PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education
                   I E

   Australian National
  Institute of Education
            Key to Success

RTO Code 41160 | CRICOS Provider Number 03682M

                                                 For International Students
PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education
Table of contents

                          Welcome message                                       3
                          About ANIE                                            4
                          Why study at ANIE                                     4
                          About Australia                                       5
                          Parking                                               5
                          Public transportation                                 5
                          Lunch options                                         5
                          Accommodation                                         5
                          Campus location                                       5
                          Courses we offer                                      6
                          Fee structure                                         6
                          BSB50215 Diploma of Business                          7
                          ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology            8
                          ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology   9
                          SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery         10
                          SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management            11
                          Application process                                   12
                          Entry requirements                                    13
                          Acceptable English test score                         14
                          Recognition of existing skills and knowledge          15
                          Credit transfer for current competence                15
                          Important information                                 16
                          Academic calendar 2019                                19
                          Academic calendar 2020                                19

PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

Welcome message

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest
welcome to you on behalf of Skills International Pty Ltd (SI)
trading as Australian National Institute of Education (ANIE).

We are proud and excited to be able to provide high quality
vocational qualifications to students from several different
countries. As an International student, you will bring your own
culture and life experience in the campus life and add new
colours to the already diverse mix of cultures - taking it to a
new height of cooperation and integration.

ANIE is committed in providing professional adult education in
a relaxed, informal and supportive environment as we prepare
students to embrace the challenges of globalisation and a
globalised workforce. We provide educational programs and
pathways that develop the skills needed for the international
marketplace by developing high quality, industry-ready
graduates and workforce professionals.

Our College is an Australian Registered Training Organisation
(RTO) operating under the National VET Framework and we are
regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). The
qualifications we deliver is taken from Australian National
Training Packages and is recognised Australia wide and

We will provide you with important pre-arrival information and
information to assist you to settle into life in Sydney and our
College. We also include advice on the cultural and social
differences you may experience during your stay and provide
other practical information to ensure your day-to-day
experiences are positive ones for you.

This information booklet is designed to provide you with
information about the services provided by ANIE and our
approach to provide you a safe, fair and supportive learning

We wish you every success in your future endeavours!

Yours faithfully,
Chander Mohan Sareen
Chief Executive Officer
Australian National Institute of Education (ANIE)

PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

About ANIE                                                     ensure that our training is at the cutting edge of all
                                                               industry trends.

Skills International Pty Ltd trading as Australian National    We are located in Seven Hills suburb of Sydney,
Institute of Education (ANIE) is an Australian Registered      surrounded by take away shops, cafes, restaurants and
Training Organisation (RTO) operating under the National       public transports.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Quality
                                                               Our qualified staff have many years of experience and
Framework . This is a regulated framework which is
                                                               recognised qualifications in their relevant areas of
administered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority
                                                               teaching. They provide students with a friendly and
(ASQA). Our registration details can be located on the
                                                               supportive learning environment.
National Register for VET.
Skills International Pty Ltd was first registered to provide
educational services in 2015 and has extended its
educational services to International Students at Seven
Hills, Sydney.
                                                                   Why study at ANIE
We are required to maintain registration with the                  With ANIE you will receive quality education to gain
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for              your required knowledge and skillsets. We support
Overseas Students (CRICOS) to offer services to                    our students on the path to achieve their goals and
international student visa holders. All CRICOS registered          aspirations by developing practical and academic
training providers are regulated by ASQA under the The             skills, knowledge and capability.
Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act
                                                                   At ANIE, we believe that the key to success is to:
2000 and the National Code of Practice for Providers of
Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.                    § Empower our students through education and
We deliver Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
qualifications which are drawn from Australian National              § Provide progressive and innovative qualifications
Training Packages and recognised within Australia and                  to enable our students to strive for excellence
internationally. National Training Packages qualifications
are developed by Industry Reference Committees and                   § Help our students achieve their personal best in
Council of Australian Government Industry Skills                       gaining ICT, Hospitality & Business Education
Committee in consultation with industry bodies,                      § Ensure small class numbers so as to give
regulators, training providers and other stakeholders.                 students individual attention
ANIE specialises in Business, Hospitality and Information            § Provide students with qualified, experienced and
& Communication Technology training; and maintains                     committed trainers who have the knowledge and
close professional links to industries within Australia to             expertise in their field

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PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

