University of Birmingham A multi-centre randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of Lee Silverman voice ...

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University of Birmingham

A multi-centre randomised controlled trial to
compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of Lee
Silverman voice treatment versus standard NHS
speech and language therapy versus control in
Parkinson’s disease
Sackley, Cath; Rick, Caroline; Au, Pui; Brady , M.C; Beaton , G; Burton, C; Caulfield, M;
Dickson , S; Dowling, F; Hughes, M; Rowland, Natalie; Jowett, Sue; Masterson-Algar,
Patricia; Nicoll , A; Patel, Smitaa; Smith , C.H; Woolley, Rebecca; Clarke, Carl E
Creative Commons: Attribution (CC BY)

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Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Citation for published version (Harvard):
Sackley, C, Rick, C, Au, P, Brady , MC, Beaton , G, Burton, C, Caulfield, M, Dickson , S, Dowling, F, Hughes, M,
Rowland, N, Jowett, S, Masterson-Algar, P, Nicoll , A, Patel, S, Smith , CH, Woolley, R & Clarke, CE 2020, 'A
multi-centre randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of Lee Silverman voice
treatment versus standard NHS speech and language therapy versus control in Parkinson’s disease: a study
protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, vol. 21, no. 1, 436.

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Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436

 STUDY PROTOCOL                                                                                                                                     Open Access

A multicentre, randomised controlled trial
to compare the clinical and cost-
effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice
Treatment versus standard NHS Speech
and Language Therapy versus control in
Parkinson’s disease: a study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial
C. M. Sackley1,2†, C. Rick3,4*† , P. Au4, M. C. Brady5, G. Beaton6, C. Burton7, M. Caulfield8, S. Dickson5, F. Dowling9,
M. Hughes4, N. Ives4, S. Jowett10, P. Masterson-Algar8, A. Nicoll5, S. Patel4, C. H. Smith11, R. Woolley4,
C. E. Clarke12,13 and on behalf of the PD COMM Collaborative Group

  Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects approximately 145,519 people in the UK. Speech impairments are common
  with a reported prevalence of 68%, which increase physical and mental demands during conversation, reliance on family
  and/or carers, and the likelihood of social withdrawal reducing quality of life. In the UK, two approaches to Speech and
  Language Therapy (SLT) intervention are commonly available: National Health Service (NHS) SLT or Lee Silverman Voice
  Treatment (LSVT LOUD®). NHS SLT is tailored to the individuals’ needs per local practice typically consisting of six to eight
  weekly sessions; LSVT LOUD® comprises 16 sessions of individual treatment with home-based practice over 4 weeks. The
  evidence-base for their effectiveness is inconclusive.
  (Continued on next page)

* Correspondence:
 C. Sackley and C. Rick contributed equally to this work.
 Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, University of Nottingham, Building 42,
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
 Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436                                                                             Page 2 of 13

  (Continued from previous page)
  Methods/design: PD COMM is a phase III, multicentre, three-arm, unblinded, randomised controlled trial. Five hundred and
  forty-six people with idiopathic PD, reporting speech or voice problems will be enrolled. We will exclude those with a
  diagnosis of dementia, laryngeal pathology or those who have received SLT for speech problems in the previous 2 years.
  Following informed consent and completion of baseline assessments, participants will be randomised in a 1:1:1 ratio to no-
  intervention control, NHS SLT or LSVT LOUD® via a central computer-generated programme, using a minimisation procedure
  with a random element, to ensure allocation concealment. Participants randomised to the intervention groups will start
  treatment within 4 (NHS SLT) or 7 (LSVT LOUD®) weeks of randomisation.
  Primary outcome: Voice Handicap Index (VHI) total score at 3 months. Secondary outcomes include: VHI subscales,
  Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39; Questionnaire on Acquired Speech Disorders; EuroQol-5D-5 L; ICECAP-O;
  resource utilisation; adverse events and carer quality of life. Mixed-methods process and health economic
  evaluations will take place alongside the trial. Assessments will be completed before randomisation and at 3, 6
  and 12 months after randomisation.
  The trial started in December 2015 and will run for 77 months. Recruitment will take place in approximately 42
  sites around the UK.
  Discussion: The trial will test the hypothesis that SLT is effective for the treatment of speech or voice problems
  in people with PD compared to no SLT. It will further test whether NHS SLT or LSVT LOUD® provide greater
  benefit and determine the cost-effectiveness of both interventions.
  Trial registration: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trials Number (ISRCTN) Registry, ID: 12421382.
  Registered on 18 April 2016.
  Keywords: Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, Lee Silverman voice treatment, Speech and language therapy, Randomised
  controlled trial, Dysarthria

Background                                                        Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) for speech diffi-
In prevalence and years lived with disability, Parkinson’s      culties in people with PD in the UK aims to improve
disease (PD) is the fastest-growing neurological disorder       communication. Some therapy approaches engage the
in the world [1], and it affects approximately 145,519          person with PD in exercises to improve motor skills,
people in the UK. PD is a complex, progressive condition        others support the communication partnership between
with a range of motor and non-motor symptoms [2].               the person with PD and their communication partner,
Speech impairments are common in the PD population              while others consider augmentation, or alternative
with a reported prevalence of 68% for patient-perceived         means of communication. Following assessment and dis-
problems and 71% for listener-rated speech impairment           cussion with the person with PD, an individually tailored
[3]. In a study of 125 participants with PD [4], 38% placed     therapy plan is developed to address their needs and
speech among their top four concerns and, in another            those of their family. For the purposes of the PD COMM
study, 29% of participants [5] reported speech problems to      trial, any of the above will be included in the interven-
be among their greatest present difficulties. Miller et al.     tion arm called ‘standard National Health Service (NHS)
[6] noted how changes in communication led to increased         SLT’. This ‘standard NHS SLT’ is distinct from the other
physical and mental demands during conversation, an in-         trial intervention arm which comprises Lee Silverman
creased reliance on family members and/or carers, and an        Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD®) [11]. Within the PD
increased likelihood of social withdrawal. The speech of        COMM trial two types of SLT will be assessed: standard
people with PD is often perceived as sounding quiet and         NHS SLT and LSVT LOUD® [11] against a no-SLT
imprecise, creating a potential social barrier to communi-      control.
cation [7]. A qualitative study involving 24 people living        Standard NHS SLT can include any of the above with
with PD identified problems with speaking as an activity.       the therapist selecting from multifaceted therapy compo-
The interviewees reported having to think more about            nents and tailoring these to the needs of the individual,
speaking; weighing up the value versus the effort of speak-     their impairment and participation targets and within
ing; having negative feelings about speaking; finding that      the constraints for that particular clinical service [6].
speaking is influenced by different people and places; and      Typically, weekly sessions over 6–8 weeks are prescribed,
having to adjust to the effect of speaking of the disease       either individually or in groups [12, 13]. LSVT LOUD®
progression and their medication [8]. Overall, impair-          differs from standard NHS SLT in that it is a more pre-
ments of speech have been recognised to reduce the qual-        scriptive therapy. The focus of LSVT® is to ‘think loud’;
ity of life of people with PD [7, 9, 10].                       improving phonation and vocal loudness through better
Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436                                                                             Page 3 of 13

