Rebel? Prophet? Relic? Perspectives on George Orwell in 2019

Page created by Benjamin Adams
Rebel? Prophet? Relic? Perspectives on George Orwell in 2019
Rebel? Prophet? Relic?
With the Support of:
                                                         Perspectives on George Orwell in
                              UCL Department
                              of English
                              Language &

In Association with:

                       UCL Special
                       Collections Orwell

                                                             University College London (UCL)
University College              Organizer: Sarah Gibbs
                                                                     24-25 May 2019
London                 Email:
Pearson Building G22     Twitter: @UCL_Orwell_2019                  @UCL_Orwell_2019
Gower Street                          #UCLOrwell2019                 #UCLOrwell2019
London WC1E 6BT
Rebel? Prophet? Relic? Perspectives on George Orwell in 2019
Conference Programme                                                       12:15—1:30 pm
                          Day 1: 24 May 2019                                               *Small Group Visits to the Archive

                             8:00—9:00 am                                                          1:30—2:30 PM
                              Registration                                      Archives Presentation (Sarah Aitchison & D. J. Taylor)
                                                                                     Featuring Orwell Archives records from 1949
                            9:00—9:10 am
                    Opening Statement (Sarah Gibbs)                                                2:30—3:20 pm
                                                                                        Session 3—Orwell & Biography (Q&A)
                           9:15—9:25 am                                                          (Chair: Jean Seaton)
           Welcome from the Orwell Foundation (Jean Seaton)
                                                                                         John Rodden, D.J. Taylor & Masha Karp
                         9:30—10:45 am
            Session 1—Nineteen Eighty-Four: 70 Years On                                              3:30—4:00 pm
                       (Chair: Jackson Ayres)                                            Interview with Richard Lance Keeble
                                                                                  Topic: Orwell’s Journalism (Interviewer: Sarah Gibbs)
             Douglas Kerr (Birkbeck, University of London)
            Nineteen Eighty-Four and the Death of Private Life                                     4:10—5:00 pm
                                                                             Session 4—Challenges & Opportunities in Orwell Studies (Q&A)
                  Xiaozhou Li (University of Edinburgh)                                         (Chair: Sarah Gibbs)
Surveillance from Orwell to Orwell: The Power of Vision in Popular Culture
                                                                               Anna Vaninskaya, John Rodden, Roger Howe, Norman Bissell
             Tim Crook (Goldsmiths, University of London)
 The Ethics of Nineteen Eighty-Four: Did Orwell Produce an inverse Mein
                         Kampf for the Cold War?                                                  Day 2: 25 May 2019

                          11:00—12:15 pm                                                           9:00—10:30 am
                 Session 2—Orwell & the Iron Curtain                                       Session 5—Orwell & Adaptation
                         (Chair: John Rodden)                                                    (Chair: John Rodden)

                     Masha Karp (Orwell Society)                                           James Jarrett (Colchester Institute)
               To Understand Modern Russia, Read Orwell                                       Nineteen Eighty-Four on Film

            Krystyna Wieszczek (University of Southampton)                          Dennis Glover (Author of The Last Man in Europe)
      The Polish Orwell: New Perspectives on Orwell’s Life & Legacy                  Writing the biography of Nineteen Eighty-Four

          Matt Dreher (US Special Forces) & Alex Del Castillo                         Jimmy Walters (Proud Haddock Productions)
                       (Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.)                                          Staging Tony Cox’s Mrs. Orwell
       Orwell, Active Measures, and the Future of Objective Truth
3:45—5:00 pm
                      Imre Jele (Bossa Studios)                                           Session 8—Orwell’s Fellows & Disciples
                     Animal Farm as Video Game                                                     (Chair: Dana Wight)

                          10:45—12:00 pm                                             Jackson Ayres (Texas A&M University-San Antonio)
                  Session 6—Orwell & the Empire                                   “For Democratic Socialism”: George Orwell & Jonathan Coe
                        (Chair: Douglas Kerr)
                                                                                        Yumiko Fukunishi (Chuo University, Japan)
              Chandrika Kaul (University of St. Andrews)                     Looking Up the High-Rise: Representation of Architecture in George
                      Orwell, India and the BBC                                                Orwell & J.G. Ballard’s Novels

