Page created by Zachary Gomez
       THE RIGHT
  for Your Cash Flow Needs

                MAKE YOUR
                LIFE EASIER
              With an Accounting
               Software Package

                      CHECK 21
            Clearing the Way for
      Business Banking Benefits

PLUS | Online Banking for Your Business | Customer Loyalty Programs | The Business Life Cycle
Message                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contents
                                                                                                           Selecting the Right Financing
  Cash Flow
 Let’s                                                                                                                  for Your
 have a
Conversation                                                                                               Cash Flow Needs
 It really could make your heart beat faster                                                                                                                                                             6    Make Your Life Easier
 You probably don’t jump out of bed in the morning thinking, “I can’t wait to get to work and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              With an Accounting
 manage some cash flow.” While managing cash flow generally isn’t something that will get your
 adrenaline pumping, it is one of the most critical aspects of operating a business – and it’s often                                                                                                          Software Package.
 one of the most neglected aspects as well. That’s why a cash flow conversation with a PNC
 Business Banking relationship manager can be so valuable to your business.

 At PNC, we are committed to improving our customers’ cash flow. Our approach to this is very                                                                                                            10   Check 21
 simple: We understand that each business is unique, so we take the time to get to know your
 business, and then we give you specific ideas on how to enhance your cash flow. We’ll show you                                                                                                               Clearing the Way for Business
 ways to accelerate the collection of your receivables, as well as improve your process for                                                                                                                   Banking Benefits.
 making payments. We’ll also show you ways to invest your excess cash wisely, and we’ll provide
 you with advanced capabilities for tracking your finances.

 We’ll conduct a thorough analysis of your business checking requirements, transaction volume,                                                                                                           14   Putting Online Banking
 deposit balances, online needs and other factors that impact your cash flow. And we’ll deliver
 creative solutions – not “cookie cutter” services – based on your individual needs and goals.                                                                                                                to Work
 It’s all part of our commitment to deliver customized banking solutions that make a real                                                                                                                     for Your Business.
 difference in your business. PNC Bank recently was ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction
 With Small Business Banking” by J.D. Power and Associates in its 2006 Small Business Banking
 Satisfaction Study. We are thrilled and humbled to have received this recognition from our small
                business customers, and we appreciate your confidence in us and the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                         18   A Growing Devotion
                     you’ve given us to serve you.
                                                                                                           PNC Strategies is published by The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Copyright
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to Customer Loyalty Programs.
                        We are eager to apply our expertise to help you further your business              © 2006. All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced in any form without the
                                                                                                           express written permission of PNC.
                         success. So have a conversation today with a PNC Business Banking
                                                                                                           This publication may provide reference to Internet sites as a convenience to our
                          relationship manager about ways to improve the cash position of your             readers. While PNC endeavors to provide resources that are reputable and safe, we

                                                                                                           cannot be held responsible for the information, products or services obtained on
                           business. It just might make your heart beat a little faster.                   such sites and will not be liable for any damages arising from your access to such
                                                                                                           sites. The content, accuracy, opinions expressed and links provided by these
                                                               Sincerely,                                  resources are not investigated, verified, monitored or endorsed by PNC.                            The Business Life Cycle
                                                                                                           These articles are for general information purposes only and are not intended to
                                                                                                           provide legal, accounting or financial advice. PNC urges its customers to do
                                                                                                           independent research and to consult with financial and legal professionals before
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Your business has a life cycle that’s
                                                                                                           making any financial decisions. The opinions and views expressed by the authors
                                                                                                           do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of PNC or any of its subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                              similar to the human life cycle.
                                                                                                           or affiliates, nor does the inclusion of the articles in this magazine constitute
                                                                                                           endorsements by the authors or PNC of any of the products or services of others
 “Highest in Customer                                          Jeff Schmidt                                referenced herein.

Satisfaction with Small
  Business BankingӠ
                                                               Executive Vice President and Manager
                                                               Business Banking
                                                                                                           Certain characters represented in this publication are fictitious and are provided for
                                                                                                           discussion purposes. Any similarities to any person living or dead are purely coincidental.   24   PNC Product Guide
                                                                                                           PNC is a registered mark of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Copyright
                                                                                                           © 2006. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Innovative products and services
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for every stage of your business.
It’s a simple reality…                           Considering the Alternatives

                                             cash makes a                                     There are three primary ways for small
                                                                                              businesses to acquire financing. Each has its

                                             business run.                                    pros and cons.

