RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper

Page created by Jeremy Jensen
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
The newspaper of the Licensed Taxi Drivers’ Association

    TRANSPORT Page 3

    Pages 16 -17

    IN THE CAB Page 20                                                     www.ltda.co.uk
                                                                       18th May 2021#492


       LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's
                      proposed ‘pick up points’ in Soho                     @TheLTDA
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper

    www.ltda.co.uk   @TheLTDA
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
Contents & News

                                                                                                                                      OLA MAKES EV PLEDGE IN BID TO
 Inside...                                                                                                                            RECOVER LONDON LICENCE

                                                                                                                                      OLA has announced a series of measures
                                                                                                                                      to encourage the use of EVs, as it fights to
                                                                                                                                      regain its licence to operate in London. The
3 | News                                                                         HAVERING GRANTS FOR TAXI DRIVERS                     ridesharing firm will now offer incentives for
                                                                                                                                      its London drivers to switch to electric vehicles,
                                                                                 WHO MISSED CUT-OFF                                   including waiving its commission fees until
5 | Steve McNamara                                                               The London Borough of Havering is offering
                                                                                                                                      August 13 for
                                                                                 grants for black cab drivers who missed the cut-
                                                                                                                                      those with EVs.
6 | Paul Brennan                                                                 off date to apply for funding through its previous
                                                                                                                                      Ola users in
                                                                                 rounds of discretionary grant schemes. The
8 | Lloyd Baldwin                                                                                                                     the capital will
                                                                                 Havering Taxi (Black Cab) Drivers Grant provides
                                                                                                                                      also be able to
                                                                                 up to £6000 for licensed London taxi drivers
11 | Sam Houston                                                                                                                      opt to travel by
                                                                                 living in Havering, if they meet the eligibility
                                                                                                                                      EV by selecting
                                                                                 criteria. The deadline to apply is 5pm on 28
12 | Kanize Cozens                                                                                                                    the newly added “Ola EV” category, which
                                                                                 May 2021 and applications can be made via the
                                                                                                                                      only allows drivers with electric vehicles to
                                                                                 Council’s website: https://sjvlola8h0s.typeform.
15 | Wim Faber                                                                   com/to/Nx1gQ3PY
                                                                                                                                      accept rides. Ola is currently appealing TfL’s
                                                                                                                                      decision not to renew its Private Hire Vehicle
                                                                                    Drivers who previously received the Additional
16 | Steve Howard                                                                                                                     Operator licence in October 2020, over “historic
                                                                                 Restrictions Grant will not qualify for further
                                                                                                                                      breaches” of licensing regulations, which
18 | Steve Kenton                                                                funding through this new scheme. To be
                                                                                                                                      allowed unlicensed drivers and vehicles to
                                                                                 eligible, applicants must have been trading
                                                                                                                                      undertake more than 1000 passenger trips.
20 | Al Fresco                                                                   on the 17 October 2020, be registered as living
                                                                                 at an address within Havering and be able to
22 | Cab You Drive                                                               demonstrate ongoing costs associated with
                                                                                 finance or rental of a vehicle throughout periods
24 | Chris Ackrill                                                               of restrictions.

27 | Puzzler
                                                                                 MORE EVS REGISTERED IN 2020 THAN IN
29 | Exclusive: Taxi Charity                                                     ALL PREVIOUS YEARS
                                                                                 Vehicle licensing statistics published by the
30 | Musher Meg                                                                  Department for Transport show that more fully
     Puzzler answers                                                             electric cars were registered in 2020 than in all
                                                                                 previous years combined. The Annual Vehicle
                                                                                 Licensing Statistics for 2020 also revealed the
                                                                                 impact of the Coronavirus crisis on new car sales,                                                        3
                                                                                 with over 800,000 fewer vehicles registered in the
Taxi House 133 Great Suffolk Street,                                             UK in 2020. Unsurprisingly, the most affected
                                                                                                                                      LONDONERS CONSIDER TAXIS SAFEST
T: 020 7286 1046 | www.ltda.co.uk                                                periods for new registrations were the two           FORM OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT
   @TheLTDA                                                                      national lockdowns from March to June and the        A YouGov poll commissioned by the Evening
Editor                                                                           month of November. July was the only month to        Standard has found that taxis are widely
Katie Combes
E: editor@ltda.co.uk                                                             show a year-on-year increase when registrations      regarded as the safest form of public transport,
Commissioning Editor                                                             increased, of 12% compared to 2019 figures.          with three in five Londoners (62%) saying
Nick Hartop                                                                                                                           they’d feel comfortable travelling in a cab,
E: TaxiEditor@centuryone.uk
                                                                                                                                      while a third (32%) would not. In contrast, 53
Produced by
Century One Publishing Ltd
                                                                                                                                      per cent of Londoners say they are worried
Alban Row,27-31 Verulam Road                                                                                                          about using the tube again, with older people
St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 4DG.
T: 01727 893 894, F: 01727 893 895                                                                                                    particularly concerned about returning to
E: hello@centuryone.uk                                                                                                                the daily commute. 60 per cent of over-65s
                                                                                                                                      said they were uncomfortable using the tube,
Advertising Sales Executive
Jack Green T: 01727 739 196                                                                                                           compared to just 34 per cent of the same age
E: jack@centuryone.uk                                                                                                                 group who had concerns over using taxis.
Creative Director
Peter Davies

Designer & Advert Coordinator
Caitlyn Hobbs                                                                                                                         NEW TRANSPORT RULES FROM 17 MAY
Printed by                                                                                                                            TfL has announced that in line with the easing
Manson Group, St Albans                                                                                                               of restrictions yesterday, bus capacity has been
Published on behalf of the LTDA by                                                                                                    doubled, to allow more people to travel. Most
                                                                                                                                      seats on buses are now available for use, with
                                                                                                                                      the capacity of double-decker buses having
                                                                                                                                      increased to around 60. TfL has acknowledged
                                                                                                                                      that as capacity increases and more people
                                                                                                                                      return to the network, social distancing will
Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road,                                                                                                        not always be possible, but TfL Commissioner,
Hertfordshire, AL3 4DG
                                                                                                                                      Andy Byford has assured people that services
                                                                                                                                      are “cleaner than ever”.
                                               All rights reserved. No part
                                               of this publication may
                                               be reproduced, stored in a
                                               retrieval system or transmitted
                                               by any means electronic,
                                               mechanical or by photocopy-
                                               ing without prior permission
                                               of the publishers. The views
                                               and opinions expressed in
                                               this publication may not
necessarily be those of the publishers. Please note that the last day for
inclusion of Classified lineage advertisements is five working days prior to
publication. No liability is accepted by the publisher should advertisements
not appear in the requested issue(s). While the publisher will take every
care to ensure accuracy, no liability can be accepted for loss or damage
resulting from errors.

