Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University

Page created by Gregory Gordon
Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
Get To Know
       Your Suffolk

2019           2019
Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
Get to Know Your Suffolk Benefits

                                        Table of Contents
                                                                 Get To Know Your 2019 Suffolk Benefits
                                        Are you eligible for insurance benefits at Suffolk?               3
                                        Can your benefits help you save on taxes?                         3
                                        How do you change benefits when your life changes?                4
                                        Who are your eligible dependents?                                 4
                                        What happens to your benefits if you go on leave?                 4

                                                                          2019 Insurance Benefits
                                        Suffolk University Employee Retirement Plan                       5
                                        Health Insurance/Vision                                           6
                                        Prescription Drugs                                                6
                                        Health Savings Account                                            7
                                        Flexible Spending Account                                         8
                                        Dental                                                            8
                                        Commuter Benefits                                                 9
                                        Long Term Disability                                              9
                                        Group Life & Supplemental Life                                    10
                                        Suffolk University Benefit Plan Options 2019                      11

                                                                            Annual Benefit Costs
                                        Medical/Vision                                                    12
                                        Dental                                                            12
                                        Supplemental Life Insurance                                       12

                                                                               Other Benefits
                                        Paid Time Off                                                     13
                                        Tuition Benefits                                                  14
                                        Work/Life Support                                                 14
                                        Payroll Information                                               14
                                        Employee Perks                                                    15
                                        Suffolk University Human Resources Contacts                       16
                                        Key Contact Information                                           17

Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
The Suffolk University benefit plans help to maintain and improve your physical
wellbeing, safeguard your loved ones, and provide smart ways to save for the
future. Suffolk believes that a quality benefits program is an investment that
can help you in the here and now, and assist you in realizing your future goals
for life after work. We encourage you to explore your benefit program and learn
how each benefit can make an impact on your life. The more you know, the easier
it can be to make your best decisions.

Get To Know Your Benefits

Are you eligible for benefits at Suffolk?                            Can your benefits help you save on taxes?
There’s a simple way to know: If you’re an employee who has          Yes, thanks to something called “pre-tax deductions.” Payroll
21 or more standard work hours per week, you’re eligible             deductions for the following benefit programs are taken from
for medical, dental, Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), life          your gross pay before your taxes are calculated (pre-tax):
insurance, accidental death & dismemberment insurance, and
                                                                     •     Medical and Dental Premiums
long-term disability insurance under the benefits program.
                                                                     •     Flexible Spending Accounts

Once you know you’re eligible, the next important thing to know      •     Health Savings Account
is when your benefits can start. Your benefits will start on the     •     Commuter Benefits
first of the month following your hire/transfer date, or if hired/
transferred on the first of the month, on your hire/transfer date.   Pre-tax deductions put more money in your pocket.

Here’s an example:                                                   Your OASDI, Medicare, federal and state tax deductions will
                                                                     be lower because they are calculated on your lower taxable
•   If Mary Smith becomes eligible for benefits on July 1, her       income. The example below shows you how:
    benefits start on July 1.
•   If Mary Smith becomes eligible for benefits on any date                   Annual Salary           $65,000            $65,000
    between July 2nd and 31st, her benefits start on August 1.                                           Pre-tax Deductions
                                                                                                      Without                With
Don’t forget — you must enroll in benefits within 30 days of             Medical - Individual           $0.00           (2,380.00)
your hire/transfer date, or you’ll have to wait until the next           Dental – Individual            $0.00            (208.00)
open enrollment period (unless you have a qualifying event               FSA – Medical                  $0.00           (1,500.00)
— see page 4).                                                           Commuter – Transit             $0.00           (1,014.00)
                                                                         Commuter - Parking             $0.00            (840.00)
                                                                         Benefits Cost                  $0.00           (5,942.00)
                                                                         Taxable Earnings*           $65,000.00         59,058.00
                                                                         Taxes Owed (Fed & State)   $(17,574.16)      (15,509.32)
                                                                         Net Pay                     $47,425.84         43,548.68
                                                                         Tax Savings                    $0.00           $2,064.84

                                                                         Note: R
                                                                                etirement savings are deducted before federal and
                                                                               state taxes are calculated.

Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
Making changes in Workday
                                                                 • S can documentation (e.g., marriage certificate,
                                                                   statement of birth, divorce decree, or loss or gain of
                                                                   coverage letter) that confirms your qualifying event.
                                                                 • W
                                                                    ithin 30 days of the event, use your single sign-
                                                                   on credentials to log in to Workday.
                                                                 • O
                                                                    nce in Workday, select the Benefits Worklet, select
                                                                   Change Benefits, select the reason for the change from
                                                                   the dropdown menu, and enter the Effective Date.
                                                                 • Attach documentation and click the submit button.

                                                                    These are eligible qualifying events:
                                                                    • Your employment status changes, including termination
Who are your eligible dependents?                                      of employment or a new job for your spouse/domestic
In general, eligible dependents are your:                              partner, or dependent;
• Spouse, if legally married                                        •    Your legal marital status changes, including marriage,
•   Domestic Partner if unmarried, living together, and                  death of spouse, divorce, or legal separation;
    demonstrating financial interdependencies (for medical          •    Hours of employment are reduced or increased for you or
    and dental only). You must complete a domestic partner               your spouse/domestic partner, and the change of hours
    affidavit which is available on the HR webpage.                      includes a change in eligibility from part time to full time
•   Children up to age 26                                                or full time to part time;
•   Disabled child over age 26                                      •    Your number of dependents changes, due to the birth of a
                                                                         child, adoption, or death of a dependent;
If you have questions about dependent eligibility and support-      •    Your dependent reaches age 26 and is no longer eligible
ing documentation, please contact HR for help.                           for your plan;
                                                                    •    You and/or your dependents move to a new residence
                                                                         outside of the plan’s coverage area;
Can you change your benefits when life changes?                     •    You/your spouse become eligible for Medicaid or Medicare.
You don’t need to wait for open enrollment to change your
benefits coverage during the plan year if you experience a          When life changes, make sure you adjust your benefits.
qualifying event, but you must change your benefit elections        Don’t forget — within 30 days of the event you need to make
within 30 days of the event.                                        all changes in Workday and attach the documentation that
                                                                    shows the effective date of your qualifying event.

What happens to your benefits if you go on leave?
If you’re on a paid leave of absence, Suffolk University will continue to pay its share of your benefit costs and your share will be
deducted from your pay. If you are on an unpaid leave or long term disability leave you will need to make arrangements to pay
for your share of the benefit premium while on leave.

Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
Suffolk University Benefits At-A-Glance

          Suffolk University Retirement Plan

TIAA                    We know that you work hard every day to support Suffolk University. That’s why we are committed
For detailed TIAA       to providing a progressive retirement savings program to prepare you for your life after Suffolk.
benefit information,    The Suffolk Employee Retirement Plan is governed by section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.
visit the website.
                        It lets you to save for your retirement in a tax-advantaged way. If you are in a faculty or staff role and
                        participate, the University will contribute up to 9% of your pay to your retirement account.
                           • You may participate if you are 21 years of age or older
Investments                • You may enroll immediately upon hire
For detailed Fidelity      • I f you are in a faculty or staff position and do not enroll, you will be automatically enrolled at a
benefit information,          1% contribution level after 60 days of employment or eligibility1
visit the website.           • I f you are in a faculty or staff position, the University will contribute 180% of your
                              contribution for the first 5% you contribute
                                      Percent of your pay you contribute                               Percent of your pay the University contributes
                                                               1%                                                                      1.8%
                                                               2%                                                                      3.6%
                                                               3%                                                                      5.4%
                                                               4%                                                                      7.2%
                                                               5%                                                                      9.0%

                           • You may change or stop your contribution at any time
                           • You may choose to have your contributions go to TIAA, Fidelity or split between the two
                           • Y
                              ou must create an account with TIAA or Fidelity. If you don’t, your contributions and the
                             University’s contributions will be directed to a Lifecycle fund at TIAA.
                           • You have two options for saving in a tax advantaged way:
                               ○○ Y
                                   ou may save before payroll taxes are calculated, which reduces your tax liability for the
                                  current year. You will pay taxes on your savings plus earnings later, when withdrawn
                               ○○ Y
                                   ou may save after federal and state taxes are calculated to a Roth 403(b) account. That
                                  means you will pay taxes now but your savings plus earnings are tax-free when withdrawn
                           • Th
                              e University’s contributions will be “vested” after you complete 3 years of employment.
                             (Vesting refers to the point where you “own” that money.)2 If you leave Suffolk before
                             you complete 3 years of employment you will keep the contributions you made but the
                             University’s contributions will be returned to the Plan
                        The maximum that you may contribute to the retirement plan is $19,000 if you are under age 50 or
                        $25,000 if you are age 50 or older.