                                             Small businesses are no different, and while     1) Lines of Credit – “The purpose of a line
                                             almost all businesses experience peaks and          of credit is to smooth out the peaks and
                                             valleys in their cash flow, a small business        valleys of financing day-to-day
                                             can be particularly sensitive to these              operations,” says Bill Payne, an angel
                                             fluctuations.                                       investor and entrepreneur-in-residence
                                                                                                 with the Kauffman Foundation.
                                             “A successful company can grow itself right      > What they’re for: Day-to-day financing of
                                             out of business without enough working              business operations, such as meeting
                                             capital,” says Jerry Mills, who advises             seasonal inventory demands or covering
                                             businesses on financing as CEO and                  operating expenses while waiting for

                            Selecting the    managing partner of the consulting firm B2B
                                             CFO/CIO. “Small businesses usually need
                                                                                                 accounts receivable to be collected.
                                                                                              > What they’re not for: Large purchases,

                          Right Financing
                                             some type of financing to help with their cash      such as a building or expensive capital
                                             flow needs. The challenge is finding the            equipment.

                                  for Your
                                             right tool.”                                     > Pros: You pay interest only on what you

     Cash Flow
                                                                                                 use. Flexible, convenient and can help
                                             From the Lender’s Perspective                       pick up the slack in a cash flow crunch.
                                             Securing financing for a small business is       > Cons: If not repaid quickly, the amount
                                             similar to acquiring financing for personal         borrowed can grow to become a monthly
                                             needs. Except for credit cards and smaller          drain on finances.

                                             lines of credit, the lender most likely will
                                             require the financing to be secured. A small
                                             business owner typically will use personal        “A successful company can grow
                                             assets, such as a house, or business assets,      itself right out of business without
                                             such as a building, equipment or inventory,       enough working capital.”
                                             as collateral.

2   Business Strategies                                                                                                                       3
2) Loans – Term loans can help finance a         > Pros: Very flexible. Also, can be a great
       larger purchase. You will have a                 way to earn points for various goods and
       payment for principal and interest each          services, such as airline miles.
       month.                                        > Cons: Higher interest rates, as
    > What they’re for: New equipment, a                compared to other financing options.
       building or other large purchase that            Also, typically have lower credit limits
       depreciates slowly.                              than business lines of credit.
    > What they’re not for: Short-term needs,
       such as payroll, office supplies or other     Matching the Right Financing Tool
       expenditures where the need is                to Your Needs
       temporary or recurring.                       Business financing is necessary to keep
    > Pros: They typically carry fixed interest      almost any business on a path to growth. It
       at a competitive rate. Predictable            can be tempting to tap into the most readily
       payment schedules can be built into your      available source of financing, but it may not
       operating budget.                             make sense in the long run. Be sure to
    > Cons: Make sure the loan term does not         evaluate your cash flow needs and how the       P U T T I N G P - C A R D S TO WO R K
       exceed the life of the item being             financing will be used, and then work with
                                                     your banker to determine
                                                                                                     FO R YO U R B U S I N E S S
       financed, or you can end up paying on an
       asset that you’re no longer using.            which financing option
                                                     makes the most sense                            Purchasing cards (or “P-cards”) can greatly simplify the process of procuring goods and

                                                     for your business.                              services for almost any business. Available through financial institutions and credit card
    3) Business Credit Cards – Often used for
                                                                                                     issuers, P-cards are designed to enable businesses to reduce the administrative costs and
       travel and entertainment expenses, as
                                                                                                     burdens associated with authorizing, making, tracking, allocating and reconciling everyday
       well as various smaller purchases.
                                                                                                     business purchases.
       Provide the flexibility to pay in full each
       month or carry a balance – but at a
                                                                                                     P-cards allow for controlled spending for purchases anywhere that accepts a major credit card.
       higher interest rate than other financing.
                                                                                                     You should consider purchasing cards for your employees if:
    > What they’re for: Widely accepted
       payment vehicle that also can be used
       for short-term financing when needed.                                                         > Your company makes frequent small              > You use a chain of approval for all

    > What they’re not for: Any use where a                                                             purchases that currently require a                purchases.

       loan could be obtained at a better rate                                                          requisition process or instrument, such

       and with terms more suited to the                                                                as a purchase order.                          > You wish to allow more autonomy among

       borrowing need.                                                                                                                                    designated employees, but you still want
                                                                                                     > Your employees spend a lot of time                 to retain controls on spending.
                                                                                                        buying simple goods and services.

