Page created by Patricia Valdez



03.         Swim course map

04.         Event Area

06.         Bike course map

07.         Run course map

08.         Transition area map

10 – 11.    Event Schedule

12.         Fanshop / Expo

13 - 17.    Prior to the Race

18 - 27.    Race Day

28 - 33.    After the Race

Swim Course map

1.9 KM        1 LOOP

Event Area


Local Partner | Cornercard

Bike Course map

90 KM                                                   2 LOOPS   GPX File

Source: Company estimates, Turnkey.
(1)   Refers to training for full distance IM events.
Run course map

21.1 KM             2 LOOPS

Transition area map

                                  Red Bags

                                        Change Tents

                      Bike Park              Blue Bags

    Bike Exit

Local Partner | Steinemann AG

Event Schedule

Friday, June 8                                                      Saturday, June 9
12:00 – 18:00 IRONMAN Food Village, in front of the stadium         07:30 – 10:20   Registration IRONKIDS, in the stadium
12:00 – 18:00 Information desk, at the IRONMAN Expo                 08:00 – 17:30   Kids Paradise, next to the IRONMAN Expo
12:00 – 18:00 IRONMAN Expo                                          08:00 – 18:30   IRONMAN Food Village, in front of the stadium
12:00 – 18:00 IRONMAN FanShop                                       08:00 – 18:30   Information desk, at the IRONMAN Expo
12:00 – 18:00 Registration IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland, Relay and      08:00 – 18:30   IRONMAN FanShop
              IRONKIDS in the arena                                 10:00 – 11:20   Starts IRONKIDS Fun Run
13:00 – 15:00 Bike training, powered by J-Tri on IRONMAN 70.3       10:00 – 18:00   Bike doctor powered by Tempo-Sport, at the
              Switzerland bike and run course. Meeting                              IRONMAN Expo
              point in front of the arena  Registration required   10:00 – 18:00   Registration IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland and Relay,
                                                                                    in the arena
                                                                    10:00 – 18:30   IRONMAN Expo
                                                                    12:00 – 18:00   Bike Check-In individual athletes and relay teams
                                                                    12:45 – 13:45   Swim training on IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland swim
                                                                                    course. Meeting point at the swim start 
                                                                                    Registration required
                                                                    14:00 – 15:00   Mandatory Race Briefing in English, in the stadium
                                                                    15:00 – 16:00   Mandatory Race Briefing in German, in the stadium
                                                                    18:00 – 20:00   Welcome Dinner, in the stadium

Event Schedule

Sunday, June 10
06:00 – 07:50 Transition area open
06:00 – 11:00 Bike doctor powered by Tempo-Sport,
              in transition area
06:00 – 19:00 Information desk, at the IRONMAN Expo
08:00 – 16:00 Fan Corner
08:00 – 17:30 Kids Paradise, next to the IRONMAN Expo
08:00 – 17:30 IRONMAN FanShop
10:00 – 17:30 IRONMAN Expo

From 07:55      IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland wave starts
07:55           Start PRO Men
07:57           Start PRO Women
08:05           Start all female age groups
08:25           Start M18 + M25
08:35           Start M30
08:47           Start M35
09:00           Start M50+
09:12           Start M40
09:25           Start M45
09:40           Start Relay teams

11:30 – 18:00   Awards Banquet, in the arena
12:00 – 19:00   Massage service, in the arena (1st floor)
15:00 – 18:30   Bike Check-out
16:55           End of the race individuals
17:10           End of the race relay teams
17:30           Awards Ceremony IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland
Subsequently    Awards Ceremony IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland Relay
Subsequently    Slot allocation for IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship
Fanshop / Expo

IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland                                               IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland
FanShop                                                                Expo
Find a vast variety of merchandise articles in the IRONMAN FanShop     Our exhibitors are waiting for you with the newest products at the
situated at the Expo. Opening hours from Friday to Sunday are listed   IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland Expo. Opening hours from Friday to
in the time table.                                                     Sunday are listed in the time table.

