Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail

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Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
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                                Mid Kent

Hit the trail
Have a great family day out
with Elmer the elephant
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Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
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2 Mid Kent Living
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
Editor’s Letter

                           I t really is good to be back. The last
                             edition of Mid Kent Living was
                           published in spring 2020 when the
                                                                           Don’t miss our encounter with the first female Lord Lieutenant of
                                                                          Kent, Lady Bella Colgrain, pictured, whose largely ceremonial role
                                                                          has had a significant role to play in the pandemic.
                           country held its breath and faced an             Enjoy yourselves.
                           uncertain world that might never be quite        All the best,
                           the same again.
                              Now as the threat of COVID-19
                           recedes, albeit with Governmental
                           interruptions to the easing of restrictions,
                                                                          Simon Finlay, Editor
                           we have now got the chance to re-explore
                           Kent once more in a way that was simply
                           ‘normal’ a couple of years ago.
                              We see those freedoms today as
luxuries, perhaps taken for granted, but also appreciate that they are
precious and fragile, too.
  This edition of Mid Kent Living is brim-full of ideas for life
after lockdown.
  Editor’s Choice is full of events in the next few months while
Good Food aims to guide you towards some of the best places to
eat and drink while, hopefully, Jade Schopman’s contributions to
Homes and Gardens will inspire you to make some changes
around the garden.
  Writer Chris Lawson examines the growing trend for ‘staycations’
this summer and took a meander around the inspirational new
gardens now blooming at Leeds Castle.

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                                                                                                                                Mid Kent Living 3
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail


                                          16          18

Inside this issue…
Interview                                          Leisure & Tourism
6-7		 Personality Profile                          18-19		 Tourist Profile Summer 'glamping' guide
		    The county’s first female Lord Lieutenant,
                                                   22-23		 A Great Day Out Maidstone
		 Lady Bella Colgrain
                                                   24-27		 Good Food Taste of Kent awards

Editor’s Choice                                    29 		 Theatre Outdoor performances
                                                   30 		 Gardens to Visit Leeds Castle
9-16		 A selection of hand-picked events
		     A comprehensive guide to hand-picked

		 events and great days out this summer

                                                   33 		 Mind, Body and Soul
                                                   36-43		 Senior Living
                                                   44-55		 Property, Homes and Gardens
                                                   56-59		 Sales & Services
                                                   60-61		 Motoring

4 Mid Kent Living
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
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Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Malling, Ashford and                                •      Discounts for over 60s, and EX Service personnel
Sittingbourne. It is available at selected pick-up points
                                                                                   •      Family run business
throughout the area including major supermarkets.
Subscription copies are posted (£8 annually).
                                                                                  Call for our friendly advice,
The Team
                                                                                  free survey and quote
Mid Kent Living is published by Mail Publications Ltd
(which also publishes the Downs Mail newspaper),
Forge House, Bearsted Green Business Park, Bearsted,                              01622
Maidstone, ME14 4DT.

T: 01622 630330
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www.downsmail.co.uk                                                                 Showroom open 7 days. Unit 11, Newnham Court
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Chairman: Claire Procter
Editor: Simon Finlay
                                                                                    Terms and conditions apply, visit our website
                                                                                   for more details.
Advertising Sales: Tel 01622 630330

                                                                                                                                                                 Mid Kent Living 5
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
Personality Profile

What a strange year!
Lady Annabel Colgrain of Ide Hill is the first woman to be chosen for the role of Lord Lieutenant of
Kent and here she reflects on her first year…

                                             T     he world was about to, quite literally,
                                                   change forever just as Lady Annabel
                                             ‘Bella’ Colgrain took on the role of the
                                                                                                    But there was also “sadness and joy” in 2020.
                                                                                                    She adds: “My mother died at the end of July
                                                                                                 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s Disease but
                                             Queen’s representative in Kent in 2020.             we were also blessed with the birth of our first
                                                She became the first female Lord Lieutenant      grandchild three days into the initial lockdown.
                                             of the county, a largely ceremonial office but         “Sadly, we were unable to see him for nearly
                                             which gathers together many strands of public       four months but we made up for lost time as our
                                             life and offers the reassurance of stability in     son then moved down here from London with
                                             troubled times.                                     his family and we were able to be in a childcare
                                                Surely there was never a more important          bubble with them."
                                             time for the Lieutenancy.                              Born in Knightsbridge, west London, 65
                                                But with Bella’s engagement diary empty and      years ago, there were family connections to
                                             unable to go into the office, she reconnected to    Leeds Castle as her parents were “great friends”
                                             the ever-changing moods of her garden on the        with owner Lady Olive Baillie.
                                             family farm near Sevenoaks.                            Consequently, that friendship meant
                                                She, like so many others, started to grow        summer holidays were spent playing in its
                                             vegetables and bake her own bread – all the         grounds with Lady Baillie’s grandchildren.
                                             while thanking her lucky stars she was not             Bella remembers: “I was incredibly privileged
                                             cooped up alone in a city or facing the trials of   to spend most of my early childhood holidays at
                                             home-schooling.                                     Leeds Castle, roaming the grounds with Lady
Bella with her Lord Lieutenant’s badge          “What a strange year,” she reflects              Baillie’s grandchildren.
                                             thoughtfully, “I’ve missed people but it has           “I couldn’t wait to escape the confines of
“Kent means so much to me                    probably not been as difficult for me. We’re        London and I can still remember the excitement
                                             lucky enough to live on our family farm and         of driving down and seeing the windmill which
 and is always in my heart…”                 being locked down in the Kent countryside was       meant that we were nearly there.
                                             therefore no hardship.”                                “When I was eight, my parents bought a
                                                                                                 holiday home in the South of France and we
                                                                                                 therefore exchanged Leeds Castle for olive
                                                                                                 groves of Provence with the air scented with
                                                                                                 lavender and jasmine. Not a bad exchange!”
                                                                                                    The young Bella studied politics at Bristol
                                                                                                 University before moving into publishing.
                                                                                                 Marriage to Alastair, a hereditary peer, farmer
                                                                                                 and businessman brought two sons, now aged
                                                                                                 37 and 34. She has spent many years giving
                                                                                                 her time and energies to Citizens Advice after
                                                                                                 having the boys and when working was no
                                                                                                 longer practicable.
                                                                                                    So, how on earth does one carry out the duties
                                                                                                 of the Lieutenancy in a pandemic?
                                                                                                    She recalls: “All the events in my diary for
                                                                                                 when I took over were obviously cancelled and
                                                                                                 I had to get to grips very quickly with things
                                                                                                 like recording interviews and making videos of
                                                                                                 myself giving speeches and so on.
                                                                                                    “Not being the most technically skilled, this
                                                                                                 was challenging – often involving balancing my
                                                                                                 phone on top of cushions on top of a stepladder.”
                                                                                                    The role involves much which is unseen,
                                                                                                 such as involvement in the honours system and
                                                                                                 the Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service and
                                                                                                 Enterprise. She admits being “heartily sick” of
Bella in the sprawling grounds of her home                                                       virtual meetings now.

