Page created by Sheila Haynes
Issue No 317                                             At the heart of our wonderful community                                             Saturday 9 Apr 2022

THE UK’S first gallery
dedicated to the art of
the Spanish Golden Age
received the Royal seal
of approval this week, on
Tuesday, 5 April, as Her
Majesty Queen Letizia of
Spain, accompanied by
HRH The Prince of Wales,
officially opened the
Spanish Gallery.
  The Queen of Spain and
The Prince of Wales met
at Auckland Castle, where
they were greeted by
The Auckland Project’s
Co-founder Jane Ruffer
and      Chief   Executive
David Maddan, to learn
of the major conserva-
tion works completed in
2019, which established
it as one of the best-pre-
served bishops’ palaces
in Europe.
  During the tour of the
Castle, Her Majesty and
His Royal Highness met
with celebrated Spanish
artist, José María Cano
                              Her Majesty The Queen of Spain and HRH The Prince of Wales unveil a plaque commemorating their visit. Photo: House of Hues.
for a preview of Saint
Marcus - the first in a       presented Jacob and His            travelled together to the          Wilkes, Chair of Durham            open the venue.
series of paintings of the    Twelve Sons; thirteen life-        Spanish Gallery, which             County Council (DCC),                After signing the guest
Four Evangelists he has       sized figures painted by           takes its inspiration from         Cllr Watts Sterling, Chief         book, Her Majesty and
been commissioned to          Francisco de Zurbarán,             Zurbarán’s series of mas-          Executive DCC, John                His Royal Highness were
produce by Founder of         which were brought to              terpieces and their 250-           Hewitt and the Mayor of            presented with specially
The Auckland Project,         the Castle by Bishop Tre-          year association with the          Bishop Auckland, Katie             produced leather-bound
Jonathan Ruffer.              vor in 1756 and have hung          town, and is situated in           Hewitt were all in attend-         Spanish Gallery cata-
  Director of the National    in its impressive Long             the market place.                  ance to welcome the                logues by Otheay Wil-
Gallery and friend of         Dining Room ever since.              A    civic    delegation         Royal guests, who would            son, aged 8, and Kadie
The Auckland Project,           The Queen of Spain and           including     the     High         later unveil a commemo-
Gabriele Finaldi, then        The Prince of Wales then           Sheriff, Shona Harper              rative plaque to officially             CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

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                           Published at: 3-4 First Floor Offices, Shildon Town Council building, Civic Hall Square, Shildon DL4 1AH
                   • Editorial: 01388 775896 • Advertising: 07909 992731 • Email: • Online: •
         You can read all our sister papers online at Spennymoor News • Ferryhill & Chilton Chapter • Shildon & District Town Crier
For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:                                                             Saturday 9 April 2022

        Published by
South West Durham News CIC
   3-4 First Floor Offices
Shildon Town Council building
      Civic Hall Square
     Shildon DL4 1AH
       01388 775896
       07909 992731

       You can read our
     sister papers online:

                                   Artist impression of the exterior of Dorset Place Community Centre on Henknowle Estate.

