Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors

Page created by Jeffrey Robles
Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
Providing Care and Meeting Challenges Through                           2021

Relentless Compassion                                                   Report to

                 Care & Support Services | Home Care | Hospice
            Interpretation | Community Health | Grief & Loss Services
Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
 We empower
support families
and strengthen
Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
EveryStep’s work has not wavered since the pandemic began so many months ago. Through relentless compassion, we continue to provide care and support
to Iowans facing life’s most difficult moments — whether it’s support for young moms; assistance to immigrants and refugees navigating a new country;
wellness services to our communities; in-home care for those who are ill, injured or facing the end of life; or compassionate support to families during times
of grief and loss.

Despite the ongoing challenges that COVID-19 presented, EveryStep enjoyed many successes during the past fiscal year. For example:

   • We successfully completed our $3.5 million capital campaign to renovate EveryStep’s Kavanagh House. Construction began in the spring, and work
     will be completed in January 2022. During the renovations, we provided hospice house services at EveryStep’s Bright Kavanagh Center location in
     east Des Moines, ensuring continuity of care throughout the project. Many thanks to George and Deb Milligan, for chairing this campaign, and to all
     of our donors (p. 15) who made the renovations a reality.

   • Our EveryStep Palliative Care program expanded through a new collaboration with Greater Regional Health Visiting Physicians Clinic in Creston.
     This vital and growing service, which served 50 patients last year, is now offered in Creston and at Madison County Memorial Hospital Specialty
     Clinic in Winterset.

   • In late 2020, EveryStep Grief & Loss Services’ Amanda the Panda program wrapped, packed and delivered more than 550 Cheer Boxes to families
     who were experiencing their first holiday season after the loss of a loved one — an increase of more than 100 boxes over the prior year.

   • We created a new Volunteer Management department and online portal to manage, support and communicate with EveryStep’s 600+ volunteers.

   • As EveryStep continues its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion journey, our DEI committee identified and implemented a new learning platform which
     offers employees relevant, engaging and educational resources, videos and podcasts. The DEI committee also developed an 18-month activity and
     communication workplan.

EveryStep was able to achieve this success thanks to the ongoing, generous support of our donors and funders. We are grateful for your investment in
EveryStep and the work that we are privileged to provide to those who need our services.

                  Tray Wade                                       Bill Warner                                            Pat Barry
                  President & CEO                                 Chair, Board of Trustees                               Chair, Board of Directors

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
30               +                                       Interpretation Services


    Hospice       Home Care   Nurse-Family Partnership   Children at Home

    I-SmileTM                 Senior Companion

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
                                                                                        EVERYSTEP PROGRAMS

                                                                                        1st Five - Healthy Mental Development
                                                                                        Amanda the Panda
                                                                                        Biometric & Wellness Screenings

                                                                                        Care for Kids - EPSDT
                                                                                        Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC) Program
                                                                                        Correctly Compliant Program
                                                                                        Children at Home
                                                                                        Community Home Visitation
                                                                                        Contract RN
                                                                                        Correctional Facilities 5th Judicial
                                                                                        DNA Collection
                                                                                        Drake University Head Start Nurse Consultation
                                                                                        Flu Vaccination Clinics
                                                                                        Grief & Loss Services
                                                                                        Healthy Homes Iowa
                                                                                        Healthy Start & Empowerment
                                                                                        Home Care
                                                                                        Refugee Immigrant Guide Program
                                                                                        Iowa Family Support Network
                                                                                        I-SmileTM/Dental Voucher
                                                                                        Maternal Child Health Outreach
                                                                                        Nurse Family Partnership
                                                                                        Palliative Care
                                                                                        Play & Learn
                                                                                        Senior Companion
                                                                                        Senior Health
                                                                                        Stork’s Nest/Family Nest
Parent and child learning activitites   Amanda the Panda/Cheer Box   Flu vaccinations
                                                                                        StoryBook Project

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
Rising to the Challenge                                                                Events
    Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, EveryStep was able to
    meet, and often exceed goals this past fiscal year. A few highlights include:
                                                                                           EveryStep’s Art of Compassion Celebration
    2,677 hospice                1,307 children and           590 Volunteers               With a theme of “Compassion Starts at Home,”         PRESENTING SPONSORS
    and home care                families received            helped support our staff,    EveryStep’s signature annual fundraiser took place   Mary Kay & Douglas G Bruce
    patients were served         grief support                patients and clients.
                                                                                           at 30 different central Iowa house parties on        Jen Stanbrough Real Estate
    across 45 counties.          through Amanda the
                                 Panda, including online      993 remote                   October 8, 2020, raising more than $160,000 for
    92% of hospice               support groups and           interpretation               EveryStep’s programs and services.
    patients would               virtual camps.               sessions took
    recommend EveryStep                                       place to help bridge         Instead of gathering at an event center filled with 400 people, most of the loyal
    compared to national         100% of babies*              language barriers.           supporters and friends found themselves seated safely in homes and work settings
    average of 85%.              born into EveryStep’s
                                                                                           for the 2020 Art of Compassion. Whether parties were indoors or outdoors, casual
                                 Community Home               6,959 phone
    1,232 children and                                                                     or formal, guests listened to a recorded program, bid online for more than 40 silent
                                 Visitation program were      visits were made
    pregnant women               at a healthy birth weight.   with participants in         auction items, participated in wine and beer raffles, and donated funds to provide
    received dental                                           our Healthy Start &          holiday Cheer Boxes, quality of life wishes and Stork’s Nest baby supplies.
    screenings, oral             1,241 Stork’s Nest           Empowerment Project.         Art of Compassion will be back in person on April 26, 2022 at Glen Oaks
    health education and         and Family Nest              This was in addition to
    referrals to providers for   participants                 117 face-to-face visits
    dental concerns.             earned points toward         and 86 virtual visits.
                                 more than $46,000
    EveryStep’s Senior           in baby items and            294 childcare
    Companions drove             household goods.             providers received
    14,484 miles                                              education and support,
    to deliver groceries         Our Children at              including COVID-19
    and supplies to 258          Home program                 guidance, from our
    homebound seniors,           helped 393                   team of Child Care
    helping them stay safe       families secure              Nurse Consultants.
    and maintain their           more than $518,000
    independence in the          in services and
    comfort of home.             special equipment
                                 for their children with      59,907
    551 Cheer Boxes
    were delivered to
    grieving families during                                  were touched
    the 2020 holiday season.
                                                              by our services
                                                              last year.

