Page created by Yvonne Kelly

The Following Applies to all account Types                providing your name, address and switch, maestro,          2.   Give your bet instructions clearly.
                                                          delta or electron debit card details.                      3.   Listen to our telephonists who will confirm your
Please note that Star Sports Rules and Terms &                                                                            instructions. It is your responsibility to ensure
Conditions are both subject to change. The current        Payments - You can withdraw funds by requesting a               that they have interpreted your instructions
set of Star Sports Rules and Terms & Conditions           cheque or bank transfer anytime, or we can make a               correctly. You may request a complete 'call back'
are displayed on our web site, and indicate the last      payment back to a registered debit card.                        if you wish.
date of amendment. Any proposed changes to the                                                                       4.   Inform us of any changes to your address or
Star Sports Rules and Terms & Conditions will also        Credit Accounts                                                 other details as soon as possible.
be communicated to customers in advance prior to
the change coming into effect. Please note it is the      How to open one - Credit accounts can be opened by         Fraudulent Activity and Impersonation
account holder’s responsibility to be fully aware of      completing an application form. If your application is
the current Star Sports Rules and Terms &                 acceptable to our criteria, we will issue you with an      15. Where we have reasonable grounds to believe
Conditions before placing a bet and once a bet has        account number and a credit limit.                             that there has been fraudulent activity on your
been placed it will be deemed that the Star Sports                                                                       account, whether by you personally or by a third
Rules and Terms & Conditions have been accepted           Payments - A statement will be sent to you at the end          party, we shall be entitled but not obliged to
by the account holder.                                    of each accounting period. A pre-addressed envelope            suspend your account for the purposes of
                                                          will be provided for all losing balances and payment           carrying out an investigation and close any open
LATEST CHANGE OF RULES: 1 November 2014                   should be made by return or by bank transfer into our          bets in order to limit the potential for further
                                                          client collection account.                                     losses to be incurred on those bets. We shall not
Statements                                                                                                               release any cash balance on the account until we
                                                          Please note that once you have reached your credit             have completed our investigation, which we shall
An itemised statement will be sent to you at the end of   limit you will not be allowed to place any further bets,       carry out as quickly as is reasonably practicable.
each accounting period listing details of your            but any that are accepted will stand.
transactions.                                                                                                        16. Where we have reasonable grounds to believe
                                                          As per the Gambling Act 2005, all gambling debts are           that an account has been opened by a third party,
Legalities                                                legally recoverable. Failure to pay accounts in full           and not for the named account holder's use, we
                                                          within three months of statement may result in legal           shall be entitled but not obliged to immediately
You must be at least 18 years of age in order to obtain   action being taken against you.                                close that account and all bets open at that time.
and use a telephone betting account. All phonecalls
are recorded for security purposes.                       Telephone Betting                                          17. Star Sports reserves the right to void any or all
                                                                                                                         bets, which in our opinion are made by a group
Deposit Accounts                                          With all wagers placed over the telephone please:              of people acting in liaison in an attempt to
                                                                                                                         defraud Star Sports, namely by placing bets
How to open one - Deposit accounts can be opened by       1.   State your full name and if applicable your               on behalf of persons, relatives, organisations,
sending a cheque or by telephoning our office and              password.                                                 syndicates, bookmakers and their employees.
1.    Once accepted, a bet can only be canceled by                                                                    3.   If there are any errors in prices laid, transmitted
      mutual consent.                                      1.  Horse Racing and BAGS Meetings where all the                or marked up the bet will be settled at the
2.    The placing of a bet with Star Sports, signifies         selections are in races governed by a full official         correct price at the time that the bet was laid or
      your acceptance of our rules, whether or not you         information service (shows, offs and results):              at SP which ever is the greater.
      have familiarised yourself with them.                a. Horse Racing in the UK & Ireland £100,000               4.   'Bar prices' do not constitute a quoted price and
3.    Subject to these rules, bets are accepted for race   b. Horse Racing in all other countries £25,000                  will not be laid.
      meetings held under the Jockey Club or their         c. All greyhound meetings £25,000                          5.   Ante-post betting ceases at the overnight
      equivalent bodies abroad.                            2. Horse Racing where any selection is in a race not            declaration stage and all bets placed after the
4.    Bets will be accepted for NGRC greyhound                 covered by a full information service:                      overnight declaration stage will be non-runner
      meetings, and selected IGB race tracks. See          a. Horse racing in UK & Ireland held under the                  no bet, Tattersalls Rule 4 may apply.
      greyhound racing section for details on limits.          governing body's rules £25,000                         6.   We cannot allow for mistakes, nor accept
5.    Should there be any doubt as to whether a bet        b. Horse racing outside the above mentioned                     responsibility for any errors or omissions in
      refers to horse or greyhound racing, horse racing        £10,000                                                     respect of accuracy in publishing or issuing of
      will be given precedence. However, where the         3. Football £100,000                                            prices, despite our every effort to ensure total
      numbers are used and sufficient doubt exists over    4. Sport limits apply as to the description under               accuracy and reserve the right to correct these
      the intention of the bet, greyhound racing will be   the individual sports rules.                                    errors.
      given precedence. Named selections will always       5. Ante-post£100,000
      be given precedence over numbered ones.                                                                         Dead Heats
6.    We reserve the right to refuse the whole or any      Our operators are not authorised to accept ante-post
      part of any bet but will endeavour to give an        bets that exceed this limit. Any bet taken in error, the   1.   When a dead heat occurs for first place, the
      explanation.                                         limit will stand.                                               stake money on the winning selection will be
7.    All bets are deemed for the day of acceptance,                                                                       divided by the number of winners and the full
      unless otherwise stated.                             6.   Tote Bets £20,000                                          odds paid on the reduced stake. The remainder
8.    We endeavour to ensure complete accuracy as               The maximum TOTE return will be no greater                 of the stake is lost.
      regards announcing, publishing and issuing of             than twice and not less than half of the SP           2.   Where an each way bet involves a dead heat
      prices, however, should an error occur, we cannot         equivalent return. The maximum Exacta                      winner, the win part of the bet will be settled as
      accept responsibility and reserve the right to            dividend will be no greater than twice and no less         above and the place part will be settled in full,
      correct obvious errors.                                   than half of the computer straight forecast.               in accordance with the relevant place terms.
9.    Special bets are in accordance with the special      7.   Numbers Games £50,000                                      Should the dead heat only involve placed
      rules issued for such bets.                          8.   Non Sport and Specialty Bets£25,000                        selections and results in more than the allocated
10.   A bet not substantiated by our tape recording             Includes bets on media and television events               number of places, then the stakes will be
      equipment may not be recognised by us.                    such as Eurovision Song Contest, Big Brother               divided, as before and settled to the full place
11.   All bets accepted will be settled on the official         etc.                                                       terms.
      result, unless otherwise stated.
12.   Where a race is specified by using racecard          For multiple bets including selections from markets
      order, the race will be placed and timed as the      where different limits apply, the maximum payout on
      card in the sporting press, with allowances for      the bet will default to the lowest applicable limit.
      obvious errors.                                      Where bets are placed on different days, the maximum
13.   We cannot guarantee to pay or correct errors, if     payout limit will apply to the day that the final
      they are brought to our attention more than six      selection in the bets were completed and not to the day
      months after the official result of the last         that the bets were placed.
      selection to run on the bet.