                                   COMMUNITY CENTRE ON

                                   HENKNOWLE TO BE TRANSFORMED
                                   A FORMER community                  and are a community                Local Partnership, The       Director of Bridge Cre-
   If you have a story you         centre near the heart of            interest company (CIC)             Screwfix      Foundation,    ative said: “We’re very
 would like us to cover, we        Bishop Auckland is being            who have been search-              Power to Change Bright       excited that we now
would love to hear from you.       transformed into a social           ing for a home in the area         Idea’s Fund and The          have the keys and work
       We are especially           enterprise and creativity           for three years.                   School for Social Entre-     started on our new build-
      interested in good           hub that supports adults              The         organisation         preneurs.                    ing in January.
     news, be it personal          with learning disabilities          already supports around              Once completed, the          “It’ll be great for the
     achievements, local           and autism.                         160 people in County               new centre will provide      local area and for the
  fundraising, community             Dorset Place Commu-               Durham, the new prem-              a permanent base for         people we support and
     service or any other          nity Centre, located on             ises will allow them to            Bridge Creative to con-      will provide many oppor-
 positive stories. Call us on
                                   Henknowle Estate, is                increase their offer in the        tinue its employment         tunities for people with
  01388 775896 or email
                                   in the process of trans-            south of the county.               support for adults with      learning disabilities and
                                   formation     with    over            Bridge Creative secured          learning disabilities and    autism to access mean-
                                   £260,000 investment by              a total of £261,245 fund-          autism, offering work        ingful paid employment.
        DISCLAIMER                 Bridge Creative.                    ing for the refurbishment          experience opportunities       “Homeworking is also
  Bishop Press cannot be             In November 2021,                 of the centre with money           and supporting people        expected to continue
    held responsible for           believe housing trans-              from South Durham                  into paid employment in      beyond the pandemic so
     advertisers offering          ferred ownership of the             CLLD through the Euro-             the events, arts and cre-    we think the co-working
      goods or services.           building to provide a base          pean Structural Invest-            ative industries.            space will be particu-
As a general rule we would         for Bridge Creative and             ment Fund Programme                  In their new home          larly popular with people
    advise anyone not to           bring the building back             2014-2020, the North               Bridge Creative will sup-    wanting to work from
    part with any money            into a community use.               East Local Enterprise              port 10 young adults with    somewhere other than
  until an order has been            Bridge Creative was               Partnership (LEP), The             learning disabilities and    their bedroom. It’s taken
      completed to your            founded in April 2018               Gaunless Gateway Big               or autism to complete a      almost two years to get
       full satisfaction.
                                                                                                          traineeship as part of the   to this stage so we just
 All information is correct,
                                                                                                          refurbishment, working       can’t wait to get started.”
                                     IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW?
      to the best of our
 knowledge, at the time of
                                                                                                          alongside     contractors      Physical works have
            printing.                                                                                     and tradespeople to ren-     already started and will
         Bishop Press                         Crime and Road Traffic Offences                             ovate the building, gain-    include       accessibility
      accepts articles in                     Matrimonial | Children | Family                             ing real work experience     improvements        includ-
    good faith and takes                                                                                  and a nationally-recog-      ing widened doors for
    no responsibility for                                                                                 nised qualification.         wheelchair users and
 errors and/or omissions.                                                                                   The centre will also       the installation of a lift
                                                                                                          include five affordable      to make the first floor
                                                                                                          spaces for local social      accessible.
   Support your local                            Personal Injury Claims                                   enterprises, charitable        The aim is to offer
 community newspaper                        Wills & Probate | Conveyancing                                organisations, and crea-     affordable and flexible
   by mentioning the                          Lasting Powers of Attorney                                  tive businesses, as well     space that will benefit
      Bishop Press                                                                                        as a commercial kitchen,     the local community and
    when contacting                      Tel: 01388 606660                                                and co-working space         provide opportunities for
                                                                                                          with individual pods.        the people Bridge Crea-
      advertisers.                                                               Ben Tinkler, Managing      tive supports.

Saturday 9 April 2022                                                                   For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:

                                                                                                        CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation: No one knows who the killer is, not even the cast!

                                                                                                        BISHOP BACCANALIA FESTIVAL
                                                                                                        BISHOP       AUCKLAND’S                     be for everyone, but also
                                                                                                        inaugural entertainment                     understand that those
                                                                                                        festival, with something                    words can turn people
                                                                                                        for everyone, is set to                     off. Essentially, this is an
                                                                                                        launch later this month.                    entertainment festival.
                                                                                                          Baccanalia has been                         “You won’t find any
                                                                                                        founded for the people                      three-hour operas at
                                                                                                        of Bishop Auckland by                       this festival. We’ve got
Her Majesty The Queen of Spain and HRH The Prince of Wales view the Zurburán paintings, Jacob and       experienced festival pro-                   an improvised musical
his Twelve Sons, at Auckland Castle.. Photo: House of Hues.                                             gramme curator, Thomas                      made up on the spot from