                                                              *Does not include twins or
4                                                             other multiple births
Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
EveryStep’s Amazing FundRacer                                                           EveryStep’s Good Grief Golf Outing
More than 20 teams competed on May 15, 2021 in a                                        Golfers generated more than $39,000 for the
                                                        PRESENTING SPONSOR                                                                   PRINCIPAL SPONSORS
trek around Des Moines, raising more than $23,000       F&G Annuities & Life            programs of EveryStep Grief & Loss Services at       Mary Kay & Douglas G Bruce
to support at-risk and low-income children and                                          Echo Valley Country Club in Norwalk on June 17,      Merchants Bonding Company
                                                        COMMUNITY SPONSOR
families served by EveryStep. In this inaugural event,  Jen Stanbrough Real Estate      2021. Funds raised at the fifth annual Good Grief
EveryStep’s Amazing FundRacer, teams of two and                                         Golf Outing support the no-cost bereavement support groups conducted by our
four deciphered clues to reach destinations throughout the city where they completed    bereavement counselors throughout 44 southern and central Iowa counties and to
mental and physical challenges that related to EveryStep’s maternal and child health    our Amanda the Panda programs for activities with children, families and individual
programs. The need to be outside and safely distance during the COVID-19 outbreak led   adults as they experience hope and healing during times of grief and loss.
to this exciting, new event. With overwhelming positive feedback, it is once again      The next outing is scheduled for June 14, 2022.
on the calendar and scheduled for May 14, 2022.

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
Donald Buddenhagen’s Trip Back Home:
    an EveryStep story of care, compassion and coordination
    An Iowan for the last 20 years, Donald Buddenhagen has strong family ties to Spruceton         After the visit, Donald began receiving the
    Valley in the Catskills of New York state, so much so that he named his son Spruceton          many services EveryStep Hospice provides,
    to honor his heritage. When Donald was diagnosed with a rare and untreatable form              including enhanced pain control
    of stomach cancer in May of 2021, he badly wanted to return there while he still could.        methods. By this time, Bonnie had
    “Given a limited life span, I wanted to see family and friends before I pass,” said Donald.    already started planning the trip to
                                                                                                   New York. When Misha told Bonnie
    The EveryStep Hospice team in Mount Ayr became involved when Donald’s sister and
                                                                                                   and Donald that the EveryStep
    caregiver Bonnie reached out for help with her brother’s pain level.
                                                                                                   Foundation has a Quality of Life fund
    “[EveryStep medical director] Dr. Mouser came to Leon to meet with Donald and me               that provides financial assistance for
    at his home,” said Misha Curtis, EveryStep Hospice team director and palliative care           final wishes, they were both surprised.
    director at EveryStep’s Greater Regional Hospice Home in Creston. “I arrived a little early,   “We looked at each other and said ‘well, I
    went in and introduced myself and just really had a heart-to-heart regarding goals of          didn’t know that!’” said Bonnie.
    care and, actually, his goals of life.” That’s when Misha learned of his wish to travel to
    Spruceton Valley.

    Gifts to EveryStep Foundation fund final
    wishes for hospice patients and ensure
    they can find quality of life — because
    every moment matters.

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
Because Donald received total parenteral nutrition (TPN), an intravenous form of nutrition
feeding, arrangements had to be made for the therapy to continue during his trip. Misha
went to work and secured a travel contract with a New York hospice provider. Donations
to EveryStep Foundation’s Quality of Life Fund paid for the substantial cost of overnight
shipment of the TPN to that hospice.

With everything in place, Donald traveled to Spruceton Valley with his sister and two
children, Spruceton and Isabella. They drove across the country in a Chrysler 300, the exact
car Donald had requested for his journey. His two-week stay included lots of catching up
with friends and family. “I had groups of cousins who hadn’t seen each other in 20 years,
and friends who hadn’t seen each other in 30 years. Because they were there to see me,
everybody else got together too. That was really a neat thing,” said Donald.

Donald was also able to visit the 200-year-old cemetery where his mother, grandparents,
aunts, uncles and other ancestors are buried. Donald’s ashes will go there too.

“The fact he got to do this is just monumental to me,” said Bonnie. “With the EveryStep
Foundation’s Quality of Life fund covering the cost of the rental car, gas and hotel room, we
had enough money to make cremation arrangements, which we wouldn’t have been able
to afford before.”

“EveryStep has been wonderful to work with,” said Bonnie. “We appreciate everyone involved.”

“This is the absolute best part of my job,” said Misha. “Getting to help fulfill those last wishes
is really what matters at the end of the day. I’m so glad I can be a part of it.”

To help make final wishes come true for EveryStep Hospice patients,
please make a donation at

Relentless Compassion - 2021 Report to Donors
An Unexpected Delivery:
                               Cheer Box comforts a grieving daughter
                              It’s the call no one wants to receive.                               Last holiday season, 225 EveryStep volunteers delivered 551
                                                                                                   Cheer Boxes to families in Iowa and beyond.
                              In 2018, Jennifer Baker got a phone call informing her that
                              her dad had been killed in a car crash. “We had to leave in the      “I’m so appreciative of the box,” Jennifer says. “It gave me some
                              middle of the night. My daughters were 4 and 2,” recalls Jennifer.   tools to use to help my young daughters process their feelings
                              “My oldest daughter remembers everything. She stayed awake           and it probably helped me even more.”
                              the whole car ride and heard all the phone calls we had to
                                                                                                   “These small items were and continue to be special, positive
                              make. It was so traumatic for all of us.”
                                                                                                   reminders of my dad and I’m so grateful. I truly do think each
                              As Jennifer and her family prepared to face their first holiday      item in the box generates a positive grieving memory and I
                              season without her father, they received an unexpected delivery      think it would be a powerful tool to help other families through
                              one December evening: a Cheer Box from EveryStep Grief &             difficult times after the loss of a loved one.”
                              Loss Services. The Cheer Box contained 12 gifts, each intended
                              to help Jennifer and her daughters process the unique grief
                              they were feeling during the holidays.

                              Each gift emphasized remembrance and comfort.

