NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates

Page created by Dawn Owen
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
NEWS                                              FROM
                                                                               CITY HALL
                             NEWSLETTER 376
              October 202
September -




                                                          BA C K T O S C H O O L
                                                            i n Av o n d a l e
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
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                                                                   #SupportLocalBusiness #FindYourNest
                                                      If your home is currently listed for sale, this is not meant to solicit your business.
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
Inside This Issue
     4                 Election, Drug Take Back,
                       Town Green, 9/11

     10                Downtown Entertainment Zone

     14                2021 Tour of Homes,
                       Back to School Safety

     15                Garden Club News
                                                                                                                New and Returning Events this Fall Pages 6 and 8.

        Board of Mayor & Commissioners                                                Stay in Touch with the City of Avondale Estates!
                                                                                     Newsletter                                                                           Nixle
                      Jonathan Elmore, Mayor                                         To receive this bimonthly newsletter in the                                          This service delivers trustworthy
                    Brian Fisher, Mayor Pro Tem                                      mail or electronically, please email                                       and important neighborhood-level public
                    Lisa Shortell, Commissioner                                                                             safety and community event notifications
                   Lionel Laratte, Commissioner                                                                                                                 by web, email and cell phone. Its
                                                                                            E-News                                                              authenticated service connects municipal
                   Dee Merriam, Commissioner                                                The City emails an electronic                                       agencies to residents in real time,
                                                                                            newsletter on Mondays and Fridays,                                  delivering information to geographically
                                                                                     and otherwise as needed for special                                        targeted residents over their cell phones
                                                                                     announcements and alerts. To sign up, visit                                (via text messages), through email and
                         Administration                                                                           through web access. The service provides
                Patrick Bryant, City Manager                                                                                                                    four types of messages:
           Paul Hanebuth, Assistant City Manager                                               Website                                                          •       Alert – for urgent and time sensitive
          Shannon Powell, Assistant City Manager                                                                                       information;
                                                                                                                                                                •       Advisory – for important need-to-know,
             Annetta Heyliger, Finance Officer                                                  Facebook                                                                 time sensitive information;
                     Gina Hill, City Clerk                                                     CityofAvondaleGA                                                 •       Community – for general information or
         Shari Hillman, Administrative Coordinator                                                                                                                      non-urgent community updates; and
                                                                                               Twitter                                                          •       Traffic – for all traffic related messaging.
       Ken Morris, Planner and Permitting Coordinator                                          @City_Avondale
               Marcella Shaw, Clerk of Court                                                                                                                    The messages are sent by the Avondale
                                                                                               @avondaleestates                                                 Estates Police Department personnel.
                                                                                                                                                                To sign up, visit
                      Police Department
                   Lynn Thomas, Chief of Police
                    Paul Conroy, Deputy Chief

                                                                                                                              CONTACT US TODAY
               Public Works Department                                                                                           770-623-6220
             Marcel Jackson, Public Works Director
                                                                                     News From City Hall is a publication of KDA & Tlehs. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily
              Don Huff, Public Works Supervisor                                      reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a
                                                                                     professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in this publication. Material published
                                                                                     may not be reproduced without the written permission of KDA & Tlehs.
                                                                                     The contents of this newsletter are provided for the members of the Avondale Estates neighborhood as a courtesy only. No
                                                                                     representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements
                                                                                     relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the
                                                                                     neighborhood of such opinions, information, goods or services.

News from City Hall - Newsletter Disclaimer                                                                      Unsolicited Copy
Purpose                                                                                                          The City Newsletter reserves the right to refuse unsolicited submissions and to edit all copy in regard to
The City Newsletter was created for the purpose of providing a written medium for regularly sharing informa-     space appropriateness, and cost considerations. As a courtesy to the clubs and organizations that civically
tion from City Hall. It is a vehicle for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners and the City Manager to share      operate in the City, a brief notice of their activities may be included as space permits. The City Newsletter
information relevant to issues discussed, actions taken, and plans made by the Board of Mayor and Com-           is not a forum for opinion pieces nor for political speech. The City reserves the right to reject any proposed
missioners, to share newsworthy information about our residents and businesses, and to provide a calendar        advertisement of an offensive, religious, or political nature.
of scheduled City events.

September - October 2021                                                        Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                                                                                  Page 3
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
H City News
                                                                    Municipal Election Information for 2021
                                                                    Qualifying for two commission seats on the Board
                                                                    of Mayor and Commissioners ended last week with
                                                                    three candidates throwing their names in for the
                                                                    November 2 election. Candidates elected will serve
                                                                    four-year terms beginning January 2022.

                                                                    Candidates include:
                                                                    •  Ricardo Israel Korn
                                                                    •  Lionel Laratte (Incumbent)
                                                                    •  Lisa Shortell (Incumbent)

                                                                    Election day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021 with
                                                                    polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Early voting will be
                                                                    available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from October 13 to
                                                                    October 29 at 4380 Memorial Drive, Decatur. City Hall is not an early voting location. The last day
                                                                    to register to vote or change your address is October 4.

National Drug Take
Back Day
WHEN: Saturday, October 23, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

WHERE: City Hall, 21 N. Avondale Plaza

The Avondale Estates Police Department encourages
people nationwide to participate in National Prescription
Drug Take Back Day this Saturday, October 23, 2021 from
10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at participating locations across the
United States, including at Avondale Estates City Hall.
The DEA’s National Take Back event provides an oppor-
tunity for all Americans to prevent misuse of prescription
drugs that so often result in drug addiction and overdose.

