Online Contribution 16 July 2012 - European Commission

Page created by Brent Page
Online Contribution 16 July 2012

                   What are your views on ways to                  What are your views on the             What are your views on ways                   What are your other ways to
                   improve measurement and                         utility of developing sharing          of ensuring quality services and              ensure greater
                   monitoring of the employment                    of experiences, especially             jobs (skill needs, working                    professionalization of
                   levels in personal and                          concerning the tools used or           conditions), including possibly               personal and household
                   household services, taking               planned to support the                 through development quality                   services jobs ?
                   into account the impact of the on-              personal and household                 standards ?
                   going crisis, loss of purchasing                services with a specific
                   power, labour market                            attention to the cost
                   exclusion issues and the                 effectiveness and to the
                   potentially positive effect on the              reduction of undeclared
                   creation or growth of SMEs ?                    work ?

                   Better transparency in the employment of        Centres for personal and household     We believe it is necessary that the           In the process of ensuring greater
                   domestic helpers may be provided with the       services would be important also       quality of service should take into           quality and professionalism of jobs in
                   relevant institution in the regional (or even   from the standpoint of the exchange    account the different expectations and        the sector of personal and household
                   local) level, which would pull together         of experience, cost-efficiency and     habits of users, so in matter of this issue   services is extremely important
                   information on the needs of the population      prevention of undeclared work; with    it is important both : professional           feedback and evaluation from users
                   after the personal and household services.      the relevant national and              training as well as direct experience of      and providers of these services. It is
                   Such common institution would be able to        international networking, common       those who carry out these services. In        important that these responses
                   combine the information with the public         centres should collect the             this context, the organization of             reflect the actual situation and
                   (e.g.: with the centres for social work,        experience of good practice and the    national or international education           information so collection activities
                   employment services, health homes,              applicable arrangements in the field   would be useful ; it would be                 should be regularly carried out by
                   hospitals) and the local level (e.g.: local     of personal and household services     appropriate that education is related to      institutions acting in this field
                   public institutions in the field of social      at the national and international      theoretical and practical level, with         (already mention public institutions
                   services, the local branches of State           levels and with up-to-date exchange    cooperation of experienced artists and        and non-governmental
                   institutions) and with the level of non-        of information to affect positive      professionals, and that at the end            organizations); in that matter
                   governmental organisations, which often         (and negative) solutions in these      achieved knowledge also evaluate              smaller non-governmental
                   means compensation for the individual, who      areas. An important component of       (certificate or diploma) - such education     organisations are especially
                   due to different causes, power outage in the    such centres would be already          could be organized and leaded by              important, as they are usually closer
                   system of State or local aid. In such           mentioned from time to time            previous mention common centres.              to the people, which means that
                   institutions or centres there could be more     information collection on the needs    Model of the quality of the services          people find it easier to entrust their

information on the needs and employment in        and the implementation of these          should develop in collaboration with        problems to them. With the frequent
the sector of personal and household services     services ; such collection could be      service providers and with the              collection of information also service
on individual regional or local levels; such      carried out in the form of surveys       participation of experts in this field; a   (and education) would be easier to
centres should with this objective in             and questionnaires, which must be        model should not be fixed, but should       adapt, supplements and upgrades,
cooperation with public institutions and non-     carried out in certain intervals by      be a subject to a periodic review and be    what would mean that they are in
governmental organizations, in certain            public institutions and non-             adapted according to the identified         the end more quality and
intervals, carry out surveys on the real          governmental organisations - some        needs and the situation on the ground -     professional for users.
situation in certain local areas ; in fact, the   of the issues in the context of these    in this context, and on this issue, the
situation in this area would thus be quite        surveys or questionnaires could be       aforementioned centres could also play
realistically estimated.                          also related to the supply of these      and justify their informational and
                                                  works in the context of the black        research role. The quality of the work
                                                  market (e.g.: the amount of the          would have to be provided in relation to
                                                  payment, range of services, profile      the rest of the work areas, namely with
                                                  providers, etc.). Formal work with       the appropriate approach to active
                                                  such frequent information could be       inclusion with decent salaries, respect
                                                  easier to compete with the quote on      for rights, access to services etc. Also
                                                  the black market, since it could         this area could be covered with
                                                  quickly adapt to the situation which     regional/local centers as they could
                                                  is more favorable for the user.          collect, do training and spread
                                                  Definitely we agree that the price       information to services providers about
                                                  of the service should be more            existing right, conditions and needed
                                                  favorable for the user than those on     procedures, and in the same time they
                                                  the black market - and at the same       also could collect information about
                                                  time we also believe that                violation of those rights and about
                                                  sufficiently stimulative condition for   problems users and service providers
                                                  those who will carry out such work       are facing during their daily personal
                                                  must exist, however, also the            and household services work.
                                                  quality of service is a priority.

Messen und überwachung ist sehr wichtig                                                    Die pflegerische Grundversorgung wie        Wenn Leistungen durch dafür
nicht nur wegen der wirtschaftlichen Krise                                                 beispielsweise das Waschen, das             geschultes Personal erfolgen oder
und den Ausschluss aus dem Arbeitsmarkt                                                    Ankleiden von Pflegebedürftigen und die     durch Sozialsicherungssysteme
sondern auch weil wir einen Mangel an                                                      Vorbereitung der Nahrung können durch       finanziert werden, muss eine
Arbeitskarft in diesem Sektor mit dem Ältern                                               dafür qualifizierte Kräfte erfolgen.        Qualitätssicherung der Leistung
der Bevölkerung in den kommenden Jahren                                                    Dafür bedarf es keiner Ausbildung als       sichergestellt werden. Zudem sollte
befürchten. Ein Weg zum messen wäre eben                                                   Pflegefachkraft. Dabei ist es notwendig,    das Personal fortlaufend auf den
die Einführung von adaptierten                                                             dass dieses Personal ständige               aktuellen Stand des Wissens durch
Weiterbildungsprogramme, durch die die                                                     Fortbildung erhält und eine                 Fortbildungen gebracht werden. Die

