Page created by Frances Chambers
Scottish Left Review
                Issue 118 July/August 2020 - £2.00
'best re(a)d'

                                          1 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
                                                                                                                         Is the left now
                                                                                                                      coming up for air?

          he left is in one of its classic                               Tories’ handling of the COVID-19 crisis                                internal review to members of how it

          dilemmas. On the one hand,                                     than approved of it, Boris Johnson’s                                   dealt with anti-semitism – this was the
          while the Tories are in office                                 personal ratings went into the negative,                               report that uncovered internal attempts
          with a substantial majority,                                   and the Tories’ lead has fallen from                                   to undermine Corbyn’s leadership.
the sheen is certainly coming off                                        low fifties in late April to low forties in                            On top of this, having sacked Rebecca
them - even if Labour has done little                                    mid-June. The Cummings catastrophe                                     Long-Bailey from the Shadow Cabinet
to bring this about. And yet, on the                                     added to the crisis over PPE and was                                   for anti-semitism is likely to be seen
other hand, the next election is some                                    since been added to other so-called                                    as a declaration of war on the Labour
time away – 2024 under the Fixed-term                                    ‘mis-steps’ over testing, tracking and                                 left, especially because there was no
Parliaments Act 2011. Added to that,                                     tracing. Some senior Tories are even                                   evidence of anti-semitism in what
and notwithstanding the recent Black                                     speculating that Johnson may not be                                    she did. So much for uniting Labour
Lives Matter demonstrations, there is                                    the one to lead them into the 2024                                     as Starmer said his key task was. And,
little evidence of extra-parliamentary                                   election. Meanwhile, Labour under Keir                                 of course, it was not a politician but a
opposition the Tory government. So                                       Starmer is still not perceived as being                                footballer, Marcus Rashford, who scored
things are getting better from the                                       clear on what its policies are (even with                              the biggest goal against the Tories (even
standpoint of Thursday 12 December                                       Starmer being a better parliamentary                                   if this was just for free school meals over
2019 but it’s still not clear whether                                    performer than Corbyn) even though                                     the summer).
the Tories are experiencing anything                                     its poll ratings have from high twenties                               But there are also further
more than a temporary setback,                                           in late April to low high thirties in                                  imponderables at the moment – are
whether Labour will be able to get                                       mid-June. It remains to be seen                                        we still heading for a no-deal Brexit and
its oppositional act together and                                        whether the Labour Together group’s                                    how long will the Tories say that having
whether the prospect of truly mass                                       review of the party’s 2019 election                                    the ‘national’ debt at greater (110%)
unemployment after 31 October this                                       performance leads to a further period                                  than the ‘national’ GDP is acceptable?
year will either subdue or incite any                                    introspection and whether any useful                                   A no-deal Brexit could deliver another
latent discontent outside Parliament.                                                                                                           shock to an already enfeebled economy
                                                                         clarity emerges from that introspection.
Let’s unpack this a little. Recent polling                               It’s interesting to note that Starmer                                  while it’s unlikely that, as the 2024
has indicated more disapproved of the                                    has still not released Labour’s own                                    election approaches, the Tories would
                                                                                                                                                go into that contest with the albatross of

 ScottishLeftReview                                        Issue 118 July/August 2020
 Editorial comment – Is the left coming up for air? ................................................................................... 2
                                                                                                                                                financial profligacy around their necks.
                                                                                                                                                So, public expenditure cuts and not
 Feedback - Mary MacCallum Sullivan . ..................................................................................................... 4
                                                                                                                                                tax rises would be on the cards from
 Money begets money:
                                                                                                                                                them. Will Labour have the temerity
 how the Tories helped the rich get richer during the COVID-19 crisis Prem Sikka ................................... 5                          to say that it must be a case of ‘by any
 Fighting for fairness in COVID-19 crisis:                                                                                                      means necessary’ to protect livelihoods
 workers and unions provide the sensible solution Roz Foyer . ................................................................. 7               and living standards (including a four
 Crisis within a crisis: the failure of private sector care Stephen Smellie .................................................. 9                day week to combat unemployment)
 Domestic abuse and COVID-19 Megan Gordon . .................................................................................... 10
                                                                                                                                                and recount that in 1945 the national
 Scottish education in the Covid pandemic: to be forewarned is to be forearmed Bill Ramsay .............. 11
                                                                                                                                                debt was 200% of GDP when the great
 Universal Basic Income: simple solution to a complex conundrum? William Craig ............................... 12
                                                                                                                                                reforming Labour government led by
 Covid-19 and the campaign against climate change and a just transition Gordon Morgan ................... 14
                                                                                                                                                Clement Attlee took office?
 Is Coronavirus causing a shift in attitudes towards immigration? Lubnaa Joomun ................................ 16
 Crisis in the councils, mental health challenges, key workers still key?, freedom of information Mark                                          Meantime, support for independence
 Ferguson, Iain Ferguson, Stewart Forrest, Carole Ewart . ....................................................................... 17            in Scotland seems to be stabilising
 Combating misogyny and sexism on the left: a shift is needed and must come Frances Curran ...........19                                        at around just over 50%. This is
 What should an ideal Scottish male leader look like? Heather Farley and Saffron Roberts ................... 20
                                                                                                                                                intriguing as the biggest supporter of
 Taking arms dealing seriously – what needs to happen Jonathan Deans . ............................................. 21
                                                                                                                                                independence, the SNP-led Scottish
 How will the pandemic change the Scottish political landscape? Colin Fox ........................................... 23
                                                                                                                                                Government, is not having the best of
 Forget your roots at your political peril Kenny MacAskill ....................................................................... 24
                                                                                                                                                times over its handling of the COVID-19
 ‘Jack Jones: The Unsung Hero’ - making a film about a union leader Nigel Flanagan ............................ 25
                                                                                                                                                crisis (especially with regard to schools,
 Remembering Neil Davidson Gregor Gall ............................................................................................... 26
 Film and book reviews Jackie Bergson, Sean Sheehan, Gordon Leggate, Colin Darroch......................... 27
                                                                                                                                                the NHS and care homes which are
 Vladimir McTavish’s - A Kick up the Tabloids........................................................................................... 31
                                                                                                                                                devolved matters). That maybe due to
                                                                                                                                                continuing concerns over Brexit and
2 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
revulsion against Boris Johnson and his         Dutschke, in the late 1960s translated      writes: ‘Ironically, MacAskill’s piece in
Westminster Government. But even                this into his strategy of ‘the long march   the Scottish Left Review – which claims
though the SNP Scottish Government is           through the institutions’ to describe his   the charges were “utter bunkum”
making heavy weather at the moment,             method for establishing the conditions      – was almost certainly part of an
it is still riding high in the polls for next   for revolution such as subverting society   orchestrated campaign to rehabilitate
year’s Holyrood elections. Maybe, this          by infiltrating institutions such as the    Salmond because, lo and behold, it was
arises from the situation where the             professions. Unbeknown to many, the         accompanied by Jim Sillars’ revelation
Scottish Government finally seems to            long defunct Revolutionary Communist        that the former first minister is writing a
be departing from mirroring the actions         Party has achieved this. Alongside many     book that will be like “a volcano”.’