vocal fold adduction [14] over an intervention lasting for       arm, assessor-blinded RCT to assess the feasibility and
16 sessions. The single focus and intensive delivery is          to inform the trial design of a full-scale RCT [15]. Partic-
used to ‘recalibrate’ the patient, so that they recognise        ipants were randomised to either LSVT LOUD®, stand-
that a voice which sounds too loud to them is necessary          ard NHS SLT or no intervention control in a 1:1:1 ratio.
for them to be understood by other people. LSVT                  The pilot trial showed a trend towards improvement in
LOUD® is increasingly being used in the NHS, but in the          the LSVT LOUD® and SLT groups over the control
context of PD COMM, standard NHS SLT excludes the                group at 3 months, but the findings were not powered to
delivery of LSVT®.                                               give a definitive answer.
  A Cochrane review of SLT versus no intervention (last            The PD COMM trial design was informed by our PD
search date 11 April 2011) identified three randomised           COMM Pilot trial, which was funded by The Dunhill
controlled trials (RCTs) of differing SLT interventions          Medical Trust. The PD COMM trial is funded by the
versus no intervention (n = 63) [15]. The SLT evaluated          UK National Institute for Health Research Health Tech-
varied from: 10 h over 4 weeks of individual therapy fo-         nology Assessment programme (10/135/02). Further
cussing on prosodic features of pitch and volume rein-           support was provided by Professor Lori Ramig in the
forced by visual feedback [16]; 16 h over 4 weeks of             form of free LSVT LOUD® training. The protocol is re-
LSVT [11]; and 35–40 h over 2 weeks improving loud-              ported using the Standard Protocol Items: Recommen-
ness and pitch variation, respiration, voice production          dations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) [21] and
and intelligibility reinforced by visual feedback primarily      Template for Intervention Description and Replication
in a group setting [17]. The review authors concluded            (TIDieR) [22] guidelines.
that while outcome measures improved following SLT,
the small participant numbers, low RCT quality and the           Methods/design
possibility of publication bias, meant that the efficacy of      The PD COMM trial protocol can be found on: https://
SLT for progressive dysarthria in PD against a placebo 
or no intervention could not be confirmed or refuted. In         bctu/trials/pd/PD-COMM/investigators/documentation.
another Cochrane review of six trials comparing differ-          aspx (last accessed 10 September 2019). The trial re-
ent theoretical approaches to SLT provision for people           ceived ethical approval on 7 December 2015 by the West
with dysarthria (n = 159) [18]. All six trials assessed in-      Midlands NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) (15/
telligibility and almost all of the results were not statisti-   WM/0443), with protocol version 4.0 (14 November
cally significant. The exception to this was for one of the      2018) currently in effect (see the ‘Protocol amendments’
three types of perceptual ratings of speech recordings           section below for details). The project is sponsored by
made in the study by Halpern et al. [19] for which LSVT          the University of Birmingham (Research Governance
gave the greater improvement (n = 14). Herd et al. [18]          Team, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15
concluded that the small number of participants exam-            2TT).
ined, the low methodological quality of the trials evalu-          PD COMM is a multicentre, phase III, three-arm, un-
ated, and the possibility of publication bias resulted in        blinded RCT where participants are randomised in a 1:1:
an inability to determine the superiority of any one type        1 ratio to a no-intervention control group, NHS SLT or
of SLT over another. Since these reviews were published,         LSVT LOUD®.
two further RCTs have been reported: the PD COMM                   The primary objective of the trial is to evaluate the
Pilot trial [13] (described below) and a trial comparing         clinical and cost-effectiveness of the two types of SLT
LSVT LOUD® with LSVT ARTIC® (a second type of                    versus no SLT treatment (no SLT control) for people
LSVT focussing on increased movement amplitude di-               with PD, but the trial will also compare the two types of
rected predominately to the orofacial-articulatory sys-          SLT (LSVT LOUD® versus standard NHS SLT). There-
tem, but with the same dosing schedule and intensity)            fore, there will be three comparisons within the trial:
with a no SLT intervention control in people with PD
and healthy controls [20]. The latter trial included 64            1. LSVT LOUD® versus no SLT control
people with PD and measured sound pressure level                   2. Standard NHS SLT versus no SLT control
(SPL) differences and a modified Communications Ef-                3. LSVT LOUD® versus standard NHS SLT
fectiveness Index (CETI-M) at 1 and 7 months. LSVT
LOUD® significantly increased SPL at 1 and 7 months                Patient-reported measures are being used to assess the
compared to LSVT ARTIC® and control. Both LSVT                   participant’s perception of how their voice impacts on
groups also showed a greater improvement than control            daily activities and their quality of life to assess clinical
in CETI-M at 1 month, but this difference was not main-          effectiveness. The quality of life of carers will also be
tained at 7 months. A pilot trial (PD COMM Pilot) ran-           assessed, and a cost-effectiveness analysis will be
domised 89 people with speech problems into a three-             performed.
Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436                                                                           Page 4 of 13