              Sarah Gibbs (University College London)                                Bushra Juhi Jani (Mustansiriyah University, Iraq)
          Reading the Raj: Textual Allusion in Burmese Days                  The Impact of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four on Abdul-Sattar
                                                                                                   Nasir’s Eggplant Peels
                             Darcy Moore
                            Orwell & Opium                                                             5:05—5:15 pm
                                                                                               Closing Statement (Sarah Gibbs)

                           12:00—1:00 pm                                                               Speaker Profiles
                                                                          Jackson Ayres
                            1:00—2:00 pm                                  Jackson Ayres is assistant professor of English at Texas A&M University-
                   Keynote Address: John Rodden                           San Antonio, where he teaches courses in modern and contemporary
                “Orwell & ‘Orwell’: The Life & Afterlife”                 British literature. His articles and essays can be found in Contemporary
                                                                          Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, Twentieth-Century Literature, The Los
                         2:15—3:30 pm                                     Angeles Review of Books, and Public Books, among other venues. He is
                Session 7—Orwell, Politics & Nation                       currently completing a book manuscript, Alan Moore: A Critical Guide, and
                      (Chair: Norman Bissell)                             is preparing a second book-length project on Orwell and contemporary
                                                                          British novelists’ representations of the welfare state.
                Robert Colls (De Montfort University)
                          Orwell & Nation                                 Norman Bissell
                                                                          Norman Bissell is a writer, teacher and lecturer whose poems, essays and
                Dana Wight (NorQuest College, Canada)                     reviews have been widely published in journals, newspapers and books.
Red Flags, Black Ties: Orwell’s Anarchist Sympathies & the ‘Conquest of   His poetry collection Slate, Sea and Sky is published by Luath Press. He is
                            Bread’ in Spain                               the Director of the Scottish Centre for Geopoetics and the lead editor of its
                                                                          journal Stravaig. In 2012 he won a Creative Scotland commission to write
               Peter Marks (University of Sydney)                         a screenplay about Orwell’s last years. His novel Barnhill is to be
 Orwell Downunder: Claims and Counterclaims of Australian Radicals        published by Luath Press, Edinburgh in May 2019.
                        and Conservatives
Robert Colls                                                                    Sarah Gibbs
Robert Colls is author of George Orwell. English Rebel (Oxford University       Sarah Gibbs is a professional librarian (MLIS ’12) and PhD candidate in the
Press 2013) and Professor of Cultural History at De Montfort University.        Department of English Language & Literature at University College London.
                                                                                Her research considers Orwell’s oeuvre through the lens of book history,
Tim Crook                                                                       and investigates the political significance of his dense network of allusions
Tim Crook is a Professor in the Department of Media, Communications and         and textual citations. She is the organizer of Rebel? Prophet? Relic?
Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, joint editor of the       Perspectives on George Orwell in 2019.
George Orwell Studies Journal, Vice President of the Chartered Institute of
Journalists, and Visiting Professor in Broadcast Journalism to Birmingham      Dennis Glover
City University.                                                               Dennis Glover is an Australian political speechwriter, journalist and
                                                                               novelist. He is a graduate of Monash University and King’s College
Alex Del Castillo                                                              Cambridge. His books include An Economy is not a Society, The Art of Great
Alex Del Castillo is a communication strategist and American expatriate.       Speeches and Orwell’s Australia. His debut novel The Last Man in Europe
Though currently employed as a consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., his tells the dramatic story of how George Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four.
professional background includes prior service as a prosecuting attorney in
Chicago, a United States Marine trained in psychological operations and civil Roger Howe
affairs, and an intelligence officer in the United States Navy. He graduated   Roger Howe attended Manchester University and the London School of
from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and earned a Juris      Economics. He studied international history. He has written freelance for
Doctor from the DePaul University College of Law in Chicago, Illinois.         publications such as The Independent, Tribune and the Oxford Times. He has
                                                                               a longstanding interest in George Orwell and has interviewed his adopted
Matt Dreher                                                                    son, Richard Blair. He joined the Orwell Society in 2016 and has
Matt Dreher is a U.S. Army Special Forces officer and amateur pundit. After    contributed several articles to the Society’s Journal.
multiple combat tours in the Middle East and Central Asia, he has devoted the
past decade to supporting NATO Allies in Eastern Europe. Educated at UCLA James Jarrett
and Duke University, he plans to complete his PhD after retirement from        James Jarrett was educated at De Montfort University, Cardiff University
active duty. Matt is a lifelong admirer of Orwell’s works, which have inspired and Essex University. He was awarded a PhD for research in contemporary
his enduring belief in objective truth.                                        theatre and psychoanalysis. He worked as a performer, before returning to
                                                                               education to lecture in theatre and the performing arts. He has taught at
Yumiko Fukunishi                                                               Essex University, and at University Centre Colchester, where, as course
Yumiko Fukunishi is an associate professor in the Faculty of Commerce at       leader, he authored the innovative BA Honours programme in acting.
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan. She was a Visiting Research Fellow at Queen
Mary, University of London, School of History. Fukunishi’s research foci       Bushra Juhi Jani
include George Orwell, Photojournalism, Mass-Observation and Brutalism.        Bushra Juhi Jani is a lecturer in the contemporary English novel at
Among her published works are: British Middlebrow Cultural Studies (2018), Mustansiriyah University in Baghdad, Iraq. She has published research
English Literature and Film (2019) (both co-authors), and ‘Gordon Comstock papers on Margaret Drabble and contemporary Iraqi novels. Her research
and Money: The Criticism of Mormonism in George Orwell's Keep the              interests lie in the area of English and Iraqi novels as well as Film Studies.
Aspidistra Flying’, Japan D.H. Lawrence Studies (no.27, 2017).                 She is involved in translating into English Iraqi fiction. She co-authored the
                                                                               translation of the first collection of short stories of the novelist, Hadiya
                                                                               Hussein, as well as an anthology of Iraqi short stories.
Imre Jele
Imre Jele is a lifetime gamer and game-maker. Throughout his colorful career, Xiaozhou Li
he has covered a wide range of genres and platforms and is best known for his Xiaozhou (Ariel) Li is currently a postgraduate research student in the
work on RuneScape and at Blitz Games Studios. He is co-founder of Bossa       School of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures at the University of
Studios, winner of Best New Studio Develop Award, creator of Surgeon          Edinburgh. Her academic interests include British Romantic literature,
Simulator 2013, BAFTA winner for MonsterMind and BAFTA nominee for            the Wollstonecraft-Godwin-Shelley family, and material and visual
Merlin. He is currently at work on a videogame adaptation of Animal Farm.     culture.