of the Westminster Government. But              of its former members now being Brexit
                                                                                            She could have tried to substantiate this
it also might be more to do with the            Party MEPs, newspaper columnists and
                                                                                            theory merely by contacting myself, the
lack of effective opposition to the SNP         the like, one – as head of Number 10        editor of Scottish Left Review. If she had,
in the context of two things. The first         Policy Unit - is now leading the newly      she would have been told that this is
is the media does not seem to have              announced Westminster government            wholly untrue because of the following:
the will or capability to scrutinise the        commission into racism. This is Munira
Holyrood Government – so much for               Mirza. She has previously denied            i) We asked for a range of writers to
being the ‘fourth estate’. The second           institutional racism exists and has         analyse the fallout from the Salmond
is that Scottish Labour still does not          attacked anti-racist campaigners.           trial in terms of a) the impact on
seem credible in terms of personnel or                                                      the SNP, Scottish Government and
                                                This issue of Scottish Left Review once     independence movement and b) the
policies. At First Ministers’ Questions         again leads on COVID-19 but the focus
(FMQs), the questions are pedestrian                                                        way the media reported the case. Those
                                                is now not just on counting the cost        approached other than Kenny MacAskill
and do not cut through an equally               but also on readying the ground for
pedestrian defence. Added to this is that                                                   and Jim Sillars declined or did not
                                                reconstruction in both the short- and       respond;
Scottish Labour is now committed to             long-term.
go into those 2021 Holyrood elections                                                       ii) We have had Kenny MacAskill and
opposed to a further referendum on              How to stay safe at work                    Jim Sillars writing for us before so this
independence. Scottish Labour says now          Section 44 of the Employment Relations      was not a new relationship brought
is not the time for more constitutional         Act 1996 provides employees with the        into being and for the purpose Garavelli
navel gazing and that attention should          means to contest the adequacy and/          alleges; and
be paid to class issues and economic and        or suitability of safety arrangements
                                                at work without fear of recriminations      iii) Our pages are open to different
social injustice. What it just cannot seem
                                                (like getting sacked) or suffering          views, opinions and perspectives on
to get its head around is that for many,
                                                detriment (like loss of wages). It          the left. That is the raison d’etre of
it is those very same things that mean
                                                provides employees with the right to        Scottish Left Review – to be a forum for
the avenue of an independent Scotland
                                                withdraw from and to refuse to return       the constructive discussion between
remains a credible one (without that
                                                to a workplace that is unsafe and to do     and across the left and those in parties
being the SNP’s offering from its
                                                so on full pay. Employees are entitled to   and not in parties. We hold true to that
Sustainable Growth Commission). By
                                                remain away from the workplace if they      today as did Jimmy Reid, our founding
contrast, Scottish Labour could say
                                                believe the prevailing circumstances        editor, did in 2000 when he set up the
it shall support the right to a further
                                                represent a manifest risk of serious and    magazine. Indeed, in the same issue as
referendum in order to help get one,
                                                imminent danger which they could not        those articles by Kenny MacAskill and
merely in order to have the public
                                                be expected to avert. Section 44 entitles   Jim Sillars is one supportive of the SNP
argument against independence per se
                                                employees to claim for constructive         Scottish Government by Joe Middleton.’
or any particular version.
                                                dismissal and (unlimited) compensation      The text of this statement was also sent
It is a testament to the common and             in the event that an employer fails to      to Dani Garavelli but we received no
frequent experience of racism members           maintain safe working conditions. For       response. Subsequent to this, and in line
of by the BAME communities in Britain           more details see https://section44.         with our editorial policy, we have further
that the Black Lives Matter campaign                                        articles in this current issue which touch
here has been re-ignited by the protests                                                    upon the subject matter that underlay
condemning the murder of George                 Statement from Scottish Left Review
                                                This statement was printed as a letter      those articles in the May/June issue. We
Floyd, whether by taking down statutes                                                      look forward to this being recognised by
or street names of racists or taking the        in Scotland on Sunday (10 May 2020)
                                                and circulated on social media. It was      Dani Garavelli in the pages of Scotland
knee. For dedicated anti-racists, the                                                       on Sunday.
issue must now become one of how                released as the integrity and reputation
can this campaign embed itself as a             of Scottish Left
                                                Review was
broader movement so that it becomes
                                                wrongly traduced.
about more than protesting. Antonio
Gramsci developed the idea of the               ‘Unfortunately,
need to establish a counter-hegemony            Dani Garavelli
through a ‘war of position’ – in other          (Scotland on
words, develop alternative values               Sunday 3 May
and an alternative ideology to those            2020) engages in
that dominate capitalism. German                her own conspiracy
communist student leader, Rudi                  theory when she
                                                                                   3 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Mary MacCallum Sullivan starts with an apology to SLR: I wish I’d met you earlier

I regret the delay. I have now read –
  very thoroughly – two issues, so please
  consider me repentant. In the last
issue, the editorial pointed to the big
issues presented by the pandemic, three
                                                only the beginning. And, only in an
                                                independent Scotland will the Scottish
                                                left find its new place in the time after
                                                the SNP. It’s the only possible scenario
                                                that will generate the political and
                                                                                             Whatever we call the way forward,
                                                                                             we must take action; there must be
                                                                                             alliances, there must be a plurality and
                                                                                             a diversity in our action, to attempt new
                                                                                             ways, reformulate tried and tested ways,
of which were what the crisis says about        cultural energy required to fuel radical     invest resources in people, meaningful
capitalist society, what’s happening to         and fundamental change.                      work and ‘well-being’, locally-driven,
the workers’ movement, and what the                                                          nationally-directed, internationally
                                                For no nation is truly independent – the
crisis says about viable alternatives to                                                     co-ordinated. A radical courage is now
                                                pandemic has reinforced that. We are
capitalism.                                                                                  called for, an openness to local and
                                                all interdependent, and must embrace
                                                                                             community initiatives and the major de-
It emphasised the fragility of the              inter-national co-operation as the only
                                                                                             centralisation of power.
