Page created by Ryan Santiago
RISKCHECK                                       June 2021

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1. DNB to Be Fined $48.1 Million for Anti-               Compliance
    Money-Laundering Inadequacies                    25. EU Antitrust Regulators Fine ICAP $7.9
2. Delhi Police to freeze 95 bank accounts of            Million for Yen Cartel
    Covid frauds                                     26. More than £10m stolen in credit card and
3. Bank officers among 8 arrested over fraud             online banking fraud in the region
    involving RM4.7m                                 27. Investment fraudsters found guilty of £2m
4. Two Belfast men facing charges in                     scam after eight-year-long investigation
    connection with a suspected multi-million
    pound banking fraud
5. CEO rice mill held for Rs29m fraud
6. 1MDB sues JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank
    in $23 billion fraud case
7. Climate activist arrested after attacks on
8. ABN Amro reports net loss as hefty money
    laundering fine weighs
9. Alibaba calls its $2.8 billion antitrust fine a
    ‘one-time impact’—but the risk of more
    regulation lingers
10. Citibank Taiwan, DBS Bank Taiwan hit for
    AML failings
11. Canara bank fraud: Police issues lookout
    notice against accused Vijeesh Varghese
12. NYPD Investigating Citywide Bank Robbery
    Pattern; Man Accused Of Stealing More
    Than $4,000 From 5 Bank
13. S'pore businessman linked to alleged fraud
    of $1 billion handed more cheating charges
14. FIU imposes Rs. 4 million of penalties on two
    financial institutions for non-compliance with
    FTRA during 2021
15. Man charged with $127,100 fraud involving
    COVID-19 aid
16. Nigeria Suspends Official Charged with
    Defrauding US
17. EML shares crash on Irish central bank’s AML
    regulatory concerns
18. China slaps penalties on 5 financial
19. UAE: Emirati loses life savings in 7-minute
    fraud call
20. Liberty Steel in £18m loan breach with Metro
21. Bank loan fraud: ED attaches Rs 166-cr worth
    assets of Maha company
22. RBNZ takes legal action against TSB Bank
    over money-laundering law breaches
23. EXCLUSIVE Hong Kong threatens Lai’s
    bankers with jail if they deal in his accounts
24. RBI Imposes Rs 10 Crore Penalty On HDFC
    Bank For Deficiencies In Regulatory

© 2021 BenchMatrix. All rights Reserved                                                              2

DNB to Be Fined $48.1             Two Belfast men facing           Climate activist arrested
Million for Anti-Money-           charges in connection            after attacks on banks
Laundering                        with a suspected multi-          May 12th, 2021 -
Inadequacies                      million pound banking            LONDON: British climate
May 04th, 2021 -                  fraud                            activist Gail Bradbrook, co-
DNB ASA on Monday                 May 05th, 2021 -                 founder of the Extinction
confirmed that Norway’s           Two Belfast men are facing a     Rebellion group, was
financial supervisory             "huge" number of charges in      arrested at home on Tuesday
authority, Finanstilsynet, will   connection with an               for conspiracy to cause
impose a fine of 400 million      investigation into a suspected   criminal damage and fraud
Norwegian kroner ($48.1           multi-million pound banking      after her group attacked
million) for inadequate           fraud, a court has been          banks such as HSBC and
compliance with anti-money-       told.......….. Read full story   Barclays.......….. Read full
laundering rules and                                               story
legislation.......….. Read full
                                                                   ABN Amro reports net
                                  CEO rice mill held for           loss as hefty money
Delhi Police to freeze 95         Rs29m fraud                      laundering fine weighs
bank accounts of Covid            May 06th, 2021 -                 May 12th, 2021 -
frauds                            LAHORE - FIA on                  AMSTERDAM: Dutch bank
May     05th,   2021 -            Wednesday arrested CEO           ABN Amro reported on
Police said they have             Zaitoon Rice mill Usama          Wednesday a net loss of 54
coordinated with banks to         Anwar in a case of               million euros ($66 million)
freeze accounts so that the       embezzlement of Rs29             over the first three months of
duped money is not                million loan which was taken     2021, as a hefty fine for
withdrawn or spent.......…..      from Alfalah Bank.....…..        money laundering
Read full story                   Read full story                  outweighed the positive
                                                                   impact of economic recovery
                                                                   in the Netherlands.......…..
Bank officers among 8             1MDB sues JPMorgan               Read full story
arrested over fraud               Chase, Deutsche Bank in
involving RM4.7m                  $23 billion fraud case
May 05th, 2021 -                  May 10th, 2021 -                 Alibaba calls its $2.8
The police have crippled a        The Malaysian strategic          billion antitrust fine a
syndicate using fake              development firm has filed       ‘one-time impact’—but
documents to apply for            six suits against nine           the risk of more
personal financing involving      unnamed entities, including      regulation lingers
losses of RM4.7 million, with     two foreign financial            May 14th, 2021 -
eight men including six staff     institutions, and 25             Alibaba, China’s e-commerce
of financial institutions         individuals for various          giant, on Thursday
arrested in several operations    wrongdoings including fraud      announced its first-ever
conducted on                      and conspiracy.......…..         quarterly loss since going
Saturday......….. Read full       Read full story                  public.......….. Read full story

© 2021 BenchMatrix. All rights Reserved                                                          3

