Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey

Page created by Geraldine Hale
Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
  I N C O R P O R AT I N G T H E

        2018 - 2019
Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                        CO NT E NTS

                                                                                                                                        S A F E S T U N I V E R S IT Y I N
                                                                                                                                       TH E U K A N D TO P 1 0 F O R
                                                                                                                                        S TU D E NT E X P E R I E N C E
                                                                                                                                          I N T H E 20 1 8 H I G H E R

                                                                                                                                         E D U C AT I O N S T U D E N T
                                                                                                                                          E X P E R I E N C E S U RV E Y

                                                                                                                                                             Guests                                        33
    WELCOME                                      4            A-Z INFORMATION                   14    POLICIES                                     26
                                                                                                                                                             Health and safety                             33
                                                              Broadband (ResNet)                14    Accommodation for                                      Inventory                                     33
    CUSTOMER CHARTER                             6            CCTV                              14    students with disabilities                   26        Keys and locks                                34
                                                              Childcare                         14    Allocation policy                            27        Misconduct                                    34
                                                              Energy efficiency                 14    Application procedure                        27        Noise                                         35
    MANAGEMENT                                   8            Heating                           15    Complaints                                   27        Parking                                       35
                                                              Insurance                         15    Contractual relationship                     27        Parties                                       36
    Accommodation Services                       8
                                                              Kitchen equipment                 15                                                           Pets                                          36
    Estates and Facilities Management            8
                                                              Laundry facilities                16                                                           Posters                                       36
    Cleaning                                     9                                                    PAYING FOR YOUR ROOM                         28
                                                              Linen and bedding                 16                                                           Prepayments                                   36
    Court Reception                              9
                                                              Litter clearance                  16                                                           Privacy                                       36
    Maintenance                                  9
                                                              Locks and keys                    16    CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE                      30        Rent                                          38
    Security                                     9
                                                              Personal belongings                17                                                          Room Changes                                  38
    Finance                                     10                                                    Abandoned property                           30
                                                              Postal and parcel services         17                                                          Security of rooms and property                38
    Housing Associations                        10                                                    Access to your accommodation                 30
                                                              Refuse collection and recycling   18                                                           Single sex flats and floors                   39
    IT Services                                 10                                                    Arrival                                      31
                                                              Religious texts                   18                                                           Smoking                                       39
    Student Support Services                    12                                                    Bicycles                                     31
                                                              Repairs                           20                                                           Sub-letting of rooms                          39
    Mentoring                                   12                                                    Business use                                 31
                                                              Snow and ice clearance            20                                                           Summer vacation residence                     39
    Wardens                                     12                                                    Cleaning                                     31        Television                                    39
    University of Surrey Lettings               12                                                    Council Tax                                  31
                                                              SECURITY, HEALTH & SAFETY
                                                                                                                                                             University of Surrey Lettings
    Other support services                      13                                              23
                                                                                                      Damage                                       31        Additional accommodation regulations          40
                                                              Emergencies                       23    Departure and giving notice to leave early   32
                                                              Electrical safety                 24    Drug misuse                                  32
                                                              Fire safety                       24    Electoral registration                       33        USEFUL CONTACTS                               42

                                                              Gas safety                        25    Electrical appliances                        33
                                                              General Health and safety         25    Furniture                                    33

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                               ????


    Staying in university accommodation is a great               All our accommodation is managed in
    start to your life at Surrey. You’ll be living with          accordance with the UUK Code of Practice for
    students from different backgrounds and                      the Management of Student Housing. Further
    from different parts of the world, studying                  details relating to the code can be found at:
    different courses and with different interests     
    outside their studies. It’s a great opportunity
    to make new friends, expand your horizons                    We hope you have an enjoyable and
    and create unforgettable memories.                           successful stay in your accommodation,
                                                                 and we look forward to meeting you.
    You’ll be supported during your time here by
    a full team of professionals from across the                 The Accommodation Services team
    University. Please inform us of any issues
    you may have so we can work with you to
    overcome any problems quickly and easily.

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                           CUSTO ME R CHA RT E R

    ACCOMMODATION SERVICES                                                                                           IN PROVIDING OUR                                          A PROMPT MAINTENANCE
                                                                                                                     SERVICES WE VALUE:                                        AND REPAIR SERVICE
    customer charter                                                                                                	Meeting the needs of our community                       We’ll deal with maintenance issues promptly
                                                                                                                                                                               and efficiently. Every job will be allocated
                                                                                                                    	The diversity and individuality of people
                                                                                                                                                                               a status according to its severity. All
                                                                                                                    	The professionalism of our staff
                                                                                                                                                                               maintenance requests need to be reported
    O F F E R A DV I C E O N A L L R E S I D E N T I A L AC C O M M O DAT I O N M AT T E R S . W E                  	Effective communication, including                       online at In the
    A R E C O M M I T T E D TO E N S U R I N G YO U R E C E I V E A N E XC E L L E N T L E V E L O F                  your feedback on our services                            event of an emergency call Security on
    S E R V I C E A N D TO R E S P O N D I N G P O S I T I V E LY TO YO U R F E E D B AC K .                        	Our approachability                                      +44 (0) 1483 683333 or extension 3333.

                                                                                                                     A COMFORTABLE ROOM                                        HOW YOU, THE CUSTOMER,
    VISION                                                            WHAT YOU SHOULD                                                                                          CAN HELP US MEET OUR
                                                                                                                     All rooms have either carpet or vinyl flooring
                                                                      EXPECT FROM US:                                with a bed, desk, chair, shelves, wardrobe
                                                                                                                                                                               SERVICE STANDARDS:
    To ensure students, staff and visitors to the
    University are accommodated in safe, secure                       As our customer you can expect                 and curtains. Most standard rooms have a                  To help us provide the best possible
    premises across a range of budgets.                               Accommodation Services to:                     wash basin. En suite rooms have their own                 service, we suggest the following:
                                                                                                                     toilet, shower and wash basin. All rooms
                                                                    	Provide a confidential, friendly                                                                       	Inform us as soon as possible of any
                                                                                                                     benefit from our free ResNet service which
                                                                      and efficient service                                                                                    issues you may be encountering
    AIM                                                                                                              provides fast and efficient broadband.
                                                                    	Offer accurate and up-to-date information                                                              	Contact us by email or through a
    We aim to provide a friendly and approachable                     on our website, at our Receptions                                                                        personal visit in the first instance
    service, actively listening to you and working                    and in all of our correspondence               A WELL-EQUIPPED                                         	In all correspondence quote your
    with you to create a service based on mutual                                                                     COOKING AREA                                              student or staff number
                                                                    	Allocate accommodation in accordance
    respect and understanding. We will apply
                                                                      with the current Residential                   In your cooking area, you’ll have a cooker,             	Give as much information as possible
    the University’s Accommodation Allocation
                                                                      Accommodation Allocation Policy                fridge, freezer, microwave, kettle, toaster,              regarding your situation and requirements.
    Policy fairly and consistently, and will work with
    all the appropriate University departments                      	Assist with resolving any issue you have in    sink, storage space, table and chairs.                  	Read and understand your
    to promote a positive living environment.                         relation to your University accommodation                                                                responsibilities under the Conditions
                                                                    	Provide support and guidance                                                                             of Residence in this guide.
                                                                      if you encounter problems with                 A CLEAN PLACE TO LIVE                                   	Update us with any changes in your status
                                                                      accommodation in the private sector                                                                      that may affect your accommodation
                                                                                                                     We will clean all communal areas at least
                                                                    	Signpost other services which may                                                                        needs or requirements
                                                                                                                     weekly, we will also provide you with a
                                                                      be of use to you during your stay              vacuum cleaner, mop, bucket, dustpan and                	Be respectful of your fellow residents
                                                                      in University accommodation                    brush to use during the intervening period.

