PROSPECTUS 2019 - Servilles Academy

Page created by Sara Owens
PROSPEC T US   2 0 19

Welcome 				4
History 				5
Hairdressing 			6
  NZ Certificate in Hairdressing,
  Salon Support, (Level 3)     7
  NZ Certificate in Hairdressing,
  Emerging Stylist, (Level 4) 8
Barbering 				9
  NZ Certificate in Barber Skills,
  (Level 3) 			                10
Makeup 				11
  NZ Certificate in Makeup
  and Skincare, (Level 3)      12
  NZ Certificate in Makeup
  Artistry, (Level 4)		        13
Additional Courses 		          14
Events & Partnerships 		       16
Academy Salon 			              19
Testimonials 			               20
Enrolment 				                 22
Contact Us 				                23

Welcome to Australasia’s largest and
most award-winning Hairdressing,
Makeup and Barbering Academy.
Situated in the artistic hub of central
Auckland just off Karangahape Road,
our Academy is driven by creativity
and thrives on innovation. We have
created this contemporary new
space for our students to unleash
and grow their creativity while
training and setting them up for
lively and rewarding careers.
History of

                                The academy has earned its reputation as        Previously the Zambesi workshop, this
                                an exceptional training organisation and is     place is no stranger to creative souls ready
                                recognised both locally and internationally     to make their mark on the world. Not only
                                as a highly trusted and respected pioneer       is the stand-alone building contemporary,
                                of Hairdressing, Barbering and Makeup           it is also sustainable; the roof has been
                                education. This is reflected in our numerous    built on an angle so that rainwater can be
Servilles Academy was           awards, including being named Australasian      collected and reused within the building.         Paul Serville cutting hair, 1969
established in 1992 by          Education Organisation of the Year for          The water is also heated with the use of
Paul Serville (Founder and      three consecutive years.                        solar power.

Director) who has over 50       The courses available at Servilles Academy      The interior of the building is cleverly
years of experience in the      are all NZQA approved qualifications,           architecturally designed, with there being a
industry. The academy was       consisting of; Hairdressing (Level 3 and        salon, large learning space, Head Office and
                                Level 4 certificates), Barbering (Level         a tutor’s office being spread over four floors.
created with the intention of   3 certificate) and Makeup (Level 3 and          The salon is store front, further replicating
training the next generation    Level 4 certificates). All of our courses are   the feel of a professional salon for both the
of Hairdressers in New          taught by our highly trained and passionate     clients and students and, as a bonus, there
                                tutoring team, who each bring their own         is more accessible parking.
Zealand. Over the years         industry experiences and creative flare.
the academy expanded,                                                           The main floor of the academy is a bustling
offering Barbering and          In addition to in-class learning, our           of hub of students and tutors. The open-
                                students are also given the chance to           plan learning space features three areas, each
Makeup courses, becoming        partake in high-profile and diverse external    dedicated to the three disciplines taught
Australasia’s leading and       opportunities, to give them a taste of work     at the academy (hairdressing, barbering
most award-winning              in the real world. Opportunities include;       and makeup). There is also a theory space
                                New Zealand Fashion Week, television            and student break room. The open-plan
Hairdressing, Barbering and     programmes, live performances, runway           space encourages a more community-
Makeup academy.                 shows and music videos for internationally      based environment where students can
                                renowned artists.                               communicate and inspire one another
                                                                                more freely. Reflecting the academy’s
                                In July 2018, we moved into our new space,      contemporary culture and sustainable
                                our fourth location since the establishment     attitude, this new space is another reason
                                of the academy, over 25 years ago. The          as to why the academy is top of its game in          Servilles Academy, 2018

                                incredible new space is located at 8 Canada     hair and beauty education.
                                Street, just off Upper Queen Street and
                                Karangahape Road in Auckland’s CBD.


