Page created by Dennis Robles
Prosperity or peril
Federal Budget 2017-18

2.5%             $75bn                 Measures
                                       to stimulate
                                                            A forecast return
                                                            to budget surplus
Medicare levy    spending on           housing
increased from
July 2019
                 infrastructure over
                 the next 10 years
                                       supply and           by   2021
                                       investment in
                                       affordable housing

01    Overview........................................................................ 2

02    Housing tax measures..................................................... 4

03    Financial services............................................................ 9

04    Global taxes.................................................................. 10

05    Private business............................................................ 12

06    Personal taxes............................................................... 13

07    Superannuation............................................................ 15

08    Indirect tax................................................................... 16

09    Other tax measures....................................................... 18

10    Forward tax agenda...................................................... 20

Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 1

Is trust the new budget currency?
Regaining trust, and not a         So the 2017-18 Federal Budget
return to budget surplus,          has been framed around a
was clearly Treasurer Scott        suite of new institutions,
Morrison’s key objective for the   new regulation, new levies
2017-18 Federal Budget.            and a significant foray into
                                   directly funding key national
In recent years the budget
                                   infrastructure programs and
process has lost much of its
economic credibility, and with
a backdrop of growing distrust     The big banks, in particular,
of institutions generally, the     have been specifically
Government needed to push          targeted. There are new
the reset button. It needed – to   registration requirements
use the Treasurer’s own words      for senior executives, a new
– an “honest budget”.              regulatory agency to oversee

                                     Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 2
01 | Overview

consumer financial services        After an underlying cash deficit
complaints, and a new levy         of $29.4 billion in 2016‑17,
on bank liabilities, which         a surplus is now expected
Treasury expects will raise        by 2020‑21, with the budget
$6.2 billion over the forward      balance to remain in the black
estimates. All are likely to       thereafter. Indeed, the economic
pass the popularity test, with     narrative of the budget was one
the electorate and the cross-      of optimism. Economic growth
benchers. But the economic         will be modest this year, but
impacts warrant careful            pick up strongly next year and
consideration. Any mechanism       thereafter track at a healthy
that imposes a material cost       3 per cent. This growth will
on the financial system should     then underwrite strong nominal
be expected to adversely           growth in Commonwealth tax
affect future investment and       receipts. The only problem?
economic growth.                   We’ve heard this before. In
                                   virtually all recent budgets the
The Federal Budget is now a        forecast profile has been the
$460 billion endeavour. Though     same – a pick-up in economic
previous Budgets have gone to      growth 2-3 years out doing
lengths to try to communicate      the budget heavy-lifting. The
where revenue comes from           risk is that a slower-growth
and what programs it supports,     global economy will act as a
the Treasurer clearly thought      drag on our economy, and with
this was not enough. The           it, the lift in Commonwealth
solution? Hypothecation –          revenues expected to restore the
the policy of directly linking     fiscal balance.
revenue mechanisms to specific
expenditure programs. The          One important difference this
Treasury historically has          time is that the Government
railed against such schemes,       has finally addressed the
arguing they are inflexible        so‑called “zombie measures”,
and inefficient. But they are      that is, previously claimed
simple to explain and generally    budget savings measures
reasonably popular (as much as     with no realistic prospect
any tax or levy can be). So, the   of Senate support. Indeed,
2017-18 Federal Budget sees        the combination of budget
new hypothecation initiatives      initiatives, targeting housing
in the Medicare levy (now          affordability, defence,
specifically attributed to a new   infrastructure, welfare and tax
Medicare Guarantee Fund, and       system integrity, should make
with a 0.5 per cent increase       the path to a budget surplus far
to fund National Disability        less exposed to Parliamentary
Insurance Scheme obligations)      hold-up.
and a new levy on skilled
migration (directed to a new
Skilling Australians Fund).

                                     Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 3

Housing tax                                                                    • introducing a first home
                                                                                 super saver scheme to
                                                                                 permit future contributions

measures                                                                         to superannuation funds
                                                                                 to be withdrawn for a first
                                                                                 home deposit
As widely speculated in the         • measures to encourage                    • permitting “down-sizers”
lead up to this year’s Federal        investment in affordable                   to contribute some or all
Budget, the Government has            housing through managed                    of the proceeds of selling
announced a range of tax and          investment trusts (MITs)                   their principal residence to
superannuation measures to                                                       superannuation as a non-
                                    • introducing of an annual                   concessional contribution
address housing affordability         charge on foreign owners
in Australia, particularly in the                                                above and beyond
                                      of residential property that               existing caps
eastern States.                       is left unoccupied or not
                                      available for rent                       • disallowing deductions
The following tax and
                                                                                 for travel expenses
superannuation related              • changing the foreign resident              related to inspecting,
measures were announced               CGT regime                                 maintaining or collecting
as part of the Government’s         • denying foreign investors and              rent for a residential rental
comprehensive housing package:        temporary residents access                 property, and
• increasing the capital gains        to the CGT main residence                • limiting depreciation
  tax (CGT) discount for              exemption                                  deductions to outlays actually
  Australian residents who
                                                                                 incurred by investors in
  invest in affordable housing
                                                                                 residential real estate.