                                                                                                        Wales, who originally                       audience       suggestions,
                                                                                                        hails    from     Coundon                   complete with spontane-
                                                                                                        but has worked at the                       ous rhyming and chore-
               FROM PAGE 1          demic.                             Jane Ruffer, Co-founder          Edinburgh Fringe and in                     ography.
                                      Jonathan          Ruffer,      of The Auckland Project,           London’s West End.                            “We have a murder mys-
Searle, 11 – both from St           Founder of The Auckland          said: “Everyone at The               The festival is set to                    tery where the audience
Wilfred’s RCVA Primary              Project, said: “The cre-         Auckland Project was               bring exceptional talent                    decides the killer and not
School and their Dep-               ation of an Old Master           excited and delighted to           to the town on Bank Hol-                    even the cast know who
uty Head Teacher, Brigit            Gallery from nothing is          welcome Her Majesty                iday Weekend, Saturday                      it is!
Kinsey.                             something that has not           Queen Letizia of Spain             30th April and Sunday                         “We have a rip roaring
  The Queen of Spain and            been attempted since the         and His Royal Highness             1st May for a weekend                       cabaret featuring the
The Prince of Wales then            war.                             The Prince of Wales to             of    comedy,      cabaret,                 best of North Eastern
left the Gallery and were             “It requires a strong          Auckland Castle and the            theatre, party events,                      drag which later turns
greeted by around 250               team, a beady and                Spanish Gallery.                   family shows and crea-                      into a silent disco - lights,
local schoolchildren and            acquisitive eye for the            “It was particularly             tive workshops.                             smoke machines, head-
people from local busi-             Permanent       Collection,      lovely to introduce mem-             Events will take place                    phones - the full shebang.
ness in the town who had            and appropriate buildings        bers of staff from across          from 11am until late each                     “All of this is in our very
gathered to give them a             in which to house them; it       the organisation, includ-          day.                                        own Town Hall in a way
warm farewell, cheering             unites the spirit of Spain       ing our new appren-                  “We have such an excit-                   we’ve not really seen it
and waving British and              with the soil of England.        tices and those directly           ing opportunity right on                    before.”
Spanish flags.                        “It is therefore a won-        involved in the vital work         our doorstep here to see                      Also starring will be
  KS2 pupils from Prince            derful moment to have            The Auckland Project               some amazing stuff that                     Paul Sinha of The Chase
Bishops, Witton le Wear,            The Queen of Spain, and          delivers within communi-           we don’t often get the                      fame with his new com-
Copeland Road and St                HRH the Prince of Wales          ties in and around Bishop          chance to enjoy in our                      edy show as well as loads
Wilfrid’s RCVA primary              together to celebrate            Auckland.                          area,” said Thomas.                         of fun for young ones.
schools were invited to             and mark this occasion             “We also loved seeing              “I’m a big believer that                    Find out more and book
play a part in the special          – they will, I am sure, be       so many schoolchildren             arts and culture should                     up at
occasion, an opportunity            the first of many people         at this special occasion
to gather together in cel-          to enjoy the fusion of our       who gave our Royal vis-             Divorce, Separation

ebration after the pan-             two great cultures.”             itors a rousing send off.”          & Children

                                                                                                         Criminal, Road Traffic &

                    Barrier Traffic Management (BTM)                  Little Linda & Little Kev          Military Law

                    Require SIX fit and healthy people
                    to implement Traffic Management                   The Cleaners                       Residential Conveyancing

                                                                                                         Wills, Probate &                     Spennymoor: 01388 814336
                                                                        General cleaning,                Power of Attorney
  • You must have a current clean driving licence.                                                                                      Bishop Auckland: 01388 451122
                                                                         One-off cleans,
  • You must be able to work both here and away                                                          Mental Health                              Ferryhill: 01740 652811
                                                                         Letting cleans
    and be part of a team.                                                                               Civil Litigation &                     Sedgefield: 01740 620255
                                                                            No Job Too Big               Personal Injury
  • Training and PPE will be given.                                                                                                        Barnard Castle: 01833 690505
                                                                             or Too Small
  • Full-time positions and permanent posts are available.                Family run business
                                                                                                         Employment &
                                                                                                         Settlement Agreements                  Darlington: 01325 345848
  • Please call 07436 289968 to arrange an interview.                    07518 117 486                                              Meikles Solicitors
  • Immediate starts are subject to the interview.                       07825 345 427                                  

For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:                                                                              Saturday 9 April 2022