Hairdressing is at the heart of
the Servilles company. Drawing
on 50 years experience from
founder Paul Serville and other
industry leaders, our students
are constantly surrounded by
innovation, knowledge and learning
opportunities preparing them for
a successful career in the world of

New Zealand
Certif icate in
Hairdressing -
Salon Support
(Level 3)

Guided by our highly trained         C O U R S E D U R AT I O N                     ENTRY CRITERIA
                                     & HOURS
tutors, this course will
                                                                                    Must be age 16 or over, suitable and
teach you the foundation             This course is 34 weeks.                       passionate with a desire to excel in the
hairdressing skills essential        Hours are Tuesday - Friday from 8.45am         hairdressing industry.
                                     - 4.15pm. Monday is a self-directed study
to a future in hairdressing
                                     day used for projects and assignments.
and helping to form the                                                             C O U R S E A C C E P TA N C E
beginnings of your own
                                     FEES SCHEDULE                                  A letter will be sent to the applicant
artistic identity.
                                                                                    immediately following the interview to
                                     Fee: $8,850* (NZQA assessment fees,            notify acceptance. On acceptance you will
COURSE CONTENT                       Registration & hook-ons)                       be required to return a contract to Servilles
                                     Equipment: $1,100                              Academy within 5 working days.
- Theory of hairdressing             Total: $9,950 (inc. GST)
- Fashion trends                     International Student Fee: $18,500 (inc.
- Shampoo, blow waving and setting   GST)                                           ENROLMENT
- Product knowledge                                                                 PROCEDURES
- Health and safety
- Salon systems and client care      FEES FREE                                      Schedule an appointment and tour with the
- Colouring and highlighting                                                        Servilles Academy Recruitment Team on
- Long hair styling                  *You might be eligibile to study your first    0800 SERVILLES or 09 308 0690.
- Introduction to scissor cutting    year with the Fees Free scheme. Head to
                            to find out if you qualify.   Alternatively you can book an interview
                                                                                    online via our website
C O U R S E D AT E S                                                      
                                     FEE PROTECTION
Intake   Start        Finish
                                     Student fees will be held in trust in
SS32     22 Jan 19   20 Sep 19       compliance with Section 236A of the
SS33     26 Feb 19 25 Oct 19         Education Act 1989 as amended by the
SS34     16 April 19 13 Dec 19       Education Act (No4) 199
New Zealand
Certif icate in                   COURSE CONTENT                                FEES FREE

Hairdressing,                     -   In-depth consultation skills              *You might be eligibile to study your first
Emerging                          -
                                      Understanding Salon Performance
                                                                                year with the Fees Free scheme. Head to
                                                                       to find out if you qualify.

Stylist                           -
                                      Advanced cutting techniques
                                      Wet and dry styling

(Level 4)
                                  -   Razor and clipper cutting                 FEE PROTECTION
                                  -   Advanced chemical services
                                  -   Creative cutting and colouring            Student fees will be held in trust in
                                  -   Long hair and avant-garde styling         compliance with Section 236A of the
                                                                                Education Act 1989 as amended by the
                                                                                Education Act (No4) 199

Our Emerging Stylist course is    C O U R S E D AT E S
for those students who have                                                     ENTRY CRITERIA
                                  Intake     Start        Finish
previously completed the                                                        Completion of the New Zealand Certificate
New Zealand Certificate in        ES17       09 April 19 06 Dec 19              in Hairdressing, Salon Support (Level
Hairdressing – Salon Support                                                    3). Passion and desire to excel in the
                                                                                hairdressing industry.
(Level 3) and wish to develop
                                  C O U R S E D U R AT I O N
their existing hairdressing       & HOURS
abilities and knowledge.                                                        C O U R S E A C C E P TA N C E
                                  This course is 34 weeks.
                                  Hours are Tuesday - Friday from               A letter will be sent to the applicant
Surrounded by our highly          8.45am - 4.15pm. Monday is a self-            immediately following the interview to
trained tutors and industry       directed study day used for projects          notify acceptance. On acceptance you will
                                  and assignments. As part of the course        be required to return a contract to Servilles
professionals, this course will                                                 Academy within 5 working days.
                                  requirements, Emerging Stylist students are
prepare you for a creative        required to attend one late night per week
and inspirational hairdressing    at the Academy Salon.
career within the best salons                                                   PROCEDURES
both in New Zealand and           FEES SCHEDULE
internationally.                                                                Schedule an appointment and tour with the
                                  Fee: $9,400* (NZQA assessment fees,           Servilles Academy Recruitment Team on
                                  Registration & hook-ons)                      0800 SERVILLES or 09 308 0690.
                                  Equipment: $550
                                  Total: $9,950 (inc. GST)                      Alternatively you can book an interview
                                  International Student Fee: $18,500 (inc.      online via our website