                              “We opened each item and read the little cards,” remembers
                              Jennifer. “We got a plate to decorate. Now it’s filled with my
Donations to EveryStep
                              dad’s favorite sayings, recipes and song lyrics. The cozy blanket
Foundation fund the           was fought over but is still on my daughter’s bed. We also got
Cheer Box program and         a plant. I can barely keep anything green alive, but it grew into
the many other free grief     something so beautiful. This is one thing I will always remember.”
support services offered by
EveryStep’s Amanda the
Panda and hospice programs.
                              Find free educational resources, support group details and
                              Cheer Box information at

Helping a Family Grow:
Reginalda’s story
Reginalda was a single mother with a 15-year-old, an 11-year-old and a baby on the way.        “The program has helped
It had been more than a decade since she had last given birth, so she contacted EveryStep      me because I have received
because she needed current baby items and developmental information.                           information about my pregnancy,
                                                                                               my baby and resources around
EveryStep community health specialist Berenice Reyes began working with Reginalda.
                                                                                               the community,” said Reginalda.
Because Spanish is Berenice’s second language, she was able to easily converse and
                                                                                               “[Berenice] is very kind and understands
build trust with Reginalda, a native Spanish speaker. Berenice connected Reginalda with
                                                                                               my needs, and always has my questions
EveryStep’s supportive services for pregnant women and young children, including home
                                                                                               answered. I feel very happy with the program.”
visits; prenatal, postpartum and parenting education; screenings for child development and
prenatal depression; support groups and help with accessing community resources.               “Reginalda always follows through with visits and applies suggestions I give her,” said
                                                                                               Berenice, who praised Reginalda’s initiative. “She has expressed many times how helpful our
“Besides my home visits, I introduced Reginalda to EveryStep’s Stork’s Nest,” said Berenice.
                                                                                               program has been for her and her family.”
EveryStep’s Stork’s Nest is an educational incentive program. Participants earn points for
healthy behaviors such as keeping medical appointments, WIC participation, breastfeed-          Help us stock the Stork’s Nest! Shop at, select
ing and school attendance. The points are redeemed at the Stork’s Nest store for needed         EveryStep as your designated charity, and Amazon will donate to
baby items such as diapers, clothing, strollers, cribs and car seats.                           EveryStep — at no cost to you!

                                                                                                                                                     Donations to EveryStep
                                                                                                                                                     Foundation purchase vital
                                                                                                                                                     baby supplies for EveryStep’s
                                                                                                                                                     Stork’s Nest program and the
                                                                                                                                                     families it serves.

                                        Thank You, Donors
                                       Thank you to the following individuals, organization and foundations that made annual gifts to EveryStep
                                       totaling $250 or more during the July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2020 fiscal year. Gifts to the capital campaign to
     The following people
     represent a group of visionary,   renovate EveryStep’s Kavanagh House on 56th Street can be found on page 15.
     forward-thinking supporters
     who have made estate-plan
                                       $100,000+                            Lynhon N. Stout                         MTC Hospitality Group            Chris Benda
     provisions to give a lasting      Blank Children’s Hospital            The Weathertop Foundation               Colleen Peterson                 Bible Faith Church
     gift to EveryStep’s programs.     Corporation of National &                                                    Sammons Financial Group          BKD CPAs & Advisors
                                          Community Service                 $5,000 - $19,999                        Scheels                          Teri and Paul Bognanno
     Anonymous                         Larry Epps Estate                    Advanced Problem Solutions              Darrell Schenk                   Nancy Boostrom
     Margaret Brennan                  Health Resources & Services          Bill Benskin                            Pam and Chuck Schoffner          Michelle Boris
     Thomas Burkhardt                     Administration                    Betty H. Bleckley Charitable Trust      SHAZAM                           Braun Family Foundation
                                                                            Suzie Glazer Burt                       SHYFT Collective                 Daniel Brennan
     Barbara Colter                    Iowa Department of Public Health
                                       Polk County – Early Childhood Iowa   Graham J. Cook and                      Julie and Thomas Swank           Joseph S. Brick
     Tom and Karen Conley                                                      Catherine C. Bennett                 UnityPoint Health                Dave and Cindy Bridgewater
                                       United Way of Central Iowa
     Larry Epps                                                             Doris Crouch                            Pete and Mary Sue Vorbrich       Mary C. Brooks
     Suzie Glazer Burt                 $50,000 - $99,999                    Delta Dental of Iowa                    Voya Financial                   Bryan and Elizabeth Burkhardt
     Kevin and Laurie Dowd Gowdy       Don and Margo Blumenthal             Emily Anne Weikert Charitable           Tray and Stacey Wade             Kelly Caldbeck and Ted Thoms
     Mary and Doug Hedberg             Mary Kay and Douglas G Bruce            Foundation                           West Bank                        Debbie Carr
                                                                            Jeff Farner                             Kim and Rich Willis              Casey’s General Stores, Inc.
     A. Jane Jennings                  Dean and Sandra Carlson
                                       Iowa Department on Aging             FBL Financial Group, Inc.               Warren Wilson                    Jeff and Rhonda Cash
     Patrice Maurer                                                         Fidelity & Guaranty Business Services                                    David and Rhonda Castagna
                                       Polk County Community &
     Jan Miller Straub                                                      Fieldstead and Company                  $1,000 - $4,999                  Central Bank
                                         Family Youth Services
     Marilyn J. Musser                 Polk County Decategorization         Janice Fitzpatrick                      Access Systems                   City of Des Moines Employees
     Imogene M. Nuding                 Polk County Housing Trust            Graham Construction Company             Katie and Jeremy Adams           Community State Bank
     Evelyn Schiller                   Variety The Children’s Charity       Kemalyn and Edward Green                Kerry and Denise Adaway          Concepts Cares Foundation
                                                                            Craig Hansen and                        Affinity Credit Union            Martha Cox
     Pam and Chuck Schoffner
     Lyle and Jan Simpson              $20,000 - $49,999                       Judy Ralston-Hansen                  Mike Albert                      Jane and T.J. Craver
                                       4R Kids – Early Childhood Iowa       Homesteaders Life Company               Stephanie and Jake Albrecht      Bill Crittenden
     Judy Singer                                                            Hy-Vee, Inc.                            Deborah and Jerome Antel         Crown’s Club
                                       James L. and Beth Andersen
     Jane and Stan Sondall             Carlson Family Foundation            Iowa Chronic Care Consortium            Denise and Tom Arnold            Ashley and James Culp
     Nancy Stefani                     Clinton/Jackson Early Childhood      Diane and Dan Jespersen                 Jane and Kip Augspurger          Dallas County Agricultural
     Dale and Kadi Wakelin             Fred Maytag Family Foundation        Elizabeth John                          Elizabeth Baker                  Jaclyn Daniels
                                                                            Irene McFerron                          Baker Group                      Davis Equipment Corporation
     Freida Wallace                    Jen Stanbrough Real Estate
                                       New York Life Insurance Co.          Merchants Bonding Company               Mollie and Britt Baker           Basil and Linda Dawson
     Lenora and Gary Waller                                                 Judith Milligan                         Bankers Trust                    Sharon Dee
                                       Imogene M. Nuding Estate
     Wanda Wendt                                                            The Molina Healthcare Charitable        Patricia Barry and Bryan Hall    Vera Denney
                                       Pam and Dan Sargent
     Fred Werner                       Evelyn J. Schiller                      Foundation                           Barton Solvents, Inc.            Dentons Davis Brown Law Firm
     Thomas Zucker                                                          Morgan E Cline Foundation               Beasley Family Foundation Inc.   Des Moines Business Group