                                                                                                                                     Mark Allen
                                                                                                                         IRONMAN U Master
                                                                                                                     6X IRONMAN World Champion
Prior to the Race
                                                                         You will receive the following
Prior to the Race
                                                                          Your BIB Number
Athlete Registration                                                     Must be checked-in and worn on the bike (back) and on the run (front). It
The registration is located in the corridors on the first floor of the   is not recommended to be worn in the swim.
ice hockey arena. Please bring a valid ID to identify yourself. In       Relay teams have two BIBs (Biker and Runner)
order to make the registration as speedy as possible and save the
environment you will sign the waiver on a tablet on site. There is no     Your swim cap
need to print out waivers anymore.                                       Athletes have to wear the swim cap provided by the organizer.

Find more information and peak times here                                 Race Number Stickers
                                                                         • 1 sticker for the bike helmet: on the front of bike helmet.
Relay teams find their waiver HERE. One member of a team can pick        • 1 sticker for the bike: Must be attached to the rear brake cable, gear
up the race pack as long as the event waiver is signed by each relay       cable or the seat-post.
member                                                                   • 3 stickers for all transition bags (blue, red, white).
Relay athletes under 18 years need the waiver to be signed by a
parent or legal guardian.                                                 3 bags( blue, red, white)
                                                                         Blue – for bike gear
Opening Hours:                                                           Red – for run gear
Friday, June 8th, 12:00 – 18.00                                          White – for after race clothing
Saturday, June 9th, 10:00 – 18:00                                        The blue and the red transition bags have to be checked in with the bike
Sunday, June 10th, CLOSED                                                The white bag can be hung up before your race start in the stadium
                                                                         Only Couple-Teams will get transition bags
                                                                          Pre-ordered guest tickets for Welcome Dinner and Awards Banquet
Every single-athlete at IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland needs a valid
triathlon license. An annual license can be bought from your              Information Flyer
country federation. A one-day license for the day of the competition
can be bought on site for CHF 42.50.- (cash or credit card) - or          Athlete Wristband
online at Swiss Triathlon.                                               The volunteers will attach your athlete’s wristband directly at registration.

Relay athletes don’t need a license.                                      Athlete Backpack
                                                                         Your athlete backpack is waiting for you after registration in the FanShop
                                                                         at the IRONMAN Expo
Local Partner | w.wiedmer ag

Prior to the Race

Bike Check-In Transition Area
The bike check-in will take place on Saturday, June 9th from 12:00     Bike, helmet, your bib number and both bags (blue & red) stay in
– 18:00 You have to check in your bike, helmet and your bags (red      transition over night!
and blue). The entrance is on the side facing Oberseestrasse (NOT
the lake).                                                             You can access both bike and bags on race day from 06:00-07:50.
Transition area will be closed at 07:50 for ALL athletes (also relay   That gives you the possibility to check your items again and add
athletes)!                                                             stuff to your bags.

What do I have to bring to check-in?                                   Transition area will be closed at 07:50 for ALL athletes!
 Bib number: ideally already attached to a rubber band or a
  special bib number belt                                              Use of white bag, check below!
 Bike: ready for the race (sticker attached to rear break cable or
  seat post)                                                           Race Briefing
 Helmet: must be on your head with straps closed (sticker has to      The race briefing is where our announcers and the race director
  be attached)                                                         take you through everything there is to know about the race, its
 Bags: both blue and red bag have to be checked-in with your          rules and race preparation.
  bike. You will have access to the bags on race day morning.
                                                                       The English race briefing takes place on Saturday, June 9th at 14:00
What do I have to do there?                                            in the stadium (in Deutsch um 15:00 Uhr).
 Rack your bike at the space corresponding to your bib number.
  Your front wheel points in the same direction as your number on      The race briefing is mandatory for all athletes!
  the bike rack.
 Hang your bags at the corresponding racks on the hook with your      Welcome Dinner
  number.                                                              The Welcome Dinner takes place on Saturday, June 9th from 18:00
 The helmet needs to be put in the blue bag                           in the stadium. Your athlete’s wristband allows you free entrance
 Only shoes (clicked to pedals) may be left at bike.                  and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the buffet for some
 You will receive your timing chip when exiting the transition        important carbo-loading.
  area. Do not leave transition without a timing chip coded to         Family, friends can buy tickets at the registration on site or at the
  your bib number.                                                     entrance before the dinner (CHF 20.-).

