Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly

Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
Real Estate
                                                                   Preview 2020
                                                                                        Page 17

           UMBER 1 • JANUARY 31, 2020                            WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM

                                         5 NEWS   School board signs off on Donlon redesign plans

                                        6 NEWS    Meet the candidates for Zone 7 Board of Directors

                                        10 OPINION   Measure P in Livermore; Sunol, Dublin bonds
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
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Page 2 • January 31, 2020 • Pleasanton Weekly
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
VALLEY VIEWS                                   BY DOLORES FOX CIARDELLI
                                                                                          Introducing Elation Real Estate!
                                                                                              After 25+ years of practicing real estate and building a
      The fantastic fun of                                                                  successful business, I finally made the leap and opened my
                                                                                            own boutique real estate company. I am happy and proud to
       starting a paper                                                                         introduce the official launch of Elation Real Estate!
                                                                                                Given the consolidating trend in the market with large

B      y the end of 1999, the East
       Bay newspaper world was
       abuzz: A new publication
was about to hit town. I heard
the talk, and then I saw the ad:
                                         hands and say, “Tell me I’m not
                                            My first day of work, Jeb and
                                         I walked to City Hall where he
                                         introduced me to City Manager
                                                                                             companies swallowing others and seemingly taking over, I
                                                                                               felt it a good opportunity to give consumers a different
                                                                                               choice. Our market lacks a small, boutique style luxury
The about-to-launch Pleasanton           Deborah Acosta McKeehan and
                                                                                              brand with all the benefits and reach of a large company,
Weekly was searching for a manag-        explained I would be covering                                   and we are just the ones to fill that void.
ing editor.                              the City Council meetings. At my
   Pleasanton had charmed me             first meeting I chose a seat front
                                                                                             We are looking forward to growing the new, and soon to be,
from the time I was growing up           and center not knowing the TV30                     “Pleasanton’s Best Real Estate Company” and the Elation
in San Jose in the 1950s and my          camera focused on that spot; after                                      Real Estate brand.
Uncle Earl owned Pinard’s Jewelers       that, I sat to the side.
on Main Street. I’d moved to south          In my former job, I had done                      I am grateful to all of my wonderful clients that have made
Walnut Creek in 1982, but my in-         the layouts, but at the Weekly we                      my success possible and look forward to serving you at
laws all settled in Pleasanton.          have professional designers who                                    Elation Real Estate in the future!
   I was not really looking for a        make it fun to write as they turn
job, as I was gainfully employed         feature stories into works of art. I
as editor at the Contra Costa Times      had never worked in proximity to
weeklies, five papers covering cit-
ies from Walnut Creek to Benicia,
                                         advertising staff before, but now
                                         I witnessed them in action, im-                                 
working at the Concord office.           perative to keeping the business
   But still. A chance to be in on the   going.
ground floor of a fledgling news-
paper that focused on one place.
                                            From office staff to ad reps to de-
                                         sign to tech support to editorial to                             Gina Piper
To discover the inner workings           management, the entire enterprise
of Pleasanton, meet new people           was, and still is, a group effort with
and join other professionals in this
exciting endeavor. And its par-
                                         a tangible product that residents
                                         responded to positively.
                                                                                                           DRE# 01201349
ent company, which published the            Staff members have come and
Palo Alto Weekly, had an excellent       gone in the past 20 years, shar-
reputation. I sent in my resume.         ing our personal joys and sorrows
   My interview was soon set up          as well as the work. Pleasanton
with president Bob Thomas. I left        has continued to evolve, some-
work early to travel down Inter-         times for the better (yay, Fire-
state 680, stopped at the Pleas-         house Arts Center!), sometimes
anton Library to freshen up, then        sadly (goodbye, Tully’s). Our office
continued on to the Weekly’s origi-      has moved down the street, across
nal office on First Street right off     from Richert Lumber on Sunol
Bernal.                                  Boulevard.
   As I was interviewing, a deliv-          Twenty years ago, after we
ery truck pulled up with the first       proofread printouts of the pages
issue of the Pleasanton Weekly —         late each Wednesday, they were
Vol. I, Number 1, Jan. 28, 2000.         driven with the computer disk to
Everyone rushed out to ooh and           the printers. Today they are sent
aah over this product of many            electronically.
months’ efforts. Within minutes,            The staff now also posts news
community members were stop-             continually online, with a daily
ping by to view the edition and          Express edition delivering head-                                         Norwegian Cruise Line
offer congratulations.                   lines to readers’ email inboxes. I
   Eventually we settled back down
to the interview, and editor Jeb
                                         currently work part-time as the
                                         editor of the Tri-Valley Life arts and
                                                                                                               You’re Invited!
Bing stopped in for a while, too.        entertainment section.                                          Thursday, February 6 | 6:00pm - 6:30pm
As Bob explained the mission and            But the excitement has never
talked about all things Pleasanton,      abated as each week a delivery                         Your Local Travel Agency — Expedia CruiseShipCenters in Pleasanton —
I was hooked. I wanted this job!         truck pulls up in front of the of-             and Norwegian Cruise Line Expert Tracey Brown cordially invite you to our CRUISE NIGHT.
I wanted to help provide the dy-         fice and stacks of the latest edition               Learn about how Norwegian’s latest cruise ship innovations and entertainment
namic, idyllic city of Pleasanton        of the Pleasanton Weekly, hot off
                                                                                                    can provide the best vacation experiences for the whole family.
with the best possible newspaper.        the press, are delivered. Q
   Soon I had a second interview             Editor’s note: Dolores Fox Ciardelli
with Bob and Jeb, and provided                     is Tri-Valley Life editor for the             We’ll share the hottest destinations and itineraries and explore
more samples of my work and                     Pleasanton Weekly. Her column,                             how you can get the best value for cruising.
references. The offer letter came              “Valley Views,” will appear in the
late on a Saturday, and I rushed                 paper on the second and fourth               Exclusive Onboard Savings, Raffle, Expedia Extras and so much more.
to thrust it into my husband’s                              Fridays of the month.
                                                                                                          SPACE IS LIMITED, RSVP TODAY
About the Cover
The Pleasanton Weekly celebrates its 20th anniversary this week; our first                                 (925) 621-8822
edition published Jan. 28, 2000. Check out a collage of our favorite cover                      4811 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton
pages from the past two decades, inside on Pages 12-13. Cover design by
Doug Young.                                                                  
                                                            Vol. XXI, Number 1
                                                                                                                                             Pleasanton Weekly • January 31, 2020 • Page 3
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
Streetwise                                                ASKED AROUND TOWN

                                                                                 How do you like to read
                                                                                 the Pleasanton Weekly?
                                                                                                              Kris Moxley
                                                                                                              It comes in my mailbox every Friday. I really
                                                                                                              enjoy bringing it into my house and read-
                                                                                                              ing it from cover to cover, with a nice cup
                                                                                                              of coffee. I was one of the first people, 20
                                                                                                              years ago, to advertise my Realtor services
                                                                                                              in the newspaper. I continue to advertise in
                                                                                                              the Weekly to this very day because people
                                                                                                              really read this local newspaper.

                                                                                                              David Fisch
                                                                                                              High tech
                                                                                                              90% of the time, I read the Pleasanton
                                                                                                              Weekly online. But if I’m out and about
                                                                                                              and see the hard, physical version of it,
                                                                                                              I grab a copy and sit down and read
                                                                                                              it. I really enjoy the physical sensation
                                                                                                              of turning the actual pages of the real,
        @jjz!Mx;M@mRmb_                                                                                 paper, newspaper.

         bTnM`U.M@]nq@qMmbrjÝ                                                                            Chris Pescatore
                                                                                                              I pick up a copy on Main Street every
        9do^zWsVtpà9do^zWsVsVOObMWbaWbMà                                                              week and sit down with it at Peet’s and
                                                                                                              read it. I really enjoy reading about and
                                                                                                              keeping abreast of what is going on in
        Osdto oWMUOdBblodUoBasB^O|dtsd|dtobO{sl_BKO                                              our town.
                                                                                                              Rick and Amy Decker Residents
        2dUOsVOoÛ _Osäp WbKoOBpO |dto lodlOos|äp aBo^Os yB_tO J|                                      We read it when it comes in our mailbox
        tsW_WWbU dto dbKWOoUO lodUoBa BbM aB{WaWWbU |dto                                             every week. And we save all of the issues
                                                                                                              because (Rick’s) mom lived in Pleasanton
        oOstobà .OKOWyO Bb BMyBbKO sdzBoMp sVO Kdpsp dT VdaO                                         for over 30 years but recently moved to
        WalodyOaObspOoyWKOpzWsVbdWbsOoOpsÛOyOoà                                                         Placerville. So when we visit her, we bring
                                                                                                              them, or when she visits us, we take them
          dbpWMOoWbUBadyOWb•“•“áOsĆpaOOssdaB^OBl_Bbà                                              out for her. She binge-reads them all and
         !d+oOpptoOà/OoWdtp_|à                                                                              is so happy to be able to catch up on all
                                                                                                              that is going on in Pleasanton.
                                                                                                              Shivendre Basnet
                                                                                                              Restaurant owner

        $40M+                          vo_taOWb•“”œ
                                                                                                              I read the paper when it comes out every
                                                                                                              Friday. I usually read it while I’m work-
                                                                                                              ing at the register here at The Everest
                                                                                                              Momo, so that I know what is going on
                                                                                                              in and around town and can talk about

        ˜”         trBbpBKsWdbpWb•“”œ
                                                                                                              current events with my customers.

