Gawthorpe Community Academy - Computing Curriculum

Page created by Mildred Kelly
Gawthorpe Community Academy

   Computing Curriculum

Gawthorpe Community Academy

Pupils should use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has
deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and
artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of
information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through
programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology
to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally
literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication
technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Pupils will be taught over a series of lessons which include:

• Online Safety

• Digital Literacy

• Basic computer skills

• Word processing skills

• Computer Science
* When using the words ‘Computer engineer’ we are referring to all: computer programmers, designers, scientists and formatters.
Intent Statement Early Years                                    Implementation                                                        Impact                             Research
SDP High priorities: Developing subject specific vocabulary.    Consistent use of subject specific vocabulary.                        Revisiting common vocabulary
                                                                                                                                      will allow the children to “Know
                                                                                                                                      more and remember more”.
Curriculum                                                      • To deliver a balance of child initiated experimentation             Children have the knowledge        Ofsted
Early Years Outcomes are planned and delivered using              opportunities and focus teaching through concrete,                  and skills to work like a ………      Curriculum
Chris Quigley Early Years Key Objectives.                         meaningful experiences                                                                                 research
(Please see document below for skills progression and           • To work in the provision areas with the children observing,         Children make sustained            “Knowledge
vertical links.)                                                  scaffolding, modelling, guiding, inspiring and providing            progress in computing.             rich” curriculum
Supported by Focus Learning Challenge Sarah Quinn.                resources to meet the needs of children at that moment in                                              and
Child centred approach to teaching and learning is a              time.                                                                                                  “Vocabulary is
cyclical process and includes:                                  • To provide a constant set of resources for children to practice                                        knowledge.”
• Observations,                                                   and consolidate skills and development in positive terms
• Analysis of observations                                      • To provide appropriate resources to enhance the                                                        “Closing the
• Using target tracker for gap analysis of child                  environment relevant to learning                                                                       Vocabulary
   development and curriculum coverage. To determine            • To talk about learning in positive terms fostering the                                                 Gap” A
   next steps.                                                    characteristics of effective learning. Making links between                                            Quigley.
• Planning experiences and opportunities to support               learning and revisiting objectives in different contexts.
   observations and next steps.                                 • Praising children's efforts and values in positive terms enabling
• This includes what the child’s interest are.                    the children to talk about their own learning and reflect on
• The environment is set up to connect with child's interests     what they have achieved.
   and their learning.                                          • Use display to promote and reinforce learning
Fundamentals                                                    • Provide access to a range of programmable toys and
Computing knowledge and skills are taught progressively           equipment
and revisited prior to new learning to develop                  • Completing a simple program using computers and
understanding.                                                    whiteboards.
                                                                • Using technology for purpose.
Basic Skills
Horizontal links between subjects are explicit during the
teaching of computing to ensure children build on prior         Assessment
knowledge and utilize knowledge and skills learned from         There is continuous formative assessment during lessons.
other subjects.                                                 Observations and explanations are recorded to inform early
                                                                learning outcomes.
Staff Knowledge
Computing lessons are delivered by staff who are
supported by the subject leader. This promotes confident
and effective delivery throughout the school, resulting in                        © Focus Education 2013                                                                         3
children engaging in their art learning.
Intent Statement KS1                               Implementation                                                     Impact                             Research

SDP High Priorities: Developing subject specific   Consistent use of subject specific vocabulary.                     Revisiting Common vocabulary
vocabulary.                                                                                                           will allow the children to “know
                                                                                                                      more and remember more”.

Curriculum                                                                                                            Children have the knowledge        “Closing the Vocabulary
National Curriculum statutory requirements         In lessons, you will see :                                         and skills to begin to work        Gap” A Quigley.
are planned and delivered using the Twinkl         • children practicing their skills and developing knowledge        confidently with a wide range of
Planit scheme of work.                                 through a wide range activities which are differentiated to    software and hardware, working
Coverage of computing is outlined in the               meet all needs;                                                as a computer engineer*
overview. However computing teaching is            • a combination of whole class teaching and individual choice
also included across the curriculum in areas           is used to promote learning;                                   Children make sustained
such as maths and science. Computing skills        • Modelling is used to show children how to block make in          progress in computing.
are used in all areas of the curriculum for            coding, test and debug, use apps and programs effectively
research and presentation.                             and how to present and format work.                            Children have the
                                                   • Children handling and coding Bee-Bots and other                  understanding of how the skills
Fundamentals                                           programmable toys.                                             they are being taught can be
Computing knowledge and skills are taught          • Children using and applying basic computer skills including      used in a real life context.
progressively and revisited prior to new               but not limited to using mouse, keyboard and monitor
learning to develop understanding.                     efficiently and being able to save and print.

Basic Skills
Horizontal links between subjects are made         Assessment
explicit during the teaching of computing to       Assessment for learning is used as a starting and end point for
ensure children build upon prior knowledge         units of work.
and utilize the knowledge and skills learned       Formative assessment is used during and after a lesson to inform
from other subjects.                               next steps, check understanding and inform current attainment

Staff Knowledge
Computing lessons are taught by
staff who are supported by the subject
leader. This promotes confident and effective
delivery throughout the school, resulting in
children engaging

Intent Statement KS2                          Implementation                                                             Impact                                 Research

SDP High Priorities: Developing subject       Consistent use of subject specific vocabulary.                             Revisiting Common vocabulary will
specific vocabulary.                                                                                                     allow the children to “know more
                                                                                                                         and remember more”.