     Watch the Town
     Green Construction
     Progress Live
     You can now watch the progress at the Town Green construction
     site with a live camera stream at

     Construction is underway on the 2-acre Town Green that will
     serve as an economic driver for the downtown, as well as a place
     for the community to gather. From groundbreaking, which oc-
     curred June 30, to ribbon cutting, the construction phase of the
     Town Green is estimated to take about 9 months.

Page 4                                                         Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                       September - October 2021
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
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September - October 2021             Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                             Page 5
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
H City News
Tiny House Festival
Coming to Avondale Estates
The MicroLife Institute is thrilled to announce
that its annual Tiny House Festival will be held
in Avondale Estates on Oct. 16-17 of this year.
This will be the fifth Tiny House Festival put on
by MicroLife, and, as in previous festivals, it will
showcase a collection of tiny houses on wheels,
schoolies, and container homes for public touring.
Vendors at the festival will be local businesses
as well as businesses focused on sustainability,
minimalism, downsizing, home maintenance, in-
novative housing solutions and more. The festival
will also feature a lineup of speakers touching on
topics from housing innovation through modern          festival and VIP event can be found at https://          Celebrate AvondALE
living in micro-spaces (under 500 square feet).
                                                       house-festival-tickets-165167096231                      Day Along the Dale
Participants of the festival can enjoy an art walk
through Little Tree Art Studios, food from local       To ensure the safety of festival participants, masks     Ale Trail
restaurants and food trucks, and drinks from local     will be available at the festival and will be required   Voted the #1 Best Small-Town
breweries including a special Micro(Life) Brew by      to enter the tiny homes on display. Hand sanitizing
The Lost Druid Brewery. The festival will run from     stations will also be available.
                                                                                                                Beer Scene in the country by
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16 and 11 a.m.                                                              USA Today’s 10 Best Readers’
                                                       Learn more about the festival at https://www.
to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 17. A special VIP event
                                                                                                                Choice poll, Avondale Estates
will be held at The Lost Druid Brewery follow-
ing the festival on Saturday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.     house-festival. Those interested in volunteer-           is THE destination for craft beer
where VIP members can mix and mingle with the          ing, showcasing a tiny home, or being a vendor,          enthusiasts.
tiny home builders, local business owners, festival    speaker, or sponsor of the festival can reach out to
vendors and the MicroLife team. Tickets to the for more information.        Celebrate October 23 at the kick off-the first an-
                                                                                                                nual AvondALE Day.

                                                                                                                Enjoy live music, food, and more than 100 di-

Halloween in Avondale Estates
                                                                                                                verse draft beers along the 'Dale Ale Trail
                                                                                                                - a 1-mile path through the heart of Avondale Es-
                                                                                                                tates' central business district. Stops include The
Halloween is one of Avondale Estates’ biggest               curfew time. This will assist the Avondale          Lost Druid Brewery, Wild Heaven Brewery, Little
events! From ghosts and goblins to princesses and           Estates Police in enforcing the curfew.             Cottage Brewery, My Parents Basement, and The
cartoon characters, watch the little ones creep or                                                              Beer Growler. Taking center stage will be three
strut down sidewalks with the City’s multicolored      •    Trick-or-treaters should wear brightly col-
                                                                                                                specially crafted Avondale Estates co-branded
fall foliage as a backdrop. Avondale Estates wishes         ored costumes and carry a flashlight.
                                                                                                                beers created by these very award-winning and
everyone a happy and safe Halloween!                                                                            talented craft brewers.
                                                       •    Costumes should be short enough so that
HALLOWEEN SAFETY                                            they are not a tripping hazard for children.
                                                                                                                Pick up a punch card at any one of the five loca-
                                                       •    Stay on the sidewalks; don’t cut across yards       tions along the 'Dale Ale Trail starting on Friday
Residents of Avondale Estates can help with safety
                                                            and only cross the street at designated cross-      and earn a punch by purchasing a beverage at
by following these rules and guidelines:
                                                            walks. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the       three out of the five stops along the way. Submit
•    Residents are welcome to pair up with                  left side of the street, facing oncoming cars.      your completed punch card by the end of the
     neighbors to hand out treats to children.                                                                  weekend at any of the five locations to receive a
     Some neighbors set up Halloween tables near       •    Parents should accompany children whenev-           free, limited-edition, locally-designed 'Dale Ale
     sidewalks, which alleviates door traffic.                er possible. If you are not accompanying your       Trail pint glass! This promotional prize is avail-
                                                            children, know the route they are taking. Talk      able while supplies last.
•    Keep all candles away from landings and                with your children about Halloween safety.
     doorways where they could brush up against             Tell them not to eat any candy until treats are     Follow Explore Avondale on Facebook, Insta-
     someone. Use artificially lit candles whenever          examined by a guardian.                             gram, or online at for
     possible.                                                                                                  updates.
                                                       •    Adult trick-or-treaters: If you are going to a
•    Please turn off your lights at the 8:30 p.m.           party, remember to have a designated driver.