        39İ               years of local experience
                                                                           Have a Streetwise question? Email
                                                                                                                                            —Compiled by Nancy Lewis

                                                                           The Pleasanton Weekly is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 5506 Sunol Blvd.,
        Mohseni Real Estate Group                                          Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate,
                                                                           USPS 020407. The Weekly is mailed upon request to homes and apartments in Pleasanton.
        œ•˜à—““àš˜––                                                       Print subscriptions for businesses or residents of other communities are $60 per year or $100
                                                                           for two years. Go to to sign up and for more information.
        ptlldosŒJB|BoOBVdaObMOoàKda                                       POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pleasanton Weekly,
                                                                           5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94566. ©2020 by Embarcadero Media.
         .“”•™š“–œ                                                       All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

Page 4 • January 31, 2020 • Pleasanton Weekly
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
DIGEST                                                Measure P asks Livermore voters to
JDEDZ back
   The Pleasanton City Council is
scheduled to take up the revised
                                                        decide fate of downtown hotel
Johnson Drive Economic Devel-
opment Zone during its regular
                                                          Centerpiece of city’s redevelopment plan hangs in the balance on March ballot
meeting next Tuesday evening.                    BY RYAN J. DEGAN                 to the Bankhead Theater on the east       Plan” initiative scheduled to appear    conference space, a bar/lounge area,

   Sent back for more environ-                      ith the presidential pri-     side of Livermore Avenue.                 on the citywide ballot in November.     fitness room, pool and a fully or par-
mental review after a lawsuit,                      maries stealing most             One facet of the lengthy and com-         For many voters, the Measure P       tially public rooftop deck area cov-
the JDEDZ represents the policy
                                                    headlines for the upcom-      plex downtown debate, at its most         election on March 3 is seen as a way    ering a total area of approximately
and regulatory project that would
lay the foundation for bringing         ing March election, a years-long          basic a Yes vote on Measure P would       to endorse either the city’s downtown   70,000 square feet.
a Costco store, two new hotels          battle over the future of downtown        approve the downtown hotel agree-         redevelopment plan (a Yes vote) or         The approval of the hotel agree-
and other businesses to the north       Livermore will have at least one          ment while a No vote would deny           the alternate concept introduced last   ment — to be developed by Presidio
side of town near the I-580/I-680       aspect resolved with Measure P on         that project proposal to leave the        summer (a No vote) — through the        Co. and operated by AC Marriott
interchange.                            the ballot.                               property available for other rede-        lens of the hotel location.             Hotels — has brought significant
   City staff says the new “revised        Placed on the ballot after a citi-     velopment or even remaining as an            Measure P will be decided by a       debate at City Council meetings
final supplemental environmental        zen-submitted referendum petition,        open parking lot.                         simple majority.                        and other gatherings in Livermore
impact report” is ready to go,          Measure P specifically relates to a          The formal opposition campaign            Proposed for 2205 Railroad Ave.,     due to it being the centerpiece of
recommending its approval along         development agreement with a ho-          disagrees with the hotel location and     the project locating the downtown       Livermore’s long-desired downtown
with the rest of the JDEDZ pack-
                                        telier approved by the Livermore          size under the city’s plan, preferring    hotel next to the Bankhead calls        redevelopment
age. The Planning Commission
agreed, endorsing the updated           City Council last summer that would       an alternate hotel concept for the        for a three-story hotel consisting of      Soon after the council approved
JDEDZ package on Dec. 11.               advance the city’s plan to place a yet-   west side of Livermore Avenue that is     between 125-135 rooms, approxi-
   The council meeting is sched-        unnamed “wine country hotel” next         key to the opponents’ “Central Park       mately 1,400 to 2,000 square feet of         See MEASURE P on Page 7
uled to start at 7 p.m. Tuesday
(Feb. 4) at the Pleasanton Civic
Center, 200 Old Bernal Ave.                                                                                                                                          Supervisor
Mental health talk
   Las Positas College on Tues-
day is set to host a lecture and
Q&A session with Dr. Shashank                                                                                                                                          debate
V. Joshi, a mental health expert
and Stanford University profes-                                                                                                                                      Bacon, Hernandez,
sor, speaking on the topic, “Pro-                                                                                                                                   Wieckowski share ideas
moting Mental Health in School
Settings.”                                                                                                                                                             at Weekly forum
   Joshi is the training director
and director of school mental
health services in the Division of                                                                                                                                           BY RYAN J. DEGAN
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry                                                                                                                                        The race to replace retiring Al-
at Stanford Children’s Health.                                                                                                                                      ameda County District 1 Supervisor
   The speaker event featuring                                                                                                                                      Scott Haggerty heated up last week
Joshi will run from 7-8:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                     when three of the four elected of-
Tuesday (Feb. 4) in LPC’s Mertes                                                                                                                                    ficials vying for the position took
Center for the Arts, Main The-                                                                                                                                      to the debate stage to talk the finer
ater, Building 4000, in Livermore.                                                                                                                                  points of regional governance at a
There is no charge for admission.
                                                                                                                                                         PUSD       candidate forum in Livermore.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. RSVP by
this Sunday at alanhufoundation.           Rendering of the new E10 campus planned at the Donlon Elementary site, as seen from Denker Drive. The new                   Presented by the Pleasanton
org.                                       campus would be for grades 4-5 only, while the current Donlon school would be redesigned as K-3.                         Weekly, the Livermore Valley Cham-
   The event is presented by Alan                                                                                                                                   ber of Commerce and Livermore In-
Hu Foundation and LPC Psychol-                                                                                                                                      divisible, the public forum brought
ogy Club in partnership with Lyra
Ghose of Stanford Medicine.
                                           Board OKs Donlon redesign plans                                                                                          candidates together at Granada High
                                                                                                                                                                    School in Livermore on Jan. 23 to
                                                                   Site to split into separate K-3, 4-5 schools                                                     discuss some of the most pressing
‘Screenagers’ sequel                                                                                                                                                issues facing the local community
   Axis Community Health                             BY JULIA BAUM                spokesman Patrick Gannon told            lunch area will be housed in two         and wider county such as homeless-
is hosting three, free Tri-Valley             The Pleasanton Unified School       the Weekly that the new school           other structures.                        ness, traffic congestion, public trans-
showings of “Screenagers NEXT              District Board of Trustees unani-      will increase the entire site’s ca-         All of the buildings will be          portation, infrastructure and the Bay
CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for             mously approved a design               pacity to approximately 1,200            one story but some rooflines             Area housing crisis.
Stress Resilience,” a sequel to the        scheme on Tuesday night for            students.                                will be raised in certain areas to          A contest that at least in recent
film “Screenagers: Growing up in           the new fourth/fifth grade school         Conceptual renderings pre-            break up the elevation and add           history has not been hotly contested
the Digital Age” that examines the         that’s being planned on part of        sented by staff Tuesday evening          visual interest. The E10 Elemen-         — Haggerty has run unopposed in
science behind teens’ emotional
                                           the Donlon Elementary School           show the new school will face            tary School Committee, com-              five of his past six elections — the
challenges and the interplay of
social media.                              site.                                  the corner of Denker Drive and           prised of PUSD staff and Donlon          field is deep this year with four ex-
   “The NEXT CHAPTER provides                 Since December 2018, the            Payne Road, on the backside of           families and neighbors, worked           perienced elected officials running
solutions and tools that can be            trustees and administrators have       the existing Donlon property,            with Campbell-based Sugimura             for the seat.
useful for youth and adults alike.         developed plans and a $49.5            and will be separated by a large         Finney Architects (SFA) to come             Those candidates campaigning
Skills for resilience can truly make       million budget for a separate site     playfield.                               up with the E10 design plan.             for the 1st Supervisorial District are
a difference in people’s lives,” said      at Donlon — currently called              Five buildings will be con-              Some modifications were               Fremont City Councilman Vinnie
Emma Gil, certified health educa-          “E10,” as the district’s 10th el-      structed including three class-          based on that feedback, like             Bacon, Dublin Mayor David Hau-
tion specialist with Axis.                 ementary campus — that will            rooms buildings with shared              adding physical education space          bert, Dublin City Councilwoman
   The first showing is next               exclusively serve about 500 stu-       collaborative spaces, counsel-           with a changing room for spe-            Melissa Hernandez and State Sen.
Wednesday (Feb. 5) at 6:30
                                           dents in grades 4-5.                   ing offices and a staff lounge.          cial day classroom students, as          Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont), who
p.m. at the Firehouse Arts Cen-
ter in downtown Pleasanton.                   The existing Donlon school          Administrative offices and stu-          well as the placement of cer-            is being termed out at the state level.
Registration requested; RSVP               will convert to a K-3 school           dent services such as a library          tain facilities and services. The           The district includes Livermore,
at                with a projected enrollment            and media center, multipurpose
(search for “Screenagers NEXT              of about 700 students. PUSD            room, music room, and covered                 See DONLON on Page 6                       See DEBATE on Page 8
                                                                                                                                                          Pleasanton Weekly • January 31, 2020 • Page 5
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly

