REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management

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REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management

Exchange /Freemover
Application guide

REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Incoming Students Coordinator
                      Verity Louise Sharp

Each year we welcome over 250 exchange and international students to our campus. We welcome students from
our partner institutions and freemover students, who wish to take a semester with us but are not currently
studying at one of our partner intuitions. Freemover students are required to pay tuition for their studies.
Information on our tuition fees can be found here.

Your stay here will begin with the two day orientation program. The orientation days are packed with social and
academic activities to get you ready for life and studying in Iceland. You will also be placed in a mentor group
before you arrive. Your mentors will guide you through orientation as well as taking your group on some fun
activities. The international team looks forward to welcoming you.

                                      Among 350 best universities
                                      Ranked 1st in citations
                                      52nd best young university
                                      14th of small universities
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
School of Social Science

Study options                                                                                                                              •Department of Business
                                                                                                                                           •Department of Law
                                                                                                                                           •Department of Psychology
What can I study?                                                                  Grading, credits & workload                             •Department of Sports Science
The university offers a selection of courses in English at both BSc                • Credit System: ECTS Grading Scale: 1-10
and MSc level. Students can select courses from the following                      • Grade Conversion:            School of Technology
departments:                                                                         at-ru
                                                                                                                                           •Department of Applied Engineering
 •   Business                                                                      • 30 ECTS is considered a full workload.                •Department of Computer Science
 •   Computer Science                                                                Maximum work load 30 ECTS School of                   •Department of Engineering
 •   Law – (MSc only)                                                                Business
 •   Engineering
 •   Sports Science (BSc only)
 •   Psychology – (BSc only-Fall semester only)

Course selection & restrictions
The online course catalogue will be ready March 5th. To view our courses offered in English, select department and then “Exchange
Studies: xxx”. A preliminary course catalogue is included in this guide.

 •   Courses can be selected from all departments, but please note prerequisites
 •   BSc students cannot take MSc level courses in the School of Business unless they have completed 180 ECTS. There is some flexibility
     in other departments.
 •   Exchange students cannot take courses offered by Iceland School of Energy (except ISE partners,) MBA & Clinical psychology. This
     restriction does not apply to fee-paying freemover/semester students.
 •   Important!!! It is only possible to take one three-week course.
 •   Students not accepted for thesis work, unless pre arranged with a Professor.
 •   Students nominated to Iceland School of Energy – should contact Randall Morgan Greene for a list of courses

               Partnerships &                          Outgoing Students                  Incoming Students
               Agreements                              Birna Björnsdóttir                 Verity Louise Sharp
               Guðlaug Jakobsdottir                                             
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Academic Calendar
We run two-term systems: 12+3 weeks and 15 week. Courses in the School of Law and the MSc in Business are taught during the 15-week term. All other departments use 12+3,
which means the term is divided into two periods of 12 and 3 weeks. Students take regular courses during the 12-week period and one intensive course during the 3-week period.
Not all departments offer courses in English in the 3-week period. - Online academic calendar

Retakes exams will be held from the 5th-8th January 2021, if students do need to take retakes then these can be arranged to be taken back at your home institution. All students
will be finished with their studies on the 15th of December, students following the 15 week term will be finished on the 11th of December.

Fall 2020
       AUGUST                        SEPTEMBER                                    OCTOBER                       NOVEMBER                                DECEMBER
                                                         12 WEEK PERIOD                                      12 WEEK                   3 WEEK PERIOD
                                                          17th Aug – 6th Nov                                  PERIOD                   23rd Nov – 15th Dec

                               Business (BSc), Computer Science, Engineering, Sports Science, Psychology      EXAM
 International                                                                                               PERIOD        Students take one intensive three week course
  Orientation                                                                                                                            during this period.
                                                                                                              9th -20th
   13th -14th                                                                                                November
                                                                                   15 WEEK TERM                                                               15 WEEK
                                                                               14th August – 27th November                                                     TERM
                                                                                                                                                             EXAM PERIOD
                                                                                     MSc Business, Law
                                                                                                                                                                30th Nov-
                                                                                                                                                                11th Dec
                  23rd Aug                  13th Sept                                                                                                              17th Dec
                 last day to               last day to                                                                                                       last day to register
                   add a                 drop a course                                                                                                            for retakes

                                                                                                                                   HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK            |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Admission Requirements
Our applications for the Fall 2020 open February 1st and the final date to apply is May 1st. Applications
are processed on a rolling basis, so get your applications in early for an early reply. Exchange students
(from our partner universities), please remember that you need to be nominated before you can apply.
Students from outside the EU/EEA are encouraged to apply as early as possible and begin collecting
documents for your student visa, even if you have not heard back with your admission decision yet.

