Page created by Bill Wagner


              MARIA’S VISION FOR STUDENTS            5

              THE PRESIDENT                          5

              ACADEMICS                              6

              FAST FACTS                             7

              STUDENT LIFE & SUPPORT SERVICES        8

              STRATEGIC PLAN PRIORITIES              9

              DEAN OF NURSING                       11


SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                       2
  Maria is a private college, founded in 1958 on             success, and she used her inheritance to purchase
  the principle of service to others. To this day, that      a building in downtown Dublin where women and
  principle drives everything the institution does,          children could find both refuge and education. Her
  but most importantly through the way students are          ideas and dedication to the cause attracted other
  supported in the pursuit of their degree. That principle   local women and soon evolved into a new order of
  also is the hallmark of the Maria graduate, the guiding    Sisters – the Sisters of Mercy.
  force behind an enduring commitment to improving
  the lives of others.                                       The Sisters of Mercy quickly grew and became
                                                             international in scope. In 1863, four Sisters of Mercy
  Maria College is one of 17 colleges and universities       took a boat up the Hudson River and settled in
  in the United States sponsored by the Conference           Albany, New York. True to their focus on caring
  for Mercy Higher Education. The institution traces its     and service to others, the order founded St. Peter’s
  heritage to 1831, when Catherine McAuley founded           Hospital, the McAuley Residence, Circles of Mercy,
  the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. A woman of        and Maria College.
  means who was raised in both Catholic and Protestant
  households, Catherine McAuley was an innovative,           Maria College was founded as a sister formation
  modern-day thinker who felt that not enough was            college, an institution providing higher education
  being done for women and children in need. McAuley         for the community of sisters. Under the visionary
  believed education was a key to one’s ultimate             leadership of Maria College’s first president, Sister

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                    3

  Mary Borromeo Warren, the College’s focus on solely
  educating sisters changed, and the college received
  permission to open its doors to the public in 1965.        MISSION
                                                             Maria is a Catholic college sponsored by the
  In the early 1970s, the college opened a preschool         Sisters of Mercy and animated by the Mercy
  that served Albany families for more than 40 years.        charism. It provides career-relevant, opportunity
  Now closed, the campus school building has been            education in the context of the Catholic Intellectual
  renamed, Mercy Hall, and was dedicated in 2017 to          Tradition to all who can benefit from it. Maria is
  the Frank E. O’Brien, Jr. Student Support Center. The      committed to outstanding and holistic student
  Maria Office of Student Affairs provides caring service    support services, financial sustainability, and the
  to Maria students, so they feel welcome, supported,        purposive use of evidence to drive institutional
  and enabled to meet their goals. Support services          renewal and student success. Maria seeks to foster
  include tutoring, pastoral care, and career guidance.      graduates who recognize and respect the dignity
                                                             of every human person and who will transform their
  In 1975, Maria College purchased a cloistered convent      knowledge and skill into caring and compassionate
  campus that abutted the administration building            service to others.
  grounds. Known for its stunning architecture and inner
  courtyard, Marian Hall was awarded a designation by
  the Historic Albany Foundation in 1986.                    VALUES
                                                               •   Service - Caring and compassionate service
  Though over 60 years have passed since the
                                                                   to others, in the Mercy Tradition, is offered
  College’s founding, you can find many of the original
                                                                   to all, especially to those in need, both on
  architectural elements today. The Sisters of Mercy
                                                                   campus and in the wider community.
  constructed the original administration building in
  1959 after a fundraising drive, and today, it remains        •   Scholarship - Scholarship is nurtured in the
  a vital part of our campus life. Recently renovated,             relationships that arouse and nourish the
  it houses liberal arts faculty offices, classrooms and           spiritual gift of justice and belief in integrity,
  science labs, the campus café, the Maria Campus                  not primarily for one’s own sake, but for the
  Store, library, business office and the office of the            service of others.
  Dean of Students.                                            •   Justice - Maria College is committed to
                                                                   opportunity education; a belief in fair and
  Still located in a quiet, residential section of Albany,
                                                                   transparent practices; and a respect of the
  New York, Maria College serves approximately 850
                                                                   rights and duties of each individual. We
  students and boasts a charming and intimate campus
                                                                   educate and advocate for social justice,
  that embraces an academic atmosphere both timeless
                                                                   focusing on the Critical Concerns of the
  and contemporary.
                                                                   Sisters of Mercy.
  Although chartered in 1958 as a junior college,              •   Diversity - Diversity aims to create and
  the original intent by Maria’s first president was for           support an intercultural environment that
  institution to become a four-year college. This dream            is strengthened by the development of
  has become a reality—Maria College is offering                   each individual, the recognition of unique
  four- and two-year degrees and a certificate program             backgrounds, and respect for diverging
  providing new opportunities with flexible scheduling             perspectives.
  and highly affordable education for residents of the
                                                               •   Hospitality - Maria College is marked by a
  Capital Region. In 2020, Maria College was granted by
                                                                   dedication to diversity and inclusion and a
  the NYS Board of Regents to launch the College’s first
                                                                   warm and generous welcome to all, as well as
  Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy.
                                                                   compassionate outreach to both campus and
                                                                   community members and groups.