                                      Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 4
02 | Housing tax measures

As expected no changes were        rate and it is made available              investors supply their property
announced to limit negative        for eligible tenants on low to             for affordable housing. In
gearing. Below, we have            moderate incomes. Tenant                   this context, if an individual
provided additional details on     eligibility will be based                  rents out their property from
the key tax and superannuation     on household income and                    1 January 2018 as affordable
aspects of this package.           household consumption.                     housing, provided the
                                                                              investment meets the eligibility
Increased CGT discount             To qualify for this additional
                                                                              requirements, the 60 per
                                   discount, the housing must
for investing in                                                              cent CGT discount should be
                                   also be managed through a
                                                                              applicable from 1 January 2021.
affordable housing                 registered community housing
                                   provider, and held as affordable           Investment in affordable
From 1 January 2018, resident
                                   housing for a minimum period
individual taxpayers will
                                   of three years.                            housing by MITs
be granted an additional
10 per cent CGT discount for       Furthermore, the Government                In a welcome move, the
investments in qualifying          has indicated that current                 Government will seek to
affordable housing. This means     investments in affordable                  encourage private sector and
that individuals investing         housing through the National               foreign investment in affordable
in such properties will be         Rental Affordability Scheme                housing by allowing MITs to
entitled to a 60 per cent CGT      (NRAS) will not be entitled to             acquire, construct or redevelop
discount (up from the existing     the 60 per cent CGT discount               property to hold for affordable
50 per cent discount). This        because NRAS providers                     housing from 1 July 2017.
benefit will also flow through     already receive an annual                  Much of the detail of this
MITs to resident investors as      financial incentive to supply              proposal is lacking, however it
outlined below. The current        affordable housing. In order               appears that the Government
one-third CGT discount             to benefit from the additional             intends to amend the tax law
for superannuation funds           10 per cent CGT discount,                  to ensure that the acquisition,
remains unchanged.                 investors will need to wait until          construction or redevelopment
                                   their investments cease to be              of affordable housing is an
Whilst it is expected that
                                   covered by NRAS.                           “eligible investment business”,
the Government will consult
further on the implementation      Finally, the additional                    attracting flow through taxation
of this policy, it has indicated   discount will not be limited to            for resident investors (and
that a property will qualify as    investments in new affordable              thereby allowing them to access
“affordable” housing if rent       housing but will also apply                the CGT discount) and the
is charged at below market         to existing properties if                  concessional MIT withholding
                                                                              rates for foreign investors.
                                                                              To be eligible for the
                                                                              concessional MIT withholding
                                                                              rates, the MIT must hold, and
                                                                              make available for rent, the
                                                                              affordable housing asset for
                                                                              at least ten years. Where the
                                                                              property is held for rent as
                                                                              affordable housing for less
                                                                              than ten years, certain foreign
                                                                              investors will still have access
                                                                              to the concessional 15 per cent
                                                                              withholding rate on investment
                                                                              returns, but will be subject to
                                                                              30 per cent final withholding
                                                                              rate on the distribution of
                                                                              the capital gain from sale of
                                                                              the property.

                                     Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 5
02 | Housing tax measures

As an additional integrity           to foreign persons who make a              from 7.30pm (AEST) on 9 May
measure, up to 20 per cent of        foreign investment application             2017, the “principal asset test”
the income of the MIT may            for residential property from              will be applied on an associate
be derived from other eligible       7.30pm (AEST) on 9 May 2017,               inclusive basis.
investment activities permitted      will be levied annually and will
                                                                                There are also proposed
under the existing tax law. If       be equivalent to the relevant
                                                                                amendments to the current
this 20 per cent threshold is        foreign investment application
                                                                                foreign resident CGT
breached in any income year,         fee imposed on the property
                                                                                withholding regime, which
foreign investors will be subject    at the time it was acquired by
                                                                                came into effect from 1 July
to 30 per cent withholding tax       the foreign investor. Treasurer
                                                                                2016. Under the current
on investment returns for that       Scott Morrison indicated in his
                                                                                regime, where a foreign
income year.                         Budget speech that this annual
                                                                                resident disposes of certain
                                     charge would be at least $5,000
Resident individual investors                                                   taxable Australian property,
                                     per property.
will be able to take advantage                                                  the purchaser is required to
of the increased CGT discount        No information has been                    withhold ten per cent of the
for affordable housing (see          provided as to how this new                purchase price and pay this
above), for eligible properties      annual charge will interact                amount to the Australian
held via MITs. To access the         with existing state based                  Taxation Office (ATO). The
increased discount, the property     taxes. For example, the                    foreign resident vendor is
will only need to be held as         Victorian Government recently              then entitled to claim a credit
affordable housing for three         announced plans to impose a                in the tax return for the
years rather than the ten years      Vacant Residential Property Tax            amount withheld. Certain
required for foreign residents       on dwellings that are vacant               transactions, including real
to benefit from the 15 per cent      for more than a total of six               property transactions with a
withholding rate.                    months in a calendar year, from            market value under $2 million,
                                     1 January 2018.                            are excluded.
As noted above, the
Government has indicated             Changes to foreign                         From 1 July 2017, the
it will consult further on the                                                  withholding rate under this
implementation of this policy,       resident CGT regime                        regime will be increased from
including what property              A number of changes have                   10 per cent to 12.5 per cent.
will qualify as “affordable”         been announced to the foreign              In addition, from 1 July 2017
housing for the purposes of this     resident CGT regime. Foreign               the threshold for exempt real
measure and the increased CGT        residents are broadly subject              property will be decreased from
discount discussed above. The        to CGT only on the disposal                $2 million to $750,000.
Government may also need to          of taxable Australia property,             Whilst the Government’s aim is
consider whether GST changes         which includes real property               to reduce the risk that foreign
are required to allow input          in Australia and indirect                  residents avoid paying a CGT
tax credits to be claimed for        Australian real property                   liability they owe in Australia,
properties that are to be held for   interests. Broadly, a share in             as a result of these proposed
rental in order to support this      a company or an interest in a              amendments, a much larger
policy initiative.                   trust is an indirect Australian            number of transactions will
                                     real property interest where               be potentially caught by this
Annual charge on foreign             the investor holds at least ten            regime. Resident vendors are
owners of underutilised              percent of the company or                  not unaffected by this regime
residential property                 trust (known as the portfolio              - under the current law, a
                                     interest test) and real property           resident vendor is required to
The Government has announced         in Australia comprises at least            get a clearance certificate from
a “ghost house tax” for foreign      50 per cent of the underlying              the ATO confirming they are
investors who leave residential      assets in the company or trust             an Australian resident when
properties unoccupied or not         (known as the principal asset              they dispose of real property
genuinely available for rent for     test). The Government has                  that would otherwise be subject
at least six months of each year.    indicated that it will amend               to withholding. The original
The charge, which will apply         these rules so that, with effect           $2 million threshold for real