       English Language
   •For students whose first language is not English, proof of English proficiency must be
   •Minimum English language scores: TOEFL: 577 (PBT) or 91 (IBT) or above OR IELTS: 6.5
    or above.
   •The DAAD exam is accepted
   •Cambridge Certificate (B2).
   •Students from the Nordic countries, the Netherlands & native speakers are not required to
    submit English language certificates.

   • 7,0 - School of Business, Science and Engineering, School Computer Science
   • 6,5 - School of Law

   •Undergraduate: Students must have finished the equivalent of at least 60 ECTS.
    Undergraduate students cannot take graduate courses unless they have completed 180
    ECTS, (exception to this rule in Computer Science and Engineering).
    Graduate: All students applying to the graduate exchange programme must have a
    bachelor's degree or a minimum of 180 ECTS
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Exchange students (students from partner universities) : Only students who have been nominated by their home university can apply.
Freemover students: You will need to submit a recommendation letter from your home institution recommending you for your planned studies with us. Please ask your
coordinator to send this directly to

Please note: You must follow all of these steps before the application deadline for your application to be considered complete. Your course selection will need to be approved
before your application is accepted. We will contact you if you have not been approved for any of your courses. It is important to answer any emails you receive from the
university regarding your course selection so that your application can be processed as quickly as possible.

      GET YOUR APPLICATION                                      SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION                                                SUBMIT YOUR COURSE
      DOCUMENTS READY                                                                                                                  SELECTION

            •Transcripts of records                                  •Visit                                       •Please submit you course selection using
             Grades in local grading scheme. The                     •Create an account then log in                                         the course selection form –
             transcript should be translated into                    •Under the tab applicant click “PERSONAL                              •Please check the prerequisites for
             English and show grades for all                          INFORMATION” and fill in the required fields.                         courses, and ensure that the course is at
             courses you have taken.                                 •Next select “EDUCATION” fill in details about your                    the correct level
            •BSc degree transcript *MSc                               current education. Average grade can be listed in                    •It is only possible to take one three-week
             students only                                            your home grading system.                                             course. Important!
            •Proof of English proficiency – *if                      •Next select “ATTACHMENTS” and upload your                            •Your application will not be assessed
             required – see admission                                 application documents.                                                until you have completed this step.
             requirements                                            •Next select “APPLICATIONS” choose the green                          •If you are not 100% sure of your courses,
            •*Special educational or physical                         button “+APPLY”                                                       these can always been changed later.
             needs statement *if required                            •Select ”YES, I am an exchange
            •*Freemover students: Letter of                           student/semester student” and Select the
             reccomendation from your                                 exchange type from the drop down, Freemover
             international office at home instutition                 students please select “Independent student”
                                                                     •In the „Partner School field“ you can start typing
                                                                      your school name and it should pop up.
                                                                      Freemovers can ignore this field.
                                                                     •Select “APPLY NOW“

                                                                                                                                  HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK       |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Course Catalogue Fall 2020
*subject to change

                             HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK   |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Department of Business Administration
BSc students cannot take MSc business courses unless they have completed 180 ECTS. Students can take a maximum of 30 ECTS in the
school of Business . Programmes in the BSc programme in business are taught in the 12 and 3 week periods. Please note that most
programmes in the MSc programme will be taught over the weekends and are taught during the 15 week term.