Arbeitskräfte in dem Bereich auch besser                                             Qualitätsprüfung der durchgeführten          gilt auch wenn Angehörige die Teile
berücksichtigt werden könnte.                                                        Leistung erfolgen sollte. Eine Anleitung     der auf Pflege übernehmen. Dabei
                                                                                     durch geschultes Fachpersonal                sollte ein möglichst
                                                                                     (Pflegefachkräfte) ist denkbar. Bei          niederschwelliger Zugang geschaffen
                                                                                     Tätigkeiten die fachlich fundierte           werden, so dass Angehörige die
                                                                                     pflegerische Wissensstände bedürfen          Schulung nicht als Be- sonder als
                                                                                     (zum Beispiel Wundversorgung,                Entlastung wahrnehmen. Ein Mix aus
                                                                                     Arzneimittelgabe oder Übernahme von          Arbeitskräften mit unterschiedlichen
                                                                                     ärztlichen Tätigkeiten) bedarf es der        Aufgaben und unterschiedlichen
                                                                                     Sicherstellung durch ausreichend             Qualifikationenniveaus kann, mit
                                                                                     fachlich qualifiziertes Personal             einer konkret definierten
                                                                                     (Mindestanforderung examinierte              Aufgabenbeschreibung der jeweiligen
                                                                                     Pflegefachkraft). Generell müssen            Arbeitsfelder, eine gelungener Weg
                                                                                     Anreize geschaffen werden, die dazu          in die Zukunft darstellen. Dies stellt
                                                                                     führen Schwarzarbeit abzubauen.              sicher, dass sowohl qualifizierte
                                                                                                                                  Arbeitplätze geschaffen werden wie
                                                                                                                                  auch gering qualifizierte das
                                                                                                                                  notwendige Arbeitsangebot finden.
                                                                                                                                  Ebenso berücksichtig ein Mix die
                                                                                                                                  Problematik der Finanzierung in
                                                                                                                                  angemessener weise. Insgesamt
                                                                                                                                  müssen die Anreize geschaffen
                                                                                                                                  werden können, um das geschulte
                                                                                                                                  Personal dazu zu bringen sich
                                                                                                                                  fortlaufend zu qualifizieren um ein
                                                                                                                                  hohes Qualitätsniveau sicher zu

Member States should recognize the            Sharing of experiences – in the        1. Quality employment standards:             Address the gender gap, make the
potential of the sector and have a broader    frame of the OMC and European          decent wages, access to social security,     sector attractive to men as well by
interest on the development of the Personal   projects – should be used to: 1.       employment rights and protection,            guaranteeing equal pay for equal
and Household services, not only related to   develop high quality training          decent working hours and conditions,         work, equal benefits, equal training
the creation or growth of SMEs, and should    models, for compulsory training,       and training for carers (both in the         and equal opportunities, equal rights
actively support these services.              before and while working;              formal and informal contexts). This can      and high quality standards of
Unfortunately, austerity policies have a      employment centers should give         help make the sector attractive and          employment. Make sure that the
strong impact on the internal market and      priority to trained workers that       people less at risk of poverty. 2. Quality   volunteer carers have a sound
private consumption is falling, so the        belong or have started their own       services: promote a clear referential of     knowledge of the needs of the
prospects are not good. Enabling the          SME or social enterprise. 2. develop   guidelines for service quality but also to   people they take care of: good will is

employment potential of PHS means                 supervision systems and models to         support organizations and individuals in    not enough. Volunteer carers should
improving the purchasing power, and               be used by public social and health       enforcing them, and set up the              not be the only ones to care for a
supporting the organizations, the                 services that should monitor these        structures and the human resources to       person, there should be a close
professionals and non professional carers in      workers vis-à-vis their                   do so, which means, in most cases,          collaboration with professionals. The
providing quality services. We also need a        professionalism and their working         additional support. 3. In the case of the   time spent as a volunteer carer
clear option for professionalization of           conditions as to avoid abuse on           individuals, especially in an informal      should be assessed by independent
services and workers, namely by defining          both sides. 3. Promote a Charter          context, non-profit organizations           professionals within the social and
career paths, qualifications and training         on professional care givers' rights       involved in delivering PHS could also be    health services and should be used as
models, in the context of quality jobs. The       (decent employment, work-life             the core (or reference point) of small      training if the volunteer plans a
initial focus should be on the existing service   balance, training, social security,       networks of informal carers (namely         career in the care sector. Local
providers but, simultaneously, a more             vacations and leaves, recognition of      family members), extending the support      authorities, governments and
integrated approach is necessary regarding        qualifications taken abroad, etc).        provided to professionals to them.          institutions should support and
informal care, family care, legal frameworks,     4. Monitoring and forecasting future      Issues regarding training, psychological    finance the creation organizational
etc. A strong link between local                  needs of labor force and required         support or the rest period of informal      structures (SMEs or social
employment centers and social services is         skills, avoiding shortages or “brain      carers could be addressed by making         enterprises) through specific
required. Priority should be given to those       drains” in other countries. This can      the most of the services that an            budgets. The existence of a
workers that belong to or have started their      be done by using the ESF. 5.              organization has to set up to support       referential for services is not enough
own SME, or service provider cooperative,         Establish a common reference for          their professionals. 4. Participation of    to assure quality, we need to define
and have received proper training. Families       qualifications and training, define       those benefiting from PHS is also           the necessary conditions for its
should be made aware of the risks involved        career paths and raise the                extremely important in order to allow       implementation, evaluation and
in hiring an untrained person : cases of          professional status of personal and       the tailoring of services to individual     improvement (a process that also
abuse and neglect being very high. Workers        household carers. If parameters           needs and the continuous improvement        implies the participation of
should be guaranteed and made aware of            (service vouchers, simplified             of service delivery. 5. Access to           organizations, professionals and
their rights: working hours, decent pay,          administrative procedures, tax            counseling and training in the personal     beneficiaries). Consequently, it is
vacation and rest time. Support is need for       deductions, etc) are set adequately       and household service sector. Training      also necessary to support it by all
trade unions in organizing domestic workers.      and the cost of services is accessible    and lifelong learning opportunities         means considered necessary (legal,
Families and households who hire a worker         to a broad specter of the families        should be person-centered rather than       financial or others). The greater
for personal and household services should        (especially low and medium income         task-oriented in order to develop the       professionalization of personal and
have a high tax rebate in case of low or          families), it will foster the potential   required skills and qualifications to       household services jobs will depend
medium income families. Many immigrants           for growth of SMEs providing PHS,         work in this sector (care of the elderly,   on how well the current challenges
perform this kind of work for a limited period    and enable employment in the              care of children, household duties,         are tackled. The issues of pay,
of time, the aim being that of going back to      sector, which will probably absorb        etc.). Counseling to avoid burn-out and     working hours, working conditions,
the country of origin or another country as       people involved in undeclared work.       for being able to deal with difficult       rest and leave, training, counseling
soon as possible. Their rights and benefits       It is important to defend and             situations. 6. Promote the application of   and support for the professionals are
should be kept when moving to another             reinforce the role of non-profit          ethical recruitment practices, through      still far from being properly
country or their country of origin.               organizations, including social           the employment centers in cooperation       resolved. But we also need to
                                                  enterprises. It is also important to      with the social and health services. 7.     foster the participation of the
                                                  define an adequate legal framework        Guarantee migrant care workers              beneficiaries of Services (the person
                                                  for self-employment in the sector         employed in families and households the     and the family), which means raising
                                                  and simultaneously consider the           same working conditions and rights of       their awareness and expectations on