Get amongst one of the coolest and
in-demand industries in New
Zealand… Barbering!

                                     Paul Serville doing a demonstration, 19759
New Zealand
Certif icate in
Barber Skills                      COURSE CONTENT                                     FEES FREE

(Level 3)                          -   Barbering theory & history                     *You might be eligibile to study your first
                                   -   Consultations including hair & scalp care      year with the Fees Free scheme. Head to
                                   -   Scissor cutting (long & short hair)   to find out if you qualify.
                                   -   Scissor & razor combination cuts
                                       (Pompadour, Caesar etc)
                                   -   Clipper cuts (fades, buzz cuts, designs etc)   FEE PROTECTION
                                   -   Beard & moustache design
                                   -   Mens styling & blow drying                     Student fees will be held in trust in
In this course, you will learn     -   Product knowledge                              compliance with Section 236A of the
                                   -   Sales, customer service & safe operating       Education Act 1989 as amended by the
how to create all the latest           procedures                                     Education Act (No4) 199
styles, as well as the classics,
securing long and successful
                                   C O U R S E D AT E S                               ENTRY CRITERIA
careers. Taught by renowned
industry professionals,            Intake      Start         Finish                   Must be age 16 or over, suitable and
students will learn a range                                                           passionate with a desire to excel in the
                                   B8          26 Feb 19 25 Oct 19                    barbering industry.
of techniques and product          B9          16 April 19 13 Dec 19
knowledge to complement
                                                                                      C O U R S E A C C E P TA N C E
their styling abilities.
                                   C O U R S E D U R AT I O N
Commitment to excellence           & HOURS                                            A letter will be sent to the applicant
and innovation includes                                                               immediately following the interview to
ensuring our graduates             This course is 34 weeks.                           notify acceptance. On acceptance you will
                                   Hours are Tuesday - Friday from 8.45am             be required to return a contract to Servilles
are trained expertly in all        - 4.14pm. Any additional work experi-              Academy within 5 working days.
aspects of their chosen craft.     ence opportunities may be outside of these
Graduates from this course         hours.
will stand out to employers in                                                        PROCEDURES
the Barbering industry.            FEES SCHEDULE
                                                                                      Schedule an appointment and tour with the
                                   Fee: $7,915* (NZQA assessment fees,                Servilles Academy Recruitment Team on
                                   Registration & hook-ons)                           0800 SERVILLES or 09 308 0690.
                                   Equipment: $1,000
                                   Total: $8,915 (inc. GST)                           Alternatively you can book an
                                                                                      interview online via our website www.

To ensure our students are equipped
and exposed to the latest and best
quality products, we use MAC
Cosmetics to provide student kits,
seasonal demos and workshops.

New Zealand                       COURSE CONTENT                               MAC Cosmetics kit upgrades are available
Certif icate in                   - Application of basic beauty concepts for
                                                                               for students at discounted rates.