BSc courses
Code          Title                                                                        Ects   Prerequisites

V-107-FJAR     Corporate Finance                                                           6      Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics

V-308-ALVI     International Business *3 week   (only one 3 week course can be selected)   6      Macroeconomics, Marketing management

V-406-TOL2     Applied Statistics II                                                       6      Applied Stats I
               Human Resource Management *3 week (only one 3 week course can be
V-511-STST                                                                                 6      Management

V-516-VERD     Valuation                                                                   6      Financial acc, corp finance, financial statement

V-528-MAVI     Marketing & Business Research Methods                                       6      Applied Stats, Methodology

V-522- SERV    Service Management                                                          6      Marketing Management, Management

V-503-FIXE     Fixed Income & Derivatives                                                  6      Applied Math, Corporate Finance

V-552-STAF     Digital Marketing                                                           6      Marketing Management
                                                                                                  Marketing Mang, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing,
V-644-BRAN     Branding                                                                    6
V-507-SID      Ethics & Psychopathology                                                    6      None

                 BSc Coordinator
                 Saga Ýr
REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY Exchange /Freemover Application guide - TUM School of Management
Department of Business Administration
Please note that most programmes in the MSc programme will be taught over the weekends (Thursday/Friday /Saturday) and are taught
during the 15 week term.

MSc courses
 Code             Title                                                            ECTS                     MSc Coordinator
 V-738-ADDM       Advanced and digital marketing                                   7,5                      Sigrún Ólafsdóttir
 V-715-ABIN       Advanced Business Informatics                                    7,5            
 V-785-ATET       Advanced Topics in Emerging Technologies                         7,5

 V-736-CMLE       Change Management & leadership                                   7,5

 V-755-CORP       Corporate Finance                                                7,5       Please contact the department for
                                                                                             information regarding courses.
 V-702-CREM       Creative Approaches & Entrepreneurial Mindsets                   7,5

 V-736-ENAR       Enterprise Architectures                                         7,5

 V-853-EQUI       Equity Analysis                                                  7,5

 V-704-FTHM       Fundamentals in Tourism & Hospitality Management                 7,5       Prerequisites: BSc degree or at
 V-703-INEN       Innovation & Entrepreneurship: A field of knowledge & practice   7,5       least 180 ECTS in business
                                                                                             administration, economics or
 V-757-INTF       International Finance                                            7,5
                                                                                             related subjects
 V-736-INMA       International Marketing                                          7,5

 V-715-ORPS       Organizational Psychology                                        7,5

 V-830-PEMA       Performance Management                                           3,75

 V-852-PORT       Portfolio Management                                             7,5

 V-730-STRT       Staffing: from recruitment to termination                        7,5

 V-712-STJO       Strategic Management                                             7,5
Department of Computer Science
MSc students can choose courses from either the BSc or MSc routes. Some MSc courses are open to BSc students (see table
below, “open to” column) Courses in the department of Computer science are taught in the 12 and 3 week periods.

Level   Code         Title                                             ECTS   Prerequisites                                 Open to

BSc     T-409-TSAM   Computer Networks                                 6      Data Structures, Compute Architecture

BSc     T-504-ITML   Introduction to Machine Learning                  6      Algorithms, calculus & stats, discrete math

BSc     T-511-TGRA   Computer Graphics                                 6      Algorithms

BSC     T-519-STOR   Theory of Computation                             6      Discrete Math, Algorithms

BSC     E-402-STFO   Mathematical Programming *3 week                  6      Discrete math, calculus & stats, algorithms

BSc     T-603-THYD   Compilers                                         6      Programming Languages

MSc     T-740-SPMM   Software Project Management                       8                                                    MSc & BSc CS

MSc     T-538-MALV   Natural Language Processing                       8      BSc Computer Science required.                MSc students only

MSc     T-809-DATA   Datamining and Machine Learning                   8                                                    MSc students only

MSc     T-720-ATAI   Advanced Topics in AI                             8                                                    Advanced BSc & MSc

MSc     T-760-MDSE   Model Driven Software Engineering                 8                                                    MSc students only

MSc     TBC          IOT                                               8                                                    Advanced BSc & MSc
MSc     TBC          Informed Search Methods and Explainable AI        8                                                    MSc students only

MSc     TBC          Virtual Humans                                    8                                                    MSc courses

                                                         Department Coordinator
                 Sigurbjörg Ásta                         Please contact the department
                 Hreinsdóttir                            for information regarding
Department Coordinator
Department Of Engineering                                                                                        Eva Sigrún
BSc students can take some MSc courses.