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                                  MA NAG E ME NT

                                                                                                                            Cleaning (Estate Services)                             Security
                                                                                                                            Cleaning is carried out in communal residences         There are Security staff on duty 24 hours a
                                                                                                                            areas including stairwells, corridors, shared          day at the main Campus Security Team on the
                                                                                                                            bathrooms and shared kitchens. This service            ground floor of Senate House. Manor Park
                                                                                                                            does not include washing up personal                   also has a Security Team on duty 24 hours,
    T E A M TO E N S U R E YO U R E C E I V E A P R O F E S S I O N A L S E R V I C E I N                                   cooking equipment. The cleaning schedule               that can be contacted by calling the main
    A L L A R E A S O F YO U R AC C O M M O DAT I O N E X P E R I E N C E .                                                 will be displayed in your kitchen. Any queries         campus office on +44 (0) 1483682002. Hazel
                                                                                                                            relating to this service should be made to             Farm has regular mobile and foot patrols.
                                                                                                                            your Court Reception in the first instance.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Our Security team’s main purpose is to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                   the security and safety of students, staff and
    ACCOMMODATION SERVICES                                              ESTATES AND FACILITIES                              Court Reception                                        buildings, with regular patrols carried out both
                                                                                                                                                                                   day and night. If you need help at any time you
	Accommodation Services takes overall
                                                                        MANAGEMENT                                          The Reception is the centre for most
                                                                                                                            Courts. This is where you can:                         can contact Security by going to the office or
  responsibility for your accommodation,                                Estates and Facilities Management                                                                          by calling the numbers detailed below. Out
  so if you are unsure of whom to talk to or                            (E&FM) are responsible for:                        	On Stag Hill campus, collect your Royal               of normal opening hours, Security also deal
  have feedback relating to your experience                                                                                  Mail parcels and post (courier parcels are            with urgent requests for maintenance and will
                                                                        Maintenance                                          collected from Central Distribution)
  in accommodation, please contact us. The                                                                                                                                         help you with other enquiries you may have.
  Accommodation Office is open Monday to                                Security                                           	At Manor Park campus, collect
  Friday from 10am to 5pm and is located in the                                                                                                                                    If you have an emergency the Security
                                                                     	The management of Court                               all post and parcels
  Philip Marchant Building, Stag Hill campus.                                                                                                                                      team can be contacted by phoning:
                                                                       Receptions on Stag Hill campus                      	Report any issues relating to
                                                                                                                                                                                   +44 (0)1483 683333
                                                                        Central Distribution management                      your cleaning service
    Accommodation Services has day-                                     Cleaning services                                  	Seek support for ResNet with a ResNet Advisor         This will connect you to the Security
    to-day responsibility for:                                                                                                                                                     Office in Senate House which is open
                                                                        Grounds management                                 	Make general enquiries in relation
	Receiving all accommodation applications,                                                                                                                                        24 hours a day. Please remember that
                                                                        Pest control                                         to your accommodation
  the allocation of rooms and room transfers                                                                                                                                       this line is for emergencies only.
                                                                        For all queries relating to these services,         Please see the back of this booklet for
    Invoicing you for your accommodation                                                                                                                                           Non-urgent calls to the 24-hour
                                                                        please contact your Court Reception. If you live    contact details and opening times.
	Providing information on renting in the                                                                                                                                          Security Office should be made to:
                                                                        in Bellerby Court, International or Millennium
  private sector at                                                                                                                                          +44 (0)1483 682002
                                                                        House, your Housing Association will be             Maintenance
	Management of houses in the                                           responsible for these services but you can still
  Head Leasing Scheme                                                                                                       Maintenance is carried out by University staff
                                                                        contact the Court Receptions with any queries.
                                                                                                                            or approved contractors used to working in the
    Management of the Reception at Manor Park                           If you are living in private accommodation,
                                                                                                                            Courts. Requests for repairs should be made
                                                                        contact your landlord for maintenance issues.
                                                                                                                            online (see Repairs on page 20 for further
                                                                        E&FM also undertake the upkeep of all               details). If you have an emergency situation
                                                                        areas on campus including grounds,                  (i.e. flood, no power) contact Security on:
                                                                        walkways and non-residential buildings.             +44 (0)1483 683333 or extension 3333

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9


                                                                 The Student Finance team are responsible for
                                                                 the collection of your rent. They also provide
                                                                 guidance should you experience difficulty in
                                                                 making payments. They are located within the
     IT WA S N ’ T TH E B E AU T I F U L
                                                                 Student Services Centre and can be contacted
     C A M P U S TH AT I M P R E S S E D M E                     with email:
     TH E M O S T A B O U T S U R R E Y, N O R
                                                                 HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS
     L A N D S C A P E S T H AT S U R R O U N D
     IT O R TH E P R OX I M IT Y TO                              Bellerby Court and International House are
                                                                 maintained and cleaned by the Housing
     LO N D O N … W H AT R E A LLY D R E W
                                                                 Association that manage the buildings.
     M E I N WA S TH AT N O M AT TE R                            Millennium House is maintained by the
     H O W C U LTU R A LLY D I V E R S E                         Housing Association but is cleaned by
                                                                 the University’s housekeeping team.
     O R S C A R I LY N E W IT A LL WA S ,
                                                                 If you require further details, please
     S U R R E Y F E LT LI K E H O M E .

                                                                 contact Accommodation Services.
                                                                                                                  Dr. David Carey, Senior Warden, shares his experiences:

                                                                 IT SERVICES
                                                              	The IT Services team manage the broadband

Em Bollon Former President, Students’ Union                     (ResNet) service within your accommodation.
                                                                Support for any ResNet issues is provided
                                                                by ResNet Advisors who can be contacted
                                                                through your Court Reception. ResNet Advisors             A S R E S I D E N T I A L WA R D E N S , W E LI V E A M O N G YO U I N T H E C O U RT S
                                                                are available Monday to Friday 5 – 8pm.                  O F R E S I D E N C E TO S U P P O RT YO U R W E LFA R E N E E D S A N D M A I N TA I N
                                                                                                                           D I S C I P LI N E . A LL O F T H E WA R D E N S H AV E DAY J O B S I N A VA R I E T Y
                                                                                                                          O F D E PA RT M E N T S R I G H T AC R O S S T H E U N I V E R S IT Y, S O O U R W I D E -
                                                                                                                              R A N G I N G C O M B I N E D E X P E R I E N C E O F T H E U N I V E R S IT Y A S A
                                                                                                                         W H O LE M E A N S T H AT W E A R E O F T E N T H E F I R S T P O RT- O F - C A LL F O R
                                                                                                                           I N F O R M AT I O N . I F W E C A N ’ T P R OV I D E E X AC T LY W H AT YO U N E E D ,
                                                                                                                           W E W I LL C E RTA I N LY K N OW W H O TO P U T YO U I N TO U C H W IT H I N
                                                                                                                         O R D E R TO H E LP. W E H O P E YO U E N J OY YO U R T I M E I N R E S I D E N C E S .