6 Mid Kent Living
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
                                                                                                                                    Personality Profile

Lady Bella Colgrain is the first female Lord Lieutenant in Kent's history

  The main role of the Lieutenancy during          Medway town, white cliff and pilgrim way’.”           As Lord Lieutenant, she can call on 70
COVID-19 was to “offer support and                   Bella likes to shop locally, especially           deputies as her “eyes and ears” across the
encouragement and most of all thanks” to the       patronising the independent dry cleaners,           county. “Next year, will be the Queen’s
NHS, care homes, schools, community shops          hardware shop and florists in Sevenoaks.            Platinum Jubilee and we will be doing our
and hubs, the blue light services and also the       “Can I mention Lorimer’s the stationers and       utmost to mark this occasion especially
military, not least the Kent regiments who         toy shop?”                                          through the Queen’s Green Canopy project
played a vital role in testing and vaccinations.     She adds: “We also have a thriving                that was launched in May.
  What does she love about the county?             community shop in our local village of Ide Hill     “The aim of the project is to thank Her Majesty
  Bella confides: “Kent is the Garden of           which was a godsend in lockdown.”                   for her exceptional service and I hope that
England but it is a land of contrasts as the         Bella worries that the “relative wealth”          communities, charities, schools, youth groups,
Dean of Canterbury, Dr Robert Willis, has          of Kent masks the “large pockets of                 councils and landowners will be planting trees
so movingly described in his Prayer for Kent,      deprivation” which limit the life chances of        across the county to create a lasting legacy in
as ‘marsh, down and weald, dockyard and            the young, in particular.                           honour of the Queen.”

 Lady Annabel Colgrain succeeded Viscount De L’Isle
 CVO MBE on April 22 2020. She said of the departing Lord
 Lieutenant: “I take over from a man who has led the
 Lieutenancy with great distinction and energy for
 the past nine years. On behalf of the people of Kent
 and Medway, I express our gratitude for all that
 Viscount De Lisle has done for our county during
 that time. Under his leadership, members of the
 Lieutenancy carry out a lot of good work, much of it
 away from the spotlight, to benefit the county in so
 many different ways. Kent means so much to me and
 is always in my heart.”

                                                                                               Former Lord Lieutenant Viscount De L’Isle with Her Majesty, the Queen

                                                                                                                                             Mid Kent Living 7
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
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8 Mid Kent Living
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
All events may be subject to change as due to the current government COVID guidelines.                       Hand-picked events from the editor
Please check for the latest information before you visit.

EDITOR’S                                                                                                                           Wheelchair access

                                                                                                                                   Family event

                                                                                                                                   Music event
                                                                                   Hand-picked                                     Dog friendly
                                                                                   events and great
                                                                                   days out around                                 Theatre
                                                                                   the county...

  July                                  July 18                                                                       July 22 – 25
                                        Goldilocks & The 3                                                            Chicken Stock
Every weekend                           Bears: The Musical                                                            Festival
                                        The Woodstock, Sittingbourne                                                  Pett Farm, Stockbury
until August 2
Ramsgate Walk and
Tours                                                                                                                 Chicken Stock is a friendly bou-
The Lookout Café, Ramsgate
                                        Join Goldilocks and the three            July 21 – August 30                  tique folk, roots and acoustic festi-
                                        bears for this fun-filled, porridge-
Tours run every Monday, Friday,
                                        packed, all-singing, all-dancing
                                                                                 Six weeks of Summer                  val. The campsite opens 12pm on
Saturday and Sunday at 12pm
                                        musical. Just under an hour long,        Holiday fun                          Thursday and the bar will be open
and 3pm. Tickets cost £12 per                                                    Riverhill Himalayan Gardens,         from 6pm with live music, Morris
                                        this one-act outdoor open-air
person. The tour will lead visitors                                              Sevenoaks                            dancing and sing-a-rounds.
                                        musical is the perfect show for
through periods of history at a                                                                                       All tickets purchased for 2020
                                        the whole family, suitable for all
gentle pace to the Ramsgate                                                                                           will be transferable to 2021. To
                                        ages. Bring along your own picnic
of today. For further enquires                                                   Every week of the summer             book go to www.chickenstock-
                                        blankets, camping chairs, bean
contact Sandra on 07525443100.                                                   holidays a different activity will   festival.co.uk/tickets goes free.
                                        bags, or whatever you would like
                                        to sit on, take your place on the        be available to help keep children
Until August 21                         grass and enjoy the show.                entertained.                         July 22 – August 31
Elmer's Big Heart of                    Adult tickets cost £11.50 and            All these events are free, with      Summer Fun at the
                                        child ticket costs £8.50. The            the normal entry fee. The
Kent Parade                             show will run at 1pm, 3pm                sessions will run from 10am
Maidstone Town Centre                                                                                                 Hop Farm, Paddock Wood
                                        and 5pm.                                 to 4pm.

A spectacular free public art                                                                                         Come and join Hopper the Rabbit
installation will be in Maidstone                                                                                     for summer holiday fun, activities
this summer. A herd of fabulously                                                                                     and more for all the family. The park
colourful and unique elephants                                                                                        is open every day from 10am to
will take you on a free walking                                                                                       4.30pm and there will be some spe-
trail. There are 51 elephants, all                                                                                    cial treats in store for the holidays.
beautifully designed and created                                                                                      Adult and child entry tickets
by nationally and internationally                                                                                     cost £3 each.
renowned artists on behalf of the
Heart of Kent Hospice.
See pages 22 & 23 for full details.