                   Meet the candidates for Zone 7 Board of Directors
                                      Three incumbents, two challengers vying for trio of seats on March 3 election ballot
           BY JULIA BAUM                   clean, safe drink-                                                                                                           the Chain of Lakes,” Quigley said.
    Tri-Valley voters will decide how      ing water.” Green                                                                                                            “Those are two current pieces of
to fill three seats on the Zone 7          holds a master’s                                                                                                             landscape that we have the ability
Water Agency Board of Directors            in civil engineer-                                                                                                           to put more water in.”
from among five candidates in the          ing from Stanford                                                                                                               The network of non-vehicular
upcoming March 3 primary election.         University, and                                                                                                              trails along the Arroyo Mocho and
    The top three candidates with the      also sits on the                                                                                                             Del Valle that connect Livermore,
most votes will win the seats out-         city of Pleasan-                                                                                                             Pleasanton and Dublin, and se-
right; there will be no runoff election.   ton’s Committee Hugh Bussell              Sandy Figuers           Laurene           Dick Quigley            Angela           curing funding for various water
    The at-large positions representing    on Energy and                                                      Green                                    Ramirez          projects are just a few of the items
Pleasanton, Dublin and Livermore           the Environment.                                                                                            Holmes           that Quigley said he’s proud to have
for four-year terms are currently              If elected, Green said she will       wise water use.                          eight years has changed dramatically      helped lead or support while on
filled by directors Angela Ramirez         make informed decisions about                Unlike Green, Bussell wants to        from outside forces, and because I’ve     the board. Quigley also sits on the
Holmes, Dick Quigley and Sandy             things like potable reuse — better        “see more of an exploration” of re-      been on the board so long, I’m able       Zone 7 administrative and finance
Figuers, each of whom is running for       known as the process of recycling         cycling water; he also said flood        to see some of the background of          committees.
re-election. Two challengers are on        wastewater for potable use, which         control management and water             what these changes are being driven          Ramirez Holmes, who served as
the ballot as well: Laurene Green and      Green said doesn’t have “the scien-       storage would be top priorities of       by, and some of the potential good        president a little more than a year
Hugh Bussell.                              tific assurance I’d like to see, so I’m   his, though maintaining good rela-       points and pitfalls that are occurring    ago, joined the board after being
    Zone 7 was also set to hold an elec-   not convinced right now” — as well        tionships with various stakeholders      from these changes,” Figuers said.        elected in 2012. The Pleasanton
tion for a fourth board seat, a special    as flood control management and           should also receive attention.              “I can understand the internal         resident owns a campaign consult-
two-year term to complete the rest         water storage.                               “Our No. 1 interest is making         workings of the basin as well as          ing firm, serves on the ad hoc,
of an unexpired term left vacant by            Particularly, Green shared her        sure we supply clean water to resi-      understand the internal workings of       finance and liaison committees, and
a midterm resignation last year. But       concerns about PFAS, which are            dents and that we’re looking out for     the State Water Project” that Zone 7      is also well known for her nonprofit
Director Michelle Smith McDonald,          chemical contaminants that pose a         them,” Bussell said. “We also have       receives their water from, he added.      work.
the Dublin resident appointed by the       health risk to humans and have            to be sure we’re fairly allocating the   “I’m the technical guy on the board.         Ramirez Holmes is running for
board last spring to initially fill the    been detected in some local under-        cost of water. People that use potable   I want to remain on because you           re-election and said she also will
vacancy before the election, was the       ground aquifers. “We need to find         water have different requirements        need all of these viewpoints and          ask to remain on the finance com-
only candidate to file for that two-       the sources (of PFAS) and remove          than those that we give untreated        right now I’m really the only techni-     mittee to “ask those tough ques-
year position so it won’t appear on        them, and that’s a chore in itself —      water to — we need to have a fair        cal guy on there.”                        tions and be sure the agency stays
the ballot, Smith McDonald winning         that’s the sort of thing I’d be propos-   way of allocating those costs.”             First elected in 2004, Quigley is      accountable.”
the term unopposed.                        ing,” Green said.                            The incumbent directors seeking       another veteran of the Zone 7 board          She said her “most proud project
    Formally known as the Alameda              She also wants to expand Zone         another term this year each told the     who decided to give it another shot.      has been the increased transparency
County Flood Control and Water             7’s water capture and storage capa-       Weekly that the board needs expe-           “I thought about not running; I        with the public” by broadcasting
Conservation District, Zone 7 is a         bilities, “which we not only need to      rienced members with deep knowl-         gave it a lot of thought, but I thought   meetings on cable access television,
public agency that acts as a water         do but, relative to climate change,       edge about Zone 7 and its history,       I had unfinished business,” Quigley       for example.
wholesaler for water service provid-       definitely need to.”                      needs, priorities, partnerships and      told the Weekly. “There are several          “I think those things have been
ers in Pleasanton, Dublin, Livermore           Bussell is a new challenger as        various projects.                        very new and inexperienced board          really critical for increasing trust
and San Ramon’s Dougherty Valley           well, but he might be familiar to            Figuers, who has been on the          members in there, really good folks,      with the public as an agency, and
along with providing flood protec-         locals; the Livermore resident ran in     board since 2008, and served 12          and ... I know how long it took me        I feel that’s been a priority, my role
tion in the Livermore and Amador           the 2014 congressional race as the        years before then in the ‘80s and        to learn about water.”                    as a board member, and I will con-
valleys.                                   Republican challenger against Rep.        ‘90s, said he brings that and decades       The former board president             tinue to do that, hopefully,” Ramirez
    Challenger Green, a hydrogeo-          Eric Swalwell. Though Bussell lost        of hydrogeology experience. Figuers      added, “I really believe water is a       Holmes said.
logic engineer from Pleasanton, told       that election, the tech industry pro-     is the current board president and       way to keep our eyes on the ball             “It’s a really important piece to
the Weekly that she will use her           fessional said that he’s now running      sits on the ad hoc, finance and water    for a better quality of life,” and that   ensure trust with our public but
scientific expertise to “try to bring to   for Zone 7 in the hopes of bringing       resources committees.                    he wants to diversify Zone 7’s water      also with our retailers,” she added.
a more significant level that we have      a different perspective to issues like       “The water business over the last     portfolio and be better prepared for      “When I first came on the board,
                                                                                                                              droughts.                                 Zone 7 did not have a very good
                                                                                                                                 “I’ve followed the opportuni-          relationship with retailers. I am very
                                                                                                                              ties for storage; locally, in the val-    happy to say those relationships
                                                                                                                              ley, we have two opportunities, in        have improved, and our regular liai-
                                                                                                               20 19
                                                                                                             W E E K LY N
                                                                                                                              my opinion — Lake Del Valle and           son meetings are a piece of that.” Q