About Australia                                             Parking
Being an international student in Australia means           Whilst you are attending our campus by vehicle, you may
that you can rely on receiving world-class                  have access to the public parking spaces of the railway
education, as Australia continues to be one of the          station adjacent to our premises.
top destinations for students from all over the
globe. Many graduates express their wonderful               Public transport
experience that they had during their stay and some
have in fact chose to settle here or are still regularly    Seven Hills railway station is served by Sydney Trains T1
visiting Australia for business or leisure.                 Western and T5 Cumberland line services. ANIE is located
                                                            just beside the Seven Hills train station, a 4-5 mins walk to
Australia is home to many colleges that offer a 360-        get there.
degree approach to education and student
accommodation. Many have their own international
student program and we recommend that you
                                                            Lunch options
carefully evaluate the options before final selection.      If you are looking to buy lunch whilst you are at our
                                                            premises we have a large number of eateries around Seven
Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and other                Hills Station. We are just beside train station and are
Australian cities have a European / North America           surrounded by take away shops, cafes and restaurants,
way of life, offering every kind of service, work, and      plenty to choose from.
fun. Quality of life is even better thanks to a lower       Seven Hills Plaza is a major Shopping centre in Seven Hills.
population density than most cities, low pollution          It is located adjacent to Prospect Highway and is home to
levels and modern and efficient infrastructure.             Woolworths, ALDI, and over 80 stores across fresh food, fast
                                                            food and casual dining, health and beauty, travel, fashion
Australian society is very multicultural, young and
                                                            and accessories, medical, general services and all the major
open-minded. The average age is 37. It's a place
where people from all over the world come to share
and contribute to a modern nation living
                                                            Seven Hills enjoys lower rental costs for apartments than
Immigration laws allow students to work for a
                                                            the Sydney CBD. Rental options can be found on
limited number of hours whilst studying on a
                                                            accommodation websites e.g.
student visa in Australia. Students can currently
work 20 hours per week during the Institute study
time and full-time during breaks. However, work is          Timetable of class
not always easy to find out and under no
                                                            ANIE delivers its courses in two shifts. Shift One is Monday
circumstances can students rely solely on income
                                                            (full day 9 am to 6 pm), Tuesday (full day 9 am to 6 pm) and
earned in Australia to pay tuition fees. Students are       Wednesday (9 am to 1.30 pm). Shift Two is Wednesday (2 pm
not permitted to work if it interferes with their           to 6.30 pm), Thrush day (full day 9 am to 6 pm) and Friday
study.                                                      (full day 9 am to 6 pm). Students have to follow this time
                                                            table when a particular shift will be allocated.

Campus location
ANIE campus is a hub of learning, diversity
and community spirit. Our campus location                  ANIE
places our students at the heart of a number
of enterprise offices. Our campus location
supports not only our students’ studies but
also their lives off-campus.

ANIE campus is in Seven Hills, Greater
Western Sydney region, 32 kilometres west
of the Sydney, 33-39 minutes by train from
Sydney Central Station.

ANIE is located just beside the train station;
it takes a 4-5 minutes walk to get there.
PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

Courses we offer
§   BSB50215 Diploma of Business
§   ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology
§   ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
§   SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
§   SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management

Fee structure (Offshore)
    Course                                CRICOS      Duration               Tuition Fee   Material    Enrolment   Total Course   Number
                                          Course Code                                      Fee         Fee*        Fee            of Terms

    BSB50215 Diploma of                   097138B           52 weeks         AUD 10,000        -       AUD 250     AUD 10,250     4
    Business                                                including 12
                                                            weeks holidays
    ICT50118 Diploma of                   099838B           52 weeks         AUD 10,000    AUD 1,000   AUD 250     AUD 11,250     4
    Information Technology                                  including 12
                                                            weeks holidays
    ICT60115 Advanced                     098331D           52 weeks         AUD 10,000    AUD 1,000   AUD 250     AUD 11,250     4
    Diploma of Information                                  including 12
    Technology                                              weeks holidays

    SIT40516 Certificate IV               0100560           78 weeks         AUD 16,200    AUD 1,500   AUD 250     AUD 17,950     6
    in Commercial Cookery                                   including 18
                                                            weeks holidays
    SIT50416 Diploma of    0100561                          78 weeks         AUD 13,200    AUD 1,500   AUD 250     AUD 14,950     6
    Hospitality Management                                  including 18
                                                            weeks holidays
    Packaged SIT40516 and                 0100560 and       104 weeks        AUD 20,600    AUD 2,000   AUD 250     AUD 22,250     8
    SIT50416 (2 years)                    0100561           including 24
                                                            weeks holidays                                *Enrolment Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

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PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