10      U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                           S UR R E Y. AC.UK   11
Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                                   MA NAG E ME NT

     Student Support Services bring together
     a range of support services to help
     you throughout your time at University.
     Full details can be found at:
                                                              Wardens are members of University staff
                                                              who live permanently in the residences with
                                                              their families to help support the residential
                                                              community. Wardens are here to help you get
                                                                                                                   OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                                                                   The Student Services Centre is your
                                                                                                                   first-stop shop for information, advice
                                                                                                                   and guidance on the matters below:
                                                                                                                                                                        “  G I V E N T H E H I G H P L AC E M E N T
                                                                                                                                                                           I N T H E LE AG U E TA B LE S A N D
                                                                                                                                                                           E XC E LLE N T T R AV E L LI N KS TO
                                                              the most out of your student life at Surrey. Your    Student Registry
                                                                                                                                            warden is a good point of contact if you need        General administration and support                      LO N D O N , T H E U N I V E R S IT Y O F
     Our Warden and Mentoring Teams                           some help or advice about any aspect of life                                                                 S U R R E Y H A LL S O F R E S I D E N C E
                                                                                                                  	Student Money
     are an important part of the                             in your court. Wardens are also here to ensure
                                                                                                                    Scholarships and bursaries, funding                    R E A LLY I S VA LU E F O R M O N E Y.
     residential support available.                           all residents maintain reasonable behaviour.
                                                                                                                    problems or delays, budgeting,                         W IT H A LL T H E B I LL S I N C LU D E D ,
                                                              For non-urgent issues you can arrange to              discretionary hardship funds
                                                                                                                                                                           IT R E A LLY I S A H U G E W O R RY
     Mentoring                                                meet your Warden by emailing the Wardens’
                                                                                                                  	International Student Support                          O F F YO U R M I N D , A LLOW I N G
                                                              court address (contact details are on the
     Student Life Mentors are current students                                                                      Support and visa issues
                                                              back of this guide). For any urgent matters,                                                                 YO U TO E N J OY T H E F U LL
     who are on hand to support new students
                                                              please contact Security. They will contact a        	Finance Receivables                                    U N I V E R S IT Y E X P E R I E N C E .
     through their first year in accommodation.

                                                              member of the Wardening team immediately.             Problems with paying for fees
     They visit residences regularly to help with
                                                              Further details can be found online at:               or accommodation
     everything from settling in and finding your
     way around campus to dealing with conflict in                          The Centre is located in the University Hall                Lauren Whatley
                                                              accommodation/wardens/                                                                                           BSc Accounting and Finance
     flats and any wellbeing issues you may face.                                                                  opposite Senate House and their contact
                                                                                                                   details are at the back of this guide.
     Mentors are well informed about the support
     services available across campus and can
                                                              UNIVERSITY OF
     draw on their own experience to act as an                                                                     Centre for Wellbeing
                                                              SURREY LETTINGS
     approachable and easily accessible welfare                                                                    Located in University Court, the Centre
     presence throughout the year. They also                  The University of Surrey Lettings (USL) is a         provides information and advice on all
     organise social events such as movie nights,             not-for-profit lettings agency which provides        issues affecting your health and wellbeing.
     quizzes, ice-skating trips and sushi making,             comprehensive advice and support service
     providing you with an opportunity to get to              to students renting off campus. The USL
     know your flatmates and neighbours better.               partnership incorporates the Students’ Union         The Guildowns University Medical Practice
                                                              and Student Support Services Centre. More            Located in University Court, the GP practice
     On the accommodation poster in your kitchen
                                                              information on the USL-managed conditions            provides medical consultations and advice.
     you’ll find details of who your Mentor is and
                                                              of residence can be found online at:                 When you arrive, arrangements will be
     how to contact them. You can also find out
                                                                                    made for you to register with a doctor.
     more and request a visit by contacting the
     Student Life team at
     See contact details at the back of this guide.                                                                The Chaplaincy Service
                                                                                                                   The University is a multi-faith and multi-
                                                                                                                   cultural community. The Chaplaincy, located
                                                                                                                   in the Quiet Centre, provides support
                                                                                                                   on faith and belief aspects of life.

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                        A-Z I NF O R MAT I O N

     A–Z information                                                                                         HEATING
                                                                                                             Controls for hot water and heating are
                                                                                                                                                                     KITCHEN EQUIPMENT
                                                                                                                                                                     A fridge, freezer (or fridge-freezer), electric
                                                                                                             automatic. If your room is too warm or too              kettle, cooker, microwave, toaster, iron
                                                                                                             cold, some limited temperature adjustment               and ironing board are provided in each
     BROADBAND (RESNET)                                       BUS PASSES                                     is possible using the control valve on your             communal kitchen, but you must provide
                                                                                                             radiator. Please note, on many radiators this           your own cooking utensils, crockery and
     ResNet is your free connection to the                    Bus passes are issued free of charge to        requires the use of a coin to turn the valve            cutlery. Please note the regulations for any
     internet, 24 hours a day. To connect,                    students living at Hazel Farm. A charge of     towards the thick blue line to cool the room,           personal cooking equipment (see page 24).
     complete your online course registration                 £20 will be made to replace lost or damaged    and towards the thinner blue line for more
     at Once the course                    bus passes. All other residents can purchase                                                           All cooking appliances (cookers, hobs,
                                                                                                             heat. Please refrain from using additional
     registration has been completed it will                  a discounted student travel card. Further                                                              microwave ovens, toasters and kettles) are
                                                                                                             electric radiators, heaters or cooling
     be possible to connect to the Internet.                  details can be found at                                                                  electric. Cookers and hobs have rotary
                                                                                                             systems. If your room remains too hot or
                                                              currentstudents/campus/transport/bus/                                                                  knobs for the radiant rings, grill and oven.
     All bedrooms have free broadband access.                                                                too cold please report online to the Estates
                                                                                                                                                                     Some cookers are fitted with a StoveGuard
     The service is subject to an Acceptable                                                                 and Facilities Helpdesk using the details
                                                                                                                                                                     device, to ensure safe cooking methods.
     Use Policy, which can be viewed at:                      CCTV                                           at the back of this booklet on page 43.
                                                                                                                                                                     Information is displayed in the kitchens.                  CCTV is installed in some areas of the         It’s our policy to maintain a normal maximum
                                                                                                                                                                     Please ensure that you switch off when
                                                              residences for your security and safety.       temperature for any residence of 21C during
     If you have any problems with this service                                                                                                                      you have finished using the cooker or
                                                              This is carefully managed by our Security      the day and evening. In most buildings
     please contact your Court Reception.                                                                                                                            hob. When you clean the cooker or hob
                                                              team to ensure the privacy of residents.       heating is switched off during the night
                                                                                                                                                                     always ensure you turn off the electrical
                                                                                                             from approximately 2am – 6:30am. Central
                                                                                                                                                                     supply by using the nearby red switch.
                                                                                                             heating is normally operated from when the
                                                              CHILDCARE                                      external daytime temperature is below 18C.

                                                              The University provides the Campus Kids
                                                              Day Nursery, a professionally-run facility
                                                              located on the Manor Park Campus.
                                                                                                             The University accepts no liability for
                                                              For more information, see:
                                                                                                             any loss of, or damage to, your personal
                                                                belongings. Your belongings will be covered
                                                              guildford-day-nursery-and-preschool            by a block insurance policy provided by
                                                                                                             Endsleigh Insurance. This provides limited
                                                                                                             cover for loss or damage to your belongings
                                                              ENERGY EFFICIENCY                              if you have taken reasonable steps to
                                                              The University is committed to energy          keep them secure. You are advised to
                                                              efficiency and environmental issues.           check the policy to ensure that the cover
                                                              Please be responsible in your consumption      provided is adequate for your needs:
                                                              of energy and water by switching off 
                                                              lights and electrical appliances and by
                                                              turning off taps and showers after use.

