Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation

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Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
issue 3– fall 2019

                                                       change and innovation

                                             Development in
                                             Wascana Park: A Series
                                             Keeping pace with change
     Publications mail agreement #40934510

                                             Federal Election Preview
                                             Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
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Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
In this issue of
   6        President’s Message
                                                                                 320 Gardiner Park Court
                                                                                 Regina, SK S4V 1R9
Industry News                                                                    P: 306-525-0171
   8        Advocacy Update: An industry and economy as strong as its people     E:
   12       SCA’s Board of Directors
                                                                                 2019 SCA Board of Directors
                                                                                 Cory Richter, Chair
Features                                                                         Miles Dyck, Vice Chair
   14       Municipal Procurement Process Improvements                           Jason Duke, Past Chair

   16       Redefining strategic thinking in the family construction business
                                                                                 Mike Lawton
                                                                                 Ryan Leech
   20       Get with the times                                                   Kim Sutherland
                                                                                 Sean McGregor
   22       Innovation and change
                                                                                 Jeff Hagerty
   24       Setting the stage for Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan                Nick Friesen
                                                                                 Chris Doka
   26       Conexus connects to the community and the park
                                                                                 Shaun Cripps
   30       October 2019 federal election preview                                Justin Hoyes

   43       Peace of the working mind                                            President & CEO – Mark Cooper
   48       Don’t buy risk with a bad contract                                   Director of Operations – Amanda Thick

                                                                                 Director of Advocacy and
                                                                                 Communications – John Lax
Member Profiles
   18       Con-Tech celebrates 25 years
                                                                                 Executive Coordinator – Megan Jane

                                                                                 Career Coach – Alieka Beckett
   42       Innovation and change drive Graham forward
                                                                                 Career Coach – Scott Young
   58       Lehigh Hanson companies: working together to build our communities
                                                                                 Administrative Assistant – nicholas mccafferty

   46       Women in trades continues innovative path towards training           © 2019 DEL Communications Inc.
                                                                                 All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced

   50       Introduction to the Office to Advance Women Apprentices
                                                                                 by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior
                                                                                 written permission of the publisher.

   52       Change and Innovation in business                                    While every effort has been made to ensure the
                                                                                 accuracy of the information­contained in and the

   54       Is networking part of your business strategy?
                                                                                 reliability of the source, the publisher in no way
                                                                                 guarantees nor warrants the information and is not
                                                                                 responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by
   55       Ensuring apprentice success through innovative training models
                                                                                 advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by
                                                                                 contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of

                                                                                 the publisher, its directors, officers or employees.
            Tall Walking
                                                                                 Publications mail agreement #40934510

   60       Stay ahead of the game!
                                                                                 Return undeliverable
                                                                                 Canadian addresses to:

                                                                                 DEL Communications Inc.
            The balance needed to embrace the innovation culture                 Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2L 0G5

4 SASKATCHEWAN CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION                                          PRINTED IN CANADA 7/2019
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation





Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
president’s MESSAGE
                                          Mark Cooper, President & CEO,
                                          Saskatchewan Construction Association
                                          Change and innovation have been                   economic activity has levelled out, and political
                                          accelerating in virtually every segment           gridlock has slowed pipeline development.
                                          of the economy for decades. The drive
                                                                                            The SCA works to support our membership and
                                          to deliver more with less, create new
                                          markets, and enhance existing products            the construction sector at large by fostering a
                                          creates a cycle of ever-improving products,       positive business environment. As part of this
                                          practices, and processes. Construction is         work, I am proud to present this Change and
                                          not immune from this. While cutting edge          Innovation focused issue of We Build.
                                          design from a few short years ago remains
                                                                                            We present our election coverage special
                                          aesthetically beautiful, there are countless
                                                                                            (pg. 30) with a look at Saskatchewan’s ridings
                                          pieces of the puzzle that would likely be
                                          delivered differently if the same project were    and candidates. In that feature we also get the
                                          undertaken today.                                 CCA’s take on what this election may mean for
                                                                                            construction in Canada.
                                          The construction sector struggles to adopt
                                          new technology because contracting                Elsewhere, we look at major projects going on
                                          businesses bid on work in environments            across the province including the first part of
                                          that often reward the lowest bid regardless       our look at development in Regina’s Wascana
                                          of any other considerations or advice.            Park with a preview of the new Conexus head
                                          Contractors will build what they are asked        office build (pg. 26). Further north, we look at
                                          to build. Implementing new technologies and       develoment at Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan
                                          innovative design is up to owners and their       in Saskatoon (pg. 24).
                                          decisions about value for money.
                                                                                            In other features we explore how Saskatchewan
                                          But make no mistake, the moment contractors
                                                                                            contractors can manage contracts in a changing
                                          are asked to innovate – they are up to the
                                                                                            and more complex world (pg. 48), a University
                                          task. When owners decide they want smart
                                                                                            of Fredricton parnership with Worksafe
                                          buildings, or 3D printed components, or more
                                                                                            Saskatchewan (pg. 43), and we happily introduce
                                          efficient materials, Saskatchewan contractors
                                          will deliver. In the meantime, they do what       the new Office to Advance Women Apprentices
                                          they can to prepare for innovation and adapt      (pg. 50).
                                          to changes in market demand.
                                                                                            Finally, we explore issues like developing
                                          But change encompasses more than just             networking skills (pg. 54) and how to balance
                                          innovation. Change can impact how                 innovation cultures within businesses (pg. 52).
                                          businesses are run, how staff is trained, how
                                                                                            As always, I hope you enjoy this issue of We
                                          staff is selected in the first place, and even
                                          which projects contractors are interested in.     Build and I look forward to your feedback. We
                                          These sorts of change are driven by regional      publish this magazine with the goal of better
                                          economic conditions, regulations, politics, and   informing our stakeholders about the industry
                                          other variables. Saskatchewan’s construction      and ensuring our partners understand that our
                                          market has been subject to extensive change       industry and association are accessible partners
                                          in recent years as investment has declined,       in growth and development.

Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
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                                                                                We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 7
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation

                                          Advocacy Update
                                          An industry and economy
                                          as strong as its people
                                          By John Lax, Director of Advocacy and Communications,
                                          Saskatchewan Construction Association

The SCA’s primary objective is to                 Will there be projects? Will people have         growth. While the province hasn’t
advocate on behalf of its members                 jobs? If consumers and business owners           recaptured the swagger of the boom
and the construction sector in                    can answer “yes” to these questions,             years, the worst of the resource
Saskatchewan. What that means in                  consumers spend and the economy                  collapse is behind us.
plain language is that we work with               flourishes – from restaurants and
                                                                                                   If we accept that this is the new
partners – the government, buyers of              florists to auto dealerships and home
                                                                                                   normal and there is work left to be
construction services, the construction           sales. When these businesses do well,
                                                                                                   done to provide for the businesses
industry itself, and related service              they spend – on marketing, facilities,
                                                                                                   and people of this province, the
sectors – to create an environment                expansion, and so on.
                                                                                                   picture is not one of declining
in this province that is inviting for
                                                  We are in an interesting economic                opportunity but rather consistent
investment and amenable to the success
                                                  and political period with an uncertain           long-term demand for the food,
of Saskatchewan contractors.
                                                  federal election only weeks away and             fertilizer, and fuel that this province
As a facilitator of economic growth,              a provincial election scheduled for              produces and sells across the globe.
the construction sector is successful             next year. Canada’s economy is strong
when businesses and consumers are                 around us and Saskatchewan’s economy             This is not confidence out

confident in ongoing economic growth              is stable with a balanced provincial             of necessity, it is simply an

and stability – Will there be investment?         budget and meager but consistent                 acknowledgement that our failure
                                                                                                   to succeed is unlikely because there
                                                                                                   is (1) too much value in our territory,

                                               Local  focusisisata the
                                                                    the core
                                                                        coreof ofour
                                                                                      business.    and (2) too much ingenuity and
                                               Every project
                                               Every  project we
                                                               we dodo supports
                                                                        supports aa personal

                                                                                                   strength in the people who build this
                                               solution for
                                                         for our
                                                             our clients
                                                                  clients and
                                                                           and aa commitment
                                               to the communities we live in.                      province.
                                               Associated     Engineeringhas   has6060years
                                               experience and 200 160 staff serving                In this vein, the government has
                                               Saskatchewan communities, with                      begun to consider its future growth
                                                            engineering, planning,
                                               consulting engineering,      planning,project
                                               management, and asset management                    strategy for the next decade. The
                                               services in
                                               services  in the
                                                            the water,
                                                                water, transportation,
                                                                         transportation,           SCA was eager to put forward its
                                               infrastructure, environmental,
                                               infrastructure,  environmental,energy,
                                               and building
                                               and  building sectors.
                                                              sectors.                             proposals for strengthening the
                                               For more
                                               For  more information,
                                                          information, visit
                                                                          visit our
                                                                                our website
                                                                                     website       investment climate and general
                                               at                                        confidence of Saskatchewan’s
                                               Saskatoon:           306.653-4969
                                                                                                   economy today and to the 2030
                                               Regina:              306.721.2466
                                               Prince  Albert: 306.764.3040
                                               Saskatoon:           306.764.3040                   horizon.

                                                                                                   In the following pages, I will review
                                                                                                   some of the most crucial files we are
                                                                                                   working on today and summarize
                                                                                                   our growth proposals.
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
Prompt Payment                                to ensure the economy and the people      Each theme addresses root causes or
                                              of our province flourish because that’s   critical outcomes of Saskatchewan’s
The provincial government and its
                                              when construction succeeds.               current economic condition. Success in
stakeholder partners have begun
                                                                                        any of these areas will drive or amplify
the work to develop a regulatory
                                              Priority Themes                           economic opportunities in the other
framework and create the necessary
                                              The priorities identified by the SCA to   areas and across the economy at large.
structures for a prompt payment regime
                                              foster growth were:                       These priority areas have also been
in Saskatchewan.
                                                                                        selected to allow the government to
This will require extensive research into     I. Investment Attraction & Retention;     capitalize on things it is already doing
regulations in other, similar jurisdictions                                             – reducing both lead time and capital/
                                              II. Competitiveness; and
and careful consideration of the                                                        resource intensity required to achieve
Saskatchewan circumstance. The first          III. Supplier Development.                significant positive outcomes.
public-facing step in this latter process
was a limited consultation through the
summer. The SCA and Prompt Payment
Saskatchewan (PPS) responded to that
consultation, as did several partners. We
expect broader consultation will follow.

The summer consultation provided an
opportunity for parties to state their
positions on the application of timelines,
adjudication process, and other specifics
that were left to regulation.