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02 | Housing tax measures

property was intended to carve       the main residence exemption               can then be withdrawn from
out the majority of residential      until 30 June 2019.                        1 July 2018. Withdrawals of
house sales. Assuming the                                                       concessional contributions
current clearance certificate        Helping first home buyers                  will be taxed at marginal rates
process remains in place, the        to save for a deposit                      less a 30 per cent offset. When
proposed decrease to $750,000                                                   non-concessional amounts
will have a huge impact on           Referred to as the “first home             are withdrawn, they will not
residential housing sales            super saver scheme”, the                   be taxed.
going forward.                       Government will amend the
                                     superannuation law to allow                A couple can effectively double
Denying access to                    first home buyers to withdraw              these limits by both taking
                                     future voluntary concessional              advantage of the measure to
the main residence                                                              buy their first home together.
                                     and non-concessional
exemption for foreign                contributions to superannuation            All first home buyers should be
and temporary residents              for a first home deposit.                  able to take advantage of this
                                                                                new measure, including those
The Government will amend            Under this proposed measure,               that are self-employed, due to
the law to prevent foreign and       from 1 July 2017, first home               the recent law amendments
temporary tax residents from         buyers can contribute up                   that will allow deductions
claiming the main residence          to $15,000 per year (and                   for personal superannuation
CGT exemption when they sell         up to $30,000 in total) to                 contributions from 1 July 2017.
a property in Australia. This        superannuation, within the
measure will apply from 7.30pm       existing contribution caps (i.e.
(AEST) on 9 May 2017. However        for concessional contributions,
under grandfathering rules,          the cap is $25,000 per year from
existing properties held prior to    1 July 2017). These amounts,
this time will remain eligible for   plus associated earnings,

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02 | Housing tax measures

Higher superannuation               Limiting depreciation
caps for downsizers                 for residential rental
From 1 July 2018, the               property
Government will allow a person      The Government has
aged 65 years or over to make a     announced that it will limit
non-concessional contribution       depreciation deductions on
of up to $300,000 from the          plant and equipment (e.g. hot
proceeds of selling their home.     water systems or dishwashers)
These contributions will be         to outlays actually incurred
in addition to those currently      by investors in residential real
permitted under existing            estate properties from 1 July
rules and caps and they will        2017. This means that when an
be exempt from the existing         investor purchases residential
age test, work test and the         property which includes
$1.6 million balance test for       items of depreciable plant
making non-concessional             and equipment, they will not
contributions.                      be able to claim depreciation
                                    deductions. Instead the cost
This measure will apply to the      of items of existing plant and
sale of a principal residence       equipment will be reflected in
owned for the past ten or more      the cost base for CGT purposes.
years and both members of
a couple will be able to take       Existing investments will
advantage of this measure for       be grandfathered such that
the same house.                     plant and equipment forming
                                    part of residential investment
Denying deductions                  properties as of 9 May 2017
                                    (including contracts already
for travel expenses                 entered into at 7:30PM (AEST)
on residential rental               on 9 May 2017) will continue
property                            to give rise to deductions for
                                    depreciation until either the
From 1 July 2017, investors         investor no longer owns the
will no longer be able to claim     asset, or the asset reaches the
tax deductions for travel           end of its effective life.
expenses related to inspecting,
maintaining or collecting
rent on a residential rental
property. This measure will
affect all taxpayers - resident
and non-residents - who receive
assessable rental property
income. Property management
fees paid to third parties such
as real estate agents will remain
tax deductible.

                                      Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 8

Financial services                                                              It is understood that the levy
                                                                                should be deductible to the
                                                                                banks, but this will need to be
                                                                                specifically confirmed.
                                                                                The relevant Budget Papers also
                                                                                highlight that the Australian
                                                                                Competition and Consumer
                                                                                Commission will undertake
                                                                                a residential mortgage pricing
                                                                                enquiry until 30 June 2018
                                                                                which will allow it to require
                                                                                banks to explain any changes
                                                                                or proposed changes they
                                                                                make to their interest rates
                                                                                and other fees.
                                                                                Relevantly, the United Kingdom
                                                                                (UK) introduced a bank levy
                                                                                in 2011. The levy rate was
                                                                                increased several times since
                                                                                it was first introduced, and
                                                                                recently a staggered reduction
                                                                                in the rate over the period
                                                                                to 2021 was announced (the
                                                                                UK levy is currently 0.17 per
                                     Liabilities subject to the levy            cent and will reduce to 0.1 per
Introduction of                                                                 cent by 2021,with those rates
                                     will include items such as
a Major Bank Levy                    corporate bonds, commercial                halved in respect of long-term
                                     paper, certificates of deposit,            liabilities/equity). In the UK,
The Government has introduced                                                   the calculation of the balances
a major bank levy on Authorised      and Tier 2 capital instruments.
                                     The levy will not apply to                 to which the bank levy attaches
Deposit-taking Institutions                                                     has been complicated to say
(ADIs) which have licensed           the additional Tier 1 capital
                                     and deposits of individuals,               the least, requiring in-depth
entity liabilities of at least                                                  reconciliations and extensive
$100 billion. The levy will apply    businesses and other entities
                                     protected by the Financial                 industry consultation to get the
from 1 July 2017.                                                               detail right. No doubt those UK
                                     Claims Scheme. It is not
The levy will be payable at a rate   immediately clear whether                  experiences will be relevant
of 0.015 per cent per quarter        the calculation will be based              as the Australian version
on the specified liabilities of      on global or only Australian               is developed.
Australian banks where the           balances, and whether the
qualifying liabilities of those      financial statements or
banks exceed the threshold of        regulatory returns will be
$100 billion. The Treasurer has      used as the foundation for the
indicated that this levy will,       calculations. Many essential
in effect, apply only to the five    details will need to be clarified
largest Australian banks.            in order to fully understand the
                                     implications of the levy.