Participant characteristics                                    random element. The following minimisation variables
People will be eligible for recruitment into the trial if      will be used:
they have idiopathic PD as defined by the 1988 UK PDS
Brain Bank Criteria [23]; they, or their carer, report            Age (≤ 59, 60–70, > 70 years)
problems with speech or voice when asked and they                 Disease severity measured using the Hoehn and
have no signs of dementia – typically this is determined            Yahr [24] staging (1.0–2.5, 3.0–5.0) and
by the person with a PD clinician as per local practice.          Severity of speech measured using the Voice
Furthermore, they must not have evidence of laryngeal               Handicap Index (VHI) [25] total score (≤ 33, mild
pathology including: vocal nodules, a history of vocal              34–44, moderate 45–61, severe > 61)
strain or previous laryngeal surgery as such patients may
not be suitable for LSVT LOUD®; and have not received            Once randomised into the trial, NHS SLT should start
SLT for speech- or voice-related problems in the past 2        within 4 weeks and LSVT LOUD® should start within 7
years, as there is some evidence that benefits of LSVT         weeks to enable the intervention to be completed prior
may persist for 24 months [14].                                to the primary end point (at 3 months post randomisa-
                                                               tion). The trial will last for 77 months. Recruitment will
                                                               take place in approximately 42 sites around the UK (see
Identification, recruitment and randomisation                  Table 1).
The trial is designed to align with routine care, thus
minimising the burden for people with movement diffi-          Interventions
culties. Participants will usually be identified during rou-
tine clinic appointments with their clinician or               Standard NHS SLT Standard NHS SLT is not prescrip-
Parkinson’s specialist nurse who will inform potentially       tive and does not have standard content or dosage. It is,
eligible patients of the trial and provide a copy of the       therefore, not possible to predict the number of sessions
participant information sheet (PIS). The patient will be       that will be provided. A survey of current UK SLT prac-
given time to review the PIS and/or go through it with a       tice for PD [12] reported a median dose of six sessions
member of the team, typically the research nurse, and          delivered over 42 days. The PD COMM Pilot trial found
will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Given the      the median dose to be six sessions (range 1–14) over an
low-risk nature of the trial, and the mobility limitations     average of 9.6 weeks (standard deviation 6.1 weeks) [13].
of the population, participants may join the trial on the         Treatment is typically tailored to the individual’s level
same day that they discuss the trial and receive the PIS       of difficulty or dysarthria severity and their interests as
or may come back at a later date if they prefer.               individual need and clinical constraints. Treatment will
  Following informed consent and completion of the             be individualised to suit each participant’s needs as per
baseline assessment and questionnaires, the participant        local practice. It may include impairment-based inter-
can be randomised into the trial. Prior to randomisation,      ventions, compensatory interventions and augmentative
the team will check the availability of speech and lan-        and alternative communication (ACC) strategies aimed
guage therapists at that site. Randomisation may be de-        at improving communication and participation. The par-
ferred if the SLT intervention cannot be initiated within      ticipant’s family/carer(s) may be involved. Therefore, the
the set time frames – however, the participant’s baseline      NHS SLT arm will encompass any SLT interventions
questionnaire needs to be completed within 2 weeks             that are not LSVT LOUD® as per the LSVT LOUD®
prior to randomisation, so this should be factored in to       protocol.
any planned delay of a patient’s randomisation. Typically         Treatments targeted at impairment level may include
the research nurse, will obtain informed consent and           exercises focussed on improving capacity, control and
randomise the patient into the trial and liaise with the       co-ordination of respiration, techniques for improving
speech and language therapist to ensure that SLT               phonation intensity and co-ordination with respiration
(should they be randomised to therapy) starts within the       (but not LSVT LOUD®), and exercises to improve the
required time frame.                                           range, strength and speed of the articulatory muscles
  Following informed consent and completion of all             [16, 17]. Behavioural therapy may include interventions
baseline data collection, participants will be randomised      aimed at reducing prosodic abnormality [26, 27] such as
at the level of the individual via a central secure web-       exercises targeting pitch, intonation, stress patterns and
based randomisation system at the Birmingham Clinical          volume variation [16, 17, 26–28], and techniques to ad-
Trials Unit (BCTU) to ensure concealment of the next           dress the overall rate of speech [16, 17] including the
treatment allocation. Typically, randomisation will be         use of therapeutic devices such as pacing boards [29,
performed by the research nurse. The randomisation             30]. AAC strategies such as topic and alphabet supple-
process will use a minimisation procedure with a               mentation through communication books and boards
Sackley et al. Trials     (2020) 21:436                                                                                          Page 5 of 13

Table 1 Participating sites and principal investigators (PIs)            Table 1 Participating sites and principal investigators (PIs)
Trust                                               PI                   (Continued)
                                                                         Trust                                             PI
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board               Alistair Church
                                                                         University Hospitals of South Manchester NHS      David Ahearn
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS      Sigurlaud            Foundation Trust (now Manchester University NHS
Foundation Trust                                    Sveinbjornsdottir    Foundation Trust)
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board             Sam Abraham          Bath and North East Somerset Community Health     Veronica Lyell
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation         David McGhee         and Care Services NHS
Trust                                                                    Wye Valley NHS Trust                              Emma Wales
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Romi Saha
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board            Chris Thomas
                                                                         may be employed [31] along with AAC devices such as
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust       Ayano Funaki         voice amplifiers, delayed auditory feedback systems and
East Cheshire NHS Trust                             Monty Silverdale     masking devices [32–34]. The practice of pitch-limiting
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust      Sangeeta Kulkarni    voice treatment [35] may also be utilised within the
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust        Graham Lennox        standard SLT intervention.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust           Thomasin Andrews
                                                                            The above methods may include techniques used in
                                                                         LSVT LOUD®, e.g. vocal intensity exercises, but will be
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust         Rosaria Buccoliero
                                                                         distinct by the individualised treatment, other SLT strat-
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (now          Martha Pinkney       egies, lower intensity of delivery and (potentially) the use
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
Trust)                                                                   of group intervention.
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation         Laetitia Sautin
                                                                            Dose will be determined by the therapist reflecting
Trust                                                                    participants’ individual needs, but the duration is un-
Hywel Dda University Health Board                   Christopher James    likely to exceed 12 weeks of treatment. Sessions will be
                                                                         conducted by a suitably trained speech and language
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust             Tahir Majeed
                                                                         therapist or therapy assistant on a one-to-one or group
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust                  Ioannis Mavroudis
                                                                         basis per participant need and local practice. Sessions
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust              Judy Anne Juada      may take place in out-patient clinics, the participant’s
NHS Ayrshire and Arran                              Andrew Watt          home or in the community.
NHS Dumfries and Galloway                           Shona Donaldson
NHS Forth Valley                                    Suvankar Pal         LSVT LOUD® The LSVT LOUD® intervention is pre-
                                                                         scriptive and consists of four 50-min sessions per week
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde                       Steven Wishart
                                                                         delivered over 4 weeks [36]. Each session follows a simi-
NHS Highland/Argyll and Bute                        Martin Wilson
                                                                         lar structure: 25 min of repeated and intensive
NHS Lanarkshire                                     Helen Morgan         maximum-effort drills, and 25 min of high-effort speech
NHS Lothian                                         Gordon Duncan        production tasks [36]. Participants will also be set 5 to
NHS Tayside                                         Derek Sutherland     10 min of home-based practice tasks on treatment days,
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS        Stephanie Cooper     and up to 30 min of home-based practice tasks on non-
Trust                                                                    treatment days [37].
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust         Lauren Issacs          Content will consist of repeated repetitions of sustained
North Bristol NHS Trust                             Alan Whone
                                                                         ‘ah’ phonation, maximum fundamental frequency-range
                                                                         high- and low-pitch glides, and functional sentence repeti-
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation      Shankar Kamath
Trust                                                                    tion for the first half of each session, and exercises using
                                                                         speech production hierarchy that progresses throughout
Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust                   Jason Raw
                                                                         duration of the treatment programme (single word,
Powys Teaching UHB                                  Jane Price
                                                                         phrases, sentences, paragraph reading, conversation) dur-
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust         Ray Sheridan         ing the second half of the sessions [37]. Throughout all of
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS          Carl Clarke          the sessions, the focus of the intervention will be to ‘think
Trust                                                                    loud’, maintaining the vocal loudness produced during
St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust          Dipen Gandecha       vowel phonation throughout all other tasks during the
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust           Simon Cooper         treatment [36].
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust              Malcolm Steiger        Sessions will be conducted by a suitably trained speech
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust         Rachel Nashed
                                                                         and language therapist or therapy assistant on a one-to-
                                                                         one basis. Sessions may take place in out-patient clinics,
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust   Theresa Allain
                                                                         the participant’s home or remotely using tele-LSVT
Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436                                                                          Page 6 of 13