‘progressive’ left and worried that             way to begin to address the people’s
workers have an immediate vested                and planet’s ills. Such a challenge makes    It is a moral challenge such as we have
interest in a rapid return to ‘normality’.      the Scottish polity look wee, and a bit      never faced before. Can we, as a people,
In addition to the weakness of the              stupid, if it fails to stand up against      raise ourselves to our full height, losing
ground on which ‘ordinary working               the scandalously incompetent English-        the ‘Scottish cringe’ in the process?
people’ stand, the editorial could have         dominated Conservative party which           Can we, as a species, take up and
pointed to the capture of Britain’s and         has held the British state in its thrall     acknowledge our responsibility for the
international wealth by the 0.01% of            for shamefully long. Brexit will never       destruction we have wrought on the
the corporate class, the oligarchy. In this     benefit Scotland - the Conservative          planet and its living systems, and pledge
deplorable state, we face the economic          party would have to change its whole         the local, national and international
and environmental challenges. The               current delusional ideology before it        will and resources to work towards
capacity of the radical and revolutionary,      could begin to find any answers to the       global repair and the realisation of a just
as well as the social democratic left,          challenges facing the nation and the         transition to a safer and more equitable
the editorial concluded, to address             world. So that’s my response to the          future? Make no mistake: this will not
all of this, is at a very low ebb. Add to       editorial’s first point: capitalism has      be easy. Revolution must be joined;
that the scale of the challenge of a Tory       been demonstrated not to work for the        nothing less will do.
Westminster government with a large             99.9%.
                                                                                             Mary MacCallum Sullivan is a
majority, and a narrative that Labour           For the workers’ movement, Marius            psychotherapist and educator with an
itself is at a level of minimal influence or    Ostrowski has just published a               interest in a more meaningful local and
credibility.                                    Manifesto for a Progressive Alliance         ethical politics
There’s the challenge to the Scottish           (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), calling
left. The last issue’s content directly         for a ‘rainbow coalition’, unity across
addressed the coronavirus crisis itself in      classes, the ‘radical middle’, all to join
the various accounts and explanations.          in a united open left to create the
The desired ‘new normal’ was called for         minimum heft needed to begin to shift
in respect of the required revolutions in       those rusted levers of power. Prepare
housing, transport, health and the like.        now; be serious about gaining power;
It is not enough. I have observed this          start with Holyrood 2021, take a
scene, from far and near, for more than         deep breath and vote for an
fifty years now, and, like the editorial, I     independent Scotland as
am not yet hopeful.                             the starting-point for a
                                                radical re-orientation of
The scale of the crisis faced is global         democracy; it’s the
and existential – not just of humanity          only thing that
but of the living earth. We understand          will start an
the dynamic systems of this planet so           unstoppable
little that we cannot know where the            process of
tipping points are. We are told that we         change across
have a mere decade to preserve the              Britain.
stability, at least, of our only habitat, its
very ‘habitability’. Yet we stand in mortal     For the editorial’s
danger of allowing that 0.01% to derail         third point - what
the efforts and energies of the rest of us.     the crisis says about
The usual terminology does not suffice;         viable alternatives to
‘left’ and ‘right’ are past their sell-by       capitalism – we have
date. Yet a revolution is called for, even      a clear idea about the
by ‘rightist’ think-tanks and the Financial     essentials of the ‘Good
Times.                                          Society’ and the Green
                                                New Deal now set before
What will enable and power the                  us by a range of actors.
necessary change? We start from where           Are any or all of these
we are. An ‘independent’ Scotland is            ‘viable’? Is this ‘socialism’?
4 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Money begets money: how the Tories
helped the rich get richer during the
COVID-19 crisis

Prem Sikka dissects the Westminster governments series of economic and financial initiatives
          n 30 January 2020, the World      On 20 March 2020, the government             and other bills. Mortgage payments
          Health Organisation (WHO)         announced the Coronavirus Job                were deferred but eventually would
          declared Covid-19 to be ‘a        Retention Scheme (CJRS). Under this,         need to be paid. People could hardly dip
          public health emergency of        the government paid 80% of the salary        into their savings. At the end of January
international concern’. This provided       of retained workers up to a total of         2020, the UK household debt stood at
ample warning and time for the              £2,500 a month for employees on the          £1,680bn and 12.8m households had
Westminster government to manage            payroll at 1 March 2020. The staff had to    either no, or less than £1,500, in savings.
the economic consequences of the            be furloughed and that was a decision        Some 7.5m workers had virtually no
pandemic. Its response has been chaotic     only to be made by employers. There          savings. The government’s wage support
and inadequate. It did little to help the   was no guaranteed minimum level of           did nothing for 320,000 homeless
poorest and this exacerbated existing       support from the government.                 people in Britain, many of whom are
inequalities. Companies receiving                                                        outside the tax net altogether.
government aid were not required            The tight date meant that those recently
                                            made redundant or put on unpaid              After public criticism, on 26 March 2020
to give any binding commitment to                                                        the government announced the Self-
maintain jobs, pay taxes or refrain from    leave were not covered by the scheme.
                                            Typically, more than half a million          Employment Income Support Scheme
paying dividends. This article provides                                                  (SEISS). It consisted of a taxable cash
a brief overview of the details and         people start a new job every month and
                                            many of these were not eligible for the      grant, equivalent to 80% of their average
shortcomings of the major economic                                                       monthly profits over the last three years,
interventions that Westminster              wage support. The wage subsidy was not
                                            accompanied by any stipulations about        with an upper limit of £2,500 a month.
government has taken.                                                                    The scheme applied to sole traders and
                                            redundancies. The subsidy was operated
The Chancellor’s budget statement           through Her Majesty’s Revenue and            partnerships with annual income of up
of 11 March 2020 contained very few         Customs (HMRC) and linked to the Pay         to £50,000. The scheme was open to
measures in relation to the Covid           As You Earn (PAYE) system of paying tax,     claimants receiving more than half of
pandemic. It said that the government       i.e. only employees already paying tax at    their income from self-employment.
would reimburse the cost of statutory       source were covered. Many employers          The scheme again operated through
sick pay for up to 14 days for businesses   refused to top-up the wage and their         HMRC and the size of the grant was
with less than 250 employees, which         workers received only 80% of their           determined by the claimants’ tax returns
could provide up to £2bn for up to 2m       normal wage. Those on the national           for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19. The
businesses. Other initiatives included                                                   claimants had to show that they traded
                                            minimum wage, set at £8.72 from 1
allowing businesses and the self-                                                        in 2019-20; had been currently trading
                                            April, were particularly hit hard. Despite
employed to defer tax payments. Rather                                                   and intend to continue to trade in the
                                            the enforced wage cut, workers were
than any direct help, the government                                                     tax year 2020-2021.