14.   Postal bets are not accepted.                        Any group of customers who have placed the same
                                                           combination of selections and we believe have been
Time of Acceptance                                         acting as a syndicate will be treated as one customer
                                                           for the purpose of the above limits.
1.    For all telephone bets, the time at which the bet
      was recorded on our tape recording equipment         Displayed Prices
      will govern settlement.
2.    Where the official OFF of a race is not              1.   Bets are accepted at 'show prices', as
      announced, bets will be accepted up to the ad             transmitted by the official information to our
      vertised OFF time. Any bet taken after this will          offices e.g. SIS. Where a show price is
      be deemed void, unless we are satisfied that the          requested, it will apply to that selection in all
      bet was accepted before the actual OFF.                   win and each way bets where it occurs in the
3.    Any bet accepted after the OFF is at our                  telephone call, unless it is clearly indicated
      discretion.                                               otherwise.
                                                           2.   For place purposes, the number of placed
Limits                                                          runners, as determined in our place betting
                                                                rules, will be governed by the number of
The following are the limits that can be won by a               runners coming under starters orders and not
single client or syndicate in respect of any one-day's          by the number of runners, when the price is
business.                                                       laid.
Tattersalls Rule 4                                                                                  3/10                or                shorter              75p in £
                                                                                                    2/5                 to                1/3                  70p in £
When a selection is withdrawn prior to the start of an                                              8/15                to                4/9                  65p in £
event, remaining selections may be subject to a Rule 4.                                             8/13                to                4/7                  60p in £
The following table lists the rate of deduction.                                                    4/5                 to                4/6                  55p in £
                                                                                                    20/21               to                5/6                  50p in £
If over 14/1 then no deduction will be made.                                                        Evens               to                6/5                  45p in £
We do not apply rule 4's of 5p in the £ for UK and Irish                                            5/4                 to                6/4                  40p in £
Horse Racing.                                                                                       13/8                to                7/4                  35p in £
                                                                                                    15/8                to                9/4                  30p in £
In the event of more than one selection priced between
                                                                                                    5/2                 to                3/1                  25p in £
                                                                                                    10/3                to                4/1                  20p in £
10/1 and 14/1 being withdrawn prior to the start of an
                                                                                                    9/2                 to                11/2                 15p in £
event, remaining selections will be subject to the
                                                                                                    6/1                 to                9/1                  10p in £
relevant Rule 4.
                                                                                                    10/1                to                14/1                 5p in £

Settlement of Bets                                              upwards, in the same race will be settled as                  payment, pending the outcome of any
                                                                follows – unit stake single on each selections                subsequent investigation and ultimately to
1.   Bets on horse racing are settled on the official           where they meet in doubles; winnings follow                   declare bets on that event void.
     result.                                                    through to trebles and onwards are settled on            2.   Where evidence of rigging exists or where
2.   Where bets or parts of bet are made void,                  the remaining selections as standard.                         there is evidence of a series of bets each
     stakes on singles will be refunded, but on                                                                               containing the same selection(s), having been
     multiple bets, the void selection will be treated     Ante-Post                                                          placed by or for the same individual or by a
     as a non-runner.                                                                                                         syndicate of individuals, we reserve the right to
3.   The advertised times of races, runners, riders        1.   Ante-Post prices are those offered on:                        require claims for payment to be submitted in
     and results as published in the Racing Post, will     a.   A horse race prior to the overnight/48 hour                   writing to our Customer Service Department.
     govern settlement, obvious errors and                      declaration stage.
     omissions being allowed.                              b.   A greyhound race prior to the day of the race            Related Contingencies
4.   In the event of no starting price being returned           (Unless special conditions are advertised).
     from horse race winners, with no price being          c.   Sporting Events as advertised                            1.   Except where advertised, multiple bets are not
     taken, the tote return will be used for settling      2.   Ante-post bets are accepted on the basis of 'all              accepted where the outcome of one part of the
     purposes and vice-versa.                                   in run or not', i.e. Stakes are lost if the selection         bet contributes to the outcome of the other. If
5.   All bets are settled strictly on their merits and          does not take part, if there was a possibility of             taken in error, the stakes will be equally
     no plea of precedence will be accepted.                    winning at the time the bet was laid.                         divided where they clash e.g. £10 double on
                                                           3.   Win and place multiple accumulator bets are                   Manchester United to win the match and
Incorrect & Ambiguous                                           calculated in the same manner as SP bets. The                 Manchester United to win at half time and full
Instructions                                                    place part of an each way bet, the fraction odds              time, would be settled as 2 X £5 singles.
                                                                and number of places relating to each event, are         2.   However, where the related parts of the bet are
1.   Should a client incorrectly give a selection, the          those pertaining on the date of acceptance.                   resolved at different times, the bet will be
     bet will be settled as to the identity of the         4.   Place only bets, any to come and forecast bets                settled as instructed, with the price for the
     intended selection. If a selection has been given          are not accepted Ante-Post.                                   subsequent legs being determined at each
     so that more than one selection could                 5.   Bets are executed at the price ruling at the time             individual stage. E.g. Agassi to win his semi
     conceivably be intended, the stakes shall be               of acceptance. We reserve the right to correct                final at 5/6 and Agassi to win the tournament
     divided equally among those selections                     any obvious errors.                                           outright at 9/4 would be settled as Agassi for
     involved.                                             6.   All Ante-post selections will be made void if:                the semi final at 5/6 and the price for Agassi to
2.   If a selection has been clearly given, but timed      a.   The race or event is abandoned.                               win the final at the odds after the completion of
     wrong, it will be accepted for the race it runs       b.   The race or event is officially declared void.                the semi final.
     in, provided it is not doubly engaged.                c.   The conditions or venue of the race or event             3.   Special related prices may be available on live
3.   If two selections are engaged with the same                altered, after the bet is laid.                               matches. These will be available upon request.
     name and both selections are still to run at the      d.   A horse is balloted out. In this instance, the
     time of acceptance, provided that no time                  liabilities against the horses remaining are             Betting in Running
     has been given, the bets will be settled on the            reduced at the rate in accordance with
     runner without a suffix for the country of                 Tattersalls Rule 4 depending on the odds                 We bet in running on a selection of live events. The
     origin e.g. USA, IRE.                                      currently available on the balloted out                  odds confirmed to you at the time of bet acceptance
4.   In all cases of incorrect or incomplete                    selection(s).                                            will determine settlement.
     instructions, the bet will be taken as win, unless    7.   Where the same selection is backed to win two
     each way is stated.                                        or more events in Ante-post accumulator bet, a           Arbitration
5.   Where the same selection is nominated twice,               special price will apply, irrespective of the
     then all bets will be settled as instructed, with          individual odds quoted.                                  Any disputes, which cannot be mutually resolved,
     one of the duplicated selection becoming a            8.   For credit accounts the investment on Ante-post          will be referred to an arbitrator. The current industry
     non-runner.                                                bets are accepted up to the agreed credit limit,         arbitrator is the Independent Betting Arbitration
6.   Where a win or each way bet is requested and               and are included for accounting purposes in              Service (IBAS), whose address for correspondence
     the nominated selections are in the same race,             your available credit limit.                             is: IBAS, PO Box 44781, London, SW1W 0WR or
     the bet will be settled as singles with the stake                                                                   Telephone number: 0207 881 2690.