Curriculum                                                                                                               Children have the knowledge and        “Closing the Vocabulary Gap”
National Curriculum statutory                 In lessons, you will see :                                                 skills to begin to work confidently    A Quigley.
requirements are planned and delivered        • children practicing their skills and developing knowledge through        with a wide range of software and
using the Twinkl Planit scheme of work.           a wide range activities which are differentiated to meet all needs;    hardware, working as a computer
                                              • a combination of whole class teaching and individual choice is           engineer*
Coverage of computing is outlined in the          used to promote learning;
overview. However computing teaching          • Modelling is used to show children how to block make in coding,          Children make sustained progress in
is also included across the curriculum in         test and debug, use apps and programs effectively and how to           computing.
areas such as maths and science.                  present and format work.
Computing skills are used in all areas of     • Children are taught how to use the internet safely and responsibly.      Children have the understanding of
the curriculum for research and               • Children are able to debug and evaluate their own programs,              how the skills they are being taught
presentation                                      codes and algorithms                                                   can be used in a real life context.
                                              • A variety of hardware including microphones and digital
Fundamentals                                      recording devices are used input audio/visual/code.
Computing knowledge and skills are
taught progressively and revisited prior to   Assessment
new learning to develop understanding.        Assessment for learning is used as a starting and end point for units of
Basic Skills                                  Formative assessment is used during and after a lesson to inform next
Horizontal links between subjects are         steps, check understanding and inform current attainment
made explicit during the teaching of
computing to ensure children build upon
prior knowledge and utilize the
knowledge and skills learned from other

Staff Knowledge
Computing lessons are taught by
staff who are supported by the subject
leader. This promotes confident and
effective delivery throughout the school,
resulting in children engaging

Gawthorpe Community Academy

Computing in the Early Years

Early Years Key Objectives
Personal, social and    Communication            Physical              Literacy               Mathematics         Understanding of     Expressive arts and
     emotional           and language          development                                                           the world               design

Making                 Listening and         Moving and          Reading                   Numbers               People and            Exploring and using
Relationships          attention             handling            Read and                  Count reliably with   communities           media and
Play cooperatively     Listen attentively    Show good           understand simple         numbers from 1 to     Talk about past       materials
Form positive          Listen to stories     coordination        sentences                 20                    and present events    Make music and
relationships          Anticipate key        (large and small    Use phonic                Place numbers         Show sensitivity to   dance
Self Confidence        events                scale)              knowledge to              from 1 to 20 in       the likes and         Experiment with
and self-awareness     Make relevant         Move confidently    decode regular            order                 dislikes of others    colour etc.
Try new activities     responses –           Negotiate space     words                     Represent numbers     Know the              Being imaginative
with confidence        appropriate           Handle equipment    Read some                 Add and subtract      similarities and      Use media and
Speak to others        response              and tools           common irregular          Solve problems        differences           materials
Ask for help           Give attention to     Health and self-    words                     Shape, space and      between               imaginatively and
Managing feelings      others                care                Demonstrate to            measure               themselves and        use what they
and behaviour          Understanding         Understand the      others an                 Use measurements      others                have learnt
Talk about feelings    Follow instructions   importance of       understanding of          Recognise, create     The world             Represent ideas,
Talk about             Answer ‘how’ and      exercise and diet   reading                   and describe          Learn in familiar     thoughts and
behaviour              ‘why’ questions       for good health     Writing                   patterns              places                feelings through
Describe behaviour     about events          Basic hygiene       Use phonic                Describe objects      Similarities and      design,
that is wrong          Speaking                                  knowledge to write        and shapes            difference in         technology, art,
Work as part of a      Can express ideas                         words                                           places                music, dance, role-
group or class         to an audience                            Write some                                      Observe and           play and stories
Adjusts behaviour      (express                                  irregular common                                describe              Represent own
                       appropriately)                            words                                           environments          ideas.
                       Describe events in                        Write simple                                    Own environment
                       the past, present                         sentences                                       animals and plants
                       and future                                Spell some words                                Technology
                       Develop narratives                        correctly                                       Recognise the uses
                       and explanations                          Spell some words in                             of technology
                       Connecting ideas                          a phonetically                                  Select technology
                                                                  © Focus Education 2013                                                              7
                       and events                                plausible way                                   for a purpose
Early Years Outcomes

Gawthorpe Community Academy

  Progression in Computing

Early Years             Year 1                  Year 2                   Year 3                   Year 4                 Year 5                 Year 6

                •    I can identify    •   I can explain       •   I can explain        •   I can explain        •   I can confidently   •   I can explain      •   I can
                     when a password       what ‘Online            what a ‘digital          ‘Cyberbullying’          define, and             what ‘phishing’        understand
                     is needed and         Safety’ means.          footprint’ is.       •   I can explain            recognise,              is and can             that not all
                     why.              •   I can explain how   •   I can understand         where                    cyberbullying.          recognise the          websites are
                •    I know the            to communicate          that people can          cyberbullying        •   I can explain the       signs.                 ‘secure’.
                     importance of         safely online.          use the                  can take place.          appropriate         •   I can identify a   •   I can identify
                     keeping           •   I can explain who       information I put    •   I can identify           response to             ‘spam’ email.          warning signs
                     passwords             to tell if I feel       online.                  adverts online.          hurtful             •   I can explain          that suggest
                     private.              unsafe online.      •   I can begin to       •   I can explain how        messages/com            what to do             an unsecure
                                       •   I can recall the        identify possible        companies use            ments online.           with spam              website.
                                           ‘SMART’ rules for       dangers online.          websites for their   •   I can access,           email.             •   I can
                                           online safety.      •   I can identify           products.                and use, a          •   I can explain          confidently
Online Safety

