Reversing climate change with Puro CO2 removal marketplace.

Page created by Cecil Warren
PURO.EART H                      W H ITE PA P E R

              climate change
              with Puro
              CO2 removal

              C O P Y R IG H T © 2 0 19 P U RO. E A R TH
PURO.EART H                                                                                          W H ITE PA P E R


                The problem we’re
                all facing
                Everybody can do something to help                                            of CO2 remaining in the air. As the IPCC report
                reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but                                          states¹, emissions and CO2 removals need
                nobody can stop causing emissions                                             to be in balance by 2050. Currently less than
                completely. When we breathe, consume                                          50% of yearly human caused emissions
                food or use transportation, we emit CO2.                                      are sequestered (absorbed away from the
                The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the                                     atmosphere) by the oceans, soils and other
                atmosphere has continued for 150 years                                        natural means. And so to limit the global
                resulting in 1000 billion tons (=Gt) surplus²                                 warming to 1.5°C we must both reduce
                                                                                              CO2 emissions and remove CO2 from the

                                                                                  ↓          LE T ’S LO O K AT TH E WAY
                                                                                             CA R B O N C IRC U LATE S O N
                                                                                             TH E P LA N E T.


                                                                                                                                                                        CARBON TARGET

                                                                                       L CARBON C

                                        DE EMISSIONS



 1st PRIORITY                                                                                                                3rd PRIORITY                                             2nd PRIORITY
                                                                                                                                                       L CARBON REM

 Minimize                                                                                                                 Maximize                                                Maximize
                                                                                                          GROWI NG
                                                                    PLAN S

emissions                                                                                                                  Reuse                                                  Removal
                                  AN MA



                                                                             T                 TS

                                                                                                                                                   VA L             O

                                                                                                                                                                        CARBON IN

                                                                                                                                                                        CARBON OUT
                                                       FOSSIL CO2                                                            LONG TERM                                  OF CIRCULATION
                                                       RESERVES                                                               REMOVAL

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PURO.EART H                                                   W H ITE PA P E R

02                                                03

Balancing carbon                                  Accelerating carbon
circulation                                       removal methods
There’s two carbon circulations that need         Creating new ways to remove CO2 from
to be discussed separately. As fossil carbon      circulation need to be accelerated.
reserves are consumed, the amount                 Identifying new CO2 removal methods
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere               and scaling up old carbon sinks that
increases. Minimizing fossil emissions is         can sequester significant quantities is a
the first priority, but unfortunately, emission   massive undertaking and it needs to be
reductions are not progressing at the             started today. This essential effort would
required pace. As the second priority, we         help to balance the 50% of CO2 emission –
need to maximize the downward arrow – the         almost 20 billion tons per year – that is not
CO2 removals – to balance the emissions           absorbed by natural sinks in oceans, forests
and the activities that store the carbon back     and soils. Many potential removal methods
away from circulation. In the long run, what      are currently overlooked and therefore
goes up, must come down.                          underdeveloped. The dormant CO2 removal
                                                  methods could be activated if there was an
Furthermore, to avoid extracting more             economic driver for them.
carbon from fossil sources, utilization of
carbon that is already in circulation needs       The European Emission Trading Scheme (EU
to be maximized. When biomass is used in          ETS) for emissions excludes the utilization
a product, it ties the carbon away from the       of CO2 removals. The scheme is locked until
atmosphere for the lifetime of the product.       2030, so voluntary mechanisms need to be
                                                  established as soon as possible. This parallel
                                                  voluntary mechanism can demonstrate
                                                  that it is possible to measure and verify CO2
                                                  removals and that they should be included
                                                  in the toolbox to reverse climate change and
                                                  return to balanced CO2 cycle.