CRICOS Course Code: 097138B

BSB50215 Diploma of Business
Course Overview                                                    Course Costs
The BSB50215 Diploma of Business will provide international        The costs for this course are as follows:
students with skills and knowledge to be a Manager in a wide       §   Enrolment fee: $250
range of industry areas.
                                                                   §   Tuition fee: $10,000
Course Duration                                                    §   Materials fee: Nil
This qualification will be delivered over 52 weeks, including 40
                                                                   Course Structure
weeks of training and assessment spread over 4 terms of 10
weeks and 12 weeks of holidays. Holidays are 3 weeks per           The BSB50215 Diploma of Business requires the successful
term.                                                              completion of eight (8) units. These 8 elective units for this
Training consists of 20 hours of classroom training per week.      qualification have been chosen by Australian National Institute
                                                                   of Education to ensure that students achieve a broad range of
Target groups                                                      skills and knowledge in business.
The BSB50215 Diploma of Business course is suitable for those      The course structure is as follows:
international students who are:
                                                                   Units of Study
§   Seeking to pursue a career as a manager
                                                                   BSBADM504         Plan and implement administrative systems
§   Seeking to enter a new industry sector
§   Seeking a pathway to higher level qualifications.              BSBADM506         Manage business document design and
Career Outcomes                                                    BSBADM502         Manage meetings
Students who complete this course may be able to seek
                                                                   BSBHRM506         Manage recruitment, selection and induction
employment in a range of business management roles. Such as
§   Executive Officer
                                                                   BSBHRM513         Manage workforce planning
§   Program Consultant
§   Program Coordinator                                            BSBLED502         Manage programs that promote personal
Education Pathways                                                 BSBPMG522         Undertake project work
Students who complete this course may wish to further their
                                                                   BSBRSK501         Manage risk
study into the BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business or a
range of Advanced Diploma qualifications.                          Students will be required to do homework which will need at least 2
                                                                   hours of study per week.

PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

CRICOS Course Code: 099838B

ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology

Course Overview
ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology equips you with a wealth of IT skills. Your capabilities will go beyond
simply software use to include website creation, systems security, data gathering and business needs identification,
encryption technology installation and more. In keeping with the ever-changing nature of IT, you will also be set with
proficiencies to stay ahead of rapidly developing technologies as these emerge.

Course Duration
This qualification will be delivered over 52 weeks,                  Core Units
including 40 weeks of training and assessment spread                 BSBWHS501             Ensure a safe workplace
over four terms of 10 weeks each and 12 weeks of
holidays. Holidays are 3 weeks between each term.                    BSBSUS501             Develop workplace policy and
                                                                                           procedures for sustainability
Training consists of 20 hours of classroom training per
                                                                     ICTICT517             Match ICT needs with the strategic
week.                                                                                      direction of the organisation
Career Outcomes                                                      ICTICT509             Gather data to identify business
Students who complete this course may be able to seek
employment in a range of leadership and business                     Elective Units
management roles. Such as:                                           ICTWEB411             Produce basic client-side script for
§ Information systems office manager                                                       dynamic web pages
§ Office systems administrator                                       ICTWEB429             Create a markup language document
§ IT office manager                                                                        to specification
§ IT systems administrator                                           ICTWEB501             Build a dynamic website
§ Systems manager
                                                                     ICTWEB502             Create dynamic web pages
Education Pathways                                                   ICTWEB504             Build a document using extensible
                                                                                           markup language
Students who complete this course may wish to further
their study into the ICT Advanced Diploma or Vocational              ICTICT501             Research and review hardware
Graduate Certificate qualifications or other higher                                        technology options for organisations
education sector qualifications.                                     ICTPMG501             Manage ICT projects
Course Costs                                                         BSBPMG521             Manage project integration
The costs for this course are as follows:                            ICTPRG527             Apply intermediate object-oriented
§ Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable to be paid on                                        language skills
   application)                                                      ICTPRG532             Apply advanced object-oriented
§ Tuition fee: $10,000                                                                     language skills
§ Materials fee: $1,000                                              ICTPRG505             Build advanced user interface
Cost of the study materials provided to students by                  CUADIG502             Design digital applications
Australian National Institute of Education is included in
                                                                     ICTICT419             Work effectively in the digital media
the course fee as materials fee.                                                           industry
Course Structure                                                     BSBCRT501             Originate and develop concepts
ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology requires                  BSBLDR502             Lead and manage effective
the successful completion of total 20 units. Elective                                      workplace relationships
units, for this qualification, have been chosen by                   BSBLDR511             Develop and use emotional
Australian National Institute of Education to ensure that                                  intelligence
students achieve a broad range of skills and knowledge
in Information Technology. This course contains 16                   Students will be required to do at least 5 hours of homework
                                                                     per week.
Elective units and 4 Core mandatory units as follows:

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PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

CRICOS Course Code: 098331D

ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

Course Overview
ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
provides high level information and communications
technology (ICT), process improvement and business
skills and knowledge to enable an individual to be
effective in senior ICT roles within organisations. The
qualification builds on a base core of management
competencies, with specialist and general elective
choices to suit particular ICT and business needs,
especially in the areas of knowledge management and
systems development.

