Page created by Marilyn Romero
E D W A R D          W .   B O K       A C A D E M Y
13901 US HWY 2 7
LAKE WALES, FL 338 5 9
863.638. 1010

  DRAFT 2020-2021            last update: Tuesday, July 14, 2020   Page 1
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Dr. Jesse Jackson, Superintendent                             Dr. Damien Moses, Principal
Lake Wales Charter Schools, Inc.                              Edward W. Bok Academy

Marcia Rose, School Health & RN                               Dr. Andy Oguntola, Trustee
Homeless Liaison, Lake Wales Charter                          Lake Wales Charter School Board of
Schools, Inc.                                                 Trustees and Parent

Roxanne Anderson, Assistant Principal                         Aundrea Croft, Assistant Principal
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

Alicia Linder, Title I Facilitator                            Pam Babington, LEA Facilitator
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

Danielle Williams, Social Worker                              Josh Fell, Teacher
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

Kari Richards, Teacher                                        Dezonia Williams, Teacher
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

Tami Bates, Administrative Assistant                          Teresa Bass, Financial Secretary
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

Megan Gillis, PTO officer, Parent                             Katherine Garcia, PTO officer, Parent
Edward W. Bok Academy                                         Edward W. Bok Academy

  Educating Renaissance Thinkers for the Digital Age

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The environment we are operating in changes every day, sometimes multiple
times within a day. Our plan is subject to change based on new information
and regulations by the CDC as well as approval by the Florida Department of
Education. Our goal is to return as many students to school on-site as soon as
possible, but not at the expense of the general health of our community. We
have developed a plan explaining what the CDC guidelines are, the rationale
behind our plan, and what the plan will look like while using an abundance of

Bok Academy strives to ensure safety while providing the rigor necessary to
educate our students effectively. We are remaining within the CDC guidelines
for schools. You are welcome to visit the CDC website for a full listing of these

Other guidelines used in consideration for our reopening plan:

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We appreciate the feedback from our Bok students, parents, and staff. Please note our latest survey results.

                                                                 PARENT SURVEY - MAY 20, 2020

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                  STUDENT SURVEY - MAY 20, 2020

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                  TEACHER SURVEY - MAY 20, 2020

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DISCOVERY                                                                 TEACHER SURVEY - MAY 20, 2020

Schoology will continue to be the learning management system used by students and staff for learning this year. ALL
students will be provided with a piece of technology at the beginning of the school year that will be for their use for
learning online or in the classroom. It will travel with the student to and from school so they can use it for prep work and
lessons when not physically in school. A technology agreement form will be completed by the parent/guardian prior to
students gaining access. The device will be equipped with tracking and filtering systems that comply with the Children’s
Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to ensure the safety of our students.

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• All student devices will have tracking and monitoring software installed prior to distribution. This complies with the
  Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

• Students will be responsible for taking care of the school-loaned devices, including using it appropriately, not leaving
  it unattended, and maintaining the device’s safety.

• Students may be required to use the school device for certain assignments/tests instead of a home device to ensure
  academic integrity.

• Students will be trained on Schoology procedures including how to use the daily module platform, deadline
  requirements, how to submit assignments, and how to contact staff.

• Parent/guardian will also receive training on Schoology. This will include how to view assignments that are due, how
  to track student progress and grades, and how to contact staff for questions. It is the expectation that the parent/
  guardian will check grades on a weekly basis and support teaching staff by ensuring work is submitted.

  In addition to the Schoology training, students will be trained on use of the school device, proper use of their
  school email, use of preloaded programs, basic troubleshooting, digital citizenship, digital etiquette, and
  general care for the school’s device.

If students are participating in the Innovative Academic Instruction will be using online video conferencing to
communicate with their classes. Students will adhere to the following procedures while participating in live online video

                 ●   Students will log in 1-2 minutes prior to the start of class.
                 ●   Students will wear the appropriate Bok polo during online sessions.
                 ●   The camera will be turned on so the teacher can see the student participating.
                 ●   Participation is expected by answering questions and conversing in online discussions with
                     appropriate responses (55 Essentials).