                        1. For eligible employees hired after January 1, 2019   2. If you were hired before December 31, 2018, you are 100% vested in the University’s contributions.

Your Suffolk Benefits - Get To Know 2019 - Suffolk University
Medical Insurance

    Harvard Pilgrim          HMO – an HMO plan that requires you to use an in-network provider. You must
    Health Care              also choose a PCP and obtain referrals for specialty care.
    (HPHC)                     • No deductible or co-insurance requirement
    For detailed benefit
    information, visit the     • All services require a copayment at time of visit
                               • Annual routine exams are paid at no cost to you
                             Best Buy HMO – an HMO plan that requires you to use an in-network provider.
                             You must also choose a PCP and obtain referrals for specialty care. You must also
                             pay a deductible before the plan pays for most services.
                               • An annual deductible of $500 for an individual or $1,000 for a family applies
                               • Once the deductible is met some services are still subject to a copayment
                               • Annual routine exams are paid at no cost to you

                             PPO – a PPO plan provides access to a nationwide network of health care providers.
                             You do not have to choose a PCP and no referrals are needed for specialty care.
                               • No in-network deductible or in-network co-insurance requirement
                               • All in network services require a copayment at time of visit
                               • A
                                  n out-of-network annual deductible of $750 for an individual or $1,500
                                 for a family applies. Once the deductible is met you are responsible for
                                 copayment and co-insurance
                               • Annual routine exams are paid at no cost you

                             HDHP PPO – a high deductible PPO health plan paired with a health savings
                             account. You are responsible for all expenses up to the full deductible before the
                             plan pays for any services. If you participate in the HDHP PPO you are eligible for
                             a University contribution to your Health Savings Account.
                               • A
                                  n in-network annual deductible of $1,500 for an individual or $3,000 for an
                                 employee and any family members applies
                               • A
                                  n out of network annual deductible of $3,000 for an individual or $6,000
                                 for an employee and any family members applies
                               • Once the deductible is met you are responsible for copayment and co-insurance

    OptumRx®                 Pharmacy Benefit Services
    For detailed benefit       • C
                                  opays for prescription drugs for the HMO, Best Buy HMO and PPO plans.
    information, visit the
    website.                     Deductible applies before copays for HDHP PPO            • Coverage for a wide variety of medications, with many low cost generics
                               • Access to thousands of retail pharmacies
                               • 9 0-day supply of maintenance medications through OptumRx® home delivery
                                  for savings (Tier 1-3 medications) and convenience

Health Savings Account (HSA)

Discovery Benefits          If you enroll in the HDHP you will automatically be enrolled in a Health Savings
                            Account (HSA) with Discovery Benefits. The University will make a one-time
For detailed benefit        contribution of $700 for an individual or $1,400 for a family to your HSA
information, visit the      (pro-rated for new employees based on your hire date after you have completed 90
website.                    days of service).
                              • U
                                 se HSA to pay for or reimburse your qualified out-of-pocket expenses for
                                medical care (deductibles and copays), as well as other qualified medical
                                expenses (dental expenses and long term care insurance)
                              • A
                                 ny unused funds roll over each year. Use your funds to pay for qualified
                                expenses in future years, even after retirement
                              • Y
                                 ou own the funds in your account even if you change employers or health
                                plans, and you may invest in mutual funds when your balance is above $1,000
                              • Y
                                 our HSA is “triple-net” meaning it is deposited to your account before taxes,
                                interest on your account is not taxed, and if you spend your balance on a
                                qualified expense, even many years in the future, you pay no taxes
                              • 2 019 annual IRS maximum contribution limit is $3,500 for an individual
                                 and $7,000 for a family. If you are 55 or older in 2019, you are allowed an
                                 additional $1,000 catch-up contribution

                            If you elect this plan in Workday please be aware of the following:
                              • Y
                                 ou (or any one covered on the plan) cannot be enrolled in any other
                                health plan
                              • Y
                                 ou cannot participate in the University’s or a spouse’s FSA plan, or have a
                                balance remaining in your previous year’s FSA that you are carrying forward
                              • Th
                                 e University’s contribution to the HSA plan counts toward the annual
                                IRS limit
                              • I f you are enrolled in Medicare Part A, you may enroll in the high deductible
                                 health plan but are not eligible to contribute, or accept the University’s
                                 contributions to the HSA account
                              • The University may or may not contribute to the HSA in future years

                            A list of qualified out-of-pocket expenses can be found on the Discovery Benefits
                            website under Employees, Eligible Expenses.