Course Duration
                                                            Course Structure
This qualification will be delivered over 52 weeks,
                                                            ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information
including 40 weeks of training and assessment spread
                                                            Technology requires the successful completion of
over four terms of 10weeks and 12 weeks of holidays.
                                                            five (5) core units and eleven (11) elective units.
Holidays are 3 weeks per term .
                                                            Elective ones, for this qualification, have been
Training consists of 20 hours of classroom training per     chosen by Australian National Institute of
week.                                                       Education to ensure that students achieve a broad
                                                            range of skills and knowledge in Information
Target groups                                               Technology. The course structure is as follows:
ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology is      Core Units
suitable for international students who are:                BSBWOR502         Lead and manage team effectiveness
                                                            ICTICT608         Interact with clients on a business level
§   Seeking to pursue a career as a senior manager
                                                            ICTICT610         Manage copyright, ethics and privacy in
§   Seeking to enter a new industry sector                                    an ICT environment
§   Seeking a pathway to higher education qualifications    ICTPMG609         Plan and direct complex ICT projects
                                                            ICTSUS601         Integrate sustainability in ICT planning
Career Outcomes                                                               and design projects
                                                            Elective Units
Students who complete this course may be able to seek
employment in a range of Information Technology roles in    ICTSAD505         Develop technical requirements for
                                                                              business solutions
a range of industries.
                                                            ICTSAD504         Implement quality assurance processes
Education Pathways                                                            for business solutions
                                                            ICTSAS601         Implement change-management
Students who complete this course may wish to further                         processes
their study into higher education qualifications in         ICTICT602         Develop contracts and manage
Information Technology.                                                       contracted performance
                                                            ICTICT508         Evaluate vendor products and
Course Costs                                                                  equipment
The costs for this course are as follows:                   BSBINN601         Lead and manage organisational
§   Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable to be paid on
                                                            BSBMGT608         Manage innovation and continuous
§   Tuition fee: $10,000                                    ICTPMG606         Manage ICT project quality
§   Materials fee: $1,000                                   BSBINM601         Manage knowledge and information
                                                            BSBMGT605         Provide leadership across the
Cost of the study materials provided to students by                           organisation
Australian National Institute of Education is included in
                                                            ICTDBS501         Monitor and improve knowledge
the course fee as materials fee.                                              management system
                                                            Students will be required to do at least 5 hours of homework
                                                            per week.

PROSPECTUS For International Students - Australian National Institute of Education

CRICOS Course Code: 0100560

SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

Course Overview
This qualification reflects the role of commercial cooks
who have a supervisory or team leading role in the             Course Structure
kitchen. They operate independently or with limited
                                                               The SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-
                                                               requires the successful completion of thirty three units
routine problems. This qualification provides a pathway
                                                               including 26 core and 7 elective units. These units of
to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels,          this qualification have been chosen by Australian
clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops, or to run a small         National Institute of Education to ensure that students
business in these sectors.                                     achieve a broad range of skills and knowledge for
                                                               hospitality industry.
Course Duration                                                Core Units
This qualification will be delivered over 78 weeks in total.   BSBDIV501         Manage diversity in the workplace
60 weeks will be used for training, assessment - spread        SITXHRM003        Lead and manage people
over six terms of 10 weeks each. Duration of holidays is       SITXCOM005        Manage conflict
18 weeks- spread over six term breaks of 3 weeks each.         SITXHRM001        Coach others in job skills
Training consists of 20 hours of classroom training per        SITXMGT001        Monitor work operations
week. This course has practical components which will          SITHCCC001        Use food preparation equipment
be delivered in a simulated kitchen during training. ANIE      SITHCCC005        Prepare dishes using basic methods of
has an arrangement* with a kitchen where the practical                           cookery
components will be conducted. Additionally, this course        SITXFSA001        Use hygienic practices for food safety
requires students to work in a commercial kitchen for 10       SITXFSA002        Participate in safe food handling practices
weeks on individual basis. The students need to arrange        SITXINV002        Maintain the quality of perishable items
their own workplaces. ANIE trainer and assessor will visit     SITHCCC006        Prepare appetisers and salads
these places on a pre-determined frequency and assess          SITHCCC007        Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
the student at work. He may also ask feedback from the         SITHCCC008        Prepare vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous
kitchen owner on student's performance. If a student                             dishes
cannot manage his work place, ANIE will arrange that.          SITHCCC012        Prepare poultry dishes
                                                               SITHCCC013        Prepare seafood dishes
Target groups                                                  SITHCCC014        Prepare meat dishes
Target groups for the SIT40516 Certificate IV in               SITHCCC018        Prepare food to meet special dietary
Commercial Cookery are international students who are:                           requirements
§ Seeking to pursue or further a career in commercial          SITHCCC019        Produce cakes, pastries and breads
   cookery                                                     SITHPAT006        Produce desserts
§ Seeking to enter a new industry sector                       SITHCCC020        Work effectively as a cook
§ Seeking a pathway to higher level qualifications.            SITHKOP005        Coordinate cooking operations
                                                               SITHKOP004        Develop menus for special dietary
Career Outcomes                                                                  requirements
                                                               SITHKOP002        Plan and cost basic menus
Students who complete this course may be able to seek
                                                               BSBSUS401         Implement and monitor environmentally
employment in a range of hospitality industry including
                                                                                 sustainable work practices
chef, chef de partie, etc.
                                                               SITXFIN003        Manage finances within a budget
Education Pathways                                             SITXWHS003        Implement and monitor work health and
                                                                                 safety practices
Students who complete this course may wish to further
their study into the SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality           Elective Units
Management.                                                    SITXWHS002       Identify hazards, assess and control safety
Course Costs                                                   SITXFIN004       Prepare and monitor budgets
                                                               BSBWOR203        Work effectively with others
The costs for this course are as follows:                      SITXCCS006       Provide service to customers
§ Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable to be paid on            BSBITU306        Design and produce business documents
   application)                                                BSBFIA401        Prepare financial reports
§ Tuition fee: $16,200                                         SITHIND002       Source and use information on the
§ Materials fee: $1,500                                                         hospitality industry
                                                               * Kitchen’s address: The Sapphire, 7 Station Road (North),