The SCA and PPS will remain active
in all future consultations and
conversations to ensure that the
prompt payment regime delivered in

                                                  Do what
Saskatchewan meets the needs of the
business owners and tradespeople it is
meant to protect. This means working
to limit any possible exemptions and

                                                  you love.
ensuring that all stakeholders are
aware that meeting prompt payment
requirements is simply a matter of
appropriate contract management – not
a disincentive to investment.Key steps
remaining include the establishment of
an Authority to manage adjudications
and extensive industry and stakeholder
education to secure a smooth and                   Keep your eye framed on building your
successful introduction of prompt
                                                   business and we’ll take care of the rest!
payment rules in Saskatchewan.
                                                   Our full suite of business products and services is
Growth Plan                                        designed to help you spend less time on your day
In response to government plans to                 to day banking.
develop a renewed Saskatchewan
Growth Plan for 2020 to 2030, the SCA              Talk to a business advisor today.
identified broad growth opportunities              1.866.863.6237
that went far beyond construction-
focused recommendations. Our goal is

                                                                                                    We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 9
Development in Wascana park: a series keeping pace With change federal election previeW shakespeare on the saskatcheWan - change and innovation
The following recommendations do            • C
                                               ommission an inter-ministry               support organization, like Square One
not call for wholly new activities or         working group to develop a                  and associations, to engage the business
substantial increases to public spending      diversification strategy leveraging         community; and
which are not feasible today. Instead,        preferential treatment for new
                                                                                        • D
                                                                                           evelop minimally resourced Centres
they concentrate on improving or              investments in selected sectors.
                                                                                          of Excellence for key sectors to drive
redefining existing government
                                            II. Competitiveness                           innovation and productivity in
practices, processes, and priorities.
                                                                                          areas that strengthen Saskatchewan
                                            • E
                                               xpand the mandate of the Red
Ultimately, this allows for a shift in                                                    Businesses and investment business
                                              Tape Reduction Effort – forming an
government energy and focus using                                                         cases.
                                              official committee with investigative
existing resources to pursue new
and different outcomes targeting the                                                    Conclusion
primary economic concerns of today.         • E
                                               ffectively market the work and          Saskatchewan is more than just oil,
At the same time, this cost-effective         successes of Red Tape Reduction;          potash, uranium, forestry, grains, or
refinement of priorities will allow                                                     pulses. Our potential as a province
                                            • L
                                               aunch a Comprehensive Provincial
an immediate transformation of                                                          is profound – we produce essential
                                              Tax Policy and Rate Review;
Saskatchewan’s economic narrative to                                                    resources the globe will continue to
renewal, confidence, and opportunity.       • C
                                               reate a catalogue of all layered tax    demand for generations. But we have
                                              policies and rates by municipality to     only begun to systematically develop and
Recommendations                               support investment attraction and         frame our economy in this way over the
I. Investment Attraction & Retention          policy debate;                            past generation.

• A
   djust the mandate of the                • A
                                               djust the mandate of the Ministry       As a province, we must refocus and
  Saskatchewan Trade and Export               of GR to more aggressively work           invest in developing new and existing
  Partnership (STEP) to include               with other levels of government to        opportunities using every tool available
  attracting new foreign investment to        streamline regulatory burdens across      to generate new investments, strengthen
  the province – identifying prospects        jurisdictions; and                        internal opportunities, and prepare
  and key market opportunities;                                                         Saskatchewan businesses to succeed in
                                            • L
                                               everage Saskatchewan’s publicly
                                                                                        the next phase of growth.
• A
   djust the mandate of the Ministry         owned Crown corporations and
  of Trade and Export Development             agencies to better highlight the world-   We must ensure that everyone at home
  (TED) to include support for pitching/      class levels of commercial service        and abroad knows that: Saskatchewan
  selling the value of Saskatchewan as        available in Saskatchewan.                is a great place to invest; Saskatchewan
  an investment destination to external                                                 is a great place to do business; and
                                            III. Supplier Development
  and internal investors, with a focus                                                  Saskatchewan businesses are prepared
  on the former;                            • E
                                               xpand the mandate of Priority           and able to deliver.
                                              Saskatchewan to more aggressively
• C
   ommit to Investment Missions
                                              work towards preparing                    Carbon Pricing
  around the world in front of high
                                              Saskatchewan Companies to be
  value prospects;                                                                      The Supreme Court will hear
                                              successful in both the public and
                                                                                        Saskatchewan’s challenge to federal
• A
   djust the mandate of the Ministry         private sector;
                                                                                        carbon pricing on December 5, 2019.
  of Government Relations (GR) to                                                       Prince Edward Island and Quebec
                                            • E
                                               mpower Priority Saskatchewan
  include a focus on multi-jurisdictional                                               have now signed on as intervenors on
                                              to concentrate on both sector- and
  regulatory harmonization making                                                       Saskatchewan’s behalf in the case. If
                                              market-specific suppliers – mining,
  new investment as attractive as                                                       federal Conservatives win the October
                                              energy, agriculture, IT, R&D,
  possible;                                                                             election, the case could be moot as they
                                              Aboriginal, Women Entrepreneurs,
• W
   ork across ministries and closely         Young Entrepreneurs, etc.                 have stated their first move would be to
  with private sector partners                                                          eliminate the carbon pricing requirement.
                                            • P
                                               roperly resource Priority
  to prepare and deliver specific
  investment prospectuses and
                                              Saskatchewan to deliver on these          Pipelines
  presentations for potential investors;                                                The Trans Mountain pipeline was
  and                                       • Work with Saskatchewan business          approved by the federal cabinet on June