software. Once the exercises have been established,           for Older Adults (ICECAP-O) [42]; resource utilisation;
LSVT LOUD® may be delivered using the LSVT com-               and adverse events (AEs).
panion software for a proportion of the time, in line with      Carer reported: Carer quality of life (Parkinson’s Dis-
local practice.                                               ease Questionnaire–Carers) [43].

Control The control group will not receive any SLT for        Other data collected includes
their speech for 12 months, unless it becomes clinically      Demographics including height (baseline only), weight
necessary. At the end of 12 months, participants will be      and Hoehn and Yahr stage (at baseline and 12 months)
treated per local practice. If the participant needs SLT      [24]; PD medication; Abbreviated Mental Test [44]
prior to 12 months, with their continued consent, they        (intervention arms only), therapy logs including home-
will remain in the trial and be followed up as usual and      based therapy diaries, NHS therapy notes and a global
included in the trial analyses.                               rating scale (Transition item).
  Participants are free to withdraw from the trial at any
time or they may agree to continue in the trial but not       Adverse events
comply with treatment. In the latter case they will con-      A risk assessment of the PD COMM trial has been per-
tinue to be followed up as per the protocol and the data      formed with the SLT interventions considered to be of
will be analysed according to the group that they were        low risk. From the literature, the only reported AE asso-
randomised to (intention to treat).                           ciated with the interventions was a small increased risk
                                                              of vocal strain or abuse; however, none were reported in
Outcomes                                                      the PD COMM Pilot trial. This risk will be minimised:
Following the analysis of PD COMM Pilot, the design of        speech and language therapists are trained to identify
the trial was refined to reduce the burden on partici-        and rehabilitate vocal strain so, if present, the therapist
pants and speech and language therapists by excluding         will be able to identify and address it. No other risks are
the battery of vocal assessments and the Voice-related        expected to arise from taking part in the trial. It is,
Quality of Life [38] questionnaire.                           therefore, reasonable to collect only targeted AEs.
                                                                 For participants in either therapy arm, any vocal strain
Primary outcome                                               or abuse believed to be associated with treatment will be
The primary outcome measure for the trial is patient re-      identified by the therapists at the participants’ therapy
ported Voice Handicap Index (VHI) [25] total score at 3       session and will be reported in the AE log.
months.                                                          In all trial arms, BCTU will also check the participant-
  There was some discussion about the choice of pri-          reported resource usage form to ensure that no vocal
mary outcome, as most previous trials had used vocal          strain or abuse has occurred following participants
loudness. The VHI was chosen given that it is patient-        reporting out-patients appointments with ear, nose and
reported, brief, (and from the pilot trial) well-completed    throat (ENT) specialists. At the 12-month clinical visit,
and, in our view, better reflects the focus of the trial.     the medical professional will also check whether any
Alongside the VHI, a battery of patient-reported out-         AEs have occurred since entering the trial.
comes (PROs; see the ‘Secondary outcomes’ section) are           Serious adverse events (SAEs) are events that cause
being collected, which cover a range of other important       death, are life-threatening, require or extend an existing
areas. In the pilot trial, extensive vocal assessments were   hospitalisation, result in persistent or significant disabil-
carried out alongside the PROs. We decided not to             ity or incapacity; or, are otherwise considered medically
undertake vocal assessments within the PD COMM trial          significant by the investigator. SAEs that are not related
as (1). the additional time involved was prohibitive; (2).    to vocal strain or abuse are excluded from expedited no-
there was concern that since one of the trial interven-       tification during the course of the trial and will be col-
tions (LSVT LOUD®) specifically focussed on vocal loud-       lected in the resource usage and 12-month clinical case
ness that the results might be skewed in favour of this       report form (CRF).
intervention and (3). the focus of the trial was on the
participants self-perception of functional communication      Data collection
rather than vocal loudness.                                   Data is collected in clinic at baseline and 12 months post
                                                              randomisation at usual clinic appointments, and patient-
Secondary outcomes                                            reported outcome data is also collected at 3, 6 and 12
Patient reported: Subscales of the VHI [25]; Parkinson’s      months post randomisation by postal questionnaires to
Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39) [39]; Questionnaire         the participant which are returned directly to BCTU.
on Acquired Speech Disorders (QASD) [40]; EuroQol-            Participants who do not comply with their treatment al-
5D (5-level version) [41]; ICEpop Capabilities Measure        location will be followed up as other participants unless
Sackley et al. Trials    (2020) 21:436                                                                                 Page 7 of 13