A      BISHOP    Auckland
Town Councillor has been
found guilty of defraud-
ing the NHS and Unison
the union of tens of thou-
sands of pounds.
  Cllr Tanya Tucker, of
Walker Drive, Bishop
Auckland is facing a
potential prison sentence
after being convicted of
fraud totalling almost
£67,000 last month.
  The former Durham
County Councillor, stood
for, and was elected, as a
town councillor last Sep-          Tanya Tucker was found guilty of
tember while preparing to          fraud at Durham Crown Court.
face the charges at Dur-           by the jury on seven of
ham Crown Court.                   the eight charges.
  Two of the offences                The money defrauded
were commited as an                from Unison was said to
employee of the North of           have helped pay for her
England Commissioning              honeymoon, a car, hotel
Support Unit (NECS) of             stays, shopping and res-
the NHS, and six as an             taurant bills.
official of Unison’s North-          Tucker gave “no com-
ern Regional Health Com-           ment” replies to police
missioning Branch.                 questions, which she said           The bike is able to carry a wheelchair, giving users the chance to experience what it feels like to ride a bike.
  When she was ques-               was on legal advice and
tioned by Unison she
claimed a box contain-
                                   maintained her innocence
                                   throughout the trial.               AAP FUNDING PROVIDES SPECIALIST
ing all her receipts and
vouchers had gone miss-
ing from a cupboard at
                                     Following the jury ver-
                                   dicts, Judge James Adkin
                                   adjourned      sentencing
                                                                       BIKE FOR EVERGREEN PUPILS
her office.                        to allow preparation of             A WHEELCHAIR acces-                    experience what it is like             as it will make a big dif-
  She was suspended                background reports by               sible bike for youngsters              to ride on a bike and take             ference to the lives of our
in November 2018 and               the Probation Service.              at Evergreen Primary                   part in cycling activities.            pupils.
dismissed following dis-             He bailed Tucker to               School in Bishop Auck-                   Twenty children at the                 “The bike allows for
ciplinary proceedings in           return to court for sen-            land has been provided                 school will now benefit                inclusivity and now all of
October 2019.                      tencing this week.                  thanks to a grant from                 from its use and enjoy the             the children attending the
  The 57-year-old denied             Bishop Press will publish         Bishop Auckland and                    experience.                            school can take part in a
all eight counts, but, fol-        the sentencing details on           Shildon Area Action Part-                The school is for chil-              cycling activity.”
lowing a fortnight-long            our website at             nership (AAP).                         dren aged two to 11 years                Andrew Walker, Bishop
trial, she was found guilty        when announced.                       After previously buying              of age who have severe,                Auckland and Shildon
                                                                       an adapted cycle for chil-             profound, or multiple                  AAP co-ordinator, said: “It
                                                                       dren with disabilities, the            learning difficulties, while           is fantastic to see funding
                                                                       specialist school wanted               some also have an Autis-               from AAP neighbourhood
                                                                       to build on this provision             tic Spectrum Condition.                budgets helping to pro-
                                                                       by purchasing a bike to                  Some pupils also have                vide equipment which is
                                                                       help youngsters who are                additional medical, phys-              so important to our chil-
                                                                       unable to transfer from                ical, sensory, linguistic or           dren.
                                                                       their chairs.                          behavioural difficulties,                “This is what AAP fund-
                                                                         The AAP gave £4,300                  while many are immobile                ing is all about, allocating
                                                                       from the neighbourhood                 and require daily physio               money that goes towards
                                                                       budget of Cllr Sam Zair                and input from occupa-                 changing the lives of our
                                                                       towards buying the bike.               tional therapy.                        residents for the better.”
                                                                         The adapted bike carries               Judith Benson, head of                 For more information
                                                                       a wheelchair on the front,             school at Evergreen Pri-               about Bishop Auckland
                                                                       enabling those pupils                  mary School, said: “We’re              and Shildon AAP go to
                                                                       with profound and multi-               delighted to be given                  w w w.d u r h a m .g ov.u k /
                                                                       ple learning difficulties to           funding towards the bike               bishopandshildonaap
      Wordsworth Avenue, Bishop Auckland                                         J. DUNN                            IF Electrical &                    A. Francis
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      permission for a two bedroom single storey                            INSTALLATIONS,                      Intruder Alarms - CCTV - Fire          Gutters cleaned and inspected
      dwelling which is located in a convenient                            SERVICE & REPAIR                      - Smoke Detection - Access                  Chimney repairs
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Saturday 9 April 2022                                                                   For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:

AFTER MORE than four
years in the planning, two
lockdowns and numer-
ous cast changes, the
Passion Play for Bishop
Auckland is ready to be
revealed this Good Friday,
15 April, in Bishop Auck-
land Market Place.
  A cast of more than 50
and a backstage team
of more than 30 drawn
from Bishop Auckland
and surrounding areas
will perform Don’t Panic,
All will be revealed! - the
true story of Easter in two
performances at 12 noon
and 3pm on Good Friday,
April 15th.
  Originally conceived as
an idea in 2017 following
a visit to the Wintershall
production in Trafalgar
Square, Passion Play
Bishop Auckland (PPBA)
became part of the Win-
tershall group of passion
plays performed nation-
ally on Good Friday under
the umbrella name One
Good Friday and planned          Jesus (Michael Taphouse) rehearses the crucifixion in Bishop Auckland Market Place with Rev Canon Eileen Harrop (left), Performance
its first performance in         Director Sam Bradshaw (centre), Rachael Masters (right) and members of the cast and crew. Photo: Keith Blundy.
  That performance had           Churches, The Auckland             Winifrid, Bishop Auck-              ing new life and vitality           from others by having its
to be shelved due to             Project and the Auckland           land.                               to Bishop Auckland as               own original music score
the pandemic and was             Castle Trust, this year’s            Along with a town in              it goes through its own             composed by local musi-
rescheduled for the fol-         performance reflects a             the South of England,               regeneration and reveal.            cian, Stephen Johnson.
lowing year. Sadly that          new sense of hope for the          the Bishop Auckland                   “All members of the                 “Stephen was commis-
too fell victim to a pan-        community and for the              Performance will be the             team are volunteers, giv-           sioned to compose and
demic lockdown.                  region as a whole.”                only passion play in the            ing their time and skills           produce a musical score
  Due to the massive               The first performance            North of England being              freely to realise the per-          passion play as a sym-
commitment of the per-           at 12 noon will be opened          performed under the One             formance.                           phonic depiction of the
formance team and sup-           by the Lord Lieutenant             Good Friday umbrella in               “They    work    mainly           crucifixion of Christ.
port from across the             of County Durham, Mrs              2022.                               through other volunteers,             “He used his work on
region, the team is look-        Sue Snowdon and will                 Chair of PPBA and origi-          but where additional                the score as part of his
ing forward to performing        be closed by the Rt Revd           nator of the idea, Rachael          resources are needed,               degree, earning himself a
the passion play twice on        Paul Butler, Bishop of             Masters said: “The cast             they use a small group              First for the magnificent
this Good Friday.                Durham, whilst the sec-            and performance team                of local businesses to              work.
  Performance Producer,          ond performance at 3 pm            is drawn from the whole             supplement their already              “We really hope that
Rev’d Canon Eileen Har-          will have Bishop Auck-             community,      not   just          formidable talents.                 everyone is able to get
rop said: “In an attempt to      land MP Dehenna David-             Churches.                             “An example of this               involved by coming along.
recognise the struggles          son and will be closed               “It represents a commu-           spirit of collaboration is          Tickets are free of charge
we have faced during the         by Canon Father Dennis             nity effort and as such             demonstrated by the per-            and can be reserved from
pandemic and to cele-            Tindall of St Mary & St            is in the spirit of bring-          formance standing out               our website.”
brate the true revealing
nature of the Easter story,
the 2022 performance
has been titled: Don’t
                                 NEW HOURS FOR RECYCLING                                                APRIL AT ST CUTHBERT’S
Panic - All Will Be Revealed!.   HOUSEHOLD          WASTE           gives details on whether            WITH EASTER on the                  at 9.30am for a walk to
  “The name derives              Recycling Centres in               a site is open and its esti-        horizon, it’s a busy month          Low Etherley. Everyone is
from the idea of Jesus’          County Durham, includ-             mated waiting times.                at St Cuthbert’s Church             welcome.
tomb being revealed to           ing Romanway, in Bishop              For larger items, such as         in Etherley.                          Every Friday (except
be empty on Easter Sun-          Auckland, have extended            furniture or white goods,             On Tuesday 12 April,              Good Friday), there is a
day and Jesus revealing          their opening times for            residents are reminded              from 3.15pm to 5pm                  Lunch Club for Older Peo-
himself to Mary and the          the upcoming summer                to book a collection for            there will be a Messy               ple from 11.30am until
Disciples.                       months.                            bulky waste. This can be            Church.                             2pm.
  “It also refers to reveal-       Most sites, including            done at www.durham.                   Go along for fun, games,            Enjoy food in pleasant
ing the true story of            Romanway, are now open           or         storytelling and food.              company with a main
Easter as for many, Easter       from 9am to 6pm.                   by calling customer ser-            Children and parents or             course and pudding. Tea
is more about chocolate            Those who are planning           vices on 03000 260 000.             guardians are welcome.              and coffee will also be
and Easter bunnies!              to use a site can check              Information about sites,            On Good Friday, 15                served.
  “Supported        by    the    the council’s online inter-        including the interactive           April, there will be a Walk           For more information,
Bishop Auckland Fel-             active map, which is               map can be found at                 of Witness. Meet oppo-              visit the website at www.
lowship      of     Christian    updated every hour and                    site the Sportsman pub    