Page 6                                                      Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                      September - October 2021
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
City News H

Placita Latina: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Latinx culture is coming to Avondale Estates and                                                              p.m., La Choloteca After-Dance-Party: 8 to 10:30
Decatur, with a colorful and historical series of                                                             p.m.. Both events on the Decatur Square.
events to be held between the two cities during
Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 – October                                                               • Placita Latina Mercadito “Pop-up Market:”
15, 2021).                                                                                                     October 3, between 1 and 5 p.m., at the Lost Druid
Placita Latina (or “Small Latina Plaza”) is an
opportunity to bring together rich and diverse                                                                • Emerging Latinx Artist Showcase (in part-
Latinx entertainment, flavors, and cultures to both                                                           nership with the Decatur Arts Alliance):
communities. The result is Placita Latina: a series                                                           Closing Event October 8 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the
of weekly “mini-events” that highlight Hispanic/                                                              Decatur Visitors Center.
Latinx performance, food, and culture, from Sep-
                                                                                                              When some people think about “Latin America”
tember 15, through October 15, 2021.
                                                                                                              they are often unaware of the diversity of the
These “mini-events” will include a mix of Latinx-                                                             people, history, food, music, culture and even lan-
inspired music, dance, art, education, and flavors:                                                           guages from the countries included in this group.
                                                                                                              Placita Latina was conceived to help create aware-
•    La Placita Latin American “Coffee Tast-                                                                  ness of the many perspectives and people who are
     ing” and Performance in Partnership with Welcoming Avondale:                  part of all communities.
     September 16 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Banjo Coffee, in Avondale Estates, to also
     include an After Party, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Beer Growler.)               Learn more about Placita Latina at,
                                                                                   Instagram (@placitalatinaga), or Twitter (Placita Latina GA @placitaG)
•    Salsa On The Square and La Choloteca “After Party:”
     September 18, 2021 Salsa Band Performance & Dance Instruction: 6 to 8

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September - October 2021                                    Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                                         Page 7
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
H City News

                                                                         Southern Surf Stompfest! Returns
                                                                         The sixth Annual Southern Surf StompFest! will be held Saturday, October 2, 2021 outside
                                                                         Little Tree Art Studios in Avondale Estates. This free, family friendly, day long event will
                                                                         feature nine of the best surf and instrumental groups from around the country including
                                                                         The Exotics (Milwaukee, WI), Genki Genki Panic (Chattanooga, TN), The Mystery Men?
                                                                         (Atlanta, GA), The Surge! (Atlanta, GA), El Capitan & the Reluctant Sadists (Atlanta, GA),
                                                                         The Creature Preachers (Warner-Robins, GA), Outersea (Athens, GA), The Compartmen-
                                                                         talizationalists (Atlanta, GA), and Chad Shivers & The Frigidaires (Atlanta, GA). Local
                                                                         artists will be selling their wares along with food trucks and alcohol vendors.

                                                                         Saturday, October 2, 2021 12pm-10pm Little Tree Art Studios (2834 Franklin St, Avondale
                                                                         Estates, GA 30002). Free and family friendly.

                                                                for more information

   Return of the
   Citywide Yard Sale
   Each autumn bargain hunters, collectors, deal makers,
   and savvy shoppers galore converge on Avondale Estates
   to make the find of a lifetime at the Citywide Yard Sale.
   The event, which normally features more than 50 homes
   throughout the City of Avondale Estates, is back this year
   with a team of volunteers making it all run smoothly.

   This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, October 23
   from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

   If you have some junk treasures to sell, sign up now to be
   one of the official locations. Official participants pay $20
   to receive an official yard sign and be a part of the direc-
   tory. Additionally, official participants can register to have
   unsold items donated to a local charity.

   To register your home as a sale location visit www.Avon-

Page 8                                                        Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                     September - October 2021
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
Located right here in our neighborhood.
          106 N Clarendon Ave,       Leigh Lynch, Realtor®, Team Lead            404-788-2459
                 Suite C             Bill Roberts, Realtor®, Lead Buyers Agent   404-358-5857
       Avondale Estates, GA 30002    Todd Hill, Realtor®                         404-357-6921
           (o): 404.214.9400         Dustin Williams, Realtor®                   678-943-5987
          Player Owen, Realtor®, Office Manager       404-932-7252

            Atlanta's #1
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September - October 2021             Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                     Page 9
NEWSFROM - Avondale Estates
H City News

          Avondale Estates

                                                                COMING SOON

              The Entertainment District allows patrons within
              the Central Business District to leave downtown
              restaurants and bars with open containers of
              purchased alcohol so they can walk freely around
              Downtown to shop and play. Please abide by the
              following regulations.

              • Any individual that violates any of the above
                regulations is in violation of city code and subject
                to arrest or citation.
              • Stay within the Entertainment District. No open
                containers are permitted beyond the boundaries of the
                Central Business District as outlined below.
              • No BYOB. All alcoholic beverages must be obtained
                from a licensed vendor in the Entertainment District.
              • No cans or glass bottles. All alcoholic beverages must
                be contained in an approved 16 oz. compostable cup.
                No cans or glass bottles.
              • Don’t over do it. Only one open container per person              Use the QR code to
                permitted.                                                        reference participating
              • Be respectful! Please clean up after yourself and
                dispose empty cups in designated receptacles.
              • All other City and State laws apply.
                                                                                            map map
                                                                                                revised   4/30/21
                                                                                                    revised 4/30/21

Page 10                                  Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                       September - October 2021

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September - October 2021               Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                    Page 11
September 2021
  calendar of events
      SUN                   MON                     TUES                   WED                  THURS                FRI                SAT