4    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                              5
Make Your Life Easier
        With an
Software Package
    The behind-the-scenes work
    to keep a business running
                                            often can feel like a black hole
                                                            of endless effort.
    As you grow, you find you’re spending             An Essential Tool for Running                   > A quick and simple way to track and        Features to Look for When
    more and more time on tasks that seem to          a Business                                         review previous transactions.             Selecting a Program
    have little to do with serving and pleasing       “If you are serious about your business, you                                                 There are numerous accounting packages
    customers.                                        must use an accounting program,” says           > Simplified payroll and tax compliance.     available. Depending on the kind of business
                                                      Dennis Piper, CPA and President of the                                                       you operate, some may be more useful
    For business owners, accounting is one of         certified public accounting firm Dennis Piper   > Projecting the image of an organized,      than others, but almost all can deal with the
    those areas that can consume mountains of         & Associates.                                      properly run business in case the IRS     “ins and outs” of both service businesses
    time – with little apparent contribution to                                                          comes calling, as well as for potential   and those that carry inventory. If you require
    your bottom line. It’s one of the most critical   Piper says accounting software programs            business partners or investors.           specialized accounting or billing features –
    yet complex tasks you face. It’s your window      can satisfy a myriad of important needs for                                                  something that’s common in the medical
    into the health of your business, and it          any business owner, including:                                                               industry, for example – packages like
    helps ensure you are complying with ever-                                                                                                      QuickBooks® have tremendous third-party
    changing state and federal tax laws. Luckily,     > The ability to review income statements,                                                   support with software plug-ins to meet the
                                                                                                      “If you are serious about your
    today’s accounting software packages have            balance sheets and other reports to                                                       needs of your business.
                                                                                                      business, you must use an
    made the task easier than it’s ever been for         monitor the health of your business and
    both the do-it-yourselfer and those who rely
                                                                                                      accounting program.”
                                                         plan intelligently for growth.
    on an accountant.

6    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                            7
The three most popular choices – Peachtree      > Popularity – The leaders enjoy               ASSETS & LIABILITIES OF
    Complete, Quickbooks® Pro and MYOB                 widespread adoption, making it easy for
                                                                                                   P O P U L A R ACCO U N T I N G
    Business Essentials™ Pro – all cost less than
    $300 to start, and they compete feature for
                                                       your accountant to work with the data
                                                       and help you keep your books in order.
                                                                                                   PAC K AG E S
    feature. As you evaluate your choices,             You can e-mail a backup copy to your
    consider the following:                            accountant, have him or her review the      There are more than a dozen business accounting software packages on

                                                       file and resend it to you without missing   the market. Here are four of the most popular, along with a brief

    > Support and Ease of Use – Many                   a beat.                                     summary of the key features of each package:

       programs have tutorials included or
       available online, set-up “wizards” and       Consult With an Expert                         Quickbooks® Pro
       extensive built-in “help” functions. Some    Before you select an accounting software       > The most popular, by far, and familiar to almost any accountant.

       include a block of initial phone support     package, consult with your accountant or an    > Easy-to-use set-up “wizards.”

       and the ability to purchase additional       accounting professional. Many accountants      > Extensive third-party support to customize package for your

       support in a package or as needed.           specialize in one of the popular packages,        business.

                                                    such as Quickbooks® or Peachtree, which
    > Flexibility – Your business probably will     ultimately can make your life a lot easier.    Peachtree Complete
       change over time. You may convert from       They can help you select the package that’s    > Offers many product options customized by industry – such as

       a sole proprietorship to a corporation,      best for your business, and they can provide      construction, manufacturing and non-profit – right out of the box.

       or you may want to begin carrying            ongoing support to help you get the most out   > Includes four levels of software, from basic entry-level businesses

       inventory or tracking job time. A package    of your program.                                  to multi-user mid-size enterprises.

       that offers only basic functionality may
       not serve you down the road.                                                                MYOB Business Essentials™ Pro
                                                                                                   > Extensive reporting functions, as well as key summaries illustrated

    > Reporting Functions – Look for the                                                              with pie charts, bar graphs and other diagrams.

       ability to view and customize reports the                                                   > Allows users to create in-depth profiles of both customers and

       way you want. Each business is different.                                                      contacts.