                                       Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 9

Global taxes                                                                 mismatches that occur in cross-
                                                                             border transactions relating
                                                                             to regulatory capital known as
                                                                             Additional Tier 1 (AT1) by:
Building on already strong        Application of the hybrid                  • preventing returns on
anti-avoidance and integrity
rules within the existing tax     mismatch rules to                             AT1 capital from carrying
                                  regulatory capital                            franking credits where such
framework, Australia continues
                                                                                returns are tax deductible in
to pursue measures aimed
                                  The Government announced in                   a foreign jurisdiction, and
at addressing perceived tax
avoidance by multinational        last year’s Federal Budget that it         • where the AT1 capital is not
corporations (MNCs).              plans to implement the majority               wholly used in the offshore
                                  of the recommendations from                   operations of the issuer,
In addition to the measures       the Organisation of Economic                  requiring the franking
discussed below, the              Cooperation and Development’s                 account of the issuer to be
Government has also               (OECD) work on eliminating                    debited as if the returns were
announced changes to the          hybrid mismatches with effect                 to be franked.
foreign resident Capital Gains    from the later of 1 January
Tax (CGT) regime (including       2018 or six months after the               The measure will apply to
the relatively new foreign        relevant law is enacted. No                returns on AT1 instruments
resident CGT withholding          further announcement was                   paid from the later of 1 January
regime) as part of its housing    made in relation to the timing             2018 or six months after the law
affordability package. These      of these measures in this year’s           is enacted.
proposed changes will, however,   Federal Budget.                            Transitional arrangements
have wider ramifications. Refer                                              will apply to AT1 instruments
to Housing tax measures for       In this year’s Federal Budget,
                                  the Government has announced               issued before 8 May 2017 such
further details.                                                             that the measure will not apply
                                  that it will address hybrid tax
                                                                             to returns paid before the next
                                                                             call date of the instrument
                                                                             occurring after 8 May 2017.

                                   Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 10
04 | Global tax

                                          Anti‑avoidance Law
                                          The Multinational
                                          Anti‑Avoidance Legislation
                                          (MAAL), which took effect in
                                          Australia from 1 January 2016
                                          targets, in broad terms, certain
                                          arrangements designed to avoid
                                          a taxable presence in Australia.
                                          Originally intended to affect
                                          30 unnamed multinational
                                          corporations (MNCs), the
                                          MAAL cast a much wider net
                                          than expected, affecting a large
                                          number of MNCs.
                                          In the 2017-18 Federal Budget,
                                          the Government announced
                                          that it will extend the scope
                                          of the MAAL so that it will
                                          apply to:
                                          • corporate structures that
                                             involve the interposition of
                                             partnerships that have any
                                             foreign resident partners
                                          • trusts that have any foreign
                                             resident trustees, and
                                          • foreign trusts that
                                             temporarily have their central
                                             management and control
                                             in Australia.
                                          This measure, intended to
                                          ensure the integrity of the
                                          original policy intent, will apply
                                          from 1 January 2016.

Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 11

Private business                                                                It is also worth noting that the
                                                                                Federal Government has made
                                                                                good progress in implementing
                                                                                the reforms announced in last
Although not a specific focus        Extension of immediate                     year’s Federal Budget that
of this year’s Federal Budget,                                                  specifically affect small to
there are a number of measures       $20,000 write-off of                       medium businesses and start
that were announced that             depreciable assets                         up ventures.
will impact private business         The Government will extend
taxpayers:                                                                      Of particular note, the
                                     the immediate deductibility of             legislation to progressively
                                     assets costing less than $20,000           reduce the corporate tax
Changes to the small                 for small business entities                rate for companies with
business capital gains tax           (i.e. those with aggregated                aggregated turnover of less
(CGT) concessions                    annual turnover of less than               than $50 million and to
                                     $10 million) which was due                 increase the small business
The Government has                   to expire on 30 June 2017
announced from 1 July 2017                                                      aggregated turnover threshold
                                     by a further 12 months to                  to $10 million for certain
that it will limit access to small   30 June 2018. The measure
business CGT concessions to                                                     concessions (including the
                                     will provide additional time               instant asset write-off, but
ensure that they can only be         for small business to access
accessed in relation to assets                                                  not the small business CGT
                                     this concession, providing                 concessions) is now ready to
used in a small business or          significant incentives for many
ownership interests in a small                                                  be enacted to clear the way
                                     businesses to increase their               for small to medium business
business. Limited information is     current capital expenditure
currently available in relation to                                              taxpayers to be able to reap the
                                     spend. However, the after-tax              full benefits of tax savings.
this measure however it appears      consequences of the proposed
to be targeted at the application    immediate deduction for
of the maximum net asset value       depreciating assets should be
test and the small business          considered. For example, if this
entity eligibility requirements.     results in a tax loss, there is no
                                     immediate cash-flow advantage.