                                                               Auburn, NSW 2144.
        P R O SP E CT U S - I nt er n at io na l St u
                                                               Students will be required to do at least 2 hours of homework per week.

CRICOS Course Code: 0100561

SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management

Course Overview
This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior   Course Structure
operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills
                                                                SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management requires
combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of
                                                                the successful completion of twenty-eight units
industry to coordinate hospitality operations. They
                                                                including 13 core and 15 elective units. These units of
operate independently, have responsibility for others and
                                                                this qualification have been chosen by Australian
make a range of operational business decisions.
                                                                National Institute of Education to ensure that students
                                                                achieve a broad range of skills and knowledge for
Course Duration                                                 hospitality industry.
This qualification will be delivered over 78 weeks in
                                                                Core Units
total. 60 weeks will be used for training, assessment -
spread over six terms of 10 weeks each. Duration of             BSBDIV501         Manage diversity in the workplace
holidays is 18 weeks- spread over six term breaks of 3          BSBMGT517         Manage operational plan
weeks each. Training consists of 20 hours of classroom          SITXCCS007        Enhance customer service experiences
training per week. This course has practical components         SITXCCS008        Develop and manage quality customer service
which will be delivered in a simulated kitchen during                             practices
training. ANIE has an arrangement* with a kitchen
                                                                SITXCOM005        Manage conflict
where the practical components will be conducted.
Additionally, this course requires students to work in a        SITXFIN003        Manage finances within a budget
commercial kitchen for 5 weeks on individual basis. The         SITXFIN004        Prepare and monitor budgets
students need to arrange their own workplaces. ANIE             SITXGLC001        Research and comply with regulatory
trainer and assessor will visit these places on a pre-                            requirements
determined frequency and assess the student at work.            SITXHRM002        Roster staff
He may also ask feedback from the kitchen owner on
                                                                SITXHRM003        Lead and manage people
student's performance. If a student cannot manage his
work place, ANIE will arrange that.                             SITXMGT001        Monitor work operations
                                                                SITXMGT002        Establish and conduct business relationships
Target groups                                                   SITXWHS003        Implement and monitor work health and
Target groups for the SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality                             safety practices
Management are international students who are:                  Elective Units
§ Seeking to pursue or further a career in commercial           SITXFSA001        Use hygienic practices for food safety
                                                                SITHKOP005        Coordinate cooking operations
§ Seeking to enter a new industry sector
                                                                SITHCCC013        Prepare seafood dishes
§ Seeking a pathway to higher level qualifications.
                                                                SITHCCC014        Prepare meat dishes
Career Outcomes                                                 SITHPAT006        Produce desserts
This qualification provides a pathway to work in any            SITHCCC019        Produce cakes, pastries and breads
hospitality industry sector as a departmental or small          BSBCMM401         Make a presentation
business manager. The diversity of employers includes           BSBITU306         Design and produce business documents
restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs,
                                                                SITXWHS002        Identify hazards, assess and control safety
pubs, cafes, and coffee shops. This qualification allows                          risks
for multiskilling and for specialisation in
                                                                BSBWOR203         Work effectively with others
accommodation services, cookery, food and beverage
and gaming.                                                     SITXCCS006        Provide service to customers
                                                                SITXHRM001        Coach others in job skills
Education Pathways                                              SITHIND002        Source and use information on the hospitality
Students who complete this course may wish to further                             industry
their study into the higher education of hospitality            BSBSUS401         Implement and monitor environmentally
sector.                                                                           sustainable work practices
                                                                BSBFIA401         Prepare financial reports
Course Costs
                                                                * Kitchen’s address: The Sapphire, 7 Station Road (North),
The costs for this course are as follows:                       Auburn, NSW 2144.
§ Enrolment fee: $250 (non-refundable to be paid on             Students will be required to do at least 2 hours of homework per week.
§ Tuition fee: $13,200
§ Materials fee: $1,500                                                                                                       11

                                                           Application process

                                                                              Select from our range of courses in the
                                                                              International Prospectus or on our website.