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                      4

  Our aspiration is that a student who graduates
  from Maria will be able to find a job that pays a
  decent wage, will be free of excessive debt, will
  understand how their profession is part of the
  broader story of human intellectual and technical
  advancement, and will have been taught about
  respect for the dignity of every human person,
  the importance of service to others and the
  goodness of physical creation as the first
  revelation of God’s love.


                                                        academic center in Dungarvan, Ireland; construction
                                                        of the $15 million Warde residence hall; the
                                                        construction of the $10.5 million Center for Academic
                                                        Engagement, which houses the nationally acclaimed
                                                        Tom Ridge School of Intelligence Studies and
                                                        Information Sciences at Mercyhurst. Over $45 million
                                                        dollars was raised during his presidency.

                                                        Also, during his tenure, Mercyhurst developed five
                                                        new graduate programs, including the university’s
                                                        first doctoral program in Archaeology, the Master’s
                                                        programs in Applied Behavior Analysis, Physician
                                                        Assistant Studies, Data Science, and Secondary
                                                        Education. He was also instrumental in starting and
                                                        growing on-line education at Mercyhurst. To enhance
                                                        the Mercy mission of the university, Gamble created
                                                        the Center for Mercy and Catholic Studies with an
  In March 2016, the Maria College Board of Trustees    undergraduate minor in Catholic Studies and led the
  appointed Thomas J. Gamble, Ph.D. as its president.   restoration of Christ the King Chapel, Gamble also
  Gamble received his Ph.D. from the Maxwell            secured for Mercyhurst the opportunity to co-host the
  School at Syracuse University and completed his       archives of the internationally known religious leader,
  post-doctoral studies at Yale University. He comes    Sr. Joan D. Chittister, OSB.
  to Maria after a decade of distinguished service
                                                        In addition, the Gamble administration established
  as the president of Mercyhurst University in Erie,
                                                        the urban education initiatives at the Booker T.
  Pennsylvania. Mercyhurst and Maria are part of the
                                                        Washington Center and the Carpe Diem Academy,
  Conference for Mercy Higher Education; seventeen
                                                        which deliver educational opportunities to
  colleges and universities in the United States
                                                        underrepresented, largely minority citizens in Erie’s
  sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy.
                                                        inner city. He also helped found the Multicultural
  His achievements at Mercyhurst include the            Center at Mercyhurst and the Autism/Asperger
  transition of Mercyhurst College to Mercyhurst        Initiative at Mercyhurst (AIM) to meet the unique
  University; establishment of an international         needs of the growing population of college-bound
                                                        students on the autism spectrum.

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                5

  Maria College is one of the Capital Region’s strongest,
  most respected nursing programs. We have been
  preparing students for 50 years—and have graduated
  more than 7,655 nurses with degrees in the field. In
  virtually every healthcare setting in the Capital Region,
  and in facilities across the nation, our graduates use
  the skills they learned at Maria to enhance healthcare
  systems and change lives. They are leading the way
  in our region by improving patient care and building
  healthier communities.

  Nursing Programs:
    •   RN-BS Degree in Nursing Completion Program
    •   Nursing, AAS (RN)
    •   Practical Nurse Certificate (LPN)

  Maria’s degrees in the Occupational Therapy pathway
  give students a quality academic and clinical education
  in preparation for work with individuals of all abilities,
  ages, and from various cultural and socioeconomic
  groups. Based on the altruistic and compassionate
  values shared by the occupational therapy profession
  and the College’s founders, the Sisters of Mercy—both
  acknowledging the value of human differences and

    •   Occupational Therapy, MS
    •   Health & Occupational Sciences, BS
    •   Occupational Therapy Assistant, AAS

  When you study liberal arts, you learn to think critically
  and creatively, to communicate, solve problems, and
  take action. At Maria, you also learn how to put those
  skills to work to serve others. That’s an ideal foundation
  for success in any field—and in life.