Masha Karp                                                                       Peter Marks
Masha Karp is a London-based journalist with a special interest in relations Peter Marks is Professor of English at the University of Sydney. He is the
between Russia and the West. She is a Trustee of the Rights in Russia NGO and author of articles and book chapters on different aspects of Orwell’s work,
of The Orwell Society, as well as editor (since 2016) of the Orwell Society      and of George Orwell the Essayist: Literature, Politics and the Periodical
Journal. Masha has written the first full literary biography of George Orwell to Culture (2011), Imagining Surveillance: Eutopian and Dystopian Literature
appear in Russian and is currently working on Orwell and Russia, a book due and Film (2015) and British Literature of the 1990s: Endings and
to be published by Bloomsbury Academic in 2021.                                  Beginnings (2018).

Chandrika Kaul                                                                     Darcy Moore
Chandrika Kaul is Reader in Modern History, University of St Andrews,              Darcy Moore is a deputy principal at a secondary school in New South
Scotland. She is founding co-editor of the book series, Palgrave Studies in the    Wales. He teaches English and History and has worked as an academic in
History of the Media. Her monographs include Reporting the Raj, the British        post-graduate level teacher education at the University of Wollongong. He
Press and India and Communications, Media and the Imperial Experience:             is researching the life of a Sub-Deputy Opium Agent who worked
Britain and India in the Twentieth Century. She has also edited or co-edited       contemporaneously with Orwell's father in India and is particularly
several volumes including: Media and the British Empire and Explorations in        interested in uncovering more about Eric Blair’s experiences in Burma
Modern Indian History and the Media.                                               and Paris.