                                                                               1                      2              3                    4

          5                      6                     7                       8                      9              10                 11
                                                                          6 p.m. Historic
                         Labor Day (City Hall                                                  5:30 p.m. Board
     10 a.m.-1 p.m.                                                        Preservation
                               Closed)                                                          of Mayor and
   Avondale Estates                                                       Commission &
                                                                                               Commissioners                          Patriots Day
 Farmers Market, 22 N.                                                 Architectural Review
                          Rosh Hashanah                                                        Regular Meeting
    Avondale Road                                                         Board Regular
                          Begins at sunset                                                      Work Session

        12                     13                    14                      15                     16               17                 18
                                                                                               Yom Kippur Ends at

     10 a.m.-1 p.m.                             5:30 p.m. Downtown                               La Placita Latin
   Avondale Estates                                Development        Yom Kippur Begins at      American “Coffee
 Farmers Market, 22 N.                           Authority Regular          sunset                Tasting” and
    Avondale Road                                     Meeting                                    Performance in
                                                                                                Partnership with
                                                                                              Welcoming Avondale –
                                                                                                   See Page 7

        19                     20                    21                      22                     23               24                 25

                                                                         5:30 p.m. Board
     10 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                                          of Mayor and
   Avondale Estates       Sukkot Begins at
 Farmers Market, 22 N.        sunset
                                                                         Regular Meeting
    Avondale Road
                                                                          Work Session

        26                     27                    28                      29                     30

     10 a.m.-1 p.m.
   Avondale Estates        Sukkot ends at
 Farmers Market, 22 N.        nightfall
    Avondale Road

Page 12                                                    Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                          September - October 2021
October 2021
  calendar of events
       SUN                      MON                       TUES                   WED                THURS           FRI                  SAT

                                                                                                                      1                     2

                                                                                                                                      Southern Surf
                                                                                                                                       Stompfest –
                                                                                                                                       See page 8

           3                         4                        5                      6                     7          8                     9
                                6 p.m. Historic
  10 a.m.-1 p.m. Avondale
 Estates Farmers Market,
                                Commission &
   22 N. Avondale Road
                             Architectural Review
                            Board Regular Meeting
    1 and 5 p.m.Placita
  Latina Mercadito “Pop-
                               Voter Registration
   up Market” The Lost
                            Deadline for November 2
    Druid – See Page 7
                                General Election

         10                        11                       12                     13                 14            15                    16
                                                      5:30 p.m. Downtown
                                                         Development           5:30 p.m. Board                                      National Boss Day
     10 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                       Authority Regular        of Mayor and
   Avondale Estates
                                                            Meeting            Commissioners                                       Avondale Estates Tiny
 Farmers Market, 22 N.
                                                                               Regular Meeting                                       House Festival –
    Avondale Road
                                                       First Day of Early       Work Session                                           See page 6

         17                        18                       19                     20                 21            22                    23
 Avondale Estates Tiny
 House Festival – See
                                                                                                                                   AvondALE Day – See
       page 8
                                                                                                                                        page 9
     10 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                                                                                                   Citywide Yard Sale 8
   Avondale Estates
                                                                                                                                       a.m. to 2 p.m.
 Farmers Market, 22 N.
    Avondale Road

   24/31                           25                       26                     27                 28            29                    30
    24 - 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
    Avondale Estates
  Farmers Market, 22 N.                                                        5:30 p.m. Board
     Avondale Road
                                                                                of Mayor and
                                                                                                               Last Day of Early
    31 - 10 a.m.-1 p.m.                                                        Commissioners
    Avondale Estates                                                           Regular Meeting
  Farmers Market, 22 N.                                                         Work Session
     Avondale Road
     31 - Halloween

September - October 2021                                          Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                        Page 13
H Community News
                                                                                            Back to School Safety
                                     Plan to Attend                                         Whether children walk, ride their bicycle or take the bus to school, it
                           2 9 t h A n n ua l                                               is extremely important that they take proper safety precautions. Here
                                                                                            are some tips to make sure your child safely travels to school:


                                                                                            Review your family's walking safety rules and practice walking to school

                                 Christmas Tour
                                                                                            with your child.

                                                                                            •    Walk on the sidewalk, if one is available; when on a street with

                                       & Holiday Market                                          no sidewalk, walk facing the traffic

                                                                                            •    Before crossing the street, stop and look left, right and left again
                                                      Sunday                                     to see if cars are coming
                                                  December 12, 2021                         •    Make eye contact with drivers and always cross streets at cross-
                                                                                                 walks or intersections

Avondale Estates Christmas                                                                  BIKE RIDERS

