Public Health Report - A Good Life in a Safe Society - Short version White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)

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Public Health Report - A Good Life in a Safe Society - Short version White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)
White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)

Public Health Report –
A Good Life in a Safe Society
Short version

   Ministry of
   Health and Care Services
Public Health Report - A Good Life in a Safe Society - Short version White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)
Public Health Report - A Good Life in a Safe Society - Short version White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)
Chapter 1 – Sustainable Public Health Work                                 5
  Main Elements of the Report                                             6
     Stronger Effort                                                       6
     Strategies in the Report and Planned or Reports, Strategies and
     Action Plans under work                                               7
     Effort for a Safe Society and Healthy Lifestyle                       8
     Effective Public Health work                                         10
     Potential of Prevention                                              10
  National Goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals                 12
     National Goals                                                       12
     Global Goals for Reducing Non-Communicable Diseases                  12
     UN Sustainability Goals                                              12

PART 1 – STRONGER EFFORT                                                  15

Chapter 2 – Early Intervention for Children and Youths                    16
  Early Intervention for Children and Youths                              17

Chapter 3 – Together Against Loneliness
– the Government’s strategy to prevent loneliness (2019-2023)             18
  What is loneliness?                                                     19
  Three Main Goals of the Strategy                                        19
  Together Against Loneliness                                             19
  Together Against Loneliness (2019-2023) Overview                        20

Chapter 4 – Reduced Social Inequalities in Health                         22
  Reduced Social Inequalities in Health                                   23


Chapter 5 – Effort for a Safe and Health-Promoting Society                26
  Local Environment and Local Social Development                          27
  Promotion of Quality of Life and Good Mental Health in the Population   27
  Age-Friendly Society                                                    28
  Injuries and Accidents                                                  28
Public Health Report - A Good Life in a Safe Society - Short version White Paper No. 19 (2018-2019)
Zero Vision 2019-2027 – Reduction of Serious Fall Accidents in the Home   29
  Violence and Abuse                                                        29
  Infection Prevention and Control and Antibiotic Resistance                30
  Food Safety                                                               30
  Drinking Water                                                            31
  Environment and Health                                                    32
  Preparedness                                                              33

Chapter 6 – Good Lifestyle and Healthy Choices                              34
  NCDs and Challenges                                                       35
  Improved Health and Quality of Life for People with Chronic Diseases
  or Sensory Loss                                                           35
  New National Tobacco Strategy                                             36
  Main Goals in a New Strategy                                              36
  New National Tobacco Strategy                                             37
  Physical Activity                                                         38
  Nutrition and Diet                                                        38
  Intoxicants and Doping                                                    39
  Sexual Health                                                             39
  Sleep                                                                     40
  Communication                                                             40

PART 3 – EFFECTIVE PUBLIC HEALTH WORK                                       43

Chapter 7 – Norwegian Public Health Model                                   44
  Norwegian Public Health Model                                             45

Chapter 8 – Health in all Policies                                          46
  Effort of the Voluntary Sector                                            47
  Cooperation with Commerce and Industry                                    47

Chapter 9 – Knowledge-based Public Health work                              48
  Knowledge-based Public Health work                                        49

Chapter 10 – Economic and Administrative Consequences                       50

                                                Chapter 1
                                                Sustainable Public Health Work

Health and well-being are important to           and we shall promote the use of new
everyone. The health and quality of life of      technology where relevant.
the population impacts the development
of society, which in turn is also affected by    Good living conditions, good health, quality
social change.                                   of life and well-being are interconnected.
                                                 Health promotion must facilitate good
The Government will contribute to a              health for everyone and contribute to
sustainable welfare state through a good         reduced social inequality in health. The
and systematic cross-sectoral population         Government prioritises early intervention
based public health promotion. Norway            to help ensure that children and youths
will follow up the UN sustaina-bility            have a good and safe childhood. At the
development goals and, in order to meet          same time, however, health promotion
the goals, good health promotion for all         must apply to all life phases. We are living
is essen-tial. Sustainability is therefore a     longer, which demands the facilitation of
consistent topic throughout this report.         activities, participation and good quality of
                                                 life in old age.
Public health work largely takes place in
all sectors and at all administrative levels.    The Government has a broad approach
The Govern-ment emphasises that the              towards public health policy. In addition to
voluntary sector, non-profit organisations,      a widespread health promotion to reach
commerce and industry, and public                the entire population, the Government
authorities must all cooperate on the            considers it important to facilitate
effort. The work will be knowledge-based         good health and good quality of life

                                                        Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society   5

amongst those with special needs. For                      Parts of White Paper No. 15 (2017-2018)
example, people with a chronic disease                     “A Full Life - All Your Life. A Quality Reform
or functional disability. The efforts of                   for Older Persons”, will be followed up
next of kin must be taken seriously. In                    in this public health report. The report
line with the Granavolden platform, the                    must also be seen in connection with
Government will use the principle of                       other reports, plans, strategies, and other
‘prevention is better than cure’, as a basis               efforts of the Government. A number of
in health promotion.                                       other reports, strategies and action plans
                                                           that impact health promotion have been
Main Elements of the Report
                                                           In addition, forthcoming and ongoing
The Government will continue to further                    work will be mentioned.
develop effective, systematic and long-
term public health work. An important                      Stronger Effort
part of this is to create a safe society and               In terms of children and youths, the
promote healthy choices. In particular,                    Government emphasises that early
the Government wants to strengthen the                     intervention is critical for good public
effort in some areas:                                      health. The life situation, childhood and
                                                           development of children and youths plays
• Early intervention for children and                      an important role, and it is important
  youths.                                                  to facilitate good parenting, safe and
• Prevention of loneliness.                                good homes, and a safe and good local
• Reduced social inequalities in health.                   environment. In this way, the Government
                                                           can promote good physical and mental
There is widespread agreement about                        health in the population. Good quality
most parts of the health policy, which                     kindergartens, schools and out-of-school
provides a good foundation for long-term                   clubs (SFO) are crucial to learning, well-
work. This report further builds on White                  being and health. Good cooperation
Paper No. 19 (2014-2015) “Public Health                    across public services is also important.
Report – Coping and Opportunities”. The                    The prevention of violence and abuse
main characteristics of the challenges we                  is an important part of the work to give
face are primarily the same as in 2015.                    children a good childhood.
Health promotion must be long-term, and
many of the elements from the previous                     Norway is one of the best countries in
report are continued and reinforced.                       which to live and for most people the