organizational structures that will       the EU citizens (pay, working hours,        service delivery and setting up the
                                                 allow an individual to deliver            leave, social security, access to           adequate participation mechanisms,
                                                 services in the same conditions as a      education etc.)                             which should be clearly linked with
                                                 small or medium organization                                                          continuous improvement of service
                                                 (regarding issues of quality, pay,                                                    delivery.
                                                 training, rights and protection,
                                                 support, etc

Concerning the insight in vacancies in the       The system of the ‘service checks’        In order to attract and keep employees      In order to professionalize the jobs it
sector: all vacancies are registered at the      (‘dienstencheques’) is proved to be       in the sector, a good legal status          is important that the schooling and
‘Flemish governmental employment                 successful in the reduction of            including good working conditions and       training, possibly provided by the
organisation’ (‘VDAB’). Numbers about            undeclared work by providing legal        legal security are a must. This should be   care organisations themselves, are
employment levels and payments are               household services at a lower price       a legally required for all forms of         well adapted to the reality at the
currently available in the social security       than the prices on the ‘black             employment, including interim work.         work floor. In Flanders a clear
administrative databank of the Federal           market’, through tax reductions for       Also control mechanisms, including legal    difference is made between
government (‘RSZ’). Monitoring these             the users per ‘service check’. At the     consequences, should be introduced to       ‘personal services’ and ‘household
numbers could help in getting insights in the    same time the helpers in the              assure that all organisations live up to    services’. Meaning that ‘personal
employment levels. Since the salaries are        household, employed in this system,       these requirements. In order to assure      carers’ perform more ‘personal care’
negotiated per industry in so-called             get a legal status, including good        qualitative jobs and services it is         which , amongst others, is more
‘paritaire comités’ (committees representing     employment conditions and legal           important to have sufficient and            intimate and requires other
both employers and employees), the               security. A databank or ‘platform’        qualitative management and coaching         qualifications that the ‘household
numbers are available per committee and          with data about the employment            of the ‘personal carers’ and ‘household     care’ performed by ‘household
thus on industry level (not per profession).     levels of all organisations within the    workers’. Given the fact that people        helps’. This also implies a difference
Also missing, are data on the employment of      ‘service checks’ (‘dienstencheques’)      will have to work longer, it is important   in working conditions, including
so called ‘target groups’: groups of people      system could give more insight in its     to focus on the employment of older         salary. Given this difference,
who are generally more difficult to employ.      effectiveness. This would make            people, both to improve the                 specialisation per profession can
Data on the employment of these groups           continuous monitoring possible on a       recruitment and the retention of these      help professionalise the jobs and
could help monitoring the effects of specific    national (or, maybe in the future,        people. In order to improve the             services. In order to professionalize
aspects of the employment policies and           international) level. Possibilities for   employment of these older people a          and to keep employers knowledge
actions performed for employing these            unemployed people to get retraining       code for ‘age-awareness’ in human           and skills up-to date, continuous
specific groups (as a part of social inclusion   and to get prepared for specific          resources was introduced in the social      training is required. Management
policies). The system of the ‘service checks’    jobs, helps in redirecting possible       profit sector. Since work-life balance is   and regular coaching of the personal
(‘dienstencheques’) is thoroughly evaluated      employees into the direction of           very important, part-time work and          carers and household helps of
on a yearly basis (by IDEAconsult). A ‘service   specific industries. This way the         flexible contracts can help attract         Familiehulp, both by their hierarchic
check’ is a voucher with a fixed price that      unemployed can also get directed          people to work in the sector. An            chefs and by specialised staff
can be used to pay for household services        into the sector of personal and           example of a specific contract, meant       workers helps professionalise the
provided by organisations that are active in     household services. The Flanders’         to improve the work-life balance, is the    employers and therefore the services
                                                 government has several policy             ‘school bell’-contract, that makes it

this ‘service checks’-system.                    instruments specifically for             possible for employees to bring their      of the organisation.
                                                 improving diversity in employment        kids to and get them out of school.
                                                 in all sectors. One of these is called   Individual childcare, as opposed to
                                                 ‘Jobkanaal’. This project, executed      collective childcare, is less cost-
                                                 by the different employers               effective. Also, collective childcare is
                                                 organisations, intermediates             preferable over individual childcare
                                                 between the employment services          since it has been proven to improve the
                                                 and the employers in order to            social development of children.
                                                 overcome prejudice and
                                                 discrimination against certain
                                                 groups, namely ‘people over 50
                                                 years old’, ‘people with a another
                                                 cultural background’ and ‘people
                                                 with a ‘work handicap’’. This is
                                                 important because the potential
                                                 workforce amongst these groups is
                                                 rather big. In order to overcome
                                                 the problem of not being able to
                                                 employ people who do posses
                                                 certain skills, because of a mere
                                                 lack of diploma, the so called ‘Proof
                                                 of experience’ (‘Ervaringsbewijs’)
                                                 got introduced. This way people can
                                                 get a proof of their skills after they
                                                 passed a certain test that checks
                                                 the skills they need for a specific
                                                 profession. This way they have a
                                                 uniform proof of there skills which
                                                 employers accept because they a