@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                                                  www.ltda.co.uk
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
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    www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                                        @TheLTDA
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
General Secretary | Steve McNamara

                            A Rank By Any
                            Other Name…
“I explained in no uncertain terms that if they refused to act, we would be forced to take
matters into our own hands, gathering evidence to undertake private prosecutions…”
                                                                                                                                    this that ranks are a fundamental
Steve’s comment                                                            Licensed Taxi Drivers
                                                                                                ’ Association                       part of the licensed taxi trade and
                                                      The newspaper of the                                                          our exclusive right to ply for hire.
                                                                   PUBLIC                                                           So, when Uber began sending out
                                              TAXIS SAFEST FORM OF
                                              TRANSPORT Page 3                                                                      emails, text messages and push

                                                                  ATES                                                              notifications to their customers
                                               SUBURBAN SECTOR UPD
             ver the last couple of            Pages 16 -17                                                                         informing them of their plans,
             weeks, it’s been great                                 BACK                                                            I immediately contacted senior
                                               AL FRESCO ON GETTING                                             www.ltda.co.uk

             to see London coming              IN THE CAB Page 20
                                                                                                            18th May 2021#492
                                                                                                                                    licensing officials at TfL making
             back to life, albeit very                                                                                              them aware, raise our concerns
slowly. Most importantly there                                                                                                      and asking that they took
are more cabs on the street with                                                                                                    immediate enforcement action if
passengers in them. Hopefully,                                                                                                      Uber went ahead.
following Monday’s further                                                                                                             Since then, TfL have failed to act
easing of restrictions, things will                                                                                                 decisively, claiming that it is “not
only get better, with hospitality                                                                                                   that simple”. They say that they are
finally allowed to let people                                                                                                       “looking into this issue” and "have
inside out of the never-ending                  1
                                                                                                                                    deployed officers to monitor specific
rain and more venues opening                                                                                                        locations to ensure that no vehicles
back up. As we finally dare to                                                                                                      are causing an obstruction to the
start believing things will pick                                                                                                    highway." Uber’s actions once
up, it has been good to talk about                                                                                                  again highlight the problems and
things other than Covid for a                                                                                                       illegalities of their business model
change and turn our attention to                                                                                                    which clearly constitutes plying for
other issues impacting the trade.                                                                                                   hire. It also further demonstrates
Unfortunately, there is always
some “bad” news that some will                                   RANK                                                               their belief that they can do as they
                                                                                                                                    want, whenever and wherever             5
choose to focus on.
   It’s no secret that social media
has been a challenge for our                        INLTCDAOcallsMonPTFLEtoTactEonN
                                                                                     er 's
                                                                                           E                                        they wanton London’s streets,
                                                                                                                                    with no real consequences. Sadly,
                                                                                                                                    this belief has been reinforced by
trade, or more specifically it’s                                                                                                    repeated failures by the regulator
                                                                                            ts’      in Soho
become a challenge thanks to a                                       proposed ‘pick up poin                              @TheLTDA
                                                                                                                                    and enforcement officers to act
small few within our ranks, who                     www.ltda.co.uk
                                                                                                                                    when they fail to play by the rules.
on some occasions have turned
it into a nightmare. Just recently                                                     harder than ever.                            Failure to act
the extreme, frankly disgusting,           “With the important                            Currently, there are around 700           On a call with TfL officials and
messages directed at the Deputy           caveat that our ‘Gold                        candidates on appearances, back              other trade reps last week, it
Mayor for Transport on her                                                             in 2018 and before then, it used to          became apparent that they have
birthday, managed to tick just            Standard’ must not                           average over 2000. There is a plethora       no immediate plans to condemn
about every box on the abuse list,        be watered down,                             of reasons that numbers are down.            Uber’s actions and make it clear
reinforcing all the stereotypes our                                                    Again, ironically, one of them is the        to the company that the use of
enemies label us with. This does
                                          we should consider                           negativity surrounding the trade             these points will not be tolerated
us no favours.                            every option to keep                         and our poor image on social media!          and will be subject to enforcement
   It’s not just abuse; in fact, their    it relevant and valued                       Whatever the reasons, we need to             action. I decided enough was
greatest skill is either making a                                                      look at how to make the KOL more             enough and took the opportunity
story up totally or twisting a real       in the 21st Century.”                        appealing to a younger generation,           to make our feelings crystal clear.
news item to such an extent that                                                       possibly ways to secure funding for          I said that TfL was failing in its
any accuracies in their posts are                                                      those on appearances, in the same            duty as regulator and that they
purely by mistake.                                                                     way funding is available for every           had an obligation to act to uphold
                                         system when it was 25 runs and                other vocational trading course.             the law and prevent Uber from
Proposed KOL changes                     when you got your ‘Rec’ on a Monday           With the important caveat that our           establishing, what are tantamount
The latest news to get the twisted       and the examiner said, “come back             ‘Gold Standard’ must not be watered          to illegal ranks. I explained in no
treatment concerns a possible            on Friday for your suburbs.” But,             down, we should not be scared to             uncertain terms that if they refused
change to the suburban runs              according to them everybody else              shine a light into the darkest corners       to act, we would be forced to
undertaken at the end of the             should have to waste four months              of the Knowledge and consider every          take matters into our own hands,
Knowledge. According to the              doing 120 plus suburban runs –                option to keep it relevant and valued        gathering evidence to undertake
Twitterati, it’s all a clever plot       learning streets and places that they         in the 21st Century.                         private prosecutions of individual
to scrap the Knowledge, reduce           will never go to in 50 years of driving                                                    Uber drivers, as we have done on
standards and sell us down the           a cab! A good example of “don’t do as         Uber ranks                                   numerous occasions in the past.
river. What they don’t tell you          I do, do as I tell you.”                      At the end of April, we became               We wait to see whether they will
is that the proposed ‘changes’              The Knowledge was last altered             aware of Uber’s plans to create              act and will be keeping a close eye
simply take the number of                about 20 years ago, when the blue             what they are describing as, “pick           on the situation. In the meantime,
suburban runs back to what we            book went from 468 runs to 400 and            up points” in and around Soho due            we have contacted the newly
had 15 years ago. The irony is           then shortly after to the current 320.        to the road closures. What they call         (re)installed London Assembly
that those who are screaming the         None of these changes affected the            “pick up points” we call “ranks”. I          members asking them to hold TfL
loudest all did it under the old         standard and if anything, it's now            do not have to tell anyone reading           to account on this issue. n LTDA

@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                                  www.ltda.co.uk
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
Chairman | Paul Brennan