                                       •   I can understand        websites             •   I can create a           trusted search          the steps to           explain what
                                           what personal           suitable/unsuitabl       strong password.         engine.                 take to avoid          to do if I am
                                           information             e for my age.        •   I can explain why    •   I can explain           spam emails.           asked or told
                                           should be kept      •   I can explain            a strong                 what                •   I can create a         something
                                           safe online.            when I should ask        password is              ‘plagiarism’ is.        strong                 online which
                                       •   I can give advice       an adult for their       important.           •   I can explain           password using         makes me
                                           to others about         advice.              •   I can explain            what ‘digital           a set of given         uncomfortable
                                           keeping safe        •   I can begin to           what privacy             citizenship’ is.        rules.                 .
                                           online.                 explain who a            settings are.        •   I can explain       •   I can              •   I can identify a
                                                                   website is aimed     •   I can identify           how to be a             understand             situation that I
                                                                   at.                      online                   good digital            that not               may find
                                                               •   I can identify           communities I am         citizen.                everything I           myself in where
                                                                   unkind online            part of.             •   I can identify          see online is          I need to
                                                                   behaviour.           •   I can discuss the        comments that           true.                  remain vigilant.
                                                                                            positive and             may be hurtful      •   I can identify     •   I can explain
                                                                                            negative aspects         to others.              unsafe online          how
                                                                                            of online            •   I can reflect on        behaviour.             cyberbullying
                                                                                            communities.             my own              •                          can be as
                                                                                                                     messages to                                    harmful as in-
                                                                                                                     ensure they are                                person
                                                                                                                     kind.                                                 10
Early Years                 Year 1                   Year 2                    Year 3                   Year 4              Year 5               Year 6

                   • I can identify what     •   I can describe       •   I can understand      •   I can identify       •   I can describe   •   I can evaluate   •   I can cross
                     technology is in the        the effect of            how to best use           searches that            early forms of       webpages             check
                     classroom                   instruction blocks       technology to             provide better           animation        •   I can use the        information
                   •    I can identify and       on a character           present my work           results when using       before               advanced             using different
                        explain, the uses    •   I can predict the    •   I can identify the        a search engine          computers and        feature of           sources
                        of technology, in        behaviour of a           main features of      •   I can explain how        analyse how          Google’s web     •   I can provide
                        and around, my           character, based         a presentation            searches return          computers have       search               accurate
                        classroom                on a sequence of     •   I can discuss             results                  made a           •   I can describe       crediting for
                        (including Twitter       instructions             what people           •   I can name               difference.          what is meant        sources of
                        etc.)                •   I can identify and       might want to             means of online      •   I can explain        by a podcastI        information
                   •    I can discuss            practise the             know about a              communication            how computer         can evaluate     •   I can evaluate
                        what technology          computer skills I        website to            •   I can explain who        software has         what features        whether
Digital Literacy

                        is in my home            have learned             decide whether it         will be able to          improved             make good            information is
                        and what is used                                  is useful or not          read my                  animation            quality audio        reliable or not
                        for.                                          •   I can explain             communications           techniques           content          •   I can follow
                   •    I can explain that                                what I like/dislike   •   I can identify the   •   I can analyse    •   I can analyse        instructions
                        information can                                   about a website           ways, and                and evaluate         and identify         given in
                        be retrieved from                             •   I can choose              investigate how,         software             improvements         software
                        computers.                                        appropriate               we communicate       •   I can explain        to an advert     •   I can describe
                                                                          websites for              online                   what digital                              the actions of
                                                                          people my age         •   I can explain            citizenship is                            a sequence of
                                                                                                    what privacy         •   I can                                     commands
                                                                                                    settings are             decompose a                           •   I can interpret
                                                                                                •   I can explain why        problem into                              data and
                                                                                                    a strong                 smaller parts                             make
                                                                                                    password is                                                        comparisons

Early Years         Year 1                Year 2               Year 3                Year 4                 Year 5        Year 6

                                                         Safe            ‘Communicate           Digital footprint    Word order           URL                     Phishing      Crediting/Citation
                                                         Stranger        safely’                Keywords             Communicate          Plagiarism              SPAM          Cross-check
                                                         Password        Unsafe                 Appropriate/Inappr   Bookmark             ‘Online profile’        Virus         Warning signs
                                                         Private         Online                 opriate              Favourite            Digital citizen(ship)   Trojan        Privacy Policy
                                                         Camera          ‘SMART rules’          Website/webpage/     Technology           Trusted/reliable
                                                         Photograph      Personal information   address              Cyberbullying
             Digital Literacy- Including online safety

                                                                         Top tip/advice         ‘Rate and review’    Advertisements
                                                                         Search                 ‘Kind/unkind         Promote
                                                                         Internet               behaviour’           Privacy
                                                                                                Results              Online Communities
                                                                                                ‘Possible danger’    Targeted
                                                                                                Information          Devices