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Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                             A-Z I NF O R MAT I O N

     LAUNDRY FACILITIES                                         LINEN AND BEDDING                                 PERSONAL BELONGINGS                                       Parcels delivered by courier companies (such
                                                                                                                                                                            as DPD, DHL, Amazon, and so on) go to Central
     Self-service launderettes for                              Bedding (duvet and pillows), bed linen and        Residents are reminded that other                         Distribution. You will be able to collect your
     residents are provided at:                                 towels are not provided. You can either:          people’s belongings (including food                       parcel from Central Distribution approximately
                                                                                                                  and kitchen utensils) must only be used                   an hour after your delivery confirmation
 	Stag Hill campus, on the ground                            	Bring with you a duvet, duvet cover,
                                                                                                                  or borrowed with prior permission.                        email. You will need to provide your student
   floor of the AA building                                     pillows, pillowcases and sheets to fit
                                                                a single bed (approximately 190cm                                                                           ID card to collect any parcels. For more
 	Hazel Farm, Hamilton Drive
                                                                by 90cm for all single rooms)                                                                               information please visit Central Distribution,
 	Hazel Farm, Hamilton Place                                                                                     POSTAL AND PARCEL SERVICES                                their contact details are on page 42.
                                                              	Buy a bedding pack from the University
 	Bellerby Court, in Wealden House                                                                               The University receives a high volume of mail   
                                                                prior to your arrival (which includes all the
   (externally provided)                                                                                          and each campus processes it differently.                 campus/Central%20Distribution/
                                                                items listed above and will be delivered
 	Manor Park near Reception and                                to your room before you move in)
   at 71-77 Ronald Ross Road                                                                                      Stag Hill Campus
                                                                Packs can be purchased at:                                                               Manor Park Campus
                                                                                                                  All mail should be addressed with your full               All mail should be addressed with your
     Swipe access is required to access the                                                                       name, room number, flat number, house name,               full name, block letter, room number,
     launderette. A wash costs £2.20 to £3.20 and               LITTER CLEARANCE                                  court name and the relevant post code:                    flat number, road name, Manor Park
     to dry an average load costs approximately
                                                                The paths, steps and grounds around               Battersea Court            GU2 7JQ                        Student Village, Guildford, GU2 7YW.
     £1.10 to £1.50. All machines are operated by
     a mobile app or top-up card system. Card                   the residences are routinely swept and            Cathedral Court            GU2 7JH                        Mail and parcels are delivered directly to
     dispensers are located in the launderettes                 litter removed. Residents are expected to         Guildford Court            GU2 7JL                        Manor Park Reception. An email will be sent to
     and Manor Park reception. To set up the                    behave responsibly and avoid dropping             International              GU2 7JL                        residents when parcels are ready for collection.
     mobile app visit                 litter including bottles and cans.                Millennium                 GU2 7JN
                                                                                                                  Stag Hill Court            GU2 7JG                        Letters are sorted into the pigeon holes
     For more information please visit:                                                                           Surrey Court               GU2 7JW                        at reception, which you are advised to                                                                                                                                                         check regularly. If you intend to receive
                                                                LOCKS AND KEYS                                    Twyford Court              GU2 7JP
                                                                                                                  University Court           GU2 7JN                        letters with valuables, we strongly advise
     All launderettes are operated by Circuit
                                                                On arrival you will be given a key or keycard                                                               that you arrange a recorded delivery.
     Launderette Services. Breakdowns or                                                                          Items sent by Royal Mail are delivered directly
                                                                to the door of your floor or flat, and for your
     faults can be reported direct to Circuit on                                                                  to Court Receptions. Parcels will be processed,
                                                                bedroom. For your security and safety, always
     0800 092 4068. Instructions for use of the                                                                   then an email is sent to your University account
                                                                lock the door of your bedroom when you go
     launderette are displayed at each location.                                                                  advising you to collect your parcel at your
                                                                out. You should also be sure to lock your floor
                                                                or flat front door to keep your home secure.      Court Reception. You will need to provide
                                                                Your key must never be given out to anyone.       your student ID card to collect any parcels.

                                                                If you need a replacement key, card or            Letters are sorted into pigeon holes, which
                                                                security fob, you can obtain this, on payment     can be collected at any point. Pigeon holes
                                                                of £20, from Accommodation Services or at         are located in the Court Receptions and are
                                                                Manor Park Reception. Out of office hours         easily accessible to all residents. If you intend
                                                                you should go to your Court Reception.            to receive letters with valuables, we strongly
                                                                When they are closed, the 24-hour Security        advise that you arrange a recorded delivery.
                                                                Office in Senate House will assist you,
                                                                usually by letting you into your room.

16        UN I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                                     S UR R E Y. AC.UK    17
Residents guide 2018 - 2019 - INCORPORATING THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE - University of Surrey
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9

     Bellerby Court and Hazel Farm Campus                          REFUSE COLLECTION
     For Bellerby, all mail should be addressed                    AND RECYCLING
     with your full name, room number,
                                                                   In student residences, refuse is removed
     flat number, house name, Rosalind
                                                                   from kitchens daily, Monday to Friday. Three
     Franklin Close, Guildford, GU2 7XR.
                                                                   types of refuse are collected. These should
     For Hazel Farm all mail should be addressed                   be kept separated using facilities provided:
     with your full name, room number, house                       general waste, dry mixed recycling and glass.
     number, road name, Worplesdon, Guildford,                     In some kitchens a fourth recycling bin
     and the relevant postcode for your road:                      is available for food waste (which should
     Hamilton Drive                GU2 9PL                         otherwise be disposed of with general waste).
     Hamilton Place                GU2 9GX                         This is also collected daily, Monday to Friday. At
     Hamilton Close                GU2 9GU                         weekends all refuse should be deposited in the
     Oregano Way                   GU2 9YT                         bins provided at waste disposal sites outside
                                                                   residence buildings. Further information
     All mail items are delivered directly to houses.              regarding recycling is displayed in the kitchens
                                                                   and Court Reception can advice as required.
                                                                   If you live in a self-contained flat, studio
     Please do not use the University postcode
                                                                   or family flat, you are responsible for
     (GU2 7XH) for personal mail. Please note
                                                                   removing your refuse to the collection
     that we’re not able to accept delivery of
                                                                   points. Recycling bins for paper, cardboard,
     perishable goods (such as fruit or vegetables).
                                                                   glass and tins are provided at central
     No mail or parcels are delivered to the                       points outside residence buildings.
     University on weekends, public holidays
     and University closure days. On these days
     you can arrange to collect or return goods                    RELIGIOUS TEXTS
     using Amazon lockers. These are self-service
                                                                   In a number of our rooms you’ll find a gift
     kiosks available 24/7 which can be found
                                                                   of a bible given by Gideons International.
     outside the Student’s Union (Piper), inside the
                                                                   If you do not have a copy and would like
     Austin Pearce Building (Quek), Manor Park
                                                                   one, please contact the Chaplaincy:
     campus (Clark) and Hazel Farm (Clown).
     The University only accepts mail for current
     residents. After you leave university                         If you would like to return your copy please
     accommodation, any uncollected mail will                      hand it in at your Court Reception.
     be returned to sender (where possible)                        If you wish to discuss any religious
     by Royal Mail. When leaving university                        matters or are interested in reading
     accommodation, you can set up a mail                          other religious texts, you can find out
     redirection to a new address on:                              more from our Chaplaincy team::                             

18        U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                  S UR R E Y. AC.UK   19
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9

                                                                                                                TYPE OF FAULT                        REPORTING METHOD

                                                                                                                EMERGENCY                            Notify your Court reception or   We will respond
     REPAIRS                                                     SMOKING
                                                                                                                Matters giving rise to an            call the Estates Helpdesk on     within one hour
     Faults must be reported as outlined                         According to our Smoking Policy, smoking       immediate risk to health and         +44(0)1483 689230 or
                                                                                                                                                                                      Outside of normal opening
     in the table opposite.                                      or vaping inside any University building       safety, building integrity or an     extension 9230
                                                                                                                                                                                      hours we will respond
                                                                 is strictly prohibited. Smoking is only        unacceptable security risk
     If you report a fault in your accommodation,                                                                                                    This line is monitored 24/7.     within two hours
                                                                 permitted in the designated smoking            e.g. Gas leak, flood,
     you give permission for Estates and
                                                                 shelters. Electronic cigarette or vape users   dangerous electrical                 Lift entrapment, please use
     Facilities staff or contractors to enter
                                                                 do not have a designated area and can          equipment, lift entrapment,          the alarm phone in the lift
     to rectify the fault and you do not need
                                                                 use these devices in external areas.           access system failure
     to be present when they attend.