                                      Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 12

Personal taxes                                                                 Temporary Budget
                                                                               Repair levy will expire
                                                                               The Temporary Budget Repair
While individual taxpayers          the pressure on foreign investors
                                                                               levy of 2 per cent of taxable
were spared from any direct         in order to boost affordable
                                                                               income in excess of $180,000
tax increases in the 2016-17        housing for Australians. Some
                                                                               will automatically expire on
Federal Budget, all taxpayers       of these measures are applicable
                                                                               30 June 2017 under law that
– resident and non-residents        from 9 May 2017.
                                                                               is currently in place. The
– will be impacted by a range
                                    Other tax rates and levies                 Government has made no
of measures in this year’s
                                    such as income tax rates or                changes in this year’s Budget
Federal Budget.
                                    Medicare levy surcharge remain             to extend the Temporary
As expected, the Temporary          unchanged.                                 Budget Repair levy. Therefore,
Budget Repair levy which is                                                    excluding the impact of the
due to expire on 30 June 2017       Income tax rates                           Medicare levy, from 1 July 2017,
was not extended. Instead, the                                                 the top marginal tax income tax
                                    No changes were announced in
Government has announced an                                                    rate will be 45 per cent.
                                    the Federal Budget in relation to
increase of the Medicare levy       personal income rates.
(from 2 per cent to 2.5 per cent)                                              Increase of the
from 1 July 2019.                   Personal income tax rates for              Medicare levy
                                    the 2017-18 year will therefore
With regards to housing, the        remain the same as for the
Government chose to maintain                                                   The Government has
                                    2016-17 year (see table below).            announced that the Medicare
                                                                               levy will increase from 2 per
Table 1: Tax rates for 2017-18 income year                                     cent to 2.5 per cent from 1 July
                                                                               2019. Other tax rates that are
                                                  Non-resident                 linked to the top personal tax
                        Resident individual       individual 2017-18           rate, such as the fringe benefits
Taxable income          2017-18 marginal          marginal income              tax rate, will also increase.
threshold range ($)     income tax rate (%)       tax rate (%)                 For the 2017-18 year, the
0 – 18,200                                    0                     32.5       Medicare levy rate will remain
                                                                               at 2 per cent of taxable income.
18,201 – 37,000                            19                       32.5
37,001 – 87,000                         32.5                        32.5
87,001 – 180,000                           37                          37
180,001 +                                  45                          45

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06 | Personal tax

The Medicare levy low-income                          Private health insurance                             Housing affordability
thresholds for singles, families                      and Medicare levy
and seniors and pensioners                                                                                 The Government also made
will increase. The increased                          surcharge                                            announcements in order to
thresholds for the 2017-18                                                                                 reduce pressure on affordability
year are:                                             Although there has been no                           of housing for Australians.
                                                      announced change to the
• Individuals $21,655                                 Private Health Insurance Rebate                      Various measures will affect
  (increased from $21,335)                            and Medicare levy surcharge,                         foreign individuals with regards
• Families $36,541 (increased                         it is worth noting that the                          to Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
  from $36,001), with an                              private health insurance rebate                      such as:
  additional $3,356 for each                          percentage is indexed annually                       • CGT main residence exemption
  dependent child or student                          at 1 April.                                             is no longer available from
  (increased from $3,306)                                                                                     7.30pm (AEST) on 9 May 2017
                                                      The current private health
• Single seniors and pensioners                       insurance rebate entitlements                           for foreign and temporary
  $34,244 (increased from                             and surcharge applicable to                             tax residents, subject to
  $33,738), and                                       individuals who do not have the                         grandfathering provisions for
• The family threshold for                            appropriate health insurance                            existing properties.
  seniors and pensioners will                         hospital cover, from 1 April                         • CGT withholding tax rate on
  be increased to $47,670                             2017 to 31 March 2018 are                               sales by foreign tax residents
  (increased from $46,966)                            as follows.                                             increased from 10 per cent to
  plus $3,356 for each                                                                                        12.5 per cent from 1 July 2017.
  dependent child or student                                                                               • CGT withholding threshold for
  (increased from $3,306).                                                                                    sales by foreign tax residents
                                                                                                              decreased from $2 million to
                                                                                                              $750,000 from 1 July 2017.
Table 2: Private health insurance rebate entitlements and Medicare                                         • A new charge on vacant
levy surcharge from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018                                                             property owned by foreign
                                                                                                              persons who do not live in the
                                                                                                              property and do not rent it out
                      Full                                                                                    or have it genuinely available
                      entitlement         Tier 1               Tier 2               Tier 3                    for rent for at least six month
 Taxable income                                                                                               per year. This change will
                                                                                                              apply to foreign persons who
 Singles              $90,000             $90,001 –            $105,001 –           > $140,000                make a foreign investment
                      or less             $105,000             $140,000                                       application for residential
 Families            $180,000             $180,001 –           $210,001 –           > $280,000                property from 7.30pm (AEST)
                     or less              $210,000             $280,000                                       on 9 May 2017.
 Rebate                                                                                                    In addition, the Government
                                                                                                           will increase the CGT discount
 Aged under          25.934%              17.289%              8.644%               0%                     for Australian resident
 65 years
                                                                                                           individual taxpayers who invest
 Aged 65 –           30.256%              21.612%              12.966%              0%                     in affordable housing. From
 69 years                                                                                                  1 January 2018, such investors
                                                                                                           will be entitled to a 60 per
 Aged 70             34.579%              25.934%              17.289%              0%
                                                                                                           cent discount.
 or over
                                                                                                           More details and other
 Medicare Levy surcharge
                                                                                                           measures affecting housing can
 All ages            0.0%                 1.0%                 1.25%                1.5%                   be found in the Housing tax
                                                                                                           measures section.
Note: For families with children, the thresholds are increased by $1,500 for each child after the first.