Code         Level   Title                                      ECTS Prerequisites
T-501-REGL   BSc     Feedback Control Systems                   6     Engineering
T-869-COMP   MSc     Computer Vision                            8     Programming, statistics
T-306-RAS1   BSc     Analog Circuit Analysis                    6     Math and physics
T-621-CLIN   BSc     Clinical Engineering                       6     Biomedial engineering
T-411-MECH   BSc     Mechatronics I                             6     Programming, Statics & Mechanics of Materials, Electronics
T-316-LABB   BSc     Measurement Systems 3 week                 6     Circuit analysis
T-861-EMBE   MSc     Embedded Systems Programming               8     Programming
T-503-AFLE   BSc     Derivatives                                6     Securities
T-510-MALI   BSc     Instruments & Vital Signs                  6     Circuit analysis
T-536-RENN   BSc     Fluid Dynamics                             6     Calculus, Physics, Thermo dynamics
T-603-AKVA   BSc     Decision Analysis for Management           6     Statistics
T-810-OPTI   MSc     Optimization Methods                       8     Open to all MSc engineering students
T-814-FINA   MSc     Financial Engineering of the Firm          8     BSc in financial engineering or similar
T-809-DATA   MSc     Datamining and Machine Learning            8     Programming, BSc in engineering
T-807-QUAL   MSc     Quality Management 3 week                  6     Open to all MSc engineering students
T-811-PROB   MSc     Applied Probability                        8     Probability, BSc in engineering
T-866-HIVO   MSc     High Voltage Engineering                   8     BSc electric engineering or similar
T-806-SIMU   MSc     Simulation II 3 week                       6     Programming, open to all MSc students
T-865-MADE   MSc     Precision Machine Design                   8     Open to most MSc students
T-860-BIOM   MSc     Biomechanics and Biomaterials              6     BSc Biomedical engineering
T-809-DATA   MSc     Data mining and machine learning           8     Programming, statistics
T-860-IMAG   MSc     Medical Imaging and Modelling              6     BSc Biomedical engineering
T-808-NOLI   MSc     Applying Models in Management              8     Bsc engineering management
T-863-EIIP   MSc     Energy in Industrial Processes             8     Thermodynamics
T-867-POSY   MSc     Power System Operation                     8     BSc in electrical engineering or similar
T-815-FIXE   MSc     Fixed Income and Interest Rate Modelling   8     BSc in financial engineering or similar
T-860-NEUR   MSc     Neuro-science and Technology 3 week        6     BSc Biomedical engineering
T-869-COMP   MSc     Computer Vision Applications 3 week        6     BSc Biomedical engineering
T-801-RESM   MSc     Research Methods I                         4     Open to all MSc engineering students
Department of Law
The Department of Law only offers courses at Masters level for exchange students. All courses in the
School of Law are taught on the 15-week term. Students in their 3rd year of a BSc in Law can take
MSc courses in the School of Law.

MSc courses

 Code          Title                                                ECTS       Prerequisites

              International , European Energy Law - Icelandic
 L-712-IEEL                                                         7,5        None
              Energy Law

 L-760        International Protection of Human Rights              7,5        Methodology of law

 L-883        Refugee Law                                           7,5        None

 L-801        The Law of the World Trade Organization               7,5        None

 L-748        Comparative Law                                       3,75       None

 TBC          The US Legal System: Sources and Structure            3,75       None
              The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court
 L-811                                                              7,5        International law
              Competition I
 L-747        European Law: Internal Market                         7,5        None

                Anna Steinunn              Department Coordinator
                                           Please contact the department for
                                           information regarding courses.
Department of Psychology
Courses are only offered in the Fall semester for exchange. Courses are only available at BSc
level. Course descriptions can be found at Select “Department of
Psychology” – “Exchange Studies BSc-Psychology”

