Page created by Carolyn Moreno
                                        July 2020

            The official magazine of


   FEATURE:               FOCUS:          WHAT’S ON:
   ON TRACK              FUTURE          SILVERSTONE

           Hugh Chambers

                                            “How do we take this experience and turn it into
                                            an opportunity to reimagine so much of what we
                                            do, and build back better?”

                                            Build back better
Before March 2020, few of us knew           last pound. So we are good at adapting      and perhaps as a result a lack of
that the word Zoom meant a great            and being efficient.                        connectivity to youth and subsequently
deal more than an onomatopoeic                                                          an ageing community of motorsport
                                            Our own ‘necessity’ has been the
reference to speed. In the space of                                                     aficionados. And aside from Formula 1,
                                            resumption of motorsport in the
just over 100 days we have become                                                       there is very little visibility in the
                                            midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. And
accustomed to a new virtual reality,                                                    general media, and as a result,
                                            the inventions that derive from this
in which we can simultaneously                                                          motorsport is at risk of becoming
                                            fall into two categories. Firstly, how
speak with dozens of people, spread                                                     mainstream invisible.
                                            do we operate our sport safely and
across the globe, as if they were           viably with the ongoing situation? And      Last autumn, Motorsport UK declared
sitting across the table. Our ability       second, how do we take this experience      its intention to ensure the long-term
to adapt and embrace change - when          and turn it into an opportunity to          sustainability of motorsport through
forced to do so - is a demonstration        reimagine so much of what we do, and        a bold plan of investment and sport
of the age-old maxim that necessity         build back better?                          development. Built around four pillars,
is the mother of invention.                                                             this is designed to focus our resources
                                            Before the crisis we had already
Motorsport has been at the forefront                                                    on better promotion, helping the clubs
                                            identified a perfect storm of existential
of innovation in the automotive                                                         to recruit more people into the sport,
                                            threats to the sport; with the real
world for over 120 years, with the                                                      elevating our programmes of learning
                                            spectre of becoming a social pariah
pursuit of clever solutions born in the                                                 and development and being innovative
                                            through the gathering opposition to
crucible of competition. That defining                                                  in the formats and delivery points. As
                                            the internal combustion engine – and
characteristic of our sport has attracted                                               we were beginning to deploy these
                                            the seeming impossibility of bridging
more than its fair share of brilliant                                                   new interventions, so COVID-19 struck.
                                            the gap between our almost universal
engineers, and talented managers; and                                                   On the 17th March, all motorsport
                                            use of the ICE and the imperative
this permeates throughout the culture                                                   activity ceased, with no sense of when
                                            to embrace society’s expectations.
of the sport. Even at the grassroots                                                    it may resume.
                                            Allied to this is the fact that society’s
level of the sport, where budgets are       love affair with the car as a symbol        We should share a sense of collective
miniscule, the challenge that is met by     and tool of freedom seemed to be            pride that the UK motorsport community
every competitor is that of eking out       ending, becoming increasingly a             has done such a fantastic job of getting
the maximum performance from every          utility machine with AI beckoning,          back on track just 110 days after it was

Revolution - July 2020
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put on hold. The need to rethink every
aspect of the sport was greeted with
                                             “We should share a sense of collective pride that
determination and commitment by              the UK motorsport community has done such a
members from across the whole sport;
                                             fantastic job of getting back on track”
and with leadership from Motorsport
UK we gained the approval of the
                                            our chair, David Richards provides        are, and so with connectivity comes
government to restart on the 4th of July.
                                            his thoughts on the subject, and I        communication and engagement. Our
Since then we have seen hundreds of
                                            am delighted that Lewis Hamilton          plan is to create the introduction of
competitors back behind the wheel, and
                                            has provided Revolution with his          pathways from indoor karting to the
before long we will also have co-drivers
                                            perspective. Surely, we cannot let this   next steps along the way, like arrive-
back in rallying.
                                            opportunity go to waste to reset our      and-drive Club 100, now a Motorsport
All of this would be an achievement in      perspective on what all of this means     UK permitted series.
itself, but what is much more important     to our sport – and what we need to do
is what we have learnt that can have                                                  We also need to be innovative in how
                                            to change it.
a long-term impact on the sport. I                                                    we bring more young people into
think that we have all appreciated the      For some time now, the sport has          motorsport. It is an easy assumption
potential benefits of IT, (from those       begun to focus on ways to make it         to make that we should try to bring
Zoom calls to home shopping), and so        more appealing and accessible to girls    all youngsters into karting and take
with our sport we have adopted digital      and women, with important initiatives     them on a pathway to professional
signing on, online driver briefings,        led by the FIA Women in Motorsport        careers. But I don’t think that is really
pre-event scrutineering and post-event      Commission and our own support            the point here. We have around 45,000
evaluations. These are all working well     of Dare to be Different and Girls on      licence holders, of which less than 100
and beg the question “why go back to        Track. But when females represent just    are professionals. We need to start to
how it was before?” To communicate          9% of our licence holders, we clearly     promote the diversity of motorsport, as
the new ways of working, we conducted       have a very long way to go. For me,       in so many ways, a great opportunity
a series of webinars with officials,        the most promising initiative that we     for kids as young as 14 would be to
marshals and COVID-19 officers. In          had planned for 2020, pre COVID-19,       compete using a low-cost second-
the space of ten days we reached 544        was the tie up with TeamSport, the        hand hatchback, with no helmet or
people with the key details. Each year,     indoor karting leaders, in order to       expensive overalls, in autosolos. They
in January, we run a series of training     enable their keener racers to access
                                                                                      are fun, social, low cost, and run by
sessions across the UK, and yet now we      a pathway into more advanced forms
                                                                                      small clubs that embody the very
have to ask if we are better off doing      of karting. Together we developed the
                                                                                      best of motorsport’s generous and
these with an even wider group, but all     KI (kart indoor) licence for their most
                                                                                      welcoming culture.
done remotely through the innovative        competitive customers across all their
use of technology. No wasteful travel       33 tracks. The intent was clear; to       Motorsport UK is fully committed to
or imposition on volunteers’ free time.     engage their town and city dwelling       come back from this crisis stronger and
                                            customers and inspire them through        more dynamic than before. We need to
As a result of the pandemic, I think it
                                            the purest and most affordable form       fight the corner of motorsport, and use
is true to say most people have been
forced to reflect on many aspects of        of motorsport. Equally exciting is        all of our collective inventiveness and
their lives, and in a wide range of areas   that 30% of their customers are           innovation to Build Back Better.
have a desire not to return to the old      female! We have to get a much higher
                                                                                      Kind regards,
way of doing things. It is this zeitgeist   proportion of girls into contact with
                                                                                      Hugh Chambers
that has invited such a broad response      the sport and provide an environment
                                                                                      CEO, Motorsport UK
to the debate on equality, diversity        where they will be comfortable and
and inclusion. Later in this magazine,      welcomed; now we know who they