Technology support will be provided for students during school hours.
This applies to students on campus and those working remotely.

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  03        @HOME LEARNING

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         On campus students will complete their assignments using Schoology. Students will be on campus
         for the school day and will follow the on campus schedule of days for their cohort. Students will
         adhere to the guidelines and rules noted for complying with local, state, and federal guidelines/
         mandates, including social distancing to the best of their ability.

                                 V   E

        Bok students engaging in Innovative Academic Instruction will commit to a semester of online
        learning. Students will complete assignments in Schoology. Teachers will provide learning videos,
        experiences, and curriculum in an online format. Virtual meetings with teachers will be provided, and
        when necessary, teachers may provide individual tutoring for online students. Bok Academy will
        explore opportunities for virtual community building events such as Morning Meetings and weekly


         If Bok Academy is mandated to close for any specific time frame during the 20-21 school year, students
         will be engaging in Innovative Academic Instruction. Students will not lose any instructional time due to
         the curriculum being accessible 24/7 through Schoology. Students who have connectivity issues will be
         notified about options for connecting.

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 Much thought and consideration have gone into developing a workable plan for all of our
 shareholders (parent/guardian, students, staff, community). Two surveys were distributed for parents/
 guardians to provide input. These surveys, along with information provided by the CDC and the
 department of education, were taken into consideration when developing the plans. We would like to
 see all of our students as much as possible to check on the educational progression, but also their
 social and emotional wellbeing. By allowing students the opportunity to come to school in A or B
 groups, we lower our number of students on-site, allow for online learning as an alternative, and still
 continue with the rigor needed for our student learning objectives. Please remember, no plan is a
 perfect plan for everyone. You will need to discuss as a family which plan will be most beneficial for
 you and your needs. Again, this is subject to change, but Bok Academy South believes that this plan is
 the fairest and most effective way to continue educating our students during the COVID-19 crisis.

Grouping                      Rotation                      Support                     Interventions
                              When noted, rotation
Smaller class size            through schedule will         Accommodations will         MTSS & interventions
social distancing             be done using one-            be provided as stated       will be provided
                              way hallways, masks                                       based upon the
guidelines                    will be required for          in a student’s IEP or       needs of individual
lowers risk factor            class transitions, and        504.                        students.
                              social distancing.

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                             Groups                                                  Keystones
      Grade levels have been split into                                              Students will rotate through their
         two groups to allow for social                                              schedules, including Keystones.
    distancing and minimize exposure.                                                Periods are smaller due to grade
                                                                                     level grouping.

                    Large Groups                                                     Health Checks
    Assemblies of large groups will not                                              Students will have their
    take place. Students will eat in the                                             temperature check upon arrival.
      classrooms or in social distanced
                                                                                     Additional checks may be made
                                                                                     during the school day.

 Risk Factor for on campus learning: HIGH RISK

 The CDC defines high risk as: “Full sized, in-person classes, activities, and events. Students are not spaced apart,
 share classroom materials or supplies, and mix between classes and activities.”


      Seating        Classrooms will be set up for all students facing forward with 6 feet between each
                     student, when possible. If less than 6 feet, then dividers will be used. Students will have
                     assigned seating.

      Hallways       Hallways will be one-direction and will be clearly marked.

      Cleaning       Cleaning and sanitizing materials will be in each classroom.

      Signage        Signage for CDC requirements and reminders will be placed around campus, including
                     hand-washing signs.

      Visitors       We will limit the number of visitors on campus. All visitors must report to the main office,
                     provide ID, and will be required to wear a mask.

      Clinic         There will be a dedicated COVID clinic with a separate entrance/exit for parent
                     pick up. Clinic procedures will be discussed with students by teachers during
                     the initial days on campus. Parents who receive a call to pick up their child will
                     be informed which clinic to report to.

      Exposure       Parents will be notified if their child has been exposed to an individual with a
                     confirmed Covid-19 diagnosis.

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ON CAMPUS - Car Riders
 Before students leave home, Bok Academy asks that parents/guardians do a pre-check of their child/children prior
 to them going to school. If children are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 they are to remain home
 until they are tested and cleared to come to school. Staff will be required to do the same. Students will be checked
 upon arrival, and throughout the day, if suspected symptoms appear.