     divided equally. In multiple bets, where two or       Rigging
     more selections run in the same race, the stakes
     will be divided equally where the selections          1.   Where there is evidence of price, race, match or
     meet in the bet. i.e. 2 selections in doubles and          event rigging, we reserve the right to withhold
•   Horse Racing
•   Tennis
•   Greyhound Racing
•   Football
•   American Football
•   Baseball
•   Cricket
•   Golf
•   18 Hole Markets
•   Tournament Markets
•   Motor Racing
•   Season Markets
•   Individual Grand Prix Markets
•   Qualifying Markets
•   Darts
•   Rugby Union
•   Rugby League
•   Gaelic Football
•   Athletics
•   Boxing
•   UFC
•   Cycling
•   Speedway
•   Numbers Betting
•   General Sports Betting Rules
Horse Racing
General Horse Racing Rules                                     only two runners, will be settled as a win single     Postponements
                                                               on the selection nominated to finish first.
1.   Subject to these rules, bets are accepted for         4. Should one runner finish alone, forecasts in           If a race is postponed to another day, with the
     race meetings held under the Jockey Club or               which it is nominated as the winner are settled       exception of ante-post bets, all selections will be
     their equivalent bodies abroad.                           on the declared dividend unless none is given         made void, unless announced otherwise for
2.   Should there be any doubt as to whether a bet             in which case forecasts will be settled as a          exceptional cases such as the Grand National. If
     refers to horse or greyhound racing, horse                single at SP or Pari-Mutuel price.                    races are set back in time because of weather
     racing will be given precedence.                      5. Where a forecast is selected and no forecast           conditions, the settling of all bets for the meeting
3.   The advertised times of races, runners, riders            dividend is returned, bets will be settled in         will be governed by the original advertised race
     and results as published in the Racing Post, will         accordance with the N.S.L. starting price             times.
     govern settlement, obvious errors and                     forecast chart.
     omissions being allowed.                              6. If a forecast contains two selections that are in      Fixed Odds Distance Betting
4.   If a selection is correctly named, then bets will         different races, then the bet will be settled as a
     stand on that selection no matter if an incorrect         win double.                                           A fixed odds bet is available on selected Horse Race
     meeting, time or price is appended. When a            7. If the forecast contains a non runner, then the        meetings based on predicting the correct total of the
     selection is identified by race time and number,          remaining selection will be settled as a win          winning distances for all races at that meeting. The
     that number will also take precedence over any            single at SP.                                         maximum distance for a single race is 12 lengths for
     price taken.                                          8. If a client asks for a forecast single and gives       Flat racing and 30 lengths for National Hunt.
                                                               only one selection, it will be settled as a win       In the event of a walkover, 2 lengths will be awarded
Numbered Selections                                            single. If a reversed forecast is requested and       to a Flat race and 6 lengths will be awarded to a
                                                               only one selection is given, it will be settled as    National Hunt race. In the event that one race is
1.   On an un-timed bet, where numbered selections             an each-way single.                                   made void or abandoned then 2 lengths will be
     are concerned, the bet will stand on the next         9. Instructions for a selection 'with the field' or a     awarded for a flat race and 6 lengths for a National
     race due off where that number occurs.                    selection 'against the field', means, in both         Hunt race.
2.   Where an unnamed selection is timed, but no               cases, that the selection is required to win.
     meeting stated, and two or more races with full           Instructions for 'the field with' or 'the field       If two or more races are abandoned then all bets will
     service share the same advertised off time, the           against' means, in both cases, that the selection     be void unless further races could not affect the
     stake will be divided equally among them.                 is required to come second.                           result. The distance will be the official declared
3.   Where multiple bets are concerned and the             10. Unnamed favourites are not accepted in                distance at the weigh in. Any subsequent alterations
     client has made it clear that only one meeting is         forecast betting.                                     will not count for settlement purposes. The following
     intended, the bet will be settled for that            11. Where a permutation is used, which could              list represents the numeric unit that is used in the
     meeting, even if other race times coincide. E.g.          apply either to a forecast or a tricast and neither   calculation for distances less than one length.
     a Yankee 2.00 2.35 3.05 and 3.40. All times               is specified, the bet will be settled on a
     applicable to Newmarket, although there might             forecast.                                             Short Head 0.10 Lengths
     be a 2.00 or 3.40 race at another meeting, the                                                                  Head 0.20 Lengths
     intention is clearly for all races at Newmarket.      Tricasts and Trios                                        Neck 0.30 Lengths
4.   Where a meeting is given and a time, but no                                                                     Half Lengths 0.50 Lengths
     selection, the bet will be deemed void.               1.   A tricast is a bet where selections must finish      1 Length 1.00 Length etc.
                                                                first, second and third in the correct order, in
Double Engagements                                              races where a computer dividend is declared.         Horse Race Match Bets
                                                                They are accepted as singles only.
1.   Where a selection is doubly engaged and the           2.   Tricast bets accepted for races where no tricast     Horses match bets may take the form of a head to
     client requests a specific race time, it will be           dividend is declared will be settled as a            head match, or a selected group such as a threesome.
     considered a bet for that race only. If the                forecast, with the third selection ignored.          The winner is the selection that obtains the best
     selection runs in the other race it will be treated   3.   Where the name and number of a selection has         finishing position. If all horses fail to complete the
     as a \ non-runner.                                         been given and they do not correspond, the           course the selection that has completed most of the
2.   Should the client not state a time or states an            name will take precedence for settling               course is deemed the winner. If selections fall or
     incorrect time, so long as an 'if absent' request          purposes.                                            refuse at the same fence in National Hunt races dead
     is not stated, the bet will be settled on the first   4.   Should a tricast contain a non-runner, the total     heat rules apply. Dead heat rules apply with regard to
     race the selection runs in, on that day.                   stake will be invested on a straight forecast on     finishing positions.
3.   If two selections, one of which is doubly                  the remaining selections in the order written. In    Horse Racing in the UK, Ireland and South Africa
     engaged, are included in an accumulator of                 the case of a full cover combination, the total      Place Terms for Each Way Bets
     multiple bets, but run in the same race, then the          stake will be divided equally as a reversed          SP place only bets are not accepted (with the excep-
     selection which is doubly engaged will be                  forecast on the remaining selections.                tion of certain specialty bets). Where place only bets,
     automatically timed for the race in which the         5.   Should there be two non-runners, the tricast         or bets where the place part is in excess of the win,
     entries do not clash.                                      will be settled as a win single on the remaining     have been accepted in error, the difference will be
                                                                selection. For the purposes of settling, a           void. For the purpose of settling each way doubles,
Conditional Bets                                                permutation is considered as a series of straight    trebles etc. they are calculated as 2 distinct bets, i.e.
                                                                tricasts.                                            win to win and place to place.