Revolution - July 2020
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How Motorsport UK is addressing Equality,
                                                                             News feature:
Diversity and Inclusion, the effort to get                                   A renewed
motorsport back on track, looking forward                                    sense of
to F1 at Silverstone and the many ways you

can compete in grassroots events with your
regular road car.

                                           10 36
                                      Motorsport UK Chairman

                                      David Richards

                                                                             What’s on:
                                               Lewis Hamilton:               Double serving
                                                                             of Brits at
                                               Levelling the
                                               playing field

How motorsport
                                   Latest news                                     52
got back on track
                                                                               Inside HQ:
                                                                               Creating a



                                   +       A lasting legacy + My Motorsport + Results
                                  Cover Image © XPB Images
Revolution - July 2020
                 SENSE OF
                  Motorsport will not only recover, it can build back better

Even the most turbulent of times offer a ray of light, and the    That Hamilton has reached the very pinnacle of motorsport,
COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. It has created a unique        is one of the nation’s greatest sporting ambassadors and is
opportunity to reassess, and inspired hope for a better future.   well on his way to becoming the most successful Formula 1
                                                                  driver of all time could be interpreted as proof enough that
When motorsport restarted on the 4th July, it did so against      British motorsport is, indeed, open to all. But as the only black
a backdrop of renewed optimism, triggered in part by the          driver in Formula One, and a sportsman with a huge personal
global Black Lives Matter protests. Lewis Hamilton has been       stake in the themes of inclusivity and equality, Hamilton’s
central to the narrative, vociferously championing the need       experience also speaks of the challenges he has met along
for greater equality in the sport.                                the way. And those faced by many across the sport.

Revolution - July 2020

Equality on all fronts, be that gender, opportunity, education      eponymous commission of his own. Dedicated to encouraging
or in careers, is central to Motorsport UK’s future plans, and      talent from underrepresented communities, the Hamilton
informs a huge amount of the work it carries out, much of it in     Commission aims to make a difference by supporting young
partnership with the FIA.                                           people who may otherwise be excluded from exploring careers
                                                                    within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
For its part, the world governing body announced its
#PurposeDriven movement in June, which encompasses a                (STEM) sector.
number of initiatives and programmes ranging from the               The UK and its motorsport community is fortunate to have
environment, technology, sustainability, equality, and more.        such a strong figurehead for what can be achieved with a
Meanwhile, on the eve of the new season, Formula 1®                 renewed focus on purpose.
launched its #WeRaceAsOne initiative, aimed at tackling             For Motorsport UK, the coming months will see an even
the major issues that motorsport and society are facing,            greater commitment to accessibility. It has already taken steps
and which are key to a successful longer-term future for the        to open up opportunities for women in motorsport, lending
sport. Designed to underpin F1’s strategy to make a tangible        its full support to the W Series and developing plans for new
difference in motorsport and society, #WeRaceAsOne echoes           female-oriented initiatives such as a UK edition of the FIA Girls
the FIA’s #PurposeDriven pledge and is a way of harnessing the      on Track programme. It has also made progress in its efforts to
unity shown around the world during the pandemic.                   shine a light on the opportunities for disabled competitors.
During the Austrian Grand Prix, Formula 1 said thank you to         Motorsport UK is learning more and more about how equality
key workers and individuals by displaying rainbows on every         and diversity apply to its activities, constantly reviewing
car and around the circuit, Lewis’ Mercedes team made its own       policies, procedures and practices to ensure they are fit for
robust statement by unveiling a new black livery. There was         purpose and eliminating barriers for underrepresented groups
also a demonstrative display of support for the fight against       within the sport. At a grassroots level this is about supporting
racism, with many drivers taking the knee before the season-        the many thousands of volunteers running clubs, events and
opening race.                                                       other activities to ensure the spirit of diversity is evident in
The F1 drivers had issued a collective statement saying             that all-important first motorsport encounter.
that they “stand united with their teams against racism             The organisation’s determination to effect positive change is
and prejudice, at the same time embracing the principles            articulated in a statement by Motorsport UK Chairman David
of diversity, equality and inclusion and supporting F1’s            Richards, which is printed in full in the pages that follow and
commitment to these.                                                available at: He also invited Lewis
“Together the drivers will all show their public support for this   Hamilton to bring his important message straight to the heart
cause on Sunday ahead of the race, recognising and respecting       of the motorsport community, an opportunity Lewis embraced,
that each individual has the freedom to show their support for      and which features in this edition.
ending racism in their own way and will be free to choose how
                                                                    Furthermore, two new committees will bring together experts
to do this.”
                                                                    in these fields to inform all aspects of the organisation’s
Nobody would argue that it takes more than slogans on cars          policies and programmes, and you can read more about these
and snappy hashtags to effect real change. Lewis Hamilton           plans in this month’s Inside HQ. Expect to hear a lot more on
has channelled his passion and campaigning spirit into an           these topics over the next few months.