6   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

  Strategies in the Report and Planned or Reports, Strategies and
  Action Plans under work

• Strategy for Preventing Loneliness      • Report to the Storting (White
  (2019-2023) (included in this report)     Paper) on Early Intervention and an
• National Tobacco Strategy 2019-           Inclusive Education in Kindergartens,
  2021 (included in this report)            Schools and Day-care facilities for
• Zero Vision 2019-2027 - Reduction         school children
  of Serious Fall Accidents in the        • Report to the Storting (White Paper)
  Home (included in this report)            on Youth Policy
• Dementia Plan 2025                      • National Alcohol Strategy
• Action plan on Municipal GP             • National Health and Hospital Plan 2019
  Services                                • National Plan against the Outbreak
• Action plan on Improved Disease           of Highly Communicable Diseases
  Control with focus on Health            • National Programme for an Age-
  Institutions                              Friendly Norway (2019-2023)
• Action plan on Physical Activity        • NCD Strategy (Non-Communicable
• Action plan on Equality for People        Diseases)
  with Functional Disabilities            • New Strategy for Radioactive
• Action plan on the Prevention of          Contamination in Animals, Animal
  Suicide                                   Feed and Foods arranged by the
• Action Plan to Combat Racism and          Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear
  Discrimination based on Ethnicity         Safety Authority (DSA) and the
  and Religion                              Norwegian Food Safety Authority.
• Report to the Storting (White Paper)    • Cooperation Strategy to Promote
  on Children and Youth Culture             Participation and Strengthen the
• Report to the Storting (White             Opportunities of Children in Low-
  Paper) on the Human Rights of the         Income Families
  Mentally Disabled and Equality          • Strategy to Increase HL (Health Literacy)
• Report to the Storting (White Paper)    • Strategy to Combat Internet-Related
  on National Minority Groups               Abuse

                                                 Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society   7

materially standard of living is high.                     Effort for a Safe Society and Healthy
Nevertheless, there are social differences,                Lifestyle
which cause social health differences in                   A good local community and local
all age groups. A major challenge is the                   environment are basic prerequisites for
fact that many children live in families                   good health and quality of life. A good
with a permanently low income. The                         residential area with access to recreational
Government will reinforce the effort                       areas and safe school routes are
to reduce social differences through                       examples of things that mean something
targeted measures, and by creating                         in everyday life.
equal opportunities and good living
conditions for everyone, regardless of                     The Government will facilitate activities,
sex, age, disability, ethnicity, religion,                 participation and social community for
sexual orientation and gender identity.                    the elderly with the aim of nurturing
For the Government, real equality does                     relationships with family and friends,
not just mean formal rights, but also                      social networks, and creating good
real opportunities. Education, work and                    experiences and friendships across the
financial resources contribute towards                     generations. In 2019, the Government
counteracting differences.                                 will establish a national programme for
                                                           an age-friendly Norway (White Paper No.
Health promotion is also about promoting                   15 (2017-2018) A Full Life - All Your Life).
good quality of life. Among other things,                  In 2019, the Government established
this implies that one can take part in                     the ‘Council for an Age-Friendly Norway’
society and experience social support.                     to help with the implementation of the
Many people are lonely, which is a high                    programme. In the labour market, we
risk factor. By preventing loneliness, it                  have encouraged people to work longer
may be possible to enhance quality of life                 and our pension policy has increased the
and physical health, as well as prevent                    retirement age for both men and women.
disease and premature deaths. The                          Senior resources are an important
Government will increase the effort to                     contribution to society.
combat loneliness and launch a strategy
to prevent loneliness in this report. The                  In spring 2019, the Government presented
voluntary sector is an important resource.                 an escalation plan for the mental health
                                                           of children and youths. The work on
                                                           integrating mental health into health
                                                           promotion continues.

8   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

The health consequences resulting from         and intoxicants. Society shall help ensure
violence and abuse can be complex,             that healthy choices are easy choices.
serious and potentially fatal. The             More emphasis shall be placed on how
Government will continue the effort            information about healthy choices can
against violence and abuse.                    reach everyone. It is important that each
                                               person can make informed choices.
The prevention of injuries and accidents
will be a priority task in the future and      The Government is launching a new
special weight will be placed on a vision of   national tobacco strategy in this report,
zero serious fall accidents in the home.       which also presents the overarching
                                               goals, strategies and main focus areas
There may be a risk that important parts       for physical activity, as a basis for a new
of public health work will be taken for        action plan on increased physical activity.
granted. Fresh air, clean nature and
healthy indoor climate are fundamental         The Government will put forward a new
to health. Work on preventing antibiotic       national alcohol strategy. Cooperation
resistance is one of the major health          with commerce and industry on healthy
challenges we currently face. Radiation        eating will be continued.
protection, disease prevention through a
good disease control system, and work on       Health promotion must reach a variety
safe food and drinking water are crucial.      of target groups in society, which is
It is impossible to maintain the good          important. People with chronic diseases or
health enjoyed in Norway today without         functional disabilities experience special
protecting these areas. The Government         challenges and must be taken care of.
will therefore point out the importance of     Health promotion must encourage good
further commitment to these areas, which       health and well-being amongst all citizens.
are also closely linked to preparedness
in terms of drinking water and disease
control, etc.