     As shown in the table on the opposite
     page, our maintenance team prioritise work                  SNOW AND ICE CLEARANCE                         URGENT                               Notify your Court reception or   We will respond within a
     based on the type of fault. We always aim                                                                  Matters that prevent                 call the Estates Helpdesk on     maximum of 24 hours either
                                                                 The University’s Estates and Facilities        students, staff or the               +44(0)1483 689230 or             fixing or implementing
     to resolve faults as quickly as we can.
                                                                 Management Department is responsible           University from conducting           extension 9230                   a temporary solution.
     Our maintenance team will leave a calling card              for dealing with snow and ice clearance.       core operational activity            This line is monitored 24/7.     A permanent fix may
     once work has been completed. If you feel the
                                                                 In winter weather conditions, the paths and    e.g. loss of utilities,                                               take up to seven days.
     reported fault has not been resolved to your
                                                                 steps round the residences will be gritted     including cooker, fridge,
     satisfaction, you can add your comment to the
                                                                 and snow and ice cleared as required.          water and heating
     card and leave it at your residence Reception,
     or email it to:                   If there is significant snowfall,
                                                                 announcements will be made on the              NON URGENT                           Log online at:                   Aim to respond within
     We endeavour to carry out planned
                                                                 University website to inform you of any        Routine matters that               three working days either
     inspections and maintenance of buildings so
                                                                 special arrangements:      impinge upon the proper                                               fixing or implementing
     as to minimise inconvenience to residents.
     We will normally give notice of any planned                                                                working of the facilities                                             with a temporary solution.
     work at least 48 hours before it is carried                                                                e.g. faulty showers,                                                  A permanent fix may
     out. In an emergency, for example a                                                                        taps, toilets, lighting,                                              take up to 14 days.
     fire or flood, we may need to enter your                                                                   fixtures and fittings
     accommodation without giving notice.
                                                                                                                DECORATION                           Log online at:                   Aim to respond within
                                                                                                                Routine matters relating           20 working days and
                                                                                                                to decorations                                                        resolve the fault in line with
                                                                                                                E.g. fixtures, fittings, furniture                                    our established routine
                                                                                                                repair and uneven path                                                maintenance programme.

                                                                                                                GROUNDS                              Log online at:                   Aim to respond within three
                                                                                                                Non-urgent matters                 working days and resolve the
                                                                                                                associated with grounds                                               fault within 20 working days.
                                                                                                                e.g. over grown trees, shrubs,
                                                                                                                external pest and litter

20        U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                               S UR R E Y. AC.UK   21
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                               S E CUR I T Y, HE A LT H A ND SA F E T Y

                                                                             health and safety
                                                                             YO U A R E R E Q U I R E D TO C O N D U C T YO U R S E L F R E S P O N S I B LY A N D I N A S A F E

                                                                             M A N N E R T H AT I S C O M PAT I B L E W I T H T H E H E A LT H , S A F E T Y A N D W E L L B E I N G

                                                                             O F YO U R F E L LO W R E S I D E N T S A N D T H E B U I L D I N G S I N W H I C H YO U L I V E .

                                                                             It is against the law to interfere with or misuse                  EMERGENCIES
                                                                             anything provided in the interests of health
                                                                             and safety, including fire-detection systems,                      In case of an emergency please contact
                                                                             fire alarms and fire-fighting equipment.                           Security on extension 3333 (from a University
                                                                             The University will take disciplinary                              telephone) or +44 (0)1483 683333 (from
                                                                             action against any resident found to be                            external lines and mobile phones).
                                                                             endangering the welfare of other residents                         On our Stag Hill and Manor Park campuses,
                                                                             or members of the University community.                            in an emergency (medical, fire, assault etc)
                                                                             A copy of the University Health and Safety                         always contact Security. They will then come
                                                                             Policy can be viewed at:                          directly to the incident and will also contact
                                                                                                                                                the emergency services for you, directing
                                                                                                                                                them to the precise location of the incident.

                                                                                                                                                At Hazel Farm, Bellerby Court and offsite
                                                                                                                                                properties (Varsity, Manor Farm and
                                                                                                                                                Blackwell cottages), please call 999 for an
                                                                                                                                                ambulance, or for fire or police. As soon
                                                                                                                                                as possible afterwards, please contact
                                                                                                                                                University Security to inform them that the
                                                                                                                                                emergency services have been called.

22   UN I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                   S UR R E Y. AC.UK   23
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                          S E CUR I T Y, HE A LT H A ND SA F E T Y