       Today’s packages offer dozens of                                                            > Strong Macintosh support.

       reports, so be sure the one you choose
       can do what you need.                                                                       Microsoft™ Money
                                                                                                   > Entry-level package offers less flexibility and fewer features, but
                                                                                                      may be a smart choice for home-based businesses.
                                                                                                   > Good for people who commingle personal and business finances.

8    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                   9
                           Clearing the Way
                                   Banking Benefits
                           If you know only a little about the Check        The original items are truncated at some
                           Clearing for the 21st Century Act – more         point in the clearing process, allowing the
                           commonly known as “Check 21” – you might         payment information to move swiftly across
                           think its sole impact on your business is that   the country. When the electronic transaction
                           your canceled checks gradually are being         is converted back into paper, the result is a
                           replaced by paper “images” of your original      substitute check.
                           checks. In reality, however, the act includes
                           a number of measures that are paving             A substitute check is the legal equivalent of
                           the way to make business banking more            the original check and can be used just as
                           convenient, efficient, secure and economical.    the original check might have been. No party
                                                                            – not even the Internal Revenue Service –
                           This Substitute is as Good                       can refuse to accept a substitute check that
                           as the Original                                  meets Check 21 requirements. It’s also
                           The most noticeable impact of Check 21 –         important to note that no financial institution
                           which became effective in October 2004 –         can refuse to accept a substitute check
                           has been those replacement images, called        presented to it for payment in the check-
                           “substitute checks.” Check 21 has made it        clearing process. Thus, individual business
                           easier for financial institutions of all types   or consumer accounts cannot “opt out,” or
                           (from banks to savings associations to credit    refuse to accept substitute checks in lieu
                           unions) to process payments electronically.      of their original items.

10   Business Strategies                                                                                                      11
The Check’s No Longer                            allowing you to take more immediate action
     in the Mail                                      to minimize and even prevent losses. This        R E M OT E D E P O S I T – I T ’ S L I K E
     Electronic check processing reduces the          doesn’t mean you should drop your guard
                                                      and assume fraud will be detected earlier in
                                                                                                       A T E L L E R I N YO U R LO B B Y
     need to transport checks physically from one
     location to another and decreases the            every case.
     chance of a delay caused by outside forces
     such as weather, transportation problems,        It’s Only the Beginning                          One of the most appealing aspects of Check 21
                                                      In addition to clearing the way for greater
     etc. With the increasing cost of gasoline and
                                                      business banking ease and efficiency, Check 21
                                                                                                       for businesses is bringing the idea of remote
     jet fuel, the reduced use of trucks and planes
     to move checks can help control the costs of     is opening the door for banks to develop new     deposit one step closer to reality.
     check clearing.                                  programs that enable customers to make
                                                      deposits electronically (please see sidebar      Remote deposit allows a business to capture images of checks upon receipt and
                                                      article). With these and other benefits on       transmit them to the bank for deposit. Check images are scanned into a PC at any
     Businesses that take advantage of “check
                                                      tap, Check 21 ultimately will enable you to      business location, and they then can be transmitted electronically to a financial
     safekeeping,”     where     their   financial
                                                      reduce the time you spend on day-to-day          institution for deposit at any time of the day or night – eliminating the need to race
     institution archives their check information,
                                                      banking activities.                              to the bank to make a deposit. Additionally, many business accounting software
     can access their canceled checks when
                                                                                                       packages now include features to capture remote-deposit transactions for posting.
     necessary. This can be done by directly
     contacting the institution to request a fax
                                                                                                       Check 21 has made it acceptable
     copy or by taking advantage of online access
                                                                                                       for financial institutions to
     to check images for printing and/or
                                                                                                       accept electronic images of
     downloading to a PC. In this way, a substitute
                                                                                                       checks, and many banks are
     check is treated as the equivalent of an
                                                                                                       making plans to use the new law
     original canceled check – but without the
                                                                                                       to make things easier on their
     hassles of handling and storing canceled
                                                                                                       customers.    According     to   a
                                                                                                       survey recently conducted by the
                                                                                                       Community Bankers of America,
     Helping the Fight Against Fraud
                                                                                                       41 percent of all U.S. banks
     Check 21 also provides additional protection
                                                                                                       plan to have remote-deposit
     against check fraud, since electronic check
                                                                                                       capabilities available to their
     processing may enable financial institutions
                                                                                                       business customers by 2008.
     to identify fraud earlier in the process –