BSc Courses
Code            Title                                    ECTS Prerequisites

                                                                None – open to all
E-216 - FESA     Social Psychology                       6

E-501-ATGR       Applied Behaviour Analysis              6      Psychology students only

E-503- HEIL     Health Psychology                        6      Psychology students only

                Positive Psychology
E-602-JASA                                               6      Psychology students only

Department Coordinator
                                                                   Unnur Véný
Please contact the department                                      Kristinsdóttir,
for information regarding
Department of Sports Science
Courses offered in the department of Sports Science are only open to sports science
students and only at BSc level. There are opportunities to arrange research projects,
students should contact the programme coordinator regarding this. Course descriptions can
be found at

BSc Courses
Code             Title                              Term        ECTS    Prerequisites

E-114-HAKN       Team Handball/Football                         6
                                                    12 week

E-416-BAVO       Basketball/ Volleyball                         6
                                                    12 week

E-525-OUTR       Outdoot Recreation                 12 Week     6          Sports Science
                                                                            students only

E-513- RANN      Research                           12 Week     6

                 Personal Training and Health
E-609-EIHE                                          3 Week      6

                   Ása Guðný                    Department Coordinator
                   Ásgeirsdóttir                Please contact the department
                                                for information regarding
Iceland School of Energy
Most courses offered by Iceland School of Energy are only available for exchange students from
Universities with a special agreement with Iceland School of Energy and freemover students.
Courses marked “Open to all” are available to all MSc level exchange students, however there are
only five spots in each course and entry is competitive.

Code            Title                            ECTS    Open to         Prerequisites

 SE-802-ET1      Energy Technology               6       Open to all      BSc degree

                                                         ISE Exchange
 SE-803-GE1      Energy Geology                  3

 SE-805-EC1      Energy Economics                6       Open to all      BSc degree

 SE-806-EI1      Environmental Impact            6       Open to all      BSc degree
                                                                          BSc degree.
                                                         ISE Exchange     engineering, pyhsics,
 SE-807-STE      Special Topics in Engineering   6
                                                         Agreement        chemistry &

                        Morgan Greene                 Department Coordinator
                              Please contact the department
                                                      for information regarding
Practical Information Guide
Housing, health insurance, working, living costs and student visas.

                                                                      HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK   |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
Reykjavik University does not have any student housing so students must find housing on the private market.. To assist students we run a Facebook
housing group. Use the code „RU-2020 –FALL-EXCH“ to join. Please be advised that the International Exchange Office puts forth information about
housing options to aid students in information gathering. All decisions regarding housing during the student‘s time at Reykjavik University is the student‘s
own decision and fully under his responsibility.

Accommodation can be difficult to find during the high season, which lasts from May – September.
Other sources for finding accommodation:
• Leiga Facebook group
• Leiga 101 Facebook group leiga á íslandi - rent in Iceland

How much should I expect to pay for accommodation ?
Prices are for guidance only. Prices are per month. Electricity and heating is often included in the rental price, and sometimes internet. Please be sure to
check with your landlord what is included in the price. Most property owners ask for a deposit that will be refunded when moving out, if no damage has
been done to the property. Always ask for a receipt for any payments made and never agree to transfer to a landlord’s bank account outside of Iceland.
  •   Room with shared bathroom and kitchen– 65,000 – 95,000 ISK
  •   Room with private bathroom and kitchen facilities – 85,000 – 110,000 ISK
  •   Studio apartment – 120,000 - 150,000 ISK

Where should I rent?
Reykjavik is divided into area codes, 101 is the downtown area. Popular areas for students are university; 101, 107, 105 (close to the university) and 104.
Areas further out of the city centre tend to be cheaper.

Words of warning!! Important
  •   Never use Craigslist to find accommodation in Iceland.
  •   Never send money to a bank account outside of Iceland.
  •   Always make transfers, if your landlord does ask for cash make sure you get a receipt!
  •   We can check a landlord out for you, send the full name of the landlord and the property address.
  •   It is also very important to sign a contract first before paying the deposit.
  •   Even if you do not sign a contract, you will always be protected by the housing law in Iceland, but if possible get a contract. Please also note; you can
      never be held to a contract that gives you less rights than the law.
Health Insurance
Iceland maintains a universal healthcare system, under which all legal residents are covered
by the Icelandic social insurance systems and pay less for access to health services. To be
insured under the state health insurance a person must have been registered with domicile in
the National Registry for six months.