                                            still liable to pay 100% of the cost of
said that banks will offer loans of up to   rent, rates, food, gas, water, electricity   The House of Commons Treasury
£1.2m to support small and medium
sized businesses, and the government
would provide guarantee to cover 80%
of the losses. Other steps included
50% business rates relief for selected
businesses with a rateable value of
less than £51,000. The cost of this
was estimated to be around £1bn.
The Chancellor boldly forecasted that
despite Covid-19, the economy would
grow by 1.1% in 2020.
By mid-March, governments in Denmark
and elsewhere were announcing
lockdowns and agreeing to pay a
significant proportion of furloughed
employee wages, with conditions
that the employers commit to no
redundancies for the next twelve
months. There was no equivalent
move in the UK. On 17 March 2020,
the Chancellor announced that the
government would provide £330bn of
loans to businesses, with government
guarantees. Small businesses soon
complained that banks were subjecting
them to more expensive loans and fees.
                                                                               5 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Committee reported that over a million       pay during the period in which their       even though 34% of its shares are held
people did not receive any support,          commercial paper is outstanding’. So       in a Cayman Islands based trust.
and added that ‘hundreds of thousands        far 53 companies, recipients of £16.2bn
                                                                                        An investigation by TaxWatch in June
of people who have set themselves            of loans, have provided this type of
                                                                                        showed that 13 of the aforementioned
up in business since April 2019 who          letter. No monitoring or enforcement
                                                                                        53 company borrowers had links with
do not meet the eligibility criteria’.       mechanism was specified for any
                                                                                        tax havens and possible tax avoidance.
About 225,000 self-employed people           element of the government support and
                                                                                        For example, Baker Hughes, which is
with annual trading profits in excess of     some novel practices came to light.
                                                                                        a subsidiary of General Electric (via a
£50,000 were also ineligible for support.
                                             Many wealthy individuals own more          Bermuda holding company) received
Some 710,000 directors of companies
                                             than one home. A second home               £660m. General Electric (GE) is
pay themselves with a combination of
                                             is often owned through corporate           embroiled in a £1bn tax dispute with
dividends and a salary. The dividend part
                                             structures. Some of these companies        HMRC over unpaid taxes going back
did not qualify for the SEISS. Freelancers
                                             are considered to be small and became      to 2004. Chanel Limited is owned by
and agency workers also seemed to be
                                             eligible for business rates holiday and    Litor Limited, a company based in the
                                             £10,000 coronavirus grant intended for     Cayman Islands. It received £600m of
Somewhat perversely, the government          small businesses. The owners of more       government money. Tottenham Hotspur
penalised the people investing in            than 7,000 second homes in Cornwall        football club received £175m despite
their businesses’ future. Imagine the        and Scilly alone qualified for millions    being owned by a billionaire tax exile,
case of two businesses with identical        of pounds of government support. A         Joe Lewis, who lives in the Bahamas.
trading profits: one makes investment        survey by solicitors in June suggested
                                                                                        So, in summary, there is little evidence
in productive assets which qualify           that around a third of employees
                                                                                        of any well-planned government
for capital allowances (a sort of legal      were asked to commit furlough fraud
                                                                                        strategy. The economic policy was
depreciation) and, therefore, reports        during the lockdown and persuaded
                                                                                        reactive and made on the hoof, with
lower taxable profits. The second            to work, with threats of pay cuts and
                                                                                        numerous holes. Millions of people
business does not make an investment         deportations. HMRC is examining some
                                                                                        did not receive any financial support.
and reports higher taxable profits. The      3,000 cases.
                                                                                        The poorest were hit the hardest as
owner of business investing in the future
                                             During the Covid crisis, supermarkets      the government failed to provide a
received lower cash grant.
                                             did a roaring trade and it is hard to      minimum level of support. Due to low
The government has given all businesses      make any economic case for them            wages, income/wealth inequalities
financial support. They enjoyed wage         to receive subsidies. For the year to      would have increased. Large amounts of
subsidies and business rates holidays, all   February 2019, Tesco had pre-tax profits   money have been given to corporations,
without any stipulations. Social security    of £1.3bn and is expected to show even     but without any stipulations about jobs
benefits are means-tested, but the same      higher amounts for 2020 and 2021. Its      or changes to corporate governance.
did not apply to Covid support. So far,      coffers were boosted by £585m from         In the absence of such stipulations, the
and in return for loans, the government      the government’s business rates relief     ending of the Coronavirus Job Retention
has not acquired an equity stake or a        holiday. In April 2020, it declared a      Scheme would result in a spike in job
charge on the assets of the business.        final dividend of £635m, making a total    losses. Businesses were not required
                                             pay-out to shareholders of £900m for       to repatriate profits or control from tax
The UK government made £330bn
                                             the year to 29 February 2020. Its chief    havens. A golden opportunity for ending
available for loans though the Covid
                                             executive collected a pay packet of £6.4   offshore opacity and tax avoidance
Corporate Financing Facility (CCFF). By
                                             million.                                   games has been missed.
19 May 2020, £18.8bn had been loaned
to 55 major corporations and a further       Amidst the crisis, on 6 February 2020,     Prem Sikka is Professor of Accounting
£38.8bn of potential lending to another      EasyJet directors put down a resolution    and Finance at the University of Sheffield
68 businesses had been authorised. In        to pay final dividend of £174m whilst      and Emeritus Professor of Accounting
return, the Bank of England said that        putting staff on unpaid leave. Some        at the University of Essex. He writes
borrowers ‘will be expected to provide       £60m would go to its co-founder, Sir       regularly for Left Foot Forward (https://
a letter addressed to HM Treasury            Stelios Haji-Ioannou. Shareholders duly
that commits to showing restraint on         voted for it and the dividend was paid     sikka/) on accounting, economic and
the payment of dividends and other           on 20 March. On 6 April, EasyJet secured   financial matters and can be found at @
capital distributions and on senior          a £600m loan from the government           premnsikka on Twitter.