Revolution - July 2020

Revolution - July 2020

      “As the governing body for motorsport in this          “Motorsport has the opportunity to be totally
      country one of our key functions is to provide         inclusive, but we are far from that today. We have
      the regulatory framework for the sport and             tried numerous initiatives to get more women
      I honestly think we do a pretty good job of            racing and things are improving, yet they still
      that. So, when Lewis Hamilton raised the               represent only 9% of our licence holders. Those
      issues of prejudice in our sport and the racial        with disabilities find that barriers to participation
      abuse he has faced throughout his career, it           are there at every turn. We might claim to embrace
      is easy to think everything can be solved with         diversity, yet we still have a long way to go.
      yet another entry in the rule book.
                                                             “Our Vision as a governing body should be
      “However, we all need to recognise that new            to represent the interests of all motorsport
      regulations or policy statements alone will not        enthusiasts in this country, not just some of them.
      achieve what is required. It is a far deeper issue     We need to address this issue with a cultural
      that goes right to the culture of our sport and        change that democratises a sport that has for far
      requires each and every one of us to examine the
                                                             too long been seen by the outside world as the
      way we behave and the values we want to uphold.
                                                             bastion of the white middle class male.
      “I remember all too well the early days of karting
                                                             “We, the governing body, need to take advantage of
      with Lewis and his father, Anthony. It never
                                                             the momentum that Lewis has created to look far
      occurred to me at the time that Lewis felt like
                                                             deeper into our own organisation and ask ourselves
      an outsider, let alone the racial abuse he was
                                                             searching questions about how we reduce the
      experiencing behind the scenes.
                                                             barriers to entry and embrace diversity in all its
      “When I look back now and consider what a father       forms. But it is up to each and every one of us, within
      and son from such a modest background achieved,        the motorsport community, to ensure the cultural
      it is nothing short of a miracle, given all of the
                                                             change required is something that we all embrace.
      challenges that they faced. But more importantly I
      ask myself ‘has anything really changed in the last    “So we will not be writing any new regulations but
      25 years?’ Do the same barriers and prejudices still   instead we’ll take a proactive approach to adopting
      exist today and what are we as a governing body        new initiatives that lead to our sport becoming
      doing about it?                                        genuinely diverse, inclusive and welcoming for
      “Unless we recognise the reality of the situation
      things will never change and I trust that all in       “After all, how can we applaud our own British
      our sport would agree that what happened to            World Champion if we continue to place barriers in
      Lewis is unacceptable.                                 the way of his successor, whoever they might be?”

                                                             David Richards CBE
                                                             Chairman, Motorsport UK

Revolution - July 2020
David Richards invited six-time Formula 1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton to share his hopes for the future of the sport
with Motorsport UK’s community. Having driven in over 250 Grands Prix and with over 150 podiums to his name since his
F1 debut in 2007, Lewis has used his platform to good effect to help draw attention to causes close to his heart.

        As the world of sport returns to some sort         if nothing in the background of the sport changes.
        of normality following lockdown, the first         Looking at team photos at the end of last season,
        point on the agenda is equality. The current       there were very few people of colour. It seems if you
conversation around race is having a huge impact           are male and white then you take centre stage and
across all industries, and sport is no exception. Sport    black and female engineers are virtually non-existent.
is traditionally a great leveler within society, but we    I often get asked about where the next black driver is
have come to realise that many sports have deep            coming from, but it isn’t just about the drivers – after
rooted issues of racism and inequality. The type of        all we are just a small part of the sport. The truth
discrimination present differs depending on which          is, people of colour and female team members are
sport you look at, and I can only speak to my own          hugely underrepresented within the paddock and in
experience but it’s clear that across motorsport there     factories too.
is very little diversity, which hasn’t changed in all my
                                                           I wanted to understand the reasons behind the lack
years competing. The industry has remained mainly
                                                           of representation within the Formula 1, so that we
white and male throughout its history and no one,
                                                           can improve for future generations. Obviously, I was
including myself, has done enough to encourage
                                                           already aware how expensive it is for emerging
diversity. The recent Black Lives Matter movement is
                                                           drivers to get into the sport, which immediately
a great reminder of the importance of equality and is
                                                           excludes kids from more humble backgrounds. I was
the perfect fuel needed to change the sport for good.
                                                           able to overcome those odds through the support of
The need for racial inclusion within motorsport            my father and his sacrifices, but sadly not everyone
is not new to me however, as I have always felt            is that lucky and we urgently should look at how we
isolated as the only black driver in F1. While I have      lower the costs associated with karting. I was also
experienced racism during my career, it is the lack        surprised by the effect the lack of diverse students
of awareness and action to combat it which was the         pursuing science, technology, engineering and maths
most concerning. At first, I thought my success could      (STEM) is having on motorsport. The barriers facing
help to change that, to show that someone who              many students from minority backgrounds in pursuing
looked like me could have a career in motorsport.          STEM subjects throughout the education process
But I soon realised, it was not enough for me to win,      are significant. This directly relates to the inclusivity

Revolution - July 2020

we see in our teams, as many don’t know the careers
subjects like engineering can lead to. The future of
the industry relies on us ensuring we keep diverse
talent on their journey to motorsport.

That is why I recently announced the Hamilton
Commission, my research partnership with the Royal
Academy of Engineering. The research will explore
how motorsport can be used to engage more young
people from black backgrounds with STEM subjects
and, ultimately, employ them within our Formula 1
teams. While this report is focused specifically on
young black people, I hope the Hamilton Commission
will act as a guide for all teams and organisations
who want to investigate issues of racial inequality.
I hope our findings will throw the conversation
of inclusion wide open and I welcome the insight
and knowledge that other motorsport teams and
organisations can provide. I truly believe that Formula
1 should be as diverse as the world around it, because
by employing a more multicultural workforce you
unlock different perspectives and experiences, which
will ultimately make the sport thrive. So, now is the
time for everyone in the sport to stand united and to
make a commitment to levelling the playing field for
everyone. It is when we work together that we see
the best results, and the future stars of motorsport
deserve our unity on this issue.                                 Photo: © XPB Images

Revolution - July 2020

British drivers Jessica Edgar and Ella Stevens have been selected by the governing body
of world motorsport, the FIA, and Ferrari’s Driver Academy, as contenders in their search
for Ferrari’s first-ever female racing professionals.
The two drivers have been chosen as part of an exciting and            Having karted since an early age, Jessica and Ella are no
innovative talent detection programme by the FIA Women in              strangers to success. Both have multiple wins, championship
Motorsport Commission and its first major partner, Scuderia            titles and a wealth of experience between them, including
Ferrari. The programme reviewed hundreds of FIA Girls on               Ella’s 2017 BirelART UK Cadet Championship win and Jessica
Track – Rising Stars applications to make the best possible            representing the UK in the FIA Motorsport Games last year,
decision about who should take part in the programme,                  held in Rome.
planned for October.
                                                                       Jessica is also a part of Motorsport UK’s Academy programme,
As a part of the long-term pathway to support young female
                                                                       a talent development pathway equipping the UK’s most
racing drivers, Jessica, 15, and Ella, 13, will compete against each
                                                                       promising young drivers with the knowledge, skills and
other and 18 other competitors aged between 12 to 16 from
                                                                       attitude needed to maximise their performance.
around the world to try to earn a place as one of two drivers
accepted on a four-year programme, with the ultimate aim of            Motorsport UK wishes both Jessica and Ella the very best of
joining Ferrari for an FIA Formula 4 Championship season.              luck during the programme.