The ability to make healthy choices is a
prerequisite for the good health of each
individual. The Government will continue
the work on encouraging healthy choices
by focusing on increased physical activity,
a healthier diet and less use of tobacco

                                                      Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society   9

Effective Public Health work                                Potential of Prevention
One of the hallmarks of health promotion                    Good health promotion can be cost-
is the cross-sectoral effort and awareness                  saving for both the individual and society
of how important it is that society as a                    at large. Both the individual and health
whole makes an effort to influence factors                  service are exposed to massive costs
that promote health and well-being in the                   attached to poor health and quality of
population. Cross-sectoral cooperation is                   life in the population, which challenges
therefore necessary in health promotion.                    a sustainable welfare system. Health
Similarly, it is important that private actors              affects participation in education and the
and volunteers work together with public                    labour market. It is positive that there are
authorities.                                                more elderly people and that longevity
                                                            is increasing, but it is important that the
In order for health promotion to be                         extra years of a person’s life are good.
effective, it must be organised well, and
there must be a system to monitor the                       With this type of perspective, preventive
effort and development of health and risk                   and health-promoting work is vital and it
factors. This applies at national, municipal                has proven to be cost-efficient in both the
and regional level. The Norwegian                           long and short-term (WHO 2014). A wide
public health model provides a good                         range of preventive and health-promoting
starting point for this. It is necessary to                 measures aimed at environmental and
conduct research on causes and effective                    social conditions, the facilitation of a
instruments. The Government wants to                        healthy lifestyle and preventive measures,
enhance work on the further development                     such as screening and vaccinations,
of knowledge-based public health work.                      is necessary. This contributes to good
                                                            health in the population, reduced social
                                                            inequalities in health, and a more
                                                            sustainable society and welfare state
                                                            (WHO 2014).

10   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

It has also been demonstrated that             Another example is that social costs
investment in health services also plays       related to illness and accidents were
a major role in life expectancy. The           estimated to be around NOK 1,860
hallmarks of countries with high life          billion in 2013, therefore preventive
expectancy are: a high GDP per capita,         measures have huge potential (Norwegian
investment in the health service and           Directorate of Health 2016). This also
education, and a healthier lifestyle. This     shows that the burden of disease is
requires effort across the sectors (OECD       responsible for the largest portion of
2017).                                         social costs at 75%, healthcare costs are
                                               estimated to represent 15% of all social
There is no data to show how much              costs and the loss of productivity is
the Norwegian society would save               estimated to represent 10% of the social
through good health promotion, but             costs combined.
the Norwegian Directorate of Health
has carried out several socioeconomic
estimates on preventive measures. For
example, the Directorate has found out
that if the population followed the official
dietary advice the social gain would
potentially be NOK 154 billion per annum
(based on data for 2013). The highest sum
is connected to longevity and improved
health (NOK 136 billion), including reduced
healthcare costs and lost productivity
(Norwegian Directorate of Health 2016).

                                                     Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 11

                                                            on UN sustainability goals, the goal was
National Goals and the UN                                   later changed to a 30% reduction by 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals
                                                            Specific goals have been set for the most
National Goals                                              important risk factors: alcohol, tobacco,
There is widespread cross-party                             physical inactivity and unhealthy diets.
agreement on the Government’s three                         The development in Norway seems to be
national goals in the public health policy:                 heading in the right direction for most
                                                            of the goals; however when it comes to
1.    Norway shall be one of the top                        the goal to stop the increase in obesity
      three countries in the world with the                 and diabetes, it is not. When it comes to
      highest life expectancy.                              the goal to reduce the intake of salt in
2.    The population shall experience more                  diets by 30%, there is some uncertainty
      years of good health and well-being,                  due to the fact that there are no figures
      with reduced social inequalities in                   for Norway over a prolonged period of
      health.                                               time (see Folkehelseinstituttet 2018 (the
3.    We shall create a society that                        Norwegian Institute of Public Health 2018)
      promotes good health throughout the                   and
      entire population.
                                                            In October 2018, the UN adopted a
The Government will pursue these three                      new declaration on non-communicable
national goals. The goals must be seen                      disease, where air pollution and mental
in relation to one another; but combined                    health are included on the NCD Agenda
they widely represent the public health                     (UN 2018).
policy, which primarily must be aimed
at the population. In addition, the goals                   UN Sustainability Goals
require an effort from all social sectors.                  The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
                                                            Development Goals (SDGs) forms the
Global Goals for Reducing Non-                              basis for both national and international
Communicable Diseases                                       policy development. The SDGs consist of
Norway has aligned itself with WHO’s                        17 global goals to be achieved by 2030.
goal to reduce the number of people who                     With these goals, a new framework has
prematurely die from non-communicable                       been adopted for development and
diseases (NCD), such as cardiovascular                      cooperation on global challenges, where
disease, diabetes, COPD and cancer. The                     efforts on health, quality of life and social
goal being 25% by 2025. Due to a decision                   equalisation play a central role. Norway

12   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

also uses the universal 2030 Agenda           to health, many of the goals are relevant
as a basis for national administration        to the health and quality of life of the
and policies. The Granavolden platform        population. For example, the nutrition
demonstrates that the Government              goal (Goal 2), the goal for clean water
considers the SDGs to be important to         and good sanitation (Goal 6), eradication
solve global challenges.                      of all types of violence against all girls
                                              and women (Goal 5), equal access to all
One of the main principles in the SDGs is     health services (Goal 10) and responsible
that no one shall be excluded (“Leaving no    use of medicines to counteract antibiotic
one behind”), which implies that the most     resistance. Safeguarding sustainable
vulnerable in society shall be prioritised.   social development in line with the
The third goal implies that the health and    sustainability goals provides direction for
quality of life of each individual shall be   the public health policy in the future.
guaranteed, regardless of age. Several
of the sub-goals are important for public     Monitoring of the SDGs has been
health:                                       integrated into the ordinary daily work
                                              of the Government. Co-ordination of the
• Reduce the number of premature              monitoring has been assigned to one
  deaths caused by non-communicable           ministry for each of the seventeen goals.
  diseases by 30% through prevention          The ministry submits a monitoring report
  and treatment                               about the goal it is responsible for in
• Promote mental health and quality of        its budget documents. The Norwegian
  life                                        Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates
• Reinforce the prevention and treatment      international monitoring and the Ministry
  of drug and alcohol abuse, etc.             of Finance summarises the main points in
• Reduce the number of deaths and             the report in the national budget.
  diseases caused by hazardous
  chemicals, air pollution, and
  contaminated water and soil