                                                        Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 14

Superannuation                                                                 Extending tax relief
                                                                               for merging of
                                                                               superannuation funds
After the raft of changes           Integrity measures
announced in last year’s Federal                                               The Government has announced
Budget applicable from 1 July       The following integrity                    an extension of the existing
2017, limited superannuation        measures have been also been               loss relief and asset rollover for
changes have been included in       announced which are intended               merging superannuation funds
this year’s Federal Budget.         to ensure that the 2016-17                 until 1 July 2020. This measure
                                    superannuation reform package              will be widely welcomed by
Superannuation and                  operates as intended:                      superannuation funds that are
                                                                               currently in the process of,
housing affordability               • From 1 July 2017 limited                 or considering, merging. The
                                       recourse borrowing                      current relief, which has been
Two superannuation measures            arrangements (LRBA) will                in place since 1 October 2011
have been included as part             be included in a member’s               (although even this was an
of the housing affordability           total superannuation balance            extension of a prior measure
package, namely:                       and transfer balance cap.               dating back to 2008), is due to
• Voluntary concessional               Exposure Draft legislation              expire on 1 July 2017.
   contributions, as well as non-      was released on 27 April 2017
   concessional contributions,         that seeks to ensure that the           It is somewhat disappointing
   to superannuation made by           outstanding balance of a                that the Government has not
   first home buyers from 1 July       LRBA will now be included               seen fit to make this relief a
   2017 may be withdrawn for a         in a member’s annual total              permanent feature, and has only
   first home deposit, along with      superannuation balance                  extended it for another three
   associated deemed earnings.         and the repayment of the                years, as it is likely that the
                                       principal and interest of               consolidation of superannuation
• From 1 July 2018, a person                                                   funds will continue indefinitely
                                       a LRBA from a member’s
   aged 65 or over will be able                                                as the super fund industry
                                       accumulation account will
   to make a non-concessional                                                  grows and changes over time.
                                       be a credit in the member’s
   contribution of up to
                                       transfer balance account.
   $300,000 from the proceeds
   of selling their home. These     • From 1 July 2018,
   contributions will not be           members will have reduced
   subject to any age or work          opportunities to use related
   tests and will be in addition       party transactions on non-
   to any other voluntary              commercial terms to increase
   contributions made under            superannuation savings. The
   existing contribution rules.        existing non-arm’s length
                                       income provisions will be
See our Housing tax measures           amended to ensure expenses
section for further discussion.        that would normally apply in
                                       a commercial transaction are
                                       included when considering
                                       whether a transaction is on
                                       a commercial basis.

                                     Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 15

Indirect tax                                                                 fiscal equalization (HFE), which
                                                                             underpins the distribution of
                                                                             the GST revenue to the States
                                                                             and Territories.
Goods and services tax            Removing the double                        Under Australia’s current approach
                                  taxation of digital                        to HFE, which was agreed to by
Improving the integrity                                                      all States and Territories prior
                                  currency                                   to the introduction of the GST in
of the Goods and Services                                                    2000, the Commonwealth Grants
                                  The Government has confirmed
Tax (GST) on property             its commitment to remove                   Commission recommends a GST
transactions                      double taxation of digital                 distribution that provides each
                                  currency, such as Bitcoin.                 State with the capacity to provide
As part of its tax integrity      From 1 July 2017, the GST                  its citizens with a comparable level
package, the Government will      treatment of digital currency              of government services.
improve the integrity of the      will align with that of money
GST on property transactions.                                                The inquiry is expected to
                                  i.e. purchases of digital currency
From 1 July 2018, purchasers of                                              consider the influence the current
                                  will no longer be subject to the
newly constructed residential                                                system has on productivity,
                                  GST. Currently, consumers can
properties or new subdivisions                                               efficiency and economic growth,
                                  be subject to the GST on the
will be required to remit the                                                including the movement of
                                  purchase of digital currency and
GST directly to the Australian                                               capital and labour across state
                                  again on its use in exchange for
Taxation Office (ATO) as part                                                borders; the incentives for
                                  other goods and services (which
of settlement. By changing                                                   the States to undertake fiscal
                                  are also subject to the GST).
the compliance obligations,                                                  (expense and revenue) reforms
this measure will significantly                                              that improve the operation of
                                  GST distribution to the                    their own jurisdictions, and on
alter the way in which the ATO
collects the required GST.        States and Territories                     their abilities to prepare and
                                  In the lead up to the Federal              deliver annual budgets.
                                  Budget, the Treasurer has asked            Following a period of public
                                  the Productivity Commission                consultation, the Productivity
                                  to undertake an inquiry into               Commission is due to report
                                  the impact on our economy of               to Federal Government by
                                  Australia’s system of horizontal           31 January 2018.

                                   Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 16
08 | Indirect taxes

Other key indirect                 Duty relief for high tech                  business while simultaneously
tax measures                       manufacture                                accelerating opportunities
                                                                              for data analytics and risk
                                   As part of a range of measures             management as part of the
Tobacco taxation                   to promote high technology                 security focus of the current
The Government will adjust the     manufacturing businesses,                  Federal Budget. It will be
taxation treatment of roll your    customs duty relief will be                critical that industry engages
own (RYO) tobacco and other        extended to motor vehicle                  with Government to ensure
products such as cigars so that    producers for the importation              that the needs of business are
manufactured cigarettes and        of prototype vehicles and                  understood and incorporated
RYO tobacco cigarettes receive     components to automotive                   in policy implementation.
comparable tax treatment. This     service providers. Businesses
adjustment will be phased in       relying on this concession when            Strengthening food safety
over four years from 2017 to       importing these goods should               and assurance
2020 to match the timing of the    carefully review eligibility
                                   criteria relating to prototypes.           There are key initiatives that
previously legislated tobacco
                                                                              emphasise the requirement for
tax increases which occur on
1 September each year.             Technology in trade                        some of the largest Australian
                                                                              companies to control and
History has shown that any         Significantly, there is a                  monitor both supply chain
increase in the significance of    clear signal that the Federal              integrity and quality control at
these products as revenue items    Government will invest heavily             source. This includes specific
has triggered increased scrutiny   in a range of technologies                 measures to extend the power
and supply chain security          aimed at establishing a single             of Federal Government agencies
focus by Australian Border         data entry point that will limit           to detain imports at the
Force and related agencies.        duplication across a range                 border, together with specific
This suggests that importers       of agencies.                               requirements in the livestock
of tobacco products can expect     Whilst not limited to trade,               industry to ensure enhanced
more targeted reviews of           there are clear indications of             track and trace capability for
their imports.                     a digital transformation that              outbound trade which supports
                                   reflects the establishment                 domestic and international
                                   of a single window for trade               standards on live exports.
                                   and other government data,
                                   improving efficiency for

                                    Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 17

Other tax measures                                                            Targeting organised
                                                                              tax crime
                                                                              An additional $28.2 million will
Increase in Fringe                 Accordingly, the rate of FBT is            be provided to the Australian
                                   expected to be set at 47.5 per             Taxation Office (ATO) to target
Benefits Tax rate                  cent. As the Federal Budget                organised crime. Although
                                   papers do not indicate a start             limited details are available,
As noted in the Personal Taxes
                                   date for any FBT rate change,              this looks to be an extension
section, due to the increase in
                                   we would expect it to operate              of measures announced in
the Medicare levy to 2.5 per
                                   from the commencement of                   previous Federal Budgets to use
cent from 1 July 2019, the
                                   the FBT year commencing                    cross-agency collaboration to
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) rate
                                   1 April 2020 (at the latest).              counter crime and tax evasion.
will also be increased in line
                                   A corresponding increase in the
with the top individual marginal
                                   gross-up rate will be required
tax rate (plus Medicare levy).
                                   for calculating the taxable value
                                   of fringe benefits.