Des Moines Elks #98 BPOE         Carl D. Lee                      Jaey and Brenda Sedlacek        Connie Beckman                   Greg Elming                     Nicole Maakestad
Des Moines University            Shery and Terry Lint             Scott and Linda Shuck           Kim and Sally Beisser            Dee Epperson                    Millie Mandernach
Elite Pools                      Marion County Bank               Larry and Chris Sidwell         Mary Bernard                     Gloria Ewing                    Gary McBee
Equitrust Life Insurance         Karen Martin                     Linda and Bruce Simonton        Sarah and Craig Black            First Fleet Concerts            Cindy McCann
    Company                      Julie and Harry Matternas        Kendra and William Sinclair     Blue Compass                     Donna and Craig Floro           Romona and Allen McDanel
Rebecca and James Ervin          Dan and Joanne McPhail           Melissa Slater                  Betty and Jeff Bollard           Pattie and Patrick Fraizer      Kevin McGlothlin
Farm Bureau Wealth               Kim Medici Shelquist and         Jane and Stan Sondall           Virginia Boulton                 Lucinda Gannon                  Whitney McKinstry
    Management                      David Shelquist               Robert Squaires                 Ethan Brenizer                   Joyce Godwin                    Jacob McLaughlin
Maurice and Velda Fitzgerald     Katie Mertens                    Lory and James Stewart          Robert Brooks                    Beth Goebel                     Miles Law Firm
    Charity Foundation           Steve Mescher                    Storey Kenworthy                Kimberly and Mike Bryan          Gerald and Nancy Graves         Connie and John Miller
Jane and Steve Flanagan          Lynn and Catherine Michl         Jan Miller Straub               Marlene and Bob Buckley          Vivian Haag                     Teresa Miller
Deniz Franke                     MidAmerican Energy               Mary Stuart and David Yepsen    Craig Canby                      Gretchen Hageman                Larry Moore
Dr. Brian Freeman                Mid-Iowa Health Foundation       Richard and Bonnie Sunderland   Barbara and Steve Cappaert       Gene and Beth Haigh             Tom Nelson
Jay Fried                        Midwest Family Lending           Laura Sweet                     Jan Carmichael                   Renee and P.J. Hamlen           Helen Norman
Katie and Michael Gehringer      Deb and George Milligan          Candice Tanner                  Lynnette and Alan Carver         Dolores and Bernard Hannam      Wayne Norton
Joyce Gelhaus                    Linda Moeller                    Niky Cross Taylor and           Central Iowa Power Cooperative   Ann Hanson                      NuCara Home Medical
Jodi and Jake Gibson             Ernie Morrison                      Scott Taylor                 Sally J. Chapman                 Brian and Elizabeth Hargrave    Mardelle Oakley
Marcia Gibson                    Kathy and Roger Morrison         Thomas Temple                   Charles Chedester                Nola Harper                     O’Donnell and Friends Charities
The Graham Group, Inc.           Martha Musmaker                  Ashley Tessmer                  Linda and Mitch Clauson          Frosty Harrington               Mary Overholtzer
Grand View Lutheran Church       NCMIC Group, Inc.                Ann and Rob Torry               Charlene Cobb                    Linda S. Harris                 Toni Parkins
Great Western Bank               Kathy Nellor                     True Roots Chiropractic         Combined Federal Campaign/       Jill Havick                     Pershing
Ryan Greening                    William Newland                  United Way of Appanoose            Northern Lights               Chris Haviland                  Mike Phillips
Jill Greiner                     Julia Noyce                         County                       Commonwealth Electric            Gordon Hawkins                  Tammy Phillips
Lacey Grubb                      Paul and Kathleen Brown          United Way of Marion County        Company of the Midwest        Ann Heimberger                  Brandy Poli
Hamilton’s Funeral Home, Inc.       Foundation                    Catherine Van Kley              Brooke Conway                    April Hoch-Brandt               Jackie Quayle
Mark and Kristi Hasek            Donald and Gretchen Perschall    Jim and Dee Vickery             Andy Cook                        Linda Holverson                 Ojash Raval
Carol Haupert                    Merlin Peterson                  The Waldinger Corporation       Elizabeth Coonan                 Elizabeth Houge                 Brenda Reed
Diane and Jim Hedden             Sharon and John Pohl             Katherine and Kenneth Waller    Tom Costanzo                     Donald and Cynthia Huegerich    Jeanette T. Reed
Dee and Nick Henderson           Dori and Brad Pote               Brian Walsh                     Jeffrey Couch                    Image Solutions                 Angelia and Lloyd Robbins
Ryan Hervey                      QCI                              William and Amanda Warner       Mary Cress                       Joe Jensen                      Aimee and Rob Rooney
Holmes Murphy &                  Qualis Management                Wellmark Foundation             Lisa and Brad Crossett           Paul and Jan Johnson            Tamara and Joseph Ross
    Associates, Inc.             Kathy Reed                       Petra White                     Jake Dailey                      Robert Johnson                  Andy Rowland
Phyllis and Joe E. Hutchinson    Helen Robinson                   Sean P. Williams                Lori Danielson                   Karen E. Jones                  Ron and Clarice Rubek
Mark and Lori Iles               Charles Rohm                     Randy Winegard                  Dale and Lori Daughenbaugh       Kathie and John Jones           Marsha Rusch
Iowa Aces 360                    Jackie and Mike Rolow            Paul Witt                       Donald Davis                     Marcia and Ray Jones            Schrock Lumber Company
Janet Jackson                    Rotary Club of Des Moines A.M.   Jerry and Sue Woods             Darlene and Ronald Day           Denise and Martin Junius        Marjorie Scott
Ryan Jensen - USA Mortgage          Foundation                                                    J. Dayton                        The Ken Eaton Foundation        Melanie and Rick Scupham
Nelda Johansen                   Priscilla and David Ruhe         $500 - $999                     Willis Deuser                    Charlie and Ron Kiesling        Mindy Selix
John and Ann Ghrist              Kathy and Charles Safris         Scott Anderson                  Karen Dibel                      Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy   Robert Snyder
    Foundation                   Steve and Renee Schaaf           Deb Angelo                      Lincoln Dix                      Knights of Columbus –           SOLD By Jason –
Marie Kayser                     Richard Schappert                Apostolic Christian Church      Edward and Joan Downey               St. Joseph Council 10980      RE/MAX Concepts
John and Lisa Kenworthy Family   Margaret Schinstock              David and LeAnne Baccile        Theresa Drew                     Kelsey and Sean Knowles         Douglas Stamps
    Foundation                   John and Judith Ann Schneller    Ann and Jonathan Balashaitis    David and Judy Dunn              Tammi Latham                    Ann Steger
Jim and Mary Ellen Kimball       Craig Schrader                   Karen and Kevin Baldock         Sally Dykes                      Janet Longcor                   Phillip and Amanda Stover
Jean Kruse                       James Secor                      Lynn Ballard                    Sally L. Ehlert                  Marc Luett                      Heather and Jason Stuyvesant

