Page created by Angela Moran
                                                                   Program Chairs
                                                                   Eric Belli-Bivar
                                                                   DLA Piper (Canada) LLP

                                                                   Don Waters
Your “deep dive” into commercial lending.                          McMillan LLP

Secured lending and debt financing transactions are increasingly
complex. To maximize your value to clients, you must have a
                                                                   Date and Time
comprehensive understanding of the foundational legal and          October 2 – 3, 2019
business issues. In this program, you will:                        9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
• Gain a crucial overview of today’s debt financing products       In Person or Webcast
  and how they reflect the current business climate
                                                                   ONLINE REPLAY:
• Walk step-by-step through the essential legal components         November 7 – 8, 2019
  of a financing transaction, with a focus on strategic and
  tactical concerns                                                Location
• Receive practical advice on negotiating and drafting
                                                                   Osgoode Professional
  legal documents
• Gain expert insights and best practices on hot topics            1 Dundas St. West, 26th Floor
  and emerging trends                                              Toronto, ON

Register today at:
Drawing on the expertise and experience
of leading lawyers and experts, including:
Program Chairs                                          Program Faculty

                                                        Alison Beer                           Lisa Mantello
                                                        Legal Counsel, Ontario Securities     Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
                                                        Commission, Derivatives Branch
                                                                                              Tim Murray
                                                        Eric Belli-Bivar                      Managing Director, Corporate
                                                        DLA Piper (Canada) LLP                Banking, RBC Capital Markets

                                                        Joyce Bernasek                        Meaghan Obee Tower
Eric Belli-Bivar                                        Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP           Stikeman Elliott LLP
Partner, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP                         Chris Burr                            James Padwick
Eric practises in Corporate Finance, with an emphasis   Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP          Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
on debt finance, secured lending, structured finance    Ken Bursey                            Stephanie Robinson
and derivatives. Called to the bars in both Ontario     Senior Counsel & Director, Capital    Associate General Counsel and
and in British Columbia, he advises credit providers    Markets – Corporate Banking, Legal    Managing Director, Capital Markets –
and consumers including Canadian and foreign            and Regulatory Compliance, BMO        Global Corporate Banking, Legal
banks and other financial institutions. Eric has been   Financial Group                       and Regulatory Compliance,
repeatedly recognized as a leading banking and                                                BMO Financial Group
finance lawyer and pracitioner by Best Lawyers          Sunny Dhillon
(Canada), Chambers Global, the International            Director, Loan Syndications &         David Rozin
Financial Law Review and also in Euromoney’s            Investment Banking, TD Securities     Vice President and Head, Technology
Guide to the World’s Leading Banking Lawyers.                                                 and Innovation, Roynat Capital,
                                                        John Estey                            Commercial Banking, Scotiabank
                                                        President, Stonebridge Lease
                                                        Financing Corporation                 Mark Saraiva
                                                                                              Director, Loan Syndications, Corporate
                                                        David Ferris                          Banking, CIBC Capital Markets
                                                        Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
                                                                                              Noah Schein
                                                        Dan Flaro, CFA                        Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
                                                        SVP & Managing Director, Asset
                                                        Based Lending, Fifth Third Business   Howard Silverman
Don Waters                                              Capital Canada                        Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Partner, McMillan LLP                                   Jill Fraser                           Don Waters
Don’s practice focuses on corporate debt finance        Aird & Berlis LLP                     McMillan LLP
and structured finance transactions, including
                                                        Pat Forgione                          Tushara Weerasooriya
asset-based lending, syndicated lending, cross-
                                                        McMillan LLP                          McMillan LLP
border debt financings, securitization and project
finance transactions. Don regularly leads syndicated,
bilateral, domestic and cross-border financings and
infrastructure projects. He is the national group                                             Register today at:
coordinator for McMillan’s Financial Services Group.
Don has been repeatedly recognized as a leading                                     
lawyer by IFLR1000, Best Lawyers and the Canadian
Legal Lexpert Directory.                                                                      secured-lending
Secured Lending &                                                                            OCTOBER 2, 2019 – DAY 1

Debt Finance                                                                                 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
                                                                                             (In Person or Webcast)

                                                                                             8:30 a.m.
                                                                                             Registration and Refreshments