Race Day

Race Day                                                                 Car parks for athletes and spectators on race day are available as
Don’t try anything you are not used to!!

Getting up
You should get up early enough to have time for your final race
preparation. We recommend getting up 2.5 to 3 hours before your
start time (consider also that the transition area closes at 07:50
a.m.). You feel like you haven’t slept one bit? Don’t worry, that’s
normal and will not have an influence on your race performance.

Put on your timing chip right after getting up!

Breakfast should not be taken any later than 2 hours before the
start! Eat foods that you are used to / normally have for breakfast.
Drink enough (liquid with added electrolytes).

Getting to the event area
Consider that there are around 2.200 other athletes who are on the
same schedule as you are. Everybody wants to get as close to the
event area as possible and as fast as possible. The direct access road
(Oberseestrasse) to the event area is closed on race morning. Please
plan accordingly! The event area is only 5 minutes away from the
railway station Rapperswil.

On race day morning there will be shuttle busses, which take you
from the main parking to the event area. The last bus will leave the
parking at 07:45. Also the busses will bring you back to the parking
after 16:30.

Local Partner | Burgerstein Vitamine

Race Day

Transition Area / Pre-Race Routine                                      Swim Start
Check your tire pressure. Be easy when adding air! Less is often        Go to the starting area early! It is recommended to test the waters
more and you do not want to have your tire bursting!                    before your start. You can use the outdoor pool as warm-up area.

Is it really a good idea to have those bike shoes already attached to   Hint: Pour a little bit of warm water into your wetsuit (from the
your pedals? Have you trained putting them on on the fly?               neck) before entering the lake. This will keep you warmer!

Blue bag: bike gear – red bag: running gear                             Say goodbye to your loved ones and enter the pre-start area as
                                                                        soon as the announcer tells you to.
Only the shoes (attached to the pedals) and the bottles can be left     Only athletes are allowed in the pre-start area.
at the bike (not on the floor!)

Transition area closes at 07:50!

Bike Service
Bike doctor powered by Tempo-Sport, is ready at from 06:00 -
11:00 in transition

WCs / Toilets
Use one of the many toilets available in the stadium (75) or in
transition (15). They are clearly marked with „WC“.

White Bag
Pack your white bag with items or clothing you want to put on after
the race. Do not pack any valuables! Hang the white bag on the rack
in the stadium on your way to the swim start. You can pick it up        There will be a timing system in front of the ramp (marked blue in
there after the race.                                                   the picture above). You absolutely need to walk over this system in
                                                                        order to check-in for the start. If you are not going over that mat
Changing Rooms / Showers                                                you won’t have a race time.
See below

Race Day

Swim Course
There will be a so called “Rolling Start”. The age group wave starts
will remain, but instead of a mass start within the age groups, we
will send out four athletes every few seconds.

Please enter the pre-start area, which is marked with your
estimated swim time.

You swim clockwise with buoys on your right side and boats to your
left. Instead of swimming towards the first buoy, try swimming
towards a point on the other side of the lake which lies in the same

Swim Course Rules
   Neoprene swim cap are allowed underneath the official one
   No compression socks that cover the feet
   No gloves or other swim aids
   Cutting short leads to disqualification
   Swim cutoff: 1:10 hours

Click HERE to download the IRONMAN competition rules

Swim Exit
The swim exit is located behind a pier. Orientate towards the
sponsor banners at the exit. You will be able to swim until you reach
the exit ramp. After exiting the water you are allowed to remove
your wetsuit down to the hip. You are only allowed to remove it
completely in the changing tent in transition area.