Makeup and                          commercial salon use
                                  - Knowledge of tools, equipment & safe       FEES FREE

                                    operating procedures
                                  - Knowledge of face & skin type structure    *You might be eligibile to study your first
                                    & functions                                year with the Fees Free scheme. Head to
(Level 3)                         - Customer service, communication & to find out if you qualify.
                                  - Sales and product knowledge
                                  - Skin conditions & indications for these    FEE PROTECTION
                                  - Makeup & design theory
Turn your passionate for          - Performing skin care services              Student fees will be held in trust in
                                  - Performing make up services (special       compliance with Section 236A of the
makeup into a career by             occasion, current looks and techniques,    Education Act 1989 as amended by the
gaining New Zealand                 foundation                                 Education Act (No4) 199
Certificate in Makeup             - special effects and paint work)
                                    Photoshoots, CV’s and portfolio creation
and Skin Care (Level 3)                                                        ENTRY CRITERIA
qualification!                    C O U R S E D AT E S
                                                                               Must be age 16 or over, suitable and
                                  Intake   Start         Finish                passionate with a desire to excel in the
Guided by our passionate                                                       makeup and beauty industry.
and highly trained tutors,        M8       22 Jan 19   07 Jun 19
                                  M9       30 April 19 13 Sep 19
this course will teach you
                                  M10      16 July 19 29 Nov 19                C O U R S E A C C E P TA N C E
the essential skills needed to
kickstart your career in the                                                   A letter will be sent to the applicant
makeup industry. From basic       C O U R S E D U R AT I O N                   immediately following the interview to
                                  & HOURS                                      notify acceptance. On acceptance you will
beauty concepts, to product                                                    be required to return a contract to Servilles
knowledge and consultation        This course is 20 weeks.                     Academy within 5 working days.
skills, students can be assured   Hours are Tuesday - Friday from
                                   8.45am - 4.15pm. Any additional work
all bases will be covered in      experience opportunities may be outside of   ENROLMENT
this 20-week foundation           these hours.                                 PROCEDURES
                                                                               Schedule an appointment and tour with the
                                  FEES SCHEDULE                                Servilles Academy Recruitment Team on
                                                                               0800 SERVILLES or 09 308 0690.
                                  Fee: $5,950* (NZQA assessment fees,
                                  Registration & hook-ons)                     Alternatively you can book an interview
                                  Equipment: $1,000                            online via our website
                                  Total: $6,950 (inc. GST)           
New Zealand                                     - Health and safety procedures
                                                  Film, TV, Live Performance and Fashion
                                                                                                MAC Cosmetics kit upgrades are available
                                                                                                for students at discounted rates.
Certif icate                                      (makeup and processes involved with film
                                                  and television, live performance, fashion     FEES FREE
in Makeup                                       - Photographic and catwalk)
                                                - Business skills (setting up and               You might be eligibile to study your first
Artistry                                          maintaining a freelancing business
                                                  (understanding marketing, taxes,
                                                                                                year with the Fees Free scheme. Head to
                                                                                       to find out if you qualify.

(Level 4)                                         invoicing accounts and maintaining
                                                                                                FEE PROTECTION
                                                Upon completion of this course, students
                                                will have knowledge and skills required         Student fees will be held in trust in
This qualification includes                     to take them anywhere - from in-salon           compliance with Section 236A of the
practical and theoretical                       work, to freelancing, to having the essential   Education Act 1989 as amended by the
                                                marketing skills to enable them to set up       Education Act (No4) 199
makeup knowledge for
                                                their own business.
a range of clients and
environments, such as film                                                                      ENTRY CRITERIA
                                                C O U R S E D AT E S
and TV, live performance
                                                                                                Must be age 16 or over, suitable and
and fashion (photographic                       Intake    Start         Finish                  passionate with a desire to excel in the
and catwalk), as well as                                                                        makeup and beauty industry.
                                                M8        22 Jan 19   07 Jun 19
complimentary and
                                                M9        30 April 19 13 Sep 19
in-demand services including                    M10       16 July 19 29 Nov 19                  COURSE
lashes, brows and tanning.                                                                      A C C E P TA N C E
This course also covers the
                                                C O U R S E D U R AT I O N                      A letter will be sent to the applicant
increasingly important                          & HOURS                                         immediately following the interview to
business and marketing skills                                                                   notify acceptance. On acceptance you will
                                                This course is 34 weeks.                        be required to return a contract to Servilles
to make it in the freelancing
                                                Hours are Tuesday - Friday from                 Academy within 5 working days.
world.                                          8.45am - 4.15pm. Any additional work
                                                experience opportunities may be outside of
                                                these hours.                                    ENROLMENT
                                                FEES SCHEDULE                                   Schedule an appointment and tour with the
- Beautician services (skin, nail and hair                                                      Servilles Academy Recruitment Team on
  care, tanning, lash and brow tinting, lash    Fee: $7,700* (NZQA assessment fees,             0800 SERVILLES or 09 308 0690.
  extensions and brow grooming)                 Registration & hook-ons)
- Consultancy services (nail, makeup and        Equipment: $1,000                               Alternatively you can book an interview
  hairstyling for a variety of private client   Total: $8,700 (inc. GST)                        online via our website
A DDIT IONA L                      CO U R S E S