Tour & Holiday Market 2021                                                                  Teach your child the rules of the road and practice riding the bike route to
                                                                                            school with your child.
Here we go! Let’s light up Avondale Es-            HOLIDAY MARKET
tates again this year! Start planning your         Sally Walker                             •    Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, and in a single file
decorations and remember to get your               404-308-9292
                                                                                            •    Come to a complete stop before crossing the street; walk bikes
lights early! Lots of stores ran out last year.
                                                                                                 across the street
Planning for the Avondale Estates Christ-          SPONSORS
                                                                                            •    Make sure your child always wears a properly fitted helmet and
mas Tour is underway. Save the date,               Connie Bryans
                                                                                                 bright clothing
December 12, 2021, for the Christmas Tour          404-408-9644
and Holiday Market. We are hoping to have                   BUS RIDERS
a combination of the Tour of Homes and
the Tour of Lights and are waiting to see          CHRISTMAS ANGELs                         Teach your children school bus safety rules and practice with them.
where the country is with the Pandemic             Kathy Delaney
closer to the date. Santa and Mrs. Claus           404-925-1743                             •    Go to the bus stop with your child to teach them the proper way
will be back and the lake will be lit for a                      to get on and off the bus
Winter Walk around the floating Christ-
                                                   VOLUNTEERS                               •    Teach your children to stand 6 feet (or three giant steps) away
mas tree. An in-Person Holiday Market as
                                                   Lynn Thompson                                 from the curb
well as a chance to order virtually are in
the plans. Visit                                                   •    If your child must cross the street in front of the bus, teach him
                                                                                                 or her to walk on the side of the road until they are 10 feet ahead
For more information or to volunteer,
                                                                                                 of the bus; your child and the bus driver should always be able to
contact the following committee members:
                                                                                                 see each other
                                                                                            DRIVING YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL
Margaret Lunsford
404-388-9137                                                                                Stay alert and avoid distracted driving.
                                                                                            •    Obey school zone speed limits and follow your school's drop-off

                                                                                            •    Make eye contact with children who are crossing the street

                                                                                            •    Never pass a bus loading or unloading children

Page 14                                                        Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                     September - October 2021
Community News H

                                                                                     Avon Garden Club Enjoys
                                                                                     Garden Party
                                                                                     Avon Garden Club members gathered for a festive Garden Party on
                                                                                     Friday August 6, 2021. The venue for the party was Jane Howe Darnell’s
                                                                                     serenely beautiful back garden. Refreshments and floral arrangements
                                                                                     were provided by Board members. The event was purely a social event
                                                                                     in advance of Avon Garden Club’s anticipated return to in-person meet-
                                                                                     ings in September although President Kathy Kingsbury did provide an
                                                                                     official welcome to the group. As southern society pages throughout the
                                                                                     decades have said, “A good time was had by all.”

 Avondale Estates Garden Club Doesn’t Take the Summer Off!
 Club Prepares To Celebrate 90 Years Of Accomplishments This Fall
 By Tyler Weaver, AEGC Publicity Chair

 Some people ask why the Avondale Estates Garden Club doesn’t have meetings          This year also marks 90 years that AEGC has been around! The club was
 during the summer months. The short answer is that they take the summer off         founded in 1931 by a group of very active and eager women. Many things have
 to tend gardens and spend time with family. The real reason is they don’t have      changed over the years—types of meetings, rules, appropriate dress, and even
 time for meetings with all the planning and preparations required for the active    food. One thing hasn’t changed, though, and that is the level of enthusiasm evi-
 months!                                                                             dent among the members. The September meeting will take attendees on a trip
                                                                                     back in time for one night only! Member-actors will perform a skit highlighting
 Committees have been working hard to finish the front garden facelift at             garden club moments and achievements from different eras of the last nine
 Avondale Elementary School, plan the next Tree Walk, raise funds for more           decades, and the 90th birthday-themed refreshments will reflect menu items
 tree markers (it’s not too late to donate!), to catalog historical club documents   popular from years past!
 and artifacts, to spruce up the city entrance at Carl’s Corner, and more! Several
 members also attended a leadership and awards workshop in John’s Creek at           A lot of the members may be retired, but everyone seems to keep working
 Bellmere, the sprawling estate home of Dean Day Sanders who is a past presi-        where the garden club is concerned. Here’s to another 90 years of loving, serv-
 dent of National Garden Clubs.                                                      ing, and beautifying the community we call home!

September - October 2021                                    Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                                           Page 15
H Happenings Across The Hedge

                               Avon Garden Club Garden of the Month
                        An error was made in the printing of last edition’s
            Avon Garden Club Gardens of the Month for May and June. The winners were:

      May: Ragini Kudchadkar and Graham Reiney at 3187 Wiltshire Drive          June: Danielle Sansone and Matt Phillips at 36 Dartmouth Avenue

          July: Erin Manley and Cormick Wong at 4 Dartmouth Avenue                 August: Avondale Elementary School at 8 Lakeshore Drive

                    Avondale Estates Garden Club Yard of the Month

           July: Steve and Natalie Schneider at 67 Dartmouth Avenue                        August: Cathy Bass at 1143 Banbury Cross

Page 16                                                Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                              September - October 2021
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                                         keepers                                     CANDLER CONCERT SERIES
                 ON S I GN M EN T                                                     TICKETS ON SALE NOW                                 GEORGE LI, piano
              WOMEN . MEN . FURNISHINGS                                               404.727.5050                                     September 18 | 8 p.m.

                                                                                              PRETTY YENDE, soprano

                                                                                                                                         October 3 | 4 p.m.

                                                                                                                                LEONIDAS KAVAKOS, violin
                                                                                                                                   and YUJA WANG, piano
 YOU LIKE THE FINER THINGS                                                                                                             November 2 | 8 p.m.
                           SO DO WE !
                                                                                                                          OUR SONG, OUR STORY—THE NEW
     CONSIGN YOUR FINER THINGS IN YOUR COMMUNITY.                                                                           GENERATION OF BLACK VOICES
   OFFERING FINE FASHIONS AND ACCESSORIES FOR YOU AND                                                                                  January 28 | 8 p.m.
      FINE FASHIONS & ACCESSORIES FOR HER, FOR HIM,                                                                                     AN EVENING WITH
                      AND FOR HOME                                                                                                   BRANFORD MARSALIS
                                                                                                                                       February 18 | 8 p.m.
                                                                                                                                              KITTEL & CO.
                                                                                                                                           March 18 | 8 p.m.