Delta Dental

    Delta Dental                PPO – a preferred provider network dental plan with access to two extensive
                                national networks with thousands of participating dentists.
    For detailed benefit          • Ability to see providers in the PPO network and the Premier network
    information, visit the
    website.                      • N
                                     o deductible for preventative/diagnostic care which includes cleanings,           sealants, space maintainers, and x-rays
                                  • Lifetime Orthodontic maximum of $1,500 per member, including adults
                                  • I ncludes a calendar year roll-over feature (if an enrolled member receives at
                                     least one cleaning or one oral exam in the plan year, and the total paid claims
                                     does not exceed $700 that member can rollover up to $500 of their unused
                                     annual maximum to use during the next plan year and beyond)

        Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

    Discovery Benefits          Healthcare FSA
                                  • U
                                     se to pay for or reimburse you or your dependents qualified out-of-pocket
    For detailed benefit            expenses for medical care (such as co-payments, deductibles, glasses, laser
    information, visit the
    website.                        vision correction, and even sunscreen) as well as dental expenses (such as       orthodontics and expenses over plan allowances)
                                  • Annual minimum contribution is $200, and annual IRS maximum is $2,700
                                  • P
                                     lan Year is January 1, 2019 - March 15, 2020, and last day to submit claims
                                    for the 2019 plan year is March 30, 2020

                                Limited Purpose FSA
                                  •   For employees enrolled in the HDHP and the HSA
                                  • Annual minimum contribution is $200, and annual IRS maximum is $2,700
                                  • U
                                     sed to pay for or reimburse you or your dependents qualified out-of-pocket
                                    expenses for dental and vision expenses only
                                  • P
                                     lan Year is January 1, 2019 – March 15, 2020, and last day to submit claims
                                    for the 2019 plan year is March 30, 2020

                                Dependent Care FSA
                                  • Annual minimum contribution is $200, and annual IRS maximum is $5,000
                                  • U
                                     sed to reimburse you for qualified dependent daycare expenses for children
                                    up to age 13 incurred while you are working at Suffolk University
                                  • P
                                     lan Year is January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, and last day to submit
                                    claims for the 2019 plan year is March 30, 2020

Commuter Program

Discovery Benefits          Commuter Program - Transit
                              • Elections up to $260 per month will be deducted from your pay on a pre-tax basis
For detailed benefit
information, visit the        • Elections over $260 per month will be deducted from your pay after-tax
                              • P
                                 ayroll deductions are deposited directly into your Discovery Benefits
                                transit account
                              • P
                                 ay for transit expenses with your Discovery Benefits card, whether you take
                                the train, bus, uberPool, Lyft Line or boat. You may also be reimbursed for
                                transit expenses if you used another form of payment

                            Commuter Program – Parking
                              • Elections up to $260 per month will be deducted from your pay on a pre-tax basis
                              • Elections over $260 per month will be deducted from your pay after-tax
                              • P
                                 ayroll deductions are deposited directly into your Discovery Benefits parking
                              • P
                                 ay for parking expenses with your Discovery Benefits card when you park
                                close to work, or use mass transit parking. You may also be reimbursed for
                                parking expenses if you used another form of payment

                            Any balances in your transit or parking accounts carry over from month to month
                            and year to year. You will forfeit any balance when you leave employment at
                            Suffolk University.

      Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance

Standard Insurance          Long Term Disability insurance provides income protection when illness prevents
Company                     you from working for more than six months.
For detailed benefit          • Y
                                 ou are eligible after being employed by Suffolk University for one year, or
information, visit the
website.                        upon hire if you worked at another higher education institution where the                prior policy provided income benefits for at least 5 years.
                              • Y
                                 ou will receive 60% of your current monthly base pay up to a maximum of
                                $15,000 per month; benefits received under the program are taxable
                              • Y
                                 ou will continue to receive the benefit for as long as you qualify as “disabled”
                                under the policy, up to age 65
                              • Suffolk University provides this benefit at no cost to you

Basic Life Insurance

     Standard Insurance       Basic life insurance provides a cash benefit to your beneficiary(ies) in the event of
     Company                  your death while employed by Suffolk University.
     For detailed benefit       • Basic life insurance is equal to your annual salary up to a maximum of $100,000
     information, visit the
     website.                   • B
                                   enefits are reduced starting at age 65, and by age 70 your basic life insurance             is equal to 50% of your salary up to a maximum of $100,000
                                • Suffolk University provides this benefit at no cost to you
                                • P
                                   remiums the University pays on coverage over $50,000 of insurance is
                                  taxable income and appears on your pay slip as GTL
                                • Benefits are tax-free to the beneficiary
                                • Upon termination you may continue this policy at your own expense
                              Be sure to update your beneficiary(ies) in Workday.

          Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance

     Standard Insurance       Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance provides an additional cash benefit
     Company                  to your beneficiary(ies) in the event of your accidental death while employed by
     For detailed benefit     Suffolk University and to you if you lose a limb or part of a limb.
     information, visit the
     website.                   • AD&D insurance is equal to your annual salary up to a maximum of $100,000           • B
                                   enefits are reduced starting at age 65, and by age 70 your basic life insurance
                                  is equal to 50% of your salary up to a maximum of $100,000
                                • Suffolk University provides this benefit at no cost to you

          Supplemental Life Insurance

     Standard Insurance       You may purchase additional life insurance at preferred rates through the
     Company                  convenience of payroll deductions.
     For detailed benefit       • You may elect coverage between 1x and 5x your annual salary, up to $750,000
     information, visit the
     website.                   • Y
                                   ou are eligible for the guaranteed issue amount up to $375,000 if enrolled             within 30 days of hire. Evidence of Insurability (EOI) required over $375,000
                                • Y
                                   ou may add or change your coverage at any time during the year. You need
                                  to provide EOI if you wish to increase coverage by more than 1x your salary
                                • You may reduce your coverage at any time during the year
                                • Upon termination you may continue this policy at your own expense
                              Be sure to update your beneficiary(ies) in Workday.

Suffolk University Benefits Plan Options 2019

                                             HMO                 Best Buy HMO                                PPO                              High Deductible PPO Plan with HSA
                Benefits               In Network Only          In Network Only             In Network             Out of Network               In Network             Out of Network
                                                                 $500 per member                                  $750 per member            $1,500 per single          $3,000 per single
      Annual Deductible                       None                                             None
                                                                 $1,000 per family                             $1,500 family maximum         $3,000 per family          $6,000 per family
                                                                      $0 copay,                                     Covered 80%                   $0 copay,               Covered 80%
      Routine Office Visits                 $0 copay                                          $0 copay
                                                                   no deductible                                   after deductible            no deductible             after deductible
                                                                     $25 copay,                                     Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      PCP Office Visits                    $25 copay                                         $25 copay
                                                                   no deductible                                   after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                     $25 copay,                                     Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      Specialist Office Visits             $25 copay                                         $25 copay
                                                                   no deductible                                   after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                     $25 copay,                                     Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      Chiropractic Visits                  $25 copay                                         $25 copay
                                                                   no deductible                                   after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                     $25 copay,                                     Covered 80%                  $25 copay,               Covered 80%
      Annual Eye Exam                      $25 copay                                         $25 copay
                                                                   no deductible                                   after deductible            no deductible             after deductible
                                                                  Covered in full                                   Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      Diagnostic Tests                   Covered in full                                  Covered in full
                                                                  after deductible                                 after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                                                                    Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      MRI, CT Scan, PET Scan           $75 copay per test        $75 copay per test      $75 copay per test
                                                                                                                   after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                    $250 copay                                      Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      Inpatient Hospital                   $250 copay                                       $250 copay
                                                                  after deductible                                 after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
                                                                    $150 copay                                      Covered 80%               Covered in full             Covered 80%
      Outpatient Surgery Copay             $150 copay                                       $150 copay
                                                                  after deductible                                 after deductible           after deductible           after deductible
      Emergency Room                       $150 copay               $150 copay                            $150 copay                         Covered in full after in-network deductible
      Prescription Drugs                                                                                                                        Plan deductible applies, then copays
           Retail (30 day supply)       $5/$20/$30/$50           $5/$20/$30/$50          $5/$20/$30/$50              Not covered                          $5/$20/$30/$50
      Mail Order (90 day supply)       $10/$40/$60/$150         $10/$40/$60/$150        $10/$40/$60/$150             Not covered                         $10/$40/$60/$150
                                       $2,500 per member        $2,500 per member       $2,500 per member         $2,500 per member         $3,000 per member        $6,000 per member
      Out-of-Pocket Maximum
                                        $5,000 per family        $5,000 per family       $5,000 per family         $5,000 per family         $6,000 per family        $12,000 per family

