RPO for Digital Talent Acquisition - A Common Sense Guide to - Broadleaf Results

Page created by Martha Hudson
RPO for Digital Talent Acquisition - A Common Sense Guide to - Broadleaf Results
A Common Sense
Guide to
RPO for Digital
Talent Acquisition

RPO for Digital Talent Acquisition - A Common Sense Guide to - Broadleaf Results
Is there really a digital talent shortage?
Yes! A study conducted by LinkedIn and CapGemini found that
a digital skills gap is impacting 54% of the businesses surveyed.
Consequently, many companies are unable to                 For many, the challenge revolves around the
continue the pace of digital transformation which—         ability—or inability, as the case may be—of internal
for most—has a direct effect on their competitive          recruiting functions to:
advantage. With the increase in demand driven              1. Understand the profile of digital resources,
by corporations of all sizes undertaking digital           2. Identify fertile hunting grounds, and               The Recruitment Process Outsourcing
transformation—coupled with the advancements               3. Engage candidates in their techno-speak language.   Association (RPOA) defines RPO
in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things,                                                              as “a form of business process
and Big Data—the skills gap is not just real; it’s vast.   That’s why integrating RPO (Recruitment Process        outsourcing (BPO) where an
                                                           Outsourcing) or RPO hybrid models into an overall      employer transfers all or part of its
Business leaders are quickly realizing that                talent strategy is essential in today’s environment.   recruitment processes to an external
additional focus and investments in recruitment                                                                   provider, essentially serving as an
are needed to fill this ever-widening gap. Despite         For many organizations, having the workforce to        extension of the company’s human
high unemployment rates, the labor pool                    embark on a digital transformation is a competitive    resources department."
for digital and tech talent is particularly shallow.       advantage. Outsourced or internal shared service
And without enough STEM talent graduating to               recruitment solutions provide the necessary hiring
fill future needs, hoping that the situation will          support structure for organizations to select and
resolve itself is not an option.                           hire the talent they need to execute their strategy.

Eyes on the Prize: A Strategic View of
Digital RPO
With heightened competition to secure premier digital talent, traditional
recruitment methods are no longer sufficient. Demand for these positions
will continue to increase within each organization, and prospective
candidates will be heavily courted by potential employers.                                              What are digital skills?
                                                                                                        Digital skills are defined as a
Those businesses that can communicate and sustain a compelling employment brand, facilitate
                                                                                                        range of abilities to use digital
a streamlined application process, and allow candidates to easily engage with your talent acquisition
                                                                                                        devices, communication
team will emerge as winners. Talent acquisition is a people business—but technology can also be an
                                                                                                        applications, and networks to
enabler to the process.
                                                                                                        access and manage information.
In the following pages, we’ll outline seven best practices for talent acquisition leaders to            - UNESCO
successfully start up and operationalize a digital RPO solution.

Achieve Quality, Speed, and Scale                                                                      Invest in Your Digital Talent

Well-known technology companies like Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft earn the most revenues
per employee, allowing them to attract top talent in the marketplace. If your industry happens to
be “less sexy” (at least in the eyes of the next generation entering the workplace) you’re already     of the digital talent surveyed said
at a disadvantage. You’ll need to be more creative, hyper-digital, and speak the same language as      they are willing to move to another
technologist and digital candidates in order to attract them to join your workplace. Sure, you could   organization if they feel their skills are
build these capabilities internally, but that will take time and considerable investments.             stagnating at their current employer.

Consider partnering with an RPO provider who can deliver the following:
                                                                                                       are likely to gravitate towards
                                                                                                       organizations that offer better digital
                                                                                                       skill development.

                                                                                                       - LinkedIn and CapGemini
      Quality                             Speed                                 Scale

 Disciplined approach to            Reduced hiring time                   The ability to nimbly
 attract and screen for             through efficient process             scale up hiring as well
 "best-fit" candidates.             design, technology, and               as attract and recruit
                                    building talent feeder pools          for specialized roles.
                                    in advance of need.