12    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                       13
     Online Banking
     to Work for Your
     For many people,
     owning a business is a
     dream; however, the
     demands on today’s
     business owner can
     turn into a nightmare if                        It’s Like Money in the Bank                      are taking advantage of online banking in      transfer funds and pay bills online, as well as
                                                     When it comes to managing cash flow and          growing numbers each year. A survey            manage accounts receivable and pay taxes
     not managed properly.                           the day-to-day financial activities of a         recently conducted by Greenwich Associates     automatically. Online banking also can
                                                     business, utilizing online banking is a great    indicated that the portion of U.S. small       provide you with 24/7 access to an instant
     Gone are the days of the business that closes   way to save time and boost efficiency. As any    businesses    utilizing   online   banking     snapshot of your financial picture.
     its doors at 5 p.m. each day. Even the          savvy business owner knows – increased           increased from 43 percent in 2003 to
     smallest of firms can go global and be a 24/7   efficiency is like money in the bank.            66 percent in 2005.                            A Full Spectrum of Benefits
     operation with the help of the Internet. Add                                                                                                    “Online banking provides small business
     the everyday tasks of managing a staff,         Banking online is not a new phenomenon. In       If you’ve not yet discovered the benefits of   owners the flexibility they need to effectively
     marketing your business and overseeing          fact, online banking has been the fastest-       online banking for your business, consider     run their business,” says Mylle Mangum,
     the financials, and it can become an            growing Internet activity in the United States   everything it can do for a small business      CEO of IBT Enterprises, which provides
     overwhelming burden for any business owner.     over the past five years, and businesses         owner. A business can review statements,       consulting services for the financial services
                                                                                                                                                     and specialty retail industries.

14    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                              15
To truly realize the full spectrum of benefits   > Linking Multiple Accounts – Electronic
     that online banking delivers, a business            banking allows a business to link its
     owner needs to look no further than their           various bank accounts. This makes
     checkbook. Virtually everything that you            transferring funds more convenient,
     need to do with your business banking               which can ease a cash-flow crunch.
     account(s), you can do more efficiently
     online. And that’s just the beginning. Check     > Payroll and Tax Services – Online
     out some of the specific advantages of using        banking can be set up for various payroll
     online banking:                                     services, including direct deposit, and to
                                                         pay certain taxes.
     > Anytime, Anywhere Account Access –                                                                                                                       BANKING
        Online banking offers a quick,                Manage Your Company’s                                                                                     ON
        convenient and easy way to access your        Finances on Your Schedule
        account(s) and monitor balances               Perhaps the most significant benefit to using                                                             SECURITY
        anytime of the day, anywhere Internet         online banking for your business is the                                                                   WHEN
                                                      ability to regain precious time. Owning a
        access is available.
                                                      business may be a lifelong dream, but it
                                                                                                                                                                YO U ’ R E
     > Online Statements – You can access             shouldn’t keep you up at night. With online                                                               ONLINE
        statements for all of your accounts           banking, the bank is always “open,”
        online, and most banks allow you to           whenever and wherever you need it – saving
                                                                                                      Banks typically have some of the most stringent online security policies, with strict data
        access past statements as well.               you time and making the job of managing
                                                                                                      encryption and authentication procedures to keep your sensitive business information private.
                                                      your company’s finances more convenient
     > Online Bill Payments – Online bill pay                                                         In fact, according to a recent study conducted by Javelin Strategy & Research, online banking is
                                                      and more efficient.
        services deliver payments to vendors                                                          actually more secure than traditional banking. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to

        with a few clicks of your computer                                                            maintain your security online as well:

        mouse. You can pre-schedule your bills
        to be paid in advance, and you can set up                                                     > Read and understand your bank’s online security policies.

        recurring payments to be deducted
        automatically each month – saving time                                                        > Don’t fall for copycat bank Web sites. Scammers create Web sites with similar names to

        and postage while avoiding late fees.                                                            trick consumers into revealing personal information.