Servilles Academy offers a range of additional, shorter courses
with the intention of introducing secondary school students to
the industry and bridging the gap between school and tertiary

STAR                                                                           Gateway
Course                                                                         Course

The STAR Programme is a           COURSE CONTENT                               Servilles Academy Gateway                      L O C AT I O N
4-day course designed as an                                                    programme is designed to
                                  The programme will deliver topics that are                                                  Servilles Academy, 8 Canada Street,
introduction to hairdressing;     interesting, fun, and relevant. The topics   strengthen the pathway                         Newton,
it offers an opportunity          to be delivered will have a high practical   for students, from school                      Auckland, 1010
for the student to achieve        component attached to them, through          to workplace learning. Our
                                  learning connections, model building,
unit standards within the         creative experiences and hands on hair       exciting Gateway programme                     ENROLMENT
hairdressing domain, while        work.                                        supports students with                         PROCEDURES
getting a taste of hairdressing                                                industry-based learning
                                                                                                                              For more information on STAR and
as a career pathway.              C O U R S E D U R AT I O N                   and provides them with the                     Gateway programmes, contact the Gateway
                                  & HOURS                                      relevant skills needed in the                  Co-ordinator or Careers Advisor at your
The STAR Programme is                                                          salon work place.                              school or get in touch with our Student
                                  4 days, 9.30am to 3.00pm.                                                                   Compliance Manager, Donna Allen on
designed to precede the                                                                                                       09 308 0688 (
Gateway Programme. A
student that successfully         L O C AT I O N
                                                                               COURSE CONTENT
completes the STAR                Servilles Academy, 8 Canada Street,
                                                                               We have selected achievable foundation
Programme will staircase          Newton,
                                                                               hairdressing unit standards for the students
exceptionally well into the       Auckland, 1010
                                                                               to obtain, as well as introducing them to
provider/work-based Gateway                                                    some of the exciting areas in hairdressing.
Programme, onto our               ENROLMENT
government funded Youth           PROCEDURES
                                                                               C O U R S E D U R AT I O N
Training Programme or onto                                                     & HOURS
                                  For more information on STAR and
our New Zealand Certificate       Gateway programmes, contact the Gateway
                                                                               The course will consist of 3 days in
in Hairdressing – Salon           Co-ordinator or Careers Advisor at your
                                                                               the school holidays for your student’s
                                  school or get in touch with our Student
Support (Level 3).                                                             convenience, with the option of either week
                                  Compliance Manager, Donna Allen on
                                                                               1 or 2.
                                  09 308 0688 (

EVENTS                &     PA RT N E R S H I PS

Servilles Academy prides itself on providing high-profile and
diverse external opportunities, to give students a taste of work
in the real world, essential to a successful career in the industry.
Hair and makeup opportunities include; New Zealand Fashion
Week, television programmes, live performances, runway shows
and music videos for internationally renowned artists.

& Internal                                                                                                                                                NZFW/18 - Jarrad Godman.

Events                                        SHOWS
                                                                                                                  A prize winner and his models at our
                                                                                                                     In-house Competition, 2018.

