              florals, nectarine, very sweet, bergamot, tropical,
                                                      ETA Sept                   Available in        plum, dark grape and blueberry.
“Symmetry”                                                                       7.5kg satchel

Farm/Region         Varietal/    Altitude   Harvest   Status      Availability   Packaging           Notes
                    Process                 time

Jamison Savage,     Geisha,      1900-      Jan-Mar   SHIPPING    1 x 15kg box   Vacuum              Fat, black grape, red wine, candied strawberry,
Finca Deborah       CM Natural   2000m      2020                                                     raspberry, cranberries, plum, pineapple, cherries,
                                                      ETA Sept                   Available in        rose, cascara, Earl Grey Tea, peach, mulberry,
“Enigma”                                                                         7.5kg satchel       apricot, mandarin, kiwifruit, marmalade, bergamot.

Project Origin International Product List - Updated 8/07/20

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