July 16-18
Lullingstone Quilt &
Craft Festival
Lullingstone Castle, Dartford

                                                                                                                      July 24
                                                                                                                      Sausage & Cider Fest
                                                                                                                      Kent Event Centre, Detling
                                           July 18
                                           Whitstable Broughton Classic Motor Show
                                           Faversham Show Ground, Boughton-under-Blean                                The UK’s biggest food, drink
                                                                                                                      and music festival is coming to
                                                                                                                      Kent for the first time ever. Enjoy
A wonderful celebration of                                                                                            a spectacular day of festival fun
craftsmanship from across Kent,            A great family day out with hundreds of classic vehicles from              with live music, games, competi-
Sussex and Surrey.                         1920s. From Rolls Royces to Porsches, American classics,                   tions, and lots more to kick start
The event will run from                    family favourites, Fords, MGs, VWs and more.                               the summer. Tickets cost £40.
10.30am to 4.30pm. Admission               The event will run from 10am to 4pm. Admission is £5.                      The event will run from 12pm
tickets are £12.50 for adults              Under 16s go free.                                                         to 11pm. To book go to www.
and children under 16 go free.                                                                                        sausageandciderfest.co.uk/kent

                                                                                                                                        Mid Kent Living 9
Have a great family day out with Elmer the elephant - Hit the trail - Mid Kent - Downs Mail
Hand-picked events from the editor

July 24 & 25
KMS Motorshow
Quex Park, Birchington

This is an annual motor show for
all the car enthusiasts in Kent. The
show provides motoring fun for
all the family with action-packed
arena displays, family camping,
live music, static vehicle displays         August 7 & 8
and much more.
Tickets cost £10. Gates open
                                            Combined Ops Military & Air Show
                                            Headcorn Aerodrome, Headcorn
from 10am to 4pm on both days.
                                            This unique event has a variety of vintage and modern aircraft displays, on the
                                            ground and in the air. A family event which includes static military vehicles, living
July 24, August 21 &                        history re-enactment groups, arena events, military stalls, children’s entertainment,
September 11                                and food stalls to make this a perfect day out. Tickets cost from £12 per adult and
Sevenoaks Artisan                           from £7 for children. Gates open from 10am to 5pm on both days. To book go to
Crafts, Curios and                          www.headcornevents.co.uk/Events/Combined+Ops

Gift Markets
Sevenoaks Stag Plaza, Sevenoaks
                                                                              atmosphere with lots of shops,
FREE                                   July 24 – August 15                    restaurants, and vibrant cafes.
                                                                                                                       August 8
The event offers unusual and
                                       Sculpture in                           Over the past 55 years, the festival     Summer Vintage Fair
                                        the Garden                            has become a magnet for people           Chiddingstone Castle, Edenbridge
unique products from local mak-
                                       Godinton House & Gardens, Ashford      who love authentic music and the         The festival offers an extensive
ers and traders across Kent.
                                       Local artists will display their       opportunity to meet up with an ex-       array of French and English
Come and have look round.
                                       work within the 13 acre gardens        tended family of every generation.       homewares, textiles, china, rustic
Open 10am to 3pm.
                                       from 1pm to 6pm. Visitors can          The event will feature craft fairs and   furnishings, fashion, jewellery,
                                       enjoy a stroll, enjoy the eclectic     free street performances.                accessories, pre-loved items
                                       mix of work from the traditional       Tickets start from £12. Go to            and gardenalia. Back for its sixth
                                       figurative art and abstracts in        www.broadstairsfolkweek.org.             year, the grounds will open from
                                       stone, through to bronze, glass,       uk to book.                              11am to 4.30pm. With delicious
                                       steel and willow. All pieces can                                                refreshments from local food
                                                                                                                       specialists, visitors can picnic
                                       be purchased and collected at the      August 7
                                       end of the show.                                                                in the grounds and stay all day.
                                                                              Proms at Eridge Park                     Tickets are £6 for adults and
                                       The event is included in the           Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells
                                       price of admission.                                                             £2 for children. To book go to
                                                                              The event will commence with an          www.chiddingstonecastle.org.
                                                                              8,000ft freefall parachute display       uk/whats-on
                                         August                               followed by a spitfire display to
                                                                              well-known British war themes.
                                                                              The show will run from 4.30pm
                                       August 6 – 8                           to 9.30pm.
                                                                              Tickets cost £35 for adults and
                                       Margate Soul                           £17.50 for children. Children
                                       Festival 2021                          under five go free with a paying
                                       Olby’s Soul Café, King Street          adult. Tickets are available to
                                                                              purchase from www.belevents.
                                                                              co.uk                                    August 8 & September 5
                                       Margate Soul Festival offers a
                                                                                                                       Tudor Legacies
 July 24 & 25                          unique combination of ticketed         August 7                                 Penshurst Place and Gardens,
                                       large-scale live shows, at different
 Festival of Bees                      venues in the town. Enjoy free
                                                                              Priory Live Music                        Tonbridge
 Kent Showground, Detling              to access family friendly street       Festival
                                       performances from 12pm to 6pm          Priory Gardens, Orpington
                                       on Saturday and Sunday for the         The music festival features original     See and chat to the fabulous la-
 The event will become an an-          local community. The festival          bands and artists, headlined by          dies of Tudor times. They will be
 nual occasion that showcases          starts at 2pm.                         Toploader and featuring Secret           wandering through the gardens
 the best traders and lectures         For full programme details             Affair, Spizzenergi, Wake Up Leo,        throughout the day, dressed as
 in everything beekeeping.             of performances visit www.             Katie Kittermaster, Con Barclay          the extraordinary women who
 With talks from various people        margatesoulfestival.co.uk              and the Paul Dunton Orchestra. A         were married to King Henry VIII.
 in the industry, activity work-                                              creative market will also be avail-      You are invited to chat to them
 shops, live music, and fun and                                               able for designers and artists to        and ask them questions about
 games for all of the family.          August 6 -13                           showcase their work.                     the lives, loves and losses of the
 Tickets are £7. To book go to         Broadstairs Folk                       The event will run from 12pm to          Tudor Queens.
 www.festival-of-bees.com/             Week                                   10pm. Advance tickets are £15.           The event will run from 11am to
 collections/kent-tickets              Various locations, Broadstairs         Under 12s go free. To book go to         5pm. The event is included in
                                       Enjoy a timeless Edwardian             www.priorylive.co.uk/tickets             the price of admission.