     This is intended to be a summary only; please refer to the Schedule of Benefits for detailed information available at or by calling (888) 333-4742.

2019 Benefits Costs

                                  Deductions are based on 24 pay periods

                                                Full Time Employees                Part Time Employees
                   Medical                    (30 or more hours per week)          (21-29 hours per week)
                   Insurance               Bi-Weekly Cost     Annual Cost      Bi-Weekly Cost         Annual Cost
                Individual                     $59.02          $1,416.41           $81.62              $1,958.76

                Individual & Child(ren)       $115.09          $2,762.07          $159.16              $3,819.84

                Individual & Spouse           $126.88          $3,045.21          $175.48              $4,211.52
                Family                        $157.10          $3,770.33          $217.26              $5,214.24
                Individual                    $83.30            $1,999.11         $118.35              $2,840.28
     Best Buy

                Individual & Children         $162.40           $3,897.50         $231.43              $5,554.20

                Individual & Spouse           $179.07           $4,297.71         $254.43              $6,106.32
                Family                        $221.73           $5,321.45         $315.04              $7,560.84
                Individual                     $99.18           $2,380.44         $137.18              $3,292.32
                Individual & Child(ren)       $193.41           $4,641.94         $267.66              $6,423.84

                Individual & Spouse           $213.25           $5,117.92         $294.97              $7,079.16
                Family                        $264.03           $6,336.65         $365.23              $8,765.40
                Individual                     $220.58          $5,293.92         $279.47              $6,707.28
                Individual & Child(ren)        $430.17         $10,323.96         $544.96             $13,079.04

                Individual & Spouse            $474.29         $11,382.84         $600.85             $14,420.28
                Family                         $587.23         $14,093.40         $743.93             $17,854.32

                                                Full Time Employees                 Part Time Employees
                     Dental                   (30 or more hours per week)           (21-29 hours per week)
                    Insurance              Bi-Weekly Cost Annual Cost          Bi-Weekly Cost     Annual Cost
                Individual                      $9.02            $216.48           $11.87            $284.88
                Individual & Child(ren)        $16.67            $400.08           $21.22            $509.16

                Individual & Spouse            $18.52            $444.48           $23.56            $565.32
                Family                         $29.26            $702.12           $37.21            $893.04

          Supplemental Life Insurance
          Deductions are based on 24 pay periods

           Age         Rates        Age        Rates         Age       Rates       To calculate employee premium for
                                                                                   Supplemental Life Insurance:
Additional Benefits
& Information

Paid Time-Off Benefits (Staff Only)
In general, paid time off benefits are available for employees
with standard hours of 17.5 per week or more.

The University will observe the following holidays in 2019:

       •    New Year’s Day (January 1)
       •    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 21)
       •    Presidents’ Day (February 18)
       •    Patriots’ Day (observed April 15)
       •    Memorial Day (May 27)
       •    Independence Day (July 4)
       •    Labor Day (September 2)
       •    Fall Holiday (October 14)
       •    Veterans’ Day (November 11)
       •    Thanksgiving Day (November 28)
       •    Christmas Day (December 25)