Dr. Jon Suddarth and Dr. Julie   Lula Mae Beck                     Barbara Fry                        Sara Lambert                    Gail and Mike Pace             James and Kristin Troy
        Anderson-Suddarth             Richard Beeler                    Gallagher, Bassett International   Landoll Company, LLC            Julie Paetow                   United Church of Christ
     Kim Swearingin                   Diane Benoit                         Executive Team                  Mike and Mary Lane              Karen Page                       Women’s Fellowship
     Bret Taber                       Betty J. Billings                 Rebecca and Richard Gernant        Melanie Lane                    Brian Perkins                  United Methodist Women
     Jacqueline and Todd Tatum        Bing’s                            Karen Gore                         Ingrid Larsen                   Diane M. Pickle                United Way Suncoast
     Sheila Taylor                    Bi-Petro, Inc.                    Siri Linn Granberg                 Sheila Laubenthal-Black         Rebecca Poblete                Volunteers of America of Florida
     Ted Lare Design and Build        Lyle and Janet Blackledge Shook   Carol and Ronald Green             Tonya Logsdon                   Rev. David J. Polich           Sharon Wallace
     Diane Thompson                   Robert Blasio                     Donna and Kevin Greenland          Brittany and Andrew Long        Chad Ranck                     Mark and Cindy Watson
     Thomas Thoms                     Tim Blutt                         Tammy and Dave Gregory             Sandra and Robert Loughman      RCL Class of 2004              Bart and Jody Weller
     Leann Thrapp                     Jaci Bodensteiner                 Kathryn Griffin                    Brent and Angie Macke           Chip and Dana Readinger        Willis Auto Campus
     James and Kathryn Turner         Boesen the Florist                Glenda and Mike Gross              LaRue and Robert Maddox         Jean Richmond                  Kathy and Greg Wilson
     United Way of Bergen County      Ashley Bolsem                     Kristina and Adam Grubb            Nicholas Mancuso                Linda Rick                     Kyla and Shawn Wilson
     Larry Vander Tuig                Michelle Book and                 Kyle Guldenpfennig                 Lola Mann                       Ryan Ross                      Sue Wilson
     Lyle Veach II                       Woody Brenton                  Seema Harichand-Herdt              Lindy Markeson                  Michael and Kim Routh          Windsor Presbyterian Church
     Veridian Credit Union            Cindy Boyd                        Twila Haviland                     Rick Mathews                    Linda and Paul Rye             Ralph Wingert
     Susan and Carl Voss              Julie and Richard Bright          Carole and Ronald Heck             Connie Maxson                   Ruth Sanson                    Pat Winters
     Weiler Foundation                Joleen and Randy Bunch            Le Ann Heitkamp                    Stephanie McAdam                Eloise Scarpino                Maria Wittern
     Wells Fargo Community            Steve Burger                      Nancy Hill                         Tim and Karla McCarthy          Carl Schieffelbein             Roxanne and Kevin Wood
        Support Campaign              Paul Burnside                     Elaine and Tim Hoffman             Theresa McCarty                 Rebecca Schoonover             Ferneitta Woodall
     Cathy West                       Diane and William Caldbeck        Amy Hopkins                        M. Dennis McClure               Lynn M. Schreder and           Woodmen Life Iowa Chapter 18
     Connie Westercamp                Capital Ideas                     Deborah and Michael Hubbell        Linda McCoy                        Andrea Garland              Evelyn and Randy Worth
     Gene White                       Debbie and Michael Chenchar       Richard Hudson                     Ralph McEldowney                Karla Schumacher
     Janice Whitehead                 Jennifer Clark                    Amy Hughes                         Stephen and Sheila McGoldrick   Stacy Schwarte                 Memorial Gifts
     Michele and Steve Whitty         Troy and Melissa Clark            Pamela Hyde                        Katie McIntyre                  Vicky L. Seals                 Gifts totaling $250 or more
     Joyce Williams                   Michael Clough                    Susan Iiams                        Michael L. McKinney and         Troy Senter                    were given in memory of:
     Windsor Heights                  Connections Breakfast Club        ILC Resources                         Kim Reynolds                 Linda Shelburg                 Patti Albert
        Lutheran Church               Patricia Cormaney                 Infinity Group LLC                 Jason Medick                    Jeana Shepherd                 Margaret J. Albrecht
     Robert Wolfe                     Terry Cosentino                   JoDayle Irvin                      David Melz                      Mary Shotwell                  James R. Anderson
     Annie Wood                       Bonnie Criswell                   Isaacson-Syverson Consulting       Amy Mills and Jim Gilliam       Judd and Cynthia Shumaker      Karen K. Anderson
     Bruce Wood                       Peg Daniels                       Jabil PMO Team                     Polly Moore                     Gary Siddens                   Charlene Annis
     Workspace                        Dixie Darnell                     Scott E. Johnson and               Ashley Mori                     Sioux City Police Officer      Joan Arnold
                                      Karen Dassinger                      Michael D. Kunzler              Shawn Mori                         Association                 Harry Atkinson
     $250 - $499                      Lindsay DeGroote                  Sue Kemmerer                       Tom and Shonda Mouser           Margie and Dave Spencer        Connie Bailey
     Grazia Aiello                    Brian and Tena DeVore             David and Lola Kenworthy           Mary Murphy                     Melissa Starr                  Janet Bailey
     Tonya Allbee                     Wells and Sharon Dickson          Susan Killgore                     Annette Nelson                  Barbara and Jerry Stephens     Richard D. Baker
     Allen Lund Company               Jody Douglas                      Marvin Kister                      Raymond Nelson                  Allan Stokes                   Larry D. Baldosier
     Amazon Smile                     Jonathan Duvick                   Rachel Klingston                   Crystal Nelson-Nield            Terri and George Storm         Conoley Ballard
     Dennis and Judy Annis            Maurice Dyer                      Kathy and Ron Klipfel              Judy Nepple                     Clara Stults                   Richard L. Ballew
     Jeffrey Aten                     Lela Eggman                       Knoxville Hospital & Clinic        NeuBridg, Inc                   Superior Auto Sales            Kevin Barker
     Alicia Baccam                    Becky Elming                      Melissa and Zach Knutson           Sarah and Shawn Nigg            Katie Swink                    Deloris M. Benge
     Say Baccam                       Jolene Fadiga                     Nita and Leon Koenen               Sharon Norris                   Syverson, Strege and Company   Helen Bjorklund
     Nancy Ballew                     Farm Tough Hockey                 Laurie Konrad                      Julie Oestreich                 Laura Tallmon                  Nance J. Bloedow
     Judy Barrington                  Patricia and James Floersch       Roger D. Kunz                      Lisa Ohlinger                   Beckie Tanner-Devries          James R. Bodensteiner
     Vivian Baxter                    Patricia Flynn                    Dennis Kuyper                      Osmundson Manufacturing         Ann Tharp                      Connie K. Bodtke
     Angela and Mark Beary            Phyllis Foland                    Mike LaMair                           Company                      Patricia Trent                 LeAnn Boehne