Driving Digital Innovation
Transformation leaders are increasingly looking beyond cost to scale
and drive innovation.
Bain & Company’s 15th Management Tools & Trends survey showed that 74% of executives believe
innovation is more important than cost reduction for long-term success, underscoring the importance
of having top talent on the team.
While the initial rationale is often to reduce hiring costs, the true value of RPO extends far beyond   of executives believe innovation
hard-dollar cost savings. For example, RPO solutions can scale hiring to quickly address new market     is more important than cost
opportunities and M&A transactions or help deliver on the CEO’s digital innovation strategy. The        reduction for long-term success.
result? Better hires who more closely match your culture, values, and overall workforce needs.

Building a New Technology Team for a Modern Market:
A Case Study

Business Issue                                    RPO Solution                                           Results
New market expansion opportunities for a          Broadleaf's FlexRPO team worked closely with           Nine software engineering positions—including
Canadian supply chain software company            our client’s business unit leaders to clearly define   solution consultants, integration consultants, and
demanded speed in building a team of technology   qualifications and embark on the search for data       delivery consultants—were filled in two months.
consultants to support its U.S. operations.       technologists. Our search was conducted in a           Submitted candidates met and often even
                                                  fast-paced, global environment with a scarcity         exceeded the requirements. Our client extended
                                                  of candidates, where decisiveness and response         offers to all the final candidates presented by
                                                  time proved critical.                                  Broadleaf. They also have a candidate pool
                                                                                                         available to fill future positions.

Four Types of RPOs                                                                                            Sprint to The Finish:
                                                                                                              Massive Scale Hybrid RPO
Marathon, sprint, or relay? While there are many types of RPOs—including                                      Needing to significantly ramp up its
hybrid options—engagements can, in increasing order of complexity, be                                         recruiting effort for e-Commerce roles, a
                                                                                                              global retailer hired Broadleaf to recruit
categorized as follows:                                                                                       top talent from leading industries. Our
                                                                                                              hybrid solution, which was implemented
                                                                                                              in three weeks, involved managing
                                                                                                              two separate hiring processes and
                                                                                                              recruiting systems. We deployed a real-
                                                                                                              time recruiting dashboard to simplify
                                                                                                              management reporting and handle
1. Discrete Process                                    3. Project                                             multiple data feeds.
Designed to handle specific transactional components   End-to-end full life cycle recruiting solution over
of the hiring process, such as sourcing, application   a three-to-six month span.                             Our dedicated senior recruiters and
screening, phone interview, or offer management.
                                                                                                              sourcers—who were well-versed in
                                                                                                              direct sourcing and engaging with
                                                                                                              passive talent—generated 32,000+
                                                                                                              qualified prospects and screened
                                                                                                              3,000 candidates. This resulted in
                                                                                                              1,200+ interviews and 150+ hires in a
                                                                                                              span of eight months. Data analytics
2. On-demand                                           4. Program                                             and competitive intelligence provided
Flexible, “plug-and-play” RPO to meet specific         End-to-end solution that is integrated and strategic   the business with insights on talent
corporate recruitment needs or hiring spikes.          with HR, typically in multi-year agreements.           attraction, employer branding, and other
                                                                                                              industry insights.                     1
You’re the executive sponsor.
You’ve selected a RPO partner.
Now, you’re ready to start
implementation. You want to ensure
the program will exceed expectations
and be embraced at all levels.
Based on our experience, here
are the seven key learnings
to deliver on your promise
of a better world.