In Belgium, a clear example exists of a          It is clear that outside the Belgian     To develop household services ensuring     The Belgian measure on household
measure in household services. The measure       service-voucher system, other            quality is an important attraction for     services uses vouchers as a method
of service-vouchers improves employment,         measures exist such as in France         workers and users. Firstly, domestic       of exchanging services. This allows
both for low-skilled workers as for users by     and Austria. It is therefore essential   services are not attractive jobs. To       the government to implement
facilitating their work-life balance. From the   to share experiences of these tools      ensure the inflow of workers,              several controls on the use of the
experience of evaluating this system for 8       and their functioning, in particular     interesting working conditions have to     system and also makes it easier to
consecutive years, IDEA Consult can provide      their results on employment and          be provided, in comparison with other      monitor the evolutions. An important
several insights and recommendations within      their cost. The sharing of several       more attractive low-qualified jobs.        aspect in the Belgian system is the

a broader European context. First of all, it is   practices should lead to the             Moreover, it has to be more interesting     triangular relationship between
essential to provide a clear distinction within   development of clear definitions,        for a worker to work in the system than     companies, workers and users, which
the scope of personal and household               target groups and objectives. The        in the black market. Secondly, the          ensures quality and accountability.
services. While both types of services have       measure could be tailored to             quality of the work is also important for   This also allows for greater control,
several elements in common, experience            include the improvement of the           the stability of the job, and therefore     limiting fraud and other misuse.
with service vouchers in Belgium shows that       work-life balance and/or to provide      for the quality of the services. Users do   Vouchers are sold by an external
both are also distinctly different. On the one    better care and/or to address            not appreciate having to switch             organization (Sodexo) to users, which
hand, personal services are part of care, and     specific groups in the labour            workers. To reach these results, quality    in turn apply for services from a
require specific skills and knowledge for         market. But depending on these           of employment must be part of the           recognized company. The company
those who provide this kind of services. Many     secondary objectives besides             objectives of any measure put in place.     will then send a worker to the user.
of these services are now generally done in       decreasing undeclared work and           Therefore, active involvement by the        The worker has a contract with the
family circle or with outside formal help.        augmenting employment, different         government in the market should take        company, meaning that both user
Regulations and official organizations in this    practices should be used, targeting      place by setting minimum standards for      and worker can hold their company
field already exist. On the other hand,           different groups. The Belgian            decent work, regulating working hours,      responsible in case of problems. Only
household services are generally either done      example, the service voucher             working conditions and benefits. In the     companies with explicit permits can
by members of the household or by                 system is an expensive system. The       case of Belgium, a specific employment      recruit and employ workers for the
undeclared workers. The necessary skills are      government provides almost 14 euro       contract was developed for the service      service voucher system. Instead of
often much lower and almost no formal             extra for each voucher, which costs      vouchers, with different regulations        having to check workers individually
legislation or organizations exist covering the   7,5 euro. Together with fiscal           concerning the number of hours worked,      the government thus sets standards
sector. The service voucher system in             reductions for each voucher, the         the contracts. Evaluations show that        through the companies which
Belgium, with focus on household services,        cost was €1.43 billion for the           working conditions for workers              numbers are far more manageable.
generates new jobs, especially for target         government in 2010. Yet important        improved steadily, providing satisfaction   These companies can be either profit
groups (older workers, low skilled and            financial returns for the government     amongst workers and users. Training is      or non profit organisations. The
foreigners). It created more than 150             are also generated such as savings       another essential part. As household        organizations of the non profit sector
thousand jobs directly, covering 4% of the        in unemployment benefits,                services generally employ low-skilled       alone are not able to provide for all
Belgian working population. The system also       surpluses in the social contributions,   workers and immigrants, sufficient          the needs of the users. Yet the non
creates indirect employment such as               personal income tax, new revenues        training is needed to upgrade skills and    profit sector is also essential to make
administrative staff. The system has also an      from corporate taxes and additional      to ensure employability. Governments        sure certain target groups are
impact on the number of hours of users. A         revenues in terms of management          should also facilitate training through     included which the profit sector
similar system would certainly be able to         staff. Other indirect returns concern    collective training funds and other         might more easily overlook. We
create a lot of jobs throughout Europe,           surpluses in revenues from VAT, due      support measures. In Belgium this is        consider that a professionalization of
directly but also indirectly. However, the        to the additional revenues of            done by a national training fund,           the activities is one of the most
measure should be targeted to the                 services workers (and administrative     targeted to service-voucher workers and     important conditions to develop this
employable target groups, priced on level         staff) and additional tax revenues       companies. Quality of employment is         kind of activities.
with undeclared work and regulated to             due to additional working hours of       an important objective within the
ensure correct business models. In this way       service users. These returns are         service voucher system in Belgium. As a
difficult groups can enter the labour market,     estimated to reach up to 50% of the      consequence, we can observe that the
services remain affordable and new business       gross intervention. However, a lot       service voucher employment in Belgium
and employment is created.                        of indirect returns are difficult to     is a stable job. A lot of workers are
                                                  estimate. We know that earn back         working in the system since the

effects are in fact much higher. The     beginning. The satisfaction of workers
                                                  crucial lesson from the service          but also of users is very high.
                                                  voucher system is the following.
                                                  Pricing of the services must be able
                                                  to compete with undeclared work,
                                                  perhaps even temporarily
                                                  undercutting it. Secondly the
                                                  budget for the government must
                                                  remain under control by adapting it
                                                  to users preferences and behaviour
                                                  and taking return effects into