     > Treasury Management Services – If your                                                         > Do not provide your bank account number to anyone over the telephone or Internet, unless
        business has multiple locations and                                                              you initiate the contact.
        multiple accounts, an online banking
        solution that offers wire transfers, as                                                       > Be “password smart.” Create hard-to-guess passwords that include both letters and
        well as Automated Clearing House,                                                                numbers and keep your passwords secret.
        lockbox and electronic collection
        services, can save you time and money.                                                        > Log off of your banking Web site immediately after completing your banking.

16    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                                17
A Growing Devotion
                            Customer LoyaltyPrograms
                                   But the days when an effective loyalty
     It seems like everyone        program    meant     giving   away   a   free
                                                                                    An Investment That Pays
                                                                                    Big Dividends
     from the local pizza parlor   submarine sandwich for every 10 subs sold
                                                                                    A well-run customer loyalty program can be
     to the swankiest downtown     are long gone. With smart cards, radio-
                                                                                    a tremendous asset to virtually any type of
                                   frequency identification tags and wireless
     retailer has a customer       point-of-sale technology proliferating, a new
                                                                                    business, whether you market to the public
                                                                                    or to other companies.
     loyalty program today.        age of customer loyalty programs is upon us.

                                                                                    Regardless of your customer base, loyalty
                                   According to Jupiter Research, more than
                                                                                    programs can provide a treasure trove of
                                   75 percent of American consumers have at
                                                                                    valuable information on purchasing habits
                                   least one loyalty card, and at least one-third
                                                                                    and preferences – but they do require a         experts agree that the cost of generating a
                                   of all U.S. shoppers are estimated to carry
                                                                                    significant investment of energy and            sale from a new customer is four or five
                                   two or more loyalty cards. It’s obvious that
                                                                                    resources.                                      times greater than the cost of generating a
                                   customers love the benefits of loyalty
                                                                                                                                    sale from an existing customer, it’s easy to
                                   programs, but it’s also becoming apparent
                                                                                    According to Gartner Research, U.S.             understand the payoff. Companies like eBay
                                   that loyalty programs are reaching their
                                                                                    companies spent more than $1.2 billion on       and Harrah’s Entertainment credit their
                                   saturation point – leaving businesses to
                                                                                    loyalty   programs    last   year.   In   the   loyalty programs as the keys to their new
                                   wrestle with a variety of questions regarding
                                                                                    supermarket     industry,    where    loyalty   revenue growth, but the majority of
                                   the implementation of these programs.
                                                                                    programs are relatively sophisticated and       companies still are struggling to get it right.
                                                                                    mature, their costs average between 1 and
                                                                                    1.5 percent of total revenues – and the         Sorting Through the Options
                                                                                    percentage is greater in other industries.      There    are    frequent-flyer     programs,
                                    According to Gartner Research, U.S.                                                             frequent-shopper cards and frequent-diner
                                    companies spent more than $1.2 billion          That type of investment poses a costly          coupons; there are pump points, holiday
                                    on loyalty programs last year.                  question: are loyalty programs worth it?        turkey giveaways and donations to charity in
                                                                                    When you consider that most marketing           a customer’s name; and there are club