Cut-off: 1:10 hrs after you have crossed the swim start mat

European Partner | ZAFIRO HOTELS

Race Day

Transition from Swim to Bike
   Enter transition
   Grab your blue bike bag
   Only in the changing tent, remove your wetsuit
   Put on your bike gear
   Put on your helmet
   Put on your shoes if applicable
   Put on your bib number
   Stuff your wetsuit and swim wear into the blue bag
   Drop off the blue bag at the marked drop-off zones at the exit of
    the tent. Volunteers will re-rack it for you.

                               Blue Bags                                 Exit



Race Day

Bike Course                                                                Aid Stations on the Bike Course
There are two laps to complete. Roads are well secured but be alert        There are three fully equipped aid stations on the bike course. They are
for unexpected road traffic.                                               located at km 1 / 45 (Roundabout Station), 11 / 55 (Witches’ Station), 19
                                                                           / 63 (Golden Station). They offer bananas, Enervit bars, EnervitGels,
Bike Course Rules                                                          Enervit Isotonic drink, water and Coke. For details see HERE.
The biking is an individual time trial without any personal
attendance. Drafting behind or next to a participant is prohibited.        Special Needs Handout on the Bike Course
Also, any dropping of bottles or other litter out of the Aid Station       Your own supporters can hand you “special needs” items (only food and
area will be punished with immediate disqualification. In                  clothing) at Roundabout Station only. This is only allowed in a zone
Switzerland, the roads mustn’t be closed completely but we have            restricted and marked after the end of the aid station.
them well secured for you. The traffic rules and the Swiss road
traffic law have to be strictly observed. For instance, a crossing of      Medical Assistance on the Bike Course
the security line leads to a disqualification! In some parts of the        At the aid stations km 11 / 55 (Witches Station) and 19 / 63 (Golden
course, the use of the time trial handlebar is not allowed.                Station) Samaritans are stationed. They are there to assist you in case of
                                                                           smaller medical issues like abrasions or insect bites. In case of an
Cutoff time for completing swim and bike is 5 hours 15 mins.               accident our medical service provider “Regio 144” will be ready.
                                                                           Volunteers will have their number at hand.
Click HERE to download the IRONMAN competition rules
                                                                           Mechanical Issues on the Bike Course
                                                                           There are two bike docs en route to assist you. Volunteers will have their
                                                                           number at hand. There is a bike repair set at every aid station.


              Litter    50 m               30 m             30 m            30 m             30 m    Bars &    30 m   Drink                    50 m Litter
                                                   Drink                                                                        30 m

                                 Water            Enervit           Coke           Bananas           Enervit          Enervit          Water
Aid Stations Bike

European Partner | ENERVIT

Race Day

Transition from Bike to Run
 After two laps, ride back to the transition area
 get off the bike at the indicated dismount line (beginning of the
 Push your bike to its place and rack it.
 Do not open your helmet before you have racked your bike.
 The helmet must be stowed in the bag
 Grab your red bag from the rack
 Put on your running gear
 Stuff the bike gear into the red bag
 Leave it at the marked drop-off zone. Volunteers will re-rack it
 Turn your bib number to the front..

                                Blue Bags


Race Day

    Run Course                                                                Aid Stations on the Run Course
    The run course is a two loop course. It is mostly flat, with one          There are seven aid stations on the run course, four full stations and three
    exception, the “Stairways to Heaven”, a 65 step stairway leading          water stations. They are located at km 0 / 11 (Lido Water Station), 1.5 / 12.5
    from the main square up to the castle. You will receive two
                                                                              (Busskirch Station), 3 /14 (Stampf Water Station), 4.5/15.5 (Stampf Station)
    differently colored lap bands one for each loop and only once you
    have received both you will be allowed to enter the finish line.          5.5 / 16.5 (Water Station), 7 / 18 (Fishmarket Station) and 9 / 20 (Kapuziner
                                                                              Station). They offer bananas, other fruits, potato chips, salty snacks, Enervit
    Run Course Rules                                                          gels,Enervit bars, Enervit isotonic drink, water, Coke and clear soup and Red
    For reasons of safety and fairness, the running circuits are areas        Bull. For details click HERE.
    exclusive for participants. Any form of mobile escort is strictly
    forbidden. Wearing headphones is also prohibited as well as               Special Needs Handout on the Run Course
    carrying MP3 devices or action cameras.                                   Your own supporters can hand you any special needs items at Lido Water
                                                                              Station and Stampf Station only. This is only allowed in a restricted and
    Cutoff time for completing swim, bike and run is 7 hours 30 mins.
                                                                              marked zone restricted after the end of the aid station
    Click HERE to download the IRONMAN competition rules
                                                                              Medical Assistance on the Run Course
                                                                              At the aid stations km 3 /14 (Stampf Station), and 7 / 18 (Fishmarket Station)
                                                                              Samaritans are stationed. They are there to assist you in case of smaller
                                                                              medical issues like abrasions or insect bites. In case of an accident, Regio 144
                                                                              will be called. Volunteers will have this number at hand. There is also a
                                                                              medical base in the finish area.