Richard Lance Keeble                                                               John Rodden
Richard Lance Keeble is Professor of Journalism at the University of Lincoln       John Rodden has taught at the University of Virginia and the University of
and Visiting Professor at Liverpool Hope University. Chair of the Orwell           Texas at Austin. He has published seventeen books, including Irving Howe
Society, he is co-editor of George Orwell Studies. His next book (jointly edited   and the Critics, The Worlds of Irving Howe, Lionel Trilling and the Critics,
with Sue Joseph) is Sex and Journalism: Global Critical Perspectives and           and The Politics of Literary Reputation: The Making and Claiming of St.
Routledge are to publish a collection of his essays and journal articles in 2020   George Orwell. His new book, Becoming George Orwell: Life and Letters,
titled Journalism Beyond Orwell.                                                   Legend and Legacy will be released in July 2019.

Douglas Kerr
Douglas Kerr is a former Professor of English and Dean of Arts at the
University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College,
University of London. He is the author of George Orwell in the Writers and
Their Work series, and of numerous journal articles on Orwell.
D.J. Taylor
D.J. Taylor is a trustee of the Orwell Foundation and author of Orwell: The Life,   Dana Wight
which won the 2003 Whitbread Biography Prize. He has also written a dozen           Dana Wight is an English instructor at NorQuest College in Edmonton,
novels, including, most recently Rock and Roll is Life (2018), and several          Alberta (Canada). Her research interests include feminist psychoanalytic
works of non-fiction, among them Thackeray (1999) and The Prose Factory:            theory and the British novel. She also hosts a community radio
Literary Life in England Since 1918 (2016). Lost Girls: Love, War and Literature    programme featuring music inspired by literature.
1939-1951 and On Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Biography will be published later
this year.

Anna Vaninskaya
Anna Vaninskaya is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of
Edinburgh. She is the author of two monographs and over forty articles and                                              “So long as I remain alive
book chapters on nineteenth and twentieth-century British literature,                                                   and well I shall continue
including several on George Orwell, which have appeared in journals such as                                             to feel strongly about
Utopian Studies, Contemporary Justice Review, Modern Intellectual History,
George Orwell Studies, and various essay collections. She has taught a                                                  prose style, to love the
dedicated undergraduate Orwell course for a number of years.                                                            surface of the earth, and
                                                                                                                        to take pleasure in solid
Jimmy Walters                                                                                                           objects and scraps of
Jimmy Walters is a London-based theatre director and Artistic Director of                                               useless information.”
Proud Haddock. He started his career as an actor when, at eighteen-years old,
he played Young Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He                                                       -“Why I Write”
studied at University of Leeds and Drama Studio London. He started Proud
Haddock with James Ahearne in 2014 and credits include The Trackers of
Oxyrhynchus and Square Rounds by Tony Harrison (Finborough Theatre), Billy
Bishop Goes to War (Jermyn Street Theatre and Southwark Playhouse), and
Julius Caesar, the first ever live theatre production at the Saatchi Gallery. His
most acclaimed production has been Mrs. Orwell, starring Cressida Bonas as
Sonia Brownell. In 2017 he was identified as a potential nominee for Forbes
30 Under 30 in the Arts Category.
                                                                                              With special thanks to the UCL Department of English
                                                                                              Language & Literature for its administrative support,
Krystyna Wieszczek                                                                                       and to conference volunteers.
Krystyna Wieszczek is concluding a PhD thesis at the University of
Southampton that traces George Orwell’s Polish reception during the Cold
War period, both in Poland and among the Polish diaspora. She holds an MA in
Translation Studies from Spain and a BA in English Philology from Poland. Her
                                                                                       Follow Rebel? Prophet? Relic? on Twitter: @UCL_Orwell_2019
research interests include Orwell and twentieth-century political and cultural
history, with a particular focus on translation and reception, censorship and
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