Carol Bohner          Christopher E. Dykes      Janace Kaster          Arleta Mullin          Robert Scarpino          Helen Wiant
Robert Boudewyns      Gary Eastridge            N. Thresa Kelly        Jim Murrell            Lyle Scheel              Marlene Wiese
Elizabeth Boulton     Jimmy Epperson            Doris Key              Brian Nappe            Theodore A. Schinstock   Harold Williams
Virginia Boyd         Jerry D. Ewalt            Rebecca Kingery        Irma Neil              Roger Schoonover         Ruth Willits
Hubert F. Bradley     Elwood W. Ewing           Barbara Klingston      Dennis C. Nellor       Arnie Schraan            Jeannine Wingert
Gary Brake            Roberta Fadiga            Warren C. Kruse        Kim Nelson             Glendora Schuldt         Linda Witt
Keith Brockway        Richard Farner            Sharon M. Kunz         Peggy G. Nelson        Helen Schwartz           Robert Woodall
Robert D. Brooks      Carol Ann Fatino          Barbara Kuyper         Raymond E. Nelson      Carl Seiberling          Ann M. Wright
Carolyn Brown         Linda Fear                Naomi Lacey            LeRoy Nepple           Paul and Avis Senter     Joel E. Wuthrich
Kenneth Brown         Diane and Jimmy Flahive   Marvin Lane            Betty Nixon            Doris Sharp
Wanda Brown           Donald D. Flynn           Brandon Laubenthal     Sharon Norton          Janet Shumaker
Kathy Browns          Joyce Fowler              Richard Laubenthal     Mary Olive             Gary L. Siddens
Mary Kay Bruce        Nicholas R. Fraizer       Todd Lilienthal        John F. Overholtzer    Charmion Sloan
Mary M. Bubb          Lorrine Frame             Garold Lindley         Edwin L. Pace          Caroline Ruth Smith
Don M. Burgan         Eldon R. Gammell          Neva Long              Thomas E. Pearson      Jeannie M. Snyder
Tom Burkhardt         Lyle Gillette             James Longcor          Paul D. Perkins        Bonnie Sparks
Lucille Campbell      Roger Gladfelder          Roberta Lucas          Shirley M. Peterson    Grace L. Squaires
Betty L. Canby        Alden Godwin              Leigh A. Lussie        Mary E. Pickle         Curtiss Stamps
Phyllis Carpenter     Larry Good                Jack Manning           Keith Pohl             Harold Steele
Carol J. Clarke       Roberta M. Goodman        Alberta Mart           James R. Porter        Iona Steffens
Pauline Clubb         Max E. Greenland          Lesteretta Mathews     Mary Purvis            Darrell L. Stonehocker   With your help, the
David E. Cormaney     Ellen E. Gregory          Leon W. Maxson         Myrna Quam             Ted D. Stoner
Carol Cortesio        Michael L. Griffin        Cathryn J. McBee       Charles H. Quayle      David Stout
                                                                                                                       EveryStep Foundation
Donald Cowen          Lois Grout                Lucille McCabe         Vickie Randolph        Rick Stowers             provided more than
Ned L. Cox            Franklin J. Hardy         Colleen McCall         William Ranes          Nancy B. Strother
Kelisa Cress          Johny Harper              Mildred McClavy        Sharon Kay Rapalje     Amy Sunderland-Kleene    $2.5 million in support
Betty Crittenden      Rose A. Harrington        Gloria McClure         Roger L. Rasmussen     Mary L. Susin            to patients, clients and
Glenna Dabney         Morris K. Harvey          Charles McCoy          Shirley J. Rayl        Joyce B. Taber
Erma Damewood         Ralph Hedrick             William McDanel        Dorman Reed            Don F. Taft              programs to ensure
Charlotte J. Damman   Harold Hemphill           Linda L. McDowell      Patricia Reed          Betty Talbot
Paul G. Daniels       James Hoch                Ronald McDowell        Charles E. Richards    Olive J. Tarbell
                                                                                                                       quality care for all —
Jonathan Dassinger    Mary Hogue                Calvin McGhee          Janet Richardson       Jim D. Thomas            to help those without
Carol A. Davis        Yvonne B. Hollenbeck      Agnes McLaughlin       Ronald Richmond        Eileen Tjernagel
Maxine Davisson       Alan ‘Joe’ Hoover         Kenny Mehrhoff         Phyllis N. Riggs       Merle Trent              means to pay for their
Ronald D. Day         Gloria Hudson             Jim Mercer             Steve Roberts          Beverly J. Trissel       services, to provide
Kolene K. Delaney     Glenna Huff               Dan Mertens            Joann Robertson        Theodore Tussing
David Denney          Barbara Irish             Ann Mescher            Mary L. Rolfes         Thomas N. Urban          end-of-life wishes, to
Joyce Deuser          Richard Irvin             Christine Mihalovich   Myers Rossiter         Robert Vance
                                                                                                                       help families with
John R. Dibel         Molly Ivins               Juanita Mills          Thelma L. Roth-Curry   Kathy Vander Tuig
Judy Dillenburg       Lincoln W. Jackson        Steve Mitchell         Patricia Roux          Rich Waddingham          basic needs, and for
Gary Doolittle        Bertha M. Jezek           Verlyn Moats           Eunice Ruggles         John J. Wadle
Doris B. Drake        Robert Johansen           Michael M. Moeller     Helen Rush             Jack A. Walker           operations support.