18, 2019, and the project is now set to    engagement, data management,               Conclusion
move forward.                              industry committees, and partnerships
                                                                                      The policy priorities addressed herein
                                           with various stakeholders within and
However, on September 4, 2019,                                                        are only some of the portfolios the SCA
                                           adjacent to the industry. Our areas of
a Federal Court of Appeal ruling                                                      is advancing. New priorities and issues
                                           focus are determined by the business
allowed six legal challenges to the                                                   consistently arise, and we address
                                           and political environment at any given
project to move forward through the                                                   them as required on behalf of our
                                           time. Our policy direction is set by our
courts. All challenges come from First                                                stakeholders. If you have questions,
                                           board of directors and tested through
Nations and environmental groups                                                      please contact the SCA office at
                                           the Advisory Council – Saskatchewan’s
and argue insufficient consultation.                                                  306-525-0171 or
                                           only pan-industry committee with
In a perplexing move, the federal
                                           representation from every corner of the
government did not file briefs in
                                           construction sector.
opposition to the challenges. Had it
done so, legal experts generally believe
the challenges would have been
struck down, as six others were in the
same ruling.

The challenges themselves do not
require work to stop on the project,
and they are unlikely to succeed in the
face of existing consultation records.
Furthermore, the constitutional
Not Withstanding Clause could and
likely would override any successful
challenge. The government’s political
strategy is likely to let the challenges
fail in court rather than through
political objection.

Put simply: there are virtually no
scenarios left in which the completion
of Trans Mountain isn’t a foregone

Our Work
The SCA represents the interests of its
members and the construction sector
through partnerships, relationships,
and collaboration. Our business is
connecting people and securing
a positive business environment
in Saskatchewan. In pursuit of
this goal, we work with members,
industry associations, investors,
governments, and government
agencies to foster open dialogue
and a broad understanding of the
complex construction industry by all

To meet these objectives, the SCA
is active in direct advocacy, civic

                                                                                                   We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 11

                                           MILES DYCK                   CORY RICHTER                  JASON DUKE
                                           Vice Chair                      Chair                       Past Chair

                    Mike lawton                                                                                      ryan leech

                 kim sutherland                         sean mcGREGOR                  JEFF HAGERTY                  NICK FRIESEN

                                           CHRIS DOKA                   SHAUN CRIPPS                  JUSTIN HOYES


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                                                                     We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 13

                                           Municipal Procurement
                                           Process Improvements
                                           Tammy Moyse, Manager of Procurement,
                                           City of Regina

The City of Regina is introducing                 policies and protocols, all while        In 2019, the City responded to
new and standardized procurement                  delivering strong value for the public   feedback from the construction
methods to further ensure                         dollars that are spent.                  industry that suggested its processes
that overall value is taken into                                                           focused too heavily on low-bid
                                                  The City’s 2019 budget includes
consideration when procuring goods                                                         procurements. In addition to the
                                                  a $127 million capital plan, with
and services.
                                                  approximately 56 per cent dedicated      traditional low-bid tender method,
The City is a major driver of                     to infrastructure. It includes an        the City is emphasizing procurement
construction activity in Regina,                  additional $58 million utility capital   methods that can be awarded based
procuring over $170 million annually              plan designed to meet regulations,       on the overall proposal, rather than
to provide reliable and sustainable               renew infrastructure, and invest         strictly lowest price. As a public
services to the community. All                    in our drainage system. Efficient        entity, costs continue to be a major
procured goods and services are part              and transparent processes are a          component for evaluation, but
of a City Council-approved budget or              top priority for the City to ensure      options like Request for Qualification
program. The procurement process                  procurement of quality goods             (High Score) provide greater
ensures the City is in alignment                  and services in the right quantity,
                                                                                           flexibility for evaluation on factors
with applicable trade agreements,                 price and time for the City and, by
                                                                                           such as past performance and how
legislation, bylaws, and internal                 extension, Regina residents.
                                                                                           well the proponent understands
                                                                                           and adheres to stated requirements.
                                                                                           Another change is the introduction
                                                                                           of negotiated procurement methods
                                                                                           for select projects. The added
                                                                                           negotiation step helps ensure
                                                                                           adherence to scope and requirements
              Jet Electric was established in Saskatoon in 2008.
                                                                                           of the proposal, ultimately leading
        We are a locally owned and operated company that specializes                       to improved service delivery to the
          in design build, commercial, residential and service work.                       residents of Regina.
               Jet Electric takes pride in offering our customers
                                                                                           Industry stakeholders will notice the
                            the best service possible.                                     introduction of these changes during
                                                                                           the 2019 construction season. With
             3203 WELLS AVENUE, SASKATOON, SK S7K 5W4
                                                                                           an ongoing commitment to process
     T: 306-374-9596 F: 306-373-5453                                improvement and transparency, you
                                                            can expect the City to continue down
                                                                                           this path in 2020.