                                                                                                                                                                           The PUSD trustees commended
                                                                                                                                       DONLON                           security details such as making
                                                                                                                                      Continued from Page 5
                                                                                                                                                                        sure the classroom windows aren’t
                                                                                                                              multipurpose room will be strate-         placed too low and that the play-
                                                                                                                              gically placed next to the service        field can be fully closed off to
                                                                Where the Client-Caregiver                                    road to allow easy for pick up,           separate the two campuses.
                                                                Relationship is Everything.                                   drop off and loading during after-
                                                                                                                              hours and weekend events.
                                                                                                                                                                           Measure I1 bond revenue will
                                                                                                                                                                        fund the project, though an ad-
                                                                                                                                 A lot of student services like         ditional $6.34 million for traffic
                                                                                                                              counseling offices were also              mitigation or the kids club expan-
                                                                                                                              moved from the administration             sion cost is not included in the
                                                                                                                              area and placed by the classrooms         budget at this time. The project
                                                                                                                              after further input, according to         now moves into design develop-
                                                                                                                              Jocelyn Martinez, one of the lead         ment before it will be submitted
                                                                                                                              designers.                                for review to the Division of State
                                                                                                                                 “One key element that staff talk-      Architect by fall.
                                                                                                                              ed about was not excluding those             Groundbreaking is scheduled
                                                                                                                              individuals that need that extra          for summer 2021, with the school
                                                                                                                              help and sending them to the              opening for the 2022-23 school
                                                                                                                              admin, and creating this environ-         year. Gannon said students may
                                                                                                                              ment where everyone feels wel-            need to be temporarily relocated
                                                                                                                              come and it’s part of the classroom       while construction is underway
                                                                                                                              core,” Martinez said. “Everyone           but that the district will “work to
                                                                                                                              feels united, like a part of the          minimize impacts for our school
                                                                                                                              team.”                                    communities.” Q

Page 6 • January 31, 2020 • Pleasanton Weekly
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
                                                                                                                                         Winter Pruning Classes
             Former Rep. Pete Stark dies                                                                                                            Saturdays at 11 am
Legislator represented Pleasanton, East Bay during 40-year tenure in Congress                                                 Feb. 1st Citrus and avocados
                                                                                                                              Feb. 8th *iÀi˜˜ˆ>Ã>˜`yœÜiÀˆ˜}à ÀÕLÃ
   Former U.S. Rep. Fortney “Pete”       Wis., Stark served                       and Fremont, plus parts of Oakland
Stark, who represented Pleasanton        in the U.S. Air                          and Pleasanton at the time he was           Please join our own Lita Gates for an informative series of classes on Winter
during parts of his four decades in      Force from 1955                          unseated by Eric Swalwell.                  pruning. Pest control, feeding and general care will also be covered during the
                                                                                                                              class. No registration is necessary, but let us know if you plan to attend any or
Congress, died last Friday at his        to 1957 and earned                          Swalwell weighed in Friday night         all. All classes are free. Money saving coupon and prize drawing after each class.
home in Anne Arundel County, Md.         a master’s degree                        on Stark’s death.
He was 88.                               from the UC Berke-                          “Pete Stark gave the East Bay de-
   Tributes came in over the weekend     ley’s Haas School of                     cades of public service as a voice in                                                                                     2019
                                                                                                                                                              2756 Vineyard Ave.                        PLEASANTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                          W E E K LY
from government officials in remem-      Business in 1960.                        Congress for working people,” Swal-
brance of Stark, who was a congress-     In 1963 he found-
                                                                  Pete Stark
                                                                                  well said on Twitter. “His knowledge                                            Pleasanton
man from 1973 until January 2013.        ed Security National Bank in Wal-        of policy, particularly health care,                                           925.462.1760
   “My sympathies go out to the          nut Creek, which eventually had          and his opposition to unnecessary
                                                                                                                                                                     Open Monday - Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Stark family. He was such a promi-       branches in several cities in Alameda    wars demonstrated his deep care
                                                                                                                                                                          Sunday: 10am - 4:30pm
nent voice for the communities of        and Contra Costa counties and still      and spirit. Our community mourns
the East Bay and ably represented        exists today.                            his loss.”                        •           
our interests over a lifetime of pub-       Originally a Republican, Stark —         A former president also praised
lic service in Congress,” Pleasanton     a strident opponent of the Vietnam       Stark.
City Manager Nelson Fialho told the      War — became a Democrat. As a               “Pete believed in the power of
   “Congressman Stark dedicated his
                                         congressman, he was often blunt,
                                         and made controversial and some-
                                                                                  government to make a real difference
                                                                                  in people’s lives. And he proved it
                                                                                                                                            Howard G. Seebach
life to defending every American’s       times indelicate statements. But his     for 40 years,” former President Bill            Howard Seebach passed
right to quality, affordable health      fellow electeds said he always put his   Clinton said, in part, in a statement         away from heart failure
care,” U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-        constituents first.                      Saturday.                                     in this home at Heritage
San Francisco) said in a statement.         Stark represented different parts        Stark is survived by his wife Deb-         Estates, Livermore, CA, on
“Personally and professionally, I was    of the East Bay throughout his four      orah, seven children, eight grand-            January 23. He was 89 years
proud to work with Pete to pass the      decades in Congress, including parts     children and two great-grandchil-             old.
Affordable Care Act, which stands        of Pleasanton, amid different redis-     dren. Memorial service details are              He       was     born     in
as a pillar of health and economic       tricting cycles. His district included   pending. Q                                    Germantown, PA, to Louis
security in America today.”              Alameda, Union City, Hayward,              —Story by Bay City News Service, with       and      Mildred      Godfrey
   Born Nov. 11, 1931 in Milwaukee,      Newark, San Leandro, San Lorenzo         Weekly editor Jeremy Walsh contributing.      Seebach, the older brother
                                                                                                                                of George Louis Seebach.
                                                                                                                                Howard graduated from
                                         undermine the right to have a            offers more parking, retail, open             Wilmington (DE) Friends
     MEASURE P                           meaningful opportunity to vote on        space and less dense housing than             School, the University of
        Continued from Page 5
                                         the Central Park Plan,” she added.       the Central Park Plan.                        Delaware and then Cornell
the hotel agreement in July 2019,        “The people deserve to have an up           “The wine country hotel at the             University with a M.B.A. in 1960.
a local group named Citizens for a       or down vote on the Central Park         Bankhead is the anchor for Stock-               He served in the Army for six years and was honorably
Livermore Central Park opposed to        Plan without a conflicting develop-      men’s Park which enabled the suc-             discharged as Captain and Commanding Officer of a Basic
the city’s hotel plan started a refer-   ment agreement that muddies the          cess of the entire downtown proj-             Training Unit in Fort Hood, TX. While in Germany, he
endum petition seeking to overturn       waters.”                                 ect,” added Asa Strout, co-manager            served as 2nd Lieutenant, Company Commander, 510th
the decision.                               Opponents claim that not only         of Unify Livermore — a resident               Tank Battalion, 5th Corp. It was in Germany that he
   Eventually garnering enough           was the city’s approval of the hotel     group in support of Measure P.                married his first wife and mother of his four children,
votes to place the issue on the          agreement done in order to block                                                       Alma Stevens Seebach, who was an American teacher on
March 3 ballot, opponents argue          the Central Park Plan, but that           ‘It would undermine                          the base. Howard later married Emilie Green in 1988 and
that not only would it be better to      community input was not consid-                                                        enjoyed 24 years of marriage, until her death in 2012.
have a larger hotel consisting of up     ered when approving the city plan.       the right ... to vote on                        Howard worked with the DuPont Company for over 30
to 160 rooms and located on the             Measure P supporters instead                                                        years in sales and marketing leadership roles and, after he
west side of Livermore Avenue, but       argue the hotel plan has been well       the Central Park Plan’                        retired, produced Sales Meetings with his wife Emilie, as
the existing property next to the        thought-out and analyzed through                                                       Seebach & Seebach.
                                                                                             Tamara Reus,
Bankhead could best be utilized as       the city’s rigorous review process                 No on Measure P                       After retirement, Howard served as Pleasanton, CA
a multi-use parking structure that       that included input from commu-                                                        Parks & Recreation Commissioner and later Civic
includes a first-floor restaurant.       nity members, unlike the Central            But still looming is the initiative        Arts Commissioner. He was very active at Livermore
   Opponents further disagree            Park Plan and hotel idea that some       measure scheduled to appear on                Presbyterian Church, serving on Pastor nominating
with the hotel location due to it        city leaders call a conceptual “draw-    Livermore voters’ November ballot.            committees and in the Session.
being the centerpiece of the city-       ing” containing false claims created     While Measure P relates specifically            Howard loved a stage, an audience, a good story and
approved Downtown Specific Plan,         by a small dissenting group.             to the city’s development agree-              a good joke. He loved his family and his friends from all
which Citizens for a Livermore              “Voters should say Yes to Mea-        ment for the downtown hotel next              parts of his life. He loved an adventure. One of his favorite
Central Park oppose in favor of          sure P because it will allow the         to the Bankhead, November’s ini-              quotations was “Life is not a journey to the grave with the
their own vision for downtown —          city to make immediate progress          tiative will ask residents to approve         intention of arriving safely in a pretty, well-preserved body,
their so-called “Central Park Plan.”     towards building a beautiful wine        or deny the resident-submitted                but rather to skid-in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally
                                         country hotel adjacent to the Bank-      Central Park Plan alternative over            worn out, proclaiming, wow what a ride!”
  ‘It will allow the city                head Theater. It’s a thoroughly de-      the council’s Downtown Specific                 Howard is predeceased by his brother George Louis
                                         veloped plan with a reputable de-        Plan.                                         Seebach, his second wife Emilie and her two daughters,
  to make immediate                      veloper, and is sized appropriately         The initiative plan also involves          Lisa Hector and Lori Tittle. He is survived by his children
                                         for our economy,” Lori Souza, a          placing the downtown hotel on                 Steven Seebach (wife Mary Jane), Cathy Seebach Rigl
         progress’                       leader of the Yes on Measure P           the west side of Livermore Avenue             (husband Ted), Jayne Seebach vanDusen (husband Tad)
            Lori Souza,                  campaign, told the Weekly.               instead of the city’s location on the         and David Seebach, and stepson Ron Green (wife Donna),
          Yes on Measure P                  According to the ballot argument      east side.                                    his 15 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, as well as
                                         supporting Measure P, not only is           The impact of the final Measure            his first wife Alma Stevens Seebach Bergmann, 93, and,
  “Practically speaking, Measure         the hotel a fiscally responsible de-     P decision on the November initia-            lastly, his rescue dog Gomer.
P is about much more than a              sign that will lead to greater traffic   tive remains unclear, though Mea-               The Celebration of Life service and reception will be
hotel. The City Council created          circulation and benefits for local       sure P supporters say a Yes vote in           held on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 1pm at Livermore Presbyterian
a downtown redevelopment plan            businesses, but it was created using     March will enable Presidio to begin           Church. Online condolences may be made at https://
that overlooked the preferences          input from thousands of Livermore        the development process for the               w w
of the majority of citizens who          residents.                               hotel project.                                obituary?pid=195150171
participated in its public outreach         The ballot argument adds that            To learn more about Measure P,               In lieu of flowers, please donate to a scholarship fund at
process,” No on P campaign leader        the hotel is the crown jewel of          including the full arguments for              YMCA Camp Tockwogh,
Tamara Reus told the Weekly.             the city’s Downtown Specific Plan,       and against, visit www.cityofliver-
                                                                                                                                                                                             PA I D   O B I T U A RY
  “If Measure P passes, it would         which Measure P proponents say  Q