Rule #1—Be Present at Project Setup and
Start slow to move fast. Before going live on any type of RPO implementation, providers will
conduct a formal kickoff meeting to gain further insights about your business strategy, understand                Be reasonable. If you’re looking for the
current hiring practices, and unpack critical recruiting issues.                                                  RPO to solve thorny, persistent recruiting
                                                                                                                  issues in the first 30 days, that may be
It’s important not to short-change this critical step.   The goal is to get on the proverbial same page at        an unrealistic expectation. Know that
Be open, honest, and—if possible—include hiring          kickoff to alleviate headaches later on. Especially      integrating a new partner does
managers and other technologists who will be             with technology and digital talent job descriptions,     take time.
interviewing the candidate in the meeting. The RPO       hiring managers tend to throw everything in,
project team will want to understand:                    including legacy skills sets (Cobol or Assembler         Expect that for smaller projects (ballpark hiring
                                                         language) with contemporary technologies                 volumes of 25–50 positions in 3–6 months) a
•   Business strategy, culture, vision, and goals
                                                                                                                  team can be set up and ready to go in as little
                                                         (Artificial Intelligence or Machine Language
•   Current HR policies, procedures, and technology                                                               as 1–2 weeks. For larger end-to-end programs,
                                                         experience). In essence, candidates with those
•   Job descriptions, reporting structures,                                                                       the timeframe is typically 10–12 weeks and
                                                         skills are “unicorns”; impossible to find since these
    qualifications, compensation, and benefits                                                                    the first year will undoubtedly be a period of
                                                         diametrically opposing skill sets do not typically       adaptation and adjustment. Enterprise RPO
•   Ideal candidate profile(s), position requirements,
                                                         exist in one human being. In instances like this, it’s   solutions may not realize significant savings
    and “musts” versus “nice-to-haves”
                                                         helpful to have RPO service providers to assist with     and ROI until the second contract year as
•   How to build consensus and trust among internal
                                                         differentiating “must haves” versus “nice-to-haves.”     the partnership solidifies, and the inevitable
    stakeholders and RPO team members                                                                             change management speed bumps have been
                                                         Additionally, this type of forum is also exceedingly
                                                         useful to set mutual expectations regarding
                                                         implementation and throw down any yellow flags.
Rule #2: Respect the Role of the Service
Delivery Manager                                                                                               Strategically aligning recruiters to

Without a doubt, the most pivotal role on the provider side is the Service Delivery Manager.                    “ be enhanced by policies that
                                                                                                               business            growth
                                                                                                                        units can help      could
                                                                                                               workforce planning gaps but, in reality,
This person, essentially your general contractor, will have oversight and accountability over the RPO
                                                                                                                   help workers impacted by
                                                                                                               continually rightsizing the recruiting
engagement and serve as your team’s day-to-day contact. In that role, he/she is best-positioned as a
talent acquisition expert to identify blind spots, offer advice, and help wring every ounce of value from          technology and technology-
                                                                                                               team to meet the hiring demands of the
the RPO for you.                                                                                                   enabled disruption to be
                                                                                                               business is difficult even with decent
On the client side, the RPO partner will need an internal client project manager who will act as an advocate
and a partner to navigate the internal landscape and make empowering decisions. This person is a high-
                                                                                                                   reskilled.  ”
                                                                                                               workforce planning processes. That’s
                                                                                                                    — Robertreason
                                                                                                               yet another   Kaplan to consider a tailored,
potential employee with an understanding of your organization's digital strategy and accompanying
                                                                                                                     Dallas Federal Reserve President
people needs—one who also has the ability to influence or help remove internal roadblocks.                     flexible RPO.

Rule #3: Invest in the Partnership
You cannot achieve ROI from any relationship unless you are willing to invest time
and resources into making it successful.
                                                                                                                        Spotlight on Digital Hiring