                                                                                                ‘online content’
                                                                                                Search engine

Early Years                 Year 1                    Year 2                  Year 3                Year 4                  Year 5                       Year 6

                                                 • I can turn on/off     • I can use a trackpad    • I can search the        • I can save          • I can create a    • I can draw 3D shapes      • I can create appropriate
                                                   digital equipment.    • I can switch on and       internet using one        webpages and          short computer    • I can add detail to 3D      animations
                                                 • I can handle            shutdown a                word                      share them            animation using     drawings                  • I can structure and control
                                                   technology with         computer                • I can follow links to     safely                one or more       • I can add and               the timing of events
Information Technology (Basic Computer Skills)

                                                   care.                 • I can explain the         another web page.       • I can bookmark        stick figures       manipulate 3D models      • I can control when
                                                 • I can interact with     differences             • I can create content      or favourite a      • I can create a    • I can create a              objects need to be visible
                                                   technology              between switching         for an online blog        webpage               recorded            webpage layout            • I can sequence events to
                                                   purposefully            and logging on and      • I can make and edit     • I can manipulate      animation         • I can add text to a         create a story narrative
                                                   (navigating an          off.                      shapes to create a        windows               involving a         webpage                   • I can add voice sounds to
                                                   iPad).                • I can launch an           piece of art              including viewing     number of         • I can add images to a       enhance an animated
                                                 • I can use               application and         • I can rotate, resize      2 windows at          moving              webpage                     story
                                                   technology to           manipulate windows        and recolour shapes       once                  characters on a   • I can add hyperlinks,     • I can add interactive user
                                                   take a picture.       • I can save a file       • I can use a range of    • I can create          background          using both text and         features to a scene or
                                                 • I can use             • I can find and open       tools in a computer       secure              • I can structure     images, into a              story
                                                   technology to           a folder                  program to                passwords             specific timing     webpage                   • I can use appropriate
                                                   record a video.       • I can drag objects        reproduce a style of    • I can take            of animations     • I can publish and share     software and other tools
                                                                         • I can paint with
                                                                                            I can identify what technology is in the classroom
                                                                           different colours and
                                                                                                   • I can change the
                                                                                                                             • I can use some
                                                                                                                                                     using a time
                                                                                                                                                                         my webpage
                                                                                                                                                                       • I can use software to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     effectively to write a film
                                                                           brushes                   shade of a colour for     of the main         • I can use a         create my own sounds      • I can locate and check
                                                                         • I can create shapes       effect                    keyboard              camera to           by recording, editing       appropriate digital
                                                                           and fill areas          • I can retrieve a file     shortcuts             create a short      and playing                 content, and provide
                                                                         • I can add text to a       to edit in a                                    stop motion       • I can combine audio         accurate crediting of
                                                                           painting                  computer program                                animation film      effects to create an        sources
                                                                         • I can use a             • I can create a folder                                               original radio jingle     • I can use digital recording
                                                                           computer program          and save a file in my                                             • I can research and plan     devices to film and import
                                                                           to make a poster          folder                                                              digital content for a       into video editing
                                                                         • I can undo an           •                                                                     radio podcast               software
                                                                           action                                                                                      • I can use software to     • I can plan, conduct and
                                                                                                                                                                         create and present          import video interviews as
                                                                                                                                                                         digital content for a       part of a short film
                                                                                                                                                                         radio podcast             • I can use video editing
                                                                                                                                                                       • I can design and record     software to create a short
                                                                                                                                                                         a persuasive radio          film
                                                                                                                                                                         advert for a product or   • I can use video editing
                                                                                                                                                                         service                     software to turn a film
                                                                                                                                                                       • I can present and           project into a finished
                                                                                                                                                                         evaluate audio content.     movie and present it.
Early Years        Year 1               Year 2         Year 3       Year 4            Year 5            Year 6

                                                                                     Computer       Shutdown            Computer art    Database      Movie Maker      Inference points   Convert
             Information Technology -Basic Computer Skills/Program Specific Skills

                                                                                     Laptop         Launch              Tools           Screenshots   Opening title    Measure tool       .mp3/.mp4
                                                                                     iPad/tablet    Windows             Retrieve        Menu          Duration         SketchUp
                                                                                     On             Save                Software        Shortcuts     Credits          Push/pull
                                                                                     Off            File                Rotate          Audio         Project          Offset
                                                                                     Click          Open                Resize          Video         Crop             Interpret
                                                                                     SMART/         Drag                Duplicate       Hyperlinks    Snipping Tool    Digital content
                                                                                     Whiteboard     Objects             Arrange         Combine       ‘Pan and zoom’   Podcast
                                                                                                    Cursor              Manipulate                                     Audio content
                                                                                     Application    Components          Upload                                         Broadcast
                                                                                     Mouse          (mouse, trackpad,   Print Preview                                  Download

                                                                                     Keyboard       screen, monitor)                                                   Import/Export
                                                                                     Screen         Folder
                                                                                     Double click   Log on/off
                                                                                     Button         Shutdown
                                                                                     Select         Computer program

Early Years          Year 1                      Year 2                    Year 3                      Year 4                      Year 5                    Year 6