10 Mid Kent Living
Pennywood Tours
Pennywood Tours are a family business,           Tours experiences. A holiday is a time to be
based in north-west Kent. This means that        spoiled, with great food and comfortable
you will deal with the owners – all or most of   accommodation, and that’s why they take
the time. They love talking to you and treat     you to 4-star hotels. It’s a time to enjoy your
everyone individually. It also means you can     life and escape the norms of daily living.
ask questions of the very people who plan        They pick up at garden centres where you
and book the trips.                              can park for free and also understand there
On a trip, the Tour Managers explain every       may be circumstances where you can’t drive
stage and smooth your way. With such             or are uncomfortable with certain conditions,
personal attention you know you will be well     perhaps in the dark or rush hour and can
looked after.                                    arrange private transport for you if needed.
When my family takes a holiday we expect         If you haven’t already tried one of their trips,
good standards, nice people and the              we hope you’ll give them a call, discuss your
freedom to enjoy everything the way we like,     favoured trips, and become a member of the
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                                                                                         Mid Kent Living 11
Hand-picked events from the editor

                                                                                                                  information on the history of plums.
August 12                         August 14                                                                       The event will run from 10am
Macbeth                           Sunset Seaside Stroll                                                           to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm. Pre-
Emmets Garden, Sevenoaks          The Leas, Minster on Sea,                                                       booking is essential.

                                                                     August 14 -15                                August 15
Pack a picnic and take a
blanket to sit in the open        A seaside five-mile sponsored      Plum Weekend                                 The South East
air and be entranced by the       walk-in aid of Cancer Research     Brogdale Farm, Faversham                     Equestrian Show
Elizabethan costumes, music       UK from Minster Leas to                                                         Kent Showground, Detling
and dance of this gripping        Queenborough at Sunset.
                                  Registration before August 8 is                                                 FREE
Shakespearean play.                                                  Enjoy a guided orchard tour or
Doors open at 6pm and the         £5 or four people for £15. After   tractor trailer tour with expert             Enter into the equestrian universe
production starts at 7pm.         that date, the registration fee    and knowledgeable guides.                    of show jumping and dressage.
Adult tickets are £16 and child   will be £10 per person. Contact    Discover fruit of all shapes,                The event will start at 9am.
tickets are £10.                  Lee on 07932211083.                sizes and colours plus fact-filled           Spectators go free. To enter the
                                                                                                                  competitions, go to www.SMP-
                                             August 13 & 14
                                             The Jungle Book                                                      August 15
                                             Leeds Castle, Leeds                                                  Superhero 5K, 10K
                                                                                                                  and Fun Run
                                                                                                                  Margate Football Club, Margate
                                                                                                                  The run will start from 10am,
                                             Filled with original music, audience interaction, and                taking participants all around the
                                             the chance to meet the characters after the show, you                streets of Margate with its coast-
                                             are invited to join Mowgli and his friends, Baloo the                line views. Visitors will also get to
                                             bear and Bagheera the panther, on a madcap jungle                    take part in a shorter family fun
                                             adventure as they meet and attempt to outwit a slither-              run at 11am, taking place inside
                                             ing snake, some cheeky monkeys, and the fierce tiger,                Margate Football Club.
                                             Shere Khan. Gates open at 5pm with access to the                     The fun run is £3 per person.
                                             event lawn from 5.30pm and the play begins at 6pm                    To sign up go to www.
                                             and finishes at approximately 8pm.                                   sportingeventsuk.com/enter-

                                                                                        The 28

                                                                                                                                 Guests include:
                                                                                                                          Bill Jones, Bob & Gill Berry,
                                                                                                                          Brian Peters, Broomdasher,
                                                                                                                             Dick Miles, Discovery,
                                                                                                                                  Dora Darling,
                                                                                                                          Graeme & Heather Knights,

                                                                                                                             Morrigan, Pete Castle,
                                                                                                                            Peter & Barbara Snape,
                                                                                                                                  Scolds Bridle,
                                                                            “Tenterden, the Jewel of the Weald”

                                                                                                                           Tom Perry & Clive Brooks
                                                                            Thursday 30th September to
                                                                                                                           The Tonic with Fee Lock,
                                                                                Sunday 3rd October                           Chris & Steve Wilson

                                                                                                                         Plus regular and local guests
                                                                                                                           Plus Free Music Stage &
                                                                                                                              Showcase guests
                                                                                                                           Plus up to 50 Morris sides
                                                                                                                         Check new website for details

                                                                                           Support our Crowdfunding campaign

                                                                         Ticketed events include: Thursday evening concert, concerts, barn
                                                                         dance, special shows, workshops, meet the guests, folk clubs, etc.
                                                                         Free events include:
                                                                         Morris dancers, dance displays, procession, song and music sessions,
                                                                         street theatre, etc.

12 Mid Kent Living
Advertisement feature

The truth about
Equity Release
                                                                                         In many situations an initial amount with
Local adviser, Sarah                      What if I want to move house
                                          later in life?                                 a future drawdown facility can be helpful
Ferrell, has been                         The majority of today’s plans are
                                                                                         so as to minimise the longer term costs.
providing reliable                        “portable” and could be moved                  Sarah maintains that questions like this
mortgage advice for                       to another property. Many plans                illustrate the need for good financial
                                          can also be repaid (subject to
over 27 years and has                     penalties in some cases).
                                                                                         advice as choosing the RIGHT plan to
                                                                                         accommodate individual circumstances
specialised in Equity                                                                    is vitally important.
Release since 2014.                       What about inheritance – I
                                                                                         I am a great advocate of Equity Release
She has seen a                            want to leave something for
                                          my children?                                   as I have seen people’s lives change
number of changes in                      Releasing equity may reduce the
                                                                                         when financial pressures are relieved. I
                                                                                         have seen it do so much good for
the industry during                       value of your estate for the                   families and individuals, however I do
this time, not least in                   future. Depending on the
                                          scheme, and the current
                                                                                         consider that as it is a transaction that
people’s attitudes.                       attractive rates of interest, these
                                                                                         will “last a lifetime”, careful
                                                                                         consideration and good advice is
‘Many people are still concerned          figures are often not as “scary”               needed before embarking on an
as to whether Equity Release is           as clients think they might be.                application.
safe and these concerns, in many          Many schemes allow payments of
cases, stem from what people              interest so as to protect your       “Having specialised in this area for some
have heard about Equity Release           equity and minimise the future       years I take pride in the time I take
from years ago.’ comments                 effect.                              discussing options with clients and feel
Sarah.                                                                         it is absolutely essential to fully
                                          How do I know how much               understand the individual circumstances
Today’s schemes are                       to borrow?                           before I can begin to advise what route
unrecognisable from some of the                                                may be most suitable.
original “Home Reversion” plans           In most cases, the higher the
available in the late 1960s. At           borrowing, the higher the interest
this point Equity Release was             rate. It is vitally important to     Sarah is happy to visit your home,
very much seen as a last resort.          discuss the reasons for the
Nowadays, with flexible plans             borrowing and the timescale in       chat on the telephone or meet via
available and rates of interest           which clients are likely to need the remote video conference and offers
which are, in the main, fixed for         funds so as to be able to
life, Equity Release can be a             recommend the most suitable plan. flexible times to suit her clients.
helpful part of financial planning
into retirement.
Why would I apply for Equity
Whether you need to repay a
mortgage, finance some
unexpected expenditure, gift to
family or just make retirement
more comfortable, there are a
number of reasons why
somebody may consider using
the equity in their property as a
way to raise funds.