We do not accept conditional bets.                                                                                   The place terms of each way bets at SP or board
Forecasts Bets                                             Jockeys mounts and trainers
                                                                                                                     prices, will be settled as follows:
1. Subject to the following rules, forecasts are           selection
                                                                                                                     2-4 Runners all on to win
     accepted in singles, doubles and trebles only.
                                                                                                                     5-7 Runners 1/4 1st, 2nd
     Accumulators are not accepted.                        These are accepted.
                                                                                                                     8 or more Runners 1/5 1st, 2nd, 3rd
2. Forecasts are available in races of three or more
     runners and will be settled in accordance with        Walkovers
     the requested forecast dividend, for example
     computer, exacta etc.                                 These count as races, but any horse so involved, will
3. Forecasts, inadvertently accepted in races with         be treated as a non-runner.
Handicaps                                                  Bets at UK Tote Prices                                    able, all bets will be settled at these prices, unless re-
                                                           1. Horse race tote bets are accepted by telephone         quested otherwise. In instances where no industry
12 or more Runners 1/4 1st, 2nd, 3rd                            for all meetings in the UK covered by a full         SP is made available, bets will be settled at Pari-
16 or more Runners 1/4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th                       race service. We accept Tote win, each way,          Mutuel/Tote returns.
For bets other than Antepost, the number of placed              Exacta Forecasts and Tote placepots. We do not       3. Win and Each-way for foreign pools: Horses in
runners, as determined in our place betting rules,              currently accept the Tote Jackpot. TOTE bets               the same ownership are generally coupled on
will be governed by the number of runners coming                are not currently accepted on line.                        the win pool only. In certain countries, e.g. /
under starter’s orders and not by the number of run-       2. Place only Tote bets are not accepted and if                 USA and Belgium, horses are coupled for all
ners, when the price is laid.                                   taken in error, will be void.                              pools. The place part of each way bets will be
                                                           3. Tote Placepots are accepted at all UK horse                  settled in accordance to the returned place
Settlement of Bets                                              race meetings where a tote pool operates.                  dividends. Bets will be settled in accordance to
                                                           4. To win the placepot, clients must select a                   the rules in place at each track.
In the event of no starting price being returned from           placed horse in each of the first six races at the   4. It must be noted that in the USA, two place
horse race winners, then the last industry price given          nominated meeting. Selections in races of four             pools are in operation, namely the "place 1-2
will be used for settlement purposes. In the event              or less runners must win. Selections in races of           pool" for 1st and second only and the "show 1-
that no industry price was used then the tote return            five, six or seven runners must occupy 1st or              2-3 pool" for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
will be used for settling purposes and vice-versa. If           2nd place. In races of eight or more runners,        5. It is your responsibility to specify which
neither price is declared bets will be void.                    1st, 2nd, or 3rd places and in handicaps of 16             dividend you require when placing your each
Favourites and Numbered Selections                              or more runners and any race nominated by the              way bet. If no dividend is specified by you,
1. The favourite is the horse quoted at the shortest            Tote, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places.                        then we will default your bet to the show 1-2-3
      odds in the official starting price, the second      5. When a race meeting is not specified or cannot               dividend. If no show dividend is declared by
      favourite is the horse quoted at the next shortest        be identified, the bet will be taken for the               the race track, then your each way bet will be
      price. If two horses are quoted at the shortest           principle meeting published in the Racing Post,            defaulted to the place 1-2 dividend. Any
      SP, then they will be joint first and second              unless the numbers stated do not 'fit' the card            selections finishing third in this circumstance
      favourites.                                               for that meeting, in which case, it will be for            will be made losers. Coupled horses are treated
2. Bets on 1st or 2nd favourite are accepted win                the one or more meetings where the numbers                 as one runner for win, place and show
      only at starting price. Each way bets on                  do fit the card, with the stakes apportioned, if           dividends.
      unnamed 1st or 2nd favourites are not accepted            necessary.                                           6. Place only bets are not accepted and, if taken in
      and if taken in error, the place part will be        6. Clients can nominate an unnamed favourite in a               error will be void.
      settled as a win stake. Early prices or board             placepot by stating 'fav'. Where joint favourites    7. Forecasts: Straight and Reverse Forecasts, Ex
      prices cannot be taken on unnamed favourites.             are returned, the one with the lowest race card            acts and Quinella's are accepted, depending on
3. If a client has backed an unnamed favourite and              number will become the selection. Should the               the type of forecast in operation. Should the in
      two or more co favourites are returned, the               favourite be withdrawn before coming under                 structions be for Straight or Reversed
      stake will be divided equally among them and              orders, the next shortest price runner will be             forecast/Exacta and a Quinella forecast is re
      paid at full odds.                                        come the selection, unless there is more than              turned, then the total stake will be invested as a
4. If a favourite is withdrawn, not under starters              one, in which case the one with the lowest race            Quinella forecast and vice versa.
      orders and no new market is formed, that                  card number will become the selection.               8. In countries where bookmakers operate and an
      favourite will be treated as a non runner unless     7. In the event that no placepot dividend is                    official SP is returned, bets are accepted in
      in placepots where your selection will revert to          declared, the bet will be settled as an SP place           accordance with our general rules and we will
      the next shortest priced selection, and the               accumulator. In the event of a non-runner or an            advertise any additional rules, applicable to the
      lowest race card number in the event of two or            ambiguous selection, it will be replaced by the            country concerned.
      more equally priced selections.                           favourite, or in the case of joint favourites the    9. Unnamed favourites are not accepted in races
5. In single bets, any un-timed favourite will be               one with the lowest race card number. Placepot             abroad, unless an official SP is returned. Any
      deemed to be for the next race due off, which is          dividends are currently declared to a £1 unit              bets taken in error, will be void.
      receiving full coverage, from the time the bet            stake.
      was placed. If a meeting is stated, but no time      8. Tote bets are not accepted on an unnamed               First Past the Post/Official Result
      given, the bet will stand on the next race at that        favourites (except placepots) or Irish racing and
      meeting.                                                  any taken in error will be settled at SP under       We pay-out on both the First Past the Post result and
                                                                normal rules.                                        the Official Result on all win and each way singles
Withdrawals                                                9. There is a payout limit of £20,000 to any one          on Horse Racing in the UK and Ireland to a maxi-
                                                                client in any one day, on Tote investments.          mum payout value of £20,000 and a maximum stake
When a horse is withdrawn, before coming under             10. The maximum tote return will be no greater            of £200 to any one Client, Subject to the following
starter’s orders, or is deemed by the starter to have           than twice and no less than half of the              exceptions where we will pay the official result only;
taken no part in the race, stakes will be refunded on           equivalent SP return.                                •    Ante Post bets
that selection.                                            11. The maximum exacta forecast dividend will be          •    Tote or Pari Mutual bets
                                                                no greater than twice and no less than half of       •    Forecasts and Tricasts
Board/Show/SP prices                                            the computer straight forecast.                      •    A void race
                                                                                                                     •    A selection carrying the wrong weight or the
When a horse has been withdrawn then the remain-           Restarted Races                                                jockey failing to weigh in
ing bets will be subject to Tattersalls Rule 4, incur-                                                               •    A selection taking the wrong course
ring deductions according to the price of the non          In the event of a false start etc. resulting in a race    •    A selection given as a winner or placed, in
runner at the time of withdrawal. However, should a        being re-run, 'Under starters Orders' is negated and           error by the judge
new market be formed before the 'off' of a race, then      stakes will be refunded on horses not taking part in      •    Incorrect transmission of a result
only bets with a price taken prior to the time of with-    the re-run, with returns on the remaining runners         •    An amended result given after the official
drawal will be affected.                                   subject to Tattersalls Rule 4. The number of runners           result is declared, for example after successful
                                                           taking part in the re-run governs place terms.                 appeal
Early Prices                                                                                                         •    Two runner races

The same applies for early prices with the exception       Information and rules for racing in Other Countries
that the value of the Rule 4 will be decided by the        1. Bets are accepted for all races abroad where we
price of the withdrawn selection at the time that the      advertise acceptance.