                                                         • I can use two hands       • I can create a simple    • I can use ,      • I can format images for     • I can create a          • I can enter data
                                                           to type on a                presentation with text      and           a purpose                     complex 3D model          and formulae into a
                                                           keyboard                  • I can add and format        correctly       • I can use formatting        • I can create a 3D         spreadsheet
                                                         • I can use the shift         an image                 • I can edit using          tools to create an            model of my own         • I can order and
                                                           key for capital letters   • I can reorder slides       ,              effective layout              design                    present data based
Information Technology – Word Processing

                                                         • I can type symbols          and present a              , the arrow     • I can use the spellcheck    • I can draw and            on calculations
                                                         • I can edit text             presentation               keys, undo and redo       tool                          interpret a flowchart   • I can add, edit and
                                                         • I can use undo and        • I can search for files   • I can align text        • I can insert and format       with the correct          calculate data
                                                           redo                        and applications         • I can use bullets and     a table in a word             symbols                 • I can use a
                                                         • I can select and          • I can print using          numbering                 processing document         • I can create and          spreadsheet to
                                                           format text                 different options        • I can insert and        • I can change a page           edit a flowchart to       solve problems
                                                         • I can format the                                       format text boxes         layout for a purpose-         control a simulated     • I can plan and
                                                           font- colour, size,                                  • I can create slide        orientation, size and         device                    calculate a
                                                           style bold, italics and                                templates and             using columns.              • I can control             spending budget
                                                           underline                                              organise slides with    • I can create hyperlinks       multiple outputs at     • I can design a
                                                                                                                  hyperlinks                with a word document          the same time             spreadsheet for a
                                                                                                                • I can add theme,        • I can create the layout     • I can use a decision      specific purpose.
                                                                                                                  transitions and           of a comic strip using        symbol based on
                                                                                                                  animation to a            photos in a desktop           the status of an
                                                                                                                  presentation              publisher                     input
                                                                                                                • I can insert audio      • I can edit and enhance      • I can create a
                                                                                                                  and video into            photos and text for           flowchart program
                                                                                                                  slides.                   presentation                  containing a
                                                                                                                                          • I can arrange and layer       subroutine
                                                                                                                                            objects, including titles   • I can design, write
                                                                                                                                            and backgrounds               and debug my own
                                                                                                                                          • I can add and arrange         flowchart program
                                                                                                                                            photos to a movie             for a given task
                                                                                                                                            presentation, with
                                                                                                                                            animation effects
                                                                                                                                          • I can add an audio
                                                                                                                                            soundtrack and text
                                                                                                                                            captions to a photo
Early Years         Year 1                Year 2                 Year 3            Year 4                Year 5                  Year 6

                                                                text           font                  shift                  uppercase         spellcheck            Children will explore   microsoft excel
                                                                type           edit                  presentation           lowercase         table                 and embed previous      spreadsheet
                                                                               symbol                add/format             align             word processing       vocabulary through      formula
                                                                               backspace             reorder                bullets           orientation           their webpage           function
                                                                               delete                slide                  numbering         columns/rows          design.                 data
             Information Technology – Microsoft Office Skills

                                                                               space/space bar       microsoft powerpoint   justified         cells                                         calculations
                                                                               capital letter/caps   layout                 secure            desktop publisher/                            budget
                                                                               lock                  source                 slide templates   microsoft publisher                           cell reference
                                                                               bold                  text box               theme             enhance                                       graph
                                                                               italics               border                 design            layer                                         running total
                                                                               underline             outline                branching         soundtrack
                                                                               insert                                       transitions       caption
                                                                               document                                     animations

Early Years                 Year 1                       Year 2                     Year 3                   Year 4                  Year 5                    Year 6
                   • I can complete a   • Children to continue        • Children to apply        •    I can create and     • I can create and      • I can design and        • I can investigate
                     simple               using BeeBots to              growing                      debug using the         debug an algorithm      program a                 and evaluate the
                     programming          develop understanding         programming skills           move, repeat and        to create a             character game            features of
                     sequence using       of coding and                 into ‘Turtle Logo’           rotate commands         procedure             • I can design my           programming
                     a range of           programming moving            program.                 •   I can create and      • I can create and        own characters and        software
                     technology                                       • I can give or follow         debug algorithms        debug an algorithm      backdrops
                                          onto using ScratchJNR                                                                                                              • I can program Kodu
                     (BeeBots,                                          an algorithm to turn         using pen up and        that uses setpos to   • I can add features
                                          as an iPad/laptop                                                                                                                    using ‘when’ and
                     programming                                        right or left- half          pen down                draw shapes             or effects to
                                          based program.                                                                                                                       ‘do’ instructions
                     games online).                                     turns or quarter turns   •   I can create and      • I can create and        enhance a game
                                        • I can create                                                                                                                       • I can use tools and
                                                                      • I can use the                debug algorithms        debug an algorithm    • I can create an
                                          instructions using                                                                                                                   add features to
                                                                        commands right 90            that draw regular       with different          original animated
                                          pictures                                                                                                                             create an original
                                                                                                                             colours                 game with a
Computer Science