Citibank Taiwan, DBS              S'pore businessman               Nigeria Suspends
Bank Taiwan hit for               linked to alleged fraud          Official Charged with
AML failings                      of $1 billion handed             Defrauding US
May 14th, 2021 -                  more cheating charges            May 20th, 2021 -
The Financial Supervisory         May     17th,   2021 -           A Nigerian governor's aide
Commission (FSC) yesterday        SINGAPORE - A                    has been suspended after
fined Citibank Taiwan Ltd         Singaporean businessman          being arrested in the United
NT$10 million                     linked to the alleged fraud of   States in connection with a
(US$357,194) and DBS              more than $1 billion had         multi-million-dollar
Bank Taiwan NT$6 million          more cheating charges            unemployment benefits
for breaches of the nation’s      brought against him on           scam.......….. Read full story
anti-money laundering (AML)       Monday (May 17).......…..
regulations.......….. Read full   Read full story
story                                                              EML shares crash on
                                                                   Irish central bank’s AML
                                  FIU imposes Rs. 4                regulatory concerns
Canara bank fraud:                million of penalties on          May 20th, 2021 -
Police issues lookout             two financial institutions       The share price of EML
notice against accused            for non-compliance with          Payments cratered after the
Vijeesh Varghese                  FTRA during 2021                 Brisbane-based player in
May 15th, 2021 -                  May 19th, 2021 -                 niche parts of global
Pathanamthitta: In the            The Financial Intelligence       payments markets said the
Canara bank fraud case,           Unit of Sri Lanka’s Central      Central Bank of Ireland had
police issued a lookout notice    Bank has imposed Rs. 4           raised “significant regulatory
against the accused Vijeesh       million of penalties on two      concerns” about anti-money
Varghese as observing             financial institutions in 2021   laundering compliance in its
chances that he will leave the    for failing to comply with the   Irish-based
country........….. Read full      Financial Transactions           subsidiary.......….. Read full
story                             Reporting Act (FRTA) as a        story
                                  measure to enforce
                                  compliance.......….. Read full
NYPD Investigating                story                            China slaps penalties on
Citywide Bank Robbery                                              5 financial institutions
Pattern; Man Accused                                               May 21st, 2021 -
Of Stealing More Than             Man charged with                 BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) --
$4,000 From 5 Bank                $127,100 fraud                   China's top banking and
May 17th, 2021 -                  involving COVID-19 aid           insurance regulator has
Police are looking for a man      May 19th, 2021 -                 slapped fines totaling around
suspected of robbing banks        A Manhattan man has been         366 million yuan (about
around New York City and          charged with defrauding a        56.92 million U.S. dollars)
getting away with more than       Wichita bank out of              on institutions and individuals
$4,000 this month.......…..       $127,100 in COVID-19 aid         in cracking down on
Read full story                   meant for small businesses       financial violations.......…..
                                  affected by the                  Read full story
                                  pandemic.......….. Read full

© 2021 BenchMatrix. All rights Reserved                                                             4

UAE: Emirati loses life             RBNZ takes legal action           EU Antitrust Regulators
savings in 7-minute                 against TSB Bank over             Fine ICAP $7.9 Million
fraud call                          money-laundering law              for Yen Cartel
May 23rd, 2021 -                    breaches                          May 28th, 2021 -
According to Al Bayan, it all       May     27th   , 2021 -           BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU
started when Rashid received        The Reserve Bank is taking        antitrust regulators on Friday
a phone call from a person          TSB Bank to court over            fined the world's largest
claiming to be an employee          breaches of the Anti-money        interdealer broker ICAP 6.45
from his bank. The person           Laundering and Countering         million euros ($7.9 million)
claimed that the bank was           Financing of Terrorism Act        for taking part in several yen
updating customers' data            which the bank has                interest rate derivatives
and asked Rashid for                acknowledged.......….. Read       cartels.......….. Read full
information for the                 full story                        story
same.......….. Read full story

                                    EXCLUSIVE Hong Kong               More than £10m stolen
Liberty Steel in £18m               threatens Lai’s bankers           in credit card and online
loan breach with Metro              with jail if they deal in         banking fraud in the
Bank                                his accounts                      region
May 24th, 2021 -                    May 27th, 2021 -                  May 29th, 2021 -
Metro Bank asked for early          Hong Kong’s security chief        Online banking and credit
repayment of an £18m loan           sent letters to media tycoon      card fraudsters stole more
from the troubled steel group       Jimmy Lai and branches of         than £10 million from people
Liberty more than two years         HSBC and Citibank this            in the West Midlands, it has
ago - and it is still waiting for   month threatening up to           been revealed, with the
its money.......….. Read full       seven years’ jail for any         region seeing the third
story                               dealings.......….. Read full      highest level of bank account
                                    story                             fraud in the UK.......….. Read
                                                                      full story
Bank loan fraud: ED
attaches Rs 166-cr                  RBI Imposes Rs 10 Crore
worth assets of Maha                Penalty On HDFC Bank              Investment fraudsters
company                             For Deficiencies In               found guilty of £2m
May 27th, 2021 -                    Regulatory Compliance             scam after eight-year-
New Delhi, May 27 (PTI) The         May 28th, 2021 -                  long investigation
Enforcement Directorate (ED)        The Reserve Bank of India         May 12th, 2021 -
on Thursday said it has             (RBI) has imposed a penalty       Two men have been
attached assets worth Rs 166        of Rs 10 crore on HDFC Bank       convicted of fraudulent
crore in a money laundering         Ltd for deficiencies in           trading following successful
probe linked to an alleged          regulatory compliance. The        investigations by the City of
bank loan fraud that took           central bank said that the        London Police and
place in                            penalty has been imposed as       Hampshire Police, with the
Maharashtra.......….. Read          actions of HDFC Bank were         support of the Crown
full story                          found.......….. Read full story   Prosecution Service.......…..
                                                                      Read full story

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