                                 A Warning
                                 for 2022?
    “This was a much closer race than many (if not all) had
    predicted and if I were Mayor Khan, I would not be
    feeling too comfortable right now.”
                                          showing. He did after all narrow
    Top rank                              Mayor Khan’s winning margin from
                                          13.6% over the previous golden boy

                                          Tory candidate Zac Goldsmith to
                 n Thursday 6th May,      10.4% this time around. There must
                 Londoners went to        be many on the blue side of London
                 the polls to elect a     left wondering, what if?
                 Mayor and London
    Assembly Members. As expected,        Business as usual
    Sadiq Khan won the race over          In the London Assembly, it’s pretty
    his nearest rival, Conservative       much business as usual. Not too
    candidate Shaun Bailey, with          much has changed, Labour is down
    1,206,034 votes to 977,601. This      a seat and the Tories, Lib Dems and
    was a much closer race than many      Greens all gained one seat. We have
    (if not all) had predicted and if I   lost some supportive and vocal
    were Mayor Khan, I would not be       voices from within the Assembly
    feeling too comfortable right now.    and work will now be ongoing to
       The Tories must also be kicking    meet the new members and seek
    themselves, if they had shown a       their support going forward.          in Bexley and Bromley or an      that feeling would be justified.
    little more confidence in their man                                         Islington or Tower Hamlets       If, however you are a Labour
    and given him a bit more support      Sign of things to come?               Labour councillor, you are       councillor in Camden you might
    (and funding), who knows? Maybe       Based on the way the votes played     probably feeling relatively      want to take a step back and
    he would have made an even better     out, if you are a Tory councillor     untouchable right now and        reflect. In Barnet and Camden,
                                                                                                                 although victorious, Labour won
                                                                                                                 the Assembly seat by 75,000 votes,
6    Further lockdown easing                                 though, and not just for those who work the         to the Tories 62,000. In the London
     As you read this, further restrictions will have        airport or Eurotunnel, is the meagre list of        wide vote the result was even closer,
     been lifted in London and across England and            ‘green’ countries that people will be able to       with Labour only winning by 64,000
     the following rules now apply.                          travel to and from the UK easily. If you are not    against 61,000 to the Tories. If you
     l Restaurants, pubs, and bars will be allowed to        aware of what they are then feast your eyes on      compare that result to North East,
        welcome customers indoors.                           these destination hotspots:                         which covers Hackney, Islington
     l A group of six people or two households will          l Australia                                         and Waltham Forest where Labour
        be allowed to meet indoors at pubs, bars, and        l Brunei                                            won just short of 113,000 votes,
        restaurants.                                         l Faroe Islands                                     while their closest rivals the Greens
     l Customers will be required to stay seated             l Falkland Islands                                  received just 44,000 votes, you
        to order, eat and drink, but there will be no        l Gibraltar                                         can perhaps draw the conclusion
        curfew, and no one will one be required to           l Iceland                                           that Camden councillors should
        have a “substantial meal” with alcohol.              l Israel                                            put themselves on a warning for
     l People will be permitted to meet in groups            l New Zealand                                       next year’s local council elections.
        of up to 30 in beer gardens or at venues that        l Portugal including Madeira and Azores             It seems the damage that (in my
        have outdoor dining.                                 l Singapore                                         view and many others), the current
     l Museums and cinemas will be allowed to                                                                    group of Camden councillors have
        reopen to customers but will need to maintain        Unfortunately for UK travellers, Australia,         inflicted, not only our trade, but on
        social distancing.                                   New Zealand, and Singapore are not                  many other businesses, which are
     l A number of trials relating to indoor and             reciprocating and currently their borders           suffering the consequences of their
        outdoor events have already taken place to           are closed to UK tourists. The list therefore       idealistic attempts to create their
        show how they operate safely.                        goes from bad to worse. As nice as I am             version of utopia, has not gone
     l Some larger theatre, music and sporting               sure the Faroe & Falkland Islands are (much         unnoticed.
        events indoors will be allowed to have a             like Wales I am told), I cannot see too many           For now though, life continues
        capacity of 1,000 people or half-full (whichever     people wanting to travel to or from them.           much as it was, with what feels like
        is a lower number).                                  Whilst it is expected that other popular            a never-ending convoy of one bad
     l Furthermore, outdoor venues can open to a             holiday destinations such as Spain, France and      scheme after another – all failing
        maximum capacity of 4,000 people or half-full,       mainland Greece could make the list by the          to recognise the realities of life in a
        whichever is lower.                                  end of June, it is yet another month of waiting.    normally busy, living and breathing
     l Larger outdoor venues, which can allow for            What we really want to know is when will all        city like London. Although it isn’t
        greater social distancing, can host 10,000           our friends from the Middle East and USA be         all doom and gloom. We must
        people or quarter-full, whichever is lower.          able to return? Both tend to be good cab users      recognise the many councils (of
     l Hotels and B&Bs will be allowed to admit              and we need them back in London sooner              all political persuasions) across the
        guests travelling for leisure purposes.              rather than later, as do the restaurants, hotels,   city, which are now including taxis
                                                             museums, and the wider hospitality industry.        within their traffic management
     A blow for travel                                       As I keep telling people, we are all in this        orders as permitted vehicles. And
     All of the above will of course be welcome              together and the quicker we can all get             if TfL fail to win at the Court of
     news for the trade and should help put more             back to work and resume our normal lives,           Appeal in June, I expect to see
     bums on seats. What is very disappointing               the better.                                         many more schemes go (as they
                                                                                                                 should) in our favour.         n LTDA

    www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                          @TheLTDA
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
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@TheLTDA                                                      www.ltda.co.uk
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper
Executive S.O | Lloyd Baldwin

                                 Beware of the Bilker
    “This man probably assumes that most cabbies will ultimately just take it on the
    chin and make sure he does not catch them out again.”
                                                                                                                 but he never answered the door
    On point                                                                                                     and ignored letters asking him
                                                                                                                 to contact the Police. Upon
                                                                                                                 hearing this, Ray called me and
                                                                                                                 asked that I inform members