                                        • I know what an                and left 90                  polygons
                                                                                                                           • I can create and        specific goal             landscape in Kodu
                                          algorithm is                • I can give, follow       •   I can create and
                                                                                                     debug algorithms to     debug an algorithm    • I can program           • I can analyse and
                                        • I can see how a               and complete an
                                                                        algorithm                    draw shapes             to fill areas with      costume changes           deconstruct code
                                          product changes when
                                                                      • I can use                •   I can create and        colour                  for a sprite              to work out it’s
                                          I change the
                                                                        recognised                   debug algorithms to   • I can create and      • I can add point           purpose
                                                                        language in an               draw patterns           debug an algorithm      scoring and levels to   • I can program a
                                        • I can de-bug my work.
                                                                        algorithm                •   I can write a           to write text           game code.                character to be
                                        • I can program a Bee
                                                                      • I can create test            variable value        • I can create and      • I can create events
                                          Bot to move                                                                                                                          controlled around a
                                                                        and debug an                 where required          debug an algorithm      as a consequence
                                        • I can describe and use                                                                                                               custom track to
                                                                        algorithm                •   I can use               to draw arcs            to another action
                                          instructions to program                                                                                                              reach a goal
                                                                      • I can use the green          calculations as       • I can write a         • I can use code to
                                          a character                                                                                                                        • I can program a
                                                                        flag to start                variables               program                 code to increase
                                        • I can program a                                                                                                                      character to follow
                                                                      • I can use                                          • I can design, write     the value of a
                                          character to grow and                                                                                                                an automatic path
                                                                        commands to                                          and debug my own        variable
                                                                        change the                                           program by
                                        • I can use instructions to
                                                                        backdrop and add                                     selecting
                                          make characters move
                                                                        sprites                                              appropriate visual
                                          at different speeds and
                                                                                                                             block commands to
                                          distance                    • Children to apply
                                                                                                                             create a sequence
                                        • I can use a repeat            growing
                                                                                                                           • I can work with
                                          instruction                   programming skills
                                        • I can create programs         by being introduced                                • I can use sequence
                                          with a sequence of            to Scratch.                                          and selection                                               17
                                          linked instructions
Reception      Year 1              Year 2                    Year 3               Year 4                 Year 5            Year 6

                                Instructions   Precise             ‘Execute an action’       Polygons             Animation              Input/output      ‘Interactive User
                                BeeBot         Algorithm           Complex instructions      Patterns             Timing/Time slider     Flowchart         Feature’
                                Arrow          Program (verb)      Half turn                 Variable             Stop-motion            Decision symbol   Succession
                                Turn           Debug               Quarter turn              Script/Script Area   Frames/linked frames   Status            ‘When’ and ‘Do’
                                Error          Sequence/linked     Commands                                       Webcam                 Subroutine        instructions
                                               instructions/       ‘Recognised                                    Digital device         Conventional      Automatic path
                                               Continuous loop     language’                                      Interaction            sequence          Virtual environment
                                               Step-by-step        Test                                           Procedure              Modify            Playability
                                               Direct (verb)       ‘Accurate instructions’                        Setpo                  Costume
                                               Direction           Abbreviation                                   Decompose              ‘Game code’
                                               Evaluate            Rotate                                         Repetition             Consequence
                                               Programming         Variable                                       Scoring system         Coding language
             Computer Science

                                               Character           Backdrop                                       Numerical              Logical

                                               Grow/shrink         Project
                                               Predict behaviour
                                               Recorded sound
                                               ‘repeat forever’

Gawthorpe Community Academy

    Computing Overview

Gawthorpe Community Academy Computing Curriculum Overview
         Autumn 1                   Autumn 2                    Spring 1          Spring 2                    Summer 1                    Summer 2

Year 1   Computer skills            Painting                    Online Safety     Word processing Skills      Programming Toys            Programming with
                                    (Art)                                                                                                 ScratchJR

Year 2   Internet Research Skills               Curriculum Overview
                                     Computer Art          Online Safety           Presentation Skills        Preparing for Turtle logo      Programming with Turtle
                                     (Art)                                                                                                   Logo and Scratch

Year 3   Internet Research &        Drawing & Desktop           Online Safety     Presentation Skills         Word Processing                Programming with Turtle
         Communication              Publishing                                                                                               logo and Scratch
          (Geography)               (Art)

Year 4   Word Processing            Animation                   Online Safety     Programming Turtle Logo     Scratch: Questions & Quizzes
                                                                                  Data logging

Year 5   Flowol                     Radio Station               Online Safety     Internet Research and       3D Modelling – Sketch Up    Scratch 3.0:Developing
         (DT)                       (Science, Music & Literacy)                   Webpage Design              (DT)                        Games

Year 6   Spreadsheets                Film Making                Online Safety      Scratch: Animated Series    KoDu Programming
         (Science & Maths)           (Literacy & DT)

                                     Data logging
National Curriculum Requirements of Computing at Key Stage 1

Pupils should be taught to:

• understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by
  following precise and unambiguous of instructions

• create and debug simple programs

• use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs

• Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content

• recognise common uses of information technology beyond school

• use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they
  have concerns about context or contact on the internet or other online technologies

                                                           © Focus Education 2014                                              21
National Curriculum Requirements of Computing at Key Stage 2

Pupils should be taught to:

• design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve
  problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

• use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output

• use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs

• understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world-wide web; and the
  opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration

• use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital

• select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a
  range of programs, systems and content, that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting
  data and information.

• Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to
  report concerns about content and contact

                                                           © Focus Education 2014                                                22
Twinkl Planit


Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                    Computing: Year 1
                                                                                                          Information technology (Basic computer
                  Online Safety                                      Digital literacy
• Can they explain what ‘Online Safety’ means?       • Can they describe the effect of instruction      • Can they   use a computer mouse or trackpad?
• Can they explain how to communicate safely           blocks on a character?                           • Can they   switch on and shutdown a computer?
  online?                                            • Can they predict the behaviour of a character,   • Can they   launch an application and manipulate
• Can they explain who to tell if they feel unsafe     based on a sequence of instructions?             windows?
  online?                                            • Can they identify and practise the computer      • Can they   save a file?
• Can they recall the ‘SMART’ rules for online         skills I have learned?                           • Can they   drag objects?
  safety?                                                                                               • Can they   identify and practise computer skills?
• Do they understand what personal information                                                          • Can they   paint with different colours?
  should be kept safe online?                                                                           • Can they   paint with different brushes?
• Can they give advice to others about keeping                                                          • Can they   create shapes and fill areas?
  safe online?                                                                                          • Can they   make changes to improve their own
                                                                                                        • Can they   add text to a painting?
                                                                                                        • Can they   use a computer program to make a
 Information technology (Word processing)                                                    Computer Science
• Can they type on a keyboard.?                      • Can they create instructions using pictures?
• Can they type symbols and save files?              • Can they say why it is important to be precise when writing an algorithm?
• Can they edit text?                                • Can they write instructions to program a person like a computer?
• Can they use a keyboard?                           • Can they program a Bee-Bot to move.?
• Can they select and format text?                   • Can they program a sequence to make a Bee-Bot move?
• Can they format the font?                          • Can they describe and use instructions to program a character?
                                                     • Can they program a character to grow and shrink?
                                                     • Can they use instructions to make characters move at different speeds and distance?
                                                     • Can they use a repeat instruction to make a sequence of instructions run more than once?
                                                     • Can they create programs that play a recorded sound?
                                                     • Can they create programs with a sequence of linked instructions?                             24
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                         Computing: Year 2
                                                                                                                       Information technology (Basic computer
                    Online Safety                                               Digital literacy
• Can they search the Internet to find results suitable for   Can they follow links to another web page?             Can they use a camera to take safe photos to use
children?                                                     Can they create content for an online blog?            online?
• Can they search for information safely online?                                                                     Can they create computer art?
Can they follow links safely online?                                                                                 Can they use a range of tools in a computer program
• Can they use an online blog safely and respectfully?                                                               to reproduce a style of art?
• Can they post positive comments and responses on a                                                                 Can they make and edit shapes to create a piece of
blog?                                                                                                                art?
                                                                                                                     Can they change the shade of a colour for effect?
                                                                                                                     Can they retrieve a file to edit in a computer program?
                                                                                                                     Can they use a range of skills to create a piece of art?
                                                                                                                     Can they use folders?
                                                                                                                     Can they search and print?

     Information technology (Word processing)                                                               Computer Science

Can they organise ideas for a presentation?                   •   Can they give and follow an algorithm to turn right or left?
Can they create a simple presentation with text?              •   Can they give and follow an algorithm to make half and quarter turns?
Can they add and format an image?                             •   Can they give and follow an algorithm using the commands right 90 and left 90?
Can they reorder slides and present a presentation?           •   Can they give, follow and complete an algorithm?
                                                              •   Can they use recognised language in an algorithm?
                                                              •   Can they create, test and debug an algorithm?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm to move or rotate the turtle?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm and use the repeat command?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm and add sound?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm and use the repeat and say command?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm and use the green flag to start?
                                                              •   Can they create an algorithm and use the commands to change the backdrop and add sprites?

Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                  Computing: Year 3
                                                                                                        Information technology (Basic computer
                 Online Safety                                     Digital literacy
• Can they explain how to stay safe when          • Can they explain how searches return results?     • Can they identify how word order affects search
  communicating online?                           • Can they identify the ways, and investigate         results?
• Can they explain why I need to be responsible     how, we communicate online?                       • Can they save and share webpages?
  online?                                         • Can they evaluate slide layout and make           • Can they draw with different shapes and lines?
                                                    improvements?                                     • Can they order and group objects?
                                                                                                      • Can they manipulate shapes and lines?
                                                                                                      • Can they recognise effective layout?
                                                                                                      • Can they combine text and images?
                                                                                                      • Can they lay out objects effectively?

Information technology (Word processing)                                                   Computer Science
• Can they plan a branching story?                •   Can they create and   debug an algorithm using the move, rotate and repeat commands?
• Can they create slide templates and organise    •   Can they create and   debug algorithms using penup and pendown?
  slides with hyperlinks?                         •   Can they create and   debug algorithms that draw regular polygons?
• Can they add theme, transitions and animation   •   Can they create and   debug algorithms that draw shapes?
  to a presentation?                              •   Can they create and   debug algorithms that draw regular polygons?
• Can they use action settings?                   •   Can they create and   debug algorithms to draw patterns?
• Can they insert audio and video?
• Can they use basic computer skills?
• Can they change the case of text?
• Can they align text?
• Can they use bullets and numbering?
• Can they use the  key?
• Can they insert and format text boxes?

Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                 Computing: Year 4
                                                                                                         Information technology (Basic computer
                Online Safety                                      Digital literacy
• Can they explain ‘Cyberbullying’?               • Can they analyse and evaluate software?          •    Can they create a short computer animation
• Can they create a strong password and explain   • Can they describe early forms of animation            using one or more moving stick figures?
  why a strong password is important?               before computers and how computers have          •    Can they create a recorded animation
• Can they explain what privacy settings are?       made a difference?                                    involving a number of moving characters on a
• Can they identify online communities they are                                                           background?
  part of?                                                                                           •    Can they structure specific timing of
• Can they discuss the positive and negative                                                              animations using a time slider?
  aspects of online communities?                                                                     •    Can they use a camera to create a short stop-
                                                                                                          motion animation film?