                           For more information or a free initial consultation,
                         please call Sarah on 01622 631372, 07789 007447 or
                              e-mail her at sarah@ferrellfinancial.co.uk

   MORTGAGES               EQUITY RELEASE                  RE-MORTGAGE                   BUY-TO-LET                  FIRST TIME BUYERS

             Equity Release can reduce the value of your estate and can affect your eligibility for means tested benefits.

                                                                                                                             Mid Kent Living 13
Hand-picked events from the editor

                                                                      August 21 and 22
                                     August 21 – 22                   The Food Fest
                                     Biddenden Kent                   Bradbourne House, East Malling
                                     Tractorfest &
                                     Country Fair
                                     Woolpack Corner, Biddenden       The event is a great day out for
                                                                      foodies, music lovers and families
                                                                      with award winning gourmet food
                                                                      and fine wines. As with previous
                                     The event features classic       years, the festival has always
                                     cars, commercial vehicles,       supported various causes and
                                     motorcycles, stationary          this year will be supporting
August 20- 22                        engines and horticultural ma-    Children in Need.
A New Day Festival                   chines. The fair will run from   The event will run from 11am
Mount Ephraim Gardens,               10am to 5pm. Visitors can        to 9pm. Tickets cost £20.
Faversham                            take their time looking at ex-                                          August 28-30
                                     hibits, enjoying refreshments    August 22                              Plant Hunters
                                     and watching the parade.
                                                                      Summer Plant Fair                      Weekend
A New Day Festival is a three-day    Go to www.tractorfest.
                                                                      Hole Park, Cranbrook                   Lullingstone Castle, Dartford
event in the beautiful setting of    co.uk/prices to book.
Mount Ephraim Gardens, featur-
ing the very best in prog-rock,                                                                              Celebrating the lives of some
classic rock, blues and roots                                         Organised by a small team of enthu-    of Britain’s most intrepid plant
music. Created by enthusiastic                                        siastic growers, the event showcases   hunters. Visitors are offered a
music lovers who appreciate the                                       a wide range of small nurseries        unique glimpse into the past to
importance of good ale, delicious                                     from the area to create a number of    experience an authentic plant
food and great nostalgic music.                                       memorable gardening events.            hunter’s expedition camp, com-
Meet some like-minded people in                                       Gates open from 11am to 4pm.           plete with plant presses, roaring
the heart of the Kent countryside.                                    Entrance is £9, which includes         fire, porters and canvas tents.
Tickets start from £46.48. To book                                    access to the gardens. For more        The event runs from 11am to
go to www. anewdayfestival.                                           information visit www.plant-           5pm. Adult tickets cost £10 and
com/tickets                                                           fairs.co.uk/                           children under 16 go free.

   The Kentish Lady River Boat is synonymous with
   Maidstone as it cruises along the beautiful River Medway.

     Private Charter
   Hire the Kentish Lady, one of Kent’s most unique venues is
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                                       Call our office or visit our website for more information at

                              01622 753740                     www.kentishlady.co.uk
                                       Undercliffe boathouse, Bishops Way, Maidstone Kent ME15 6XG

14 Mid Kent Living
Hand-picked events from the editor

                                                                            Chinese cuisines. Children go free.
                                                                                                                       September 11 & 12
                                       September                            To book go to
                                                                            www.letsrockkent.com                       Detling Antiques,
                                                                                                                       Vintage & Collectors
                                                                            September 5                                Market
                                                                            Bus Rally Day                              Kent Showground, Detling
                                                                            Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch
                                     September 4
                                                                                                                       Shop for antique and vintage
                                     Let’s Rock Kent                        Take a nostalgic journey by steam          goods at this incredible market -
                                     Mote Park, Maidstone                   train to visit the annual vintage Bus      with hundreds of stalls both inside
August 29                                                                   Rally. Social bubbles can be seated        and out. With everything from
East Kent’s Biggest                                                         together in combinations up to 4           vintage fashions, jewellery, and
Wedding Fair                         The one-day retro 80s festival         adults and 2 children. Make the most       textiles, to furniture, glassware,
Kent Cricket Ground,                 comes to the county town for           of your day by starting your journey       up-cycled goods and more. An
Canterbury                           the very first time. Attendees will    from Hythe before taking your seat         excellent hunting ground for
                                     be allowed to bring their own          on the train for New Romney to ad-         interiors enthusiasts, vintage
FREE                                 picnics into the main arena, but       mire over 30 vintage buses, coaches        aficionados and the up-cycler.
Come along and browse                there will also be a wide variety      and taxis in the car park area.            Tickets cost £5 per person. Entry
some of Kent’s best wedding          of catering on offer including a       Adult tickets are £20 and child            is 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday
professionals. There will be         large BBQ, Indian, Mexican and         tickets are £11.                           and 10am to 3.30pm on Sunday.
complimentary goodies and
a free drink for all brides and        September 4
grooms to be. Whether you              World Custard Pie Championships
are just starting out or have          Coxheath Village Hall, Coxheath
just a few things left to organ-
ise, this is an event you will not      FREE
want to miss.
                                       Inspired by Charlie Chaplin, the World Custard Pie
The event will run from
                                       Championships have been held in the village since 1967
10am to 2.30pm. For more
                                       and has gone from strength to strength attracting teams
information call 07834
                                       from across the globe. Gates open at 12pm .
                                       Check www.theworldcustardchampionsh.com

                                                                                                                         Sponsored by
                                                                                                                        Specsavers Kent

                                                August                                                              Registered chari
                                                                                                                                     ty 1062354