The manner in which Norway follows
up the sustainability agenda will have
consequences for health promotion
locally, regionally and nationally.
Cooperation is crucial in order to reach
the goals. In addition to Goal 3 relating

                                                     Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 13
Part 1
Stronger Effort

                                                            Chapter 2
                                                            Early Intervention for
                                                            Children and Youths

Chapter 2 takes into account that early intervention for children and youths
is a cross-sectoral responsibility and one of the most important tasks in a
society. Early intervention is necessary to prevent the need for more invasive
measures at a later stage and to provide a foundation for sustainable
social development. This chapter highlights the Government’s work on the
strengthening of parenting skills, the provision of good quality healthcare
and welfare services, and good quality kindergartens, schools and out of
school clubs. This chapter addresses the importance of good cultural and
recreational services, and a safe local environment. Special measures aimed
at youths will also be emphasised, for example, student healthcare and
welfare services.

16   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

                                                  schemes in lower secondary schools and
Early Intervention for Children                   disseminate them in a suitable manner;
and Youths                                   •    make the national professional
                                                  guidelines on food and meals in schools
The Government will:                              and out of school clubs (SFO) more
• consider testing out schemes by                 known, and contribute to developing
  carrying out the 4-year child check-up          and making available courses and
  in kindergartens;                               competence programmes for out of
• continue the all-inclusive commitment           school club employees;
  to the training and continuing education   •    further develop a selection of existing
  of teachers and head teachers;                  successful outdoor pursuit initiatives
• strengthen early intervention and               aimed at children and youths in
  competence on minority language                 educational institutions, such as
  children and youths throughout their            kindergartens, out of school clubs and
  education in accordance with the                schools through Norsk Friluftliv’s out-
  Government’s Integration Through                of-classroom learning project;
  Knowledge Strategy (2019-2022);            •    give the Norwegian Outdoor Board
• present a report (white paper) on early         (Friluftsrådenes Landsforbund) financial
  intervention and an inclusive education;        support to develop and run a project
• continue the work on competency to              that shall map and systematically
  combat bullying with more schools and           further develop successful outdoor
  kindergartens, as participants;                 activity measures for children and
• present a report (white paper) on               youths during holidays and recreation;
  children and youth culture;                •    continue the work on establishing
• further develop so the online            low threshold mental health services,
  resource is even more user-friendly as          including digital solutions for students;
  a communication channel between the        •    encourage the hosting municipalities to
  state and young people;                         review the prevention and early inter-
• strengthen the family counselling               vention services they have for student;
  service through following up the           •    continue to stimulate student welfare
  parental support strategy;                      associations and higher education
• present a report (white paper) on youth         institutions to offer initiatives for
  policy;                                         better mental health to students,
• present a cooperation strategy to               make information about mental health
  promote participation and strengthen            more readily available and increase
  the opportunities of children in low-           expertise on mental health issues at
  income families;                                the education institutions;
• consider following up the research         •    assess how work on the prevention of
  project by trialling extra time for             loneliness can be organised to benefit
  physical activity and PE in schools;            students;
• collect and identify good ideas and        •    consider introducing a trial scheme
  concrete solutions for breakfast                combining care with student homes.

                                                       Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 17

                                                            Chapter 3
                                                            Together Against Loneliness
                                                            – the Government’s strategy
                                                            to prevent loneliness

Chapter 3 reviews the Government’s strategy to prevent loneliness.
Loneliness as public health issue shall be highlighted through campaigns
and measures for increased social participation. The Government will also
acquire more knowledge about loneliness and the most effective measures
to reduce unwanted loneliness. The work on preventing loneliness shall be
more systematic and generate increased social support.

18   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

     What is loneliness?

     • In Norway the word ‘loneliness’ is used for both wanted and unwanted
     • In England the word ‘loneliness’ is used for the unwanted and sad loneliness,
       whilst ‘solitude’ is used for wanted loneliness: self-chosen isolation and
       withdrawal for needed rest, calmness, or to carry out a creative project, etc.

Three Main Goals of the Strategy                  Together Against Loneliness

The Government’s strategy to combat               The Government will:
loneliness contains the following three           • highlight loneliness as a public health
main goals and associated focus areas:              issue through campaigns, and increase
                                                    national and local awareness about
1.    Highlight loneliness as a public health       loneliness;
      issue and stimulate increased social        • stimulate the establishment of
      participation.                                gathering places to increase social
2.    Acquire more knowledge about                  participation;
      loneliness and effective measures.          • acquire more knowledge about
3.    Work systematically to prevent                loneliness and effective measures;
      loneliness and to generate increased        • work systematically to prevent
      social support.                               loneliness and increase social support.