  Ella Stevens                                                          Jessica Edgar

Revolution - July 2020

         Having already published the calendars for the IAME, TKM, Honda Cadet and Rotax
         series, Motorsport UK has confirmed details of the last two classes to complete the
         2020 British Kart Championships.
         The Motorsport UK KZ2 Championship will once again          The Motorsport UK Bambino Championship is for the
         join the British Kart Championships’ bill this season,      youngest drivers, giving them the chance to compete at
         with a three-round contest for the gearbox class.           British Championship level events in 2020.
         The fastest and most spectacular short circuit class in     In previous years, the Bambinos were a guest class but,
         the UK will begin in August, with Rowrah opening the        for the 2020 season, Motorsport UK is delighted to
         proceedings before a double-header finale at Fulbeck        bring them into the fold full-time with a three-round
         in October. This short, sharp series will be further        championship. The contest will get underway at Rowrah
         strengthened by a fantastic support package from Zip        in August, followed by a trip to Mansell Raceway in
         Kart, the Le Cont tyre distributor in the UK.               September, before the curtain call at PFI in October.
         Any driver already registered for the Championship, or      The Championship registration fee is £185 and
         any driver that registers before 1 August, will receive     includes a set of Le Cont all-weather tyres, with race
         their race tyres free of charge when entering for round     entry costing £155 per meeting. For further information,
         one. In addition, those drivers will also pay a reduced     please contact
         registration fee of £85, kindly supported by Zip Kart and
         Le Cont once again.*

           2020 Motorsport UK                                          2020 Motorsport UK
           KZ2 Championship                                            Bambino Championship
           Round 1       Rowrah                 14-16 August           Round 1      Rowrah              14-16 August
           Round 2       Fulbeck                10-11 October          Round 2      Mansell Raceway     26-27 September
           Round 3       Fulbeck                10-11 October          Round 3      PFI                 23-25 October

       Championship registrations are open now at:
       *Championship offers and events are subject to minimum numbers by 1 August

Revolution - July 2020

McLaren driver Lando Norris has joined a host of motorsport
media personalities in selecting ten FIA F1 Future Stars to take
part in the virtual national anthem ceremony of the 2020 British
Grand Prix on Sunday 2 August. Norris was joined by Sky Sports
FI presenter and former F1 driver Karun Chandhok, BBC Radio 5
Live F1 presenter Jennie Gow, and The Sun’s F1 correspondent
Ben Hunt as they viewed the video entry submissions.

Motorsport UK’s nationwide               The winners will represent the
competition invited young karters        NHS and UK Karting to millions
and children of Motorsport UK            watching the British Grand Prix
members who work for the NHS             around the world, joining 2019
to submit a 30-second video              Motorsport UK Bambino Kart
explaining why they want to be an        Time Trial and Race Champions
F1 Future Star, who their F1 hero is     Harry Freeman and Jesse
and why, and what it would mean to       Philips as virtual FIA F1
represent the discipline of karting      Future Stars.
or the NHS at the British Grand Prix.
                                         ‘F1 Future Stars’ was
The panel selected the following         launched in 2018, offering
winners:                                 young motorsport
                                         enthusiasts the chance to
ƒƒ   Archie Clark (9)
                                         accompany drivers on the
ƒƒ   Charlie Warren (10)
                                         start grid for the national
ƒƒ   Donell Straton (10)
                                         anthem before each race.
ƒƒ   Fiona Moffatt (7)
                                         For 2020 the experience
ƒƒ   Josh Bugembe (10)
                                         will be offered virtually, in
ƒƒ   Joshua Smith (10)
                                         keeping with the current
ƒƒ   Kyle Moffatt (7)
                                         global health context.
ƒƒ   Noah Pikes (9)
ƒƒ   Ollie Hart (8)
ƒƒ   Sasha Bagley (10)

            WATCH          Click to watch Lando Norris, Karun Chandhok,
            VIDEO          Jennie Gow and Ben Hunt judging our FIA F1
                           Future Stars competition.

Revolution - July 2020

“I have never driven a rally car before; it will
be my first time in a proper car. I think my
skills will be transferable and I can’t wait to
meet the team and absorb all the information
I can and give the day a good go.”