For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:                                                                     Saturday 9 April 2022

Funding is available for activities for children young people and
families during the Summer and Christmas holidays.

ACTIVITIES AND HEALTHY EATING                                          Staff and volunteers from Woodhouse Close Church and Community Centre.

FUNDING IS available
for activities for children
                                       Applicants can now
                                     apply for multiple holi-          60 YEARS OF WOODHOUSE CLOSE CHURCH
young people and fami-               days for both Summer
                                                                       LAST MONTH marked the              ist Minister with pastoral          small existing vestry and
lies during the Summer               and Christmas 2022.
                                                                       60th anniversary of the            responsibility for Wood-            creating a purpose-built
holidays in 2022.                      Applicants must pro-
                                                                       opening of Woodhouse               house      Close    Church          storage area for the large
  The scheme aims to                 vide a healthy snack,
                                                                       Close Church in Bishop             when he became Super-               amount of food dona-
support local community              breakfast, lunch or tea as
                                                                       Auckland.                          intendent Minister of the           tions they receive weekly.
groups and organisa-                 part of the activity that
                                                                         The church is situated           Bishop Auckland & Shil-               The expected cost to
tions based in the Bishop            aims to meet Food Safety
                                                                       in the centre of a former          don Methodist Circuit.              extend the premises is
Auckland and Shildon                 Requirements.
                                                                       Local Authority housing              Adjacent to the church            around £150,000 and to
Area Action Partnership                All fully completed
                                                                       estate built at the same           is the vibrant and busy             date around £95,000 has
area to deliver enriching            applications and sup-
                                                                       time, which has been               Community Centre which              been pledged from vari-
holiday activities during            porting documents must
                                                                       identified by government           was formally set up in              ous sources.
the Summer Holidays,                 be received by no later
                                                                       statistics as in the top 2%        2006.                                 Peter Hall said: “It’s
including healthy food.              than 12 noon on Wednes-
                                                                       of areas of social depriva-          The Community Cen-                been an incredible 60
  However the funding                day 27 April.
                                                                       tion in the country.               tre team is led by Anne             years and we give thanks
is not for individuals or              For more information
                                                                         The building was built           Ramshaw and activi-                 for those who had the
profit making organisa-              or an application form
                                                                       by the Methodist Church            ties include the Tuesday            vision to build a new
tions.                               can be requested from
                                                                       and opened on 24 March             and Thursday Day Club,              Church back in the early
  Applicants can apply               Bishop Auckland and
                                                                       1962 by Rev. Hector Staf-          Meals on Wheels and the             1960s.
for amounts over £500                Shildon AAP by calling
                                                                       ford.                              new Bereavement Sup-                  “Many of you will
and delivery must take               03000 268 075 or email-
                                                                         Three Local Method-              port Group.                         remember our disco
place during the school              ing bishopshildonaap@
                                                                       ist Churches closed to               One of most used ser-             nights in the 80’s and 90’s
                                                                       fund the new church and            vices is the foodbank               – very, very challenging
                                                                       weekly donations were              and crisis intervention             but enjoyed by all.
                       @bishoppress                                    also collected around the          programme which over                  “The staff, volunteers
                                                                       streets on the estate from         the last few years, and in          and church members
                                                                       people who had come to             particular from the start           now oversee most of
                                                                       live in the new houses.            of this year, has seen              the weekly activities
                                                                         In 1971 a local ecu-             a marked increase and               responding         to   local
                                                                       menical partnership was            indications are that this           needs especially crisis
                                                                       formed between the two             is to get a lot worse due to        response and food sup-
      CAR SALES & VEHICLE SERVICES                                     denominations.                     world developments and              port.
                                                                         Tindale Crescent Meth-           increase in fuel prices.              “Please feel free to call
                                                                       odist Church closed,                 Donations are always              in during the week, if you
                                                                       and members and youth              most welcome, espe-                 need help in any way, or
                 QUALITY USED CARS                                     groups joined the new              cially food and toiletries.         to join one of our many
    Finance arranged | Comprehensive Warranties                        church.                              To this end, this year            activities.”
                 AA Breakdown Cover                                      In September 2020, Rev.          the team are embark-                  For more information
      All vehicles sold with fresh Service & MOT                       David Payne took up the            ing on a major project              about the Church or Com-
                                                                       appointment as Method-             to extend the premises              munity Centre visit their
    SERVICES FOR ALL MAKES & MODELS                                                                       to provide firstly a dedi-          website at woodhouse
                                                                                                          cated confidential office           c h u rc ha n d c o m mu ni t y
              MOT Testing Class 4, 5 & 7
                                                                                                          area, enlarging its very  
        Vehicle Diagnostics | Brakes | Clutches
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      01388 605080 | 07582 570308                                   Traditional   or    modern.
                                                                                                          Tel Ryan on 07860 560295.            07519 376870
                                                                        For pricing and packages, check
       View our vehicles at                                                                     (local)