bet was placed.                                            2. In races where an industry SP is made avail-
Maximum Payout £100,000                                      of games required to win the set must be                  play could not affect the result.
                                                             achieved. In sets where for any reason whatso         6.  In the event of countries competing in a
1.   Outright betting: All in compete or not.                ever, the set is awarded to a player before this is       tournament, should the players listed as the
2.   Match Betting: In the event of a match not              attained, all Total Games betting on that set will        participants competing change, match bets will
     being completed all match and set betting will          be made void unless further play could not                be void. We will endeavour to form a new
     be void.                                                affect the result.                                        market on the new competitors.
3.   Set Betting: A player must win the full number     5.   Total Games In Match Market: The full                 7. In the event of any of the following
     of sets required to win the match. In matches           number of games required to win the set must              circumstances all bets will stand:
     where, for any reason whatsoever, the match is          be achieved. In sets where for any reason                 a.    A change of venue.
     awarded to a player before this is attained, all        whatsoever, the set is awarded to a player                b.    A change from indoor to outdoor court or
     set betting on that match will be made void.            before this is attained, all Total Games betting                vice versa.
4.   Total Games In Set Market: The full number              on the match will be made void unless further         A change in playing surface.
Greyhound Racing
1.   All our general rules apply to both horse and          non-runners. In the event of one race being               each race as follows; 25 points awarded if the
     greyhound racing equally, except where they            declared void or abandoned all bets will stand.           favourite finishes first, 10 points awarded if the
     are superseded by the following rules, which           In the event of two or more races being void or           favourite finishes second. In the event of two or
     are specifically applicable to greyhound racing.       abandoned, then all bets will be made void,               more runners being joint favourites, the lowest
2.   Bets on named greyhounds which do not run              unless further results could not affect the               numbered trap will be deemed the selection for
     will be made void but if the trap number only is       outcome. If any race(s) result is a dead heat             the favourites market.
     selected then the reserve will be substituted.         between two runners, then half a point will be      13.   In the event of one race being declared void or
3.   Bets are accepted win or each way at starting          awarded to each dead heated trap numbers.                 abandoned then 10 points will be awarded. In
     price; show price or early price if available.     10. 3-2-1 Specials: Which trap will achieve the               the event of two or more races being declared
4.   Place only bets are not accepted and if taken in       highest points total? Available at selected               void or abandoned then all bets will be made
     error will be void.                                    meetings as advertised. Scoring as follows 1st :          void, unless further races could not effect the
5.   Place terms: In races of 5-7 runners we pay 1/4        3 points, 2nd : 2 points, 3rd : 1 point. In the           result.
     odds 1st and 2nd places. In races of 8 runners,        event of one race being declared void or            14.   If a greyhound is withdrawn from a race, bets
     we pay 1/5 odds 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.               abandoned all bets will stand. In the event of            placed prior to the withdrawal at Early or Show
6.   Where races have less than 5 runners, the place        two or more races being void or abandoned,                prices will be settled at S.P.
     money goes all on to win.                              then all bets will be made void, unless further     15.   Where the meeting is nominated, but the incor
7.   All bets on unnamed greyhound favourites or            results could not affect the outcome. Dead heat           rect time stated falls within 5 minutes of a race,
     trap numbers, must state the correct time and          rules apply. Bets stand irrespective of any non           e.g. 9.48 Walthamstow, a selection timed 9.45
     meeting, however, where the meeting is                 runners.                                                  Walthamstow will stand. In all other cases the
     omitted, but the collective race times can only    11. Winning Distances are available at selected               selection will be void, e.g. 9.42 Walthamstow
     apply to one particular meeting, then the bets         meetings as advertised. Maximum make up per               would be void.
     will stand for that meeting. If the time applies       race is ten lengths. In the event of a race being   16.   We do not accept bets on greyhound racing in
     to more than one main meeting stakes will be           declared void or abandoned and not re-run, 2 l            the UK or Ireland at Tote odds. Any such bets
     equally proportioned for settlement purposes.          lengths will be awarded. In the event of two or           accepted in error will be settled at the starting
8.   Greyhound bets on unnamed second favourites            more races being declared void or abandoned               price equivalent.
     are not accepted and if taken in error will be         all bets will be made void, unless further races
     made void.                                             could not affect the result.
9.   Trap Challenges: Available at selected meetings    12. Winning Favourites: Available at selected
     as advertised. Bets stand irrespective of any          meetings as advertised. Points are awarded for
Settlement of Bets                                              same match are accepted. For any time scorer             referee will be deemed the winner.
                                                                bets, any player taking part in the match will be    5.  Goals X Corners: This bet involves predicting
1.   Unless otherwise stated, all markets on football           deemed a runner.                                         whether the total goals in the match multiplied
     matches will be for 90 Minutes scheduled play,        4.   Scorecast: This bet involves predicting who              by the total corners in the match are under, be
     including any added injury or stoppage time. In            will score the first goal and what the score will        tween or over a stipulated middle band.
     the event of a match being abandoned before                be in a double. Given that the two components        6. Time Definition: When referring to 45 minutes
     the final whistle, only bets that can be settled at        of this double are related, the scorecast is             we refer to "half time". When we refer to 90
     the time of abandonment will stand. All other              offered at specified, discounted odds. In the            minutes we refer to "Full Time". This includes
     bets will be deemed void.                                  event of the nominated scorer not having                 any added injury or stoppage time played but
2.   Match Prices: Singles and upwards are                      entered the field of play prior to the first goal        not extra time.
     accepted on all matches.                                   being scored, the stake is automatically placed      7. Match Handicap: A specified number of goals
3.   Where outright prices are offered for a match,             as a single on the correct score. Own goals do           is given as a handicap to one of the teams. This
     it will signify the price for a team to progress to        not count and in the event of the first/last goal        number is added to the number of goals that the
     the next round of the competition or to lift the           being an own goal then the scorecast will be             team has scored at the end of the match. This
     trophy and will include any extra time and                 settled on the correct score coupled with the            bet involves predicting which team will win the
     penalty shoot outs. Where both match prices                next goalscorer. If there is only an own goal in         match after the handicap has been added to the
     and outright prices are offered on a match, it             the match, then the bet will be settled as a singe       final result.