Information technology (Word processing)                                                 Computer Science
• Can they format images for a purpose?           •   Can they compare quizzes and decompose a problem into smaller parts?
• Can they use formatting tools to create an      •   Can they write and debug a program.?
  effective layout?                               •   Can they use sequence and selection?
• Can they use the spellcheck tool?               •   Can they write and debug a program which uses sequence and repetition?
• Can they insert and format a table in a word    •   Can they work with variables?
  processing document?                            •   Can they write and debug a program which uses sequence?
• Can they change a page layout for a purpose?    •   Can they write a program?
• Can they create hyperlinks within a word        •   Can they design, write and debug my own program by selecting appropriate visual block commands
  document?                                           to create a sequence?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm to create a procedure?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm that uses setpos to draw shapes?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm with different colours?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm to fill areas with colour?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm to produce text?
                                                  •   Can they create and debug an algorithm to draw arcs?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                    Computing: Year 5
                                                                                                               Information technology (Basic computer
                   Online Safety                                        Digital literacy
•     Can they explain what ‘phishing’ is recognise   • Can they evaluate webpages?                        •   Can they create a webpage layout?
      the signs?                                      • Can they use the advanced feature of               •   Can they add text to a webpage?
•     Can they identify a ‘spam’ email?                 Google’s web search?                               •   Can they add images to a webpage?
•     Can they explain what to do with spam           • Can they describe what is meant by a podcast?      •   Can they add hyperlinks into a webpage?
      email?                                          • Can they evaluate what features make good          •   Can they publish and share my webpage?
•     Can they explain the steps to take to avoid       quality audio content?                             •   Can they use software to create my own sounds
      spam emails?                                    • Can they analyse and identify improvements to          by recording, editing and playing?
•     Can they create a strong password using a set     an advert?                                         •   Can they combine audio effects to create an
      of given rules?                                                                                          original radio jingle.?
•     Do they understand that not everything they                                                          •   Can they research and plan digital content for
      see online is true?                                                                                      a radio podcast?
•     Can they identify unsafe online behaviour?                                                           •   Can they use software to create and present
                                                                                                               digital content for a radio podcast?
                                                                                                           •   Can they draw 3D shapes?
                                                                                                           •   Can they add detail to 3D drawings?
                                                                                                           •   Can they add and manipulate 3D models?
                                                                                                           •   Can they create a complex 3D model?
                                                                                                           •   Can they create a complex 3D model for my
                                                                                                               own design?

    Information technology (Word processing)                                                   Computer Science
• Can they draw and interpret a flowchart with        •   Can they create and edit a flowchart to control a simulated device?
  the correct symbols?                                •   Can they control multiple outputs at the same time?
• Can they use a decision symbol based on the         •   Can they design and program a character game?
  status of an input?                                 •   Can they design an original character or backdrop for a game?
• Can they create a flowchart program                 •   Can they add features or effects to enhance a game?
  containing a subroutine?                            •   Can they create an original animated game with a specific goal?
• Can they design, write and debug my own             •   Can they program costume changes for a sprite?                                             28
  flowchart program for a given task?                 •   Can they add point-scoring and levels to game code?
Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for
                                                  Computing: Year 6
                                                                                                         Information technology (Basic computer
                 Online Safety                                       Digital literacy
• Do they understand that not all websites are      • Can they locate and check appropriate digital     • Can they use appropriate software and other
  ‘secure’?                                           content, and provide accurate crediting of          tools effectively to write a film script?
• Can they identify warning signs that suggest an     sources?                                          • Can they use digital recording devices to film
  unsecure website.                                 • Can they analyse and deconstruct code to            and import into video editing software?
• Can they confidently explain what to do if I am     work out its purpose?                             • Can they plan, conduct and import video
  asked or told something online which makes me                                                           interviews as part of a short film?
  uncomfortable?                                                                                        • Can they use video editing software to create a
• Can they explain how cyberbullying can be as                                                            short film?
  harmful as in-person bullying?                                                                        • Can they use video editing software to turn a
                                                                                                          film project into a finished movie and present it?

 Information technology (Word processing)                                                   Computer Science
• Can they enter data and formulae into a           •   Can they create appropriate animations for a story scene?
  spreadsheet?                                      •   Can they structure and control the timing of events?
• Can they order and present data based on          •   Can they control when objects need to be visible?
  calculations?                                     •   Can they sequence events to create a story narrative?
• Can they add, edit and calculate data?            •   Can they add voice sounds to enhance an animated story?
• Can they use a spreadsheet to solve problems?     •   Can they add interactive user features to a scene or story?
• Can they plan and calculate a spending            •   Can they investigate and evaluate the features of programming software?
  budget?                                           •   Can they program Kodu using ‘When’ and ‘Do’ instructions?
• Can they design a spreadsheet for a specific      •   Can they use tools and add features to create an original landscape in Kodu?
  purpose?                                          •   Can they program a character to be controlled around a custom track to reach a goal?
                                                    •   Can they program a character to follow an automatic path?
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