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                                                                                                      We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 15

                                           Redefining strategic
                                           thinking in the family
                                           construction business
                                           Bob Tosh, Family Business Advisor, MNP

The family construction business, like                  transfer, and the case for a revised
most family businesses, is a complex                    approach becomes even stronger.
cauldron of human relationships,
                                                        Strategic thinking on traditional
business needs, and ownership                                                                                  family to change the way it thinks and
                                                        family units has tended to focus on
expectations – often with little or                                                                            acts. This cannot happen overnight and
                                                        operations and management, with
no formal communication policies,
                                                        ideas and direction rarely documented                  requires time, effort, and a commitment
governance, or legal agreements,
                                                        or analysed beyond discussion at the                   to see things through.
even where the businesses are in a
                                                        family dinner table. This can lead to an
partnership or company structure!                                                                              In doing so, it may be possible to
                                                        atmosphere of uncertainty with poor
These informal structures and processes                 communication, no clear direction, and                 move away from the managerial
have traditionally been accepted as the                 a culture of avoiding or accommodating                 and operational focus, to become
norm, and business has managed to                       behaviour among family members.                        more strategic investment and
progress despite these limitations.                     Where the founding generation                          entrepreneurial in thinking, and this
                                                        remains in charge, this may be accepted,               can also help to alleviate some of the
But the face of modern construction has
                                                        but where there is the addition of
changed, and many small companies                                                                              common tensions that arise out of
                                                        multiple siblings or cousins, this
have now evolved to become complex,                                                                            family succession issues.
                                                        situation rapidly becomes unsustainable.
highly capitalized businesses which
                                                                                                               Bob Tosh is a partner with MNP in
have outgrown their former practices.                   The problem is not unique to
As a result, there is now a need to                     construction but is a condition of many                Saskatoon. For more information, call
introduce new methodologies. Add to                     family businesses. The solution is to                  Bob at 306.664.8303,
this the complexity of intergenerational                introduce formality and to educate the                 or visit


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                                                                                             We Build – fall 2019 –2019-06-28   2:48 PM
                                                                                                                   change and innovation 17
MEMBER Profile

celebrates 25 years
By Paul Adair, DEL Staff Writer

For 25 years, Saskatoon-based Con-Tech General Contractors           for the continued growth of the company and highlights
has been building solutions for Saskatchewan, providing              the use the various pre-engineered steel building systems
design and build services to commercial and light industrial         Con-Tech utilizes in many of its design and build projects. The
markets, as well as being instrumental in the construction           company currently employs 90 people within its team.
of rural infrastructure projects. The company was founded
                                                                     “We have always worked at being committed to doing our best
in 1994 by President and CEO Larry Plett, after a return to
Saskatchewan from Manitoba with his wife Michelle.

“With our move to Saskatoon came the Con-Tech start-up,
which was meagre, but we were determined to make it work,”
says Plett. “We basically had a few dollars of working capital
from the home we had sold in Winnipeg, a pick-up truck, a
toolbox full of small tools, and a willingness to travel.”

In the first few years, Plett was able to establish several
significant relationships in the commercial construction
marketplace and Con-Tech began to grow. Within three years,
the company moved from the back of the pick-up truck to a
one-room office in Saskatoon where it remained and expanded
until it relocated last year into 19,000 square feet of new office
and shop facilities in Saskatoon’s BizHub Industrial Park. This
new facility was specifically designed to accommodate plans

MEMBER Profile

with each and every project we have,” says Plett. “The result
has been a steady development of our people, customers, and
project mix, which has culminated in being where we are at
today in regard to our growth and development.”

Con-Tech’s membership in the SCA is through the Saskatoon
Construction Association. Plett appreciates his membership
with the associations and greatly values their work in
elevating the level of professionalism for its members, as well
as its commitment to be an active advocate for the construction

“[The association] has been instrumental to our company’s
development,” Plett says. “With the perspective gained over
time in this business, it has become more and more clear to
us just how critical the Saskatoon Construction Association’s
efforts are to the long-term success and health of our industry.”

Looking ahead, Con-Tech aims to grow with the same
measured pace that it has since the beginning, while staying
true to the values and commitment to quality that has brought
it success over the last quarter century.

“We plan to continue to be adaptable in our approach to the
marketplace and are confident that our values-driven model
will provide our team with the motivation it takes to continue
to be successful in our industry,” says Plett.

                                                                                      710 Crystal Springs Dr.
                                                                                      Warman, SK, S7K 4S2
                                                                                    Ph:   306-209-5767

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                                                                                                            We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 19

                                                            Get with the Times Ensuring
                                                            Your Contract Keeps Pace
                                                            with Technology
                                                            Misty Alexandre, Lawyer,
                                                            Robertson Stromberg LLP