Full-time employees receive a holiday benefit of 7 hours. Part-   employees accrue 161 hours, or 23 days of vacation annually.
time employees receive a pro-rated holiday benefit based on       Part-time employees and employees who do not work a full
their standard hours. Time limited and intermittent seasonal      calendar year accrue pro-rated vacation based on standard hours
employees do not receive a holiday benefit. Any hourly            during active work periods during the year. Time-limited or
employee who works on a holiday will be compensated for time      intermittent seasonal workers do not accrue vacation time.
and one-half their base rate of pay.
                                                                  Health Absence
The University celebrates Thanksgiving Break by closing from
                                                                  Each year, on July 1, the University grants health absence time
the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through the Friday after
                                                                  equal to two weeks of standard hours that can be used for medical
Thanksgiving (November 27 – November 29).
                                                                  care, personal illness, or the same for family members. This benefit
The University celebrates Winter Break by closing from            is pro-rated if you work less than full time or if you become eligible
December 21 – January 1, 2020.                                    during the year. If your standard hours are less than 17.5 per week
                                                                  you will receive 40 hours of health absence time.
Eligible employees accrue vacation each pay period. Full-time
hourly employees accrue 105 hours, or 15 days, of vacation        Extended Illness Benefit (EIB)
annually. This accrual rate increases to 140 hours, or 20         If you must be absent from work for personal illness for
days, annually after five years of employment and increases       more than seven consecutive calendar days, the University
again after 10 years of employment to 161 hours, or 23 days       provides an extended illness benefit (EIB). The EIB provides
of vacation annually. Full time salaried employees accrue         60% of regular base pay while unable to work. You are
140 hours, or 20 days of vacation, annually during the first 5    eligible to receive EIB once you have been continuously
years of employment. After five years of employment, salaried     employed for a year.

Supplemental Income Replacement Bank (SIRB)                          Parental Leave Pay (PLP)
When your health absence balance exceeds 140 hours, the              The University provides Parent Leave Pay (PLP) allowing
portion over 140 hours will be transferred to the Supplemental       financial security while you bond with your child upon birth or
Income Replacement Bank (SIRB) on June 30th of each year.            adoption. PLP provides you with 60% of your regular base pay
SIRB is used to supplement EIB. Employees may use any SIRB           for a certain number of days, based on years of employment. This
to cover 40% of regular base pay and thus receive full pay for       is available to staff who have 17.5 standard hours per week or
an extended absence. You may have a maximum of 364 hours             more and who have worked at the University for at least one year.
in your SIRB, which is enough, combined with EIB, to give
you full pay for six months.
                                                                     Bereavement & Jury Duty
                                                                     The University also provides paid time off for bereavement
                                                                     and jury duty. More information is available on the Suffolk
                                                                     University HR webpage.

Work Life Support, Payroll Information, and Tuition
Employee Work/Life Support                                           Payroll Information
You and your household members have access to the work/life          You will receive your pay via direct deposit on alternate
support program through E4 Health. This plan supports you            Fridays (biweekly) for a total of 26 pay periods. Your benefit
with a variety of issues, including personal, financial, wellness,   deductions will be taken twice a month (first 2 pay periods
new parenting, adoption, education, and legal. E4 Health             each month) with the exception of the retirement plan, which
also provides a robust website with a variety of resources           will be deducted from each pay check. In the event of a
including fun perks such as discounted movie tickets. To             holiday on a payday, you will normally receive your pay on
learn more, visit, enter “Suffolk University”        the last business day before the holiday. To view your pay slip
for company name, and “guest” for the password.                      log in to Workday and click on the “pay” worklet.

Tuition Remission Program
You, your dependent children, and spouse/domestic partner
are eligible for tuition-free or tuition-reduced taxable courses
in the College of Arts & Sciences, Sawyer Business School,
and Suffolk Law School. More information about the
program and the application process are on the HR webpage.

Tuition Exchange Program
Your dependent child may be eligible for a scholarship to
cover the cost of tuition at a University outside of Suffolk
through the Tuition Exchange Program. The program
provides scholarships for tuition costs for full-time study
towards a baccalaureate degree at over 660 colleges
and universities throughout the United States. More
information about Tuition Exchange and the application
process are on the HR webpage.