Saturday 9 April 2022                                                                   For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:

                                                                                                        Kathryn, Noah and Adam soak up the match atmosphere.

                                   TICKET WINNERS ADAM AND NOAH
A good turnout at the special coffee morning raised £1,400 for the people of Ukraine.

                                                ENGLAND VICTORY
                                           AUCKLAND football mad autistic son
WITTON PARK Methodist               raising £,1400 for the               there helping in whatever      brothers, Adam and Noah             Adam who is too young
Chapel’s special coffee             people of Ukraine.                   way they could,” said          Dragffy-Brown,       along          for Facebook.”
morning in March proved               “People were so gener-             church volunteer, Evelyn       with mam, Kathryn, were               Noah, who is also autis-
a very successful day,              ous and so happy to be               Swinbank.                      able to celebrate Eng-              tic, went along too.
                                                                                                        land’s resounding 4-0 win             Afterwards,     Kathryn
                                                                                                        in the prestigious School-          said: “We really enjoyed
                                                                                                        boy International at Spen-          the match and we got to
                                                                                                        nymoor Town FC’s home               meet some of the players
                                                                                                        ground last Friday after            from both teams at the
                                                                                                        winning free tickets to             end of the game.”
                                                                                                        the game, courtesy of the             A Josh Stones hat-trick,
                                                                                                        Bishop Press.                       along with a goal from
                                                                                                          It was Adam and Noah’s            Alfie Dean was enough to
                                                                                                        mam,      Kathryn,    who           see England comfortably
                                                                                                        entered the free com-               beat their Scottish oppo-
                                                                                                        petition on their behalf,           nents in front of a crowd
                                                                                                        saying: “I would take my            of 2,006 spectators.

                                                                                                        BISHOP PRESS DELIVERER REQUIRED
                                                                                                        For our Tindale Crescent round.
                                                                                                        Call Jeff on 07909 992731 or email

                                                                                                         NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DISPOSE OF OPEN SPACE
                                                                                                         Notice is hereby given that Durham County Council proposes to
                                                                                                         grant a grazing licence, a licence for construction access and to
                                                                                                         dispose of:
                                                                                                           • 25615.05m² or thereabouts of land to the north of Gibson
                                                                                                             Street, Bishop Auckland
                                                                                                         A plan showing the area concerned may be inspected at the
                                                                                                         offices of Corporate Property and Land, County Hall, Durham,
                                                                                                         DH1 5UL.
                                                                                                         By virtue of Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as
                                                                                                         amended) the County Council is required to give formal notice of
                                                                                                         its intention to grant a licence/dispose of Open Space and consider
                                                                                                         any objections to the licence/disposal.
                                                                                                         Any representations or objections to the licences/disposal should
                                                                                                         be made in writing to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services
                                                                                                         at the address below or by emailing highways.orders@durham.
                                                                                                before the 23rd April 2022 and should state the grounds
                                                                                                         for objection.
                                                                                                         DATED this 9th April 2022

                                                                                                                                                              Helen Lynch
                                                                                                                                        Head of Legal & Democratic Services
                                                                                                                                            County Hall, Durham DH1 5UL

For more news from Bishop Auckland and across South West Durham visit:                                                                    Saturday 9 April 2022

    Local leagues, competitions and events...