EEA/EU citizens:
Students from EU/EEA countries should bring the European Health Insurance card with
them. This must be presented on any visits to health care facilities and will allow you to
receive access to health care at the same cost as Icelanders.

Non EU/EEA Students:
Student from outside of the EEA/EU will need to purchase private health insurance for the first
six months of their stay, after which time they registered in the Icelandic Health care
insurance. It is recommended that students purchase health insurance from an Icelandic
company, as the immigration office does not accept many international polices. Polices are
starting from around 13,000 ISK for the six-month period: Sjova, TM

 Cost for healthcare visits (EU/EEA)

  Consultation during office hours     1200 ISK
  (08:00 -16:00)

  Consultation during after hours      3400 ISK
  Emergency room visit                 6200 ISK
Cost of Living
How much will it cost to study in Iceland?
The costs stated in this guide are subject to change, based on an average cost of living, and therefore are for guidance purposes only. All prices are
stated in Icelandic krona (ISK). The ISK is prone to fluctuations. You can check the latest exchange rate on the Central Bank of Iceland´s website. Please
be advised that the International Exchange Office puts forth information about working conditions in Iceland to aid students in information gathering. All
decisions regarding possibly working during the student‘s time at Reykjavik University is the student‘s own decision and fully under his responsibility.

Living Costs, breakdown
HOUSING: 75,000 – 95,000 ISK per month. Based on a private room in a shared house. Usually includes electric and heating, and sometimes Wi-Fi.
FOOD: 65,000 ISK per month. This is based on buying food in the supermarkets and eating lunch at the University. Students can save also money by
bringing food from home to the university. There are microwaves and grill machines accessible to students and shopping at “Bonus” the cheapest
ENTERTAINMENT COSTS: 45,000 ISK per month. This amount really depends on lifestyle. If you want to travel outside the city, you should plan-ahead
and look for the best deals for your destination, as prices can vary widely depending on where you want to go and the time of year.

What the immigration office says you need
For students who are required to have a student visa to study in Iceland. The immigration department requires students to prove the following amounts as
minimum financial support. (You are only required to prove a minimum of six months).Individual: ISK 189,875 per month / Couple: ISK 284,813 per month

Working in Iceland
Many of our international students choose to work to supplement their income during their studies. Students are usually able find work fairly easily, mostly
in cafes, bars and tourist shops. Speaking Icelandic is not required. The annual tourist population is nearly 2 million for a population of 350,000, so there
are many opportunities in the job market for English-speaking students.
FINDING WORK: Work is most easily found face-to-face. Walking into establishments with your CV and introducing yourself is often the best approach.
Emails or contacting companies before arriving in Iceland is not always fruitful.
SALARY: Students, on average, earn around 1600 ISK an hour.
WILL I NEED A VISA TO WORK? Students who do not need a student visa to study and live in Iceland (EU/EEA) can work freely. For students who
require a visa, you will need to apply for a work visa; this is add on to the student visa and is usually a straightforward process and done with your
employer once you have found work. You will need an employment agreement signed by your employer The immigration department sets a maximum of
15 work hours per week during term time.
Residence Permits
Do I need a student visa to study in Iceland?
If you are citizen of a country outside of the European Economic Area and plan to stay in Iceland for more than three months then you will need to apply for a
student visa.

Applying for a student visa: Non EU/EEA students
You must apply for the student visa through the immigration office in Iceland. The information in this guide should assist you with your application, but you
should always refer to the immigration office website for the latest information.