        There was a time when I found it                                   used during the project. Consider the
        amusing to guide my mother through                                 following examples:
        programming the VCR. But when
                                                                           Drones: Are drones being used for
        digital technology later took off                                                                                        ultimate product? Which parties are liable
                                                                           project inspection or monitoring?
        with lightning speed, I found myself                                                                                     for defects resulting from contributions
                                                                           Is the drone compliant with federal
        struggling to keep up. The current                                                                                       made? Note that the Institute for BIM in
                                                                           regulations, including registration
        construction project is no different                                                                                     Canada has published a precedent for
                                                                           and licensing? Are we properly
        – there has been an explosion of                                                                                         contracts using BIM, but with ever-
                                                                           insured if an accident occurs during
        technological advances in the industry,                            use? Who owns or has access to the                    changing advancements in software,
        and navigating it all has become a full-                           information recorded by the drone? Are                you should ensure the precedent itself
        time job.                                                          there privacy considerations for the                  remains applicable to the current product.
                                                                           information or images captured by the
        Have your construction contracts kept                                                                                    Construction Management Software: If
                                                                           drone (whether by legislation or union
        up with the pace? There is a tendency                                                                                    construction management software must
        to create precedent contracts and                                                                                        be used during the project, who owns
        simply fill in the blanks from project                             Building Information Modelling (BIM):                 (and can access) the information? Where
        to project. But it’s important to ensure                           Where multiple parties contribute to                  is the information stored, how is it backed
        your current contract language reflects                            the design model, who has ownership                   up, and who is liable if information is lost?
        the innovative technology being                                    rights to the information or the                      Do I (or should I) have my own separate
                                                                                                                                 backup records? Will communicating
                                                                                                                                 through the software satisfy any “notice”
                                                                                                                                 requirements in our contract (consider
                            FNPA and its Board of Directors would like to welcome Mr. Guy
                                                                                                                                 notices of delay or default, and the
    FNPA and its Board of Directors
                            Lonechild would   like toofwelcome
                                      to the position              Mr.Officer.
                                                        Chief Executive  Guy
    Lonechild to the position of Chief Executive Officer.                                                                        contract provision mandating how these
                            Mr. Lonechild brings a wealth of experience, leadership capacity
                   FNPA and and its Board
                                 network    of Directors
                                         which              wouldour
                                               will greatly benefit  likeGeneral
                                                                           to welcome
                                                                                 and Industry
                                                                                                                                 notices must be served)?
    Mr. Lonechild and  aitswealth
                   Mr. Guy
                            Members ofof
                                          to the
                                                                   like   to
                                                             of Chief
                                                                         Executive Officer.
                                                                                            Mr.        Guy
    and network    which
         Mr. Lonechild
                                   greatly  benefit  of
                                        of experience,
                                    Renewable         our
                                                                will   andand
                                                                     redefine  network which
                                                                                                                                    Off-site construction: If any portion of
                                                                                              willlandscape - representing a significant economic
                 benefit ourrenewable
                             General      energy
                                     and Industry  projects.
                                            to Canada’s
                                                             seeking people.
                                                                     renewableNew  green
                                                                                energy                                              the project
                                                                                         infrastructure will drive new businesses, investments,
                                                                                       projects.                                                   is built off-site, who has access
                         and training
                Mr. Lonechild bringsforaallwealth
                                                   ofand hold the potential
                                                      experience,           to redefinecapacity
                                                                      leadership        the economic landscape for many Indigenous
         The Renewable
The Renewable       EnergyEnergy   sector will
                               communities. willredefine Canada’s
                                                 These              energy
                                                        communities     will landscape
                                                                              beenergy  - landscape
                                                                                 impacted representing
                                                                                            by renewablea -significant  economica significant
                                                                                                              energy   developments
                                                                                                                                              rights   to inspect the product during
                                                                                                                                     throughout their  Reserve,
opportunity   to     network
                     to Canada’s
                  Canada’s           which
                               Treaty            will  greatly
                                          and traditionalNew
                                                              New  benefit
                                                            territories;         ourwill
                                                                      infrastructure   General
                                                                                          drive new and
                                                                           proactive  engagement    will     Industry
                                                                                                     is essential   investments,
                                                                                                                   new           jobsnecessaryconstruction
                                                                                                                      to supporting      investments,
                                                                                                                                                           and (e.g. modular buildings)?
         and training for all Canadians    andeconomic
                                                hold the potential to redefine the
                                                                                     pathway landscape      foropportunities.
                                                                                                                many Indigenous
and training  Members
               for  all        seeking
                         Canadians         andrenewable
                                                  hold   the    energy
                                                               potential      projects.
                                                                               to redefine     to powerful
                                                                                               the   economic
         communities. These communities will be impacted by renewable energy developments throughout their Reserve,   landscape     for  many    Indigenous
communities.    These
         Treaty and       communities
                    traditional                will beengagement
                                 territories; proactive   impactedisby        renewable
                                                                          essential          energy
                                                                                    to supporting       developments
                                                                                                   necessary    approvals     throughout theirThisReserve,
                                                                                                                                                     list is obviously not exhaustive. Each
                                                                           In the spirit of partnership      with  FNPA,and
Treaty and      Renewable
         maximizing                  Energy proactive
                                  outcomes—forging sector     will
                                                        our pathway    redefine
                                                                       to powerful   isCanada’s
                                                                                    opportunities.     energy
                                                                                                       to              landscape
                                                               discover the possibilities and become a Member today!          necessary-  representing
                                                                                                                                              new         anda orsignificant
                                                                                                                                                     product                  economic
                                                                                                                                                                  innovation will bring
maximizing                   to Canada’s Indigenous
             economic outcomes—forging                    our pathway
                                                       Please  contact people.        New green
                                                                                 powerful                infrastructure
                                                                                               Manager                           will drive
                                                                                                            to discuss your project            new
                                                                                                                                       needs its       businesses,    investments,  jobs
                                                                                                                                                  own series of legal considerations.
           In the spirit of partnership with FNPA, discover the possibilities and become a Member today!
          and training     Please forcontact
                                         all Canadians
                                                  our Membership andManager
                                                                         hold the         potential
                                                                                    to discuss             to redefine
                                                                                                   your project needs      the economic landscape for many Indigenous
                                                                                                                                              Whether dealing with your own
          communities.              These
                                   FNPA              In the spiritwill
                                          Team:communities              of partnership
                                                                              be    impacted      withby FNPA,
                                                                                                          renewable      energy
                                                                                                                        Contact  us: developments throughout their Reserve,
                                                                                                                        Phone: 1-855-359-3672 standard contracts or being presented one
          FNPA Team:               Guy Lonechild - Chief Executive Officer                                             Contact     us:
          Guy Lonechildand
                        - Chief Executive
                                                        - Membership   Manager
                                                            Rebecca Agecoutay
                                                                                and become
                                                                         proactive                   a Member
                                                                               - Membership engagement
                                                                                                                     essential       to supporting necessary approvals and
                                                                                                                        Email:   for signature, the point is to think broadly
          Jenna Gall -    Please
          maximizing economic
                       Community       contact
                                   Energy Project   our
                                          Gall - CommunityMembership             Manager
                                                            Energy Project Manager
                                                   outcomes—forging our pathway to powerful
                                                  Manager   Darren Huculak - Business Manager,  to   discuss
                                                                                               Alberta        your
                                                                                                              Email: project     needs
                                   Darren Huculak - Business Manager, Alberta                               
           Christina Swan - Finance Jai
                                    & Operations
                                        Roberts - Coordinator
                                                  Renewable Energy Project Manager
                                                                                                                                 and outside the box (way outside the box).
                                 Christina Swan - Finance & Operations Coordinator                                               Now, off to learn how to Snapchat.
FNPA Team:                                              In the spirit of partnership
                                                                              Contact us:with FNPA,
Guy Lonechild  - Chief Executive Officer
       20 SASKATCHEWAN CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION discover the possibilities andPhone:  1-855-359-3672
Rebecca Agecoutay - Membership Manager                                         become      a Member today!
Jenna Gall - Community Energy Project Please    contact our Membership Manager to discuss your project needs
Darren Huculak - Business Manager, Alberta                          

