Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...

Page created by Wanda Owens
Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School
     RSAA Academies Teaching Schools

  NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21
    Saturday 6th March 2021
Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
A word from our CEO
It is my privilege and pleasure to be Executive Principal (CEO) of Central RSA
Academies Trust, working with exceptional trustees, governors and school
We are a group of schools with a strong and powerful relationship with The Royal
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (The RSA).
The RSA has a strong history of supporting educational innovation, thinking and
approaches,      going   back      as     far as    the    Nineteenth    Century
( Today we work together as
a group of schools, working closely with the RSA, to ensure the best possible
educational outcomes for young people in our schools. We aim to ensure
excellent test and examination results for our students, and ensure they are fully
prepared for a happy and fulfilling life.
We currently have eight schools within our Trust, with children from the age of
three up to Sixth Form aged young adults. Our schools are in two hubs, in Tipton
in the Black Country, and in Redditch in Worcestershire. The schools and their
staff work together to ensure the best possible learning for the young people, by
supporting each other through expertise and sharing so that our staff can be the
best they can be.

Guy Shears
Executive Principal (CEO)
Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
On behalf of RSAA Teaching Schools, I am delighted to welcome you to
your second NQT CPD of 2020-21, hosted again ‘virtually’ through video

There is so much happening across the alliance, with colleagues,
schools and pupils all adapting to the challenges which we have all
faced throughout, what can be only be described as, a significantly different and
unique year. The resilience and creativity of our career stage colleagues, and our
experienced facilitators, emulates our continued vision of innovation in the realms
of recruitment and retention of quality teachers to support pupils in ever more
rapidly changing and socially evolving communities.

As a cohort of NQT colleagues, you continue to demonstrate the RSA ‘family’ values
in your contributions and collaboration, approaching your CPD with motivation,
resilience, creativity and enthusiasm. Thank you for this—you are very much
appreciated and the impact you are having on our learners.

We are proud to welcome Debra Kidd to as our keynote speaker today; her wealth
of creativity and passion for education is infectious and you will be inspired and
empowered by her approach and we look forward to hearing Debra’s ideas and
strategies for the educational climate in which we are now working.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and our facilitators; your
collective input is greatly valued. I wish all colleagues purposeful and positive
discourse which will provide you with new ideas and strategies to help improve the
lives of those young people and children in your school communities.

Matthew Purslow FRSA SLE
Director of RSA Academies’ Teaching Schools
Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
Meet our Facilitators

                    Debra Kidd
                    Debra trained as an English and Drama
                    teacher, and has worked with every age
                    group from nursery through to Post
                    Graduate and enjoys working with
                    teachers and children every day.

She completed her doctoral thesis in 2014 and her first book,
Teaching : Notes from the Frontline was published in 2014. The
second, an adaptation of her doctorate “Becoming Mobius: The
Complex Matter of Education” was published in 2015.
A third, Uncharted Territories – Great Adventures in Learning was
co-authored with Hywel Roberts in 2018. Debra is the co-founder
of Northern Rocks – an education conference held in Leeds in
which teachers come together to celebrate teaching and learning
and to push their practice forward.
Debra has one mantra for learning and that is ‘Make it Matter.’ Not
a single piece of knowledge that mankind has ever acquired came
without a desire to know the answer to a question. We have to
give children the impetus to want to know, to understand the
imperative that drove the discovery – the story behind the glory.

Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
Meet our Facilitators

Teresa Wilson SLE; Holyhead School
Director ITT, RSAA Teaching Schools

Matthew Purslow FRSA SLE; RSA Church Hill
Director RSAA Teaching Schools

Sarah Noble SLE, RSA Arrow Vale
Director of Learning & Standards for MFL /CIAG
Lead ; NQT Induction Mentor

Owen Morgan; RSA Academy
Vice Principal

Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
Meet our Facilitators

Seema Pabla; RSA Academy
Lead Practitioner; NQT Induction Mentor

Georgina Chatfield; RSA Academies
Senior Project Leader

Sam McMonagle; Central RSA Academies Trust
School Improvement Lead

Niall Brennan; RSA Arrow Vale
Assistant Principal
Remote Learning Lead

Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
       NQT ’Virtual’ Conference - 6th March 2021

Time           Activity                                                          Platform
0845- 0900     Colleagues log in                                                 TEAMS
0900-0915      Welcome from Teresa Wilson & Matthew Purslow

0915-0930      Guy Shears CEO Central RSA Academies Trust

0930-1030      Keynote from Debra Kidd

1030-1040      Break

1040-1140      Workshop 1—Remote Learning                                        Breakout
               Introduction from Sam McMonagle                                   Rooms

               “A discussion around remote learning, its purpose in the COVID
               classroom, the lessons learned, practicalities and legacy plan-
               ning for when pupils return.”

               You will be with colleagues from your own school and from the
               same phase of teaching.

1140-1150      Break

1150-1250      Workshop 2—Mental Health & Well-Being                             Breakout
               Introduction from Georgina Chatfield                              Rooms

               Practical strategies for supporting mental health in learners
               (remotely and in the COVID classroom)
               Evidence/information and links to useful CPD supporting mental
               health of colleagues and pupils
               Ideas for pastoral sessions
               Sharing of best practice discussion in the group

1250-1300      Break
1300-1330      Summary from Debra Kidd
1330           CLOSE
Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ... Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ... Saturday 6th March 2021 - Central RSAA Trust & Holyhead School NQT Virtual Conference 2020-21 - RSA Teaching School ...
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