                                                                     Attach required documents as outlined in the checklist
                                                                              of the International Student Application Form


                                                                     Once we receive your applications we will assess your
                                                                       application against the requirements of the course


                                                                              College assesses and verifies applications


                                                                      ANIE will organise an interview and LLN/Placement Test


                                                                                    If your application is successful we will
                                                                                                  issue you a Letter of Offer


                                                                     Review your Letter of Offer to ensure course fees,
                                                                     duration, payment plan etc. are stated correctly


                                                                                        Return signed Acceptance of Offer


                                                                        Required payment of tuition fee


                                                                                                Electronic Confirmation of
                                                                                           Enrolment (eCOE) will be issued


                                                                      Apply for a student visa. The Department of Home
                                                                      Affairs (DHA) is responsible for issuing visa


                                                                            Collect information from ANIE on what you are
                                                                          required to do once you have arrived in Australia


                                                                         Class commencements

12   P R O SP E CT U S - I nt er n at io na l St u

Entry requirements                               If one of the following applies, you do not need to provide
                                                 evidence of an English test score with your visa application:

All international students applying to enter a    § You are enrolled in full-time school studies as a principal
course with ANIE must:                               course including in a secondary exchange programme, a
                                                     postgraduate research course, a standalone English
 § Be over the age of 18                             Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students
                                                     (ELICOS), and Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored
 § Have an overall IELTS band 5.5 or above
    (or equivalent score in other English
    language tests) (Appendix 1- Acceptable       § You have completed at least five years' study in one or more
    English Test Score). English Test scores         of the following countries: Australia, UK, USA, Canada,
    must not be more than 2 years old on the         New Zealand, South Africa, or the Republic of Ireland
    date of application
                                                  § You are a citizen and hold a passport from UK, USA,
 § Have completed an Australian Year-12 or           Canada, NZ or Republic of Ireland
    equivalent secondary school studies
                                                  § In the two years before applying for the student visa, you
 § Meet the Student Visa 500 subclass                completed, in Australia and in the English language, either
    requirements                                     the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or substantial
                                                     part of a course leading to a qualification from the Australian
 § Attend Course Entry Interview with a              Qualifications Framework at the Certificate IV or higher
    satisfactory outcome                             level, while you held a student visa
 § Attend and pass Language Literacy
    Numeracy Test/Placement Test


Acceptable English test score
Where evidence of English Ianguage is required, the following minimum English language test score from the following
providers will be accepted:

  English language provider test                               Minimum      Minimum test score    Minimum test score
                                                               test score   where combined with   where combined with at
                                                                            at least 10 weeks     least 20 weeks ELICOS

  International English Language Testing                       5.5          5                     4.5

  *Test of English as a Foreign Language                       527          500                   450
  (TOEFL) paper based

  TOEFL internet-based test                                    46           35                    32

  Cambridge English: Advanced                                  162          154                   147
  (Certificate in Advanced English)

  Pearson Test of English Academic                             42           36                    30

  Occupational English Test**                                  Pass         Pass                  Pass

*The TOEFL paper based test will only be accepted from limited countries.
**The Occupational English Test includes a mark between A and E. An A or B is considered a pass.
The test must have been taken no more than two years before the student visa application is made.
Where Department of Home Affair's online application system indicates that documentary evidence of English language
proficiency is required, it is important for you to attach these documents to your visa application before lodging your
application. Failure to do so may result in visa refusal.
If English test is not mandatory to get student visa for your country of residence, you need to attend Course Entry
Requirement Test conducted by ANIE.

14       P R O SP E CT U S - I nt er n at io na l St u

Recognition of existing skills                                  Credit transfer for
and knowledge                                                   current competence
In accordance with the requirements of the VET Quality          Credit Transfer is the recognition of learning
Framework, ANIE provides the opportunity for students to        achieved through formal education and training.
apply to have prior learning, skills and knowledge              Under the Standards for Registered Training
recognised, and counted in relation to the qualification or     Organisations, qualifications and statements of
units of competence for which they are enrolled.                attainment issued by any RTO are to be accepted
What is recognition of existing skills and knowledge?           and recognised by all other RTOs. Credit transfer
                                                                allows the unit of competency previously achieved
Recognition of existing skills and knowledge is also known
                                                                by a student to be recognised when they are
as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and involves the
                                                                enrolling in a related course, where those units can
assessment of previously unrecognised skills and
                                                                assist them in meeting the requirements for a
knowledge that an individual has gained outside the formal
                                                                qualification. It is important to note that credit
education and training system. The recognition process
                                                                transfer is not RPL.
assesses the existing skills and knowledge against the
requirements of a unit of competence, in respect of both        If the student believes that they have already
entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By              attained units of from the BSB50215 Diploma of
removing the need for duplication of learning, recognition      Business, or ICT50118 Diploma of Information
encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills     Technology or ICT60115 Advanced Diploma of
and knowledge through structured education and training         Information Technology, SIT40516 - Certificate IV
towards formal qualifications and improved employment           in Commercial Cookery or SIT50416 - Diploma of
outcomes. This has benefits for the individual and industry.    Hospitality Management they are encouraged to
Most importantly, it should be noted that recognition is just   inform ANIE after commencing the program and
another form of assessment.                                     provide originals or verified copies of the relevant
                                                                qualification(s)/ statement of attainment.