                                                         Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 19

Together Against Loneliness
(2019-2023) Overview

     Main Goal 1                                            Focus area 3
     Highlight loneliness as a public health                Measures aimed to lonely elderly people
     issue and stimulate increased social
     participation                                          • Develop and test technological tools to
                                                              help combat loneliness amongst the
Focus area 1                                                  elderly.
Cooperate with the voluntary sector to help                 • Activity measures to counteract
combat loneliness                                             loneliness and passivity.
                                                            • Preventive home visits.
Focus area 2                                                • Give the elderly zest for life and zest for
Measures aimed to lonely youths                               life certification.
                                                            • Visiting and activity friends in elderly
• Highlight loneliness and meetings                           care.
  across generations as part of the                         • Local gathering places.
  programme for munici-pal health                           • Contribute to the development of
  promotion (2017-2026)                                       more diverse gathering places across
• Consider establishing youth panels.                         generations.
• Place life management skills on the
• Work towards social participation
  amongst children and youths.
• Assess the need for new gathering
• Make it easier for children and youths
  to participate in recreational activities.
• Provide technological support for
  recreational activities for children and
  youths with functional disabilities, and
  their families.
• Improve the mental health of students
  and prevent loneliness.

20   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

  Main Goal 2                                      Main Goal 3
  Acquire more knowledge about                     Work systematically to prevent
  loneliness and effective measures                loneliness and generate increased
                                                   social support
Focus area 4
Summaries of knowledge and research on          Focus area 5
loneliness and effective measures               Loneliness and incorporation into the
                                                Norwegian Public Health Act, Section 7
• Consider measures that will allow data
  on quality of life to be made available in    Focus area 6
  the best possible way.                        Ensure that emphasis is placed on loneliness
• Consider how to develop indicators for        and social support when assessing new
  loneliness amongst adults in the public       measures in all relevant sectors
  health profiles.
• Contribute to more knowledge about            • Use planning and building measures
  the affect loneliness has on mental             to develop local communities that may
  health.                                         prevent loneliness.
• Contribute towards systematic                 • Accessibility, transport and homes for
  evaluations on the effect of measures           the future.
  for the prevention of loneliness and
  increase social support.
• Research on technological assistive
  devices to increase social contact and
  cooperation across the generations.
• Contribute to more research on what
  social media means to the lonely and
  social support.

                                                       Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 21

                                                            Chapter 4
                                                            Reduced Social Inequalities
                                                            in Health

Chapter 4 describes the Government’s policy for reducing social inequalities
in health. Public health and social differences in healthcare are closely
linked to the development of welfare and differences in living conditions,
employment, education and income. It is necessary to have measures
aimed at the whole cause and effect chain - from basic living conditions to
lifestyles, and physical and social environmental factors and health services.
Potential differential impacts of measures and strategies at both local and
national levels must be assessed, and an external review of Norway’s policy
for reducing social health differences must be considered.

22   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Reduced Social Inequalities
in Health

The Government will:
• place emphasis on differential impacts      • unveil the causes of social inequalities
  when prioritising public health               when using health services and in
  measures;                                     treatment results;
• continue sector reports on the status       • continue the effort against child
  of national public health work and            poverty;
  reinforce the differential perspective in   • continue the work on improving living
  indicator reports;                            conditions in exposed urban areas
• facilitate fulfilment of the Norwegian        through priority areas;
  Public Health Act and Instructions          • continue the work on reducing upper
  for Official Studies relating to the          secondary school dropout rates;
  assessment of consequences for              • follow up the effort on inclusion and
  public health (where relevant) through        integration to get more people having
  a systematic assessment of how                a work.
  measures and strategies impact
  the distribution of healthcare to the
  population socially and geographically;
• consider an external review of the
  national policy for equalisation of
  social health differences. Such a review
  could form the basis for a new national
  strategy for equalisation of social
  health differences;

                                                    Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 23
Part 2
Effort for a Safe Society
 and Healthy Lifestyle

                                      Chapter 5
                                      Effort for a Safe and
                                      Health-Promoting Society

Chapter 5 is about a more health-promoting society and places emphasis
on the development of a society that promotes health and well-being. It
includes a society that promotes good mental health and has an age-friendly
approach. Active ageing is about looking upon the elderly as a social resource,
and facilitating participation and involvement. An age-friendly society will
include measures that stimulate activity and coping skills.

The local environment and local social development are central in public
health work. A good local community is important for quality of life and
development of social networks, which contribute to well-being, the sense
of belonging and good health. One of the goals is to develop a more health-
promoting environment and protect the population against environmental
factors, such as air pollution, environmental toxins, radiation, poor indoor
climate, the risk of accidents and injuries, and food and waterbourne
diseases. The prevention of violence is a central aspect of the work.

The chapter presents a zero vision for serious fall accidents in the home
and discusses the Government’s work on strengthening and acquiring more
knowledge about the population’s quality of life.

Local Environment and Local                    Promotion of Quality of Life
Social Development                             and Good Mental Health in
                                               the Population
The Government will:
• continue to work on priority areas in        The Government will:
  the largest towns and cities to improve      • follow up the Government’s strategy for
  boroughs with social problems;                 good mental health ‘Coping with Life’
• draw attention to and support the              (2017-2022)
  building of homes in high-density            • assess how data on quality of life can
  building projects that provide a good          best be made available;
  local environment;                           • facilitate further work on ethical
• draw attention to and support the              guidelines for influencers, networks
  development of activity-friendly               and advertisers to prevent body-image
  residential areas, local environments          pressure;
  and local communities in a new action        • recapitulate known knowledge and
  plan on physical activity;                     conduct research on how lifestyle
• revise the guidelines on nature-friendly       affects mental health;
  adaptation and complete the guideline        • develop and adapt tools and methods
  materials for planning and facilitating        to integrate consideration towards the
  outdoor recreation pathways;                   living conditions, health and quality
• initiate a multi-year pathways                 of life of immigrants in local health
  project with the aim of promoting a            promotion;
  coherent network of hiking trails in         • draft a new action plan on the
  municipalities;                                prevention of suicide.
• put forward a proposal in 2019 stating
  that the Norwegian Outdoor Recreation
  Act can give general access to non-
  motorised roaming on uncultivated

Age-Friendly Society                                        Injuries and Accidents

The Government will:                                        The Government will:
• implement a national programme for                        • strengthen the knowledge base for
  an age-friendly Norway as part of the                       injuries and accidents, as well as, for
  quality reform for the elderly– A Full                      example, provide better and more
  Life - All Your Life. The programme                         complete injury data, and make such
  shall be included and concretise                            data more available;
  ‘More Years - More Opportunities.                         • facilitate cooperation between the
  The Government’s strategy for an                            public, private and voluntary sectors,
  age-friendly society’. The programme                        and reinforce injury prevention forums
  shall build on partnerships and                             and so forth.
  cooperation with various enterprises
  and organisations across the sectors;
• establish a national ombudsman for
  the elderly.

