Protection Versus Progress: The Challenge of Research on Cannabis Use During Pregnancy

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Protection Versus Progress: The
                                     Challenge of Research on Cannabis Use
                                     During Pregnancy
                                     Katherine E. MacDuffie, PhD,a,b Natalia M. Kleinhans, PhD,c Kaeley Stout, BA,d Benjamin S. Wilfond, MDb,e

A central tension in pediatric research ethics arises from our desire to protect children from                                                        abstract
harm while also allowing progress toward discoveries that could improve child health. A
prime example of this tension is research on a controversial yet increasingly common practice:
the use of cannabis by women to treat nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Studies of cannabis
use in pregnancy face a combination of ethical hurdles because of the inclusion of pregnant
women and involvement of a schedule I controlled substance. Given the growing need for
research on the safety and efficacy of cannabis for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, we
reflect on the multiple historical contexts that have contributed to the challenge of studying
cannabis use during pregnancy and make a case for the ethical rationale for such research.

Departments of aSpeech and Hearing Sciences, cRadiology, and ePediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; bSeattle Children’s Hospital, Treuman Katz
Center for Pediatric Bioethics, Seattle, Washington; and dScripps College, Claremont, California

Dr MacDuffie conceptualized and drafted the manuscript and revised the manuscript; Dr Kleinhans reviewed and revised the manuscript; Ms Stout participated in the
literature review and reviewed and revised the manuscript; Dr Wilfond participated in conceptualizing the manuscript and reviewed and revised the manuscript; and
all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Accepted for publication May 18, 2020
Address correspondence to Katherine E. MacDuffie, PhD, Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, 1701 NE Columbia Rd, Box 357920,
Seattle, WA 98195. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2020 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Dr MacDuffie is supported by the National Institutes of Mental Health (F32MH118689). Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number s1, August 2020:e20200818R                                                                                       SUPPLEMENT ARTICLE
A common trope at the conclusion of        nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.6               doxylamine as Bendectin. This
empirical articles is “further studies     Within 2 years of its widespread use             approval followed numerous
are warranted.” In practice, however,      in pregnancy, the first reports                   epidemiological studies and clinical
practical, ethical, and historical         emerged of severe birth defects                  trials in which researchers showed no
barriers can pose considerable             ranging from deformed limbs and                  evidence of teratogenic effects of this
challenges for researchers attempting      organs to premature death.7 An                   combination treatment.11 Diclegis is
to advance knowledge in maternal           estimated 10 000 children were                   currently the first-line treatment of
and child health. Constraints on           impacted before distribution of                  nausea and vomiting in women who
research with pregnant women, for          thalidomide was banned worldwide                 do not respond to dietary and
example, are designed to protect the       in 1962.6 Thalidomide was never sold             lifestyle changes.13 However, Diclegis
fetus from unknown harms but have          in the United States, in large part              is expensive, often not covered by
left knowledge gaps on how to treat        because of the work of Frances                   insurance, and tends to be less
even the most common illnesses of          Kelsey, a US Food and Drug                       effective for severe symptoms than
pregnancy. “Morning sickness,” or          Administration (FDA) officer who                  alternatives.14 The more commonly
nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, is       refused to approve thalidomide                   used alternative is ondansetron,
experienced by an estimated 70% to         because of insufficient safety                    which is currently used by 1 in 4
80% of women and can profoundly            evidence (she was subsequently                   pregnant women despite lacking FDA
impact a woman’s professional,             awarded a Presidential Award for                 approval for use in pregnancy.3 In
physical, and emotional functioning.1      Distinguished Service).8 The narrowly            utero exposure to ondansetron has
Although symptoms range in severity,       missed thalidomide disaster in the               been associated with cleft lip and
50% of women with nausea and               United States led to major reform in             palate and heart defects in some
vomiting of pregnancy reported             the drug approval process in 1962,               trials15,16 but not others.17,18
negative impacts on their work             which tightened regulations for how              According to the American College of
effectiveness and relationships with       drugs are approved and marketed,                 Obstetricians and Gynecologists,
partners, and .55% reported feeling        including the requirement to prove               “there are insufficient data on fetal
depressed.2 Severe cases can result in     both safety and efficacy through                  safety with ondansetron use and
weight loss, high blood pressure, and      controlled clinical trials.9                     further studies are warranted.”13
increased risk of preeclampsia and
                                           Public awareness of the teratogenic
hospitalization, with potential
impacts on fetal health.3,4 Long-term
                                           effects of thalidomide led to                    CANNABIS AS AN ALTERNATIVE
                                           generalized fears about the use of
effects of severe nausea and vomiting                                                       Into this frequently changing (and
                                           antiemetics during pregnancy.
have been reported even after                                                               potentially confusing) treatment
                                           Bendectin (doxylamine and
pregnancy, including increased                                                              landscape for nausea and vomiting of
                                           pyridoxine) was taken by ∼25% of
posttraumatic stress in mothers and                                                         pregnancy now enters cannabis,
                                           pregnant women from the mid 1950s
reduced insulin sensitivity in                                                              which was initially approved for
                                           to 1980.10 However, reports in the
children.5,6 Despite the prevalence                                                         medical uses, including treatment of
                                           medical literature and popular media
and impact of these symptoms on                                                             nausea for patients undergoing
                                           began to suggest that Bendectin was
maternal and child health, there                                                            chemotherapy, in 1996.19 Cannabis
                                           also associated with birth defects.11
remain limited safety and efficacy                                                           appears to be an effective antiemetic
                                           After lawsuits were brought against
data on currently used antiemetics                                                          during pregnancy, and its use during
                                           the manufacturer, the drug was
during pregnancy.7                                                                          pregnancy is rising. Researchers in
                                           voluntarily taken off the market 1983,
                                                                                            a recent Canadian study found that
                                           not because of evidence of
                                                                                            92% of respondents reported that
THE TROUBLED HISTORY OF                    teratogenesis but rather because of
                                                                                            cannabis was effective for treating
TREATMENTS FOR NAUSEA AND                  its lack of profitability with the
                                                                                            their nausea and vomiting of
VOMITING OF PREGNANCY                      manufacturer’s increasing insurance
                                                                                            pregnancy,20 and women with
                                           costs.11 A 30-year period followed in
A prime contributor to our lack of                                                          more severe nausea and vomiting
                                           which no new antiemetics drugs were
knowledge about antinausea                                                                  symptoms report higher rates of
                                           approved for use in pregnancy, and
medications in pregnancy is the                                                             cannabis use.21 Whether taken for
                                           the number of hospitalizations of
lingering legacy of thalidomide.                                                            antiemetic, stress-relieving, or
                                           pregnant women for nausea and
Thalidomide began to be sold as                                                             recreational purposes, cannabis use
                                           vomiting more than doubled.12
sedative in Germany in the late                                                             during pregnancy has doubled over
1950s. When its antiemetic effects         In 2013 the FDA approved a “new”                 the past 2 decades, outpacing the
were noted, it was marketed as             drug, Diclegis, which contains the               trend in nonpregnant women; studies
a “safe and effective” treatment of        same combination of pyridoxine and               have reported an estimated 12% to