Employment Perks

Discounted Auto and Home Insurance                               Verizon Wireless 15% Employee Discount
You are eligible for a group discount on auto and home           This discount applies to the monthly account access fee for
insurance through Liberty Mutual. To learn more about the        most voice and data plans with a monthly access fee of $34.99
benefits available contact Liberty Mutual at 800-699-5298 or     or higher.
visit for       To register for the employee discount, or to validate your
your free rate quote.                                            employment if you’re already enrolled, you should:
                                                                   •    Visit
Metro Credit Union                                                 •    Enter your mobile phone number or My Verizon User
Founded in 1926, Metro Credit Union is one of the largest               ID in the Existing Verizon Customer field.
credit unions in Massachusetts. As a cooperative financial         •    Click Login and Validate by Email with your work email.
institution, Metro is owned and controlled by its members
and offers a broad of products and services. Metro@work          To validate by Paystub:
is a workplace banking program that includes products and          •    Visit
services such as direct deposit, payroll deduction, mortgages,
                                                                   •    Enter your mobile phone number or My Verizon User
auto loans, credit cards, savings and checking accounts, all
                                                                        ID in the Existing Verizon Customer field.
at good rates. Easy access is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week by phone, online, or with your ATM card. For           •    Click Login and Validate by Paystub and follow the
more information call 877-MY-METRO, or visit online at                  instructions to upload your paystub.                                                 You may check the status of your validation at
                                                                 approved, your qualifying discount will appear within one to
Mass Rides                                                       two billing cycles.
The MassRIDES Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program
supports commuters who commute green by providing a
free ride home if you have an unexpected emergency. Think        Campus Amenities
of it as “commuter insurance” if you carpool, take transit,      You are welcome to use the Sawyer Library, the Law Library
bicycle, walk, or vanpool to work. If you must get home in       and the Michael & Larry Smith Fitness Center.
an emergency, simply take a taxi, transit, rental car or get a
ride from a co-worker. Then you submit a reimbursement           You can take work-related online classes in Microsoft Word,
request, and once MASSRIDES confirms your details with           Excel, Access, PowerPoint and others at no cost to assist
Suffolk University, you will be reimbursed up to $100 for        you in your career development. If you are interested in
the cost of getting home. For more information, please visit     this program, please visit Staff Training and Development
Commuting to Suffolk, MassRides on the HR webpage.               Programs on the HR webpage.

For More                                 For more information on the Suffolk University benefits, please visit
                                         the HR webpage at
Suffolk University Human Resources Contacts

                            Gina Begley
                            Director Benefits, Compensation & HRIS
                            Phone: (617) 973-1177

                            Janice Baker
                            Senior Compensation & Benefits Specialist
                            Phone: (617) 973-5312

                            Annie Perez
                            Benefit and Leave Specialist
                            Phone: (617) 570-4831

                            Kelly Nichols
                            Benefits Coordinator
                            Phone: (617) 570-4831

Key Contact Information

COVERAGE                       PROVIDER                 CONTACT INFORMATION

   Medical Insurance       Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare

  Prescription Coverage           Optum RX

    Dental Insurance             Delta Dental

       Life and                                    
                             Standard Life Insurance
  Disability Insurance                                        1-888-937-4783

    FSAs, HSAs &                                
                               Discovery Benefits
  Commuter Programs                                          1-877-765-8810

   & Annuity Plans
                              Fidelity Investments

  Employee Work/Life                               
                                  E-4 Health
       Support                                               1-800-828-6025

     Home & Auto                                 
                                Liberty Mutual
  Insurance Discounts                                      1-800-320-7591 ext. 154

     Credit Union             Metro Credit Union
                                                              1- 877-696-3216

       to Work                                                 1-800-392-6100

Your Notes

This overview guide highlights the Suffolk University benefits
The Fine Print                 program in non-technical language. Your specific rights to
                               benefits under this program are governed solely, and in every
Plan Year: January 1, 2019 –   respect, by the official plan documents and not the information
December 31, 2019              contained in this overview.

                               If there is any discrepancy between the descriptions of the
                               program elements as contained in this overview (or other benefits
                               enrollment materials you receive) and the Plan Documents, the
                               language of the Plan Documents shall prevail. Please refer to the
                               Plan Documents published by each of the carriers for detailed
                               plan information. Plan documents can be found on the HR
                               webpage. Any of these benefits may be modified in the future
                               to meet changes in the Internal Revenue Code and/or federal or
                               state mandates.

                               Suffolk University reserves the right to change, modify, or
                               terminate the plans at any time. The language in this overview
                               does not imply a contract or guarantee of employment,
                               compensation, or benefits.
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