                                                                                                                    www.kab.o  rg .uk

Meet                                                   U n iq u e
‘Hunter’                                                                    enter
                                                                             o n l in e
                                                   Revealed soon!          s portingeventsuk.com/ s uperhero

                                                                                                                                      Mid Kent Living 15
Hand-picked events from the editor

                                                                 September 18 – 19                        September 25 & 26
                                                                 Salute to the '40s                       Mexican Celebration
                                                                 Chatham Dockyard, Chatham                Weekend
                                                                                                          Lullingstone Castle, Dartford

                                                                 Get ready for a party to end all         The castle is teaming up with
                                                                 parties. Start planning your             the British Cactus and Succulent
                                                                 vintage outfit and perfecting your       Society for the event, which runs
                                                                 victory rolls now. The wartime           from 11am and 5pm both days.
                                                                 spirit is very much alive.               Expect lots of plants for sale from
                                                                 Tickets cost £22 for adults and          leading nurseries, stalls and
                                                                 £14.50 for children. To book go          children’s attractions, as well
   September 16                                                  to www.thedockyard.co.uk/                as authentic Mexican food and
   Ben Fogle: Tales from the Wilderness                          whats-on/salute-to-the-40s/              music from a Mariachi band.
   The Central Theatre, Chatham                                                                           Tickets cost £10.
                                                                 September 18 – 19
                                                                 Paws in the Park                         September 30 –
                                                                 Kent Showground, Detling                 October 3
   Thrilling tales from a modern-day explorer. From crossing                                              Tenterden Folk
   Antarctica to conquering Everest, Ben will take the audi-
   ence on an inspiring adventure. The much-loved TV adven-                                               Festival
   turer will recount, with warmth and honesty, some thrilling                                            Tenterden Town Centre
                                                                 Try out new doggy activities and
   tales. Ben has climbed Everest, been swimming with croco-     games from agility to water sports.
   diles, saved elephants, dodged pirates, been marooned for     Enter one of the dog competitions
   a year on an uninhabited island, walked to the South Pole,    including heelwork to music, agility,    Four days of folk song, music,
   crossed the Empty Quarter with camels, rowed across the       and novelty classes. Who knows,          dance, crafts and traditions.
   Atlantic Ocean, tracked the migration of the Wildebeest,      your dog could even win best in          Ticketed events include concerts,
   swum from Alcatraz, had a flesh-eating disease and messed     show! All shows are open from            special shows, workshops, and folk
   around with ferrets.                                          9.30am to 5pm.                           clubs. Free events include craft and
   Tickets start from £25. The show starts at 7.30pm.            Tickets cost £13 for adults and          street stalls, dance displays, music
   To book go to www.medwayticketslive.co.uk/event/              £10 for children. To book go to          sessions and street theatre.
   ben-fogle-tales-from-the-wilderness                           www.pawsinthepark.net/buy-               For more information go to www.
                                                                 tickets-now/                             tenterdenfolkfestival.org.uk

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  Along the seafront there are many restaurants for the classic fish and                  Providing Quality and Service Across Kent Since 1938
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16 Mid Kent Living
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                                                                   Mid Kent Living 17
Tourist Profile

Staycations                     Glamping: back to nature, not back to basics
                                                                                                   With foreign forays likely to be
                                                                                                   severely curtailed this year, MKL
                                                                                                   writer CHRIS LAWSON takes a peek
                                                                                                   at holidays a lot closer to home…

I  n the wake of COVID-19, the public’s
   desire to abandon their annual pilgrimage
to sun-soaked Costas has resulted in a six-
                                                  Over the last year, camping and glamping
                                                  sites have been perfectly positioned to take
                                                  advantage of the growing innate human need
                                                                                                   There are plenty of options right on our
                                                                                                   Kentish doorstep and further afield.
                                                                                                   Some offer a comfortable outdoor package
fold increase in camping and glamping.            to be immersed in nature. There is ample         while others are as luxury as a high-end safari
The figures, produced by Pitchup.com,             scientific evidence that a walk through the      experience in Africa.
Europe’s largest outdoor accommodation            woods, by the sea, or across fields, brings a    But glamping is all about the ‘experience’
provider, claimed more than 200 new sites         wealth of physical and mental benefits.          - immersing oneself in the surroundings,
went live on their website last year.             Self-contained pods with Wi-Fi, and en-suite     breathing fresh air and feeling the earth
From tree houses, pods, and shepherds’ huts to    bathrooms are not a pure escape to off-grid      beneath one’s feet. It is said to be a great
yurts, bell tents and even shipping containers,   living but are popular among groups seeking      de-stresser. Or as one glamping website put
there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to    family get-togethers.                            it: “It’s about getting back to nature without
glamping accommodation.                           Closer to nature are woodland huts and           getting back to basics.”
                                                  tree houses.                                     But whichever option the glamper chooses
                                                  True off-grid vacations are proving remarkably   in the UK, there is one thing the providers
                                                  popular with children. Disconnect with           cannot legislate for – the British weather.
                                                  technology and re-connect with the family.       High summer will always be the safest bet to
                                                  Wildlife walks and forest bathing will inspire   avoid the downpours.
                                                  the kids and make memories.                      Yet, with overseas adventures far from certain
                                                  For the record, ‘glamping’ is just another way   in the months to come, there seems no let-up
                                                  of saying ‘glamorous camping’.                   in glamping’s increasing popularity.
                                                  And you know when it’s getting popular when      And what you can be sure to get are log
                                                  TV companies start making programmes             fires, hot tubs and stunning scenery – with
                                                  about it as Johnny Vegas: Carry on Glamping      sleeping arrangements which are a darn sight
                                                  demonstrated recently on Channel 4.              more comfortable than the floor of a tent.

18 Mid Kent Living
Tourist Profile

                                                                Normally associated with Mongolian warriors, the term ‘yurt’ is of
                                                                Turkish origin and translates as ‘imprint in the ground’.
                                                                Don’t worry about sleeping bags though; glamping yurts have fully
                                                                made up beds, heating, wood floors and all the comforts of home.
                                                                Expect stylish dressing tables, bedside lights and designer interiors.
                                                                Varying in size, yurts can sleep up to eight people.

Normally feature all mod cons. Under-floor heating, en-suite
bathrooms, fridge, hobs and micro-waves. Rural locations with
good views and often set in small numbers which appeals to
groups of families wanting time away together.