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S94                                                                                                                   MACDUFFIE et al
34% of pregnant women tested                     pregnancy is safe.31 The absence of               providers. For example, one study
positive or reported taking cannabis             data is felt by both pregnant women               found that only 36% of pregnant
during their first trimester.22,23                and their providers; both groups have             patients who tested positive for
Prenatal cannabis exposure may be                expressed a desire for more                       cannabis disclosed use to providers.39
increasing even faster in states where           information to guide decision-making              Fear of consequences may lead
recreational use is legalized; in                about cannabis use during                         women who are using substances
a study from Colorado, researchers               pregnancy.32,34,35 As they say, further           during pregnancy to avoid prenatal
reported a 69% increase in                       studies are warranted.                            care entirely.40 Indeed, at the state
tetrahydrocannabinol concentration                                                                 level, more punitive responses to
                                                 A barrier, however, to conducting
in meconium specimens since                                                                        prenatal substance use are associated
                                                 research on cannabis is its legal
legalization.24                                                                                    with an increase in low birth weight
                                                 status. Although medical cannabis is
                                                                                                   and preterm births, suggesting that
Similar to the case with prescription            currently legal in 33 states (and
                                                                                                   such policies have the unintended
antiemetics, there is uncertainty                recreational use is legal in 11), the US
                                                                                                   effect of worsening birth outcomes.41
about the safety of cannabis use                 government still classifies cannabis as
during pregnancy. There have been                a schedule I controlled substance.                Research on cannabis use during
few epidemiological studies to date,             Researchers seeking to understand                 pregnancy is still in its early stages
with the most consistent finding an               the mechanisms of action of schedule              and has the potential to follow a path
association with preterm birth and/              I drugs face multiple regulatory and              similar to that taken by prenatal
or low birth weight.25,26 However,               financial hurdles that have                        cocaine exposure research. In the
existing studies are confounded by               significantly impacted research                    1980s, a small amount of initial data
concurrent use of other known                    progress.36 In addition, research                 suggesting possible teratogenic
teratogenic substances during                    involving pregnant women is subject               effects of cocaine became amplified
pregnancy, such as tobacco and                   to an increased degree of legal,                  and publicized, and the resultant fear
alcohol.27 Despite these limited data,           ethical, and regulatory scrutiny dating           of “crack babies” was used to enforce
official medical guidance is                      back to the days of thalidomide.37                racially-biased criminalization of
unambiguous: the Centers for Disease             Together, these two factors can make              substance use among pregnant
Control and Prevention,28 American               conducting even observational                     women.27 A recent suggestion to
Academy of Pediatrics,29 and                     research on prenatal cannabis                     define a “fetal cannabis spectrum
American College of Obstetricians and            exposure difficult (as discussed                   disorder”42 suggests a similar
Gynecologists30 have all                         below) and randomized trials                      inclination among present-day
recommended against any cannabis                 impossible.27                                     scholars to prematurely label and
use while pregnant or breastfeeding.                                                               segment a cohort of children born to
                                                 The legal status of cannabis also has
                                                                                                   primarily low-income, minority
Despite these official                            real consequences for pregnant
                                                                                                   mothers. Particular care is warranted
recommendations, women continue                  women. Women who test positive for
                                                                                                   to avoid the same stigmatization from
to use cannabis during pregnancy,                cannabis during pregnancy or at time
                                                                                                   cannabis that resulted from early
and many perceive it as safe.31                  of delivery risk involvement of child
                                                                                                   research on prenatal cocaine
Compared with the known risks of                 protective services and even law
alcohol and tobacco during                       enforcement.32,35 Depending on the
pregnancy, women report less                     state, evidence of substance use
awareness about the risks of                     during pregnancy can be reported as               THE SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF
cannabis, and some perceive cannabis             child abuse and result in loss of                 PRENATAL CANNABIS EXPOSURE
to be safer than prescription                    custody, jail time, or forced substance           RESEARCH
medications.32 Use of cannabis may               treatment.38 Structural inequities in             Research on illicit substances and
be recommended to pregnant women                 how testing and reporting laws are                research with pregnant women each
by dispensary employees,33 and                   applied (ie, only to women on                     face their own regulatory hurdles
studies have revealed that health care           Medicaid) and systematic bias in                  and, together, create an area of
providers tend not to discuss                    rates of reporting to child protective            research that is not only more
potential clinical risks of cannabis             services mean that in many states the             challenging to conduct but also more
when counseling their pregnant                   impact of punitive policies is felt most          likely to raise ideological hackles.43
patients.32,34,35 Providers are hesitant         strongly by pregnant women of color               Many research topics in pediatrics fit
to discuss clinical risks because of             and those from disadvantaged                      into this category, given the strong
inadequate data,34 and some women                backgrounds.38 The fear of punitive               reactions that perceived harm or
have interpreted this reticence as               consequences is assumed to result in              mistreatment of children can
evidence that cannabis during                    significant underreporting to                      engender. Parents do not always act