                                            Rob Cholodnuik
                                      Manager, Saskatoon Office

ISL’s resourceful local
experts deliver engineering
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With a deep understanding of community need,
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                           We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 21

                                           Innovation and Change
                                           Kaytlyn Barber, Senior Manager –
                                           Advisory, KPMG

What does a cutting-edge contractor look like in 2019?
According to a KPMG survey of leading international                 Change is, and always will be, inevitable. Organizations that
contractors, they have the following characteristics:               make innovation and change core to their business will continue
                                                                    to thrive, but change does not have to be big, transformative and
• Foster a strong innovation culture, embodied in a clear
                                                                    scary. Returning to the characteristics above, at least three of the
  technology vision and strategy;
                                                                    six are about people, and at least three are about having a vision,
• Dedicate innovation teams, led by senior leaders, with            strategy, and plan − things that can be done on any scale, in any
ongoing recruitment and internal development of technology          geography.
and innovation specialists;
                                                                    Saskatchewan is an innovation leader. In working with numerous
• View technology as a driving force, with rapid investment        professionals across the construction industry, common trends
  in pilots (via test labs), a willingness to fail fast, and        that I believe will continue to take root in the province include:
  wholehearted adoption of those technologies that can deliver
                                                                    • A shortage of digitally-minded professionals in the construction
                                                                      industry: Educational institutions, professional associations, and
• Significant investment in Building Information Modeling            industry partners are rapidly seeking to address the need for
  (BIM), drones, virtual and augmented reality and smart              a combination of digital mindset and on-the-job construction
  sensors;                                                            skills, but doing so will be reliant on meaningful collaborations
                                                                      to bring the right combination of skills and real experience. I
• Recognize the importance of a continued talent pipeline,
                                                                      believe it will also require thinking beyond traditional pools of
  utilizing the latest recruitment methods and channels,
                                                                      talent, as the proportion of women in major projects has still not
  supported by innovative performance management and
                                                                      changed significantly in the last decade, according to the Major
  flexible career options tailored to millennials and Generation
                                                                      Project Association.
  Z; and
                                                                    • Drive to enhance productivity at all stages of the value-chain:
• Have a strong focus on geographic, industry and service
                                                                      Project owners continue to squeeze every dollar of value from
  expansion, with an eye on the future and a bold vision of
                                                                      capital project investments, placing pressure on contractors
  their organization.
                                                                      to: use innovative materials and leverage robotics process
                                                                      automation; 3D printing and machine engineering, design,
                                                                      and construction; and have the courage to stop old practices as
                                                                      opposed to only adding new ones.

                                                                    • Pressure to reduce administrative overhead: Contractors will
                                                                      continue to prioritize spend on “boots-on-ground” with the
                                                                      ability to scale typical support functions (e.g., HR, IT, finance)
                 Dwayne Henry                                         through automation, cloud-based IT solutions, and outsourced
    306-380-8383                          providers.

                                                                    How is your business instilling innovation, technology
      Sprinkler Systems l Inspections l Service & Installations     enablement, talent management, and a culture of growth and
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                                                                                                                                We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 23

Setting the stage for Shakespeare
on the Saskatchewan
Paul Adair, DEL Staff Writer

Photos courtesy of CG Studio

While it may be true that “all the
                                             “We would come in the spring              of SOTS theatre in some fashion and
world’s a stage,” the patrons of                                                        allow patrons to bask in the memory
Saskatoon’s celebrated theatre                 and spend six to eight weeks             of the old site while appreciating the
space, the Shakespeare on the                                                           amenities of the new.
Saskatchewan (SOTS) will soon                  building a park and venue out
                                                                                        “From a conceptual design
enjoy a new permanent home along
the scenic Meewasin Trail and the
                                               of a snow dump site, and then            perspective, we are taking traditional