                                                                                                                 to be careful and under no
               here cannot be too                                                                                circumstances pick the man up.
               many more sickening                                                                                  A couple of days later Ray
               feelings for a cabbie                                                                             was waiting for job in Marloes
               than when you realise                                                                             Road, when low and behold, who
    you are about to be or have been                                                                             comes down the street but his
    bilked. It is so frustrating that                                                                            bilker. Being the gentleman he
    someone would be so low as to                                                                                is, and taking the man’s age into
    purposefully lie and deceive you.                                                                            account, Ray approached him
    I have on many occasions been                                                                                calmly and asked for his £34. The
    very suspicious of members of                                                                                man just laughed and said, “I
    the public who have got in the                                                                               have got no money so go away”.
    cab and asked me to take them                                                                                Ray told him that the Police were
    to multiple locations. Nine times                                                                            onto him and he would come
    out of ten, the fare comes back                                                                              unstuck if he kept bilking cab
    when they say they will, and they                                                                            drivers. His answer was, “I am
    pay up ok, sometimes leaving                                                                                 an old man with lots of health
    me questioning myself and                                                                                    issues who lives on benefits, what
    wondering if maybe I should have                                                                             are they going to do to me?”
    a little bit more faith in people.                                                                           The thing is that he is probably
       The challenge is that we must                                                                             right. The Police have too much
8   place our trust in someone we        probably have thought the same      and told him they would come        on their plate and by the time
    have never met and in the present    and been less suspicious of him     out to him but couldn’t do so       they arrive to investigate he is
    climate being bilked is something    as a result too.                    immediately. The next morning       always long gone. Plus, this man
    we just cannot take (we cannot         He very politely asked to be      Ray received a call from the        probably assumes that most
    take it at the best of times).       taken to the Halifax Bank in        Police informing him that they      cabbies will ultimately just take
                                         Kensington High Street, where he    knew all about this bilker and      it on the chin and make sure he
                                         asked Ray to wait whilst he did     there were complaints about         does not catch them out again. It
                                         his banking. On his return to the   him spanning back over the          is down to anyone reading this to
                                         cab, he then asked to go up to      last nine years! They had made      pass this info on to other fellow
                                         Boots on Notting Hill Gate. Ray     several attempts to contact him     cabbies and spread the word,
                                         told me that when he got out,       including attending his block,      this way we can put a stop to it.
                                         he asked him if he would like a
                                         coffee or a sandwich – no doubt a
                                         ploy designed to make the cabbie     Camden PCN errors
                                         let their guard down. He then        Camden continue to issue PCNs
                                         asked to be returned to Cromwell     to members driving LEVC TXs on
                                         Road, where he said he needed        certain streets, despite signage
                                         to pick up his carer, who would      clearly stating that electric
                                         then escort him to Chelsea and       vehicles are permitted. The issue
                                         Westminster Hospital. This is        seems to be that Camden officers
                                         when he did a disappearing act,      don’t understand their own rules.
                                         leaving Ray with a huge £34 loss.    The traffic management orders
    Serial bilker                                                             clearly state that zero emission
    Generally, you end up being          Happened before                      capable taxis and electric
    turned over by the people you        It turns out, this whole routine     vehicles are exempt. But when
    least expect. The story below is     is a well-rehearsed, common          the cameras show a TX entering
    a perfect example. Long-time         occurrence. On realisation           the area, they either fail to recognise it as a ZEC taxi or assume the
    LTDA member Ray called me last       that he had been knocked, Ray        vehicles are not exempt because they are technically hybrids, not
    week to report a terrible bilk, by   parked up his cab and had a walk     fully electric.
    a man who has turned out to be a     down Collingham Gardens to           Most appeals to these PCNs are accepted, but we know of a few
    serial bilker from the Collingham    see if he could find him. As he      that have not been, for no apparent reason, and Camden are
    Gardens area. This man is in his     did this, another cabbie pulled      demanding payment. We have made several attempts to discuss
    mid-70s with a strong foreign        up and having seen Ray’s badge       this with Council, but they ignore our requests. We are also working
    accent and walks with the aid        around his neck, asked him if he     with LEVC to try to put an end to this. If any member gets one,
    of a stick. He walked from his       was looking for an old man with      please call us immediately. We will help with the appeal and worst-
    house out onto Cromwell Road         a walking stick. He told Ray how     case scenario guide you through the tribunal process. The rules for
    and waited by the Marriott Hotel.    the same man had done him a          driving in these streets are quite clear and we are equally clear that
    As Ray came down the Cromwell        couple of weeks previously. Ray      Camden are wrong in sending them in the first place, and so will do
    Road, he assumed he had walked       therefore called the Police to       everything we can to overturn them.                             n LTDA
    out from the hotel, I would          report it. They took his details

    www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                       @TheLTDA
RANK INCOMPETENCE LTDA calls on TFL to act on Uber's proposed 'pick up points' in Soho - Taxi Newspaper

          HE ALTH CHECK


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@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                                                                                                         www.ltda.co.uk
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     www.ltda.co.uk                                                                           @TheLTDA
Senior Rep | Sam Houston

                       Let’s Get Back to
“This last month has reminded me a bit of last summer, when there was a period
of a few weeks with the virus at very low levels, but things did not open up.”

M4 musings

                                                                                                                     important time for us will be the
            nd so, the grand                                                                                         London council elections in 2022,
            reopening shuffles                                                                                       and the campaign for those has
            imperceptibly onwards,                                                                                   already begun. There have been
            day by grindingly                                                                                        demonstrations and bitter social
frustrating day, our liberties are                                                                                   media battles for months now
restored, but only grudgingly it                                                                                     over traffic restrictions in various
seems. I drove down Oxford Street                                                                                    boroughs. It’s taken a while, but
one day recently and thought wow                                                                                     this stuff has really cut through.
this is as busy as I’ve seen it for                                                                                  People I talk to from all walks of
months. Then I realised that half                                                                                    life recognise the fundamentally
the people on the pavement were                                                                                      undemocratic and cynical
in a queue because they were                                                                                         way these policies have been
limiting the numbers going into                                                                                      implemented.
the shops…                                                                                                              We’ve all had to put up with a
   Hospitality venues can now                                                                                        lot during this unprecedented
finally serve customers inside and                                                                                   pandemic, and for the most
we are told we can hug friends                                                                                       part people have acquiesced
and relatives and have them in                                                                                       to extraordinary limits on our
our homes, amongst other things,                                                                                     freedom, because they recognised
but life is nowhere near normal.                                                                                     that it was a national emergency.
Reading through the media                                                                                            It’s not just the lockdowns, we
you can find plenty of people                                                                                        are now prepared to wait longer         11
advocating a faster release from      the virus at very low levels, but     that’s the cab trade. Nationwide         for things, accepting that almost
restrictions, but you’ll also see     things did not open up. Back then,    the election results were                every organisation has suffered
some scientists calling for social    you could understand it, as the       disappointing, embarrassing and a        disruption of one sort or another.
distancing to go on, well forever,    government was shell-shocked          threat to Keir Starmer’s position as     Contrast that with the lightning
essentially.                          and unsure of how to proceed.         leader. Usually, opposition parties      speed at which money has been
                                      Things are so different now. The      do better than incumbents in local       poured into traffic restrictions
Return to normal                      biggest single factor is the hugely   elections, and Labour activists will     and how quickly they have been
We have to get back to normal         successful vaccine programme,         be particularly disappointed to          thrown in and you might feel just a
sometime, and in my view that         but there’s also a massive pent-      have done so poorly against a party      little bit mugged off!
time is now. So many people have      up demand to get going again.         that’s now been in government for           If I were being super-cynical, I
been vaccinated in this country       Everyone wants to have a great        11 years.                                might think certain Tories see this
that it’s hard to believe there is    summer, to go on holiday, go             Interestingly, Sadiq’s margin         as a win-win. Firstly, they have
any danger the NHS can be under       shopping, see friends and family,     of victory was narrower than             to get serious about this stuff –
pressure again from Covid-19. This    and go out to eat and drink.          expected, and Shaun Bailey did           some of them probably believe in
doesn’t mean it will disappear, but     So, I’m proposing a new slogan,     quite well in the end; he will be left   it – but more importantly they’ve
it should mean that the number of     instead of the asinine “Build Back    wondering what might have been           made various commitments to
people getting seriously ill won’t    Better", I suggest “Let’s get back    if he had a more coherent policy         end the sale of diesel and petrol
ever be anything like as high as it   to normal".                           platform and better support from         cars and achieve net-zero, which
was last March or this January.                                             Conservative central office. Khan        they will now be held accountable
   So, for now, and hopefully for     Election results                      was more vulnerable than people          on. Plus, if they can get the mostly
good, the Covid-19 epidemic in        Labour have had a drubbing.           thought, and I think opposition to       Labour councils in urban areas to
the UK is largely over. This last     There’s no getting away from it,      some of his less popular policies        take the blame for the hemming
month, since the first restrictions   they should have done better. I       will grow.                               residents into their local areas
were lifted, has reminded me a        only know one cab driver who was         While this doesn’t change the         while their backs are turned, then
bit of last summer, when there        prepared to admit he voted for        fact that he will be our mayor for       maybe they can flip a few seats
was a period of a few weeks with      Sadiq Khan, but that’s London and     the next three years, the more           in 2022.                       n LTDA