                                                                                                                       Thank You!
Robert Drake          Gary A. Johnson           Bernice Mooers         Eva M. Sampson         Elleen E. Wheatley
Shirley Dresback      Mary Johnson              Thelma Moon            Keith R. Sawyers       Maxine White
Kenneth G. Duncan     Beverly J. Kanak          Nancy J. Morrison      Bernard Sayler         Randel D. White

Kavanagh House
             Our Future and Legacy

                                                REMOVE WALLS
                                                 AND FIXTURES
                                                     STAFF                O2

                                              NEW SINK
                                   8                            FIRE      ISO                In 2019, the Board of Trustees launched a $3.5 million capital campaign to
                                                         STOR                                restore, renovate and upgrade EveryStep’s Kavanagh House hospice facility at
                   MECH                         FAM                                          900 56th Street in Des Moines. We are grateful to the many donors who made
                                    JAN   LOUNGE
                                                                                             the campaign a success and a renovated Kavanagh House a reality.
                              T   KITCHEN
                                                                                             The following list reflects gifts and pledges made to the capital campaign
OFF                                                                                          from July 1, 2019 – November 15, 2021.


               T                                                 Scan the code below to
         SPA                                                     see highlights of the
    SHOWERS                                                      renovation of EveryStep’s
                                                                 Kavanagh House.



$500,000+                        $10,000 – $24,999                 John and Amy Pittman             John and Judith Ann Schneller   Kathryn Griffin                 Alison and Mitch Pick
Mary Kay and Douglas G Bruce     Kerry and Denise Adaway           Keith R. Sawyers                 Linda and Bruce Simonton        Ronald and Beverly Halbrook     David and Sharon Loring
Suzie Glazer Burt                American Enterprise Group, Inc.   Pam and Chuck Schoffner          Mary Stuart and David Yepsen    Janelle Hall                    Pommer
                                 BJ and Tiffany Baker              Larry and Chris Sidwell          Richard and Bonnie Sunderland   Brent and Mary Hanna            Barbara Pottorff
$100,000 – $499,999              Patricia Barry and Bryan Hall     Julie and Thomas Swank           Thomas Temple                   Jeff Hatfield                   Jo Rhinehart
Anonymous                        Kim & Sally Beisser               Leann Thrapp                     Ann and Rob Torry               Mary Beth and David Heddinger   Pam Riley
W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust      The Coons Foundation              James and Kathryn Turner         Catherine Van Kley              Le Ann Heitkamp                 Jacquelyn Roberts
The Graham Group, Inc.           Graham Construction Company       William and Amanda Warner        Jim and Dee Vickery             Arthur Hessburg                 Cheryl and Harold Rosen
Homesteaders Life Company        Kemalyn and Edward Green          Warren Wilson                    Brian Walsh                     Sue Hough                       Ava Roth-Collins
The John Ruan Foundation         Chris and Denise Gunnare                                           Connie Wimer                    Nancy Howard                    Dean and Marjorie Rowland
                                 John and Lisa Kenworthy           Up to $1,000 – $4,999                                            Phyllis Hoy                     Rosemary Rutledge
$50,000 – $99,999                   Foundation                     Lori and Tom Bailey              Up to $999                      Sharon Hulen                    Teresa and Dennis Schaffer
Sheri Avis Horner                Bill Knapp II and Gerry Neugent   Mark and Donna Beerman           Anonymous                       Kathryn Hymans-Smith            Sara Schlievert
Barbara and John Graham          Cathy and Steve Lacy              Sarah and Craig Black            Linda Alexandres                Deanna Jackson                  Johanna S. Schmitt
Charlotte and Fred Hubbell       McAninch Corporation              Lisa Bussard                     Jennifer Anderegg               Donna Johnson                   Karla Schumacher
William C. Knapp Charitable 		   Meredith Corporation              H. Kennard Bussard               Jeanne Anderson                 John and Barbara Kalianov       Sara J. Sersland
  Foundation                        Matching Gifts                 Kelly Caldbeck and Ted Thoms     Joan Anderson                   Marie Kayser                    Caryl Shepherd
Deb and George Milligan          O’Donnell and Friends Charities   Jeff and Peggy Carpenter         Rachon Aunspach                 Casey and Cheryl Kazebeer       Luana Shull
Prairie Meadows                  Debbie and Doug Reichardt         Jeff and Rhonda Cash             Bill and Pat Baehr              Yvonne Kelly                    Floyd Simmerman
The Schaaf Family                Sammons Financial Group           Basil and Linda Dawson           Nancy Baltazar                  Gary Kinney                     Ann Spicer
Kim and Rich Willis              SHYFT Collection                  Sharon Dee                       Carol Benedict                  Kent and Theresa Klein          Tammy Stapp
                                 Tray and Stacey Wade              Jennifer and John Dilley         Diane Benoit                    Sandy Klever                    Allan Stokes
$25,000 – $49,999                Eric and Liliana Waters           Rebecca and James Ervin          Janice and Bill Blackburn       Brian Kramer                    Green Stone
Chris Benda                                                        The Finway Group                 Dolores Boehmke                 Roger D. Kunz                   Leah Swartz Kaplan
Berkshire Hathaway Energy        $5,000 – $9,999                   Jane and Steve Flanagan          Beth and Mark Brauer            Mike LaMair                     Sharon and Donald Swim
Graham Cook and                  Anonymous                         Dr. Brian Freeman                Mike and Patricia Breen         Carolyn and Steven Looney       Darby and Chad Taylor
   Catherine Bennett             Mollie and Britt Baker            John and Ann Ghrist Foundation   Julie and Richard Bright        Jeanne and John MacDonald       Daniel Tvedt
Patty and Jim Cownie             David and Cynthia Bridgewater     Cara and Ryan Hannam             Wanda Brown                     Laura and Marty Martin          Elaine Usher
   Charitable Fund               Mary C. Brooks                    Mark and Kristi Hasek            Kimberly and Mike Bryan         Gary McBee                      Susan and Carl Voss
Craig and Judy Hansen            Allison and Jim Fleming           Chris and Stacey Haviland        Ellen Bullington                Charity and Bob Andeweg         Jean Walker
Dee and Nick Henderson           Threase Harms and                 Debra Hayes                      Donald Bustell                  Duane N. McCloskey              Dorothy Waters-McAlister
Holmes Murphy                       Rick Wagaman                   Diane and Jim Hedden             Janet Christians                Pam McDowell                    Anne Webber
Dan and Joanie Houston           Gary and Patricia Hoff            Charlie and Ron Kiesling         Adam and Megan Claypool         John G. McMichael               Bart and Jody Weller
Linda and Tom Koehn              Connie and Richard Isaacson       Gary and Joan Kirke              Maxine Clemens                  Brian and Stephani Moon         Debbie Wheeler
Merchants Bonding Company        Scott E. Johnson and              Shery and Terry Lint             Jo Ann Collins                  Kevin and Julie Moon            Dick and Judy Wilderman
   Foundation                       Michael D. Kunzler             Celia and Thomas Mahoney         Mary Conry                      Polly Moore                     Dee A. Willemsen
Meredith Corporation             Bruce and Susy Kelley             Stephen and Sheila McGoldrick    Jeffrey Couch                   Helen Moskal                    Lucille Wilson
Deb and Bob Pulver Foundation    Jim and Cathy Knoepfler           Lynn and Catherine Michl         Dixie J. Daggett                Rosemary Neel                   Elma Wright
Storey Kenworthy Foundation      Melissa and Zach Knutson          Kathy and Roger Morrison         Lori Danielson                  Lanette Nelson
   for Giving                    Chris and Peggy Littlefield       Sandhya and Amar Nath            Joyce and Floyd Fischer         Paula O’Donoghue
Phil and Amanda Stover           Julie and Harry Matternas         William Newland                  Lois Gambill                    Jim O’Hare
Kenneth and Katherine Waller     Trudy McCormick                   John and Shari Paule             Tom W. George                   Mary Oothout
West Bank                        Judith Milligan                   Principal Financial Group        Jane Gillespie                  Pamela Patton
Larry and Kathi Zimpleman        Tom and Shonda Mouser             Sally and Thomas Reavely         Siri Linn Granberg              Jack Payne
                                 William J. Noth                   Kathy and Charles Safris         Roger and Barbara Grefe         Gerald and Sharon Payton