Revolution - July 2020

 Scottish driver Alan Scott has been
 crowned the inaugural PCSpecialist Esports
                                                                        Revolution joined
 British Rally Champion (eBRC). Scott lifts
                                                                        the Esports fun
                                                                        Having devoted much of last month’s
 the first Motorsport UK Esports title, and a
                                                                        Revolution to Esports, editor Dan
 test drive in a Ford Fiesta R2T with front-                            Trent bought a steering wheel
 running BRC team, EDSL Sport.                                          and pedals to plug into his PS4,
                                                                        configured an improvised sim rig out
 Following the coronavirus outbreak, Britain’s premier rallying         of a coffee table and camping chair,
 series launched the eBRC, using the popular DiRT Rally 2.0 game        and set about the fourth and final
 by Codemasters. The series consisted of four rounds, with asphalt      round of the eBRC.
 events in Spain and Germany, and gravel challenges in Wales and
                                                                        “I’ve spent more of lockdown than
 Scotland to bookend the three-month contest.
                                                                        I’d like to admit to racing online
 The series was open to members of the Motorsport UK                    informally against friends and family,”
 community with over 580 registered competitors, as fans,               says Dan, “but the reality of digging
 marshals, Esports drivers and rallying stars all coming together       out my race licence to sign up for
 to go head-to-head in the virtual contest.                             the eBRC rather brought it home this
 With the prize coming in the form of a test in a real Ford             was a more serious undertaking.”
 Fiesta, all drivers used an identical car in the game, which was       With a fresh copy of Codemasters’
 contested by PlayStation, XBOX and PC users. 23-year-old Alan          DiRT Rally 2.0 installed on his PS4,
 Scott, who runs under the gaming tag Alan6R4, was the class of         it was time to practice the four,
 the field as he took two wins from four events.                        intimidatingly fast Scottish gravel
                                                                        stages selected for the closing round
 A second place to open his account in Wales was backed up by a
                                                                        of the eBRC.
 win in Spain. However, disaster struck in Germany as Alan went
 off the road, forcing the car to reset, resulting in a time penalty.   “The game is pretty unforgiving,” says
 He could only fight his way back to claim eight points, reducing       Dan, “and you get one shot at setting
 his grip on proceedings to just five championship points. Normal       a time, with no option to hit reset if
 service resumed on the finale, as Alan threw everything at the         it goes wrong. I realise I was sat in
 Scottish stages, chalking-up his second win and sealing the title      my living room rather than a genuine
 by 19 points.                                                          rally car but the competitive pressure
                                                                        was real enough, as was the sense of
 “I have never driven a rally car before,” said Alan upon winning
                                                                        consequence if I’d gone off and hit
 the title. “I have driven in local navigational rallies in my road
                                                                        a tree. I managed a relatively clean
 car, but it will be my first time in a proper car. I think my skills
                                                                        run, having opted to go relatively
 will be transferable and I can’t wait to meet the team and absorb
                                                                        steady and give myself a margin for
 all the information I can and give the day a good go.”
                                                                        error. Congratulations go to Alan on
                                                                        a phenomenal achievement.”

Revolution - July 2020

       How Motorsport UK has supported the restart of competition while
       maintaining the safety of competitors, officials, and the wider public,
       by Dan Trent

Revolution - July 2020

Revolution - July 2020

  “The process                         As we come to terms with the ‘new normal’
                                       of living and working during the COVID-19
                                                                                         presented by the pandemic has been
                                                                                         the major focus of Motorsport UK over
   of unlocking                        pandemic, Motorsport UK has been working          recent months, as a plethora of guidance,
                                       hard to make sure the sport gets back             training and support documents has been
    is a lot more                      on track, with the safety of all concerned        drafted to help the sport resume under the
   complex and                         the number one priority. This is, of course,
                                       a challenge facing every aspect of life,
                                                                                         #BackOnTrack initiative. These resources are
                                                                                         located at:
  nuanced, and                         as workplaces and public venues of all
                                                                                         “This project has involved a wide
                                       types balance the need to prevent further
        needs to                       transmission of the virus and the desire to
                                                                                         representation of the motorsport community
                                                                                         coming together and examining how each
     be adapted                        reopen and get back to business.
                                                                                         aspect of every discipline can be adapted
       to specific                     The implications of moving too fast – or too
                                       slowly – weigh heavily on anyone hosting
                                                                                         to respect government advice on social
                                                                                         distancing, and the broader needs of the
circumstances”                         events or running activities where people can     community,” says Motorsport UK CEO Hugh
                                       gather outside of household groups or social      Chambers. “As ever with motorsport, our
                                       bubbles. Some people may not consider sport       responsibility is to the safety of both our
                                       an ‘essential’ element of post-lockdown life or   community and the wider public.”
                                       a priority to reopen. But, for many thousands
                                       of people, it is more than just a pastime         It is a serious message, but one the
                                       or form of entertainment – it is a life and       motorsport world has responded to with
                                       livelihood keeping roofs over the heads of        typical dedication. “Motorsport has always
                                       households across the nation. In the case of      thrived on innovation and adaptability
                                       motorsport alone, we are talking about over       to overcome problems, and it has been
                                       4,500 businesses, 40,000-plus skilled jobs,       enormously encouraging to see the
                                       a £10bn contribution to the economy and a         community come together and freely
                                       significant role in the health and mental well-   contributing to reimagine every part of our
                                       being of the tens of thousands of competitors,    sport, and the practicalities of each event,”
                                       marshals, officials and millions of fans who      says Chambers.
                                       attend events across the country every year.
                                                                                         At an organisational level, this has included
                                       Balancing those needs against the                 drafting guidance to help clubs, venues and
                                       unprecedented health and safety concerns          event organisers decide the appropriate time

      British and World Rally
      Championship competitor
      Tom Williams and British
      Rallycross rising-star Patrick
      O’Donovan joined Motorsport
      UK CEO Hugh Chambers to
      pack the 150 parcels of PPE
      sent out from Motorsport UK
      ahead of the first weekend of
      racing since lockdown

Revolution - July 2020

                                                                                                                                     Photo: Ollie Read/Radical Sportscars
The Radical SR1 Cup was
among the series getting        to restart respective activities, specific to      4-5 July, £50,000 worth of complimentary PPE
underway, organisers praising   the particular demands of the 11 disciplines       was distributed to clubs across the UK. Over
the implementation of the                                                          150 parcels containing face masks, aprons,
                                Motorsport UK governs. Given the diversity of
                                events, there can, of course, be no one-size-      gloves, wipes, shields and guidelines on how
                                fits-all directive. But these common guidelines,   to use them were packaged up and sent from
                                together with provisions such as remote            Motorsport UK’s Colnbrook HQ at the end of
                                signing-on, licence checks and scrutineering to    June, supporting the 12 events taking place on
                                help minimise person-to-person interactions,       that opening weekend and the 160 events for
                                are vital tools to help each of the 720 clubs      which permits have been granted throughout
                                and 4,500 events make informed decisions           July. Additionally, Motorsport UK has provided
                                about the right moment to restart.                 individual pocket hand sanitiser to all officials
     “Ahead of                  Everyday scenarios have been scrutinised,
                                                                                   working at events over the coming months,
                                                                                   supported by Baylis and Harding.
  the first post-               streamlined or adapted to suit the situation,
                                                                                   So, how did all this work in practice at
     lockdown                   with clear and simple-to-understand rules
                                for all to abide by. These are spelled out         those first events? Motoring journalist Matt

    weekend of                  in accessible, downloadable guides for             Bird of has competed in
                                                                                   everything from Caterhams to GT4, his return
                                procedures such as how to put on and remove
   competition                  PPE, protocol for marshals and rescue crews
                                                                                   to motorsport coming in the slightly more