 Cryptocurrency, worth a punt?                                              to have been in early have made fortunes. Desperate people might even
 Odds are, someone has asked you if you’ve heard of                         consider borrowing a few quid in the hopes of doubling it or more.
 cryptocurrencies recently. It’s happened to me several times, a              But that sort of volatility can cut both ways, and it doesn’t go on
 family member, another driver, and an old mate all contacted me            forever. In normal times anything above 5% per year is a very decent
 within a month to ask what I think. I told them all the same thing:        return on savings or investments, especially with interest rates so
 it’s a punt, don’t invest any money you can’t afford to lose!              low. History is littered with asset bubbles, from tulip bulbs to Sub-
    I haven’t invested anything because I don’t have any disposable         Prime mortgages; buyer beware, or "caveat emptor", as I believe
 income at the moment, for obvious reasons, but you can see why people      Del-Boy used to say.
 are tempted. The returns on Bitcoin were huge and those lucky enough       Good luck out there.

@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                  www.ltda.co.uk
Membership S.O | Kanize Cozens

                                 50 Years in the Trade
     Kanize Cozens from the LTDA memberships team talks to an LTDA member of 50 years
     about his time and experiences in the trade.

                                                                                                                  eighties and some of the older
     Membership matters                                                                                           members will remember this as
                                                                                                                  an LTDA venture.

                    here were you 50                                                                              Memorable runs
                    years ago? They                                                                               During his time in the cab, he
                    said the trade was                                                                            had some good runs including
                    dead, even then.                                                                              out to Southampton Docks,
     Mungo Jerry, T. Rex, Diana Ross,                                                                             Birmingham Exhibition Centre
     and Benny Hill topped the charts                                                                             W&R and some strange ones
     and Arsenal won the League.                                                                                  like Hampshire W&R to pick up
     Box office hits in 1971 were The                                                                             a bag of mangle wurzels (cattle
     Aristocrats, On the Buses and                                                                                feed) for a photo shoot. He
     Soldier Blue, the long-awaited                                                                               also encountered a fair number
     Frazier Vs Ali fight took place in                                                                           of inebriated passengers who
     New York and cab driver David                                                                                forgot where they lived, sleepers
     (Davie) Turner joined the LTDA.                                                                              and snorers for whom he had to
       Last month, after being                                                                                    apply the ‘foot on brake sharply
     with us for 50 years, David                                                                                  trick’, but as David said “that’s
     reluctantly decided it was time                                                                              all just part and parcel of being
     to retire. I rang to thank him                                                                               a cabby.”
     for his support and arranged
     to visit him to present him                                                                                  What will you miss most?
     with a small gift from the                                                                                   When I asked David what he
     LTDA, the famous crystal taxi,                                                                               would miss most after hanging
     in recognition of his loyalty                                                                                up his cab keys, he said he loved
12   and longevity. When I visited                                                                                the flexibility, camaraderie,
     his home, I was very warmly                                                                                  heritage, and sense of belonging
     greeted by his wife Anastasia                                                                                in the ‘trade’, plus the earning
     and over coffee and biscuits                                                                                 potential, particularly in the early
     David shared some of his                                                                                     days. He enjoyed never knowing
     stories as a licensed cab driver.                                                                            whose face would appear at the
                                                                              that was always entertaining.       window or what event he would
     Life in the cab                       “He enjoyed never
                                                                              David wrote the match reports       witness that day. Although, he
     David started his career as                                              for TAXI for a few years then       also remembers some bad times.
     a Marine Engineer. He had             knowing whose face                 handed over to Alf Townsend,        During his stint in the trade,
     extensive periods of leave in the     would appear at                    when he took over managing          he witnessed shocking events
     job, during which he needed                                              the football team.                  in London. He told me he was
     to stay occupied. Initially, he       the window or what                   Alf and many other drivers        “much too close for comfort” to
     thought cabbing would be a            event he would                     were already members of the         the IRA Baltic Exchange and the
     good short-term way to fill time      witness that day.”                 LTDA and advised David to sign      High Holborn Oasis explosion
     and earn some extra cash. Little                                         up. Throughout his time in the      and of course was around for
     did he know it would be the start                                        trade, he passed this sound         more recent atrocities and acts
     of a long, rewarding career.                                             advice on to other new drivers      of terrorism. Fortunately, these
       A friend was already doing the                                         as having sought help from the      were few and far between and
     Knowledge, so he and another                                             LTDA a number of times, he          were balanced with the many
     pal signed up. Encouraging           clutch, manual gears, heavy         found it very reassuring to have    much happier events and times
     each other, David, Jim, and          duty steering and having to         the LTDA in his corner, “as a       in our great city.
     Frank did their call-overs           reach across the windows to         welcome safety net”, whilst he        Then there are the passengers,
     together and 18 months later,        open them, gave drivers a full      was driving the cab.                David says the vast majority
     David had passed out and             work out for pretty much every                                          were “as good as gold”, and he
     rented his first cab from Darcars    muscle in the body. As David        Celebrity punters                   will miss the many interesting
     in West End Lane.                    said, “today’s drivers with LEVC    David had his fair share of         conversations he had over
       Eventually, he went on to          cabs have it easy, so easy, in      celebrity faces in his cab. Names   the years.
     buy a cab for just £400! He told     comparison!”                        that sprang to mind included          Sadly, Covid knocked it on
     me it “sounded like a tank”, so        His work pattern was a            Bobby Charlton, Dennis Law,         the head for David and a lot of
     using his engineering skills,        mixture of days and nights.         George Best, Gazza, Kojak,          other drivers. It was an absolute
     he purchased some insulating         Nights would often see him at       Peter O’Toole, Kenny Everitt,       pleasure to meet such a charming
     material from a hardware shop        the Pont Street Shelter, where he   Lauren Bacall, Victoria Wood        gentleman who is an absolute
     and managed to reduce the            met some great characters and       and Nigella Lawson. In the old      credit to this trade. I wish him
     noise. It all came out for the       the big cab faces of the time. He   days, he told me you would ask      and his lovely wife, a very healthy
     annual overhaul, but it went         also joined MOCATRA (Motor          them to sign a £1 note, which       and happy future ahead, I won’t
     straight back in afterwards.         Cab Trade Football Section)         would then be raffled off for       say in retirement, because they
       He also described how              and the chat there was a mix of     taxi childrens' charities. This     both come across as being far too
     physically demanding it was to       team affairs plus philosophical     was just when the note was          energetic to use that word. I wish
     drive the cab. Using the shift       discussions and general banter      being phased out in the mid-        them all the best.            n LTDA