      Medicare/Medicaid                               $17,505,867   50.8%
      Government Grants                                $7,031,934   20.4%
      Investment Income & Gains                        $3,382,650    9.8%
      Private Insurance                                $2,600,792    7.6%
      Foundation Contributions                         $2,560,297    7.4%
      Private Pay                                      $1,286,331    3.7%
      Other                                              $74,958     0.2%
      TOTAL*                                         $34,442,829

      Programs and Patient Support                    $26,450,380   80.1%
      Organizational                                   $5,854,712   17.7%
      Fundraising                                        $736,245    2.2%
      TOTAL                                          $33,041,337

                                                                            *The following one-time, non-sustainable sources of funding are not
      Innovative Aging                                                      included in the revenue total or funding sources:
                                                         $688,795   26.9%
      Hospice, Home Care, Senior Companion Program
                                                                            • CARES Act and other COVID relief programs totaling $3,935,032.
      Community & Family Advocacy                        $657,459   25.7%     These funds helped maintain full employment for our staff during
                                                                              the year, as well as paid for additional PPE and other costs directly
      Family Empowerment                                 $645,561   25.2%
                                                                              related to the pandemic.
      Grief and Loss                                     $568,482   22.2%
                                                                            • Capital campaign gifts and pledge payments totaling $1,216,942 for
      TOTAL                                           $2,560,297              the campaign to renovate EveryStep’s Kavanagh House.

Support Our Non-Profit Mission
As a non-profit organization, EveryStep relies on the support of generous donors. Below are just a few of the ways you can help.

Fundraising Events                     Honor Your Loves Ones                    EveryStep Giving Tree                    Other Program Support
EveryStep holds several fundraising    Many people support EveryStep in         Thrift Store                             Your monetary donations also help us
events each year. You can support      a meaningful way while honoring          Shop and discover high-quality           purchase items for programs such as:
these efforts by attending an event,   their loved ones. Gifts are sometimes    clothing, furniture, décor and more      Stork’s Nest – This incentive-based
becoming a sponsor or donating         given on special occasions such as       at EveryStep Giving Tree, located        program helps low-income parents
items for auctions and raffles. To     birthdays or anniversaries as a way of   at 3330 100th Street in Urbandale.       earn much-needed baby items like
learn more about our events, visit     remembering or honoring a special        Proceeds benefit patients and families   cribs, car seat and diapers.                   person. You can even establish a         served by EveryStep.
fundraising-events                     recurring gift on a regular basis —                                               Cheer Box – More than 650 families
                                                                                You can also provide support and         will receive a box of 12 thoughtful
                                       either monthly, quarterly or annually.
Art of Compassion                                                               help keep our showroom stocked by        gifts during the holidays following the
April 26, 2022                         Memorial gifts of $1,000 or more are     donating your gently-used items.         loss a loved one.
                                       recognized on one of our memorial
Amazing FundRacer                                                               For more information, visit              Adopt-a-Family – At-risk families will
                                       displays located at Kavanagh House
May 14, 2022                                                                            receive gifts and household goods to
                                       and at each of our hospice offices.
Good Grief Golf Outing                 Contact EveryStep Foundation to                                                   help make the holidays brighter.
June 14, 2022                          learn more about memorial gifts.

To learn more about how you can support EveryStep, contact our Foundation staff at (515) 274-3400 or
2020-2021                         2021                             Emeritus
Board of Directors                Board of Trustees                Board
Pat Barry, Chair                  Bill Warner, Chair               Suzie Glazer Burt
Judy Ralston-Hansen, Past Chair   Kerry Adaway, Past Chair         Rosemary Hillman
Kathryn Turner, Secretary         Chris Benda, Treasurer           Sister Eve Kavanagh
Dave Bridgewater, Treasurer       Deb Milligan, Secretary                                (800) 806-9934 |
Graham Cook                       Katie Adams
Jen Groos, MD                     Billy Backer
Chris Gunnare                     Erin Bailey
Mark Hasek                        Mary Kay Bruce
Nick Henderson                    Kelly Caldbeck
John Paule                        Brandon Foldes                                         Thank you for supporting the
John Pittman                      Renee Hamlen                                           compassionate care and support
Sally Reavely                     Charlie Kiesling
Steve Schaaf                      Melissa Knutson                                        offered by our more than 30 programs.
Pam Schoffner                     Jackie Rolow
Phil Stover                       Jen Stanbrough
Tom Temple                        Ann Torry
Bill Warner                       Kim Willis
Lil Waters
Lori Young

                                       Runner-up Best Non-Profit
                                                                                                                            00351 11/21
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