    •   Healthcare Management, BS
    •   Psychology, BS
    •   Liberal Arts, BA (Communication Studies)
    •   Liberal Arts, BA (Government Studies)
    •   Liberal Arts, AA
    •   General Studies, AS

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                             6

  850                                               100%                                              17
  AVERAGE NUMBER                                    2019 LPN NCLEX-PN®                                NUMBER OF COLLEGES
  OF STUDENTS ATTENDING                             FIRST-TIME PASS RATE                              IN THE SISTERS OF MERCY
  MARIA COLLEGE                                                                                       NATIONAL NETWORK OF
                                                                                                      COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES**
                                                    2020 ADN NCLEX-RN®
  WORKING IN THEIR FIELD                                                                              STUDENTS ATTENDING
  OR PURSUING A HIGHER                                                                                COLLEGE IN THE SISTERS
                                                    11,228                                            OF MERCY NETWORK.
                                                    ALUMNI WHO HAVE

                                                    GRADUATED FROM

                                                    MARIA COLLEGE.
                                                                                                      BOOKS (ONSITE AND ONLINE)
  STUDENT/                                                                                            AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS
  FACULTY RATIO                                     7,655                                             THROUGH THE MARIA
                                                                                                      COLLEGE LIBRARY.
                                                    ALUMNI WHO HAVE
                                                    GRADUATED FROM
                                                    THE MARIA COLLEGE
                                                    NURSING PROGRAMS.

  *Based on Graduate Placement Survey FY20 results in December 2020.

  **The Colleges & Universities of the Conference for Mercy Higher Education include Carlow University, College of Saint Mary, Georgian Court
  University, Gwynedd Mercy University, Maria College, Mercy College of Health & Sciences, Mercy College of Ohio, Mercyhurst University,
  Misericordia University, Mount Aloysius College, Mount Mercy University, St. Joseph’s College of Maine, St. Xavier University, Salve Regina
  University, Trocaire College, University of Detroit Mercy, and University of Saint Joseph.

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                                              7
  At times, the college experience can be daunting.         with the first House of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. As Dr.
  That’s especially true if, like so many Maria students,   Gamble is fond of saying, “As it was on Baggot Street
  you’re also balancing work and family life. For these     in Dublin, so it is today at 700 New Scotland Avenue
  students, strong support services can make an             in Albany.”
  enormous difference, setting the stage for success at
  Maria and beyond.                                         “The personal attention is just what I need to help me
                                                            move forward with someday being a nurse…Everyone
  To better serve these students — and to deliver on a      is so supportive in helping me put one foot in front of
  mission that includes a commitment to “outstanding        the other.” — Rebecca Petrucci-Little
  and holistic student support services” — in 2017
  Maria opened the Frank E. O’Brien, Jr. Student
                                                            SERVICES INCLUDE:
  Support Center. Located in Mercy Hall, the state-
  of-the-art facility is devoted to meeting students’         •   Opportunity Programs (The Arthur O. Eve Higher
  academic, personal, and spiritual needs. It combines            Education Opportunity Program (HEOP), HOPE,
  comprehensive, centralized services with a warm,                and The Renaissance Scholars Program)
  welcoming environment that helps students gain              •   Free Professional Tutoring Services
  confidence while developing life and study skills.
                                                              •   Peer Tutoring Program
  The center was named in memory of the late Frank E.         •   Accessibility Services
  O’Brien, Jr. Those who knew the longtime chairperson
  of the Maria Board of Trustees say the center               •   STAR Initiative
  continues his work at the College by providing the          •   Health & Wellness
  types of services he supported during his lifetime.         •   Counseling Services
  The center also reflects Maria’s enduring connection
  to the Religious Sisters of Mercy and their founder,        •   Pastoral Care
  Catherine McAuley. Service to others has been the           •   Maria Cares Fund
  hallmark of every Mercy institution, starting in 1827
                                                              •   Food Pantry