Important Information

Living in Australia                                             Sydney has hosted multiple major international
                                                                sporting events, including the 2000 Summer
                                                                Olympics and the final of the 2003 Rugby World
Australia is a land of contrasts: sweeping golden beaches,      Cup. The main airport serving Sydney is Sydney (Sir
coral reefs rich with marine life, tropical rainforests,        Kingsford Smith) Airport and its main port is Port
mountain ranges, vast grazing lands and sparse deserts.         Botany.
One of the oldest continents, Australia is the only country
to occupy an entire continent.                                  As the financial and economic hub of Australia,
                                                                Sydney has grown to become a wealthy and
Surrounded by the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Australia has
                                                                prosperous city. The largest economic sectors in
many animals and plants, which are unique on the planet.
                                                                Sydney, as measured by the number of people
The surface geology is typically old and flat with a major
                                                                employed, include property and business services,
mountain range stretching down the eastern coast and
                                                                retail, and health and community services.
another mountain range in the north west of the continent.
                                                                Sydney offers variety of shopping complexes, some
New South Wales                                                 of which are in the shopping district in the city
New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia. It   centre, a place to find major international brand
borders Queensland to the north, Victoria to the south,         name labels. Chinatown, which includes paddy’s
South Australia to the west, the Tasman Sea to the east         markets, which is Sydney’s city markets, is a place
and surrounds the whole of the Australian Capital               for bargain hunting, Sydney also offers Chinese,
Territory. The state has various areas from cool temperate      Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Italian and Greek
areas on the far south coast to subtropical areas near the      food – cuisine to suit every palate and many to suit
Queensland border. There are numerous forests in New            a student’s budget. Sydney has an excellent public
South Wales. The Great Dividing Range extends from              transport system which is a comprehensive network
Victoria in the south through New South Wales to                of train, bus and ferry services. light rail lines,
Queensland, parallel to the narrow coastal plain. Just          airport links, sightseeing buses and taxi services
under two-thirds of the state’s population live in the          complement the network. the population is
Greater Sydney area.                                            approximately 4.7 million.

Sydney                                                          Climate

Sydney is the capital of the state of New South Wales           Sydney has a temperate climate with warm
(NSW). It is the most populous city in Australia. The city is   summers and cool winters, with rainfall spread
built on hills surrounding Port Jackson, which is commonly      throughout the year. Below is a guide to the average
known as Sydney Harbour, where the iconic Sydney opera          daily temperatures
house and the Harbour Bridge are prominent structures. It
                                                                Spring = Sep - Nov (11 - 24 degrees Celsius)
is a beautiful city with all the parks, sporting venues,
scenic places and beaches including the famous Bondi and        Summer = Dec - Feb (17 - 26 degrees Celsius)
Manly beaches.                                                  Autumn = Mar - May (17 - 24 degrees Celsius)
                                                                Winter = Jun - Aug (11 - 16 degrees Celsius)

16     P R O SP E CT U S - I nt er n at io na l St u

Cost of living                                         § $21,041 per year for the main student
                                                       § $7,362 per year for the student's partner / spouse
                                                       § $3,152 per year for each of the student's children
Where school-aged children are included in the         § $8,296 education cost on average per child per year
student visa application, schooling costs of AUD
8,000 per year for each child will need to be added    Student must demonstrate that the funds they are
to the amount of funds that is required.               relying upon to meet the costs of studying in Australia
International students are required to demonstrate     will be genuinely available to them during their stay in
and/or declare that they have genuine access to        Australia.
sufficient funds to be granted a Student visa. This
includes funds to cover travel, tuition and living     While the Department of Home Affairs requires students
expenses. Students may have to demonstrate             to possess the above mentioned funds. The cost of living
sufficient funds to cover these expenses for           in Sydney varies per students’ lifestyle. A general guide
themselves and their accompanying family               to costs of living including accommodation, groceries,
members while staying in Australia.                    eating out, gas, electricity, phone and internet, car (after
                                                       purchase) and entertainment per week can be found in
While international students are able to supplement
their income with money earned through part-time       australia/living-costs
work in Australia, the 'living costs' requirement
helps to support the success of students in their      Medical treatment in Australia is expensive. To meet the
studies by ensuring that they do not to rely on such   expenses of treatment for unforeseen accidents or
work to meet all their expenses.                       sickness, you will need insurance cover for the duration
                                                       of the course. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
As per Department of Home Affairs - Student Visa       can assist you to meet these costs of medical & hospital
Living Costs and Evidence of Funds, from 1st           care and will also pay limited benefits for
February 2018, Student visa students and their         pharmaceuticals and ambulance services. You can
family members must have access to the following       obtain OSHC online by visiting the OSHC providers’
funds to meet the living costs requirements:           websites.