28   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Zero Vision 2019-2027                             Violence and Abuse
– Reduction of Serious Fall
Accidents in the Home                             The Government will:
                                                  • continue the effort against violence and
The Government will:                                abuse, and follow up the Government’s
• develop a cross-sectoral zero vision              escalation plan;
  action plan on serious fall accidents           • further develop the action plan on
  in the home. Among other things, the              violence in close relationships;
  action plan shall cover assistive devices       • draft a strategy to tackle internet-
  and welfare technology, prevention-               related abuse;
  based home visits, physical activity and        • follow up a new action plan on rape
  balance training, dietary measures,               (2019-2022);
  review of prescription drug use and             • ensure that indicators for violence and
  follow up after a fall. It may also include       abuse are incorporated into the public
  home adaptation and counselling.                  health profiles;
                                                  • consider further monitoring of
                                                    measures to combat violence and
                                                    abuse in the public health programme;
                                                  • prioritise work on the prevention of
                                                    violence and abuse against children
                                                    and reinforcing treatment offered to
                                                    people guilty of abuse;

                                                         Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 29

Infection Prevention and Control Food Safety
and Antibiotic Resistance
                                                            The Government will:
The Government will:                                        • follow developments in relation to
• continue to prioritise the work on                          contamination from vegetable food
  antibiotic resistance through the                           products and will ask the Norwegian
  implementation of a national strategy                       Food Safety Authority to continue to
  on antibiotic resistance (2015-2020),                       oversee that Norwegian enterprises
  action plans on antibiotic resistance                       and importers have good systems
  in the health service and improved                          in place to ensure that ready-to-eat
  infection prevention and control;                           vegetable products are safe;
• enable health personnel in Norway to                      • consider measures to protect children
  take Master degree programmes in                            and youths against health damage
  infection prevention and control;                           caused by a high-consumption of
• initiate a process that will pave the way                   energy drinks:
  for earlier inclusion of knowledge about                  • draft a new strategy on the
  infection prevention and control in all                     strengthening of preparedness and
  relevant medical specialities;                              information in the management of
• consider an accreditation system for                        radioactive contamination in animals.
  infection epidemiology.                                     animal feed and foodstuffs arranged
                                                              by the Norwegian Radiation and
                                                              Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) and the
                                                              Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

30   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Drinking Water

The Government will:
• take part in the work on capacity
  building and development of
  international support tools for
  monitoring disease, as well as risk-
  based monitoring of the quality of
  drinking water in conjunction with the
  UNECE – WHO/Europe Protocol on
  Water and Health;
• evaluate and update the
  implementation plan for national water
  and health goals by 2020;
• consider a technology development
  programme for the water industry;
• establish an interdepartmental
  cooperation forum aimed at unified
  management, with an aim to see water,
  sewerage, etc., which might affect
  drinking water or if it is important for
  the safety of the community in context;
• consider forming a committee to review
  water reports aimed at identifying
  weaknesses and challenges within this
  field and make it more efficient.

                                                      Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 31

Environment and Health                                      • consider whether the zone boundaries
                                                              in the guidelines for the treatment of
The Government will:                                          air quality in land use planning (T-1520)
• consider models that will provide better                    should be changed in line with new
  support to municipalities within the                        national goals, as well as potentially
  context of environment and health;                          change the zone boundaries;
• continue cooperation with other                           • consider updating the knowledge base
  European countries on monitoring                            for the threshold values of airborne
  developments relating to the                                particles that should apply from 2020;
  contents of environmental toxins                          • consider measures to strengthen local
  in the population, and continue to                          air quality implementation capacities;
  work on mapping and observing                             • start the work on setting new national
  environmental chemical exposure                             goals for noise, for example, work out
  in the Norwegian population, for                            new noise measurement indicators
  example, synergy effects between                            focusing on sleep, unveil cost-
  radioactive contamination and other                         efficient noise reducing measures and
  environmental toxins, as well as                            consider implementing recommended
  provide a good knowledge base to                            measures;
  assess potential health effects;                          • evaluate how technical building
• increase knowledge about air pollution                      requirements take into consideration
  through research and systematic                             health matters.
  mapping, for example, about the effect
  of such measures;

32   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society


The Government will:
• plan and execute a national
  preparedness drill in 2020/2021 related
  to radiation and nuclear preparedness;
• follow up the work on securing objects
  in drinking water zones in accordance
  with the new Norwegian Act on
  National Security;
• follow up work on security and
  preparedness in municipalities and
  water works;
• follow up the opinions of the
  stormwater management advisory
  committee (overvassutvalet);
• follow up the review of the Norwegian
  Directorate of Health on disaster
  medicine preparedness;
• strengthen the cooperation with the
  voluntary and private sectors to teach
  the general public more about first aid;

                                                      Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 33

                                                            Chapter 6
                                                            Good Lifestyle and
                                                            Healthy Choices

The Government will continue the work on making healthy choices easier
through encouraging healthier diets and increased physical activity, etc.
Chapter 6 of the report announces the drafting of a new NCD strategy that
shall include, for example, mental health, and musculoskeletal disorders.
In addition, the chapter presents a new national tobacco strategy for the
period 2019-2021, as well as goals and strategies for a new action plan on
physical activity.