     ELECTRICAL SAFETY                                         FIRE SAFETY                                          	Never leave cooking unattended                           	You are prohibited from using naked
                                                                                                                     Never fill a pan more than one-third full of oil            flames, candles, joss or incense sticks,
     All electrical supplies in the residences                 If you find a fire, sound the alarm immediately                                                                   smoking or vaping in residences. Cooking
     operate at 230 volts and if used incorrectly can          by hitting the nearest red alarm call point - they    Keep grill pans clean
                                                                                                                                                                                 equipment is only permitted in kitchens.
     give fatal electric shocks. Faulty or damaged             are usually near the entrance to your flat/floor.    	Do not put tea towels on a
                                                                                                                                                                               	You are not allowed to bring into our
     electrical equipment can also cause fires.                A loud continuous electronic siren                     hob directly after use
                                                                                                                                                                                 accommodation any substance or equipment
     The electrical equipment provided by the                  anywhere in the University triggers a                	Be especially cautious if under the                        which might be hazardous to health or
     University is routinely checked to ensure                 fire evacuation. You and any guests must               influence of alcohol or any medication                     safety, (such as petrol, solvents, Nitric
     it is safe. If you bring electrical equipment             leave the building immediately and go to                                                                          Oxide Synthas, so-called legal highs,
     into the residences it must be in good                    your designated assembly point or Court                                                                           laboratory equipment, and so on)
     condition and be fitted with a UK 3-pin plug              Reception if directed to do so. You must only         GAS SAFETY                                                	You may not bring weapons or replica
     with a fuse. Continental two or three-pin                 return to the building when a Fire Officer or
                                                                                                                     If you smell gas, report it immediately to                  weapons into our accommodation, including
     plugs and adaptors should not be used. The                Security Officer instructs you to do so. The
                                                                                                                     University Security. Dial: 3333 (from any                   guns, air guns, swords and knives
     University reserves the right to confiscate,              University considers a failure to evacuate
                                                               satisfactorily to be a disciplinary offence.          University phone) or +44 (0)1483 683333                   	If you have children, you are responsible for
     without warning, electrical appliances it
                                                                                                                     (from external lines and mobile phones)                     their safety while they’re in University buildings.
     deems to be unsafe or appliance leads                     The fire-fighting apparatus is supplied for                                                                       English Law does not specify a particular age
     that are not CE or BS kite-marked.                        use only in an emergency. If you do have              Gas appliances in the residences are serviced
                                                                                                                                                                                 at which a child can be left unsupervised,
                                                               to use this equipment, please report this to          and safety checked annually by ‘Gas Safe’
     For your own safety and that of your                                                                                                                                        but parents may be prosecuted if they leave
                                                               your Court Reception as soon as possible              qualified contractors. Landlords Gas Safety
     fellow residents, you must stop using                                                                                                                                       a child alone ‘in a manner which is likely to
                                                               so it can be replaced. Tampering with                 Certificates are displayed in relevant buildings
     equipment immediately if you notice                                                                                                                                         cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health’
                                                               any fire-safety equipment (misuse of fire             and are also available to view by prior
     the following danger signs:                                                                                                                                                 (Children and Young Persons Act 1933).
                                                               alarms, propping open fire doors, covering            arrangement at the Accommodation Office.
 	Plugs or wall sockets which are                                                                                                                                             	University residences should be regarded
                                                               smoke detectors, and so on) is a serious
   overheating, scorched or cracked                                                                                                                                              as high-risk areas for young children.
                                                               offence. Any resident found misusing safety
 	Cables or wires which are loose,                            equipment will be fined, may be required to           GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY                                   Babies and toddlers should never be
                                                                                                                                                                                 left alone in any circumstances.
   exposed or fraying                                          leave the residence and could be reported            	If you have an accident, a ‘near miss’ or you
                                                               to the police for criminal investigation.                                                                       	University staff have the right to carry out
 	A burning smell when appliances                                                                                    spot a safety hazard, you should report this to
                                                                                                                                                                                 their duties without fear of intimidation
   are switched on                                             Fire-evacuation practices are arranged during          your Court Reception or to Accommodation
                                                                                                                                                                                 and abuse. Such behaviour, directed
 	Fuses which blow frequently                                 your first semester. You are required to co-           Services or University 24-hour Security Office
                                                                                                                                                                                 at staff, is a very serious offence and
                                                               operate with the instructions of University          	All accidents must be formally reported                    will lead to disciplinary action.
     If you are concerned about any of the electrical
                                                               staff during practice evacuations. If you have         on a University Incident Report Form
     installations or appliances in your residence,
                                                               a disability, the University Fire Safety Officer     	You must not obstruct doors, corridors,
     please speak to your Court Reception.
                                                               will advise you about safe evacuation in the           stairs or communal areas
                                                               event of a fire. Please note that fire escapes
                                                                                                                    	Bicycles, additional furniture or other
                                                               and exits should only be used in emergencies.
                                                                                                                      large items may not be brought into
                                                               Nearly all the fires in student housing start in       residence buildings; they must not be
                                                               the kitchen, and most involve cooking. Some            stored in communal areas where they
                                                               kitchen have been installed with StoveGuards           obstruct access to doors or stairs
                                                               to ensure safe cooking methods. You must
                                                               take reasonable steps to prevent a kitchen fire:

24        UN I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                                           S UR R E Y. AC.UK      25
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                             PO L I CI E S

                                                                                                             ALLOCATION POLICY                                         COMPLAINTS
                                                                                                             We review our accommodation allocation                    If you have a complaint about your
                                                                                                             policy every year in co-operation with the                accommodation, you should first try to
                                                                                                             Students’ Union. Our Executive Board normally             resolve it informally. Please see the front
                                                                                                             agrees any changes each December.                         of this guide for details of which area
                                                                                                             The current policy can be viewed at:                      to contact. If you are unsure, please
                                                                                                                                                                       contact Accommodation Services.
                                                                                                                                                                       If you are not satisfied with the outcome
                                                                                                                                                                       you may make a written complaint to
                                                                                                             APPLICATION PROCEDURE                                     Accommodation Services. A response will

                                                                                                                                                                       normally be given in five working days.
                                                                                                             If you’re a new student, you can apply
                                                                                                             for accommodation from February each                      If you are unhappy about the way your
                                                                                                             year. Undergraduate students have places                  complaint has been dealt with you may
                                                                                                             confirmed during August and September.                    submit a formal University complaint. Details
                                                                                                             Postgraduate students that have firmly                    of this process can be found online at:
                                                                                                             accepted their academic offer and made          
                                                                                                             the course deposit payment, are confirmed                 study/complaints_appeals/
                                                                                                             a place during August and September.
     POLICY FOR ACCOMMODATING                                                                                Applications are made using an on-
     STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES                                                                              line system and confirmations of                          CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP
                                                                                                             allocation are emailed to you.                            Students living in University-owned or managed
     There are study bedrooms designed                         If you have significant special needs, we
     for students with disabilities and other                  recommend you visit us before you move                                                                  accommodation are licensees. Your licence is
     special needs within most of our courts                                                                 If you’re an eligible returning student, you              granted because of your intention to follow a
                                                               in so we can discuss your requirements
     of residence. These include rooms for                                                                   can apply for accommodation online during                 course of study at the University. If you cease
                                                               and so you can view the type of facilities
     wheelchair users, deaf students and                                                                     March. Details can be found online at:                    to follow a course of study at the University
                                                               available. We also have access guides which
     for students whose disability requires                    you can view on the DisabledGo website.                                you will be required to leave your residence.
     additional space for special equipment.                                                                                                                           Your contractual agreement is for a fixed period
                                                               The existence or pre-existence of disorders   Returning applicants will be informed if
     We recognise that in exceptional cases                    that are well controlled and have responded   they have been successful by mid May.                     and if you decide to leave your residence
     students who are severely disabled or                     to medical treatment, even though there                                                                 before the end of that fixed period you will still
     suffer from mental-health disability or                   is a continuation of medical treatment,                                                                 be required to pay rent for the full duration.
     severe medical impairment could not attend                does not necessarily constitute grounds                                                                 When you apply for accommodation you
     University unless they are offered University             for University accommodation. Examples                                                                  have to agree to abide by the ‘Conditions
     accommodation. Accommodation Services                     of conditions not normally considered are                                                               of Residence’. These are an important part
     will consider applicants recommended by                   urinary tract infections, irritable bowel                                                               of your licence agreement or tenancy.
     Additional Learning Support in accordance                 syndrome, asthma, dyslexia, eczema,
     with University policies and subject to                   well-managed diabetes or epilepsy.                                                                      Please read the Conditions of Residence
     suitable accommodation being available.                                                                                                                           carefully, on pages 30 to 41 of this guide.

26        UN I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                                 S UR R E Y. AC.UK     27
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9   PAY I NG F O R YO UR R O O M

     Paying for
     your room
     We will send an invoice to your University Email Account
     within 14 days of arrival. This will show your pay-by date.

     Wait for 14 days after you have arrived and re-check
     your University email account. If the invoice has still
     not been emailed to you, contact Accommodation
     Services (details are at the back of this booklet).

     When you receive your invoice, read both pages of the invoice
     carefully as these will have all the information you need to pay.

     Method 1:
     Pay in full by the ‘pay by’ date shown on page
     one of your invoice by card on our website:

     Method 2:
     If you are staying for more than 16 weeks you
     will be offered the chance to pay in instalments.
     See page two of your invoice for details.

     Contact Accommodation Services if you have not received
     your invoice within 14 days of arrival, or have a query
     regarding the rent you have been charged. If you have
     concerns about your ability to pay please contact the
     Student Finance team in the Student Services Centre.

     Please see the back of this booklet for contact information.