                                                                                                                                   ACADEMY OF ST MARTIN
                                                                                                                            IN THE FIELDS WIND ENSEMBLE
                                                                                                                                            April 9 | 8 p.m.

                                                                                                                            CANDLER DANCE EVENT
                                                                                                                                      URBAN BUSH WOMEN
                                                                                                                                  February 24–26 | 7:30 p.m.

                                                                                               Yuja Wang © Julia Wesely

September - October 2021                                    Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                                       Page 17
Superior Indoor Comfort                            770-664-9098 Home Furnishings
                                    Zen Air                                            678-883-7868     ARIANA Home Furnishings & Design                678-807-7422
                                 Accountants                                                          Home Improvements
                                    Signature Accounting Services, LLC.                770-975-1609     Exovations                                      770-205-2995
                                 Assisted Living                                                                   The following are sponsors* in other
                                                                                                        GHIR Construction                                      community newsletters published

                 Sponsors eager for your business!
                                    Celebration Village-Acworth
                                    Manor Lake Ellijay
                                                                                       800-669-3904 Insulation
                                                                                                                   by   KDA    &  Tlehs
                                                                                                        Koala Insulation-NW Atlanta
                                                                                                                                          Publishing. BOLD    LISTINGS
                                                                                                                                                                          have an advertisement
                                    Tapestry House Assisted Living                     678-234-1074 Insurance in this publication. (* Included sponsors have met purchase criteria.)
                                    The Arbor at Bridgemill                            770-545-6736     State Farm-Matt Cresap                          770-982-0064
                                 Automotive Sales                                                       The Upton Agency                                770-361-6570
                                A/C Cory   Sims "Big, Tall, Bald Guy"
                                     & Heating                                                        Lawn Care
                                                                                       706-618-0811 Handyman                                                                         AE59N
                                 Bathroom      & Kitchen
                                   Anytime Heating           Remodeling
                                                        & Cooling,  Inc.              678-606-9020      Turf Technologies
                                                                                                       Shumate     Handyman Services                    470-772-2362
                                   Dayco      Method-North West Atlanta
                                           Systems                                                    Nursery Stores
                                                                                       888-545-6516 Hardware
                                 Cleaning    Services
                                   Neese-Jones      Heating and Cooling               678-856-4785      Autumn
                                                                                                       Ace         Hill Nursery
                                                                                                             Hardware    of Toco Hills                  770-442-3901
                                   Precision   Heating Specialist,
                                    House Cleaning       & Air       Inc               770-975-4995 Home
                                                                                      770-445-0870          Exterior Makeover
                                    PrestigeAir    Conditioning & Heating
                                               Maids                                  678-584-0880
                                                                                       770-807-9949 Exovations-Home
                                                                                                        360 Painting         Exterior Makeover         770-205-2995
                                   Superior Leveling
                                 Concrete     Indoor Comfort                          770-664-9098 Home     Furnishings
                                                                                                        Chris   Brown Painting & Home Repair            770-323-3148
                                   Zen  Air
                                    Advance     Concrete Lifting & Leveling           678-883-7868
                                                                                       678-235-9322 ARIANA
                                                                                                        Earthly Home
                                                                                                                  MattersFurnishings   & Design
                                                                                                                            Painting and  Contracting  678-807-7422
                                 Concrete Replacement                                               Home    Improvements
                                                                                                        Verge    Painting and Siding                    678-331-1102
                                   Signature   Accounting
                                    McKemey Concrete &        Services,  LLC.
                                                                Hardscapes            770-975-1609     Exovations
                                                                                       678-914-2576 Performing Arts                                    770-205-2995
                                 ConsignmentLiving                                                     GHIR    Construction
                                                                                                        Schwartz     Center For Performing Arts        404-922-7379
                                   Celebration    Village-Acworth
                                    Finders Keepers                                    404-296-0285 Insulation
                                                                                      800-669-3904    Pest Control
                                    Kid toLake    Ellijay
                                            Kid-Alpharetta                            762-533-6292
                                                                                       770-807-3245 Koala
                                                                                                        Breda  Insulation-NW    Atlanta
                                                                                                                  Pest Management                      770-765-1580
                                   Tapestry   House Assisted Living
                                    Kid to Kid-Cumming                                 770-888-8500 Insurance
                                                                                      678-234-1074      Legacy Pest Control                             770-423-0160
                                    KidArbor    at Bridgemill
                                         to Kid-Johns     Creek                       770-545-6736     State Farm-Matt Cresap
                                                                                       770-495-4888 Plumbing                                           770-982-0064
                                Automotive     Sales
                                    Uptown Cheapskate-Cumming                          770-844-7600 The BryanUpton  AgencyServices
                                                                                                                 Plumbing                              770-361-6570
                                   Cory  SimsCheapskate-Johns
                                    Uptown      "Big, Tall, Bald Guy"Creek             770-495-1515 Lawn
                                                                                      706-618-0811         Care Environmental Services
                                                                                                        Hulsey                                          770-536-1161
                                 Dentist & Kitchen Remodeling                                          Turf  Technologies