                                                                                                          BISHOP WIN COLLEGE’S LEAGUE

                                                                                                          Bishop Auckland College is joint-coached by Andrew Dixon (back,
                                                                                                          second from right) and Shildon AFC captain, Ben Trotter, left.
Adam Burnicle scores against his former side to give Bishops a vital win in West Auckland.

                                                                                                          BISHOP AUCKLAND Col-               league runners-up Gates-
                                                                                                          lege is celebrating after          head College in March.
                                                                                                          winning the North-East               Andrew, Head of Sport
IN FIGHT FOR LEAGUE SURVIVAL                                                                              footballing equivalent of
                                                                                                          University Challenge.
                                                                                                                                             at the college, said: “This
                                                                                                                                             has been a fantastic sea-
FIVE POINTS from the last             Bishops host Red Star                U10 Kings lost 4-1 away          A 6-2 away win at Dar-           son for the squad.
nine, including a memora-           in the first of the fate-            at Seaton Carew with             lington Queen Elizabeth              “They      have     really
ble away win in the Auck-           defining sequence this               Albie scoring.                   Sixth Form secured the             worked hard and have
land derby, have provided           Saturday at 3pm at the                 U12 Kings lost 2-1 away        North-East       Colleges’         fully deserved their suc-
Bishop Auckland FC with             Voenus Stadium.                      to Thirsk in their final         League title for the sec-          cess this season.
a Northern League Divi-               Meanwhile, at St Mary’s            game with Tom scoring            ond time in six seasons.             “The older, more expe-
sion One lifeline.                  Juniors, the U9 Kings                for the Kings.                     The league also includes         rienced players have
  A first half goal from            managed their first win of             U13 Aces had a crack-          teams from Gateshead               mentored and helped the
Adam Burnicle, coupled              the season in their final            ing win against top of the       College, New College Dur-          younger players, which
with a missed second                game with a magnificent              table East Durham who            ham, East Durham Col-              has been nice to see.”
half penalty by Jordan              performance         against          haven’t lost a game all          lege and Tyne Metropoli-             Top scorer this season,
Blinco for the hosts, gave          Darlington TSC with the              season.                          tan College.                       with 14 goals, was for-
Bishops a precious three            whole squad starring.                  A superb performance             The 16-man squad,                mer Bishop Auckland FC
points in West Auckland.              U8 Bishops won away                saw the Aces win 3-1 with        which is coached by                striker Regan Nixon, 17,
  Sandwiched       between          to Stockton Blues, com-              a double from Leon and           tutors Andrew Dixon                currently playing for Esh
two draws, the results do           ing from 2-1 down with               Charlie with the other.          and Ben Trotter, was pre-          Winning in the second
not quite leave their des-          10 minutes to go before              Another game where the           sented with the league             division of the Northern
tiny in their own hands             finishing strongly with              whole team starred.              trophy after the match at          League.
- and the FA may still res-         goals from Jack, Charlie               The U14s recorded a            Darlington QE.                       Team-mate and club
cue the Two Blues from              (2) and Oliver (2).                  high scoring 3-3 draw              Ben is also club captain         captain, Robert McFad-
automatic relegation - but            U7 Aces won away at                against Tibs Yellows with        of Shildon AFC.                    den added: “The whole
anything less would have            Marton FC Royals with                two goals from Tyler and           The key game which               squad has contributed to
all but sealed their fate.          Theo scoring three goals             Max with the other.              decided the destination            the success of the team
  “With three games left,           and Thomas scoring                     Arron also contributed         of the league title was            this year - everyone works
including two at home               four.                                between the sticks with a        the 5-2 home win against           for the team.”
against Seaham Red Star               U7 Kings won against               great penalty save.
and Guisbrough and an               Tibs Blues with Lockey                 BAFC U23 Reserves              Reach up to 25,000 homes every week when you
away game at Crook, the             (3) and Falls scoring.               lost out 3-5 to Gateshead
lads need as much sup-                U9 Aces won at home                Rutherford in the League         advertise in the Bishop Press and its sister papers:
port as possible to help            against Guisborough. Oli-            Cup. Jack Cooper with a          01388 775896 | 07909 992731 |
the team out,” said chair-          ver (3), Freddie (2), Bobby          double and Regan Nixon
man, Steve Coulthard.               and Zack scored.                     contributed the goals.

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