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PURO.EART H                                                            W H ITE PA P E R


How carbon removal
methods work
It’s possible to draw carbon dioxide out from        Examples of the very long term, stabile
the atmosphere and recycle it in biomass             CO2 Removal methods are mineralization
and soil or extract from circulation by “re-         to carbonates, biochar with high content
fossilizing”. The diagram below shows some           of fixed-C, geo-storages and wooden
examples of the available CO2 removal                buildings. On the other hand, examples of
methods. There are large variations in how           the dynamic recycling of CO2 that is already
the CO2 removal in these methods can be              in circulation and can be reused in products
measured and verified. There are also big            are bio-based fuels, foodstuff and other
differences in their current operational             consumable products made of biomass or
scale and future potential as well as                organic waste streams. Due to the lack of
stability and lifetime of the CO2 storage.           financial incentives, these – and other yet
                                                     undiscovered – CO2 Removal methods have
                                                     not reached their full potential scale yet.

                                CAP TURE             CONVERSION                           END STORAGE

                                                                                            Carbonated stone-like materials

                                                                                            Algae based oils

                                                      Mineralization                        Microbe based protein

                                                      Biological                            Liquid fuels, polymers, urea

                                  Man-made capture    Chemical                              Enhanced oil recovery
 CO2 emissions
                                  Photosynthesis      Non-conversion                        Geo-storage

                                                      Biomass above ground                  Wooden durables and buildings

                                                      Underground microbes                  Biofuel

                                                                                            Biochar fixed-C

                                                                                            Soil carbon

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PURO.EART H                                                 W H ITE PA P E R


Introducing Puro – the world’s first
marketplace to offer verified CO2 removals.
Puro is a pioneering initiative to test how         Certificates (CORC) can be issued to
CO2 removals can be made visible and                suppliers in any country and purchased
tradable. As always with marketplaces, it           by organisations in any country.
is about making the interests of various       4.   Business to business – buyers are
parties meet. On one hand there are                 primarily companies, municipalities,
organizations that want to become carbon            states and governments to get sufficient
neutral. On the other hand, underutilized           trading volume and liquidity right from
CO2 removal methods would be developed              the beginning. Consumer movements
and scaled-up if there was a revenue                and B2C-retail are likely to emerge but
stream that could be used to finance the            from the perspective of this marketplace
investments and operational expenses.               they are considered channel partners for
                                                    our wholesale operation.
Puro is based on these principles              5.   Technology and sector agnostic – the
1. Voluntary – since quick action is                marketplace encourage the development
   essential and waiting for regulation             of all verifiable CO2 removal methods in
   would take too much time, we’ve chosen           any industry. Carbon balancing can take
   to start operations now together with the        place between unrelated sectors.
   voluntary organizations.                    6.   Science-based – certificates must be
2. CO2 removals only – there is an                  comparable and represent the real
   abundance of mechanisms, schemes                 CO2 removed from the atmosphere.
   and marketplaces for pricing and                 Our verification methodologies
   reducing emissions and many of them              require scientific measurement and
   are contributing to the deceleration of          quantification of the removed CO2 as the
   climate change. These mechanisms                 foundation for credibility.
   cover 20% of global GHG emissions³. We      7.   Post-transition regulation – we are
   aim to complement them by trading with           optimistic that in the long term
   verified CO2 removal methods, so that            carbon pricing will cover 100% of
   carbon sequestration and recycling can           both emissions and removals in all
   be increased.                                    sectors so that removals are rewarded,
3. Geographical area is not limited                 and emitters must pay for cleaning.
   unlike e.g. in the Kyoto accord, where           Governments can also play an important
   actions are meant to take place in the           role by use the national ETS income
   developing countries⁴. CO2 Removal               on the marketplace and thus actually
                                                    remove the emissions that were allowed
                                                    through the ETS mechanism.                 →

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PURO.EART H                                               W H ITE PA P E R