they chose to withdraw from the trial. Data is reviewed                Treatment dose and fidelity
on receipt, and return rates and completeness are closely              The speech and language therapists will complete an ini-
monitored throughout the trial to ensure patient reten-                tial interview log including the Abbreviated Mental Test
tion. The Trial Management Group review return and                     and intervention record forms at each treatment session
completeness rates and can determine whether to trigger                for participants receiving SLT. Furthermore, in the
further review or monitoring.                                          LSVT LOUD® arm and where prescribed in the NHS
  Figure 1 provides a flowchart of the trial design and                SLT arm, participants will complete home-based therapy
Table 2 denotes the schedule of events. Data is sent                   diaries. Therapists will also complete standard NHS
to BCTU where they are securely held in restricted-                    therapy notes; upon trial treatment completion, a
access areas and entered onto a bespoke trial data-                    pseudo-anonymised (i.e. participant is only identified by
base. For participants randomised to the intervention                  trial number) version of these will be sent to the re-
arms, further data around the interventions including                  search team.
therapy logs and therapy notes is sent to BCTU (see
below). Redacted therapy notes and anonymised data
sets will be sent to researchers at Glasgow Caledonian                 Process evaluation
University for the intervention description analysis.                  In order to evaluate the implementation of PD COMM
This data will be integrated with the process evalu-                   interventions, a process evaluation will be carried out
ation data collected and held at the University of                     alongside PD COMM. The process evaluation team led
Bangor.                                                                by Bangor University will employ a number of ap-
                                                                       proaches to data collection, including:

                                                                            Qualitative interviews with PD COMM participants
                                                                            Qualitative interviews with PD COMM therapists
     Patients who have Parkinson’s and problems with their speech           Critical incident reports
          or voice are identified by physician, nurse or therapist
                                                                            Therapist’s questionnaire

                                                                         A detailed protocol for these analyses including inter-
                                                                       vention description has been published [45].
        Physician, nurse or therapist discusses trial and provides
          potential participant with Patient Information Sheet           The analysis of process evaluation data will focus on
                                                                       the practical implementation of the trial interventions,
                                                                       including how these were tailored to individual patient
                                                                       and other circumstances.
       Physician, nurse or therapist confirm eligibility, answer any
                outstanding questions and take consent

                                                                       Sample size
                                                                       The primary outcome is the mean difference in the VHI
                                                                       total score at 3 months across the three comparisons:
     Following consent, baseline assessments are performed, and
            then the participant is randomised in to the trial
                                                                       LSVT LOUD® versus control; standard NHS SLT versus
                                                                       control; and LSVT LOUD® versus standard NHS SLT.
                                                                       Data from the PD COMM Pilot trial was used to inform
                                                                       the sample size calculations for this trial as the minimal
                             Standard NHS                              clinically important difference (MCID) for the VHI has
             LSVT                                  No SLT (Control)
                                                                       not been established in PD patients. In the PD COMM
                                                                       Pilot trial, a difference of around 10 points in VHI total
                                                                       score was observed at 3 months between SLT and con-
                                                                       trol for both types of SLT (standard NHS and LSVT
                3, 6 and 12 month follow-up assessments                LOUD®) versus control comparisons. To detect a 10-
                                                                       point difference in VHI total score between arms at 3
                                                                       months (using a two-sided t test and the upper standard
                                                                       deviation of 26.27 obtained from the VHI baseline data
                                                                       from the pilot trial; effect size 0.38), with 80% power and
                              Complete trial
                                                                       α = 0.01, we need 163 participants per arm. Allowing for
                                                                       10% drop-out will require 182 participants per arm, so
  Fig. 1 Flow diagram of trial design
                                                                       546 participants in total.
Sackley et al. Trials      (2020) 21:436                                                                                                       Page 8 of 13

Table 2 Time and event schedule
Measure                                                                Enrolment         Assessment time
                                                                                         Allocation t = 0       3 months         6 months         12 months
    Informed consent                                                   ✓
    Eligibility                                                        ✓
    Allocation                                                                           ✓
    Initial interview log and treatment record form (all sessions)                                              ✓a
    Home-based therapy diary                                                                                    ✓b
    Baseline case report form                                                            ✓
    VHI; PDQ-39; QASD; EQ-5D-5 L; ICECAP-O                                               ✓                      ✓                ✓                ✓
    Resource Usage Questionnaire                                                                                ✓                ✓                ✓
    Global rating score (Transition item)                                                                       ✓
    PDQ-Carer                                                                            ✓                      ✓                ✓                ✓
    Adverse event log                                                                                           ✓   c

    12-month case report form                                                                                                                     ✓
  Following each therapy session for participants in the two SLT treatment arms only
  Completed at home by the participant as recommended in their SLT therapy session
 Only required for participants randomised to a treatment arm
Key: EQ-5D EuroQol 5-dimension, 5-level questionnaire, ICECAP-O ICEpop Capabilities Measure for Older Adults, QASD Questionnaire on Acquired Speech
Disorders, PDQ-39 Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39, SLT Speech and Language Therapy, VHI Voice Handicap Index

Statistical analysis                                                            score and the minimisation variables age and severity of
All primary analyses (for both the primary and second-                          PD (Hoehn and Yahr) included in the model as
ary outcomes) will be by intention to treat. Participants                       covariates.
will be analysed in the treatment group to which they
were randomised, and all participants will be included                          Secondary outcome analyses
whether or not they received the allocated treatment.                           The majority of the secondary outcome measures (e.g.
This is to avoid any potential bias in the analysis. For all                    PDQ-39) are continuous measurements and will be ana-
tests, summary statistics (e.g. mean differences) will be                       lysed in a similar way to that described for the primary
reported along with 95% confidence intervals and p                              analysis: a linear regression analysis adjusting for rele-
values from two-sided tests. A p value of < 0.01 will be                        vant baseline score and all of the minimisation variables
considered statistically significant, as per the sample size                    (baseline VHI, age and severity of PD). As per the pri-
calculations to take into account the multiple treatment                        mary outcome, the primary analysis for the secondary
comparisons being undertaken.                                                   outcomes will be based on the 3-month data.
   There will be no interim analyses.                                             To assess whether any treatment effect is maintained,
   The analysis and interpretation of qualitative data, and                     participant- and carer-completed questionnaires are also
its integration with quantitative data on intervention                          being collected at 6 and 12 months post randomisation.
provision, will be performed between researchers at Ban-                        Data collected at 6 and 12 months will be analysed using
gor University (Professor Christopher Burton) and Glas-                         the same methods as described above. Further analysis
gow Caledonian University (Professor Marian Brady),                             using a repeated measures model will also be performed
with input from University College London (Dr Chris-                            using all data over the 3-, 6- and 12-month assessment
tina Smith) and King’s College London (Professor Cath-                          points.
erine Sackley).                                                                   A global rating scale (Transition item) will be com-
                                                                                pleted by the participant and carer separately at the 3-
Primary outcome analysis                                                        month time point. This data will be used to calculate an
The primary outcome measure is the VHI total score at                           MCID for the VHI in this population.
3 months. A linear regression model will be used to esti-                         Adverse events and safety data will be summarised de-
mate differences in the VHI total score at 3 months be-                         scriptively by treatment arm, and the number of events
tween the two arms of interest, with the VHI baseline                           and percentage of participants experiencing any AE
Sackley et al. Trials   (2020) 21:436                                                                         Page 9 of 13