The weight of personal services in Italy’s           The economic crisis is weakening      A survey carried out by CENSIS (a well      The economic crisis and structural
national economy is well evidenced in recent                domestic demand and            reputed Italian Research center)            factors such as globalization,
surveys. The whole sector shows strong                    consumptions, with heavy         highlights the low quality of               technological changes, aging of the
employment growth and has most                      consequences on the labor market       employment in the Italian personal          population contribute to the rapid
contributed to the creation of new jobs,              of most of EU Countries. In this     services sector: 10.2% of the workforce     transformation of European labor
recording the largest increase in the last five     context, undeclared work helps to      is in fact composed of unskilled            markets. As a result of this
years (+29.5% between 2004 and 2009). If           further curb growth and occupation      workers, who have recorded the best         accelerated evolution, the lack of
carefully analyzed and promoted, the sector           in Europe, as it doesn’t comply      growth rate (+16.4% against an average      suitable skills in some areas or jobs
can offer many opportunities for job              with regulations concerning working      of 6.5%). In the last five years, 233,000   already coexist with unemployment
creation, both for highly qualified and            conditions, social rights of workers,   out of 944,000 newly employed in            across the EU. The technological
unskilled jobs. It is therefore very important    social security and minimum wages,       services are unqualified workers, while     development is expected to affect
to increase the ability of administrators - at        thus reducing tax revenues and       the number of highly specialized            the evolution of this sector as well,
different levels of government – to:                threatening the financing of social    workers has increased by 79,000 units       though in a so far unpredictable way.
coordinate employment policies, strengthen              security. This phenomenon is       only. It is necessary to strengthen         The qualification requirements,
and streamline matching processes, analyze          generally widespread in areas with     cooperation between educational             especially with regard to home care
local labor markets and develop                          high labor intensity and low      entities and relevant stakeholders in the   services, are therefore expected to
interventions benefiting businesses and              profitability such as agriculture,    labor market, in order to identify and      be higher and higher, and they are
citizens. We must start without delay a            construction, retail trade, catering    promote measures to combat the              accentuated by the need for urgent
virtuous process of monitoring and evaluation          or domestic services. The fight     phenomenon and to establish                 reorganization of public services in
of the planning and implementation of more        against undeclared work is fully part    appropriate standards of quality. In this   connection with heavy deficits of
efficient and personalized services. In order       of the macro areas of intervention     sense, the sharing of experiences may       local services. For these reasons, in
to strengthen and improve the activities of           adopted by Italy to contrast the     be an important tool to gather              order to ensure a greater
measuring and monitoring occupational             labor market crisis, also through the    qualitative information and examples of     professionalization (and accordingly
levels in the sector, the following elements         revision of inspection procedures     best practices, so as to integrate          the quality of service) we need: a
should be taken into account: the creation of           and sanctioning system. The        quantitative monitoring and strengthen      detailed analysis of skills needs; the

a national Observatory/Agency with regional       European Commission considers the         the basis for the development of            ability to plan training courses on
offices for certified services; the               fight against undeclared work a key       policies based on facts. To measure the     the basis of locally identified basic
consolidation of information flows among the       challenge of the modernization of        quality of the sector, we believe that a    skills needs and to establish proper
different levels of governance and the                European legislation. However,        quality system should be defined            training standards in different
establishments of national and/or regional        since undeclared work is inherently       (quality factors= characteristics of the    geographical areas, consistent with
databases; the development of capabilities            difficult to identify and may be      service related to the needs of users),     the professional profile and the
for integration policies in the territories          defined differently by individual      e.g.: Bodies appointed to verify quality    specific tasks to be performed;
through the increase and improvement of             national laws - as pointed out by       standards, functionality of services,       planning and implementing
interaction, exchange and cooperation             the Commission itself – it is difficult   working conditions, professional level of   periodical update courses, providing
among public and private employment                to make a statistical evaluation of      staff and, also, indicators and reference   continuing education; providing
services, trade unions, third sector; the         the phenomenon at European level.         standards, e.g. regional registers,         training and learning methodologies
identification of shared indicators of                    It is therefore essential to      network with training and employment        that facilitate access to those
measurement (e.g.: coverage rate on the                  strengthen cooperation and         services, employment qualifications,        already employed in the sector
supply and demand-side, annual workers’                    intensify the exchange of        recognition and certification of job        (flexibile schedules, “light” distance
turn over, maintenance of work at 6 months            information and good practice,        experiences, etc.                           learning, etc..)
and after 1 year; etc..) and tools (on-line          because analysis is an important
information system; interviews, focus             factor in the choice of a strategy to
groups, involvement of opinion leaders,            counteract this phenomenon. The
etc..); the identification and planning of          data obtained from the aforesaid
measures to promote and ensure the                     analysis could allow not only a
monitoring process; the acquisition of data         greater knowledge of the general
provided by the major statistical institutes in     issue but also help benchmarking
order to measure the impacts of actions                 different territories. In fact,
taken                                                   interventions to prevent and
                                                          contrast undeclared work
                                                  necessarily require: a specialization
                                                   in the field; coordination between
                                                  policies; the launch of a prevention
                                                         campaign directed towards
                                                  enterprises, families and workers at
                                                      risk, combined with the use of
                                                       deterrent controls, in order to
                                                     increase social awareness of the
                                                  seriousness of the phenomenon and
                                                               induce compliance