                                                                Huts &
                                                                Tree Houses
                                                                Fashioned uniquely according to location, they come in all shapes
                                                                and sizes, mostly hand made. Iron bedsteads are de-rigueur. Fire
                                                                pits, hammocks and outdoor cooking gear complete the basics for a
                                                                practical stay.

Shepherds Huts
Inspired by Victorian era shepherd huts, these self-contained
units offer the original glamping experience, with a shower
room, toilet, kitchenette, lounge and bedroom. A great way
to connect with the outdoors while combining that sense of
adventure with luxury.

                                                                                                                      Mid Kent Living 19
Elm Court
         Garden Centre
         Gillingham's Finest independent.
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20 Mid Kent Living
                                                                                   Artificial Plants & Trees
                                                                                   Cards, Stationary & Wrapping
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                                                                                   Toys, Puzzles & Books
                                                                                   Wild Bird Care
                                                                                   Fuel, wood and kindling

Indoor and outdoor dining with a fantastic new
outdoor play area for families to come and relax.
Dogs welcome in the outside dining area.

                          CHILDRENS PLAY AR
                        OPENING IN JULY

      Visit our website www.elmcourtgardencentre.co.uk
      Opening Times Mon - Saturday 9am - 5.30pm / Sunday 10.00am* - 4.30pm.
                                      *Sunday Open at 10 - 10.30am for browsing.

                                                                                                              Mid Kent Living 21
Great Days Out

                     Hosted by Heart of Kent Hospice, Maidstone’s first-ever public art
                     trail features one of the most popular children’s book characters
                                 of all time – Elmer the Patchwork Elephant…

                     F   amilies of all ages are guaranteed a great
                         day out this summer when they embark
                     upon a colourful safari through the county
                                                                           organisations. Based on original Elmer stories
                                                                           and celebrating diversity and creativity, these
                                                                           sculptures make up six small herds which can
                     town to discover a series of beautifully              be visited at indoor venues throughout the
                     created elephant sculptures, on parade for            town centre.
                     nine weeks until August 22.                              The easiest way to locate all the Elmer
                        And these elephants are something special.         sculptures is to download the free official
                     They bring to life author David McKee’s               parade app, Elmer’s Big Heart of Kent Parade
                     iconic children’s character through a fully           app via Apple or Google Play.
                     accessible art trail with 51 unique large                A hand illustrated map is also available from
                     sculptures, created by some incredibly                Elmer headquarters on the upper level of The
                     talented local and national artists.                  Mall, or Fremlin’s Elephant House, located in
                        Raising funds and awareness for Heart              Fremlin Walk for the duration of the parade.
                     of Kent Hospice as it celebrates its 30th                Volunteer Elmer Trailmakers are stationed
                     anniversary, visitors will be able to explore         along the walks to provide information about
                     three different routes around the county town.        the trails, the Hospice and to showcase a range
                        Totalling about six miles, the trails will guide   of Elmer merchandise on offer.
                     adventurers through the town centre, across              In September, all the Elmers will gather
                     beautiful parks and alongside the peaceful            under one roof for a Farewell Weekend at
                     River Medway.                                         Lockmeadow, Maidstone (September 3 – 5).
                        Thirty smaller elephants make up Elmer’s           The larger Elmers will then go to auction to
                     Learning Herd, each one designed and                  find their forever homes and raise money for
                     painted by students at local schools and youth        Heart of Kent Hospice.

22 Mid Kent Living
Great Days Out

Elmer and his friends have taken up residence across the streets and wider open spaces of Maidstone.
Visitors will discover them across the centre of the County town, in the parks, and along the river path,
three trails reflecting the town’s history, economic heart and the many areas of natural beauty.

 The River Walk: A peaceful and beautiful      The Heritage Walk: Starting at the               The Nature Walk: Fifteen Elmers
 walk alongside the River Medway. Twelve       Archbishop’s Palace, where the iconic            graze among these more open spaces
 Elmers can be found along the river path      Patchwork Elmer welcomes you, this               around the town. Enjoy spotting the
 running from Lockmeadow near the              walk takes you through the town centre           many plants and animals that call
 town centre to Allington Lock. Sites to       with many of the most historic and well-         Vinters Valley Nature Reserve, their
 visit along the way include the Hermitage     known landmarks. The Carriage Museum,            home. You’ll also discover Elmers
 Millennium Amphitheatre and Whatman           Gabriel’s Hill, Jubilee Square, Royal Star       among the 30 acre lake and mix of
 Park. Beautiful views of Allington Castle     Arcade, Fremlin Walk, Maidstone Museum,          grass and woodland in the award-
 can be enjoyed as you approach Allington      County Hall and Brenchley Gardens all take       winning Mote Park.
 Lock and marina.                              their place along your adventure.

                                             Look out for Elmer Armstrong, a
                                             special sculpture celebrating the 50th
                                             anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar
                                             landing. He’ll be out and about all               Heart of Kent Hospice marks its 30th
                                             summer. A roving ambassador for the               anniversary this year.
                                             parade, he will be visiting schools,                 That’s 30 years of providing free,
                                             businesses and various local events. His          compassionate, end-of-life care to people
                                             space suit is based on the original 1960s         living with terminal illness in Maidstone,
                                             NASA outfit worn by Commander Neil                Aylesford, Tonbridge and Malling and the
                                                                                               surrounding communities.
                                             Armstrong, the first man to walk on the
                                                                                                  But ensuring patients and those closest to
                                             moon, with added flashes of colour that
                                                                                               them receive the specialist care so they can live
                                             set him aside from other astronauts.              in comfort, with independence and dignity,
                                                                                               costs money. Reliant upon fundraising,
                                             The Parade is Maidstone’s first-ever public art   donations and volunteers, every year the
                                             trail and is a collaboration between Heart of     Hospice needs to raise over £4m through the
                                             Kent Hospice, Wild in Art, Andersen Press and     generosity of the local community.
                                             Official Presenting Partner Westerhill Homes.