For RPO, this is relevant on two fronts:                       Here’s the “ask” of your executive team:
                                                                                                                        New products. New software releases.
1. Most savvy HR leaders possess the self-awareness            •   Define what a great candidate looks like for         New competitors.
to realize that their RPO partner’s success is tied to             every distinct position in terms of credentialing,   When already time-strapped technology
their success. Human Resources departments will                    licensing, behaviors/skills, and culture fit.
                                                                                                                        and digital leaders are additionally burdened
need to invest time and energy in the relationship
                                                               •   Provide clear input into the job requirements        with recruitment tasks—whether posting job
and be quick to articulate the business rationale for
                                                                   and ideal candidate sourcing, screening, and         ads, screening applications, and/or vetting
implementing this solution.                                        selection criteria at the start of the recruiting    candidates for relevant technology skills—much
                                                                   process.                                             of the hiring work tends to get done after hours.
2. While most technology and digital executives will
buy into RPO when comparing its value to that of
                                                               •   Be engaged throughout the qualified candidate
                                                                   review, interview, and hire decision process         Rather than distracting your internal
building an internal full-time recruitment team (with
                                                                   to drive it forward in a timely manner.              technologists from their primary activities
all of its associated costs, including hiring, training,
                                                                                                                        by involving them in the day-to-day process
payroll, benefits, tools, real estate, etc.,) they must also   •   Proactively keep the recruiting team informed
                                                                                                                        of recruitment, it’s far more efficient to
champion the partnership.                                          throughout the hiring process with specific
                                                                                                                        delegate these responsibilities to an RPO
                                                                   feedback on what you like—or don’t like—in
                                                                   candidates you choose to hire or reject.             team that understands the nuances of
                                                                                                                        temporary technologies/tools, can speak
                                                                                                                        the candidates' language, and knows exactly
                                                                                                                        where to find them.
Rule #4: Immerse the RPO Team in
Your Culture
Culture counts. A lot. The more an RPO team is able to “get” what your organization is all about,
the more value they will deliver in terms of great candidates with staying power. According to
Forbes, tech professionals have the highest turnover rate. In fact, in some industries, it could
be as high as 13.2%. Retention is clearly one of the most critical drivers of ROI.

When partnering with an RPO provider, our advice is to be forthcoming about your culture and values. RPO      Candidates Are Your Customers!
team members need to be able to showcase your organization’s culture accurately, consistently, and honestly   When candidates bow out in the middle
so they can share meaningful and compelling content to potential candidates. In situations when an employer   of the recruitment process, it’s often
is unable to compete on salary, culture might be able to help level the playing ground.                       because the hiring process is lengthy,
                                                                                                              unwieldy, or unclear. That’s why working
                                                                                                              with an RPO provider can be invaluable.
                                                                                                              We'll ensure that the process is smooth,
   Reputable RPO providers work very hard to understand the pulse of the
                                                                                                              communications are timely and clear,
   organizations they serve.                                                                                  hiring process gaps receive immediate
                                                                                                              clarification, feedback flows both ways,
                                                                                                              and candidates are treated in a way
                                                                                                              that enhances—not detracts from—your
                                                                                                              employer brand.

Building New Capabilities for an eCommerce Business:
A Case Study

Business Issue                                      RPO Solution                                       Results
This 100-plus-year-old, $1.3 billion organization   The Broadleaf FlexRPO team was brought in to       15 technology and digital professionals, ranging
developed a strategy to leverage its online         help find 15 qualified and interested candidates   from Director-level to developers and analysts,
business—currently representing 3% of total         ranging from Director to Analyst level and         were hired within 90 days from the start of the
revenue—as the engine for future growth.            comprising both technical and creative talents.    engagement. All candidates met or exceeded the
Consequently, they needed to build a dedicated                                                         client’s requirements. The average time-to-hire
team of eCommerce professionals to support                                                             was 27 days, roughly 51% faster than the industry
the growth strategy.                                                                                   average of 55 days. Additionally, Broadleaf helped
                                                                                                       to generate 42% cost savings for our client.

Rule #5: Establish Expectations and Manage
Meaningful Metrics
During implementation and the program's first 90 days, priorities must include discussions about
tracking and reporting on what’s important, current versus future hiring metrics, and mutual targets
that define success. It’s critical to level-set not only what you as the client should expect
from your partner, but also to address what the RPO provider needs for the relationship to work.                     Spotlight On Potential Derailers:
                                                                                                                     • Inconsistent and/or no candidate feedback
                                                                                                                      from hiring managers
The metrics typically used to measure recruitment          Metrics including cost-per-hire, time-to-fill, and
solutions can obscure dysfunctional hiring processes.      interview-to-hire ratio are important, but the business
                                                                                                                     • Inflexibility to adjust skills, experience,
                                                                                                                      profile, and/or salary requirements needed
This is due to the fact that recruitment key performance   metric tied to staffing technology and digital teams is
                                                                                                                      to land talent
indicators embedded in terms of service level              what's paramount. Some observations:
agreements are typically ones that are familiar to HR
                                                                                                                     • Canceling positions or putting them on hold
                                                           • Higher turnover can negatively impact the
leaders, not ones that measure direct impacts to the        customer experience                                      • Inconsistent business leader sponsorship
business itself.                                                                                                      and engagement
                                                           • Being understaffed will negatively impact morale
                                                            and financials                                           • “Shortchanged” candidate calibration
                                                           • Being overstaffed is expensive                           meetings with hiring managers