- Establish a common definition for home          The issues brought up by the home         - Draw a consistent public regulation.      - Bring a deeper knowledge of the
care and household services on European            care services are common to all          Consistency between employment              sector to organizations in charge of
level - Focus the definition to key services          European countries (aging             policies and social policies, consistency   employment and training (needs of
that are certainly common to all European           population, balance between             between targeted quality of                 employers, real content of jobs ...) -

countries (housework, childcare, care of            professional and family life, job    employment and resources allocated. -       Develop an offer of quality training,
dependent/elderly/disabled people,                creation, public support for fragile   Promote recognition of personal home        which respond to professional needs
gardening ...) - Give priority to “service            populations ...) as well as the    care services and their real costs in       (skills required and training
provider” way of intervention, instead of          problems, which are encountered       practice - Limit the exercise of business   organization). The aim is to adapt
direct employment, in order to guarantee a           (undeclared work, solvency of       to “service provider” way of                the sector to changes that are
better and sustained following of employees       demand, quality of services and of     intervention - Initiate and establish a     ongoing or forecasted in short future
(training, education) - Establish a specific         employment ...). However, the       label recognized by the general public,     (e.g. ICT), and thus sustain its
NACE code (statistics) - Set up an obligation      answers are not always the same       ensuring a level of service quality -       business. For employees, this
on companies of home care services to                and common among countries.         Support projects that share resources       development should improve the
report statistics on activities and on             Beyond the cultural specificities,    and establish cooperation among             attractiveness of the sector, reduce
employment to public services, in return for         sharing of these practices is an    companies (which may relate to the          turnover, provide career paths and
the public support to the sector - The public     opportunity for stakeholders of the    internal organization of service,           retain staff. - Focus on “service
authorities, who collect and process these          sector: - For public authorities,    development of supply and services,         provider” way of intervention,
statistics, should publish in return this        policy support to the sector in fight   jobs ...), particularly through the         which ensures the quality and
information to professionals and the general      against undeclared work, in taking     establishment of professional networks.     monitoring (of employment, training
public quickly and on a regular basis, for            care of vulnerable population      - Promote jobs in home care services        and quality of services) - Impose a
concern of transparency, of access rights of     groups and creation of quality jobs,    through development of skills and           conventional framework stable and
citizens to public information. This             and all that in a constrain budgetary   education - Work on organization of         common to all players regardless of
information will enable professionals to drive          context. - For professional      companies (management of intervention       their status (provide a stable and
and adjust their strategies according to           networks, it would be a source of     schedules, integration and use of ICT       uniform environment for actors in
changes in the environment, and thus make         tools for supporting businesses and    tools ...) - Design conditions for social   the sector) - Support of professional
durable their activities and employments.        employees - For companies on their      and technological innovation in the         networks (and supporting structures)
                                                  practices and daily management of      sector - Support efforts of business on     to pool, share resources and
                                                   activities, the tools used and the    CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) -     coordinate the needs and responses
                                                     relationship to public funders.     Support the health and safety of            in terms of professionalization. -
                                                   Sharing of experiences may cover      employees - Facilitate the integration of   Allocate the necessary resources to
                                                 the issue of employment, of quality     new hires as to stabilize and to secure     the professionalization
                                                      of services and care of fragile    the loyalty of employees - Quality
                                                 population groups, management and       standards are useful, since they send
                                                 business organization, the costs and    signals and a guarantee of quality of
                                                         economic performance...         services to the customer. Quality of
                                                  Additional reflections on particular   services is a determining criterion for
                                                  service types may be interesting to    customers, and thus determine the
                                                      discuss and assess in order to     sustainability of jobs. However, up to
                                                   explore specificities of home care    date on the market grew many quality
                                                       services for instance. These      labels, which suffer from lack of
                                                    exchanges of experiences should      recognition and visibility from
                                                 bring several benefits to the actors:   customers (content of labels?). In
                                                      - Emergence and diffusion of       addition, for professionals, the quality
                                                       innovations (organizational,      standards represent a significant cost,

technological, social, service, ...)   which in a highly competitive market, is
                                                         embedded in practice but to date       difficult to cover and to make
                                                                largely unknown among           profitable. A common reflection on a
                                                        professionals of different countries;   "European label" would be useful.
                                                          - Improved efficiency of services
                                                        (e.g. teleprocessing solutions, ...),
                                                               of quality of services and
                                                              procedures; - Reduction in
                                                                   undeclared work.

      European Social Network welcomes this             ESN is a network whose main             First and foremost, the skills needs of       Some form of accreditation to
      consultation as part of the employment            mission lies in the exchange of good    the PHS sector should be based on the         confirm identity and check police
      package. Whilst the health workforce              practice and mutual learning, so        demands of those who will be buying           record to ensure that no-one is
      communication deals with more formal              would support sharing of                these services. Quality in social             employed in PHS who is a threat to
      medical and care issues, this consultation        experiences in this area. The BE,       services/LTC has tended to be defined         vulnerable children or adults. A
      rightly picks up on the PHS sector. ESN           AT, DE and FR examples in the staff     by structural and input measures (care        modular training system might be
ESN   broadly agrees with the paper's analysis of       working document should prove           worker/client ratio; level of                 considered by MS/regions that could
      the PHS sector and its potential for job          interesting for other MS. Perhaps       qualification of staff; fire regulations of   recognise pre-existing
      creation. Given the scale of demographic          some initial policy mapping of other    buildings; square metres per resident)        skills/qualifications and fill in the
      change and likely disability or morbidity         MS could be carried out through the     but it should be done more in terms of        gaps. It could cover among other
      rates, the PHS sector is important because it     National Social Reports in 2013         the experience of the person using the        items: food hygiene; managing
      puts people in control of their lives and their   under the section 'health and long-     service, (Was the PHS worker on time?         prescribed drugs; lifting; first aid;
      care/support needs at home. In our view           term care'. In this way, the PHS        Did she do what was asked? Was she            health and social care system (where
      there is also potential to be part of a           sector would be                         polite and respectful? etc.) and on           to get other help, including in an
      preventive approach to long-term care,            presented/discussed within the          results/outcomes (has the older               emergency); language skills. It may
      perhaps preventing loneliness (may lead to        broader context of other LTC            person's confidence/quality-of-               also be necessary to consider
      depression) or falls (may lead to hospital        challenges such as sustainable          life/independence increased since PHS         personal liability insurance in case of
      treatment and need for ongoing help) and in       funding; health/social care             provision began?). Good working               an accident in the home or to the
      general keep people more self-reliant for         coordination, strategic area-based      conditions and pay may contribute to          person receiving the PHS. ESN looks
      longer. PHS workers could also be trained to      needs assessment (see UK                the PHS worker's professionalism and to       forward to further dialogue with the
      spot likely problems and seek additional          'commissioning' or BE 'lokal            the experience of the person buying           Commission on all these points.
      specialist assistance from other health and       socialbeleid'), individual needs        the PHS service. Again, it might be           Contact: Stephen Barnett, Policy
      social professionals as required. PHS should      assessment of the person, choice        interesting to consider quality of service    Director: stephen.barnett@esn-
      also - if accompanied by higher-level care        and quality regulation not only in      and of workplace as part of a peer  
      provision at home - help keep older people        residential care but also in home-      review on PHS or even a wider EC-
      at home for longer, rather than in residential    care provision - likewise, this would   funded study of PHS in MS; certainly
      care.ESN has concerns about seeing job            ensure that job creation was not the    this would be the first step before
      creation as the driver for PHS development,       driver of debate and policy             introducing additional EU-level quality