 Students who have a temperature will not be allowed to remain on campus.
 Students who do not have a temperature will be allowed to remain on campus.

   ● Student masks should be put on before their temperature is taken and remain on throughout the school day.

   ● Temperatures will be taken prior to students exiting the car. If their temperature is at 100° or greater, they
   will need to return home.

   ● Once an acceptable temperature is verified, students will enter the school, get school breakfast (if needed),
   and remain on the Bok Green socially distanced until school begins.

   ● Students will follow hallway procedures to go to classrooms and remain 6 feet apart when walking.

 Students may arrive on campus no earlier than 7:45 a.m. and no later than 9:15 a.m.
     We hope by providing this time for arrival we may provide a safe car arrival
            procedure allowing for temperature checks of all car riders.

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ON CAMPUS - Car Riders
 Car riders will have numbers for their cars. Students will be notified in the classroom when their car arrives.
 Students will not leave the class until their car number has been noted. Large groups of students being picked
 up will need to provide the office with a list on the morning of the dismissal or a standing list may be provided to
 the office. Each student will receive TWO car rider numbers, even if they are normally bus riders.

 Check Out                                                        Rolling Dismissal
 Any student check-outs must be done prior to                     We hope that providing a wider window for dismissal
 3:00 p.m. to ensure our car rider line is clear for              we may provide a safer dismissal for both parents
 parents arriving. No check outs allowed after                    and students. We encourage you to text your child
 3:00 p.m.                                                        when you arrive in the car rider line. Students will
                                                                  NOT be allowed to leave until their car number is

                  Students may be picked up between 3:30 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.
                          Students must be picked prior to 4:30 p.m.

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ON CAMPUS - Bus Riders
Arrival on campus
 Students will remain on the bus until dismissed for temperature checks. Students who have a temperature will
 be isolated in the Covid Clinic. A parent will be contacted and student must be picked up asap.
 Buses will not disembark students until students are checked.

      •    Masks will be put on before they board the bus and remain on throughout the school day.
      •    Guidelines for riding the bus will be provided by the transportation department.
      •   Temperatures will be taken as students depart the bus. If the temperature is at 100° or greater, they will be
          taken to the COVID clinic and the parent/guardian will be notified. They will be sent home as soon as
      •    Once the temperature is verified, students will enter the school, get school breakfast (if needed), and
          remain on the Bok Green socially distanced until school begins.
      • Students will follow hallway procedures to go to classrooms and remain 6 feet apart when walking.

     Dismissal from campus
           Bus riders will remain in the classroom until their bus has arrived. Students will be notified in the
           classroom. Only one bus at a time will be loaded. Late bus procedures will be given to students and

Parents are highly encouraged to check their child’s temperature before the student leaves for the bus
 stop. Parents are asked to keep children home who do not feel well or have a temperature. Students
    who arrive on campus with a fever must be picked up as soon as possible from the Covid clinic.

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   Grab & Go breakfast
   Available from 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Late buses will be accommodated.

   Lunch boxes
   Students may bring their own lunch. Please note microwaves will NOT be available this year.

   On campus lunches
   Until further notice, we are not allowing lunch dates with your student.

   Water fountains
   Clear, plastic water bottles are encouraged. No water fountains available.

   While sharing is often considered as a caring gesture, students will not be allowed to share food.

 Risk Factor for lunch room gatherings: HIGH
 Due to the HIGH risk factor for lunch in the Bok Cafe,
 class groups will have a rotation of options for lunch
 locations from classroom or socially distanced

DRAFT 2020-2021                                                                       Page 16
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                e k            Parents will

       al M cebo
                                            n eed to sign
                 o                                           up

  oc i uth Fa he m       ost
                                for a Schoolo
                                                gy account.
 S k So ave t on.
     Bo                  i
                                            ents will be
           w ill h ormat        made in the
         e         f                            platform.
      pag rent in

                                                            Call outs wil
                                                                          l   be made on
                                                            Sunday even
                                                                              ings and at
                                                            other appro
                                                                         priate times

                                                            Any further information will
                                                             be posted on our website,
                                                              this includes our FAQs.