6 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Fighting for fairness in COVID-19 crisis:
workers and unions provide the sensible
Roz Foyer reports on what’s been happening in Scotland’s workplaces

T     he STUC supports the Fair Work
      Convention’s vision that by 2025
      people in Scotland should have a
world-leading working life where fair
work drives success, wellbeing and
                                             Among them are: Kirsty Jones, 41-year
                                             old mother of two and healthcare
                                             support worker for NHS Lanarkshire;
                                             Angie Cunningham, 60-year old great
                                             grandmother and NHS Borders nurse;
                                                                                           transport unions have refused to return
                                                                                           to work until they have guarantees it
                                                                                           is safe to do so; and health and care
                                                                                           unions have won financial support
                                                                                           for social care workers, ending the
prosperity for individuals, businesses,      Catherine Sweeney, 64-year old                absurd situation where care workers
organisations and society. The               Dumbarton care worker; and Robert             are left terrified of getting coronavirus
Convention’s Fair Work Framework             Black, 51-year old father of two and          symptoms and having to self-isolate
(FWF) goes on to define Fair Work            Kintyre paramedic.                            on £94 a week statutory sick pay. Each
through work that offers all individuals                                                   of these have been crucial victories
an effective voice, opportunity, security,   Health and care workers have had to           – not simply for their own terms and
fulfilment and respect. For workers,         deal with the trauma that they may have       conditions – but for the health of our
‘voice’ is one of the most crucial           infected the very people that they were       society as a whole.
elements of the FWF and the STUC has         caring for, through no fault of their own.
                                             This is a scandal of the highest order, for   Life for Scotland’s workers has been
lobbied hard to ensure the extension
                                             which employers and Government are            made a little easier for those who know
of collective bargaining has been
                                             responsible.                                  they can rely on their union for support
recognised by Scottish Government as
                                                                                           and safety. STUC’s survey highlights
the most legitimate way to give workers      We must remember all the workers that         that unionised workers feel safer, have
that voice so they can effect positive       have put themselves in harm’s way to          more access to PPE, and are working
change in their workplaces.                  keep earning for their families and to        in places with clear policies on dealing
Building on the FWF, the STUC and            care for their communities. And, we           with the virus. The joint STUC Scottish
the Scottish Government produced             rue the day that there are some who           Government statement has also played
a joint statement on fair work               value their profits more highly than life     its part with many affiliates reporting
expectations during the COVID-19             itself. Nearly 70% of private care homes      that it has been a useful tool in their
crisis. The statement sets out strong        have had suspected Covid-19 cases,            negotiations with employers during the
expectations of employers, including:        significantly higher than not-for-profit      crisis. During these exceptional times
strict adherence to health protection        homes. This is a result of allowing profits   and periods of crisis, we need solidarity
advice; paying workers while they are        to be put before people.                      and collective power more than ever.
sick or self-isolating; supporting those     In other sectors, non-essential               As well as fighting for lives, the STUC
with caring responsibilities; facilitating   employers have continued to operate           has been fighting for livelihoods. We
home working; providing adequate             and failed to implement adequate social       launched the ‘Time 2 Pay Key Workers’
personal protective equipment (PPE);         distancing measures. From whisky to           campaign calling for an immediate £2
undertaking continual risk assessments;      construction, manufacturing and non-          an hour pay increase for all keyworkers.
and protecting contracted workers as         essential retail, employers have put          It is a travesty the keyworkers keeping
well as core staff.                          workers lives at risk in the pursuit of       our society running are also some of
Despite this, the defining experience for    profit.                                       the most systematically low-paid and
too many workers during the pandemic         Call centre workers have been forced          undervalued workers in our society.
has been a complete disregard of fair        into offices with scant regard for social     We are also fighting for financial security
working practices. Since the beginning       distancing, crammed into lifts and made       for those working in large swathes of
of March, the STUC and the Better than       to use filthy toilets and workstations. A     the economy that have been shut down.
Zero campaign have been deluged with         detailed study by Professor Phil Taylor       More than 110,000 Universal Credit
calls, emails and Facebook messages          from the University of Strathclyde,           claims were made in Scotland in the
from workers concerned about their           involving more than 500 call centre           five weeks to 7 April 7. An estimated
lives and livelihoods.                       workers across Scotland, found three-         750,000 in Scotland have been
First and foremost, workers are              quarters were convinced they would            furloughed, representing more than a
concerned about the health and safety        catch the virus and 9 in 10 feared            quarter of the workforce. Were it not for
of themselves, their colleagues, their       bringing it home to infect their families.    the union movement making the case
families, and their communities. An          If workplaces cause this much fear,           for the furlough scheme we would have
STUC survey of more than 2,000 workers       they should not be open. It is as simple      undoubtedly have seen countless more
undertaken at the beginning of the crisis    as that. But guidance and rights are          redundancies.
revealed unparalleled levels of fear. Over   of scant use to low paid workers in
                                                                                           Yet it has not just been Government
half of respondents required to work         precarious employment – it’s worker
                                                                                           intervention that has saved jobs,
didn’t feel safe and 42% said they did       power and not words on paper that can
                                                                                           workers have had to take action too.
not have access to adequate PPE.             make all the difference.
                                                                                           Because the furlough scheme pays the
Health and care unions have reported         Where workers are organised                   business not the workers, employees are
outrageous health and safety breaches,       collectively in a union, they have been       at the mercy of employers and we know
including a lack of PPE, particularly        able to fight back. Postal workers            that thousands more have been laid off.
in residential care homes. Frontline         have walked off the job in protest at         Workers whose employers refused to
health and care workers have died.           delivering junk mail; education and           furlough them have looked out for each
                                                                                 7 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
other. Others who were told to sign new      catering. The STUC and all unions have      during the crisis was of twenty workers
contracts followed the advice that Better    an enormous challenge to keep up            at a restaurant in Glasgow City Centre.
Than Zero distributed at the start of the    with these changes, and to make sure        Pre-lockdown they had their hours
crisis: Don’t Sign, Delay, Organise.         workers in these irregular kinds of work    suddenly cut to zero with no clarity on
                                             are supported with the best tools and       their job status or whether they would
Workers at the Lighthouse, a Glasgow
                                             tactics, and can share their own insights   get paid for work they had already done.