Working in Australia
Australian workplace laws provide basic protection and        You are limited to 40 hours of work per fortnight when
entitlements for all workers in Australia, including          your course is in session, and unlimited hours in out of
workers from overseas. International students have the        session periods. This is to ensure you are mainly
same entitlements to minimum wages and conditions             focused on your studies. Work conditions for student
as Australian workers, as well as superannuation,             visa holders can be found on the Department of Home
workers’ compensation and work safety protection              Affairs website at
under Australian workplace and taxation laws.       
Minimum wages and employment conditions for                   conditions/visa-conditions-students
different occupations or industries, known as industrial
awards, are set out by Fair Work Australia and are            Work rights
available online at awards-and-
agreements                                                    The Australian government allows non-Australian
                                                              citizens to study in Australia with a student visa. A
Australian laws also protect you from being                   student visa is only issued if you have enrolled and have
discriminated against at work, for example, because of        been accepted through an approved registered
your race or your visa status. This could happen when         Australian Government provider for overseas students.
you are applying for a job, about to begin a job, or at       Prior to enrolling it is important that you understand
any time during your employment. For more                     the visa regulation for your country of origin. Details
information about discrimination at work, visit               about student visas can be found at entitlements/  or contact your local
protections-at-work/protection-from-discrimination-at-        Australian Embassy/Consulate. International students
work                                                          are permitted to work up to 40 hours per fortnight
If you feel you are being unfairly treated by your            during study period and full time during holidays.
employer, you can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman             Students who choose to work, are required to apply for
( for free advice and complaints          a work privilege after enrolment. ANIE does not
assessments. You can also call 13 13 94 from 8am –            organize work for students. Work hours are not to
5.30pm Monday to Friday inside Australia (except              interfere with your college timetable. If you require any
public holidays).                                             further information about your workplace rights and
                                                              obligations, for example, resolving a workplace dispute,
The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent legal               visit the Fair Work Ombudsman site at
agency that provides information and assistance for 
workers and employers to ensure they comply with
Australian workplace laws. Seeking assistance to              Please visit our website and Student Handbook for
resolve a workplace issue will not automatically affect       our Complaints & Appeals policy, Fees and Refund policy, Training &
                                                              Assessment Arrangements, Course Progress & Attendance policy,
your student visa.                                            Privacy Policy, List of Agents, available Support Services, Student
                                                              Transfer policy, Deferral & Cancellation policy, Health & Safety policy
                                                              and other information.

18      P R O SP E CT U S - I nt er n at io na l St u

Academic calendar 2019

  Term         Intake Date       Study & Break    Dates                 Duration     Public Holidays

                                                  7 October 2019 -      10 Weeks     7 Oct Labour Day
                                 Study Period
                                                  13 December 2019
  Term Four    7 October 2019                                                        25 Dec Christmas Day
                                                  16 December 2019 -    3 Weeks
                                 Term Break                                          26 Dec Boxing Day
                                                  3 January 2020

Academic calendar 2020

  Term         Intake Date       Study & Break    Dates                 Duration     Public Holidays

                                                  6 January 2020 - 13   10 Weeks     1 Jan - New Year's Day
                                 Study Period
                                                  March 2020
  Term One     6 January 2020
                                                                                     27 Jan - Australia Day Holiday
                                                  16 March 2020 -       3 Weeks
                                 Term Break
                                                  05 April 2020                      10 Apr - Good Friday

                                                  6 April 2020 –        10 Weeks     11 Apr - Day following Good Friday
                                 Study Period
                                                  12 June 2020
  Term Two     6 April 2020                                                          12 Apr - Easter's Sunday
                                                  15 June 2020 -        3 Weeks
                                 Term Break                                          13 Apr - Easter Monday
                                                  05 July 2020

                                                  6 July 2020 -         10 Weeks     25 Apr - ANZAC Day
                                 Study Period
                                                  11 September 2020
  Term Three 6 July 2020                                                             8 Jun - Queen's Birthday
                                                  14 September 2020 - 3 Weeks
                                 Term Break                                          5 Oct - Labour Day
                                                  04 October 2020

                                                  5 October 2020 -      10 Weeks     25 Dec - Christmas Day
                                 Study Period
                                                  11 December 2020                   26 Dec - Boxing Day
  Term Four    5 October 2020
                                                  14 December 2020 -    3 Weeks      28 Dec - Boxing Day Holiday
                                 Term Break
                                                  3 January 2021

Note: This is a generic Academic Calendar and may vary depending upon the qualification. Please contact ANIE to find
more specific information regarding the intakes and holidays.

   I E

Address : Suite 11, 197 Prospect Highway,
          Seven Hills, Sydney, NSW 2147, Australia
Phone    : 1300 812 355 (Australia)
           +61 2 9620 5501 (Overseas)
Email    :
RTO Code 41160 | CRICOS Provider Number 03682M

             Disclaimer: Information contained in this prospectus was correct at the time of publication and it subjected to change.
                                                   ANIE-International Prospectus-V.1.4-2019
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