How long will the visa process take and can I enter Iceland while my visa is being processed?
The visa process can take up to 180 days so we recommend that you start early. Students who do not require a tourist visa to enter
Iceland: Countries that do not require a tourist visa: can enter Iceland while their student visa is still being processed.
(provided the stay in the Schengen Area does not exceed 90 days in the current 180 day period).
Otherwise you MUST wait for your student visa to be granted before entering Iceland.
                                                                                                                       EU/EEA Students
Rights to a student permit                                                                                             Citizens of EEA/EU countries
You might have the right to a student residence permit if all of the following requirements are met.                   intending to stay for less than six
                                                                                                                       months do not need a residence
 Enrolled in full study (30 ECTS) at an Icelandic university                                                          permit or to register their stay in
 Prove that you are able to finacially support yourself during your stay.                                             Iceland.

 Not served a criminal sentence abroad during the last five (5) years or been sentenced by a                          For students staying longer than six
 court of law for an offence which would be punishable by more than three (3) months                                   months you will be required to
 imprisonment according to Icelandic law                                                                               register with the national registry.
 Passport valid for at least 90 days beyond the estimated period of a residence permit.                               Students staying less than six
                                                                                                                       months can choose to register with
Application form                                                                                                       the national registry if you would
You will need to print the application form and send it with your supporting documents to                              like to receive a social security
the immigration Office in Iceland. The form must be original, completed and signed by the                              number (Kennitala). You may want
applicant. COST: 15,000 ISK – Information on supporting documents can be found on                                      to do this if you would like to open
the following page.                                                                                                    an Icelandic bank account or plan
                                                                                                                       to work in Iceland.
Student Visa – Supporting Documents (NON EU/EEA)
      Payment Receipt
 • Before sending your application, you need to pay the 15,000 ISK application fee.
 • Important full amount arrives to the bank account, or they will not process your application.                Health Insurance
 • Print the payment receipt and include with your application.
 • Bank information - IBAN: IS05 0515 26 410424 670269 6399, Name of bank: Íslandsbanki hf. Kópavogur,
   Iceland, SWIFT CODE: GLITISRE.                                                                             •Must submit certificate showing you have health insurance coverage in Iceland.
 • When transferring, include the following information as explanation: Applicant's birthdate and name        •Immigration office accepts very limited number of insurance policies from abroad
                                                                                                               foreign insurance company authorized to operate in Iceland
                                                                                                              •Recommend to purchase insurance from Icelandic company to avoid complications
      Passport Photo                                                                                           or delay. Sjóva – (can be purchased online) TM
                                                                                                              •Policy shall be valid for six (6) months from date of the applicant being registered in
•35 MM X 45 MM                                                                                                 Iceland (after you have stayed in Iceland for six months you will be registered under
                                                                                                               the Icelandic health insurance system.
      Photocopy of Passport                                                                                   •The minimum insurance amount is 2,000,000 ISK.

•The passport must be valid 90 days beyond of the period of validity of the residence permit.
•This must include photocopies of the passport’s personal information page and page containing
 applicant’s signature                                                                                          Financial Support

      University Admission Certificate                                                                        •Requirement to prove sufficient support
•Email the Student Registry to request this.                                             •Must show minimum of six months of support.
•You will need to be registered for 30 ECTS for the purpose of the immigration office                         •The minimum monthly support amount: Individual, ISK 189,875 per month /
                                                                                                               Couple, ISK 284,813 per month
                                                                                                              •Accepted forms of support:
      Confirmed Original Criminal Record                                                                       Original Stamped Bank Statement, showing balance of applicants own account.
                                                                                                               Must be confirmed by the bank. Printout of a bank statement from online bank not
•The criminal record certification must not be older than six (6) months.                                      sufficient. Parent bank statements are not accepted.
• Record must be submitted from all countries where the applicant has lived for the last five (5) years.       Secure Regular Payments For Support: Such payments can be payments from the
•Shall be issued by the highest appropriate authority in every country. Note there is a requirement for        Social Insurance Administration because of disability, unemployment payments,
 apostille confirmation or double authentication.                                                              rental payments, and grants, which the applicant receives.
                                                                                                               Study Grant Or Study Loan: A study grant or study loan must be in a currency that is
                                                                                                               acknowledged by the Central Bank of Iceland.
      Translation of Criminal Record *                                                                        •The following is not deemed as sufficient support: Support by a third party, i.e. in
                                                                                                               other instances than stated in this section. Assets other than bank balances are not
•Applies only if certificates in other languages than English or the Nordic languages.                         considered to be secure support (for example, real estate), and dividends from
                                                                                                               corporations, interest or other payments whose availability for payment is not secure
•There is a requirement of confirmation of translation if the translator is not an authorized translator in
 Iceland, i.e. apostille or double authentication.