City Council-owned venue who are
                                             and organise together.                      Their questions and emails were initially
employed through an agency, were                                                         ignored, limiting their ability to access
told on 18 March that the building was       Times are more uncertain than they          financial support. The first workers to
to shut and they would only be paid          have ever been. One in three workers        seek clarity were then offered their jobs
scheduled shifts until 22 March. While       in Scotland are now out of work. Half       back, but they declined. Why? Because
the agency and employer played a             of the respondents in the STUC survey       the offer was not extended to all.
game of ping pong with both refusing         were unsure if they would have a job
to take responsibility, workers came         to return to. Nearly two thirds were        Call it mutual protection or solidarity,
together through a WhatsApp group,           worried about their own and their           this is what it means to be in a union.
made collective demands, went public,        family’s employment in the future.          Once you are combined together, it is
and won. And beauty salon staff at the                                                   easier to join up with the others who are
PURE Spa in Silverburn, which has chains     We must also recognise that while           facing the same. Approach it together
across the country, refused to accept        Covid-19 affects everyone, it does          with a plan, and we will get more than
the zero hours contracts they were           not do so equally. Black and ethnic         we would ever get alone.
told to sign, instead banding together       minority people are at greater risk of
                                             dying. Those living in the most deprived    There are organising lessons in this crisis
and winning guarantees they wanted                                                       for all workers. Keeping in contact with
as well as full furlough. They looked        areas are more than twice as likely to
                                             die from Covid-19 than those in the         fellow workers through WhatsApp or
out for each other like a family, with                                                   other messaging platforms; demanding
support from Better Than Zero, and they      least deprived communities. While the
                                             majority of deaths are those aged over      to see risk assessments; examining
well deserve the name they earned of                                                     company’s profits; making collective
‘Silverburn Suffragettes’. Now they are in   75, it is younger people who are most
                                             affected by the closure of large swathes    demands; exerting pressure through
the GMB union.                                                                           public criticism; and taking collective
                                             of the economy. Women are more likely
This experience is commonplace up            to suffer economically, face additional     action. As the furlough scheme is wound
and down the country. Almost half of         childcare responsibilities and be at        down and the economy opens up, these
furloughed workers work in hospitality       greater risk of domestic abuse.             simple steps will be crucial in delivering
and non-essential retail. These are two                                                  fairer work in workplaces the length and
of the most low-paid, precarious, and        Workers on precarious contracts are at      breadth of Scotland.
from the point of view of employers,         far greater risk of financial insecurity.
                                                                                         The crisis has shown employers will
easily disposable sectors in our             Large numbers of workers fall through
                                                                                         not deliver Fair Work unless they are
economy. Yet they have shown how to          the cracks in the Self-Employment
                                                                                         forced to and currently the Scottish
navigate a treacherous environment           Income Support Scheme. Half of people
                                                                                         Government lacks the powers to enforce
through a clear course – collective          working in the creative industries
                                                                                         changes in employment practice. So
demands with collective demands.             have been forced to borrow money to         if the Convention’s vision of Scotland
                                             survive.                                    being a world-leading Fair Work country
Workers in oil and gas, manufacturing,
construction and education have also         We must address the specifics of these      by 2025 is to be met, it will depend on
fought and won being furloughed rather       issues in order to organise a collective,   us to make it happen and turn these
than laid off. Workers at BA are currently   working class response. Unionised           aspirations into actual change on the
fighting a campaign against its plans        workers are twice as likely to feel their   ground by unions educating, agitating
to lay off workers before re-employing       job is safe than non-unionised workers.     and organising across all Scotland’s
them on worse terms and conditions.          That is why it is so important that         workplaces and throwing the resources
                                             workers join a union and get active. But    of our whole movement behind that
There are risks of a rise in temporary       until we represent all of these groups,     effort.
and casual work, and pressure to work
                                             we will not fully represent the working     Roz Foyer is general secretary of the
faster and cheaper, in traditional gig
                                             class.                                      Scottish Trade Unions Congress (STUC)
work like food distribution, but also
increasingly in sectors like care and        One of the most inspiring stories I heard

8 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Crisis within a crisis: the failure of private
sector care
Stephen Smellie charts a way out of the crisis in both short- and medium-terms

T      housands have died in care homes
       in a fragmented service delivery
       model designed to generate a
                                             The crisis in supplying PPE for staff
                                             in care homes and providing care at
                                             home mirrored that across the NHS
market, where operators’ desire to make and council services. However, it
profit rather than provide quality care      was exacerbated by fragmentation.
                                                                                         The staffing level crisis has been
                                                                                         compounded by NHS and council
                                                                                         staff having to be deployed to plug
                                                                                         critical gaps in private sector provision,
                                                                                         with health boards taking control of
is the driving force and where public        Eventually, the government set up a         private companies’ staffing levels and
accountability is weak and regulation        system where the NHS supply system          provision. This illustrates the urgent
light. This model was failing in normal      and council run distribution networks       need to develop a national workforce
times to provide quality care. It was        were able to ensure sufficient supplies     plan for social care led by the Scottish
clear the model was not going to be able reached staff in the private care sector.       Government working with CoSLA,
to cope under pressure of a pandemic         This could be extended to include the       health boards, unions and providers,
where the most at risk were the older        provision of all essential supplies to      and should be based on the Fair Work
people that care homes cater for.            ensure continuity of supply and the         principles.