South Saskatchewan River. The                  produce a theatre festival on            Shakespearean architectural elements
                                                                                        from the Tudor era and then trying
revamped theatre space will replace
the temporary space SOTS has used to           that space; just to tear it all          to modernize those elements into
                                                                                        contemporary structures that will
entertain theatregoers over almost all
its last 35 theatrical seasons, a space
                                               down at the end of the season.”          then blend or meld the tradition with
that has – up to now − transitioned into                          – Will Brooks         something that’s more about today,”
                                                                                        says Troy Smith, Principal Architect at
a snow dump site each year throughout
the winter months.                                                                      Group2 – Architecture Interior Design.
                                             “This project will allow everything to
                                             become much more efficient for us and      When complete, the new venue
“We would come in the spring and
spend six to eight weeks building a          allow us to really focus our resources     will bring several benefits to the
park and venue out of a snow dump            on simply creating the art for our         community, from the improved
site, and then produce a theatre festival    audiences; which, at the end of the day,   performance and public space to
on that space − just to tear it all down     is what we are supposed to be doing,”      economic growth for both the City
at the end of the season,” says Will         says Brooks.                               of Saskatoon and SOTS. And while
Brooks, Artistic Producer at SOTS. “We                                                  the new venue will be primarily
                                             The SOTS redevelopment project
have always had to build everything                                                     focused on producing six-weeks of
                                             has been informed by a highly
up from scratch; this has been a                                                        Shakespearian theatre each summer, it
                                             collaborative process with SOTS and
tremendous drain on our organization,                                                   will also take advantage of its location
                                             other various community stakeholders.
and it has taken something away from                                                    and have the flexibility to allow for a
                                             The buildings will incorporate elements
the quality of work we are able to offer                                                variety of other uses throughout the
                                             of Shakespeare’s Elizabethan era into
to our patrons.”                                                                        year.
                                             contemporary forms, while also paying
The holistic design and redevelopment        tribute to the long and cultured history   “This project will produce a great
of the new venue space has allowed           of the province. Interpretive panels       facility, not only for Shakespeare
SOTS to focus on permanently                 will aim to celebrate the Indigenous       performances but also for other
installing those features of the site that   peoples’ history in the area, as well      festivals and events,” says Phil Shilling,
make sense to be permanent, while still      as the colonial times that followed. In    Principal Design Engineer at Catterall
preserving the same beloved outdoor          addition, the new space will look for      & Wright Consulting Engineers. “It will
feel and overall ambiance of the venue.      ways to showcase the last 35 years         be a wonderful venue for a number of

activities, offering great seating and an
amazing view along the river.”

Last August, SOTS received $3 million
in federal and provincial funding to
help bolster the $3.2 million already
collected through private donations
through SOTS’s Staging the Future
campaign. The funding will be
dedicated to the construction of a new
amphitheatre base for the stage, as well
as some other enhanced infrastructure
throughout the site, such as three
seasonal pavilions for the box office/
gift shop, dressing rooms for the actors,
and a new concession and bar area.

“Raising money for the arts is not
always the easiest thing in the world,”
says Brooks. “But it was made easier
by the broad-based way in which we
approached the project, talking to
the many different groups who had
an interest in the site − from sports-
minded organizations to those looking
to help support the environment.
Everyone can find something in this
project that they can get excited about.”

PCL Construction is just now finishing
the issued for tender construction
documents and will be shortly
mobilizing to the full construction
phase, driving toward total completion
ahead of the 2020 festival season

“It has been a genuine privilege to work
through preconstruction and now
into the construction phase alongside
this talented and passionate group
of local design professionals,” says
Amanda Moffat, Project Manager at
PCL. “They’ve done brilliant work to
bring SOTS’ vision to a whole new
level − down to every minute detail −
while still being sensitive to the natural
environment and overall accessibility
of the site. When everybody is working
together for the same cause, a project
like this really becomes a labour of

                                             We Build – fall 2019 – change and innovation 25

Conexus connects
to the community and the park
By Lyndon McLean

Over the years, the University of          looking for a new home for our head     completion in mid-2020. That process
Regina College Avenue Campus has           office building,” says Eric Dillon,     included extensive community
evolved with educational needs, but        Conexus Credit Union CEO. “Then         consultation efforts which included
it has always been an historic piece of    the U of R issued the RFP, and after    public information sessions and
the Wascana Park landscape. By the         looking at their requirements, we       media briefings.
early 2000s, though, deteriorating         saw great alignment with our core
                                           values and our desire to serve our      “We worked with the University and
facilities meant the campus would
                                           community − and it provided the new     Wascana Centre (now the Provincial
soon need major renovations to save
                                           home we were looking for.”              Capital Commission [PCC]) to ensure
its iconic buildings.
                                                                                   the project met everyone’s needs—the
In 2016, the University issued a           In June 2016, the University selected
                                                                                   University, Wascana Park, Conexus,
Request for Proposal (RFP) looking         Conexus as its partner and over the
                                                                                   and the community at large,” Dillon
                                           next two years, Conexus and the
for assistance. Conexus Credit Union,                                              says. “The community’s needs were
                                           University worked on plans to restore
seeking a new home for its head                                                    always at the centre of the project.”
                                           the campus, Darke Hall and develop
office, responded to the RFP, outlining
                                           the Conexus Building Communities
the ways they would help the College                                               For the benefit of all
                                           project. The new building will be a
Avenue Campus, including saving
                                           three-storey, 80,000-square-foot        The partnership between Conexus
Darke Hall.
                                           build¬ing project west of Darke         and the University of Regina aims
“We explored 17 sites around Regina        Hall on College Avenue, slated for      to honour the University’s vision

Interior Main Floor

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