                                                                                                                     • Interview scheduling timeliness and

Rule #6: Be Flexible and Adapt Accordingly
Customer needs change. Business priorities change. Labor markets change.
A properly-structured RPO arrangement is able to rapidly re-align to meet changing
business priorities.

That means achieving scalability in terms of hiring         Workforce planning challenges?
across the enterprise or within certain divisions or        Given recent marketplace changes, technology            Given marketplace changes, it’s
markets. When unpredictability strikes in the form of       and digital organizations find it more difficult than   more difficult than ever to anticipate
new product launches, new markets and geographies,          ever to anticipate future hiring needs with any         future hiring needs with any degree of
or even softening of demand for tech professionals          degree of accuracy.                                     accuracy.
driven by changes in business structure, the talent

acquisition function needs to be capable of building—       In fact, according to Mercer, 62% of organizations
and funding—a solution in very short order. Because         rate themselves as ineffective at workforce
unpredictability is pervasive, collaborating closely with   planning. There are simply too many variables that      of all organizations rate themselves
your RPO partner to prepare for change is your best         impact talent needs to make workforce planning          as ineffective at workforce planning.
bet to respond to unplanned situations. This reinforces     little more than an educated guess. This is yet
the point made earlier: in today’s fast changing world,     another way that a flexible RPO can demonstrate
“renting” capability is far more cost-effective and         value.
flexible than owning it.

Rule #7: Communications and Training
An RPO implementation will inevitably impact multiple stakeholders—from executives to HR and              “   The classic rules associated with any
                                                                                                              change management process—including
hiring managers. These individuals at every link in the hiring chain need to know how the new
                                                                                                              a strong emphasis on communication
process works and what their role is within it.
                                                                                                              and training—apply when implementing

The classic rules associated with any change management process—including a strong emphasis on
communication and training—apply when implementing an RPO. By creating a business case up-front,
                                                                                                              an RPO.
you’ll set the stage for clear and consistent communications to engage and educate colleagues about
reasons for the change, the benefits they and the organization will achieve, and the details on how the
RPO may change the way they work within the new recruitment framework.

The most successful RPO partnerships are built on mutual trust. All parties
involved must work toward a common goal so that the RPO team can do its
very best work. When done right, the RPO will:

Effectively scale technology and       Add immeasurable value                Provide the hiring accelerant you
digital staffing while making better   by delivering a distinctive           need, particularly in time-sensitive
hires that more closely match          employment message to appeal          volume situations—such as new
your talent strategy, culture,         to critical and desirable pools       product launches or large scale
and values—exactly when and            of talent using a systematic and      digital transformations.
where you need them—so that            disciplined approach to attract and
technology leaders can focus on        screen for “best-fit” candidates.
their primary roles and provide an
excellent digital solution to enable
the business.
Our industry experts                                              Having an RPO partner that is accountable and laser-focused
                                                                  on recruiting will yield predictable costs, deliver scalable
bring you accelerated                                             recruiting capabilities, promote a consistent process, and
results.                                                          improve overall quality of hires.

About Broadleaf

Broadleaf delivers total talent management services to a wide range of
industries across the United States. Founded in 1965, our team of experts
specializes in managed service programs (MSP), recruitment process
outsourcing (RPO), independent contractor compliance (ICC), statement of                                 broadleafresults.com
work (SOW) and procurement management, vendor management systems
(VMS), and employer of record/payrolling services (EOR).                                                                         1
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