                                             benefits of large-scale procurement.        Concern about death levels led the
Predominantly a private sector - 59%
of care homes and 77% of care beds in        The number of deaths suggests private       Cabinet Secretary for Health to give
Scotland are for profit, provision is in     care homes failed to implement full         additional responsibility to Directors of
the hands of a range of providers, from      infection control measures. Early on        Nursing in each health board to ensure
economically inefficient single care         UNISON demanded staff who were              the clinical standards expected of care
home operators to large international        being told that they should isolate for     homes. This is designed to address the
companies. The latter has developed a        14 days if a household member had           suspected failures of clinical standards
model where profit from providing care       symptoms must be paid their normal          in many care homes. Simultaneously,
is sometimes less important than their       wages and not the much lower SSP. It        the Care Inspectorate has been required
profits from property transfers                                                                   to report to Parliament on
and leases – and profit that, in                                                                  its findings in monitoring
some cases such as HC-One,                                                                        and inspecting care services.
is off-shored to shareholders                                                                     These responsibilities should
operating in tax havens.                                                                          be enhanced with powers to
                                                                                                  require councils to takeover care
The pre-pandemic signs were                                                                       provision where standards are
not good. A quarter were rated                                                                    not being met including where
only as adequate or poor by the                                                                   staffing levels have not been
Care Inspectorate and 52% had                                                                     maintained at safe levels.
vacancies for nursing staff. For
                                                                                                  The testing regime that has
years, recruitment to the sector
                                                                                                  been introduced in care homes,
was a major problem. Given its low-         was inevitable some staff, faced with        co-ordinated through the NHS, will
wage business model, long hours and         huge cuts in earnings, would go to work,     need to be maintained with providers
stressful working conditions, this was      hoping their partner’s cough was not         required to ensure that this is delivered
not surprising.                             Covid-19, and, therefore, breaching          across all care homes. On the basis of
The crisis has exposed the weaknesses       infection control measures. Despite          these measures, the funding formula
of the system in stark human terms          assurances to the sector that additional     for care homes should be revised to
measured by the deaths of service users     costs would be met, companies refused        ensure all the expected measures of
and staff, the level of staff absences      to take this simple step to protect staff    standards of care, staffing, Fair Work
compared to health staff and the            and service users. The government            and supplies are met before any profits
poverty that staff have experienced         had to intervene, under pressure from        can be taken and these capped at a
whilst being forced onto Statutory Sick     unions, to effectively regulate the          modest level. Where providers decide
Pay (SSP) as the employers refuse to pay    payment of normal wages to staff in          they wish to withdraw from the sector,
normal wages while staff isolate.           private care companies. This mirrored        as the prospect of making great profits
                                            the recent experience of getting the         reduces, the government should have a
Support for a National Care Service         Scottish Living Wage (SLW) paid to care      strategy for care homes to be brought
(NCS) is growing but we are some way        staff where negotiations are needed          into the public sector at no cost.
from being clear about what that would,     each year for the payment to be made.
should or could be. A NCS where care is     Even then unions had to fight to get         Stephen Smellie is UNISON branch
publicly funded, nationally coordinated     sleepovers included and for domestic         secretary for South Lanarkshire and
and delivered on a not-for-profit basis     and catering staff to be included. The       Depute Convener of UNISON Scotland.
is an aspiration to work towards and        Fair Work in Care Group should now           UNISON Scotland launched its ‘Care
government, councils, unions and others     build on this by developing sectoral         after COVID’ proposals for a publicly
should start planning for this. However,    bargaining to cover terms and conditions     owned and controlled care service on 24
the Scottish Government, NHS and                                                         June 2020 – see https://www.unison-
                                            across the sector. This would start with
local authorities have had to take steps    consolidating the SLW across the sector
to alleviate the failings of the private    and set out a timescale for raising levels
providers in this crisis. These steps are   of pay to equivalents in health and local
the basis on which an alternative system    government over an agreed period (like
can be built.                               five years).
                                                                               9 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Domestic abuse and COVID-19
Megan Gordon reports that a bad situation is getting worse – so much more funding is needed

I  magine that you have a partner who
   constantly belittles you and your
   children. Or, who controls where you
go, who you speak to and what you
wear. Imagine that they humiliate you,
                                          domestic abuse. Restrictions on the
                                          conduct of court business, combined
                                          with changes to police and court
                                          procedures, mean that the waiting
                                                                                     must not be overlooked. Recently,
                                                                                     our sisters at Engender and Close the
                                                                                     Gap published a set of nine principles
                                                                                     for inclusive economic recovery that
                                                                                     would benefit all women. It is vital
                                          times between police response and
and that sometimes they are violent.      trial are mounting rapidly, as is the      that these principles are implemented
Now imagine having been trapped in        backlog of trials. Access to affordable,   so that women and children who have
a house with them for the past three      domestic-abuse-competent legal             experienced domestic abuse are not
months. Stress about Coronavirus          services is poor at the best of times      left behind in the aftermath of the
is not causing domestic abuse –           for women, children and young people       Coronavirus.
domestic abuse is an abuser’s choice,     experiencing domestic abuse. This          Domestic abuse has not taken a
always. However, measures taken           access is now further constrained as       break for this pandemic, and neither
to address the pandemic have been         many solicitors have been furloughed.      have we. Women’s Aid groups have
providing additional tools for abusers    All of this means that decades of          radically redesigned their services
to exercise their control.                progress in reforming courts and           to continue providing support, and
At Scottish Women’s Aid (SWA),            building confidence in the justice         Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced
we work with a network of 36 local        system is swiftly eroding.                 Marriage Helpline has remained fully
Women’s Aid groups. We have heard         Women are not the only ones at             operational. However, Women’s Aid
from them, and from the team on           higher risk during lockdown - children     groups were already facing intense
Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced      and young people are victims               difficulty before the increased
Marriage Helpline, that perpetrators      alongside their mothers. With the          pressure of the pandemic: 84% of our
are using these new tools to control      closure of schools, nurseries and          groups were already operating waiting
women’s movements, keep them              after-school clubs, children and young     lists and 79% had seen reduced or
isolated, threaten to expose                                                                standstill funding from their local
them to the virus or tell them                                                              authorities. This picture has to
that services are not operating                                                             change – we need significant
or that the police will not                                                                 increases in local funding and
respond if called. We also know                                                             a long-term plan to ensure
that many women who do                                                                      that adequate funding is stable
not live with their abusers are                                                             and sustainable. Responses
living with more fear because                                                               to Coronavirus make this a
their abuser knows that they                                                                greater priority, especially as
will be spending time at home,                                                              we see a tsunami of economic
making stalking easier for him.                                                             problems approaching, and
                                                                                            we will continue to call for the
As well as increased risk,                                                                  needs of women, children and
lockdown and associated measures                                                     young people who have experienced
                                          people have lost their safe spaces
have limited the opportunities that                                                  domestic abuse to be visible and
                                          and had few opportunities to reach
women, children and young people                                                     prioritised as lockdown measures ease
                                          out to trusted adults outside of their
have to reach out to Women’s Aid                                                     and as plans for economic and social
                                          home. As children return to school,
or call services for help. Constrained                                               recovery are made.
                                          we anticipate a period of increased
mobility also means fewer
                                          disclosures of abuse. It is vital that     If you or somebody you know is
opportunities to access emergency
                                          resources are in place to support          experiencing the coercive and
accommodation, including refuge.