    on 4-5 July,                attending incidents, guidance to support
                                                                                   modest EnduroKa series, but no less exciting
                                                                                   for that, especially given the circumstances.
                                the newly appointed COVID-19 Officers, and
       £50,000                  events hosting media. If you are attending an
                                                                                   “Everyone just seemed really happy to be
                                                                                   back in competitive action again,” he says of
       worth of                 event in any capacity in the coming weeks or
                                                                                   the 12 Heures du Norfolk, which ran among
                                months, you should familiarise yourself with
complimentary                   these resources.
                                                                                   several events at Snetterton over the opening
                                                                                   weekend of 4-5 July. “Racing felt even more of
       PPE was                  Practical assistance is also part of Motorsport    a privilege than it ever has, and you could see

 distributed to                 UK’s support for competitors, volunteers,
                                officials, and clubs and, ahead of the first
                                                                                   that in everyone taking part - more generous,
                                                                                   more grateful, more appreciative than they
          clubs”                post-lockdown weekend of competition on            would normally be.”

Revolution - July 2020

                                                                    Porsche Sprint Challenge GB got off
                                                                    to a flying start with its inaugural
                                                                    weekend held at Snetterton circuit

How did it feel to race under the new guidance, though? “There
was certainly some initial trepidation around the paddock
as everyone was a little unsure about what they could do
and where they could go, although sufficient space, and the
requirement to bring a gazebo for outside, meant teams sharing
a garage could keep a sensible distance from each other. Series
and other cars were also well dispersed throughout the paddock
to keep all competitors safely apart,” says Matt. “MSVR was great
at communicating the updates to the regulations and procedure
changes that would happen ahead of the weekend, too.”
The Radical SR1 Cup also took place at Snetterton. “The event
ran seamlessly, and everyone was very happy to be back on
circuit,” says Radical’s Carly Latcham, while acknowledging
the responsibility for all involved to swot up on the new
rules. “There is so much information to read and distribute,
particularly ahead of an event, rather than on the day.” She also
noted digital signing-on was a challenge for some less tech-
savvy competitors, and that venues without a strong phone
or Wi-Fi signal may struggle to communicate the essential
information people need throughout an event. Overall, though?
“So long as people stick to the guidelines everything will be
fine,” she says.
James Dorlin is another competitor glad to be back in business,
firstly as a coach at the BARC’s opening weekend at Cadwell
Park, and secondly with a successful weekend (and two wins
from two) in the Porsche Sprint Challenge UK, held at Snetterton
the week following the EnduroKa and Radical races. He was
impressed at how quickly everyone has adapted. “Everyone was
very understanding, and made that conscious effort to follow the
guidelines,” he affirms. “We have all missed racing, and everyone
respects the rules because we understand why they need to
be there. It is going to be tricky to cover off every aspect, but
everyone felt comfortable knowing what to prepare for. And once
you are in the car with your helmet on, everything else goes out
of your mind and you are back to the racing.”
This is reassuring news for other clubs and disciplines as they
consider the particular demands of their situations. While the
controlled environments of circuits and similar venues make
it relatively straightforward to manage the number of people
on-site, activities taking place in public settings, or with more
than one person to a car, have faced additional challenges.
Rallying is one example, with the unfortunate cancellation
of Wales Rally GB being an especially difficult decision for
the governing body. While the rally community looked on
enviously at the circuit racing world getting back up and
running, the nature and specific demands of holding stage
events, and the greater number of stakeholders involved,
meant it took a little longer to sort out.

Revolution - July 2020

                             “Racing felt even
                            more of a privilege
                          than it ever has, and
                         you could see that in
                         everyone taking part”

Revolution - July 2020

James Dorlin had a successful   Thankfully, that moment has now come, with        As more and more events get up and running,
return to motorsport and says   Motorsport UK confirming permits can now be       Motorsport UK has also confirmed that
once in the car, it felt like
business as usual               issued for single and multi-venue, closed road,   applications for the popular RS Clubman
                                navigational and road rally events. Guidance      licence are now open once more, which is
                                is issued to afford flexibility, given the        especially helpful for the grassroots forms of
                                devolved territories of the UK may be moving      motorsports we are looking at elsewhere in
                                at a different pace in easing restrictions, and   this month’s Revolution.
                                applications for event permits will be subject
                                                                                  As we are discovering in motorsport and
                                to approval based on the prevailing local
                                                                                  life beyond, while lockdown was a shock
                                government advice.
                                                                                  to the system and caused a great deal of
                                For his part, Hugh Chambers points out,           hardship, it was at least relatively simple to
                                “Rallying had to follow at a later date, as we    implement. The process of unlocking is a
                                worked upon the relevant information and          lot more complex and nuanced and needs
                                followed the latest government guidelines.        to be adapted to specific circumstances.
                                Following the updates from the Driving and        There is still plenty to do in getting
                                Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), this has         motorsport #BackOnTrack. But through a
                                enabled us to work on similar procedures          spirit of consultation, collaboration and
                                to accommodate both driver and co-driver          cooperation, huge steps have already been
                                in a vehicle. We have also put together           taken and it is a credit to all involved that
                                information for event organisers, giving them     the guidance enabled the first events to pass
                                time to implement appropriate measures and        off successfully. Most importantly, as clubs,
                                Motorsport UK is here to help support our         competitors, and volunteers alike, we are once
                                clubs restart this popular discipline.”           again ready for the flag to drop.