                                              During Katy Perry’s 2018 world tour
                                              “Witness”, our hairdressing and makeup
                                              students attended Auckland’s official VIP
                                              pre-show event to do hair and makeup
Providing our students with                   touchups for 100+ guests before attending
an ample array of external,                   Katy Perry’s show. They were also able to
                                              get amazing seats to the show - free!
real world opportunities is a
fundamental aid for allowing
our students to grow and                      T H E AT R E
succeed in the industry.                                                                                                                                    NZFW/18 - Backstage.

                                              When “Mamma Mia! The Musical” came                                    NZ’s Annual Barbercraft Event.
                                              to town, our students were given the
                                              opportunity to do the cast members’ hair
                                              and makeup for a their official photo shoot,
                                              shot at our very own Academy!

Every year, we work with New Zealand          BARBERCRAF T
Fashion Week (NZFW) by putting forth                                                                                                                     Ciara “Level Up” Music Video.
a team to assist backstage working with       BarberCraft is New Zealand’s annual
various well known fashion designers,         ultimate barbering and mens’ grooming
including Jarrad Godman and Miromoda,         event. Each year, our Barbering students       BI-ANNUAL IN-HOUSE
doing models’ hair. The hair teams are led    occupy the Servilles Academy section           COMPETITION
by some of our most accomplished Servilles’   of the expo where they offer barbering
salon stylists which allows the students to   services and demos’, while being able to       In addition to assignments and other
learn and work in a team directly alongside   attend, participate and network amongst        class projects, our students are required
them.                                         workshops and demonstrations held by           to take part in our twice yearly in-house
                                              world-famous barbers and other attendees.      competitions. During the in-house
                                                                                             competitions, students compete with and                     Katy Perry - Witness: The Tour.
MUSIC VIDEOS                                                                                 against each other for a wide range of
                                              OTHER                                          reputable, creative titles and extravagent
Our students were given an amazing                                                           prizes! The prizes up for grabs include
opportunity to work on and do hair Ciara’s    The annual “Miss Auckland” competition         GHD tools, generous products and packs
music video for “Level Up” featuring Parris   is among the other events our students have    from Davines, Eleven Australia and Kevin
Goebel’s world reknowned dance crew.          had the opportunity to work on.                Murphy, vouchers, trophies and more.


                                                                                                                                                           Mamma Mia! The Musical.
                                                                                                                                                       Davines’ revolutionary new hair bleaching system,
                                                                                                                                                                    “The Century of Light.”

Servilles Academy have
thoughtfully selected                          ELEVEN Australia is another hair care
                                               brand we work with at Servilles Academy.
a handful of beautiful,                        ELEVEN Australia’s Creative Directors
reputable brands for our                       are Australian icons and leaders in the hair
                                                                                                              Our student’s MAC Cosmetics Makeup Kit
students to work with that                     industry – four-time Australian Hairdresser
                                               of the Year, Joey Scandizzo, and Australian
closely match what we stand                    Photographer of the Year, Andrew O’Toole.
for and support our journey                    Working in the salon, photo shoots and
towards sustainability without                 runways; Joey felt the need for a range his
                                               staff and clients could easily understand.
compromising quality.                          Together, they helped create ELEVEN
                                               Australia – a brand that embodies the
                                               Australian lifestyle.