reported. It is not expected that there will be many AEs      unit of outcome gained, adjusting for baseline covariates.
as a result of the intervention, but the number of partici-   Two sets of comparisons will be undertaken. In line with
pants reporting an AE will be compared using a chi-           convention, strategies will be ordered from least to
squared test, with relative risks and 95% confidence in-      greatest cost, with each strategy compared against the
tervals reported (if appropriate).                            next more costly strategy, and strategies which are domi-
                                                              nated or extendedly dominated subsequently excluded.
Planned subgroup analyses                                     A separate analysis will also consider the three pair-wise
Subgroup analyses will be performed for the primary           comparisons as specified in the statistical analysis. Both
outcome to assess whether there are differences in treat-     deterministic and probability sensitivity analysis will be
ment effect by the minimisation variables: age; baseline      undertaken and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves
voice severity (as measured by VHI); and PD severity (as      will be produced to reflect the probability the interven-
measured by Hoehn and Yahr). The trial is not powered         tion will be cost-effective at different willingness to pay
to detect differences in treatment effect in these sub-       thresholds, in terms of cost per unit of outcome gained.
groups and, therefore, these analyses will be treated as
purely hypothesis generating.                                 Dissemination
                                                              The trial results will be disseminated widely through sci-
Health economics analysis                                     entific conferences and peer-reviewed publications. Col-
The economic evaluation will estimate the cost-               laborators will be informed of the trial results at a
effectiveness of LSVT LOUD® or standard NHS SLT               national trial results meeting and participants will be
compared to no SLT treatment (control) in PD. The             sent a newsletter thanking them for their support and
base-case economic evaluation will be undertaken from         informing them of the trial results. We will also use so-
the UK NHS and personal social services (PSS) perspec-        cial media and work with the Universities media ser-
tive, with further analysis from a broader societal per-      vices, National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
spective, over 12 months’ follow-up.                          Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) dissemin-
   A cost-effectiveness analysis will use the primary out-    ation services and the Parkinson’s UK charity to broaden
come (VHI) to calculate the cost per unit improvement         our dissemination to key stake-holders and the wider
in VHI score, and a cost-utility analysis will use re-        community.
sponses from the EQ-5D-5 L to calculate cost per
quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained. Resource-use        Roles and responsibilities
data will be collected on PD-related medication, primary      The study design, collection, management, analysis and
care and secondary care healthcare utilisation, including     interpretation of the data, publishing the data is the re-
the use of therapy services, and use of social services in-   sponsibility of the chief investigator, and the Collabora-
cluding formal care. Further information will be col-         tive Group, the trial is managed by the BCTU, with
lected on time off work, participant out-of-pocket costs      additional support for Scottish sites being provided by
and costs incurred by informal carers, in order to inform     Glasgow Caledonian University. The process evaluation
analysis from a societal perspective. The cost of deliver-    is managed by the University of Bangor and the inter-
ing the LSVT LOUD® intervention and NHS SLT, in-              vention description analysis is managed by Glasgow
cluding length and number of sessions and any training        Caledonian University. The sponsor and funder do not
required will be determined within the trial. Data will be    have a role in the above activities.
collected using a participant-completed resource utilisa-        Oversight of the trial is performed by the Trial Man-
tion questionnaire (at 3, 6 and 12 months) and the            agement Group, an independent Data Monitoring Com-
therapist-completed initial interview logs and treatment      mittee (DMC) and Trial Steering Committee (TSC). The
record forms. Unit costs from routine sources will be ap-     DMC and TSC membership (see Table 3) was agreed
plied to resource-use data [46, 47]. Health-related quality   with the funder; these committees meet at least annually
of life will be assessed using the EQ-5D-5 L [41] col-        to review the data and progress of the trial. Annual re-
lected at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. The crosswalk         ports are submitted to the NHS REC and monthly up-
value set will be applied to patient responses to obtain      dates against pre-determined milestones are sent to the
utility scores, in line with current NICE recommenda-         funder.
tions and QALYs calculated using the ‘area under the
curve’ approach. The ICECAP-O [42] will also be used          Discussion
to capture changes in participants’ capabilities, allowing    The PD COMM trial is already the largest trial of SLT
a broader assessment of benefits to patients.                 in PD to date (as of 10 September 2019, 329 participants
   Incremental cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses   have been recruited). It will provide robust evidence as
will be undertaken to estimate the incremental cost per       to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of two types of
Sackley et al. Trials     (2020) 21:436                                                                                                       Page 10 of 13

Table 3 Trial Oversight Committees
Trial Management Group                    Data Monitoring Committee
Professor Catherine Sackley (chief        Dr Carl Counsell (chair), Consultant Neurologist, University of Aberdeen
Ms Pui Au
Ms Gillian Beeston                        Dr Katherine Deane, Senior Lecturer, University of East Anglia
Professor Marian Brady
Professor Christopher Burton              Dr Louise Hiller, Statistician, University of Warwick
Ms Maria Caulfield
Professor Carl E Clarke                   Trial Steering Committee
Ms Sylvia Dickson                         Dr Lisa Shaw (chair), Senior Research Associate, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Sue Jowett
Dr Patricia Masterson Algar               Mr Chris Jeffery, Patient and Public Involvement Representative
Dr Avril Nicoll
Mrs Smitaa Patel                          Ms Michelle Collinson, Senior Medical Statistician, University of Leeds
Dr Cally Rick
Mrs Natalie Rowland                       Dr Linsay Pennington, Senior Lecturer and Speech and Language Therapist, University of Newcastle
                                          upon Tyne
Dr Christina Smith
Ms Rebecca Woolley                        Professor Catherine Sackley, Professor of Rehabilitation, King’s College London
Former members                            Dr Paul Worth, Consultant in Neurology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mr Francis Dowling
Mr Max Hughes
                                          Former member:
                                          Mr John Carrington, Patient and Public Involvement Representative
                                          Professor Adam Gordon, Professor in Medicine of Older People, University of Nottingham
                                          Dr Simon Horton, Lecturer and Speech and Language Therapist, University of East Anglia