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Student Messages
 Students will be expected to read all school and teacher
 communications posted in Schoology.

      • Online learners are expected to read their Schoology messages on a daily basis,
        preferably in the morning.

      • On campus learners are expected to read their Schoology messages on a daily basis
        before 9:30 a.m. each day.

      • Students are expected to check their school student email on a daily basis and
        communicate back when necessary.

Teacher Communication
 Teachers may communicate with students using both
 Schoology and through the school’s email. Students may
 expect a response from their teacher within 24 hours.
 Parents may also communicate with the teacher through
 email, please allow 24-48 hours for the teacher to respond.
 Teacher’s may set up a class messaging services for parents
 to agree to use, for example REMIND. Please note our
 teachers are not required to provide this tool.

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All Bok staff members will wear masks, model and practice social-distancing, and
have their temperature checked upon arriving to school. Our staff is committed
to providing the safest environment possible for on campus students.

 Classrooms                                                      Nightly
 A minimum of three times a
                                                          Cleaning company has a
 day all areas utilized by
                                                          list of specific of areas to
 students and staff will be
                                                          be cleaned throughly on a
 cleaned thoroughly using
                                                          daily basis. A check off
 solutions deemed appropriate
                                                          sheet is expected to be
 to disinfect surfaces.
                                                          completed each night.

High Traffic                                        Check List
High traffic areas will be
                                                    Classrooms and staff areas will
cleaned at a minimum of
                                                    have a specific list of areas to
three times daily and other
                                                    clean at a minimum of three
times for preventative
                                                    times during the school day.

We will continue to monitor our cleaning policies and procedures, noting necessary
improvements, and stressing our high expectations to our cleaning company.

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Lake Wales Charter School (DRAFT) Staff Policies — subject to change.

Safety Procedures:                                 staff members will transiGon to
                                                   remote learning during the self-
   1. Staff members will check their                quaranGne period. If it is a driver who
      temperature and assess for                   is presumed posiGve or has tested
      symptoms of COVID-19 before they             posiGve for COVID-19, students who
      come to school. Temperature may be           ride that bus will need to self-
      check at each school upon arrival.           quaranGne for 14 days and transiGon
      Temperature of 100.4 or higher,              to remote learning during the self-
      cough, shortness of breath, or loss of       quaranGne period. If a student is
      taste or smell or if they have been in       presumed posiGve or has tested
      direct contact with someone who has          posiGve for COVID-19, the driver and
      COVID-19, they will need to noGfy the        students sharing the route will need
      school, stay home and contact their          to self-quaranGne and transiGon to
      primary physician.                           remote learning.
   2. Staff members are required to wear        2. High risk staff members may be able
      mask and pracGce social distancing          to have alternaGve working opGons
      when walking in hallways, delivering        such as ability to work remotely,
      instrucGon in the classroom, working        reassignment or social distancing
      with small groups, and/or meeGng            accommodaGons; depending what
      with another staff member. Staff              type of work they are performing.
      members can remove their mask               High risk staff members will be
      when delivering instrucGon remotely         addressed case by case. High risk staff
      or using other electronic                   members are those staff members
      communicaGon.                               with the following condiGons:
                                                  asthma, diabetes, heart disease,
   3. Staff members shall avoid lingering in
                                                  pregnancy, obesity, weakened
      the workroom and hallways to avoid
                                                  immune system, pulmonary disease,
      crowded condiGon.
                                                  chronic kidney disease, liver disease,
   4. Staff members will wash their hands          thalassemia, and cysGc fibrosis.
      frequently and will encourage
                                               3. Staff members traveling
      students in doing the same during
                                                  internaGonally, or on cruise ships will
      the day.
                                                  be expected to self-quaranGne for 14
   5. Staff members will follow one-               days upon return to the United
      direcGonal signs when moving in             States. Staff members will use
      hallways throughout the campus.             personal, sick, or vacaGon leave
                                                  during the quaranGne period aSer
Other important Safety Procedure:                 traveling.
   1. If staff member or student tests          4. If a school has 10% or more of their
      posiGve for COVID-19 or presumed            populaGon with posiGve cases of
      posiGve for COVID-19, students and          COVID-19, the school will close for at
      staff members who have been in               least for 14 days and it will transiGon
      direct contact will need to self-           to remote learning only during that
      quaranGne for 14 days. Students and         period.

