School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School

Page created by Milton Olson
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
St. James the Apostle Catholic School

              School Updates
                         April 4 – 11, 2020

         SJS Class of 2020 presents
                     Stations of the Cross
                          To view, click here:
                     The Way of the Cross
For Holy Week background music, click here: Sacred Music, Waiting for Easter

           Our 8th graders wrote personal prayers and reflections
              for each station to help us grow closer to Christ.
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Songs of the Week
     For kids: "Do Lord, Remember Me"
       For adults: "Were You There?"

            Joke of the Day:
Q: What did one volcano say to the other?
              A: I lava you!

     Holy Week in Handprints
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Monday - Palm Sunday

             Loyola Press: 3-Minute Reflection

        Story: The Donkey that No One Could Ride

             Poem: If Jesus Came to Your House

                     Paper Palm Leaf
           Palm Leaf: How to Make a Palm Cross
                    Easter Story Bags
             Palm Sunday Story Bag Cut-Outs
               How to make an origami cross
Please send photos to for the newsletter.
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Tuesday - Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane

  Listen to this message from Pope Francis:
                  Holy Week

                Loyola Press: 3-Minute Reflection


   Please send photos to for the newsletter.
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Wednesday - Washing of the Feet

                                 Loyola Press: 3-Minute Reflection

                              Video: Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet

                      Prayer Service: Washing of the Feet Prayer Service
Enjoying washing each other's feet as a family through this prayer service. You are welcome to send pictures to
          Dr. Grenardo at for the newsletter by 8 am on Friday.

                                  How to Make Homemade Soap
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Thursday - The Last Supper

                                Loyola Press: 3-Minute Reflection

                              Holy Thursday Prayer Service
                                     The Last Supper Actors
                                  How to Make Unleavened Bread
Enjoying breaking bread in this Holy Thursday Last Supper Prayer Service. You are welcome to send pictures
         to Dr. Grenardo at for the newsletter by 8 am on Friday.

                                          Good Friday

                                Loyola Press: 3-Minute Reflection

               Stations of the Cross
           For young children: Stations of the Cross
                  Stations of the Cross Book

                   Jesus in the Tomb Craft
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Archbishop Decree - March 31, 2020
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Welcome to 4th Quarter at
                St. James the Apostle Catholic School
                        Distance Learning Platform!

                                        For today's lessons,
                               please visit your teacher's webpage.
  To find your teacher's page, click here: Faculty & Staff.

                      Letter from our Superintendent
                     Click here: March 24, 2020 Update
               Stay at Home Decree until April 9th per Bexar County Executive Order
 “We will continuously monitor the situation and are hopeful that we will be back in school within the
eight week time period discussed at the federal level, which would have us continuing distance learning
    through May 8th. If there is any possibility to return sooner, we absolutely will!” - Marti West,

                   How to Upload a Photo of Your Work in Google Classroom

                   To view tutorial, click here: Upload Photo to Google Classroom
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
Google Classroom Guide for Parents
                                       Click on image

            Google Classroom Tutorial for Students
                                     Click here: tutorial.

               To view past posts, click on each title:
                       March 16 - 20, 2020
                     March 21 - April 3, 2020

                                  Health & Safety
 The health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority at St. James the Apostle
  Catholic School, and we wish to provide you the most current recommendations of the
Archdiocese of San Antonio in partnership with city and federal health authorities regarding
                  health risks associated with coronavirus (COVID-19).

                       As Archbishop invites us, let us join in prayer:

      Our Lady of Guadalupe, in these times of tribulation we turn to you O Mother.
          See with compassion the suffering of your beloved daughters and sons
           Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic throughout the entire world.
  As your Son to have mercy on us bringing healing to those infected and protection to all
                                        your children.
        Jesus Christ, savior of all people, grant us courage to accompany and pray
                For the entire world in the wake of sorrow and uncertainty.
    We seek refuge in you and according to your promise, deliver us from this danger.

                           Mary Help of Christians, Pray for us.
                                 St. James, Pray for us.
School Updates St. James the Apostle Catholic School
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