                                                                                                                            Mid Kent Living 23
Good Food

        A taste of the best                                                                                               Kent Diversification Award
        The finalists of the 2021 Taste of Kent Awards represent the very best of the                                     Foodari has been sourcing fresh
        county’s local independent food and drink sector. CHRIS LAWSON reports…                                           produce for 15 years, supplying
                                                                                                                          hotels, restaurants, schools
                                                                                                                          and universities, but saw the
                                                                                                                          pandemic close 80% of its
        In its first ever virtual awards ceremony, the        “Providing jobs, being an advocate for                      customer base overnight.
        largest ever audience tuned in to the live         sustainable practices, producing and serving                   As a result, they launched
        streaming of the crowning of Kent’s food           the best food and drink to residents under very                a home delivery service to
        and drink champions.                               challenging circumstances.                                     distribute locally-sourced
           Public voting began in January, finalists          “The pandemic has created a momentum for                    produce to homes across Kent.
        revealed in March, with a panel of independent     the local independent food and drink sector. The               Foodari Home Delivery has made
        judges looking for the best tasting creations      public wants to know where its food and drink                  over 35,000 deliveries to date.
        across the county from producers, growers,         is coming from and how it has been produced.”
        hospitality and retailers.
           This year’s Taste of Kent Awards saw a
        300% increase in voters compared to 2020,
        reflecting increased public awareness and
        understanding of local food production since
        the pandemic started.
           Floortje Hoette, chief executive of Produced
        in Kent, organisers of the awards, said: “In the
        past year, our local food and drink industry has
        proved a pivotal role in our rural economy.

                   PEPPERBOX INN                                                                    Ringlestone
          Terrace garden, heated marquee                                                                Inn
          & Indoor dining reservations
                                                                                                        Country Pub
          Now open
                                                                                                        & Restaurant
          Visit our charming pub situated                                                 The restaurant at The Ringlestone Inn
          in beautiful countryside                                                         offers a regularly changing menu and
          with outstanding views                                                          tasting menus utilizing the best local &
                                                                                        seasonal produce that is available each day.
          of the Weald of Kent
                                                                                        The chefs undertake all of their own carcass
          Restaurant menu and                                                           butchery utilising different cuts throughout
                                                                                          the menu in different interesting ways.
          traditional pub food served
          lunch times and evenings                                                      Including making all of our own dry cured
                                                                                                   Hams & salamis.
          Sunday Lunches from £13 per person                                              We also have the privilege of growing a
          Served 12 noon - 3pm                                                          small amount of our own produce to utilise
                                                                                         on the menus, having a well stocked herb
          Outside terrace | Ample parking
          Walkers & Riders welcome                                                                 Asado Grill & Fire Pit
          Warm & welcoming open log fires
                                                                                              Our Recently Fitted Totally bespoke
                                                                                            outside kitchen offers a different dinning
          Summer Opening Times:                                                              experience to our A la carte restaurant.
          Tuesday to Saturday
          from 11.30am - 3pm | 6pm - 10pm                                                   With all cooking done over open fire fuel
                                                                                            by local Chestnut and Oak logs, we can
                                                                                              create unique flavours that cant be
          Food Served: Lunch 12noon - 2pm                                                                  replicated.
          Evening 6pm - 9pm
                                                                                             Our outdoor kitchen menu is crafted in a
                                                                                            small plate / tapas sharing style, allowing
          Sunday Lunches: 12noon - 3pm                                                       our guests to sample a greater array of
          Closed Sunday Evenings                                                                          dishes on offer.

                                                                                            01622 290 300             Ringlestone Road, Harrietsham, Kent, ME17 1NX.
          Windmill Hill, Harrietsham, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 1LP                                                                                   @ the Ringlestone
          01622842558 | www.thepepperboxinn.co.uk                                           www.theringlestone.co.uk
                                                                                                                                                  @ the Ringlestone
                                                                                                                                                  @ the Ringlestone

        24 Mid Kent Living
PepperboxInnWT230.indd 1                                                 17/06/2021 11:07
Good Food
   Kent Grower of the Year

   Maidstone family partnership, Eckley
   Farms, specialises in regenerative
   arable farming.
   Headed up by Guy and Claire Eckley,
   all the oilseed rape is pressed into Pure
   Kent Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil, while a
   few tonnes of wheat are stone-milled on
   the farm to make Pure Kent flours.

Taste of Kent Award Winners
Kent Diversification Award			                         Foodari Ltd
Kent Food & Drink Business of the Year                Café Nucleus
Kent Grower of the Year			                            Eckley Farms, Staplehurst
Kent Sustainable Food & Drink Award		                 Goupie
Kent Ambient Product of the Year		                    Ketchup Smoke by Brisket & Barrel
Kent Bakery & Confectionary Product of the Year       Chocolate Brownies by Beardy Bak
Kent Beer of the Year         		                      Session Pale Ale by Cellar Head Brewing Co.
Kent Cider of the Year			                             DISCO by Dudda’s Tun Cider
Kent Dairy Product of the Year                        Free Range Double Cream by Street Farm Dairy
Kent Food Retailer of the Year		                      Foodari Home Delivery
Kent Hospitality Business of the Year		               Café Nucleus, Rochester
Kent Non-Alcoholic Drink of the Year		                Maypole Blend Coffee by Garage Coffee
Kent Prepared Food Product of the Year		              Smoked Salmon by Tankerton Smokeshed
Kent Spirit of the Year			                            George Bishop London Dry Gin by The Maidstone Brewery
Kent Wine of the Year			                              Herbert Hall Sparkling Wine

                                                                                                       Wed – Fri 12:30-14:30
                                                                                                        Saturday – All Day

                                                                                                      Tue – Sat 17:30 – 20:45
                                                                                                    Sunday Roast 12:00 – 17:30
                                                                                                           Dog Friendly,
                                                                                                         Local Beers, Ales,
                                                                                                         Wines and Spirits.

   The Butchers Block

                                                                                                  65-67 Church Street, Burham,
                                                                                                      Rochester, ME1 3SB
                                                                                                         01634 7 86626

   We support our local Kent Vineyards & distilleries by offering a

       The Butchers Block    thebutchersblock_pub   The Butchers Block Pub & Restaurant

                                                                                                                     Mid Kent Living 25
11-12 Liberty Square Kings Hill, West Malling ME19 4AU


       We are super excited to share
        this news to everyone in the
      Kings Hill and surrounding areas!

       Book your table today by calling
          us on 01732 521 777

               or simply email us at

          Crockhurst Street, Tudeley, Tonbridge TN11 0NT

   Book your table today by calling
      us on 01732 361772

              or simply email us at

                    Turmeric Square                                                Turmeric Gold
   11-12 Liberty Square Kings Hill, West Malling ME19 4AU            Crockhurst Street, Tudeley, Tonbridge TN11 0NT
          01732 521777 info@turmericsquare.com                          01732 361772 - info@turmericgold.com
                  www.turmericsquare.com                                        www.turmericgold.com

26 Mid Kent Living
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