                                          them, that their needs are readily         controlling behaviours we’ve
Domestic abuse is the number one          identified by schools and social           described here, Scotland’s Domestic
cause of women’s homelessness in          workers, and that there is adequate        Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Scotland. Access to refuge has been       funding for Women’s Aid and other          is available 24/7 to listen to you and
seriously affected by a reduction in      children’s services to provide the right   offer support. You can call on 0800
refuge spaces due to social distancing    support at the right time.                 027 1234. Or, if it’s not safe to speak,
measures. To make a bad situation                                                    you can email and web chat from
                                           The impact of the pandemic will
worse, many social landlords have                                           We are here for
                                           mirror the inequalities already
frozen allocations of vacant homes so                                                you, and it’s safe to speak.
                                           embedded in the everyday lives of
women and their children have been
                                           women: we are more likely to have         The Engender and Close the Gap
unable to move on from refuge into
                                           part-time and precarious employment,      report can be found at: https://www.
those homes. As lockdown measures
                                           to head single-parent households, to
begin to be relaxed, an urgent scaling
                                           depend upon social security benefit,      Gender--Economic-Recovery---
up of efforts to help women and
                                           to do unpaid caring work and to be        Engender-and-Close-the-Gap.pdf
children stay safe at home or, if that
                                           absent from the tables where power is
is not safe, move to welcome place of                                                Megan Gordon is the External Affairs
                                           wielded and resources are distributed.
safety is needed.                                                                    Officer for Scottish Women’s Aid
                                           As we look towards another recession,
Other measures during the pandemic         the needs of women and children who
are problematic for those living with      have experienced domestic abuse
10 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
Scottish education in the Covid pandemic:
to be forewarned is to be forearmed
With so much still unknown, Bill Ramsay says the rush to return to school is ill-advised and dangerous

W          hen considering Scottish
           education at this time, it
           must be borne in mind
that the tension between health and
economic factors, what I will call the
                                            would not be expected to flip from
                                            plan A to plan B to plan C and, if
                                            circumstances change, back to plan A
                                            with the flip of a switch.
                                                                                         the virus. We still do not know
                                                                                         how many children have the virus
                                                                                         without any symptoms. We still do
                                                                                         not know with any certainty whether
                                                                                         children transmit the virus. We still
                                            As school buildings closed, teachers
‘Covid calculus’, is constantly changing.                                                do not know when we will have a
                                            continued to work - though in
As the ‘Covid calculus’ changes so do                                                    testing and tracing regime that is as
                                            different ways. Also, the response
the expectations and demands on                                                          comprehensive as those in some other
                                            to the call for teachers to staff hubs
all in Scottish education. The current                                                   countries.
                                            was met swiftly. From the start, many
positive downward trajectory of                                                          Given these many unknowns, the
                                            teachers, often using their own or
Covid-19 may continue and much of           borrowed equipment, started to               loud demands from some politicians,
the discourse and political aspiration      provide work and reassurance to              and somewhat simplistic assertions
is focusing on that. Yet, this downward     their pupils. It should be remembered        made in sections of the media, for a
trajectory may stall. And in amongst        that many teachers have their own            swift return to normality in Scotland’s
all this, we have science as ‘truth’,       families to look after during lockdown.      schools is, at this time, premature. In
science as ‘conjecture’ and now,            Most teachers are in the 25 to 40            order for schools to open safely for
dangerously, ‘inconvenient’ science.        age range and across the whole               everyone, more teachers are required
Some climatologists must be thinking,       teacher workforce 77% are women,             and, if the best of the digital learning
‘welcome to my world!’.                     many of them carers. Then the                experiences are to be sustained in
The politeness and patience of some         Covid-19 Education Recovery Group            the future, that will require central
child poverty champions when                was convened to work up a plan in            and local government to provide
confronted by the crocodile tears of        response to our public health crisis.        significant additional resources.
some on the right is commendable.           At the time of writing, we have had          Bill Ramsay was the 2019-2020
We can only hope that these new             some statements from the Scottish            President of the Educational Institute
political champions and their ‘born         Government concerning the 2021               of Scotland (EIS) union
again’ support for programmes of            exam diet. Some, with a more
educational equity is sustained into        progressive perspective, hoped that
the longer term. Certainly, teacher         the educational storm clouds of
trade unionists in Scotland will do         Covid-19 might lead to a silver lining
their bit to hold them to their pledges     where one of the original visions of
of support.                                 the Curriculum for Excellence, a single
What we can all agree on, though,           exit exam, might somehow emerge.
is that Covid-19 has forced a new           At least there appears to be a
discourse around education. Within          consensus, in the educational
this, Covid-19 has highlighted              community, around the need for more
the centrality of the teacher, the          teachers to deliver a blended learning
classroom and the school. These are         approach. However, in the political
three components that, because they         community there seems to be no
have been around ‘forever’, so-to-          equivalent consensus around funding.         Cover: Nadia Lucchesi
speak, tend to be taken for granted.        Some local authorities were preparing,       (
In, and of themselves, they are the         due to historical budgetary legacies,
most critical components that any           to pare down their teacher workforces        Proofing services:
education system can bring to bear on       while at the same time the General           John Wood and John Daly
educational inequity after, of course,      Teaching Council was issuing a plea
the socio-economic settings in which        to retired teachers to step up to the        Editor Email: Gregor Gall
young people find themselves.               plate.                             
At this time, some in the political         Delivering teaching and learning for         Web:
community and in the media seem to          700,000 pupils in a school estate,           Tel: 0141 424 0042
have an expectation for teachers to         straight jacketed by the ‘efficiencies’ of
plan for a wide range of contingencies,     the Public Finance Initiative (PFI), was     Address: Scottish Left Review,
but then switch from any one of them        challenging enough. In my view, the          14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow
to any other almost immediately on          death- avoiding strategy of physical         G2 6RX
the 11 August this year.                    distancing cannot be ignored.
We should remember that last year                                                        Printed by
                                            We still do not know when we will
in Scotland there were 697,989 pupils       have a vaccine; we still cannot with         Hampden Advertising Ltd,
and 52,247 teachers working for over        certainty know that we will have             403 Hillington Road, G52 4BL,
thirty different employers. Even an         a vaccine. We still not know how             Tel: 0141 429 1010
organisation in uniform of that size        many in the wider population have
                                                                             11 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 118 July/August 2020
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