     www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                        @TheLTDA
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     www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                                            @TheLTDA
Columnist | Wim Faber

                              Who Clogs Up
                              Our City Centres?
“In Brussels we have a special taxi department, which looks after licensing and training and
safeguards the interests of the taxi trade. As soon as there are redevelopment plans, this
office gets involved and the trade’s views are taken into account…” – Ed: “Hmm, London could do
with one of them…”

                                                                                                                             built – many of them of the pop-up
International                                                                                                                variety. Before corona, Brussels
correspondent                                                                                                                had hardly any decent and safe
                                                                                                                             cycling spaces.

                                                                                                                                The clear goal in this car-
          re ‘Streetscape’                                                                                                   dominated city is to redevelop
          and ‘Bishopsgate’                                                                                                  space in favour of cycles and
          becoming the bywords                                                                                               pedestrians. But Brussels Mobility
          for limiting the                                                                                                   underlines that the local taxi trade
traditional taxi trade’s service                                                                                             is not suffering, even if the different
to passengers? And in doing so,                                                                                              road users are increasingly going
excluding all public transport                                                                                               head-to-head: “In Brussels taxi
providers? Corona saw cycle                                                                                                  drivers are not treated the same
lanes and pedestrianised areas                                                                                               way as other car drivers,” says a
mushroom – and not just in               Some Berlin bus lanes were widened, so that buses could                             spokeswoman for Brussels Mobility.
London…                                  safely overtake cyclists. Photo Axel Rühle.                                         “We have a special taxi department,
                                                                                                                             which looks after licensing and
On yer bike – or not?                   Apparently, these feet can be              cyclists have reserved a special          training and safeguards the interests
If the appeal by TfL is successful,     recharged everywhere.                      vocabulary of colourful expletives        of the taxi trade. As soon as there are
the terms ‘Streetscape’ and                                                        for taxi drivers. Fortunately, local      redevelopment plans, this office gets
‘Bishopsgate’ may well become           A quick look abroad                        cab drivers can use an extensive          involved and the trade’s views are
‘shorthand’ for referencing plans       Cycling and walking are to stay.           network of tram and bus lanes.            taken into account.”
in many cities to curb car (and         Promoted as healthy mobility
taxi) road space in favour of cycle     options (true) and facilitated             ‘Cycling safer than                       Which cars stifle                         15
lanes and pedestrianised areas.         by new dedicated cycling and               taking bus or tram’                       city centres?
Since the start of the corona           walking areas. That’s fine, as             In 2016, the Greens came to power         Stark rises in the numbers of
pandemic, when nobody was               long as these measures include             in Berlin and took the reins of the       PHV’s circling around in city
really looking, these and other         input by stakeholders like public          traffic department, starting a green      centres exacerbate the mobility
ill-advised street schemes have         transport and the taxi trade.              wave aimed at diminishing car             (car) problem. Are licensed PHV’s
‘popped up’ at an alarming rate.        Let’s have a quick look abroad.            use. Yet, the taxi trade didn’t suffer    to be treated the same way as
Despite the term ‘pop up’ and the       Together with Copenhagen,                  too much, says journalist Axel            licensed taxis when it comes to
air of being temporary, many of         Amsterdam is the leading city              Rühle, who is also a taxi driver.         access? The reason I’m mentioning
these road ‘improvements’ are           when it comes to bike ownership            Taxis can still use 90 to 95% of          PHV’s in relation to bicycle and
here to stay. In my quick (virtual)     and riders. The 800,000 locals             all bus lanes. The various traffic        pedestrian areas, is the increasing
look around Amsterdam, Berlin           own 881,000 bicycles – four                measures have only slowed the             pressure of traffic in city centres.
and Brussels, I learned that this       times as many as cars, and in              taxis slightly: “Suddenly, at the start   A recent international scientific
is becoming a truly international       the Danish capital, the 520,000            of the Covid-19 crisis, lots of pop-      study carried out by universities
approach. A week ago, the Brussels      locals own 675,000 bikes – five            up bike lanes were created. Biking        in the USA, Singapore and Japan
mobility people launched ‘Feet©’        times as many cycles as cars. In           for a reasonable distance was seen        proved (again) that ridehailing
as preferred mode of transport.         both cities, most of the cycling           as safer than taking bus, tram or         does not reduce car traffic in cities
                                        infrastructure hasn’t happened             metro.” But the legal people saw          (as its backers often claim) but
                                        overnight. It was extensive, well-         some of these ‘pop-ups’ as illegal        increases road congestion by 1%
                                        planned and well-built years ago,          and wanted them gone. The traffic         and the duration of traffic jams
                                        keeping pace with mounting                 people promptly appealed and              by 8.9% The research group also
                                        traffic numbers.                           the impromptu lanes are still             found an 8.9% decrease in public
                                                                                   there. “Some bus lanes were even          transport use linked to TNC’s
                                        Special, colourful                         widened, so that buses could safely       and an “insignificant decrease of
                                        expletives                                 overtake cyclists,” says Rühle. He        only one percent in private vehicle
                                        In numbers, Amsterdam cyclists             adds that ‘corona’ was a welcome          ownership.” Based on US data
                                        vastly outnumber local cabs                opportunity for the Greens to             the researchers found that “the
                                        and (even) Uber & Co. And                  boost their new traffic future.           substantial deadheading miles
                                        the defensively aggressive way                                                       (miles traveled without a passenger)
                                        Amsterdam cyclists ride around             'Build more bike lanes                    by TNCs (Transport Network
                                        in their city, means that there’s          and the cyclists will                     Companies) could contribute to
                                        definitely no love lost between            come'                                     the TNC’s negative impact on road
                                        cab drivers and cyclists.                  The Brussels recipe for change            congestion. According to some other
                                          Years ago, when I published a            is quite simple, as Elke Van              studies, approximately 40.8% of
                                        local taxi mag in the Dutch capital,       den Brandt, Brussels Region’s             TNC miles are deadheading miles.”
                                        cab drivers would often regale             minister for mobility, recently told         Now make the link between
                                        me with hair-raising stories about         a German cycling conference:              creating space for bikes and
                                        aggressive cyclist behaviours, near-       “Build more bike lanes and the            pedestrians and the stifling
On your feet, recommends the Brussels
Region. Photo Brussels Mobility.
                                        misses and accidents in the city’s         cyclists will come.” Since the start      pressure of…. cars in the city centre.
                                        many narrow streets. Many local            of corona 40 km of bike lanes were        Which cars?                     n TAXI