                                               With PETA approval, recyclable packaging                                                                Davines’ Eco-Village headquarters in Parma, Italy.
D AV I N E S                                   and paraben free formula, what’s not to
Davines is the primary hair care and
colouring brand that we work with at                                                           MAC
Servilles, both in our Academy and in
our Salons. Davines is a family-owned,         GHD                                             Our students are supplied with the ultimate
international hair care brand distributed in                                                   MAC Cosmetics Makeup Kit. MAC is
70 countries around the world guided by        GHD is the primary brand of electrical          the world’s leading professional makeup
the principle of sustainable beauty. Founded   hair tools that we use at the Academy.          authority due to their unrivalled expertise
and based in Parma, Italy in 1983, Davines     GHD are leading the way in understanding        in makeup artistry. They celebrate diversity
create the highest quality products with       the science of hair. Their Research &           and individuality – all ages, all races, all
attention and respect for our environment,     Development labs in Cambridge are unique        sexes.
using high grade, natural ingredients, and     in combining physicists, material scientists,
applying scientific rigor to every product     product designers and hair specialists to       MAC is at the forefront of fashion
to guarantee our customers’ and clients’       focus solely on the terminal manipulation       trendsetting, collaborating with leading
safety. Their aim is to inspire and improve    of hair. The facility allows for scientific     talents from fashion, art and popular
the work life quality of worldwide beauty      testing on hair and the development of new      culture, and strongly believes in social
professionals through concepts, products       products, as well as product performance        responsibility with initiatives such as Viva
and services that will allow them to offer     testing resulting GHD offering superior,        Glam and the MAC AIDS Fund at the
unique experiences to their clients.           award-winning technology.                       heart and soul of their unique culture.


                                                                                                                                                          Eleven, Australia Miracle Hair Treatments.
ACA DEM Y                   S A LON

Our purpose built, sustainable and
contemporary Academy Salon is perfectly
located in the heart of Auckland, just off
Upper Queen Street.

While giving students the chance to
gain hands on, ‘real world’ experience we
provide our clients with style, excellent
service and quality hairdressing that’s

Call now on 09 308 0670 for an
appointment with the award winning
hairdressers of tomorrow! Or drop in
and see us at 8 Canada Street, Newton,
Auckland. All work is fully supervised by
our tutors.

Tuesday: 12.30pm – 7.30pm
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
12.30pm – 4pm


Servilles Academy has produced
over 2000 highly skilled, passionate
graduates since opening in 1992,
with 150+ successful and prosperous
students graduating each year.

& Graduate
& Success
                                                                                                         Michael Ashton with Adele backstage.

                                                        Kim and Kanye Vogue Cover.
A A R O N D E M AY                             Makeup Directed by former student, Aaron De May.

Aaron De May graduated from Servilles
Academy in 1995. He is now the North
American Artistic Ambassador for Sephora,
as well as a freelance Hair & Makeup Artist.
One of his projects includes working as the
Makeup Director for Kim Kardashian and
Kanye Wests’ 2014 Vogue Cover.


After graduating in 2012, Alice Tucker                                                                                Aaron De May.
went on to become a Stylist for Servilles
Salons and the exclusive Hair Stylist for
New Zealand Pop Duo, Broods.


Originally from Tauranga, Michael Ashton
graduated from Servilles Academy in 1999
and has become one of our most high-
profile graduate success stories. Ashton
moved to London where he worked closely
with Elle Macpherson, Peaches Geldof and
Bianca Jagger to name a few! Today, Ashton
is Adele’s Personal Stylist, and Global
Artistry Ambassador for Marc Jacobs.

                                                                                                  Broods, hair by their exclusive stylist, former Servilles
                                                                                                            Academy student, Alice Tucker.

To register your interest with           WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES
Servilles Academy, please contact
our Recruitment Team on 0800             If a student wishes to withdraw
SERVILLES or                             from a course after payment of
09 308 0690. From here, an               any monies (in full or part) they are
interview and tour can be                required to do so in writing to the
arranged. Alternatively, you can visit   Academy manger no later than to register         7 working days after the course
your interest and book an interview      commencement.
                                         If a student withdraws within 7
Enrolment forms are given out            working days of the first day of
during the interview process.            the course they will be entitled to,
                                         upon return of all equipment, a full
We are always happy to answer any        refund of all monies minus a $500
questions you may have, no matter        administration fee.
how big or small!

Servilles Academy
8 Canada Street, Newton,
1010, New Zealand
0800 Servilles
09 368 0690

Follow us!
Facebook - Servilles Academy
Instagram - @servillesacademy
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