                                    Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 18
09 | Other tax measures

Recommendations from
the Black Economy
The interim report of the Black
Economy Taskforce, which
was established in December
2016, was released as part
of the Federal Budget. Three
recommendations from the
interim report were accepted by
the Government for immediate
action and announced in the
2017-18 Federal Budget:
• The taxable payments
   reporting system will be
   extended to the courier and
   cleaning industries from
   1 July 2018 with the first
   annual report required to be
   lodged by August 2019.
• A further $32 million will be
   provided to the ATO for one
   year of additional funding to
   target black economy risks
   including non-lodgment,
   income omission and
   non-payment of employer
• A prohibition will be enforced
   on the use, manufacture or
   distribution of technology
   and software that deletes
   records from electronic point
   of sale.

                                   Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 19

Forward tax agenda                                                          Australia up for future growth
                                                                            and prosperity. This is even
                                                                            more relevant in times when tax
                                                                            reforms are being undertaken
To round out this year’s         all sides of politics to succeed.          in many other jurisdictions (the
commentary on the tax and        It seems that in place of much             United States most recently
superannuation measures          needed wholesale tax reform,               formally embarking on a plan
announced in the 2017-18         the Government is targeting                for comprehensive reforms to its
Federal Budget, we have          discrete areas of change to                tax system).
highlighted below the current    taxation, such as integrity
status of previously announced   measures for multinationals                Australia as a nation needs to
tax measures. But first, where   and a reduction in the company             look at the sustainability of
are we up to with tax reform     tax rate.                                  the current tax system over
in Australia?                                                               the medium to longer term.
                                 While it might be said that                Many of the revenue measures
The last decade or so has seen   substantive tax reform is                  announced in the 2017-18
a number of attempts at large    currently ‘too hard’ to achieve            Federal Budget are one-offs
scale tax reform in Australia    in Australia, we should not                and do not address underlying
which have failed to achieve     give up on the challenge to                structural issues.
the necessary consensus across   create a tax system that sets

                                  Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 20
10 | Forward tax agenda

A lower corporate                   Status of other
tax rate                            outstanding measures
Following the release in            In the lead up to the Federal
April 2017 of the Trump             Budget, the Government
Administration’s high level         surprised us by indicating that its
principles for tax reform in        responses to the following critical
the United States (which,           issues would be considered
significantly, included a target    outside of this Budget:
corporate tax rate of 15 per        • reform to the Petroleum
cent), the Government has              Resource Rent Tax, and
renewed its commitment to
lowering the corporate tax rate     • tax treatment of stapled
in Australia to 25 per cent for        arrangements.
all companies over the next ten     Furthermore, we are still
years as first announced in last    waiting on the Government’s
year’s Federal Budget.              response to last year’s Research
The Government’s plan to            and Development (R&D) Tax
pursue the full corporate tax       Incentive Review conducted by
rate reduction package builds       Chair of Innovation Australia Bill
on its recent success in passing    Ferris, Australia’s Chief Scientist
through Parliament a phased-in      Alan Finkel, and Secretary
reduction to the corporate tax      to the Treasury John Fraser.
rate for companies that carry       The Review made a number of
on a business with aggregated       recommendations to improve the
turnover of up to $50 million.      effectiveness and integrity of the
                                    programme, achieve a stronger
Although a corporate tax rate       focus on additionality and
reduction for smaller companies     ensure that the current program
is a step in the right direction,   is better targeted.
the biggest economic benefits
will be achieved when Australia     Although the Government has
has lower income tax rates          made some good progress in
applicable to all businesses.       implementing many of its prior
Australia needs to reduce           year announcements affecting
tax costs to not only attract       taxation matters, there remains
foreign investment, but to          once again a backlog of measures
promote economic growth and         which still need to be dealt with
encourage investment and drive      and introduced into Parliament.
improvements in real wages.         This list has grown significantly
Global tax competition is a real    since the Government reviewed
and fundamental challenge           a backlog of announced but
to Australia’s ability to attract   unenacted tax measures in
international investment and        2013 to “restore integrity in
the base line corporate tax rate    the Australian tax system”. It is
is a key benchmark.                 pleasing to see additional funding
                                    allocated to Treasury and the
Only time will tell if the          Office of Parliamentary Counsel
Government can deliver on a         in this year’s Federal Budget
promise of broader corporate        to ensure dedicated drafting
tax rate cuts with the current      resources are available to progress
composition of Parliament.          “taxation reform legislation”.