Revolution - July 2020

Cheltenham & Cotswold Rover Owners Club got action
underway at Indemnifying Farm, Little Compton

“Activities taking place in
 public settings, or with more
 than one person to a car, have
 faced additional challenges”

                                                       “Provisions such as
                                                        remote signing-on,
                                                        licence checks and
                                                       scrutineering can help
                                                        minimise person-to-
                                                        person interactions”

Packed grids and close racing were the best possible
way to celebrate motorsport’s return to action

Revolution - July 2020

           M-Sport is delighted to announce the M-Sport Return to Rally Stages – a one-off event
           taking place in Greystoke Forest on Saturday 22 August 2020. Celebrating all things
           M-Sport, the entry will be limited to any M-Sport manufactured Focus or Fiesta, while the
           event itself will act as an example of how the UK can return to rallying.
           Back in March, Greystoke and the Malcolm Wilson        management of information and documentation,
           Rally marked the last UK gravel event before           socially distanced time controls and the safe recovery
           COVID-19 brought the industry to a standstill. Five    of vehicles and crews.
           months later and the Cumbrian forest is set to host
                                                                  The entry is limited to 45 M-Sport manufactured
           the return of competition whilst showcasing how club
                                                                  vehicles only, with the intention of showcasing the
           rallying can return safely and responsibly.
                                                                  breadth of rally cars built by the firm over the past 20
           Plans came about after M-Sport reached out to          years, and how it has nurtured what it calls a ‘ladder
           Motorsport UK to see how it could help get the         of opportunity’ to help competitors progress through
           industry back up and running as quickly as possible.   the sport, from the grassroots to the very pinnacle in
           After a number of brainstorming sessions, a day in     the FIA World Rally Championship.
           Greystoke was organised to produce a series of short
                                                                  Further information, regulations and special
           films explaining the necessary safety measures and
                                                                  announcements will be issued on the M-Sport
           advising event organisers how to run rallies during
                                                                  website. Although spectators will unfortunately not
           the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                  be permitted to attend the event, fans will be able to
           The M-Sport Stages will showcase these new             follow the action and preparations on the company’s
           practices in operation, including the electronic       social media platforms.

Revolution - July 2020
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             The CityCar Cup is a new saloon car sprint racing series from the
             British Racing and Sports Car Club with ambitions to attract a whole
             new generation of competitors, given its focus on accessible and
             realistic running costs and affordable cars.
             The CityCar Cup is open to the 2005-2013 Citroën C1, Peugeot 107 and Toyota Aygo, all three having
             been built on a common platform in the same factory, as part of a joint project between Toyota and
             PSA. This widens the pool of potential donor cars, all of which are widely available at very low cost and
             make an ideal basis for an entry-level racing car. Although more heavily modified than the Citroën C1
             Racing Club cars, the BRSCC’s Paul McErlean is confident a full car could be built for around £7,000, or
             even less for those able to carry out preparation work themselves.
             The CityCar Cup race series was officially previewed at Croft Circuit on 9 June, where fully-prepared
             versions of each model were given a shakedown prior to sign-off for the technical specification. This
             will be followed by a full race launch at Cadwell Park Circuit on Sunday 2 August, where a number of
             race cars will take to the circuit in the BRSCC’s ClubSport endurance series.
             The BRSCC has thereafter committed to hosting the CityCar Cup series as a class in the successful
             Clubsport Trophy races, before scheduling its own dedicated calendar for 2021.

Revolution - July 2020

          Toyota GB and Wales Rally GB are calling for schoolchildren and
          pre-university students across the UK to enter a competition to
          design a livery for a Toyota rally car.
          The winner will see their dream design come to life as a     moving to Hyundai, new signings Sébastien Ogier and
          wrap for a Toyota GR Yaris, the eagerly-awaited, rally-      Welshman Elfyn Evans both scoring wins in the Yaris
          inspired hot hatch due on sale this autumn. Due to serve     this year, before the championship was suspended.
          as the homologation model for the next generation of
                                                                       Entry forms with the official design templates and
          Yaris WRC car, the four-wheel drive GR Yaris has been
                                                                       full competition details are available at:
          built with input from both Toyota Gazoo Racing and
          Tommi Mäkinen Racing.
                                                                       The competition closes at midnight on Friday 28 August.
          After returning to the WRC in 2017 after a 17-year
          absence, Toyota won the manufacturers’ world title the       The overall winner will receive a framed picture of the
          following season with its Yaris World Rally Car. Ott Tänak   GR Yaris and be invited to an unveiling of the car in
          then won the drivers’ title for the team last year before    their livery in the presence of Elfyn Evans.

                                                                       To enter visit:

Revolution - July 2020

The professional expertise and community spirit of two Motorsport UK representatives on
FIA Commissions have resulted in the successful development of an innovative product to
help healthcare workers treating patients with COVID-19.
Dr Cristiana Pace and Dr Clare Morden,      has been redeployed to simulate the        “Both businesses are
representatives of the Environment and      contamination of airborne particles as
Sustainability Commission and Medical       a result of coughing, in order to model     part of the Silverstone
Commission respectively and also            speed, direction and air flow, and has     Technology Cluster,
ambassadors for FIA Girls on Track UK,      been used to establish a time in which
                                                                                       which pools expertise
worked with another volunteer from that     airborne particles settle.
same initiative – Dr Samantha Harmer,                                                  and shares knowledge
                                            Oxford University Hospitals NHS
one of Silverstone’s doctors – to assist
                                            Foundation Trust has approved the          among various
Oxford University Hospital in the design
of an ‘aerosol box’, drawing on Dr Pace’s
                                            use of the Oxford Box across its four       motorsport companies
                                            hospitals and it is now available to the
engineering background and previous
                                            medical sector. A paediatric version is
                                                                                        in the area.”
role within the FIA safety department.
                                            also being trialled.
Developed by Enovation Consulting (of       For more information visit:
which Dr Pace is the director) and One
Group Engineering, with significant
input and laboratory testing by Oxford
University Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust under the leadership of Dr Bianca
Tingle, the innovative shield helps
protect clinical staff and patients
during the process of intubation
and extubation in the treatment of
COVID-19. Both businesses are part
of the Silverstone Technology Cluster,
which pools expertise and shares
knowledge among various motorsport
companies in the area.
The compact, collapsible box is
placed over the head and chest area
of patients, thereby greatly reducing
the risk of contamination to medical
practitioners and the surrounding
area. Its design has been enhanced
with Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD), carried out by Renault DP World
Formula 1 Team. CFD is usually reserved
for the development of race cars but

Revolution - July 2020

   Following the launch of the ‘Rescue Unit Support Fund’, as announced in the June
   edition of Revolution, the British Motor Sports Training Trust (BMSTT) has also agreed a
   supplementary support fund for non-commercial Motorsport UK licensed Recovery Units.
   The purpose of the fund is to help offset some unavoidable ongoing and non-recoverable costs
   incurred during the cessation of the sport caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

   Professor Richard Parry-Jones CBE (Trust Chairman) said, “The British Motor Sport Training Trust
   recognises that, in addition to the essential rescue and medical cover provided by licensed
   Rescue Units, licensed Recovery Units also provide a required safety function on events, and
   the Trustees have agreed that we provide some supplementary support to help retain the
   continuity of these volunteer operated units as Motorsport UK permitted events progressively

   Applications have opened, and an online application form, together with guidance notes and
   full details about the Recovery Unit Support Fund, can be accessed on the BMSTT website at:

   All applications must be received before 4 August for all disciplines without a co-driver/
   passenger. For stage rallies and sporting trials, applications must be received within one month
   of the to-be-announced resumption date. The fund will be terminated after these deadlines.