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Masks are required by students, staff, and any on-campus visitors.

                              Cloth masks can be solid color or patterned,
                              but may not be explicit, inflammatory, or
                              otherwise offensive in nature; bandanas are
                              not allowed. Administration reserves the
                              right to ask students to remove any mask
                              deemed inappropriate for the school setting
                              and will provide a disposable mask in such
                              N95 masks and surgical masks are
                              acceptable but must follow the above policy.
                              Clear face shields are optional, however, a
                              mask must be worn in addition to a clear
                              face shield.

 Proper use and expectations for wearing a mask.

Bok Academy South Mask Policies — subject to change.

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Students will have the ability to     emotions surrounding possible        social worker will listen and assist
come to the social worker office      COVID19 contraction.                 in working through those
freely/voluntarily, as usual during                                        feelings.
their times of mental/social/         According to Dr. Scott Poland
emotional crisis. Parents,            (Nova Southeastern University)       Small, socially distanced yoga
teachers, and administrators will     and Dr. Benjamin Lipman (Advent      sessions will be implemented (if
also be able to refer students as     Health), school re-entry during      possible) to teach mindfulness as
they find necessary. The social       the pandemic will likely result in   a result of the increase in
worker will be available via          higher rates of anxiety,             depression/anxiety.
conference call formats for online
students.                                                                    Knights of the Round Table
                                                                               Initiative: Group sessions
There will be no more                                                            for the purpose of
than two students in the                                                          allowing students to see
social worker (SW) office                                                          and understand they
at one time so that                                                                are not alone in their
social distancing may                                                                feelings or
be maintained.                                                                          frustrations.

SW’s office will be                                                                     The effects of
wiped down and                                                                        COVID19 will also
disinfected after each                                                               display in students’
session. Disinfectants                                                              behavior and academics.
will be allowed to                                                               The social worker will
thoroughly dry before new                                                  continue to support staff and
students arrive.                                                           administration in developing
                                                                           attendance and behavior
                                      depression, and adjustment
If a student with a fever or other                                         contracts as well as IEP/504 plans
                                      disorder in students.
symptom(s) indicative of                                                   or any other plans for academic
COVID19, the social worker will                                            success.
                                      Students will be allowed and
walk the student to the COVID
                                      encouraged to vent their feelings
clinic and stay with that student
                                      or frustrations regarding COVID19
as needed to address thoughts or
                                      (among other issues) and the

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 ESE: Exceptional Student Education
 Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be provided a quality education with the use of supports, accommodations, and
 additional services as determined by their IEP. Teachers will be provided with a copy of each of their student’s IEP information.

 On campus supports will happen in the classroom setting with additional assistance as needed. Services such as Speech/ Language
 Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Physical Therapy, Vision Services, and Occupational Therapy will occur in small groups or in a one to
 one setting as determined by the student’s IEP.

 ESE Students who participate in online learning will continue to receive a quality education with accommodations, virtual supports, and
 additional assistance as needed. Services such as Speech/ Language Therapy, Mental Health Counseling, Physical Therapy, Vision Services,
 and Occupational Therapy will be provided in the tele-therapy setting. These services will also be held in small groups or one-to-one as
 determined by the student’s IEP.

IEPs: Individual Education Plan
IEP meetings will primarily be completed in a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet. The parent(s) and other members of the
meeting will contribute to the IEP plan and electronic signatures will be used for virtual participants.

IEP Meetings that are completed in person will follow health agency and school guidelines. During the IEP meeting, parent(s) and other
participants will contribute to the plan and the documents will be signed at that time.

Students with a 504 Plan
Students with a 504 Plan will be provided a quality education with the use of accommodations in their classes and during standardized
testing. Theses accommodations are listed in each student’s plan and a copy of the 504 plan is given to each of their teachers.