@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                          www.ltda.co.uk
Suburban Rep | Steve Howard

                               News From the Suburbs
     Steve Howard provides updates from each of the LTDA’s suburban sectors to keep drivers in the know.
                                            SECTOR       REPRESENTATIVE               many tragic stories to be told and      Throughout the last year, in
                                               1         Frank Okolie                 everyone1 has been affected in some   the face of all these challenges,
                                               2         Andy Kavanagh                way.
                                                                                            To each and every one of you,   LTDA reps have been working
                                               3         Vic Moore/ Tony Ellis        I extend my sincerest sympathies.     hard to support our members
                                               4         Tony Manzi                       Many of us have struggled to      and address issues impacting
                                               5         Ronnie Ward                  make ends meet and other have         both individual drivers and their
                                               6         Kieran Brady                 had to leave the trade altogether.    sectors. A lot has happened, so
                                               7/6       Steve Howard
                                                                 3                    I bought a new cab in September       below I have provided key updates
                                               8         Gary Scannell                and I count my blessings that my      from each of the suburban sectors
                                               9         Kevin Annand                 wife carried on working and kept      to make sure drivers have all the
                                                                                      (and is keeping)
                                                                                                5      our household        information they need to get back
                                            for over 29 years, I can safely say       afloat. Covid has touched my          on their feet and recover.

                                            that it has never been as bad as          family, but we have got through it      As we look to the future, I
              fter a year of                over the last 18 months. Work             thank God. Now vaccinations are       hope we can move forward
              unprecedented                 has been at an all-time low, we’ve        turning the tables in our favour      as a united trade and get
              problems, it seems that       lost a huge number of cabs from           and things are looking up. Dare        back to where we were before
              life is slowly coming         the fleet and drivers have moved          we hope for an increase in trade      the pandemic. Stay safe and
     back. Having worked in the trade       on to other jobs. There are so            over the next few months?             keep well.

                                                                                      you only stay for a short time.       Corporation of London’s new site
                            Sector 2                                                    The Westfield rank in               for their famous markets (meat,
                                                                                      Montfichet Road will now be           fish and vegetable).
                            Representative: Andy Kavanagh                             moved to the bus lane at the start
                                                                                      of the crossing to accommodate        Redbridge
     Newham                                                                           works vehicles Sunday to              Redbridge removed their LTN

          ector 2 has fared better          Forest, Redbridge, Barking and            Thursday at night, whilst a new       schemes after many protests,
          than others in terms              Dagenham and Tower Hamlets)               electronic hoarding is put up.        proving that people power can
16        of the implementation             to try to get a consensus in terms          Also in the Westfield area, a new   work. They are also bringing
     of atrocious low traffic               of approach to taxi access across         rank is in place at Celebration       in a few School Street schemes
     neighbourhood schemes,                 east London.                              Avenue and plans are in hand to       for which they have agreed to
     with only London Borough of              They seem to have been                  install a rank at the Velodrome,      recognise taxis as approved
     Newham (at the time of writing)        emboldened by the Court of                Abercrombie Way.                      vehicles, but for access only, so be
     forging ahead with their plans.        Appeal’s decision to allow TfL to           Some time ago, we asked for a       careful!
     The plans for these schemes            appeal the High Court’s ruling            rank at the joint Crossrail/DLR         Redbridge have also recently
     can be viewed on the council’s         in our favour, which found                Custom House station and will         consulted on EV charging
     website and are still open to          the Streetspace Plan and A10              be chasing this up now the new        points and we have responded
     objections, I urge you all to object   Bishopsgate Corridor scheme to            bus station works are almost          emphasising that only rapid
     to plans to exclude taxis ASAP.        be unlawful. Once the appeal is           complete.                             charge points are suitable for
                                            heard in June, and if it goes our           We also prepared a briefing         taxi use.
       We have also made strong             way, we’ll have a much stronger           note for the Joint Ranks                Crossrail ranks are also now in
     representations asking Newham          hand to play and believe they may         Committee ahead of the GLA HQ         place at:
     to allow taxis access to the           be more willing to listen.                move to the Crystal building at       n Seven Kings – Cameron Road
     camera-controlled streets using          The ranks at the Crossrail              the Royal Victoria Dock and the       and Seven Kings Road
     the Bishopsgate decision to            stations in Newham have now               new Beckton Park development          n Goodmayes – Goodmayes Road.
     support our argument. We               been appointed and marked                 at Royal Albert Dock.
     spoke with officers there to           out, although they still await TfL                                              Havering
     discuss our concerns. They have        plates. These are:                        Barking and Dagenham                  We had a video call just before
     since informed us that they do         n Maryland – Leytonstone Road             The Barking Riverside area is         Christmas with Havering’s
     not currently plan to amend            n Forest Gate – Woodgrange Road           being developed including             Councillor Dervish, the Cabinet
     the schemes, however they              n Manor Park – Manor Park Road            a new rail extension from             Member for Environment to
     are planning to meet with the          Please start using them and               Barking, which will include a         establish a political contact in the
     neighbouring boroughs (Waltham         establish a taxi presence even if         taxi rank. Also in this area is the   Borough. Cllr Dervish previously