The Norwegian action plan for a healthier diet will be followed up. Work
connected to food and meals for the elderly will be continued. A strategy
on alcohol will be drafted. In addition, a strategy on health literacy
(understanding and using information about health) will be announced.

The Government will promote good health and quality of life for people
with chronic diseases and functional disabilities, for example, sensory loss.
It has previously been announced that there will be a stronger commitment
to prevention work in health and care services, which must adapt to the
challenges that lifestyle diseases bring, as well as more patients with chronic

34   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

NCDs and Challenges                         Improved Health and Quality of
                                            Life for People with Chronic
The Government will:                        Diseases or Sensory Loss
• draft a new NCD strategy, which will
  include musculoskeletal health and        The Government will:
  mental health;                            • use the results of the Hunt4, the
• follow up the data in the registers         Norwegian Director of Health’s study on
  of six national health registers for        the organisation of services for hearing
  musculoskeletal diseases and findings       and vision and the Sintef report on the
  in the Norwegian Healthcare Atlases         issuing of hearing devices to assess
  for orthopaedics in order to prevent        relevant measures;
  disease, combat unwanted variations in    • consider measures to prevent hearing
  treatment and increase patient safety;      loss, for example, information aimed
• establish a national network between        at exposed groups, and measures
  the regional asthma, allergy and            at occupational and recreational
  sensitivity centres (RAAO) to promote a     venues, such as concerts, graduation
  unified, nationwide and equal service;      celebrations and other recreational
• introduce care packages for                 domains for youths;
  musculoskeletal disorders.                • encourage municipalities to consider
                                              sensory loss as an element of the work
                                              on monitoring situations that impact
                                              health and quality of life;
                                            • improved follow up and training of
                                              people with chronic diseases through
                                              the testing of primary health teams,
                                              and the learning and coping services of
                                              the Healthy Life Centres;
                                            • aim to draft a next of kin strategy in line
                                              with the Granavolden platform.

                                                   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 35

New National Tobacco Strategy                               Main Goals in a New Strategy

With this, the Government is presenting a                   The overarching goal for the tobacco
new tobacco strategy for the period 2019-                   strategy is to have a tobacco-free teenage
2021.                                                       generation. At the same time, it is
                                                            necessary to help more adult smokers
Through the Framework Convention on                         to stop smoking if we are to reduce the
Tobacco Control, Norway is obliged to                       massive burden of disease caused by
have up-to-date strategies and action                       smoking. The Government does not want
plans for tobacco; Furthermore, Norway                      this to be done in a way that restricts
has aligned itself with the NCD goal to                     people’s freedom to act, but at the same it
reduce tobacco consumption by 30%                           is concerned with the consequences of the
before 2025, and the sustainability goal to                 severely harmful effects of tobacco. The
reduce the number of deaths from NCDs                       Government is also concerned with the
by a third before 2030, and to strengthen                   fulfilment of Norway’s obligations under
the implementation of the Framework                         the Framework Convention on Tobacco
Convention on Tobacco Control in all                        Control.

Through these strategies, the Government                      Goals for 2021:
aims to reduce damage to health caused                      • Less than 10% of the population are
by tobacco in Norway and contribute                           daily smokers (12% in 2018).
to the fulfilment of these international                    • The use of snus (snuff) amongst young
obligations. The strategy follows up                          people should not increase (19%
the Granavolden platform, where it is                         were daily users and 6% used snus
highlighted that the Government will draft                    occasionally in 2018).
a new tobacco strategy with the goal of                     • Knowledge about using snus during
having a generation with zero tobacco                         pregnancy has increased.
                                                            These goals reflect the most important
                                                            focus areas in the Government’s tobacco
                                                            policy. The Ministry will also consider how
                                                            the percentage of young people using
                                                            snus can be reduced beyond the strategy

36   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

New National Tobacco Strategy                  • make potential amendments to
                                                 legislation on the sale of tobacco
The Government will:                             products at festivals and in special
• further continue the current                   stores to avoid new ways of advertising
  commitment to school programmes                to attract young people;
  and tobacco campaigns;                       • follow up the work on illegal trading of
• consider measures for better information       tobacco, for example, by considering new
  for pregnant women about the health risks      measures connected to enforcement,
  associated with smoking and using snus,        and measures against smuggling;
  and obtain a better overview of the con-     • unveil new measures to make tobacco
  sumption habits of pregnant women when         products less harmful to health,
  it comes to tobacco and nicotine products;     including measures aimed at cigarette
• make amendments to the Norwegian               filter ventilation solutions;
  Tobacco Injury Act for better protection     • continue the current tobacco tax
  against passive smoking, especially in         system:
  the presence of children, and consider       • carry out a systematic review of how
  how the municipalities can acquire             the Framework Convention for Tobacco
  better tools for helping those who are         Control is implemented in Norway and
  affected by their neighbour’s smoking;         invite the voluntary sector to partake;
• follow up Article 5.3 of the Framework       • place more emphasis on the
  Convention on Tobacco Control relating         environmental consequences
  to the obligation to prevent the tobacco       of tobacco manufacturing and
  industry from influencing tobacco              consumption;
  policy, and as part of this develop          • consider measures for better
  information for relevant actors so the         implementation of the national
  obligation becomes better known;               professional guidelines on weaning
• consider potential regulation to make          tobacco users off nicotine, including
  tobacco products less attractive to young      routines for smoke-free patients prior
  people, for example, in relation to the        to an operation;
  smallest size snus box and regulation of     • consider initiating a pilot project for
  the design of cigarettes and e-cigarettes;     heavy smokers based on experiences
• unveil measures to safeguard                   in Denmark with cooperation between
  more respect for the age limit, for            GPs, stop smoking counsellors at healthy
  example, by increasing the number of           life centres and subsidised prescription
  inspections at tobacco sales points:           drugs until users stop smoking.