                                                                                                                                                             Pleasanton Weekly • January 31, 2020 • Page 7
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly

                                                                                   DEBATE                           outreach and research are needed in
                                                                                                                    order to ensure that residents receive
                                                                                                                                                             people on 580 trying to get to their
                                                                                                                                                             jobs,” Hernandez said. “With regards
                                                                                 Continued from Page 5
                                                                                                                    support from the appropriate county      to Valley Link, making sure that this
                                                                         Dublin, Sunol and Fremont. Any             services. Both candidates said that      project gets accomplished is huge.”
                                                                         candidate could win the District           while some homeless residents may           As the chair of the Senate Bud-
                                                                         1 position outright in the primary         be eligible to receive jobs support,     get Committee on Transportation,
                                                                         election if they earn more than 50%        others may benefit more from coun-       Wieckowski said transit projects are
                                                                         of the vote. If no one wins a major-       seling or addiction services.            not just a passing interest for him
                                                                         ity on March 3, then the top two              Wieckowski agreed with this sen-      and that he is all in favor of con-
                                                                         finishers would advance to a runoff        timent and added that in order to        necting ACE, Valley Link and BART,
                                                                         to be held during the general elec-        ensure adequate funding for these        taking cars off of the road and con-
                                                                         tion on Nov. 3.                            services, an accurate count in the       necting the region with communi-
                                                                            On-hand to participate in the           upcoming census is paramount.            ties throughout the Bay Area.
                                                                         Weekly’s forum were Bacon, Her-               “One of the challenges we have,          Bacon added that while he is
                                                                         nandez and Wieckowski. Haubert             just a pitch for the census, is that     himself a big supporter of large
                                                                         was unable to attend due to a              26% of the people in Alameda             transit projects and supports Val-
                                                                         scheduling conflict with the U.S.          County are suspected of being un-        ley Link, they are expensive and
                                                                         Conference of Mayors in Washing-           dercounted and if we don’t get the       the real cause of traffic congestion
                                                                         ton, D.C. — but the Dublin mayor           right count, then we’re not going        lies in “a massive housing jobs
                                                                         did send representatives to share          to be able to get the funding that       imbalance.”