504 Meetings
504 meetings will primarily be completed in a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet. The parent(s) and other members of the
meeting will contribute to the 504 plan and electronic signatures will be used for virtual participants.

504 Meetings that are completed in person will follow health agency and school guidelines. During the 504 meeting, parent(s) and other
participants will contribute to the plan and the documents will be signed at that time.

 ESOL, Students Who Are English Language Learners (ELL)
 Students who are in the ESOL program will be provided a quality education with supports and accommodations. Teachers are provided with
 a copy of the accommodations and other support materials for their students in the program.

 ELL Committee Meetings
 ELL Committee Meetings will primarily be completed in a virtual meeting platform, such as Google Meet. The parent(s) and other members
 of the meeting will contribute to the plan and electronic signatures will be used for virtual participants.

 ELL Committee Meetings that are completed in person will follow health agency and school guidelines. During the ELL Committee
 Meetings, parent(s) and other participants will contribute to the plan and the documents will be signed at that time.

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N I N E   W E E K           S C H E D U L E

  Week              Dates               Attendance                              Notes
                                                                       We will use this week to
                                                                       orient students to how
                                                                       this will work.

                                     8/24 - All 6th grade              We will have sessions on
                                                                       all the technology &
                                     8/25 - All 7th Grade
                                                                       expectations, 55
 Week 1      August 24 - 28          8/26 - All 8th Grade              Essentials, and The Bok
                                     8/27 - Intervention A             Way.
                                     8/28 - Intervention B
                                                                       Every lesson will be
                                                                       delivered/posted online
                                                                       due to the uncertainty of
                                                                       the situation.

                                          8/31 & 9/1                   The groups are the only
                                         6th Group A                   way to ensure that we can
                                         7th Group A                   meet the spatial distant
                                         8th Group A                   guidelines.

 Week 2    August 31 - Sept. 4    9/2 — Transition/Sanitizing          Opposite group students
                                                                       will participate virtually
                                          9/3 & 9/4                    via Online Video
                                         6th Group B                   Conferencing either live
                                         7th Group B                   or independently.
                                         8th Group B

                                         9/7 - Holiday                 Online this week because
                                                                       students may have been
 Week 3           Sept. 7 - 11            9/8 - 9/11                   exposed to the virus over
                                       Everyone Online                 Labor Day weekend.

                                                                       Online this week because
                                         9/14 - 9/17                   students may have been
 Week 4       Sept. 14 - 18
                                       Everyone Online                 exposed to the virus over
                                                                       Labor Day weekend.

                                    Progress Monitoring will be concluded during these weeks.

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N I N E    W E E K         S C H E D U L E

  Week               Dates             Attendance            Notes
                                   9/21 - Teacher Work Day

                                      Tuesday - Friday
  Week 5          Sept. 21 - 25
                                        6th Group A
                                        7th Group A
                                        8th Group A

                                     Monday - Thursday
                                       6th Group B
                                       7th Group B
  Week 6     Sept. 28 - Oct. 2         8th Group B

                                       Friday - Group B
                                    intervention students

                                     Monday - Thursday
                                       6th Group A
                                       7th Group A
  Week 7           Oct. 5 - 9          8th Group A

                                      Friday - Group A
                                    intervention students

                                  10/12 - Teacher Work Day

                                      Tuesday - Friday
  Week 8          Oct. 12 - 16
                                        6th Group B
                                        7th Group B
                                        8th Group B

                                     Monday - Thursday
                                       6th Group A
                                       7th Group A
  Week 9          Oct. 19 - 23         8th Group A

                                      Friday - Group A
                                    intervention students

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P A R E N T       &    S T U D E N T S

We hope we have provided you with a clear view of our current plan, subject to
adjustments based on feedback from the state of Florida Department of
Education. In order for our staff to best prepare for the first semester, we are
asking for a parent/guardian to complete the survey. We ask that you make
your final decision and indicate it using this survey.

We are requiring a full semester commitment to ensure we provide the safest
options for those who must choose the on campus option.

                            Please note the link is case sensitive.

       Survey Deadline: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

                             E D W A R D
                                            REOPENING      W .        B O K   A C A D E M Y

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You can also read