                                                                                                        Plumbwise, Inc.                                470-772-2362
                                   Miracle Method-North West Atlanta                  888-545-6516 Nursery
                                    Acworth Dental                                     770-974-4146     Serv'all Plumbing & Rooter Service              770-917-1852
                                Cleaning Services                                                      Autumn Hill Nursery                             770-442-3901
                                    Acworth Family Dentistry                           770-974-8211     Shumate Plumbing Services                       678-584-0880
                                   House Cleaning Specialist, Inc                     770-975-4995 Painting
                                    BridgeMill Dentistry (Scott Merritt, DMD)          770-704-1812     Sundial Plumbing                                770-427-1998
                                   Prestige Maids                                     770-807-9949     360 Painting                                    770-213-5071
                                    Cumming Dental Associates                          404-408-9811     The Plumbers Guild                              404-694-5128
                                Concrete Leveling                                                      Chris Brown Painting & Home Repair              770-323-3148
                                    Distinctive Dentistry                              770-445-6606 Pre-Schools & Kindergarten
                                   Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling                678-235-9322     Earthly Matters Painting and Contracting        770-346-0203
                                    Esthetic Dental Solutions                          678-352-1333     Omega Learning Center-Acworth                   770-792-7431
                                Concrete Replacement                                                   Verge Painting and Siding                       678-331-1102
                                    Family Dentistry at Seven Hills                    678-574-4837     Primrose School of Acworth Bentwater            770-529-3925
                                   McKemey Concrete & Hardscapes                      678-914-2576 Performing Arts
                                    Northpoint Dental                                  678-274-6987 Propane Service
                                Consignment                                                            Schwartz Center For Performing Arts             404-727-8769
                                    Roswell Dental Care                                770-998-6736     Gas Incorporated                                770-720-1378
                                   Finders Keepers                                    404-296-0285 Pest Control
                                    Swords & Phelps Dentistry                          770-479-3713 Real Estate
                                   Kid to Kid-Alpharetta                              770-807-3245     Breda Pest Management                           770-466-6700
                                 Design    & Build Services
                                   Kid to Kid-Cumming                                 770-888-8500      AtlantaPest
                                                                                                       Legacy     Communities-Carl
                                                                                                                       Control         Hawthorne        404-403-1789
                                   Kid                  Inc.
                                       to Kid-Johns Creek                              404-377-1021 Plumbing
                                                                                      770-495-4888      Atlanta Communities-Jennifer and Associates 770-403-5639
                                 Electrical   Service
                                   Uptown Cheapskate-Cumming                          770-844-7600      Berkshire
                                                                                                       Bryan         Hathaway
                                                                                                               Plumbing          Home Services-Blumer 770-826-5277
                                                                                                                           Services                     678-858-4927
                                    Arc Angel
                                   Uptown        Electric Corp Creek
                                             Cheapskate-Johns                          470-239-5568 Hulsey
                                                                                      770-495-1515      Coldwell    Banker Realty-Jimmy
                                                                                                                Environmental    Services Payne         404-432-0466
                                    Mr. Electric of Canton
                                Dentist                                                678-408-7174 Plumbwise,
                                                                                                        Coldwell Banker-Sherry
                                                                                                                     Inc.            Warner             404-784-8848
                                   Acworth   DentalElectric, LLC                       404-704-4903 Serv'all
                                                                                      770-974-4146      Compass      Realty-Gipson
                                                                                                                 Plumbing    & Rooterand   Co.
                                                                                                                                       Service          404-405-5363
                                   Acworth      Electrical
                                             Family          Services
                                                       Dentistry                       678-584-0880 Shumate
                                                                                      770-974-8211      Compass      Realty-Lee
                                                                                                                   Plumbing       and Darlene Team
                                                                                                                               Services                 404-932-3006
                                 Event   Planning
                                   BridgeMill   Dentistry (Scott Merritt, DMD)        770-704-1812      Compass
                                                                                                       Sundial       Realty-Natalie Gregory Team
                                                                                                                  Plumbing                              404-373-0076
                                   Cumming        Convention
                                               Dental           & Visitors Bureau
                                                        Associates                     678-297-2811 The
                                                                                      404-408-9811      Cory    & Co. Realty
                                                                                                             Plumbers     Guild                         404-564-5561
                                 Eye   Care Dentistry
                                   Distinctive                                                          Harry Norman
                                                                                      770-445-6606 Pre-Schools            Realtors-Pam Hughes
                                                                                                                    & Kindergarten                      404-626-3604
                                    Pearle Vision-Woodstock
                                   Esthetic  Dental Solutions                          770-790-0000 Omega
                                                                                      678-352-1333      Park Realty-John      Morgan
                                                                                                                 Learning Center-Acworth                770-655-9423
                                   Family Centers
                                            Dentistry at Seven Hills                  678-574-4837      Remax Around
                                                                                                       Primrose    School ofAtlanta-Falkin
                                                                                                                               Acworth Bentwater        770-330-2374
                                   Northpoint   Dental                                 470-523-8200 Propane
                                                                                      678-274-6987      ReMax-Sarah
                                                                                                                Service Terrell                         770-928-6525
                                   Roswell      Fitness
                                             Dental   Care                             470-282-5225 Gas
                                                                                      770-998-6736      Russ    Robinson Atlanta Communities
                                                                                                             Incorporated                               770-335-7677