                Sector 4                                                                           Sector 5
                Representative: Vic Moore/ Tony Ellis                                              Representative: Ronnie Ward
     Orpington station                      perpetrators and shortly after            East Croydon                          5am during the works. We are

     I                                                                                D
         n the last few weeks, the rank     this, we found nails scattered on                 emolition of the post         hoping that the railway car park
         has been being abused by local     the rank. Our rep used his local                  office has begun, with        where the bikes go will be empty,
         PHV drivers, our rep has been      contacts within BTP and railway                   work on the scaffolding       allowing us to use the car park
     down to the rank several times to      staff to view the CCTV, but they          starting at the beginning of June     as a temporary rank. All being
     try to address this, unfortunately     could not find any footage of the         and due run for about thirteen        well, there will be traffic lights so
     their efforts met with the usual       act, so we are now keeping an             weeks. East Croydon rank will         we can come in and back out of
     illogical response from the            extra close eye on the rank.              be closed between 10pm and            Billington Hill. There should also

     www.ltda.co.uk                                                                                                                                   @TheLTDA
Sector 6                                                                                                          Sector 7
                 Representative: Kieran Brady                                                                                      Representative:
                                                                                                                                   Steve Howard

                                                                                 fed from a line outside gate 5 to

               e have now been                                                   the usual point, all these points
               given an operational                                              will be marshalled and controlled           have received several calls
               outline for this year’s                                           in numbers by traffic control               from drivers about the Hill
               tournament, there                                                 operatives with support from                Street rank. Firstly, the rank
will be several major changes that                                               compliance officers.                        is still available, but as it has
will impact taxis.                                                                 The major change is that there        always been, it’s still a night rank
  Firstly, the ranks will work                                                   will be 'no cab share' at this time,    only from 7pm to 7am and at other
around the road closures,                                                        so it will be 'first cab, first job'.   times it is a loading bay.
Church Road will be closed               operate as per usual, except when         At this time, we have been
from gate 5 main gate to gate            setting down at the event cabs          told that there will only be            Kingston
4, with exception of emergency           will enter via gate 8, set down as      25% attendance allowed at the           Soon Thames Street will be made
vehicles and cycles, but ranking         directed and then leave on an           Tournament, but of course with          into a pedestrian
has been arranged to ensure we           internal track road in the park         ever changing Covid rules this          area, making over
can operate around this block.           along to gate 10 Wimbledon Park may change. It is important to                  ranking no longer
Traffic will be directed by both         and return via Albert Drive as per remember that there will be                  possible. We also
taxi marshals and traffic control        usual.                                  other road closures that may            understand that this
operatives.                                AM Wimbledon station will             make it awkward to operate as we        area will be under
  AM Southfields rank will               operate as usual, except the only       usually do but try your best and        camera control.
                                         set down point at the event will        remember there will be no other           It seems we were
                                         be in Marryatt Road.                    traffic in Church Road.                 unfortunately “sold a pup” by the
worked with Andrew Rosindell               PM Rank in Somerset Road                We are also happy to see the          council regarding the Kingston
MP, who is known to be pro taxis         (at gate 13) will operate as usual, but Centre Court rank back in use –         station rank. We were told there
and a keen supporter of the trade.       entry will only be by Newstead Way. someone in Merton Council has               was no space available outside the
We discussed the importance                PM Church Road, this is where         clearly seen sense.                     station, on the station side, but
of taxi access to any new School         the major change comes in. There          Should there be any more              there is now clearly space for two
Street schemes, the need for rapid       will be a dog leg rank in two parts, changes between now and                    cabs outside the rather unused
charging EV points, illegal parking      the point of the rank will be in the then, we will do our best to               and expensive bike shed for 150
on taxi ranks in Gidea Park and          park opposite gate 4, this will be      keep you updated.                       bikes. It is unclear why they are
Harold Wood and the need for                                                                                             saving this space, perhaps one          17
greater enforcement by the                                                                                               day it will be used or turned into
Borough and other matters.                                                                                               another office block?
                                                            Sector 9                                                       We have received information
                                                                                                                         that a new rank outside the
                                                            Representative: Kevin Annand                                 Brasseria in the Chiswick High
 Upcoming events                                                                                                         Road, will be provided around
 There are several large events                                                                                          September 2021.
 planned to take place in the
 sector over the coming months,
 as listed below. Please look
 out for more information and                                                                                             Wembley
 support them where you can,
 as they are set up to give taxis                                                                                         Fixture Dates:
 priority access and should be a                                                                                          n FA Cup Final Sat 15th May
 great source of work.                                                                                                    n Non League Finals Sat 22nd
 n All Points East Festival,                                                                                              n EFL Championship Play-Off
 Victoria Park- 20/21, 27-31                                                                                              Final Sat 29th May
 August                                                                                                                   n League One Play-Off Final

 n Tobacco Dock- 28-29 August                                                                                             Sun 30th May
 n We Are FSTVL – Central                           arrow Council have finally seen sense and agreed to remove            n League Two Play-Off Final
 Park Dagenham, 11-12                               experimental cycle lanes and low traffic neighbourhood                Mon 31st May
 September                                          schemes which were causing havoc all over the Borough.
                                                    Thank you to all sector nine drivers for their help in getting        Euros 2021 Fixtures:
                                         these schemes overturned. Taxis are also now allowed to use the bus
                                         gate lane in both directions at Christchurch Avenue in Wealdstone.               n Sun 13th June @1400
                                           Wealdstone Town Centre is currently being revamped and new bus                 n Fri 18th June @ 2000
                                         and taxi lanes are due to be introduced as part of this.                         n Tues 22nd June @ 2000
                                                                                                                          n Sat 26th June @ 2000
                                         Brent                                                                            n 29th June @ 1700
                                         The new taxi rank at Queen's Park station seems to be popular with               n Tues 6th July @ 2000
                                         our drivers. Brent Council have removed the Kilburn station taxi                 n Wed 7th July @ 2000
                                         rank without consulting us or TfL and we are working to hopefully                n Sun 11th July @ 2000
                                         get it reinstated soon.
be two members of railway staff            We have just agreed a new taxi rank for the Wembley Arena in
pointing people down towards             Engineers Way on arena days and will let you know as soon as it's                 After two years and many
the temporary rank. We will put          open. The Wembley event day taxi rank should also be busy in the                meetings Wembley Park taxi
a notice on the notice board as          next couple of months with Euro football games due to take place on             feeder park rank monitor is now
soon as we have the final details.       the following dates:                                                            renewed and working. n LTDA

@TheLTDA                                                                                                                                       www.ltda.co.uk
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