               Janette Ann Pappas                                        opening and closing statements on
                                                                         his behalf.
                                                                                                                    we get from the federal and state
                                                                                                                    government” he said.
                                                                                                                                                                By incentivizing businesses to
                                                                                                                                                             place jobs closer to where people
               July 18, 1947 - January 17, 2020                             During the questions period, the           Wieckowski further added that         live, Bacon argued the county can
                                                                         three candidates agreed on a variety       as supervisor, he would push for         reduce the amount of traffic in a
        Janette Ann Pappas was                                           of issues such as reducing traffic in      local communities to streamline          more affordable way.
                                                                         the area, supporting homeless resi-        the process for approving accessory         The three candidates also an-
      born on July 18, 1947 in
                                                                         dents and promoting innovation in          dwelling units (ADUs) in residential     swered questions on how they
      Stanley, North Dakota to                                           the area, but they often disagreed on      homes — saying that while it is not      view the role of county supervisor,
      Herman and Elizabeth                                               the best way to achieve these goals.       the final answer, it is an affordable    supporting agricultural industries,
      Dzubur. Jan passed away                                                                                       opportunity to increase the region’s     Santa Rita Jail safety and criminal
                                                                                Homeless support
      peacefully at the home of                                                                                     supply of available homes.               justice in Alameda County, afford-
      her son on January 17th,                                               When asked how to best support                                                  able housing solutions for specif-
                                                                                                                           Housing solutions
      2020 surrounded by family                                          Alameda County’s estimated 8,000                                                    ic groups like adults with special
                                                                         homeless residents, Hernandez said            Piggybacking off the previous         needs, military veterans and se-
      and friends. Jan attended                                          “it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution,    topic, housing solutions were an-        niors, and how they would rep-
      Arroyo High School in San                                          not all people are homeless for the        other top item of discussion, with       resent the Tri-Valley at the county
      Lorenzo where she met                                              same reason.”                              Bacon and Hernandez advocat-             level.
      her husband, Tom Pappas.                                               Bacon and Hernandez stressed           ing for affordable housing, while           Unable to participate in the
      Tom and Jan were married in 1966 and had three                     that homeless residents are not a          Wieckowski pushed for streamlined        forum, Haubert was offered the
      children, Thomas, Timothy, and Elizabeth. Tom and                  monolith, and that continued               development processes and ADUs.          opportunity to have proxies read
                                                                                                                       “We really need to look at more       opening and closing statements on
      Jan moved to Pleasanton in 1979. Jan retired from
                                                                                                                    affordable housing,” Bacon said. “I’ve   his behalf.
      Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in April of                                                            seen it over and over on the Fre-           “We deserve a proven leader who
      2019 after a wonderful 39-year career. Jan and Tom                                                            mont City Council: Developers want       can work well with others, who
      enjoyed traveling, attending their grandchildren’s                                                            to build market rate housing; they       is trusted and well respected of
      sporting events, and being with family and friends.                                                           don’t want to do affordable housing.     the mayors and other community
      A celebration of life will be held for Jan at the Sunol                                              2015
                                                                                                                    We need to push that more because        leaders, we deserve a leader who is
      event center, Saturday February 1st at 11am.                                                                  what’s happening is ... we have a real   truly community-oriented thinker,
                                                                                                                    dearth in affordable housing now.”       putting the needs of us residents
                                                      PAID    OBITUARY                                                 Wieckowski pointed out that as        first, a leader with a proven track
                                                                                                                    he sees it, housing is in such short     record of success who knows how
                                                                                                                    supply simply because not enough         to get things done,” Len DiGiovan-
                                                                                                                    homes are being produced, and a          ni, a supporter of Haubert, told the
                           Fred Arlt                                                      We Now                    big reason for that is because of the    audience during closing remarks.
                                                                                          Sell Dog                  policies and fees imposed by local       “A visionary recognizing potential
           December 6, 1943 - January 12, 2020                                                                      governments. Through streamlin-          solutions to reduce homelessness,
                                                                                          Food                      ing the review process and thus          traffic congestion, upgrade our in-
     Fred Arlt, 76, passed away January                                                                             increasing the supply available to       frastructure and improve our over-
   12, 2020 at Stonehenge Skilled Nursing                                                                           residents, both the shortage and         all quality of life.”
   of Cedar City, Utah. He was born                                                                                 pricing of homes can be improved,           Haggerty was also in attendance,
   December 6, 1943 in Farmingdale, NY                                                 Chip Car Key                 he argued.                               opening the forum with a brief
   to Frederick and Amy Arlt, deceased.                                                                                Hernandez pointed to Dublin’s         overview of the District 1 supervi-
   He grew up in Pleasanton, CA and
   went to Humboldt State University
                                                                                               (Some Restrictions
                                                                                                                    successful efforts to increase avail-
                                                                                                                    able affordable housing within its
                                                                                                                    borders and that local governments
                                                                                                                                                             sor position and the Board of Su-
                                                                                                                                                             pervisors as a whole.
                                                                                                                                                                The forum was moderated by
   before being drafted to Vietnam. Fred                                                       Apply)               should be encouraged to support          Pleasanton Weekly editor Jeremy
   served his country honorably. Fred
   married Gwen October 28, 1989 in                                          Ask Us About:                          developments and take advantage
                                                                                                                    of state and county funds to do so.
                                                                                                                                                             Walsh, with support onstage from
                                                                                                                                                             Dawn Argula, CEO and president
                                                                          Rescreening Or New Window                                                          of the Livermore Valley Chamber of
   San Ramon, CA.                                                         Screens, Sharpening Knives,                     Traffic and transit
     Fred worked for GE Vallecitos                                                                                                                           Commerce. A video recording of the
                                                                          Scissors, Chainsaws, Mower
                                                                               Blades and Many                         Candidates generally agreed that      forum produced by Amos Produc-
   Nuclear, in Sunol, CA for 40 years. Fred is survived by his wife,                                                supporting public transportation —       tions is available for viewing online.
                                                                                 Garden Tools.
   Gwen Arlt; sons Jeff of Livermore Ca and Brian (Temera) of                                                       with a particular concentration on       Visit Q
   Pioneer CA; step-daughter, Heather Bradshaw (Michael) of                                                         Valley Link — would be key in mit-                Editor’s note: Livermore Indivisible
   Parowan UT; four grandchildren; Logan, Ciarra, Evan and                                                          igating traffic congestion through-         worked with the candidates to schedule
   Leatrice; William (Sharon) of Los Gatos CA; sister Barbara                                                       out the region.                           the forum date. After Jan. 23 was agreed
   Hartsell of Patterson CA and numerous others.                            Two Locations to serve you:                “With traffic, Valley Link is obvi-          upon, Haubert later realized he had
                                                                          1807 Santa Rita Rd, Pleasanton            ously the key for (Interstate) 580.           a conflict with the U.S. Conference of
     In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s
                                                                              Phone (925) 846-0660                  The houses are going to be built,          Mayors, but because the venue had been
   Association in memory of Fred Arlt. A Celebration of Life will be                                                they have already been approved                 secured and other logistics arranged,
                                                                            652 Main Street, Pleasanton
   held on May 16th. RSVP:                                Phone (925) 846-0727                  and Tracy is the perfect example. So               the forum was too far along to be
                                                       PAID   OBITUARY
                                                                              the traffic there will (mean) more                                      rescheduled.

Page 8 • January 31, 2020 • Pleasanton Weekly
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly

                                                                                                                                       James Stewart Kane
POLICE BULLETIN                          according to authorities.
                                            Police also reported the following
                                                                                        Kelly, who has addresses in New-
                                                                                     ark and Fremont, suffered a single             December 14, 1925 – January 21, 2020
                                         day that the Tesla’s battery reignited      gunshot wound to his right leg and
                                         after the car had been taken away           was treated at a local hospital.              James       (Jim)     Kane
Local attorney                                                                                                                  of Pleasanton died on
                                         from the scene. Fire crews respond-            Livermore police said that at
identified as victim in                  ed to contain the flames.                   about 3:25 a.m. on Jan. 22 two             Tuesday January 21. Jim
fiery fatal crash                           A UCLA-educated attorney, Fres-          officers pulled over a Toyota driver       was born in the Bitterroot
                                         chi focused on business clients with        whom they suspected of driving             Valley, in rural Montana,
   The Alameda County Coroner’s          franchise law and general counsel           under the influence on southbound          near the town of Corvallis,
Bureau on Monday confirmed the           services, according to a professional       Airway Boulevard south of Kitty            on December 14, 1925.
identity of the Pleasanton man           profile posted on the Hacienda web-         Hawk Road near Interstate 580.             He      graduated        from
killed in a fiery fatal crash at Ha-     site from January 2015, soon after             The officers walked the Toyota          Corvallis High School in
cienda Drive and West Las Positas        he moved his firm’s office to the           driver off the roadway and onto a          1943 and enlisted in the
Boulevard more than a week earlier       Pleasanton business park. It is un-         private access road to conduct a           Army in September of
as 58-year-old Joseph S. Freschi.        clear where his practice was based          sobriety check but several minutes         that year, where he was
   Freschi, who was a local attorney,    at the time of his death.                   later they saw a black 2011 Kia Soul       assigned to the Infantry.
was the only occupant of a 2018             He also had prior professional ex-       traveling south on Airway Boule-           He saw combat in Europe and was awarded battle
Tesla Model S that lost control and      perience as a deputy city attorney in       vard and then turning onto the ac-         stars for the Rhineland and Central Europe as well
slammed into a traffic signal pole       the city/county of San Francisco as         cess road, according to police.            as the Silver Star and the combat infantry badge.
and cement wall in front of the          well as counsel for 24-Hour Fitness,           The Kia Soul driver, later identi-      His unit liberated the Nazi concentration camp at
Andares condo complex around 6           Planet Fitness and Rockin’ Jump, ac-        fied as Kelly, accelerated directly        Flossenburg, Germany. After the conclusion of the
p.m. Jan. 18.                            cording to the Hacienda profile.            at the officers and the pulled-over        war in Europe he served in the occupation of Japan.
   The cause of the crash, as well as       Freschi was listed as executive          driver so the officers fired their guns    He was discharged from the military service in
final determination of Freschi’s cause   vice president and general coun-            at him as he allegedly tried to run        April, 1946.
of death, remain under investigation.    sel for Rockin’ Jump, the indoor            them over, police said.                       In the fall of 1946 Jim enrolled at what is now
The Pleasanton Police Department         trampoline park company based in               The officers and the pulled-over        Montana State University, in Bozeman, majoring in
did not respond to requests for up-      Pleasanton with dozens of franchise         driver were able to avoid the Kia          Chemistry. During the summers he worked for the
dates on the case this week.             locations open nationwide.                  Soul, which Kelly then drove to the        U.S. Forest Service as a lookout-smoke chaser in the
   The fatal crash unfolded when                                                     end of the access road before making       Bitterroot Forest of Western Montana.
                                                     In other news                                                                 Upon graduating from Bozeman Jim was employed
the Tesla driver — later identified as                                               a U-turn. The Kia Soul eventually
Freschi — lost control for unknown          • A man with a previous convic-          stalled at the entrance of the access      as a process chemist, working for General Electric
reasons at the prominent intersec-       tion for resisting arrest was charged       road and other responding officers         Company at the Hanford, Washington facility which
tion while traveling southbound on       with three counts of attempted mur-         took Kelly into custody, police said.      produced plutonium.
Hacienda Drive, according to the         der last Friday for allegedly trying to        Kelly was charged with two counts          In February 1952 Jim became a graduate student in
original police statement.               strike two police officers and another      of attempted murder of a peace of-         Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley.
   The Tesla struck a traffic signal     man in Livermore two days earlier.          ficer for allegedly to strike Livermore    He received his PhD in June of 1955. While at
pole and a cement wall, and then            Matthew Kelly, 38, who was shot          officers Kurt Cofer and Eric Santin,       Berkeley he met Marilyn Murphy and in June 1954
caught fire, according to police. It     by officers after he allegedly tried to     and an additional attempted murder         they were married. The following year the couple
took the coroner’s bureau several        hit them, was arraigned on Friday           count for allegedly trying to hit the      moved to Livermore, where Jim joined what was
days to confirm the identity of the      and is scheduled to return to court         pulled-over Toyota driver. Q               then UCRL, now the Lawrence Livermore National
driver because of the condition          today to be assigned an attorney and                            —Jeremy Walsh and      Laboratory. At the lab Jim would eventually become
of the body after the fiery crash,       possibly enter a plea.                                         Bay City News Service   the Head of the Chemistry and Materials Science
                                                                                                                                Department. In 1963 Jim and his family moved to
                                           POLICE REPORT                                                                        Pleasanton, where all of his children attended public
                                                                                                                                schools. In the early 1970s Jim was a member of the
The Pleasanton Police Department made    Q 11:26   p.m. on the 4200 block of First   Q 11:53a.m. on the 000 block of
the following information available.      Street
                                                                                                                                Pleasanton elementary school board.
                                                                                      Vintage Circle
                                                                                                                                   In 1974, subsequent to the oil embargo by
Jan. 25                                  Theft
                                                                                     Q 6:23p.m., 1400 block of Stoneridge       OPEC, Jim moved to Washington, D.C. where he
                                         Q 8:43a.m., 5800 block of Owens
Auto theft
                                          Drive; theft from auto
                                                                                      Mall Road; shoplifting                    organized and directed the first organization in the
Q 8:38 a.m. on the 4900 block of                                                                                                Federal government responsible for research and
  Owens Drive                            Q 11:49   a.m., 5100 block of Oakdale       Q 9:35p.m., 1000 block of Stoneridge
Sex offense                               Court                                       Mall Road; theft from auto                development on the conservation of energy. He was
Q 10:28 a.m. on Arroyo Drive
                                                                                                                                later appointed Deputy Director for Energy Research
Burglary                                                                                                                        in the Department of Energy.
                                                                                                                                   Jim left government service in February,
Q 10:56 a.m. on the 2700 block of
  Trevor Parkway                                     Margaret ‘Peggy’ McLain                                                    1985, and returned to work for the University of
Vandalism                                                                                                                       California as Special Assistant to the President of
Q 3:52 p.m. on the 3500 block of                            May 7, 1932 – January 24, 2020                                      the University, with responsibilities for assisting
  Kirkcaldy Street
                                                                                                                                with the relationship between the University and
Q 10:15 p.m. at Bernal Avenue and Oak
                                                                                                                                the three National Labs for whom it was contractor:
                                                    Margaret ‘Peggy’ McLain                                                     the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the
  Vista Way
Weapons violation
                                                  passed away peacefully at                                                     Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Lawrence
Q 11:40 p.m. on the 4800 block of                 home after a long illness with                                                Berkeley National Laboratory. He retired in 1991 and
  Hopyard Road                                    Parkinson’s disease. She lived                                                lived first in his Pleasanton home and subsequently in
Drug violation                                    in Pleasanton for 53 years                                                    the Parkview Assisted Living Facility until his death.
Q 11:40 p.m. on the 4800 block of
  Hopyard Road                                    and had many ties to the                                                      After his retirement, Jim was an active member of
                                                  community. She is survived                                                    the Livermore-Amador Valley Garden Club.
Jan. 24                                                                                                                            His wife died in 2006, and in her honor, Jim
                                                  by her two daughters, Pamela
                                                  and Cynthia, granddaughter                                                    provided funding to the city of Pleasanton for the
Q 8:21 a.m. on the 1600 block of East                                                                                           construction of the Marilyn Murphy Kane Trail
  Gate Way                                        Nicole and many bonus grand
Q 10:33 a.m., 7700 block of Fairoaks
                                                                                                                                along the Arroyo de la Laguna west of town.
                                                  and great-grandchildren.                                                         Jim is survived by Tom (Diann Lewis), of Menlo
  Drive; theft from auto
Q 1:53 p.m. on the 6500 block of
                                                    Friends and family are                                                      Park, Lisa (Richard) Walsh, of Orinda, and Bruce
  Lansing Court                                   invited to her memorial                                                       (Erica), of Chevy Chase, MD. Also surviving are
Q 4:27 p.m. on the 4300 block of                  service on Saturday, February                                                 seven granddaughters, Lindsay, Dana and Cameron
  Foothill Road
Q 9:14 p.m. on the 4300 block of
                                                  1st at 1:00p.m. at Graham-Hitch Mortuary in Pleasanton                        Walsh; Allison and Amy Lewis; and Laurel and Holly
  Clovewood Lane                                  with a reception at Graham-Hitch following the service.                       Kane. Two sisters and a brother predeceased him.
Vandalism                                           In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be made                      Jim was a congenial and friendly individual, who
Q 4:53 p.m. on the 4100 block of
                                                  to either the Parkinson’s Foundation or the Wounded                           will be missed by his surviving family and by many
  Vineyard Avenue                                                                                                               coworkers and friends. Interment is scheduled for
                                                  Warriors in Peggy’s name.
Jan. 23                                                                                                                         Friday January 31 at 11 am at the St. Augustine
Warrant arrest                                                                                                                  Cemetery in Pleasanton.
Q 3:58 a.m. on the 3300 block of                                                                           PAID   OBITUARY                                                    PA I D   O B I T U A RY

  Stanley Boulevard
                                                                                                                                                    Pleasanton Weekly • January 31, 2020 • Page 9
Real Estate Preview 2020 - Pleasanton Weekly
  EDITORIAL                                                                                                                                                                 THE OPINION OF THE WEEKLY