     will be assumed that bets will be for match                on the correct score.                                8. Total Goals: This bet involves predicting
     prices, unless to win outright or a qualifying        5.   Shirt Numbers: This bet involves predicting              whether a specified group of matches produces
     price are specifically asked for.                          whether the total shirt numbers of goalscorers           under, between or over a stipulated middle band
4.   Bets will be accepted up to 'actual kick off               in the match are under, between or over a stipu          of goals. If any match is postponed or
     time, if a bet is inadvertently accepted which             lated middle band. Own goals count. In the               abandoned, then 2.5 goals are awarded for that
     includes a match after its kick off time, the              event of a disputed goalscorer, settlement will          match. If more than one third of the matches in
     match will be treated as a non-runner. However,            be based upon the declared result of the Press           the group are postponed or abandoned then all
     such bets will stand if accepted up to 5 minutes           Association immediately following the end of             bets will be deemed void.
     after kick off time, provided that no goals had            the match.                                           9. Team To Win By Most: This bet involves
     been scored at the time the bet was placed.           6.   Where no teams are stated for correct score              predicting which team will win by most goals.
                                                                bets, then the left hand score will be deemed to         Both teams must win their respective matches
Goal Scorer Markets                                             be for the home team and the right hand score            or all bets are losers.
                                                                for the away team. For scorecast bets, this              Goal difference counts, e.g. 2-0 beats 2-1; but
1.   Goalscorer Disputes: In the event of a dispute             convention will stand even if the first goal             1-0 and 2-1 is a tie.
     over who scored a goal, settlement will be                 scorer is for the away team.                         10 Team to Win Both Halves: To win this bet the
     based on the result given by the Press                7.   Correct Score: We will list as many correct              nominated team must score more goals than the
     Association immediately following the end of               score possibilities as we deem necessary. If the         opposing team in both halves of the match.
     the match. Subsequent enquiries will not be                final correct score was not quoted in the            11 How Will The Match Be Won: If the match has
     considered for settlement purposes. If the P.A.            original list, then the correct score will still         the prospect of extra time, golden or silver goal
     do not produce statistics for a match played               count as the winner.                                     and a penalty shoot-out, this bet may be
     outside the UK, the result will be taken from                                                                       offered. It involves predicting which team will
     the consensus of the national newspapers of the       Speciality Markets                                            win and whether that team will win in normal
     relevant country as printed the following day.                                                                      time, extra time golden or silver goals or on
2.   First/Last Goalscorer: A price will be offered        1.   Corners: A corners bet involves predicting               penalties.
     for "No Goalscorer" in the match. Own goals                whether the match will produce under, exactly        12 Penalties Shoot-outs: Bets taken on the number
     do not count and in the event of the first goal            or over the stipulated number of corners. Only           of penalties refer to all the penalties taken. If
     being an own goal, the next goalscorer will be             corners taken will count, corners that have been         ten penalties are not required to complete the
     deemed the first goalscorer. Players taking no             awarded but not taken will not count.                    match, bets will stand. If more than ten are
     part in the match will be void. For first             2.   First Corner: A first corner bet involves                taken all penalties count for settling purposes.
     goalscorer, players taking no part in the match            predicting which team will take the 1st Corner       13. "In Running" Betting: A number of markets are
     before the first goal is scored will be void.              of the match. If no corners are taken in the             available during "Live", televised matches.
     Every effort is made to quote all players for a            match, all bets will be deemed void.                     Prices fluctuate quickly and the prices
     team, however, if the first/last goal is scored by    3.   Bookings: This bet involves predicting whether           displayed on teletext or on the internet are a
     a player not quoted in the original list, that             the total booking points in the match are under,         guide and may well be different at the time of
     player will still count as the winner. For last            between or over a stipulated middle band.                placing a bet. At crucial moments, e.g. a
     goalscorer bets, any player taking part in the             Points are allocated as follows: 10 points are           penalty being awarded or a sending off, prices
     match will be deemed a runner whether on the               awarded for a yellow card, 25 points are                 may be temporarily suspended. Various second
     pitch at the time of the last goal or not.                 awarded for a red card. The maximum make-up              half speciality markets are available at half time
3.   Anytime Goalscorer: This bet involves                      for any player is 35 points in the match (2              which relate to the second half of the match
     predicting whether a particular player or                  yellows and therefore a red). The bookings of            only.
     specified team will score a goal at anytime                players not taking part in the game and              14. Team to score next Goal: Own goals count and
     during a match. Bets will stand until the final            bookings of management staff do not count for            the winner will be the team accredited with the
     whistle and not include any Extra Time played.             the purposes of this bet.                                goal.
     If for any reason a match is abandoned before         4.   Next Card Betting: Prices may be offered on
     the final whistle, stakes will be refunded irre            the team to receive the next card, (either yellow
     spective of whether the nominated player has               or red). In the event that players from both
     scored or not. Own goals do not count.                     teams are booked for the same incident, the
     Multiple bets involving anytime scorers in the             team who's player is first shown the card by the
Asian Handicaps                                            If you place a £100 bet on Newcastle + 1/4 you                bets. Multiple bets are permitted.
                                                           actually have two bets split as follows, £50             5.   Divisional Finishing Positions: This bet
1.   An Asian handicap is a market where a                 Newcastle + 0 goal and £50 Newcastle + 1/2 goal.              involves predicting whether a team will finish
     handicap is applied to the match in order to          If the match finishes as a 0-0 draw, then after               above, exactly in or below a stipulated position
     make the prices more equal. The handicap line         applying the handicap the scores would be as                  in the league. Multiple bets involving teams
     varies from Scratch, (0, also called Level Ball)      follows;                                                      from the same division are not permitted, and
     up to any number of goals in order to balance         Newcastle plus zero would result in Arsenal 0 - 0             will be voided if accepted in error.
     the odds and give each of the two teams               Newcastle - your £50 part of the bet on Newcastle        6.   Divisional Expected Points: This bet involves
     relatively similar price. The handicap line           minus plus zero would be a push and the stake re-             predicting whether a team's total points for the
     increases from Scratch in 'Quarter Goals' or          turned to you.                                                season are under, between or over a stipulated
     'Quarter Balls', expressed as + or - 1/4, 1/2, 3/4,   Newcastle plus a half a goal would result in Arsenal          middle band of points. These bets are restricted
     1, 1 1/4, 1 1/2 etc. to reflect the expected          0 - 0.5 Newcastle - your £50 part of the bet on               to singles on teams within the same division.
     superiority of one team over the other.               Newcastle plus a half goal would be a winner.            7.   Divisional Sack Race: This bet involves
2.   The favourite in a match will have a negative                                                                       predicting whether a manager will not be in his
     handicap represented with a (-) symbol and will       Divisional and Long Term Bets                                 position with that club when they play their last
     have to win by more goals than the handicap in                                                                      game of the regular season. The end of the
     order to be a winner. The outsider in the match       1.   Divisional Betting: The finishing position of            regular season means the completion of the
     will receive a positive handicap represented               teams at the end of the scheduled season will            number of scheduled league matches and will
     with a (+) symbol which will be added to the               determine placings, this includes points                 include any play off matches.