                                                                                                                                         HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK           |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
Full Graduate Programs in English
Computer Science                         Engineering
• MSc Computer Science                   • MSc Civil Engineering
• MSc Software Engineering               • MSc Financial Engineering
• MSc Language Technology                • MSc Engineering Management
                                         • MSc Electrical Engineering
Business                                 • MSc Biomedical Engineering
• MBA                                    • MSc Mechanical Engineering
• Marketing (MSc/MM)                     • MSc Sustainable Energy
• Business Management (MSc)              • MSc Sustainable Energy Engineering
• Corporate Finance (MSc/MCF)            • MSc Electric Power Management
• Accounting and Auditing (Macc)         • MSc Electric Power Engineering
• Information Management (MSc/MIM)
• Innovation Management (MSc/MINN)       •   PhD programs
• Human Resource Management and          •   Computer Science
  Organizational Psychology (MSc/MHRM)   •   Engineering
• Tourism and Hospitality Management     •   Business
  (MSc/MTHM)                             •   Psychology
                                         •   Law
 MSc Applied Behavioral Analysis
Computer Science
•Research areas

Artificial intelligence, virtual environments, software engineering, databases,    Business
natural language processing, human-computer interaction and theoretical
computer science.                                                                  •Research Areas

                                                                                    Business, Finance, Economics, Management, Innovation and
•Research Centres and Groups                                                        Entrepreneurship
Centre for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents (CADIA)
Centre for Research into Engineering Software Systems (CRESS)                      •Research Centres and Groups
Icelandic Centre of Excellence in Theoretical Computer Science (ICE-TCS)
Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM)                                 Human Resource Management
The Icelandic Centre for Language Technology (ICLT)                                 Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Center of Financial Technology (FinTech)                                            Institute for Research in Finance and Economics
                                                                                    Institute for Corporate Governance
                                                                                    Marketing & Consumer Psychology
•Research areas:                                                                   Engineering
Tort Law, Insurance Law, Maritime Law, Law of the Sea, International Law,          •Research Areas
EU/EEA Law, Constitutional Law and History, Comparative Constitutional Law,
Social Security Law, Property Law, Human Rights Law, Capital Market Law,            Biomechanics, applied neuroscience, tissue engineering, structural and
Company Law, Energy Law and Competition Law.                                        earthquake engineering, rheology, microwave engineering, optimization,
                                                                                    language technology, electrical power engineering, turbulence, sustainable
•Research Centres and Groups                                                        energy, nanotechnology, risk and decision analysis, project management.

RU Institute of International and European Law                                     •Research Centres and Groups
Nordic Academic Network in Competition Law Conference
                                                                                    Engineering Optimisation & Modelling Centre (EOMC)
Psychology                                                                          ICI Rheo Centre
                                                                                    Laboratory for Unmanned Vehicles
•Research Areas                                                                     RU Neurolab
                                                                                    SEL Structural Engineering & Composite Laboratory
Health Psychology, Development Psychology, Behaviour analysis, Clinical             The Bioinformatics Group
Psychology, Cognitive and Neuropsychology.                                          The Nanophysics Group
                                                                                    The QPS Group (Quantitative Problem Solving)
•Research Centres and Groups                                                        The Institute of Biomedical & Neural Engineering (BNE)
                                                                                    Centre for Risk & Decision Analysis (CORDA)
Marketing & Consumer Psychology                                                     Research Group on Speech Processing
The Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis                               Research Group on Fluid Dynamics
The Icelandic Trauma Research Center (ITRC)                                         Institute of Educational Research

                                                                                                                    HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVÍK          |   REYKJAVIK UNIVERSITY
Háskólinn í Reykjavík | Menntavegur 1 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími: 599 6200 |
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