rather than the needs of citizens and the       development, but the rather the         standards or principles. Quality systems
                       gaps in existing services. The LTC sector is    needs of citizens and the gaps in       for formal health and social care may
                       already divided between health and social       current provision. A social             need to look carefully at PHS sector to
                       care; creation of a separately financed and     protection peer review in 2013 on       see how it might be feasible to regulate
                       regulated PHS sector may lead to further        PHS would be a good option, again       it. Possibilities might include:
                       fragmentation. It is always tempting to ask     with citizens' needs at the forefront   registration of PHS provider
                       for more and better data, but we have to be     of discussions, not solely job          organisations; registration of PHS
                       careful that the data will be used well by      creation.                               workers; voluntary quality certification
                       policy-makers. It might in the first instance                                           of PHS organisations; compulsory
                       be worth doing a mapping exercise (through                                              reporting by PHS organisations;
                       the SPC or EPC) or an independent study. If                                             inspection/spot checks of PHS
                       some countries have more data than others                                               provision. The bare minimum
                       (and use it for policy-making), then their                                              requirement should be a clear
                       data could be shared with other MS, who                                                 complaints and alert procedure that
                       may wish to develop their data in the same                                              draws attention to poor quality and
                       way. Efforts to improve PHS data should be                                              even abuse/neglect of people receiving
                       seen as part of efforts to improve general                                              PHS in their own home. However, some
                       data on the LTC or CC sectors rather than                                               of these options may be considered too
                       becoming a separate initiative.                                                         onerous for the public purse/PHS sector
                                                                                                               to bear - there needs to be balance
                                                                                                               between allowing the sector to grow
                                                                                                               and innovate and regulation to ensure
                                                                                                               safety and quality.

Danish Confederation   It is a difficult area to measure, since a      The Danish Confederation of Trade                                                  The Danish experiences show that
of Trade Unions,       substantial part of the work takes place in     Unions supports a discussion of best                                               involving the employees in the
                       private households and in the informal          practices at European level, in                                                    innovative process regarding work
                                                                                                               Quality standards can contribute to the
                       economy. In the opinion of The Danish           order for the countries to learn                                                   flow and equipment have lead to job
                                                                                                               improvement of working conditions in
                       Confederation of Trade Unions, regular jobs     from each other’s experiences. The                                                 satisfaction and engaged employees,
                                                                                                               service jobs, assuming that these
                       should be created; jobs that are covered by     actual effort to prevent undeclared                                                who feel they have been heard by
                                                                                                               standards include the prevention of
                       collective agreements and not based on a        work should be a national affair.                                                  their management. Through
                                                                                                               attrition and monotonous, repetitive
                       variety of subsidies. The establishment of a    Using funds from the Social Fund or                                                employee driven innovation more
                                                                                                               work. A substantial part of improving
                       well functioning public sector with a           other structural funds is not                                                      ideas have been patented and
                                                                                                               the job profile is to improve the health
                       developed health care system and access to      recommendable, since it would lead                                                 hereby increased the earnings of the
                                                                                                               and safety conditions. Involving the
                       child care will eliminate a great part of the   to a first and second class labour                                                 institution in question.
                                                                                                               workers in the planning and execution
                       demand for such services. At the same           market.
                                                                                                               of their own jobs gives more job
                       time, a control securing the payment of tax
                                                                                                               satisfaction and thereby also increased
                       and VAT of the services should be

implemented. It would also, possibly,                                               job quality.
                   increase the employment participation rate.

                                                                                                       A good way to ensure quality services        Training (formations) and share of
                                                                                                       and jobs could be to monitor the             experiences and regular meeting
                                                                                                       services rendered as well as to impose       between employees-employers and
                                                                                                       to the employees and employers who           between employers-
                                                                                                       work in this branch of activity to           clients/beneficiairies and between
                                                                                                       regularly participate to training session    employers themselves (or employers
                                                                                                       ("formations" in French) on different        unions (fédérations patronales
                                                                                                       matters relating to this area of activity,   employeurs) in the branch of
                                                                                                       such as training on how employees have       activity)
                                                                                                       to behave with the clients/beneficiaries
                                                                                                       of these services, how to
                                                                                                       incent/encourage employees and
                                                                                                       employers to do well their job/activity
                                                                                                       (to do well for the clients/beneficiaries
                                                                                                       in respect of the rights and personal life
                                                                                                       of the employees), and to do always
                                                                                                       better for the beneficiaries/clients but
                                                                                                       with the insurance to protect the rights
                                                                                                       of the employees (the employers have
                                                                                                       to be flexible on the way they manage
                                                                                                       the services rendered), and how to give
                                                                                                       best information to the families of the
                                                                                                       clients/beneficiairies (regular
                                                                                                       information, information of best
                                                                                                       quality, proposition to improve the
                                                                                                       services offered/rendered, etc...).
                                                                                                       These are examples only....