     final score.                                               deductions the league may apply before the end      8.   P.F.A. Player Of The Year: This bet involves
3.   Whole ball and half ball handicaps: The                    of the season. End of season play-offs and               predicting the player to be declared Player Of
     handicap is applied to the final result of the             penalties incurred by clubs after the end of the         The Year as judged by the Professional Foot
     match and the team with the most goals after               season will not count.                                   ballers Association.
     the handicap has been applied will be the             2.   Divisional Relegation: The prices are for the
     winner. If the number of goals for each team               team to finish or not to finish in the stipulated   Related Bets
     are level after the handicap has been applied, it          number of Relegation places at the start of the
     will result in a push with the stake being                 season. If a team is demoted for any reason         Clearly numerous markets that we offer are related,
     returned.                                                  other than finishing in one of these positions,     e.g. unders/overs and shirt numbers. A full list of
4.   Split Ball Handicaps: A split ball handicap is             bets on that selection will be deemed losers.       related bets would be onerous. However, it should be
     where the level of favouritism is between a half      3.   Season Match Bets: The final league positions       noted that such bets are not permitted. Any bets
     ball and a whole ball. The handicap is                     will determine the winners of all season match      accepted in error will have the stake split equally
     presented as 0 : 1/4. In this instance, your stake         bets. If a team does not complete all its           between the related selections for settlement
     is being split equally between the whole ball              scheduled fixtures throughout the season, all       purposes.
     and half ball handicaps.                                   match bets and team total points bets will be
                                                                made void. Multiple bets are permitted.
For example:                                               4.   Season Group Bets: The final league positions
Arsenal 0 : 1/4 Newcastle                                       will determine the winners of all season group
American Football
1.   Overtime counts in ALL markets without                    is a "push". When this occurs, the settlement of    8.   The game must be completed in full for all
     exception.                                                single bets is to return stakes and for multiple         props, total points and special markets to have
2.   Where odds for both match and handicap                    bets the selection is treated as a non runner and        action. If the game is not completed in full then
     betting are advertised, unless the handicap or a          the bet will be settled on the remaining                 bets will be deemed to have no action and
     qualifying price has been requested, all bets             selections.                                              stakes refunded unless further play could not
     will be settled on the match win. However,           5.   Grand Salami - This is a bet on the number of            affect the result.
     where only handicap betting is available, bets            points to be scored in a specified number of the    9.   1st Offensive Play - If the quarterback is sacked
     will be settled at the published handicap                 days matches. For bets to have action, all games         on the 1st Offensive play of the game this is
     whether requested or not.                                 must complete in full, otherwise bet will be             deemed to be a passing play.
3.   For player match up bets, all the quoted players          made void.
     must compete in at least one down for bets to        6.   Bets on first touchdown scorer are all in play or
     have action.                                              not.
4.   If the outcome of a 2 runner event is a tie, draw    7.   For match-half and quarter betting, the entire
     or exactly the number of quoted points and no             match half or quarter must complete in full for
     price is offered for this outcome, then the result        bets to have action.

1.   Extra innings if played will count in ALL                 If a game is "called" or suspended, the winner          price is offered for this outcome, then the result
     markets without exception.                                is determined by the score after the last full          is a "push". When this occurs, the settlement of
2.   Where odds for both match and handicap                    inning. (Unless the home team scores to tie, or         single bets is to return stakes and for multiple
     betting are advertised, unless the handicap or a          takes the lead in the bottom half on the inning,        bets the selection is treated as a non runner and
     qualifying price has been requested, all bets             in which case the winner is determined by the           the bet will be settled on the remaining
     will be settled on the match win. However,                score at the time that the game is called.)             selections.
     where only handicap betting is available, bets            Stakes will be refunded if the home team ties       9. Grand Salami - This is a bet on the number of
     will be settled at the published handicap                 the game and it is then suspended.                      runs to be scored in a specified number of the
     whether requested or not.                            5.   Totals Betting: When betting on total runs              days matches. All games must go the full nine
3.   Listed Pitchers: If baseball betting is offered on        (over/under), the game must go to 9 innings             innings (81/2 if home team is winning) for bets
     the basis of both listed pitchers starting the            (eight and a half if the home team is ahead) un         to have action. If a match is postponed for any
     game, then both pitchers must start the game              less the result is already determined.                  reason the bets will be deemed to have NO
     and throw at least one pitch for bets to have        6.   Run line Betting: When betting on run lines,            action and stakes will be refunded.
     action. If either pitcher fails to start the game         the game must go to 9 innings (eight and a half     10. Innings Runs betting: The full inning must be
     for any reason, the bet will be deemed to have            if the home team is ahead) to have action.              completed for bets to stand unless further play
     no action and the stakes will be returned.           7.   For player match up bets, all the quoted players        could not affect the result.
4.   Side and Prop Betting: If a game is "called" or           must compete in the game for bets to have
     suspended, winners and losers for betting are             action.
     official after at least 5 innings of play or four    8.   If the outcome of a 2 runner event is a tie, draw
     and a half innings if the home team is winning.           or exactly the number of quoted points and no
Limited Overs Matches

1.   The winner of the match will be the team                 was struck, unless each innings reaches its         12. Unless stated otherwise, bets referring to bats
     advancing to the next round according to the             natural conclusion.                                     man or bowlers markets are for the first innings
     official competition rules or awarded the            7. Match Handicaps: Handicaps may be quoted                 only.
     trophy, with the exception of a coin toss, in            where one team is weaker than the other. The
     which case bets will be void.                            handicap is given in the form of runs or            Series, Competition and
2.   Matches affected by adverse weather will be              wickets. The handicap is added at the end of
     governed by the official competition rules, with         the match. If the team receiving the start wins     Tournament Betting
     the exception of a bowl out or coin toss in              the match, then they also are the winners of the
     which case bets will be void. In the event that          handicap market. If the team receiving the start    13. Tournament/Series Outright: Bets will be
     the official competition rules do not determine          bats first then the handicap is translated into         settled on the official tournament result, i.e. the
     a winner, then match bets will be made void. If          wickets, if they bat second then the handicap is        team to lift the trophy. If the format or
     a match is abandoned due to outside                      translated into runs. Bets will always be settled       participants of a tournament change, then we
     interference, we reserve the right to void bets.         on the official match result, including weather         reserve the right to void all bets. If the
3.   Top Batsman/Bowler markets: Excluding head               affected games or where the Duckworth/Lewis             designated number of matches in a two team
     to head markets. In the event that a player is not       Method has been applied.                                series changes, bets on outright market will be
     in the starting 11, then bets on that player will        Test Matches and County Championship                    made void, unless further play could not affect
     be void and rule 4 may apply. Players in the             Matches                                                 the result.
     starting 11 but who do not bat or bowl will be       8. In matches affected by adverse weather, bets         14. Correct Score Betting: If the designated
     deemed losers. A minimum of 50% of the                   will stand on the official result, provided at          number of matches to be played in the series is
     scheduled number of overs when the bet was               least one ball has been bowled. In the event of a       changed, then bets will be made void.