  Vote Yes on Livermore’s Measure P, Sunol and Dublin school bonds
   Here are the Pleasanton Weekly’s        overwhelmingly endorsed vocal                   Measure O in Sunol                  students from other tax bases. More          We hope district leaders realize
recommendations for Measure P in           supporters of the city plan. In fact,                                               importantly, the facility needs at the    this too, and recognize the local
Livermore, Measure O in Sunol,             the opposition couldn’t even re-             Sunol Glen Unified School Dis-         school are so striking, for current       property tax base will not be an
Measure J in Dublin and Measure            ally convince any candidate to back       trict is asking its residents to ap-      and future students in Sunol.             open account to be tapped any
Y in Danville on the March 3 ballot        their position against the city’s pro-    prove a $9.5 million facilities bond         Vote Yes on Measure O for              time. So, we also encourage them to
in those respective Tri-Valley com-        posal — even though one council           measure.                                  SGUSD.                                    advocate legislators to fix the broken
munities. We reached our decisions         seat was open for the taking by any          We support Measure O.                                                            system for school facilities funding
after meeting with representatives of      challenger.                                  The district, which hasn’t seen                                                  that exists in California — that ex-
                                                                                                                                     Measure J in Dublin
declared campaigns on either side.            After that election, the newly         a new bond measure since 1999,                                                      ists because of the State Legislature.
                                           seated council worked to solidify         is desperately in need of facility           The $290 million Measure J bond           But in terms of need that exists
                                           a downtown redevelopment vision           upgrades that effectively can only        is another vital funding source for       in Dublin, now, just look at the
   Measure P in Livermore
                                           vetted by the public.                     be funded through a local bond            Dublin Unified School District as it      second comprehensive high school,
   Voters in the city of Livermore            But the opponents are back again,      issuance.                                 continues to address facility impacts     an estimated nine-figure project on
will again weigh in on the down-           aiming to overturn the hotelier              The bond resolution clearly out-       of breathtaking enrollment growth         the east side of town that is only
town redevelopment debate with             agreement (so a Yes on Measure P          lines the necessary facilities projects   over the past decade or so.               partially funded by previous bond
Measure P, a ballot issue resulting        is in favor of the council plan, and a    that the new property tax of $59             Central to DUSD’s new bond pro-        money. Dublin High School is on
from a referendum petition chal-           No is against it), along with a related   per $100,000 of assessed valuation        posal is dedicated money to com-          track to have some 3,500 students
lenging the City Council’s approval        initiative measure espousing their        will fund at the nearly century-old       plete the second phase of the future      next school year; that’s three times
of a hotel development agreement           “Central Park Plan” scheduled for         campus, including classroom build-        new comprehensive high school and         as many students as the campus had
in the summer.                             the November election.                    ing upgrades, 21st century labs and       construction of a new middle school       in the early 2000s. Unsustainable.
   The hotel agreement with devel-            Despite efforts of initiative back-    technology, modern infrastructure,        on the Dublin Crossing site, as well         Vote Yes on Measure J for DUSD.
oper Presidio calls for a three-story      ers to argue contrary, it is hard to      better accessibility and a brand-new      as capacity relief at the elementary
hotel with 125-135 rooms next              consider their “Central Park Plan” as     multipurpose room to replace the          level and upgrades to some existing
                                                                                                                                                                             Measure Y in Danville
to the Bankhead Theater on the             nothing more than an unvetted idea        deteriorating 1950s-era cafeteria —       school campuses.
east side of Livermore Avenue. The         that hinges on an infancy-stage con-      an MPR that will also be available           These larger projects are para-           We are also recommending a Yes
hotel project is the centerpiece of        ceptual drawing — a smoke screen          year-round for community rental           mount, and seem to us to be the           vote in Danville on Measure Y, in
the city’s downtown redevelopment          conjured to confuse the citizenry         and as an evacuation center.              final key pieces to the overcrowding      favor of the Magee Preserve residen-
plan.                                      and conceal some yet-unclear true            District leaders found broad sup-      problems for the coming years. And        tial development with 69 houses
   The hotel location is a main source     intent.                                   port when polling voters earlier          these projects cannot occur without       clustered on a small portion of the
of disagreement for the No on Mea-            We encourage Livermore voters          in the bond consideration process         Measure J.                                property and the remaining 381
sure P folks. They instead want a          to seek out accurate information          (66.7%-70.4% in favor, for a bal-            The voter-approved local funds         acres reserved as permanent open
larger hotel (up to 160 rooms) on          and fair perspectives when research-      lot measure requiring 55% voter           are necessary to advance these con-       space.
the west side of Livermore Avenue,         ing Measure P. And we hope they           approval).                                struction projects as quickly as pos-        The project, championed by
in keeping with their alternative          continue to see through the misin-           We also recognize there is no          sible, as well as position the district   Davidon Homes and approved by
idea for downtown overall.                 formation — and disinformation            formal opposition argument on the         to potentially acquire matching dol-      the Danville Town Council, would
   We support the council-approved         — pushed primarily by the interests       ballot.                                   lars from the state.                      accomplish key community goals
agreement in line with the city’s          of a small faction of well-funded            That said, earlier this week we           DUSD has proven to be effective        around hillside preservation, bicycle
Downtown Specific Plan that re-            residents.                                heard from a Sunol resident critical      stewards of local bond funds to date      safety, emergency access and de-
ceived significant community sup-             The city’s hotel agreement calls       of Measure O, saying some town            — of course, we recognize they’ve         velopment in line with Danville’s
port, from widespread sources              for an appropriately sized facility       residents weren’t even aware of the       had plenty of practice, to the tune       character, as well as position pub-
throughout Livermore, during an            in the best location to enhance the       bond measure and are concerned            of $566 million from three other          lic agencies well for future traffic
extensive public outreach and re-          vitality of downtown. And more            about their tax burden given the          bonds since 2004.                         improvements — contrary to mis-
view process.                              importantly, it is the first step in      number of interdistrict transfer stu-        We understand that the new             leading statements from referendum
   The city’s downtown planning            bringing the community’s vision for       dents at Sunol Glen School.               property tax resulting from Mea-          petitioners.
was the central issue of the Liver-        redeveloping downtown to fruition.           We disagree with the notion that       sure J ($50 per $100,000 of as-              Our full endorsement article on
more mayoral and council elec-                Vote Yes on Measure P in               the bond measure would result in          sessed valuation) will impact Dublin      Measure Y is available online at
tions in November 2018, and voters         Livermore.                                Sunol residents unduly subsidizing        residents.                       Q

                                           into district reserves.                   total of $1.2 billion for both bonds.     seeing town halls or introductions        themselves out of the road. And the
LETTERS                                       The ballot language cannot cover
                                           important details noted in the 14-
                                                                                        Pleasanton has shown generous
                                                                                     support for K-12 education; we
                                                                                                                               to the candidates for this districts
                                                                                                                               congressional seat.
                                                                                                                                                                         most dangerous part is the goal is
                                                                                                                                                                         not held down with nothing but a
      When it’s time —                     page resolution or the references to      also can give the gift of time.             Judging by the negative opinions        big brick.
    Not the false choice of                the bond project list that:                  The district needs at least two        of Eric Swalwell, I would think                              —Gregory Ziegler
        ‘now or never’                     • Are vague enough to be funda-           more years to make progress on proj-      serious contenders need to show us
                                           mentally identical to the current         ects from the current tax, to properly    who they are and if they have any
                                                                                                                                                                              Platelets and plasma
Dear Editor,                               bond.                                     house our children and teachers, to       real interest in helping our district
   Measure M, a new tax proposed           • State: “the Bond Project List is not    focus on the productive use of funds      and not just taking our money to            Thank you for the article pro-
on the March 2020 ballot, asks for         a guarantee that the project will be      already raised or approved, and to        promote themselves in Washington.         moting Red Cross Blood donations.
$323 million in additional funding.        completed, regardless of whether          return to voters with the benefit of a      Please introduce any serious            They need all the help they can get.
Why should Pleasanton voters ap-           bond funds are available.”                track record of success.                  candidates.                                 An article on donating platelets
prove another tax now?                     • State funds cannot be used                 Now is not that time; please vote                        —Ann Montgomery         and plasma would also be very
   Based on the progress of projects       for current maintenance, opera-           No on Measure M.                                                                    helpful and informative. I have been
with the current $270M bond (Mea-          tions, or repairs, but lists projects                    —Kathleen Ruegsegger,                                                donating platelets for a long time.
                                                                                                                                       Basketball goals
sure I1), with much of the money in        to “renovate,” “repair,” and “for               Former PUSD trustee (1990-93)                                                 The donation takes longer but you
reserve accounts and unspent, it is        rehabilitation.”                                                                       I have the same position; the goal     are not losing any blood; therefore
unlikely the district can also collect        A list with these caveats provides                                               in my neighborhood is very, very          you can donate much more often.
                                                                                          Swalwell challengers?
this new tax and complete the col-         no guarantees or protection to de-                                                  close to the road. There be about 10      The platelets go to cancer patients.
lective list of projects all at the same   liver tangible results for our invest-      Who is seriously running for            to 15 kids in the middle of the road        Keep up the good work.
time. Passing Measure M now means          ment. The district has estimated          Congressman Swalwell’s seat as            every day; cars must stop to let the                        —Rosmarie Tanner
money, well in advance of work, will       passing M will have a payback obli-       representative of our district?           kids get out of the road and they
be collected from taxpayers and put        gation of $661M — a breathtaking            Wondering why we are not                move very, very slowly removing                 See LETTERS on Page 11

Page 10 • January 31, 2020 • Pleasanton Weekly
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