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                     8
  COMPASS POINT #1: MISSION &                                    COMPASS POINT #2: MISSION-RELEVANT
  INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT                                      ACADEMIC PROGRAMS
  Maria College’s mission has undergone a revitalization         The addition of new programs over the next five years
  in the past four years, focusing more intently on the          will be crucial for Maria College to provide opportunities
  college’s heritage, values, and identity as a Mercy,           for students and working professionals in our area. 2020
  Catholic institution of higher education. This renewal of      saw the amendment of the College’s charter and the
  mission integration more firmly integrates the college’s       addition of our first Master’s degree program, an MS in
  core identity and infuses it in all aspects of the college’s   Occupational Therapy. Led by the strategic compass,
  operations. The mission office is planning to launch           Maria is examining program additions in our niche of
  the Maria Institute in 2021 to provide a comprehensive         healthcare fields for intentional vertical growth that will
  mission program to the Maria College community and             serve students and the Capital District with high-quality
  beyond. The Mission Office will be focused on the              programs and education, and exploring hybrid and
  animation of the Mercy mission as guided by the new            online program delivery methods. By adding these
  CMHE Covenant model of sponsorship. A focus on                 programs Maria further increases our students’ ability to
  partnerships, both new and expanded, and external              contribute to the local economy and earn qualifications
  relations is an important element of the advancement           necessary to pursue in-demand careers. Ongoing
  work over the next seven years. This will include a re-        integration of the College’s mission into the curriculum
  branding initiative to advance the community perception        will be an important facet of this initiative.
  of Maria, a major gifts effort to focus on the resources
  needed for the next phase of Maria’s growth, and               Strategic projects:
  internal governance and culture.                                 1. Create an online/hybrid Baccalaureate completion
                                                                      program in nursing. (2020-2022)
  Strategic projects:
                                                                   2. Create and market Applied Health & Wellness
    1. Creation of the Maria Institute to organize and                Improvement minors or concentrations within HOS.
       facilitate mission formation, development, and                 (2020-2021)
       integration. (2020-2022)
                                                                   3. Re-model and promote Psychology program
    2. Re-branding initiative based on the Strategic                  to enhance wellness focus and certificates/
       Compass and to integrate the recent Charter                    concentrations e.g. substance abuse treatment
       change (2020-2022)                                             services. (2020-2021)
    3. Major gifts plan (2021-2023)                                4. Establish an accelerated Baccalaureate program in
                                                                      nursing. (2021-2023)
                                                                   5. Develop Maria College Center of Excellence for
                                                                      Simulation in Nursing Education. (2021-2023)
                                                                   6. Assess the feasibility of a combined technology-
                                                                      rich and humanistic Associate degree in
                                                                      Administrative Support using the current Paralegal
                                                                      registered program. (2021-2023)
                                                                   7. Develop a Master’s Degree in Nursing Education
                                                                      informed by the use of simulation. (2021-2023)

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                             9

  EXPERIENCE                                                    Maria’s focus on sustainability will ensure a solid
  Launched in 2016, the Frank E. O’Brien, Jr. Student           foundation for the future of the college and financial
  Support Center brought together under one roof the            sustainability to move confidently into the future.
  support services that are available to Maria students.        Defining the Maria value proposition, strengthening
  This center houses tutoring (professional, peer, and          financial processes and reporting, and using data to
  embedded), counseling, accessibility services,                inform decisions will contribute to this solid foundation.
  opportunity programs, ESL assistance, STAR (the               A strategic recruitment plan will sharpen the focus for
  Students At Risk initiative), the food pantry, and the        future student recruitment and expanded partnership
  Troy Savings Bank Writing Center. Academic support            offerings. The campus is in the middle of a multi-year
  services are heavily utilized by adult students returning     master plan to update facilities, beautify the campus
  to school after time away from the classroom, those with      grounds, increase safety and access, and provide for
  learning differences, and students who are adjusting          a better student experience. Maria’s campus plan is
  to the collegiate environment. Continued investment           an investment in the college that will affect the student
  and growth in integrated and holistic support services        experience for decades to come. Along with this an
  is vital for Maria to deliver on our mission of opportunity   investment in technological and facilities infrastructure
  education for people of all backgrounds. A focus on           will support opportunity education in teaching and
  retention and enhancing the student experience will be a      learning spaces throughout the campus.
  key area for this compass point.
                                                                Strategic projects:
  Strategic projects:                                             1. Design and implement a Strategic Recruitment
    1. Assess the feasibility of an integrated advising              Plan. (2020-2021)
       model. (2020-2022)                                         2. Integrate Pine Tree Lane (if acquired) into the
    2. Develop a campus-wide retention initiative and                Campus Plan (see also mission integration in
       plan. (2020-2022)                                             campus plan). Pay attention to the resolution of the
                                                                     long-term property issues for the College. (2020-
    3. Develop specific support services and student
       experience program for graduate students. (2020-
       2022)                                                      3. Assure personnel, technological and facility
                                                                     infrastructure to accommodate education and
    4. Develop and open the Troy Savings Bank Writing
                                                                     support services as informed by the mission to
       Center. (2020-2021)
                                                                     provide a personalized Maria experience for
                                                                     students. (2020-2023)

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                           10