Get the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in                                          9:00 a.m.
today’s competitive environment. You will:
                                                                                             Chairs’ Welcome & Opening Remarks
• Deepen your understanding of the ISDA      • Explore a range of alternative financing
  Master Agreement and Schedules               vehicles, including equipment lease           Eric Belli-Bivar, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
• Gain a firm grasp of the most                                                              Don Waters, McMillan LLP
  challenging legal risks in a financing     • Understand which clauses are the
  transaction, along with practices for        most important within loan and credit         9:15 a.m.
  handling them                                agreements and why
• Learn about the evolving landscape of      • Gain essential updates and practical          Working with the Commitment Letter
                                                                                             and Term Sheet
  Fintech and SaaS secured lending             considerations on the scheduled
                                               phase‑out of LIBOR
                                                                                             Ken Bursey, Senior Counsel & Director,
                                                                                             Capital Markets – Corporate Banking, Legal
   PLUS! Get your top questions addressed in a zero-consequence environment.                 and Regulatory Compliance, BMO Financial

Topics Include                                                                               • The roles and objectives of the lender,
                                                                                               borrower and counsel in a deal – who
• In-depth overview of Canadian debt         • Essential legal components of a financing       does what?
  financing – includes a review of current     transaction, with a focus on strategic and    • Essential terms and requirements: binding
  and emerging debt financing products         tactical concerns                               and non-binding commitment letters, fees
  and how they reflect the current                                                             letter, term sheet, etc.
                                             • Effective techniques when negotiating
  business climate                             and drafting credit agreements                • Considerations when structuring the deal
• How to identify and navigate the most      • Critical issues to ensure proper perfection   • Key issues for borrowers and lenders
  challenging legal risks in a financing
  transaction                                • Understand the range of alternative           • Jurisdiction – the practical issues
                                               financing vehicles, including equipment
• Key provisions to negotiate in the ISDA      lease financing                               10:15 a.m.
  Master Agreement and Schedules
                                                                                             Refreshment Break

Who Should Attend                                                                            10:30 a.m.

• Junior and mid-level lawyers practicing    • In-house counsel at financial institutions,   Conducting Effective Due Diligence
  corporate/commercial or financial            insurance companies, merchant banks,
  services law                                 asset-based lenders, leasing companies        David Ferris, Fasken Martineau
                                               and credit unions                             DuMoulin LLP
• Counsel and professionals practicing
  in related areas who need a solid          • Insolvency, litigation or government          • Checklist of critical items
  understanding of loan agreements/            counsel seeking to gain a greater             • The objectives of due diligence in a
  transactions                                 understanding of what is market in a            financing transaction
                                               secured lending or debt financing
• Executives involved in negotiating                                                         • Getting started – addressing key areas of
  secured lending or debt financing deals                                                      concern
                                             • Management involved in negotiating
• Documentation, lending and credit                                                          • Use of diligence certificates
                                               secured lending or debt financing deals
  officers involved in documenting loans                                                     • How to best advise clients when
                                             • Consultants                                     issues arise
• Risk managers and analysts at financial
11:15 a.m.                                     1:30 p.m.                                      • Purpose and goal of the agreements
                                                                                              • Critical negotiation points
Negotiating and Drafting the Credit            Taking Effective Security
Agreement                                                                                     • Key structuring issues
                                               James Padwick, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
                                                                                              • Enforcement actions and triggering events
Eric Belli-Bivar, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
                                               Noah Schein, Norton Rose Fulbright
                                                                                              • Payment blockage
Don Waters, McMillan LLP                       Canada LLP
                                                                                              • Sales of collateral
In a hands-on fashion, our program co-         • Key legal issues and concerns from both
chairs will walk you through the key clauses     lenders’ and borrowers’ perspectives
of a loan agreement and offer practical                                                       4:00 p.m.
                                               • The importance of running searches           DAY 1 CONCLUDES
advice on negotiating and drafting the
agreement.                                     • Types of security and how they are
• Establishing the facility                                                                   OCTOBER 3, 2019 – DAY 2
                                                 - “All Assets” Liens                         9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT
  - Revolving versus term                                                                     (In Person or Webcast)
                                                 - Pledges of securities
  - Swingline
                                                 - Control agreements for uncertificated
  - Fixed versus floating
                                                   securities and the Ontario Securities      8:30 a.m.
  - Canadian prime, US base rate, LIBOR
                                                   Transfer Act, 2006                         Registration and Refreshments
  - Banker’s acceptances
                                                 - Real property security – an overview
  - Letters of Credit subfacilities
                                               • Other types of security-related issues       9:00 a.m.
• Conditions precedent
                                                 - PPSA Acknowledgements                      Chairs’ Opening Remarks
• Representations and warranties
                                                 - Implied subordination under the PPSA
• Covenants                                      - Landlord agreements                        Eric Belli-Bivar, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
                                                 - Blocked Account Agreements
  - Positive and negative                                                                     Don Waters, McMillan LLP
                                               • Registration issues and pitfalls
• Events of default and grace periods
                                               • Enforcing and realizing on security –        9:00 a.m.
  - Cross-default
                                                 overview and considerations
• Payout letters                                                                              The Canadian Debt Financing Market –
                                               2:45 p.m.                                      An Overview
• Agency and lending provisions
                                               Refreshment Break
  - Yank-a-bank provisions                                                                    Sunny Dhillon, Director, Loan Syndications
  - Market disruption, increased costs         3:00 p.m.                                      Investment Banking, TD Securities
• Practice management tips                                                                    Tim Murray, Managing Director, Corporate
                                               Priorities, Subordination Agreements           Banking, RBC Capital Markets
• Drafting techniques and interpretation of    and Intercreditor Agreements
  contract clauses                                                                            Mark Saraiva, Director, Loan Syndications,
                                               Chris Burr, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP       Corporate Banking, CIBC Capital Markets
• Effective use of boilerplates in credit
  agreements                                   Pat Forgione, McMillan LLP                     Get an essential overview of the structure
                                                                                              and operations of the Canadian debt
• Identifying and managing risks               • Key differences between mezzanine,           financing market, including:
                                                 second lien and other forms of lending
12:00 p.m.                                                                                    • The impact of international lending
                                               • Recent developments in the Canadian            concerns from the Canadian perspective
Networking Luncheon
                                                                                              • Who are the key players and what are
12:45 p.m.                                     • Understanding the contractual and              the differences in how they approach
                                                 statutory rights of the parties                the market?
Negotiating and Drafting the Credit
                                               • Enforceability of waivers                    • What types of products are currently
Agreement (Cont’d)
                                               • Security issues                                being offered?
Eric Belli-Bivar, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP                                                      • What elements of the deal are critical to
                                               • Issues arising from financing cross-border
Don Waters, McMillan LLP                         entities                                       lenders now