28        U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                             S UR R E Y. AC.UK   29
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                           CO NDI T I O NS O F R E S I DE NCE

     Conditions                                                                                                                ARRIVAL                                                    The University reserves the right to charge
                                                                                                                                                                                          residents for excess cleaning if hygiene and
                                                                                                                               Arrival instructions will be sent to you by email.         cleanliness fall below a reasonable standard
                                                                                                                               You’ll normally be allocated a room from the
     OF RESIDENCE                                                                                                                                                                         in bedrooms and/or communal areas. The
                                                                                                                               weekend before your course starts. Please                  accommodation is periodically checked and
                                                                                                                               check your acceptance email to confirm                     a full inspection is made prior to departure.
     THE CONDITIONS OF RESIDENCE ARE THE RULES AND POLICIES OF RESIDENCE.                                                      your arrival date. International students may              Residents will be charged for excess cleaning.
     W H E N YO U AC C E P T YO U R AC C O M M O DAT I O N YO U AG R E E TO A B I D E B Y T H E                                be admitted up to four days earlier, if they
                                                                                                                               are participating in the Meet and Greet or
     C O N D I T I O N S O F R E S I D E N C E A N D T H E S E A R E A N I M P O R TA N T PA R T O F YO U R L I C E N C E
                                                                                                                               International Orientation Programme.
     AG R E E M E N T O R T E N A N C Y ( S E E P O L I C I E S > C O N T R AC T UA L R E L AT I O N S H I P ) .
                                                                                                                                                                                          COUNCIL TAX
                                                                                                                                                                                          If you’re a full-time student living in University
     T H E U N I V E R S I T Y R E S E R V E S T H E R I G H T TO I N T R O D U C E S U C H C H A N G E S TO                   BICYCLES                                                   accommodation, you’re exempt from Council
                                                                                                                                                                                          Tax. Residents of family accommodation are
     T H E C O N D I T I O N S O F R E S I D E N C E A S M AY B E N E C E S S A R Y O R D E S I R A B L E .                    You’re not allowed to bring bicycles into                  liable to pay Council Tax which is collected by
                                                                                                                               our accommodation buildings. There                         the University with, and in addition to, rent. The
                                                                                                                               are lockable bicycle stores available                      amount of Council Tax depends on the size
                                                                                                                               in each Court of Residence.                                of the flat and circumstances of the family.
     ABANDONED PROPERTY                                                   ACCESS TO YOUR
     You may not leave property behind anywhere                                                                                BUSINESS USE                                               DAMAGE
     in our accommodation after you vacate your                           If you report a fault inside your bedroom or flat,
     room. If any property is found in or about your                                                                           You’re not allowed to operate a business                   You’ll be held responsible for damage in your
                                                                          that means you’re also giving us permission
     room after you have left (including property left                                                                         in, or from, our accommodation.                            room beyond fair wear and tear. Rooms are
                                                                          for our staff or contractors to enter to fix it.
     in or around any other part of the University,                       If we need access to your accommodation                                                                         inspected prior to departure and you’ll be
     such as bicycles in our accommodation                                to carry out routine maintenance or                                                                             invoiced for the cost of repairing any damage.
     cycle sheds) then we may dispose of such                             inspections, for example annual electrical-          CLEANING                                                   You are expected to maintain the security
     property in the manner we find appropriate.                          equipment testing, we’ll give you at least           You are expected to keep your room and                     of communal areas by locking outer doors
                                                                          48 hours’ notice of when this is due to              communal areas in a clean, tidy and hygienic               when you go in or out. Damage in communal
                                                                          happen. In an emergency, for example a fire          condition, and equipment is provided for                   areas is the responsibility of the whole floor
                                                                          alert or flood, we may have to enter your            this purpose. Most communal areas are, in                  or house and will be charged accordingly.
                                                                          accommodation without giving notice.                 addition, cleaned periodically by cleaning                 You will be charged for non-return or loss
                                                                          The University reserves the right to enter           staff. When you depart you must leave your                 of keys, for the need to return furniture to
                                                                          your accommodation if we have reasonable             room (and shower room where applicable)                    its original position and for deterioration of
                                                                          grounds to suspect that there is a breach            clean, tidy and empty of rubbish.                          furniture, fittings or structure of the room or
                                                                          of the Conditions of Residence or that               Residents of self-contained flats, studios or              communal areas not due to fair wear and tear,
                                                                          the welfare of any resident is at risk. In           family flats are responsible are responsible for           and any additional cleaning required. Rooms/
                                                                          exceptional circumstances the University             removing waste to external collection points.              flats are inspected at intervals throughout
                                                                          may conduct a search of a room.                                                                                 the year, and before departure. We’ll send
                                                                                                                                                                                          you an invoice for any charges due.

30          UN I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                                                  S UR R E Y. AC.UK     31
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9                                                                       CO NDI T I O NS O F R E S I DE NCE

     DEPARTURE AND GIVING                                       If notice is not received on or before 1           The University will inform the police of any             FURNITURE
     NOTICE TO LEAVE EARLY                                      December 2018, no rebate of rent will be given     student suspected of dealing in drugs. The
                                                                                                                                                                            Items should be kept in the room in which
                                                                if you decide to leave before the end date         University also reserves the right to provide
     You are required to vacate your                            specified in your Acceptance email unless we       information to the police about students found           they are provided. You are expected to return
     accommodation and return keys by midday on                 are able to re-let your room. This applies even    to be using or in possession of illegal drugs.           all furniture to its original position when
     the end date stated in your acceptance email               if your move-in date is after 1 December 2018.                                                              you vacate your accommodation. You’re
     or Accommodation Agreement. There are no                   If you leave before the end of your licence                                                                 not allowed to bring their own furniture.
     on-campus storage facilities for residents’                or tenancy you’ll be required to continue          ELECTORAL REGISTRATION
     belongings, but Accommodation Services can                 paying until your account is cleared in full.
     supply details of local storage companies.                                                                    Students in residence in the middle of                   GUESTS
                                                                If you cease to be a student because you           October will be included on an annual return
     If you decide to move out of residence                     withdraw from your course or the University        made to Guildford Borough Council, which                 You are responsible for the behaviour of
     before the end date of your licence or                     terminates your course, your licence to occupy     is used to prepare the Electoral Roll. You               your guests and must accompany them at
     tenancy you must give notice to leave by                   University accommodation and therefore             need to also register to vote at both the                all times, ensuring that they comply with all
     letter, email or by using a Withdrawal Form                your liability for rent ceases when you are        University and your home address in case                 relevant parts of these Conditions. Guests
     available at Accommodation Services.                       no longer enrolled on your course, have            an election occurs during a vacation.                    are not permitted in your accommodation
     University staff may enter your room from                  vacated your accommodation and returned                                                                     between 11pm and 8am. Disciplinary action
     12 noon on the agreed end date of your                     your key to your court Reception. Please                                                                    may be taken against you as a result of the
     withdrawal form or licence end date.                       ensure you notify Accommodation Services                                                                    conduct of your guests. You can book guest
                                                                                                                   ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES                                    rooms with Accommodation Services.
     Residents may give notice to leave their                   in writing of your intended move-out date so
                                                                all necessary arrangements can be made.            You may not install or use additional electrical
     residence at the end of the First Semester.
                                                                                                                   appliances such as heaters, washing machines,
     Notice must be received in writing no
     later than 1 December 2018 and you must
                                                                                                                   dishwashers, satellite dishes or cooking                 HEALTH AND SAFETY
     vacate your room by 26 January 2019.                       DRUG MISUSE                                        equipment in their bedroom or family flat.
                                                                                                                                                                            You’re required to conduct yourself in
                                                                                                                   Under no circumstances should electrical
                                                                The possession of illegal drugs is a criminal                                                               a responsible and safe manner at all
     If you wish to vacate your room earlier than 26                                                               outlets or appliances be interfered with or
                                                                offence and possession with intent to supply                                                                times. The instructions and guidance
     January 2019 you can advise Accommodation                                                                     overloaded. Multi-socket adapters should
                                                                is a more serious offence. It is also an offence                                                            in the ‘Security and Health and Safety
     Services of your intentions. Please note that                                                                 be CE or BS kite-marked and have a fuse
                                                                for the University to allow drugs to be used                                                                section of the ‘Residents Guide’ form
     you may be liable for the payment of your room                                                                and ‘on’ indicator light. Kitchen appliances
                                                                in premises it owns or manages. As such,                                                                    part of the ‘Conditions of Residence’.
     rent up to 26 January 2019 unless we are able                                                                 must have a 3-pin UK fused plug. Unfused
     to re-let your room earlier. In the event that we          we do not tolerate the use of illegal drugs        continental plugs and adaptors are not
     are able to arrange a re-let, you need only pay            in student residences. Students found to be        permitted. The University reserves the
     until the date that the new tenant moves in.               using or in possession of any illegal drug,        right to remove, without warning, any of the             INVENTORY
                                                                including cannabis, or who allow illegal drugs     appliances listed above, unsafe electrical               An inventory form will be emailed to
                                                                into their rooms will be subject to disciplinary   appliances or non-UK standard appliance                  you and you are advised to record the
                                                                action. This may include a substantial fine, a     leads that are not CE or BS kite-marked.                 condition of the room and furniture when
                                                                final warning and instructions to cease their
                                                                                                                                                                            you arrive. The inventory can either be
                                                                illegal activities immediately. If the student’s
                                                                                                                                                                            emailed to Accommodation Services or
                                                                behaviour also indicates that they are unsuited
                                                                                                                                                                            returned to your Court Reception.
                                                                to communal living, they may be required
                                                                to leave residences (see Misconduct).