SLT for people with PD enabling them, their clinicians                      Abbreviations
and NHS decisions-makers to make informed choices.                          AE: Adverse event; ACC: Augmentative and alternative communication;
                                                                            BCTU: Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit; ENT: Ear, nose and throat; ICECAP-
  There will also be benefits beyond the immediate trial                    O: ICEpop Capabilities Measure for Older Adults; ISRCTN: International
results: the group has developed a research network of                      Standard Randomised Controlled Trials Number; LSVT LOUD®: Lee Silverman
speech and language therapists in 42 sites around the                       Voice Treatment; MCID: Minimal clinically important difference; CETI-
                                                                            M: Modified Communications Effectiveness Index; PD: Parkinson’s disease;
UK, participated, and provided training in, LSVT LOUD®                      PDQ-39: Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire-39; PIS: Patient information sheet;
(courtesy of Dr Lori Ramig), trials, other aspects of PD                    RCTs: Randomised controlled trials; SAE: Serious adverse event; SPL: Sound
and research into SLT and information on best practice.                     pressure level; SLT: Speech and Language Therapy; VRQOL: Voice-related
                                                                            Quality of Life; VHI: Voice Handicap Index
This project will lay the foundation for further trials in
SLT and lower the barriers to future research. Further-
more, we will develop a clear understanding of the range                    Acknowledgements
                                                                            The PD COMM Collaborative Group
of SLT practice around the UK for people with speech                        Participating centres and PD COMM Collaborative Group members
or voice problems as a consequence of PD, in terms of                       (*indicates current principal investigator and #indicates former principal
dosage, content and availability.                                           investigator at that centre)
                                                                            Aneurin Bevan University Health Board: A Church*, A Davey, C Gallagher, A
                                                                            Conroy, S Bailey, B Done, D Davies
                                                                            Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: S
Trial status                                                                Sveinbjornsdottir*, M Kasti#, K Allen, J Colnet, J Riches, L Kittridge, L Morris, C
Protocol version number and date: version 4.0 (14 No-                       Bath and North East Somerset Community Health and Care Services; V Lyell*,
vember 2018).                                                               V Page, N Bassford, H Rayner, E Henderson
  The first participant was recruited into the trial on 11                  Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board: S Abraham*, JV Hindle#, S Jones, P
                                                                            Martin-Forbes, C Watkins, A Roberts, E Newcombe, L Bibby, L Matthews, J
October 2016. Recruitment is ongoing with an expected                       Roberts, S Thomas, H Hawthorne, K Clewley, S Lord, J Roberts, G Bretag, S
recruitment end date of 30 November 2020.                                   Noble
Sackley et al. Trials      (2020) 21:436                                                                                                             Page 11 of 13