    Introducing Puro – the world’s first
    marketplace to offer verified CO2 removals.
→   So far, we have identified half a dozen CO2    In addition, soil carbon and geo-storages
    removal methods that have significant          have large scale potential as CO2 removal
    volume potential and where costs are           methods. Current agricultural practices
    reasonable. These three are available in the   assume inversion tilling of fields after
    experiment phase:                              every harvest and very little attention is
                                                   paid for the continuous coverage of the
    1. Carbonated building elements:               land. There are numerous research studies
       Manufacturing of cement causes 6–8%         ongoing around the world modelling the
       of greenhouse gas emissions globally.       CO2 sequestration process in soil carbon to
       However, it is possible to manufacture      facilitate the verification.
       concrete-like building elements without
       cement by utilizing slag from the steel
       industry. In the hardening process CO2
       is carbonated into the element and is
       mineralized permanently. The benefits
       include easy measurability and long
       duration of the storage.
    2. Wooden building elements: When wood
       that originates from sustainably grown
       forest is used for buildings, the carbon
       stays away from the atmosphere for
       the lifetime of the building and at times
       also after end-of-life. Carbon balance of
       using building materials is also possible
       to measure and verify.
    3. Biochar is made from biomass via
       pyrolysis. It is a stable diamond-like
       form of carbon that can endure in soil
       for thousands of years. Waste biomass
       is increasingly available when bio-based
       products come to end-of-life.

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PURO.EART H                                                 W H ITE PA P E R


Existing CO2 removal commerce is complex
and time-consuming
There are numerous great examples of            as the optimal means for CO2 removal. In
sustainable companies that have decided to      addition, management and control of the
nullify their emissions totally or be carbon    project will consume resources. We don’t
neutral regarding a certain product or a        believe that this cumbersome approach
function. For example, Apple has decided        is possible or wise for great majority of
to neutralise the emissions of Apple Maps       organizations. Instead, a marketplace where
cars and so invested in the restoration of      verified, comparable CO2 removal certificates
mangrove forests⁵.                              are offered from all methods, enables more
                                                buyers to become carbon neutral with less
However, this has required several people       effort, sooner and more effectively.
at Apple to identify and rate thousands of
projects and finally select this approach


Puro is an ecosystem of pioneering
companies and experts
Voluntary action is the fastest way to move     We have looked for expertise and
forward. Puro is the first marketplace in       best available resources to develop
Europe to offer verified CO2 removals. It’s a   methodologies, trading platforms and
pilot to experiment if CO2 removals can be      verification. Wherever possible, we make
made visible and tradable through an open,      use of the existing methodologies to
online platform.                                minimize costs. In the long run, gathering
                                                supply data will be automated to the
Puro is an ecosystem by a group of 23           extent most possible and the immutability
pioneering companies that are devoting their    will be ensured using state-of-the-art
time and expertise to make the marketplace      technologies. In the experiment, we have
operational. Fortum was the initiator           prioritized time-to-market and used manual
and Fortum Innovation and Venturing is          methods.
also covering the costs of setting up and
operating the experimental marketplace.
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PURO.EART H                                               W H ITE PA P E R


For now, Puro is a time-boxed
agile experiment
The ecosystem has created the rules            The experiment phase will end in September
and practices for the registry and the         2019. By that time the ecosystem has tested
marketplace in a co-creation process during    and learned:
March and April 2019.                          ○○ If we can create a verification scheme
                                                  that can produce certificates that
Puro will hold the first auctions where CO2       organizations are willing to buy them
Removal Certificates (CORC) will be traded        and use them to meet their climate
in May and June 2019.                             objectives
                                               ○○ If we can create a marketplace that is so
Puro auctions are open to all companies           easy and rewarding to use that people
wanting to provide CO2 removal or to explore      recommend it to others
CORC as a solution to meet their voluntary     ○○ If we can create positive publicity that
climate objectives. This phase forms the          attracts new participants during the
core of the experiment where we aim to            auctions
validate our hypothesis. Here are the most
important ones:
○○ We can create a verification scheme
   that can produce certificates that are
   so trustworthy that organizations are
   willing to buy them and use them in their
   business operations.
○○ We can create a marketplace that is so
   easy and rewarding to use that people
   recommend it to others
○○ We can create positive publicity that
   attracts new participants during the

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PURO.EART H                                               W H ITE PA P E R

→                                               →

Join the next                                   More information
auction on Puro
If your company is ready to make CO2            HT TP ://PURO.EARTH
removal part of their climate change
actions, contact us to register your interest   Antti Vihavainen
and join our next CO2 removal auction:          Business Development, Puro                              Tel. +358 40 662 6332

                                                Marianne Tikkanen
                                                Innovation Manager, Fortum
                                                Tel. +358 50 439 7779

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3. https://openknowledge.

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