18    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                             19
cards, VIP cards, advantage cards and smart    In well-run programs, customer profiling is
     cards. With an almost endless array of         used extensively to identify a company’s most        G E T T I N G C U S TO M E R LOYA LT Y
     program options, how exactly does a            profitable customers – and then to anticipate        PROGRAMS RIGHT
     business determine what type of loyalty        and motivate their purchasing behavior.
     program makes the most sense?                  According to Musante, 20 percent of a
                                                    company’s customers generally are responsible
                                                                                                         More and more businesses are implementing
     “We see too many businesses implementing       for 80 percent of its income, and it’s imperative    customer loyalty programs each day, but many
     customer loyalty programs without the          to the success of any business to be able to
                                                                                                         are struggling to get it right.
     proper    amount      of   planning      and   recognize and rewards its best customers.
     strategizing,” explains Louis Musante,                                                              Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when developing a customer loyalty
     managing partner of Echo Strategies, a         “Let’s face it – not all customers are created       program for your business:
     customer loyalty consulting firm.              equal,” says Musante. “No business has
                                                    unlimited resources, so it’s absolutely essential       Establish measurable objectives for your program. Are you trying to drive repeat business,
     “First, do some research with your             to know which customers warrant the greatest            increase purchase volume per visit, generate referrals, etc.?
     customers and establish some measurable        allocation of your resources.”
     objectives for your program. Next, take a                                                              Take a look at what your competitors are offering with their loyalty programs and devise
     look at what your competitors are doing and    Another Brick in the Wall                               something that’s different from theirs.
     figure out a way to differentiate your         For all of their benefits, even the most effective
     program from theirs. Finally, be sure your     customer loyalty programs cannot ensure                 Offer “reward points” rather than cash discounts. Points have a higher perceived value
     top management is firmly committed to the      customer loyalty. But a loyalty program can                                                   than the dollars that they’re actually worth.
     program. Successful loyalty campaigns          serve as another tool in your efforts to enhance
     require an ongoing investment of time and      cash flow – providing you with a valuable                                                     Make sure the rewards you’re offering are desirable
     money, and it can be extremely counter-        foundation for maintaining, and growing, a                                                    to your specific customer base. Do some research to
     productive to pull the plug on a loyalty       dedicated customer base.                                                                      determine what motivates your customers.
     program after a short period of time.”
                                                    “You cannot buy customer loyalty, and a loyalty                                               Keep the program fresh and exciting with a constant
     Profiling Your Success                         program does not create loyal customers. You                                                  variety of activities to involve your customers.
     In addition to generating repeat business      create loyal customers with everyday excellence                                               Refresh your reward offerings regularly.
     from customers, loyalty programs enable        in your product and service offerings,”
     companies to collect a multitude of            concludes Musante. “Creating loyal customers                                                  Use the program to collect data on your customers’
     information about their customers and their    also requires a thorough understanding of the                                                 purchasing habits and interests. Don’t just hand out
     purchasing behavior. This data can be used     purchasing behavior of your customer base, and                                                static discount or “punch” cards.
     to understand, profile, target and market to   that’s the most valuable deliverable you can
     customers – as well as customize future        derive from a customer loyalty program.”                                                      Make sure your program is properly funded and
     communications and promotions based on                                                                                                       management is committed to it. You can alienate
     each customer’s profile (a record of their                                                                                                   customers by canceling a program once you’ve
     buying habits and preferences).                                                                                                              started it.