        Sponges                                                                               Bars
Trash                                              Drink                                                               Drink                 Sponges      Trash

                      Clear Soup     Water         Enervit    Coke/Red Bull     Food         Enervit        Food       Enervit     Water
                                                                                Fruits                     general
Aid Stations Run

After the Race

The Finish Line                                                        White Bag Pick Up
You will receive two differently colored lap bands on the course and   You can pick up your white bag where you hung it in the morning.
only once you have received both you will be allowed to enter the
finish line.                                                           Finisher Shirt
                                                                       Can be picked up in the finish area. Please be aware that you will be
Take your time and enjoy the last few meters of your race and smile    given a shirt in the size that you indicated when you signed up. If
for your finisher photo. You have earned it!                           you need to change sizes, you can do so after the official end of the
                                                                       race at 17:10. We just want to make sure, that all finishers receive a
It’s not allowed to take children other family members, friends or     fitting shirt.
animals into the finish chute. A violation of this rule will lead to
disqualification.                                                      Engraving Your Medal
                                                                       Either you already preordered your engraving when you signed up
PLEASE NOTE: One of our volunteers will remove your timing-chip        or you can do so onsite for CHF 15.- (cash only). The engraving
directly after you reached the finish!                                 station is located in the finish area behind the stage.

Finish Area                                                            Results
Your body will continue to burn calories, even after you have          Athletes can be tracked using our live tracker on ironman.com and
finished the race. There is noodles, rice, sweets, fruits and drinks   via the IRONMAN Tracker App. Preliminary results will be available
available for you!                                                     through the tracking system. The definite result list will be
                                                                       published on our website the day after the race.
Meet the Finishers
Your entourage can meet you next to the finish line in our             Certificate
“Meet the Finishers” area.                                             A link will be sent to you in an email after the race. Furthermore
                                                                       you can download it on our website (results → click on your name)
Can my Entourage Join the Awards Banquet?                              at any time.
Yes, if they have tickets for it. These tickets can be bought at
registration or at the entrance/exit to the stadium (CHF 30.-).

Changing Rooms / Showers
Are located in the stadium on the opposite side of the finish line.
Additional showers behind the stadium.

European Partner | NIRVANA

After the Race

Awards Ceremony
The awards ceremony takes place at 17:30 in the stadium. At this
time, your entourage will be allowed to enter the stadium even if
they do not have any Awards Banquet tickets.

Bike Check-Out
Your bike check-out is possible as soon as the last athlete has
changed to the run (approx. from 15:00-18:30). You will enter the
transition area from the entrance closer to the lake. You need your
bib number to be allowed to enter the transition area. Here you will
pick up your blue and your red bag as well as your bike. At the exit,
your bib numbers will be matched with your wristband. Bikes will
be handed out only against matching bib number. DO NOT REMOVE
the bike sticker before you exit transition.

Slot Allocation
Athletes who qualified for a starting slot for the World
Championship must be present in person to accept the starting slot
and have to bring a piece of identification. The entry fee is USD
$450.- (plus 8% Active service fee) and must be paid on site by
credit card.
Global Partner | FinisherPix

Global Partner | ACTIVE

We wish you all the best of luck and never forget to have fun!
                  See you at the finish line!

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