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: D McGhee*, H Mcclure,          Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust: J Raw*, P Mulligan, A Ansari, R Irving, A
A Ling Zhi Teo, R Wheeldon, C Wilkinson, M Oprea, G Van Duyvenvoorde, N           Javed, S Hussain, L Johnson, R Joseph, J Brooke, J Melville, M McCormack, J
Wilson, L Evans, R Belshaw, A Clarke, M Turner, C Thompson                        Stockley, D Ganderton, A Cherriman
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust: R Saha*, J Aram, D            Powys Teaching Health Board: J Price*, C Douglas, C Cooter, J Bushell
Mullan, J Newman, K Micabel, H Robinson, K Chick, J Gaylard, J Cochrane           Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust: R Sheridan*, C Browning, K
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board: E Christopher Thomas*, A Kissick, P     Polverino, T Malone, S Jackson, A Foden, R James, S Hayes, L Roberts, E Davis
Wright, B Mohamed, S Mahon, T Williams, S Appleton, N Elliott, L Evans, J         Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust: C Clarke*, D Nicholl, A
Ridley                                                                            Majeed, MT Oo, K Blachford, A Boughey, J Kaur, S Kaur, M Awan, S Rahman, J
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust: A Funaki*, P Daly, J               Round
Hackworth, K Timms, L Evison, A Bajracharya                                       St Helens And Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust: D Gandecha*, S Williams, S
East Cheshire NHS Trust: M Silverdale*, K Andrews, A Davies, R Bedford, A         Dealing, H Moss, L Talbot
Jones, D Mournfield, L Howieson, V Price, J Hunter, A Baggs, L Evans, R           Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust: S Cooper*, R Sophia, J Allen, S
Norton, M Holland, K Pointon                                                      Cox, C Moreira, D Woolven, D Sharratt, E Foster, H Hurren, J Watson, S
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: S Kulkarni*, S Bobeldijk, S       Northover, D Green, A Treloggen, C Pawley, K Beesley, K Milne, L Howard, S
Beames, J Cavanagh, S Sudlow                                                      Craw, A Lewis, A Whitcher, C Vickers, T Russell, A Sykes, H Meikle, N Loraine
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: G Lennox*, R Whittaker, D           The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust: M Steiger*, H Treloar, L Roebuck,
Nelson, S Pegler, C Drayson, P Turner, J Stockwell                                M Taylor
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust: T Andrews*, E White, E Turner,         Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust: R Nashed*, J Garfield-Smith,
T Burnay, C Hickey, S Warner                                                      S Mills, H Griffin, C Marshall, G De Selincourt, V Queen, M Stone, M Farrow-
Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust: R Buccoliero*, C Isles, C Stemp,     Jones, E Sturdy, K Almedilla, F Fitzsimmons, M Alison, F Rogers, B Reed
J Guy, C Bennett, S Smith, P Randall, L Ware, J Cann                              University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust: M Pinkney*, S Jones#,
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: L Sautin*, S Grobler#, S       S Muzerengi, M Johnson, S Stafford, E Parmar, J Albutt, S Kaur, M Awan, S
Adjei#, A Hankin, D Ovayolu, M Dobbs, O Joyce, R Humphreys, A Jha, C              Rahman, K Leahy
Holbrook, K Rowsell, F Johnson, H Thornley, S Conway                              University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust: T Allain*, M Sritharan#, A
Hywel Dda University Health Board: C James*, S Murrow, M Hughes, K Pope,          Daniell, K Kunsteinaite, S Slade, F Pimbblet, C Killourhey
C MacPhee, E Williams, R Hughes, A Evans, A Richmond, K Pilborough, K             Wye Valley NHS Trust: E Wales*, C Hughes, G Horsfield, L Mercer, Z Roberts, K
Campbell, S Elizabeth Davies, A Taylor, S Thomas, D Asandei                       Stock, M Evans, S Boyd, L King, J Birch, S Anderson, C Evans, N Stapleton, U
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: T Majeed*, J Dawber, S Furey, A          Magennis, R Vernall
Oppetit, J Birt, M Hare, V Fleming, A Timoroksa, H Al-Nufoury, S Sharp, L
                                                                                  Protocol amendments
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: I Mavroudis*, J Alty#, E Richfield, J
                                                                                  Original application: v1.0 Protocol and participant CRFs. The protocol was
Harrison, V Smith, T Joyce, J Bamford, S Jamieson, J Cosgrove, S Butterworth,
                                                                                  approved subjected to minor changes. Resubmitted to the REC and
E Sacre, L Makawa, P Duggan-Carter, C Arnold, K Brown, P Mpofu, C Joyce, S
                                                                                  approved as v1.1, 7 December 2015.
Henderson, C Wiseman, L Hyne, B Stevens, A Wood, D Holland, V Smith
                                                                                  Amendment 3: update to protocol 2.0, consent form, PIS and questionnaires.
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust; J Juada*, S Molloy#, C Pavel, M
                                                                                  Amendment 10: update to protocol 4.0, participant & carer consent form,
Dhanarante, T Adedoyin, C Rowbottom, L Little, R Choudhury, L Prados, A
                                                                                  participant and carer information sheet and participant CRFs. Creation of
Kelly, R Eggers, T Saifee, P Poku, L Niepage
                                                                                  letter to accompany PIS (if posting), patient leaflet and poster.
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust: D Ahearn*, A Fountain, A
NHS Ayrshire and Arran: A Watt*, M Wilson, A Anderson, M Graham, J Taylor,        Authors’ contributions
P Hewat                                                                           Authors CS, MB, CB, CC, NI, CJ, SP, CR and CHS made substantial
NHS Dumfries and Galloway: S Donaldson*, H Moores-Poole, C Angus, S               contributions to the conception and design of the trial. Authors PA, GB, MC,
Coull, R Davy, A Gilmour-Graham, T Mcilroy, A Kendall                             SD, FD, MH, PMA and AN, made substantial contributions to the acquisition
NHS Forth Valley: S Pal*, E Messeder, D Thomson, V Johnston, P Raby, S            of data. All authors are key to the management, and ongoing oversight of
Kinnear, P Faunce Smith                                                           the trial. Author CR drafted the work and all authors read, edited and
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: S Wishart*, D Grosset, J Burns, A Louise           approved the final manuscript.
Cunnington, E Newman, C Vennard, C Dalton, T Murphy, G Ralph, A Ritchie,
C Nelson, A McEntee, P Fowley, H Hare, G Beaton                                   Funding Acknowledgement and Disclaimer
NHS Highland: M Wilson*, D McDonald, J Finlayson, A Donaldson, S                  This study is funded by the NIHR HTA programme (HTA: 10/135/02). The
Sutherland, S Bramley, C Dunn, M Wallis, S Hewitt                                 views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
NHS Lanarkshire: H Morgan*, A Falconer#, L Peacock; A McAlpine; C                 NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. The study design,
McBrearty; A Lowe; N Findlay; A Adam; C Tearney; J Picken; K MacKenzie; L         collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data, publishing
McCallum; L Smith; M Sidney; P Downie; L Donnelly; R McAllister; S                the data is the responsibility of the chief investigator, and the Collaborative
Campbell; S Maclachlan; L Shearer; K Campbell                                     Group. The funder does not have any role in the above.
NHS Lothian: G Duncan*, S Marrinan, M Dewar, J Kerr, L Killin, A Peters, A
Stewart, T Daniels, A Darbyshire, I McCoy, U Duff, F Young, S Orr, C Telford, D
Fraser, S Borthwick, H Bailey, L Karbownicki, E McLeod                            Availability of data and materials
NHS Tayside: D Sutherland*, E Sammler, L Whyte, C Young, L Gillies, L Gall, J     Following the publication of the main trial results anonymous data sets will
Dallas, L Cassidy, E Letham, V Salisbury, L Anderson, C Hutton, S Waggett, D      be available on an individual case-by-case basis in accordance with the Uni-
Anderson, A Mcgee                                                                 versity of Birmingham, Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit’s Standard Operating
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust: S Cooper*, G Mamutse,         Procedures with agreement from Professor Catherine Sackley and King’s Col-
A Niruban, A Bath, A Wiltshire, M Harmer, C Wright, J Graham, K Richardson,       lege, London.
J Tyler
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust: L Isaacs*, N Crow, S Pinnell,        Ethics approval and consent to participate
W Neale, L Maloney, R Weller, K Young, C Squire                                   The trial received ethical approval from the West Midlands NHS Research
North Bristol NHS Trust: A Whone*, Y Hernandez, H Findlay, K King, L Gethin,      Ethics Committee (15/WM/0443) prior to all trial activity in NHS sites. The
S Ticehurst, A Swift, J Short, J Dean, C Westcott, K Thomas, S Cottrell, D        ethical approval covers all participating centres. All participants in the trial
Kruszynska                                                                        will provide informed consent prior to any trial procedure.
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust: S Kamath*, Q Ma, J
Hall, R Wilson, H Goodhand, K Mellows, L Jayne Cottam, T Behan, J Gibson, E
Lomas, J Kirk, L Smith, J Benson                                                  Consent for publication
                                                                                  Not applicable – no individual’s data is included.
Sackley et al. Trials       (2020) 21:436                                                                                                            Page 12 of 13

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