                                               • Protecting priority
                                               • Strategies to improve recovery prospects
9:45 a.m.                                      • Current PPSA requirements                     1:45 p.m.
                                               • Problems posed by aircraft, motor vehicles
Asset-Based Lending (ABL)                                                                      A Practical Understanding of the ISDA
                                                 and trucking fleets
                                                                                               Master Agreement and Schedules
Dan Flaro, CFA, SVP & Managing Director,       • Conflicts of law arising where assets move
Asset Based Lending, Fifth Third Business        between jurisdictions                         Alison Beer, Legal Counsel, Ontario
Capital Canada                                                                                 Securities Commission, Derivatives Branch
                                               • Where to perfect the relevant security
Howard Silverman, Borden Ladner                  interests                                     Lisa Mantello, Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Gervais LLP                                                                                    • Uses of Derivatives for Borrowers
• Pros and cons of ABL versus traditional      11:45 a.m.
                                                                                               • Architecture of the ISDA Master
  financing                                    Networking Luncheon
                                                                                                 Agreement, Schedules, Confirmations and
• Survey of ABL structures in Canada                                                             the Credit Support Annex
                                               12:30 p.m.
• Business issues relating to eligible                                                         • ISDA’s relationship to the Credit
  collateral                                   Essential Update: An End to LIBOR?                Agreement
                                                                                               • Key provisions to be negotiated
• Documenting and taking security for an       Stephanie Robinson, Associate General
  ABL deal                                     Counsel and Managing Director,
                                                                                               2:30 p.m.
• Industry developments and their impact       Capital Markets – Corporate Banking,
                                                                                               Refreshment Break
  on transactions                              Legal and Regulatory Compliance,
                                               BMO Financial Group
• Cross-border issues you need to be                                                           2:45 p.m.
  aware of                                     • An essential background and overview of
                                                 the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)     Providing Opinions: Tips and Traps –
• Recent legal developments impacting ABL                                                      What Works, What Doesn’t
                                               • What happened and what’s the plan?
10:30 a.m.                                     • Ramifications of the scheduled phase-out      Meaghan Obee Tower, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Refreshment Break                                of LIBOR
                                                                                               Tushara Weerasooriya, McMillan LLP
                                               • Potential alternatives to LIBOR, includes     This practical and interactive session
10:45 a.m.
                                                 Secured Overnight Financing Rate              covers the essential function of opinions
                                                 (SOFR), and incorporating revised             in commercial lending, including the
Equipment Lease Financing in Today’s
                                                 floating rate loans                           most common types of opinions, the
Loan Transactions
                                               • Practical considerations when drafting loan   most-frequently negotiated points you
John Estey, President, Stonebridge Lease         documents – the “amendment approach”          need to know about, and the following
Financing Corporation                            vs. the “hardwired approach” and what to      crucial topics:
                                                 watch out for                                 • Key issues in multi-jurisdictional opinions
Jill Fraser, Aird & Berlis LLP
Companies often seek alternative finance                                                       • Special issues involving PPSA opinions,
                                               1:00 p.m.
options. The equipment finance industry                                                          including:
provides such an alternative. This session     Fintech & SaaS Secured Lending                    - Investment property – perfection by
will focus on providing a business-focused                                                         control
understanding of the equipment finance         Joyce Bernasek, Osler Hoskin &                    - Cash collateral
industry that will help in advising clients    Harcourt LLP                                      - Special property (licenses, intellectual
both on the financing of equipment and on                                                          property, etc.)
entering into leases generally, including:     David Rozin, Vice President and Head,
                                                                                                 - Anti-assignment clauses
                                               Technology and Innovation, Roynat Capital,
• What are the key business factors that       Commercial Banking, Scotiabank                  • True sale and non-consolidation opinions
  equipment financiers focus on and how
                                               • Overview of lending to start-ups and          • Opinion issues in virtual closings
  do these find expression in the finance
  documentation?                                 Fintechs                                      • Negotiating qualifications and
                                               • How lending to Fintech and SaaS                 assumptions: how much is too much?
• Drafting considerations in dovetailing the
  equipment finance into a firm’s overall        compares to traditional lending               • The process of negotiating and
  debt strategy                                • Canadian vs. US practices and trends            drafting opinions