Le Think Tank      Le Think Tank européen Pour la Solidarité       Pour la Solidarité a constitué un                                                Il convient d’abord de souligner
européen Pour la   tient à féliciter la CE pour son Document de    réseau européen des services à la                                                l’importance des investissements
Solidarité         travail et se réjouit de cette consultation     personne à finalité sociale, qui                                                 dans les formations, comme évoqué
                                                                                                       Basé sur ses analyses menées sur cette
                   lancée par la CE. Nous comprenons cette         nous a permis d’organiser de                                                     dans le Document (3.3. Compétences
                                                                                                        question, Pour la Solidarité considère
                   stratégie européenne et félicitons la volonté   nombreuses activités autour de ce                                                et formation). Nous pensons par

de la CE de continuer à travailler sur la           secteur. Les rencontres                    que par leur proximité relationnelle, la    ailleurs qu’il faut généraliser les
dimension sociale de la stratégie Europe            européennes des services à la                qualité de ces services ne peut être      formations existantes, identifier les
2020. Sur la base de son étude                      personne que nous avons organisées         pensée sans y intégrer le bénéficiaire.     compétences requises pour ces
(Vieillissement actif et solidarité                 à Bruxelles (24.01.2012) ont d’une         C’est pourquoi il nous parait capital de    métiers et introduire la formation
intergénérationnelle:constats, enjeux et            part, identifié des besoins                 remettre le bénéficiaire au centre et      tout au long de la vie dans ce
perspectives,2011), des différents travaux          identiques dans l’ensemble des pays                prendre en considération sa         secteur. Pour la Solidarité insiste
qu’il a réalisés et du colloque qu’il a             européens (vieillissement,                     satisfaction. Nous préconisons une      également sur l’importance des
organisé (Rencontres Européennes des                participation accrue des femmes au        relation de triangulation pour le secteur    technologies de l’information et de
Services à la Personne,2012), Pour la               marché du travail, etc.), mais ont        concerné (entre l’usager, le travailleur,    la communication (TIC), comme le
Solidarité partage le point de vue de la CE         d’autre part, montré la                     et l’entreprise prestataire), et non de    fait la CE dans le Document (3.3.
que, dans le contexte actuel, la demande de         méconnaissance réciproque des             gré à gré comme c’est le cas en France.      Technologies). Nous accentuons
services dans ce secteur sera exponentielle         différentes initiatives pour soutenir        Nous avons constaté que ce système        l’importance d’investissement dans
dans les prochaines années. Nous considérons        les services aux personnes à                garantit une plus grande qualité de la     les TIC et d’extension de leur usage,
qu’un des dispositifs permettant d’améliorer        l’échelle européenne. Bien que les             relation usager-bénéficiaire, de la     car les TIC sont selon nous un outil
la mesure et le suivi des taux d’emploi est         Etats membres soient confrontés                  prestation et de l’emploi. Nous       de professionnalisation dans le
celui des titres-services, utilisé actuellement     aux mêmes défis, les réponses             préconisons également la mise en place       management des services par les
en Belgique et France et évoqué                     apportées sont différentes d’un           des régulations privées et publiques (en     structures. Les TIC peuvent en effet
légitimement dans le Document de la CE (2.4         pays à l’autre. Conscients que                termes de formation, de contrat de       remplir diverses fonctions:
et 3.2). Ce dispositif, outre de soutenir et        chaque pays possède ses spécificités         travail, etc.), tout en pratiquant un     communication, information,
solvabiliser la demande, permet la création         et fait face à une réalité territoriale   contrôle plus régulier et efficace sur le    autonomisation, rationalisation, etc.
d’emplois pour deux catégories majeures de          singulière, nous considérons qu’il y              lieu de travail. En effet, nous      Autant de fonctions qui peuvent
travailleurs qui occupent traditionnellement        a réellement lieu d’encourager les             considérons que les démarches de        simplifier tant la vie des prestataires
ce secteur : femmes et migrants. Comme nos          échanges d’expériences, favorisés à             certification ont pour objectif de     de services que celle de leurs
études l’ont montré, le système de titres-          juste titre par la CE. Partant de ces          rassurer les usagers, mais qu’elles     usagers. Pour ces raisons, le
services ouvre davantage le marché de               constats, il nous semble réaliste de            n’écartent pas complètement les        développement des emplois
travail légal aux femmes, et permet aux             proposer que ces échanges                           risques de comportements           concernés doit être accompagné
migrants de l’intégrer. Nous estimons que,          d’expériences soient développés               opportunistes. De plus, il faut être     d’innovations technologiques.
dans une période où l’austérité règne,              dans un cadre plus formalisé, tel         vigilant avec la multiplication des labels   Ensuite, nos recherches montrent
entrainant des baisses du pouvoir d’achat, il       que le permet la méthode ouverte          car cela complique le choix des usagers.     que la construction de réseaux
est essentiel et justifié que de tels dispositifs   de coordination (MOC). Il semble              Enfin, étant donné la faible qualité     territoriaux permettrait la création
soient soutenus financièrement par les              que la MOC ‘inclusion sociale’                d’emploi constatée dans le secteur       d’outils de professionnalisation co-
pouvoirs publics, au vu des bénéfices générés       pourrait être un cadre propice pour        lucratif, et notamment, le phénomène        construits et mutualisés. Les réseaux
par ces services aux niveaux individuel et          accueillir de tels échanges. L’UE           de turnover qui ne peut être accepté       territoriaux jouent en effet le rôle
collectif, les nombreuses externalités              pourrait alors soutenir                   dans ces services où le travailleur est en   de structures intermédiaires entre
positives générées, tant en termes de               officiellement tous les Etats             constante relation avec le bénéficiaire,     acteurs locaux et autorités publiques
cohésion sociale, de conciliation vie privée-       membres dans l’effort mutuel de                nous préconisons de privilégier les     régulatrices. Nous estimons que ces
vie professionnelle que d’égalité homme-            co-construction d’un cadre, d’un             structures d’économie sociale plutôt      structures intermédiaires jouent un
femme. C’est pourquoi il nous parait                référentiel, et de principes               que le secteur lucratif. Nous estimons,     rôle non négligeable dans le
important d’envisager d’étendre le titre-           communs qui régiraient le secteur          et l’étude menée sous la direction des      développement et la structuration
services à toute l’UE, de même que                  des services aux personnes. Les            professeurs Marthe Nyssens et Jacques       des activités, et participent ainsi au

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