  Maria provides student-focused opportunity education   College’s mission and institutional objectives. Under
  and seeks an experienced and innovative educator       the Dean of Nursing the Maria College nursing
  to serve as Dean of Nursing to lead the college’s      programs will be an integral part of vigorous academic
  nursing programs. The college offers a Practical       institution.
  Nursing Certificate program, an Associate in Applied
  Science in Nursing, and an RN-BS Degree in Nursing     Maria College’s mission of academic excellence
  Completion program and plans to add additional         and the heritage of the founding Sisters of Mercy
  nursing programs in the near future.                   support an ongoing commitment to preparing skilled,
                                                         caring professionals to meet the needs of our time.
  The Dean of Nursing will report to the Chief           With consistently high NCLEX pass rates and current
  Academic Officer and provide strategic planning,       accreditations, the continued strength and growth of
  innovative leadership and sound fiscal and personnel   the Maria’s Nursing programs will be a focus for this
  management for the department in support of the        position.

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                11

  A SUCCESSFUL DEAN OF NURSING                                  •   Present a collaborative, flexible and transparent
  CANDIDATE WILL:                                                   leadership style that supports team building and
                                                                    promotes the accountability required in effective
    •   Implement Maria College’s strategic plans which
                                                                    professional programs
        calls for Nursing Program enrollment growth
        through partnerships and new programs, while            •   Work closely with the Associate Deans of Nursing
        continuing to improve student learning and career           for the pre-licensure program, and the Associate
        experiences                                                 Dean of Nursing for the RN to BSN Completion
                                                                    Program, the PNC Certificate Program, Clinical
    •   Have a demonstrated ability to develop and
                                                                    Placements and the Simulation Labs, to assure
        execute plans for the college that also advances
                                                                    program integration, consistency of scheduling,
        the college’s strategic goals and objectives
                                                                    revision and updating of the catalog information.
    •   Propose a compelling vision for academic
                                                                •   Other appropriate duties as assigned.
        excellence, efficiency and community involvement
        for the faculty and staff of Maria College’s Nursing
        Program                                                QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE:
    •   Guide faculty at all levels to ensure delivery of       •   Doctoral degree in nursing (Ph.D. or DNP)
        exemplary Nursing instruction                               preferably from a CCNE or ACEN institution.
    •   Bring successful experience with teaching and           •   Demonstrated excellence in teaching and clinical
        learning methods in Nursing education, along with           nursing practice.
        an understanding of alternate modes of delivery
        (classroom-based, online, accelerated, blended,         •   Previous administrative experience as department
        low residency)                                              chair, program director or associate dean of
    •   Implement and promote academic programs,
        evaluate program effectiveness, and assess ideas        •   Strategic planning and budgetary responsibility.
        and opportunities for development and growth            •   Familiarity and experience with MSCHE, other
    •   Promote community partnership and collaboration             regional accreditors, state boards of nursing,
        within the local and regional health care                   ACEN and NYSED accreditation.
        community                                               •   Experience in program development, evaluation,
    •   Identify and help plan for new program                      and assessment of student learning.
        opportunities and work with the appropriate             •   Commitment to career-relevant opportunity
        individuals to assure timely and effective                  education in the context of the Catholic Intellectual
        execution of new program development.                       Tradition.
                                                                •   A collegial spirit, and commitment to nurse
                                                                    education that improves patient care and builds
                                                                    healthier communities.

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                          12

  The university is being assisted by Academic             Confidential discussions about this opportunity
  Search. Applications should consist of a substantive     may be arranged by contacting senior consultant
  cover letter addressing the qualifications and           Jerry Israel ( The
  expectations listed above, curriculum vitae, and a       position is open until filled, but only applications
  list of five professional references with full contact   received by September 24, 2021, can be assured full
  information and a note indicating the nature of your     consideration.
  working relationship with each. References will not
  be contacted without the explicit permission of the
  candidate. Applications, nominations, and expressions
  of interest can be submitted electronically, and in
  confidence, to:

SEARCH PROSPECTUS: Dean of Nursing                                                                                13
                      Academic Search is assisting Maria College in this work. For more than four
                      decades, Academic Search has offered executive search services to higher
                      education institutions, associations, and related organizations. Academic
                      Search was founded by higher education leaders on the principle that we
                      provide the most value to partner institutions by combining best practices
                      with our deep knowledge and experience. Our mission today is to enhance
                      institutional capacity by providing outstanding executive recruitment
                      services, executive coaching, and transition support, in partnership with our
                      parent organization, the American Academic Leadership Institute. For more
                      information, visit

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