                                     Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 21
10 | Forward tax agenda

Table 3: Key measures announced not yet introduced to Parliament

Measure             Status
Amendments          There are a number of proposed amendments to the tax consolidation regime that
to the tax          remain outstanding, including the treatment of deductible liabilities in the tax cost
consolidation       setting process. These amendments have been outstanding for many years and
regime              some of these outstanding amendments have retrospective start dates back to the
                    commencement of the Taxation of Financial Arrangements (TOFA) regime (in most
                    cases, income years commencing on or after 1 July 2010), or for arrangements that
                    commenced on or after 14 May 2013. The revised deductible liability measure is
                    proposed to apply from 1 July 2016.
Reform of           Major reforms to the TOFA rules are intended to reduce their scope, decrease
the Taxation        compliance costs and increase certainty through the redesign to the TOFA
of Financial        framework. The new simplified rules are proposed to apply to income years
Arrangements        commencing on or after 1 January 2018.
(TOFA) regime
Implementation of   The Government will seek to implement the anti-hybrid rules developed by the
anti-hybrid rules   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with some
                    minor modifications as recommended by the Board of Taxation in its report to the
                    Government. The anti-hybrid rules are proposed to apply to payments made on or
                    after the latter of 1 January 2018 and six months after enactment of the relevant
                    law. This is now to be supplemented with the additional measure announced in the
                    2017‑18 Federal Budget applicable to regulatory capital (see Global Taxes).

                                    Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 22
10 | Forward tax agenda

Measure                Status
Limiting the scope     The Government released draft legislation to implement the Board of Taxation’s
of the integrity       recommendations approach to improve the debt and equity tax rules. The new
provisions in the      rules, once enacted, will replace the existing related scheme rules and repeal the
debt / equity rules    equity override integrity provision, in relation to transactions entered into after the
                       commencement of the law which will be a day to be fixed by proclamation (or if there
                       is no proclamation, six months after Royal Assent).
Removing barriers      Key barriers to the use of asset-backed financing arrangements (that is, financing
to the use of asset    arrangements which are supported by assets such as deferred payment
backed financing       arrangements and hire purchase arrangements) are to be removed with effect from
                       1 July 2018.
Private company        From 1 July 2018, the operation and administration of the private company deemed
deemed dividends       dividends rules (Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) are to be
                       reformed so as to be clearer and assist in easing the compliance burden while
                       maintaining the overall integrity and policy intent of Division 7A.
Wine Equalisation      The Government has released draft legislation on proposed changes to the WET to
Tax (WET)              address integrity concerns. These changes include a reduction in the WET rebate cap
                       and tighter eligibility criteria from 1 July 2018.
New Collective      To complement the commencement of the Asia Region Funds Passport, the
Investment Vehicles Government will introduce two new types of CIVs - a corporate CIV and limited
(CIVs)              partnership CIV, both of which will have flow through status for tax purposes. The
                    corporate CIV is proposed to be available for income years starting on or after
                    1 July 2017, with the limited partnership CIV to follow one year later.
CIV non-resident       The Government indicated last year that it would consider non-resident withholding
withholding taxes      taxes on CIVs in the 2016-17 financial year. A consultation paper was released in
                       November 2016.
Protection for tax     From 1 July 2018, new measures will be introduced to better protect individuals
whistleblowers         (including employees, former employees and advisers) who disclose information to
                       the ATO on tax avoidance behaviour and other tax issues. A consultation paper was
                       released in December 2016.
Mandatory              In May 2016 the Government released a consultation paper seeking community
disclosure of          input on the adoption of the OECD’s mandatory disclosure rules for aggressive tax
aggressive tax         arrangements in Australia. Broadly, these will require tax advisers and/or taxpayers
arrangements           to make early disclosures of aggressive tax arrangements (often before income tax
                       returns are lodged), to provide tax authorities with timely information on arrangements
                       that have the potential to undermine the integrity of the income tax system.
Preventing franked A specific measure will be introduced to prevent franking credits being attached to
distributions funded a distribution declared by a company to its shareholders outside or additional to the
by capital raisings  company’s normal dividend cycle, to the extent it is funded directly or indirectly by
                     capital raising activities which result in the issue of new equity interests. This measure
                     will apply to distributions made after 12:00pm (AEDT) on 19 December 2016.
Improving the          From 1 July 2017, the ATO will be permitted to disclose certain tax debts to credit
transparency of tax    reporting bureaus where a taxpayer has not effectively engaged with the ATO to
debts                  manage their outstanding debts. This measure will initially only apply to businesses
                       with an Australian Business Number and tax debt of more than $10,000 that is at
                       least 90 days overdue.

                                       Prosperity or peril | PwC’s analysis of the 2017-18 Australian Federal Budget | 23
For further information, contact your usual PwC advisor or one of these contacts:
Managing Partner                                        Australian
Financial Advisory                                      Tax Leader
Tom Seymour                                             Pete Calleja
+61 (7) 3257 8623                                       +61 (2) 8266 8837                           

Economics                                               Global taxes                                            Superannuation
Jeremy Thorpe                                           Peter Collins                                           Naree Brooks
+61 (2) 8266 4611                                       +61 (3) 8603 6247                                       +61 (3) 8603 1200                                                  
Craig Fenton                                            Michael Bona                                            Alice Kase
+61 (7) 3257 8851                                       +61 (7) 3257 5015                                       +61 (2) 8266 5506                                                    

Housing tax measures                                    Private business                                        Marco Feltrin
                                                                                                                +61 (3) 8603 6796
Clara Cutajar                                           David Wills                                   
+61 (2) 8266 3497                                       +61 (3) 8603 3183                                                            Indirect taxes
Chris McLean                                            Kel Fitzalan                                            Michelle Tremain
+61 (2) 8266 1839                                       +61 (2) 8266 1600                                       +61 (8) 9238 3403                                                    
Josh Cardwell                                           Personal taxes                                          Ross Thorpe
+61 (2) 8266 0532                                                                                               +61 (8) 9238 3117                                   Glen Frost                                    
                                                        +61 (2) 8266 2266
Financial services                                                                  Other tax measures
Matt Osmond                                             Norah Seddon                                            Greg Kent
+61 (3) 8603 5883                                       +61 (2) 8266 5864                                       +61 (3) 8603 3149                                                     
Liam Collins                                                                                                    Michael Bersten
+61 (3) 8603 3119                                                                                               +61 (2) 8266 6858                                                                                  

                                                                                                                Forward tax agenda
                                                                                                                Paul Abbey
                                                                                                                +61 (3) 8603 6733

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