32        U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                                    S UR R E Y. AC.UK   33

     KEYS, LOCKS AND LOCKOUTS                        MISCONDUCT                                       NOISE                                                     PARKING
     A charge of £20 will be made if you fail to     Full details of the University’s                 There is a level of noise associated with living          There is no parking for residents
     return your room key or security fob when       disciplinary procedures may be                   in a communal environment, but noise can                  on Stag Hill or Manor Park.
     you vacate your room. If keys or security       found on the University website:                 become an issue when many people live
                                                                                                                                                                It’s a condition of living in our accommodation
     fobs are lost or broken, a charge of £20                            in close proximity to each other. You must
                                                                                                                                                                that you are not allowed to bring a car or
     is made for replacements. An additional         enhancement/regulations                          not make excessive noise at any time of the
                                                                                                                                                                other four-wheeled motor vehicle on to
     charge of £75 is made if a lock change is                                                        day or night. In addition, there should be
                                                                                                                                                                the University grounds (except at Hazel
     necessary. Residents may not change locks       Misconduct relating to incidents in or           minimal noise audible outside the room you
                                                                                                                                                                Farm). You are also not allowed to keep a
     or add locks or alarms to their rooms.          around the Residences is dealt with through      are in between 11pm and 8am (quiet hours).
                                                                                                                                                                vehicle on public roads within Guildford.
     If you need a replacement key or security       an escalating system of penalties issued         When deciding if noise is excessive, the
                                                     by the Wardens and Security staff.                                                                         Students resident at Hazel Farm may park
     fob, you can obtain this, on payment of                                                          following points will be considered:
                                                                                                                                                                free of charge in designated spaces at Hazel
     £20, at Accommodation Services or at            An offence may lead to a warning and may        	Has a complaint been received?                           Farm. Residents of Hazel Farm are not eligible
     Manor Park Reception. Out of office hours       be accompanied by a fine of up to £200
                                                                                                     	Possible impact on other residents and                   for permits to park on Stag Hill campus
     you should go to your Court Reception.          per offence, depending on the seriousness
                                                                                                       members of the University/local community                during office hours. There is a limited number
     When they are closed, the 24-hour Security      of the offence. The Wardens also have the                                                                  of spaces for students resident at Bellerby
     Office in Senate House will assist you,         authority to move a student to alternative      	Level of noise being created and the time of day
                                                                                                                                                                Court, who may apply for a parking permit
     usually by letting you into your room.          accommodation with immediate effect.             Have previous complaints been made?                       from the contractor who is responsible for all
     The University expects no more than three       If, through an act of serious misconduct or      If in the judgment of a member of University              parking matters in the vicinity of the Court.
     lockouts requiring assistance in any academic   through repeated misconduct, a student           staff (usually a member of the Wardening                  Student residents may park a motorcycle
     year. The University reserves the right to      demonstrates they are not suited to              Team or Security Department) noise is                     on any University campus if it is
     take disciplinary action (including fines)      communal living, they will be required to        deemed to be excessive and/or intrusive,                  registered with Security and is parked
     against residents for repeated lockouts.        leave residence. If a penalty is issued,         the level of noise must be reduced                        within a marked motorcycle bay.
                                                     there exists a provision for appeal.             immediately. The item creating the noise
                                                                                                      can be confiscated and further disciplinary               *Full details of the University Parking
                                                     Under no circumstances may a student who                                                                   Regulations can be found at:
                                                                                                      action may be taken if appropriate.
                                                     has been required to leave residence re-apply
                                                     for University accommodation during that         To ensure that the above conditions are
                                                     academic year, and they may be excluded          met, we recommend that headphones
                                                     from applying for future years if deemed         are used for listening to music and other
                                                     appropriate by a Student Disciplinary Panel.     audio output during quiet hours, and that
                                                                                                      residents consider their use if they wish to
                                                                                                      listen to items at high volume at any time.
                                                                                                      Subwoofers should not be used at any time.

                                                                                                      Within any large organisation there will on
                                                                                                      occasion be events, incidents or works that
                                                                                                      may cause disruption to other members of the
                                                                                                      organisation. Whilst the University will seek
                                                                                                      to minimise these occurrences and to inform
                                                                                                      residents whenever possible, there may be
                                                                                                      times where disruption is unavoidable.

34        U N I V ER SI TY OF SUR R EY                                                                                                                                                         S UR R E Y. AC.UK   35
RE S ID E N TS’ GU ID E 2 01 8 - 2 01 9

     PARTIES                                                   PREPAYMENTS
     The Residences and surrounding areas are                  We do not collect deposits, however all
     not suitable for large parties. If you wish to            residents are required to pay an advanced
     hold a party within or outside your Court                 payment of £250. This prepayment will
     for small groups of friends you must first                be credited to your rent invoice after
     obtain permission one week in advance from                you move in. If you do not move in, the
     your warden, who may grant permission                     advanced payment will be used to offset
     subject to rules such as accepting liability              any loss of rent until a replacement tenant
     for any charges resulting from the party.                 is found (including an administration fee).
     Parties are allowed on Friday or Saturday
     nights only, outside of designated exam
     periods. A full copy of the party regulations             PRIVACY
     is available from the wardens’ website.
                                                               We collect personal data when you make
                                                               an application for accommodation. In some
                                                               circumstances this might include information
     PETS                                                      relating to disability and health which is
     You may not keep pets in your residence.                  sensitive personal information of a special
     Guide dogs and hearing dogs are permitted                 category. The information you give us is added
     if the University is notified in advance.                 to by data we collect from your student record.
                                                               All personal data we collect is used only in
                                                               relation to managing your accommodation in
     POSTERS                                                   ways explained in our Accommodation Privacy
                                                               Notice. We may share personal data with third
     You may not post notices, other than                      parties to meet our statutory obligations, for
     those for RAG publicity or student election               example we will share your name and campus
     campaigns, in your windows or in any other                address with Guildford Borough Council to
     part of the Court except on notice boards.                enable the electoral roll to be confirmed.
                                                               All personal data is handled in accordance
                                                               with the University’s Data Protection Policy
                                                               and applicable data protection legislation.
                                                               Further details about what data we use about
                                                               you, the reasons we do this and the rights
                                                               you have in relation to this can be found
                                                               on the Accommodation Privacy Notice.

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