     struck, must be played for these bets to stand,          tie, bets will be settled as a dead heat between    15. Top Series/Competition/ Tournament
     unless the innings has reached its natural               the two competing teams and the draw will be a          Batsman/Wicket Taker: Markets will be settled
     conclusion. Dead Heat rules apply.                       losing bet. If a match is abandoned due to              on the official competition results. Ante-Post
4.   Runs and wicket Markets within an innings or             outside interference, we reserve the right to           and Dead heat rules apply.
     match: Unless stated otherwise, at least 90% of          void bets.                                          16. Batsman/Bowler Match Bets: Markets will be
     the full number of scheduled overs at the time       9. If a price is not offered for the draw, and the          settled on the official competition results. Any
     the bet was struck must be bowled in order for           match finishes as a draw or tie, all bets on the        player not named in at least one starting XI will
     bets on runs and wicket markets to stand,                match result will be void.                              be deemed a non-runner and the market
     except where the innings has reached its natural     10. All bets relating to an innings will be void if         voided.
     conclusion.                                              fewer than 50 overs are completed due to            17. Bets placed on the same team to win more than
5.   Runs/wicket markets in a specified number of             external factors e.g. bad weather. If the natural       one competition may be subject to a reducing
     overs: For example, 1st 15 overs. The full               length of the innings is less than 50 overs then        of the multiple odds.
     number of specified overs must be played for             bets will stand.
     bets to stand, unless the innings has reached its    11. Sessions runs markets will be settled on the ag     General Cricket Rules
     natural conclusion or further play cannot affect         gregate total of both teams if both teams bat
     the result. Any change in fielding restrictions          during that session. The sessions are referred to   19. Top Batsman/Batsman Group: A player will be
     due to a reduction in scheduled innings overs            by numbers with 1 referring to the morning              deemed a runner if named in the starting XI.
     will not affect the settlement of this market.           session of play (before lunch), 2, the afternoon        Non-runner no bet, rule 4 may apply. Dead
     This rule also applies to 1st 15 Overs Handicap          session of play (between lunch and tea) and 3,          Heat rules apply.
     markets.                                                 the evening session of play, (play between tea      20. Top Bowler/Bowler Group: A player will be
6.   Sixes/Extras markets: For bets to stand, both            and end of play). A minimum of 20 overs must            deemed a runner if named in the starting XI.
     teams must bat for at least 90% of the                   be bowled for session runs to stand, unless             Non-runner no bet, rule 4 may apply. Dead
     scheduled number of overs at the time the bet            further play cannot affect the result.                  Heat rules apply.
1. NUMBER OF ROUNDS REDUCED:                                   the winner. If both players are disqualified the           than 3 players over 18 holes (e.g. 7 ball, 9 ball
                                                               player who progresses furthest in the tourna               etc.) dead heat rules will apply. Stakes will be
     In tournaments affected by adverse weather or             ment will be deemed the winner. If a player is             refunded on non-participants and a deduction
     where the number of rounds scheduled to be                disqualified during either the 3rd or 4th rounds,          applied to winning bets based on Tattersalls'
     played are reduced for any other reason, out              when his opponent has already missed the cut,              Rule 4.
     right bets will be settled on the official result         the disqualified player is deemed the winner.
     regardless of the number of rounds played, un        d.   A price will be offered for the tie and in the        8. MATCHPLAY:
     less there is no further play in the tournament           event of a tie bets on either player to win will
     after a bet has been struck in which case it will         be lost. Where a match bet involves three             a.   Predict the winner of the match.
     be void. A player awarded the winner's trophy             players (threesome) the conditions listed above       b.   If a match has started, but is not completed for
     will be deemed an official result.                        will apply, except in the event of a tie where             whatever reason bets will be settled on the
                                                               dead heat rules will apply. Non-participant -              official result.
2. WITHDRAWN PLAYERS:                                          threesome void.
                                                                                                                     9. TOURNAMENT FINISHING POSITIONS:
     A player is deemed to have played once having        6. GROUP BETTING/TOP UK PLAYER etc:
     teed off, must play 2 rounds for group and 72                                                                   a.   Predict the finishing position of a specified
     hole match bets to stand. 18 hole match bets,        a.   Predict the player in the group who will achieve           player.
     the round must be completed.                              the highest placing at the end of the                 b.   Subject to section c) the player must complete
                                                               tournament. Groups will consist of four or                 36 holes for bets to stand. Dead heat rules
3. TEAM EVENTS:                                                more players.                                              apply.
                                                          b.   Any player missing the cut will be considered a       c.   Any player disqualified will be deemed to have
     In golf team events i.e. Ryder Cup, where no              loser. If all players miss the cut, the lowest             finished last.
     price is offered for the draw, in the event of a          score after the cut has been made will deter
     drawn match bets will be void.                            mine settlement. If a player is disqualified          10. RACE TO DUBAI:
                                                               settlement will be on the same basis as for
4. OUTRIGHT BETTING:                                           match betting.                                             Predict the winner of The Race To Dubai. The
                                                          c.   Players are grouped together for betting                   Race To Dubai is a money list table that is
a.   Predict the winner of the tournament. Stakes on           purposes only. Non-participant - no bet,                   based on prize money accumulated on the
     players who withdraw before a tournament                  deductions in line with Tattersalls' Rule 4 will           European Tour and selected other tournaments
     starts will be refunded and a Tattersalls' Rule 4         apply. Dead heat rules apply except where the              throughout the season. The race usually starts
     deduction may be applied to winning bets.                 winner is determined by a play-off.                        in January and culminates with the Dubai
     Stakes on players who withdraw after the tour                                                                        World Championship in November.
     nament starts will be lost.                          7. 18 HOLE BETTING:
b.   Play-offs will determine the tournament                                                                         11. US MONEY LIST:
     winner. Dead heat rules will apply for placings.     a.   The winner will be the player with the lowest
                                                               score over 18 holes. In the event of a 2 or 3 ball         Predict the player who will accumulate the
5. TOURNAMENT MATCH BETTING:                                   being re-arranged, bets will be settled on the             most prize money on the US Tour and selected
                                                               original pairings/groups. In the event of any              other tournaments throughout the season. The
a.   Predict which player will achieve the highest             non-participant then the 2 or 3 ball will be               season usually runs from January to November.
     placing at the end of the tournament.                     void. In 2 ball betting a price will be offered for
b.   If one player misses the cut, the other is                the tie. Dead heat rules will apply to 3 ball         12. LPGA MONEY LIST:
     deemed the winner. Where both players miss                betting.
     the cut the player with the lowest score after the   b.   If a player is disqualified his opponent will be           Predict the player who will accumulate the
     cut has been made will determine settlement. If           deemed the winner unless play in the next                  most prize money on the LPGA Tour and
     both players fail to complete a particular round,         round has started in which case bets will be               selected other tournaments throughout the
     the winner will be the player with the lowest             settled on the original scores. Where both/all             season. The season usually runs from February
     score from the previous round.                            players are disqualified bets will be void unless          to December.
c.   If one player is disqualified, either prior to the        play in the next round has started in which case
     completion of two rounds or after both players            bets will be settled on the original scores.
     have made the cut, the other player is deemed        c.   When special bets are offered grouping more
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