   Motorsport UK has been                  with Alpha Timing to bring online        Upgrades to the new functionalities
                                           further initiatives, including digital   are free of charge for current
   working closely with Alpha
                                           signing-on, digital scrutineering,       Motorsport UK clubs registered with
   Timing to expand its portfolio
                                           digital briefings and an equipment       Alpha Timing, with prices starting
   of products to support                  barcoding system, the latter mainly      from £30 per month (excluding VAT)
   motorsport clubs, making                used for managing tyres.                 for new clubs wishing to join.
   it easier for them to comply
                                           Dan Parker, Motorsport UK Karting        Further information can be found at:
   with COVID-19 guidance.
                                           Manager, has been instrumental in
   Alpha Timing’s online club              persuading Alpha Timing to offer its
   management system has always been       services to all Motorsport UK clubs
   at the heart of its karting-oriented    across all disciplines, in addition to
   software. In response to the COVID-19   supporting them having the software
   pandemic, Motorsport UK has worked      live in time for the restart in July.

Revolution - July 2020
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WHAT’S ON                                                            July / August 2020

                                  BEST OF BRITISH
                                  AT SILVERSTONE’S
                                  F1 DOUBLE

                                Haydn Lloyd Davies/Aintree Circuit Club
Courtesy of McLaren

                                The 65th Anniversary of the 1955 British Grand Prix at Aintree was
                                marked by Sir Stirling Moss’s 1956 Monaco Grand Prix winning
                                Maserati 250F

                      Revolution - July 2020

                    31 July–2 August Formula 1® Pirelli British Grand Prix
                    7-9 August Emirates Formula 1® 70th Anniversary Grand Prix
                    70 years ago in May, Silverstone hosted the               support to show what he is capable of, and offer
                    very first round of the FIA Formula One® World            the team a boost for the races ahead. Meanwhile,
                    Championship, an event we would have been                 British-born Alex Albon of Red Bull will be keen
                    celebrating in suitable style at the circuit this July,   to make Hamilton work hard for his hoped-for
                    were it not for the current circumstances.                seventh win, not least after the first-race tangle
                    Obviously, our day to day lives have changed              at Austria that seemingly cost Albon a podium
                    beyond anyone’s imagination and the racing                position.
                    will be taking place behind closed doors. But             A week later we get another opportunity to cheer
                    every cloud has a silver lining and this year we          on the Brits as Silverstone hosts its second F1
                    will be treated to a double dose of F1 action at          event of 2020. The 70th Anniversary Grand Prix
                    Silverstone, with an abundance of British teams           will celebrate that historic race on 13 May 1950,
                    and drivers for the home crowd to cheer on, albeit        when polesitter Giuseppe Farina triumphed in
                    from the sofa rather than the grandstands. And,           his Alfa Romeo to win the inaugural round of the
                    after a long, hard lockdown, not to mention a             first FIA Formula One World Championship. In
                    considerable amount of work behind the scenes to          the intervening years, the British Grand Prix has
                    ensure the racing can take place safely, the return       presented us with many memorable moments.
                    of Formula One to the circuit where it all started is     On 16 July, the Aintree Circuit Club hosted a
                    something to celebrate.                                   celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the first
                    Accordingly, we will all be at Silverstone at the         British Grand Prix to be held at the circuit, now
                    end of July, if not in body, then in spirit, for the      better known for its famous racecourse. There,
                    British Grand Prix, ready to support the teams            Sir Stirling Moss’s Monaco Grand Prix winning
                    based here in the UK. Mercedes’ Brackley base is,         Maserati 250F car was the star of a 65-car parade
                    of course, just down the road, and the team has           and evoked the sights and sounds of Formula One’s
                    already shown dominant pace in the opening three          rich history when it completed four laps of the
                    races of the season. Lewis Hamilton will be hoping        historic Grand Prix track.
                    for a seventh victory on home asphalt, with few     In total, 12 British drivers have won the British
                    doubting his chances of doing so.                   Grand Prix: Sir Stirling Moss, Tony Brooks (shared
                    But Hamilton could have a fight on his hands, not   with Moss), Peter Collins, Jim Clark, Sir Jackie
                    least from his former team, McLaren, and another    Stewart, James Hunt, John Watson, Nigel Mansell,
                    home-grown hotshot looking to follow his path       Damon Hill, Johnny Herbert, David Coulthard and
                    to the top step of the podium. It has been a long   Lewis Hamilton. Between them, they have won the
                    time since the Woking-based team has been in        event an astonishing 25 times over the 70 years.
                    top-three contention, but the sight of Bristol-born While much has changed in this time, with the
                    Lando Norris taking huge chunks of time out of      sport constantly seeking to innovate and teams
                    Hamilton en route to a podium in the first race of  always pushing the technological boundaries
                    the season demonstrates the former Motorsport UK in order to find the quickest route to victory, its
                    Academy driver’s star is in the ascendancy. Norris’ capacity to thrill has never waned.
                    emphatic third place finish displaced Hamilton as
                                                                        If the 1950 event signalled the birth of F1 as we
                    the youngest ever Brit to stand on an F1 podium.
                                                                        know it, the 70th Anniversary edition will stand, in
                    George Russell of Williams is another home driver part, as a symbol of motorsport’s rebirth after the
                    with a British team and has been showing true grit COVID-19 lockdown and a wonderful milestone for
                    and determination, despite a challenging start to   everyone involved to savour. And that will be all
                    the season. With his seat at Williams settled for   the more poignant if it involves domestic success
                    2021, he will hopefully be channelling that home    at the home of British motorsport.

Revolution - July 2020
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