                                                     Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 37

Physical Activity                                           Nutrition and Diet

The Government will:                                        The Government will:
• in 2019 present an action plan from                       • continue the effort for a healthier diet
  the Ministries responsible for physical                     by following up the national action plan
  activity with a time perspective of ten                     for a healthier diet and carry out a mid-
  years with revision along the way.                          term evaluation of the plan in 2019;
                                                            • work to ensure that the public sector
                                                              takes nutrition into consideration when
                                                              procuring food and beverages;
                                                            • continue and carry on developing the
                                                              cooperation with the food industry with
                                                              the intention of extending the time
                                                              frame for the letter of intent up until
                                                            • implement communication measures
                                                              to support focus areas in the letter of
                                                              intent between the health authorities
                                                              and the industry;
                                                            • aim to establish a partnership on meals
                                                              in collaboration with the public, private
                                                              and volunteer sectors;
                                                            • contribute towards incorporating
                                                              the sustainability perspective
                                                              into the revision of new Nordic
                                                              recommendations on nutrients;
                                                            • systematise and make available
                                                              relevant informational material on
                                                              diet that is culturally and linguistically
                                                              adapted to different target groups;
                                                            • aim to draft a new strategy on a good
                                                              diet and healthy nutrition for the
                                                              elderly in line with the Granavolden

38   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Intoxicants and Doping                       Sexual Health

The Government will:                         The Government will:
• present a national alcohol strategy to     • contribute to good sexual health in the
  follow up the current goal of reducing       population by following up the ‘Talk
  the consumption of alcohol in harmful        About It! strategy on sexual health
  amounts;                                     (2017-2022).
• strengthen drug and alcohol prevention
  work aimed at youths;
• established cooperation with sport
  clubs and relevant parties in the labour
  market about awareness of attitudes
  towards alcohol in sport and the labour
  market, and highlight the value of
  alcohol-free venues;
• strengthen the toolbox of the
  municipalities in work on the alcohol
• present a drug reform;
• provide knowledge-based information
  on the harmful effects of using drugs.

                                                   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 39

Sleep                                                       Communication

The Government will:                                        The Government will:
• consider adapting courses/counselling                     • further develop a more targeted
  about sleep and the prevention of sleep                     communication strategy. See the ‘Bare
  problems for health personnel at places                     Du (Just You)’ initiative;
  other than the healthy life centres, for                  • develop a national strategy on
  example, child health clinics and the                       health literacy within the Ministry
  school health service;                                      of Health and Care Services’ area of
• integrate sleep into health promotion                       responsibility.
  more than today by gathering better
  data on sleep as a basis for local,
  regional and national measures, and by
  giving advice and counselling to parents
  about the value of good sleeping
  routines for children.

40   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 41
Part 3
Effective Public Health Work

                                                            Chapter 7
                                                            Norwegian Public Health Model

Chapter 7 describes the Norwegian public health model, for example, the
national, regional and local system to provide systematic and long-term
follow up of health promotion in line with the principles of the Norwegian
Public Health Act.

Health promotion in the municipalities shall be strengthened through the
health promotion programme, which now includes all regional counties.
National authorities shall help the municipal sector by giving them data
on health and influencing factors, and professional support and guidance.
Four-yearly public health reports (white papers) must be based on a report
from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health on health and influencing
factors, and further development of indicator reports from the Norwegian
Directorate of Health. Guidelines on prioritisation within public health will
be unveiled and implemented.

44   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Norwegian Public Health Model

The Government will:
• take the initiative to conduct a full       • further develop the health promotion
  review of the Norwegian Public Health         in municipalities;
  Act and associated regulations;             • consider the need to improve and
• consider whether it is possible to obtain     coordinate national information/
  a better overview of the resources that       statistics that have consequences for
  are used for public health measures;          public health across the sectors;
• start work on an official study for         • support work to better connect health
  guidelines and support for prioritisation     promotion and planning work in
  within public health;                         municipalities;
• develop a complete guide for the            • contribute to overseeing that
  Instructions on Official Studies              public health profiles and county
  regarding effects on the population’s         investigations are developed in line
  health and health effects in                  with local and regional needs.
  socioeconomic analyses;
• continue to support wide-ranging
  health promotion and reduce the
  variation in the systematic work
  between the municipalities;

                                                    Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 45

                                                            Chapter 8
                                                            Health in all Policies

Chapter 8 describes the roles of each sector in public health work. That
is, the public, voluntary and private sectors. Emphasis is placed on the
importance of cooperation with the voluntary sector to improve public
health. In addition, cooperation with the private sector will be highlighted.
Cooperation with commerce and industry will be continued and it will be
aimed to extend the cooperation between the voluntary, private and public

The report describes the responsibility of ministries and relevant processes
that impact public health. To ensure good coordination of health
promotion, the Ministry of Health and Care Ser-vices will continue the work
in a cross-ministerial group.

46   Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society

Effort of the Voluntary Sector                Cooperation with Commerce
                                              and Industry
The Government will:
• consider whether the Norwegian Public       The Government will:
  Health Act and work on obtaining            • further develop cooperation with
  an overview of public health can be           commerce and industry on health
  further developed to highlight the role       promotion in various areas;
  of volunteers in health promotion, for      • follow up the governmental official
  example, in relation to assistance, etc.;     study on special taxes on chocolate,
• encourage municipalities to have a            sugary products and non-alcohol
  proactive relationship to voluntary work      beverages;
  and enable this to happen;                  • facilitate forest road building. This
• revise the declaration on voluntary           will also contribute to more pathways
  work in dialogue with the voluntary           for outdoor recreation and physical
  and municipal sectors – assistance and        activity;
  coordination will still be a core element
  in the declaration.

                                                    Public Health Report – A Good Life in a Safe Society 47
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