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PEDIATRICS Volume 146, number s1, August 2020                                                                                         S95
in their child’s best interest;             NIDA and the IRB led to an in-depth              during pregnancy to permit the
therefore, a key tenant in pediatric        re-review of the study that involved             creation of social policies and
ethics is to restrict parents from          soliciting input on protocol and                 informed health care decisions for
making decisions that could cause           design from external experts in                  women and children that are based
unnecessary harm.44,45 However, the         teratology and obstetrics and                    on evidence rather than opinion.
premise that children should be             gynecology. Two minor changes to the
protected from research that poses          protocol were requested: clarifying              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
any risk would preclude discovery of        that continued cannabis use was not
new treatments for pediatric illness.       required and providing a fact sheet on           The authors are grateful to Anna
As Laventhal and colleagues stated,         cannabis and pregnancy. Both NIDA                Mastrioanni, Jenny Kingsley, Kimberly
“The tension between these two goals        and the IRB also confirmed the social             Sawyer, Douglas Diekema, and Aaron
—protection and progress—is                 value of this research. However, the             Wightman for their helpful comments
inevitable.”45 Pediatric research that      research continues to be targeted by             on earlier versions.
stirs up public controversy (for            activists who have explored
example, a public health study of           numerous avenues in their attempt to
children exposed to lead-based paint        disrupt or halt the study, including               ABBREVIATIONS
in low-rent housing in Baltimore) can       threatening to expose participants                 FDA: US Food and Drug
shift the priority of courts and other      and make reports to child protective                     Administration
regulatory bodies toward protection         services.                                          IRB: institutional review board
and away from progress.46                                                                      NIDA: National Institute on Drug
                                            As this experience makes clear,                           Abuse
The personal experience of one of us        research on cannabis use in
(N.M.K.) illustrates this tension in the    pregnancy is impacted by the same
context of prenatal marijuana               complex social and historical factors
exposure research. Our study is             that affect individual pregnant
designed to evaluate the impact of                                                           REFERENCES
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S98                                                                                                                               MACDUFFIE et al
Protection Versus Progress: The Challenge of Research on Cannabis Use During
   Katherine E. MacDuffie, Natalia M. Kleinhans, Kaeley Stout and Benjamin S.
                            Pediatrics 2020;146;S93
                        DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0818R

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Protection Versus Progress: The Challenge of Research on Cannabis Use During
   Katherine E. MacDuffie, Natalia M. Kleinhans, Kaeley Stout and Benjamin S.
                            Pediatrics 2020;146;S93
                        DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-0818R

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