• Understanding the common credit              • How you take security                         4:00 p.m.
  requirements Identifying new trends in
                                               • What banks are looking for                    PROGRAM CONCLUDES
  the industry
• Negotiation strategies for borrowers         • Key issues and pitfalls to watch out for
                                                                                                           © Osgoode Professional Development, 2019
Excellent. Very knowledgeable                    Registration Details
speakers. Covered a lot of
material efficiently.                            Fee Per Delegate
Ari Shack                                        Early Bird Price: $1,295 plus HST to June 30, 2019
Affinity Law Group                               Regular Price: $1,495 plus HST
                                                 New Licensee (2016 – current) Price: 50% off regular rate
Very engaging and intimate,
                                                 Fees include attendance, program materials, lunch and break refreshments.
great speakers and important                     Group discounts and financial assistance are available. Visit
practical skills and real-life                   financial-assistance for details.
                                                 Program Changes
Iana Namestnikova
Legal Consultant, Advanced Analytics, Deloitte   We will make every effort to present the program as advertised, but it may be
                                                 necessary to change the date, location, speakers or content with little or no notice.
Presentations were engaging                      In the event of program cancellation, York University’s and Osgoode Hall Law
and well-organized.                              School’s liability is limited to reimbursement of paid fees.
Appreciated receiving                            Cancellations and Substitutions
perspective from financial                       Substitution of registrants is permitted at any time. If you are unable to find a
institutions. Very enjoyable                     substitute, a full refund is available if a cancellation request is received in writing
overall.                                         14 days prior to the program date. If a cancellation request is made with less than
Leandro Zylberman                                14 days notice, a $75 administration fee will apply. No other refund is available.
Counsel, Corporate, Great-West Life
                                                                OsgoodePD has been approved as an Accredited Provider of
                                                                Professionalism Content by the LSO.
I found it very useful to have
                                                                Eligible CPD Hours – LSO (ON): 12h 15m CPD (11h 30m Substantive;
a comprehensive overview of
                                                                45m Professionalism).
the different types of facilities.
                                                                This program is approved for LAWPRO Risk Management Credit.
Loved the credit agreement
                                                                OsgoodePD programs may be eligible for CPD/MCLE credits in
presentation [and] the opinions                                 other Canadian and US jurisdictions. To inquire about credit eligibility,
session was great/valuable.                                     please contact
Great speakers for all sessions
[including] the presence of                                   Osgoode Professional Development
industry speakers.
                                                                416.597.9724        1 Dundas Street West, Suite 2600
Tracie Allan
AVP & Senior Counsel, Sun Life Financial
                                                                @OsgoodePD          Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1Z3

  The Intensive Short Course in
  Secured Lending &
  Debt Finance
  Register today at:
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