                                             & Phelps Dentistry                       770-479-3713 RealSever
                                                                                                          Estate Group Properties//State Farm-Grant     678-849-6884
                                Design   & Build
                                    Platinum        Services
                                                Overhead     Door                      678-329-3100 Remodeling
                                                                                                       Atlanta Communities-Carl Hawthorne              404-403-1789
                                 Golf  Courses Inc.                                   404-377-1021     Atlanta   Communities-Jennifer and Associates 770-403-5639
                                                                                                        GCI Basements                                   404-569-8794
                                Electrical  Service
                                    Club Corp     Golf Clubs                           770-389-2000 Berkshire      Hathaway Home Services-Blumer
                                                                                                        Serv'all Plumbing-Remodeling                   678-858-4927
                                   Arc Angel
                                    Club       Electric Bentwater
                                           Specialists   Corp        LLC              470-239-5568     Coldwell Banker Realty-Jimmy Payne
                                                                                       770-769-3749 Restaurants                                        404-432-0466
                                   Mr. Electric of Canton                             678-408-7174     Coldwell
                                                                                                        Beau MondeBanker-Sherry
                                                                                                                         Cigar BarWarner
                                                                                                                                    & Restaurant       404-784-8848
                                   ServiceWise Electric, LLC                          404-704-4903     Compass Realty-Gipson and Co.                   404-405-5363
                                                                                                        Luna Maya                                       770-720-4999
                                   Shumate Electrical Services                        678-584-0880     Compass Realty-Lee and Darlene Team             404-932-3006
                                                                                                      Retaining Walls
                                Event Planning                                                         Compass Realty-Natalie Gregory Team             404-373-0076
                                   Alpharetta Convention & Visitors Bureau            678-297-2811
                                                                                                        Ben    Hopkins
                                                                                                       Cory & Co. Realty
                                                                                                                         LLC                            770-893-8986
                                Eye Care                                                              Retirement    Community
                                                                                                       Harry Norman Realtors-Pam Hughes                404-626-3604
                                   Pearle Vision-Woodstock                            770-790-0000      Holbrook/Dogwood
                                                                                                       Park   Realty-John MorganForest                  404-445-7777
                                Fitness Centers                                                       Roofing
                                                                                                       Remax Around Atlanta-Falkin                     770-330-2374
                                   HOTWORX-Acworth                                    470-523-8200      Dr. Roof
                                                                                                       ReMax-Sarah      Terrell                         770-552-7663
                                   Senergy Fitness                                    470-282-5225      Earthly
                                                                                                       Russ       MattersAtlanta
                                                                                                              Robinson      Painting and Contracting
                                                                                                                                   Communities          770-346-0203
                                Garage Doors                                                            Exovations-Roofing
                                                                                                       Sever   Group Properties//State Farm-Grant       770-205-2955
                                   Platinum Overhead Door                                               Generation Contracting DBA Generation
                                                                                      678-329-3100 Remodeling                                           770-733-3517
                                Golf Courses                                                            Roofing
                                                                                                       GCI         Co.Construction
                                                                                                             Basements                                  770-308-6222
                                   Club Corp Golf Clubs                               770-389-2000      M&A Roofing
                                                                                                       Serv'all          and Restoration
                                                                                                                 Plumbing-Remodeling                    404-632-8381
                                   Club Specialists Bentwater LLC                                       New Image Roofs
                                                                                      770-769-3749 Restaurants                                          678-444-4901
                                                                                                        Pro Elite
                                                                                                       Beau   Monde Roofing
                                                                                                                       Cigar Bar & Restaurant           404-293-5115
                                Handyman                                                                TRiO Roofing and Construction                   404-492-5790
c.                 678-606-9020    Shumate Handyman Services                          678-584-0880 Schools-Private
                   770-919-9509 Hardware Stores                                                         McGinnis Woods Country Day School               770-664-7764
oling              678-856-4785    Ace Hardware of Toco Hills                         404-325-8000      The Friends School of Atlanta                   404-373-8746
                   770-445-0870 Home Exterior Makeover                                                  Woodward Academy                                404-765-4001
eating             678-584-0880    Exovations-Home Exterior Makeover                  770-205-2995 Security Systems
                   770-664-9098 Home Furnishings                                                        Classic Entry Systems                           678-330-1111
                   678-883-7868    ARIANA Home Furnishings & Design                   678-807-7422 Siding
                                Home Improvements                                                       Exovations-Siding                               770-205-2995
 , LLC.            770-975-1609    Exovations                                         770-205-2995 Tree Service
                                   GHIR Construction                                  404-922-7379      The Davey Tree Expert Company                   770-451-7911
                   800-669-3904 Insulation                                                            Water Heaters
                   762-533-6292    Koala Insulation-NW Atlanta                        770-765-1580      Serv'all Plumbing-Water Heaters                 770-917-1852
g                  678-234-1074 Insurance                                                             Window Replacement
                   770-545-6736    State Farm-Matt Cresap                             770-982-0064      Exovations-Window Replacements                  770-205-2995
                                   The Upton Agency                                   770-361-6570      Visionaire Windows                              404-543-9306
"                  706-618-0811 Lawn Care
ng                                 Turf Technologies                                  470-772-2362
 anta     Page   18888-545-6516 Nursery                                             Avondale Estates H News from City Hall                                        September - October 2021
                                   Autumn Hill Nursery                                770-442-3901
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