20    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                                21
The Business Life Cycle
     Your business has a life                       STARTUP                                        PNC Solutions                                            TRANSITION
                                                    Hold on tight.                                 > Money Market and Sweep Accounts                        It’s Time to Decide Whether to
     cycle that’s similar to                        You’re in for the ride of your life.           > Collection and Payment                                 Sell Your Business, Take It Public,
     the human life cycle.                          Your focus is making sales, building a             Management Services                                  Liquidate It or Pass It on to
                                                    customer base, establishing a market           > Business Lines of Credit,                              Your Family.
     Think about it: you’re born, you grow, you
                                                    presence and implementing a business plan.         Loans and Commercial Mortgages                       Your focus is capturing value, reducing risk
     mature and eventually you make a transition
                                                    Your big challenge is cash flow. Your needs    > WorkPlace Banking and Other                            and developing a transition plan for your
     to your ultimate objective – maybe a beach
                                                    include credit, cash management tools and          Employee Benefits Programs                           business. Your big challenges are securing a
     house on Captiva or a little place along the
                                                    insurance against unexpected losses.           > IRA and Retirement Planning                            realistic valuation of the company and
     fairways in Pinehurst. Every stage in the
                                                                                                                                                            dealing with the emotional aspects of exiting
     business life cycle has its own challenges –
                                                    PNC Solutions                                 MATURE                                                    the business. Your needs include estate
     and opportunities – and PNC Bank is there
                                                     > Business Checking                          Your business is a success, and you                       planning, family trusts and long-term care
     with the financial services, technologies,
                                                     > Online Banking and Bill Pay                want to maintain the momentum.                            insurance.
     expertise and solutions to support you every
                                                     > Merchant Services                          Your focus is protecting your market
     step of the way.
                                                     > Business Credit Cards, Lines of Credit     position, adding new products and services                 PNC Solutions
                                                        and SBA Financing                         and expanding into new markets. Your big                   > Business Valuation
                                                     > Business Insurance                         challenges are increased competition and                   > Business Succession Planning
                                                                                                  changing customer tastes. Your needs                       > Business Continuation Planning
                                                    GROWING                                       includes risk management, international                    > Trust and Estate Planning
                                                    You’ve successfully navigated                 financing and investment advice.                           > Family Wealth Management
                                                    the pitfalls of the startup years.
                                                    Now you have a new set of                      PNC Solutions                                            Delivering the Solutions for Each
                                                    challenges ahead of you.                       > Treasury Management Services                           Stage of the Business Life Cycle
                                                    Your focus is hiring key employees,            > Capital Markets                                        A PNC Relationship Manager can deliver the
                                                    establishing   policies   and   procedures,    > Personal Investment                                    solutions you need throughout the life cycle
                                                    growing market share and fine-tuning your          Management Services                                  of your business. We support you with an
                                                    product and service offerings. Your big                                                                 understanding of the different financial
                                                    challenges are escalating overhead and                                                                  challenges of every stage of business, and
                                                                                                                    Important Investor Information:
                                                    payroll costs. Your needs include increased                     Securities and brokerage services are   we provide you with access to the products,
                                                                                                                    provided by PNC Investments LLC.
                                                    credit, working capital, employee benefits                      Member NASD and SIPC. Annuities         services and planning to meet your evolving
                                                                                                                    and other insurance products are
                                                    packages and customer loyalty programs.
                                                                                                                    offered by PNC Insurance Services,      personal financial needs and goals.
                                                                                                                    LLC, a licensed insurance agency.
                                                                                                  1-800-PNC-6111    PNC Investments is a subsidiary of
                                                                                               PNC Bank, National Association.

22    Business Strategies                                                                                                                                                                                   23
Fast Find
                24 >    Cash Flow
                27 >    Personal Finance
                27 >    Financing
                29 >    Value Added Services

                                           PNC Product Guide
                CA S H F LOW                                                                                               Conducting Everyday Business*
                                                                                                                           We can help you choose the right checking account to handle your specific needs.
                Effectively managing cash flow is one of the         sweep account allows you to keep enough
                most critical aspects of operating a business,       money in your checking account to cover all                                                                                              Business Enterprise Checking1
                                                                                                                                Free Business Checking1
                and PNC Bank offers a wide range of business         day-to-day expenses and automatically invests              Are you just getting your business started?                                   Your daily transactions are growing as fast as
                tools to enable you to meet virtually any cash       any excess cash at the end of each day, while              Or maybe you don’t have a lot of transactions.                                your business.
                flow need or challenge.                              maintaining the security of FDIC insurance to the          > No minimum balance or monthly                                               > No monthly maintenance fee when you
                                                                     maximum permitted by law.                                                                                                                  maintain an average monthly collected balance
                                                                                                                                   maintenance fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of $10,000
                Keeping Liquid*                                      Business Certificates of Deposit
                                                                     Options include multi-term CDs with automatic               Business Basic Checking1                                                     Analysis Business Checking1
                Liquidity – Cash you have on hand or assets                                                                                                                                                   If your business is active, with high transaction
                                                                     renewal, variable-rate CDs and CDs that allow               Okay, your banking needs are still pretty basic,
                that can be easily converted to cash now or in the                                                               but you want more options than our Free                                      volumes and substantial balances, your higher
                near future.                                         withdrawal of funds after the first seven days with                                                                                      balances can work for you to offset fees.
                                                                                                                                 Business Checking has.
                                                                     no penalty. To give your business flexibility in                                                                                         > A la carte pricing — you only pay for the
                Premium Business Money Market                        managing its cash flow, we offer terms from as              > No monthly maintenance fee when you                                            services you use
                                                                                                                                   maintain an average monthly collected
                The amount of money in your account deter-           short as seven days to as long as 10 years.                                                                                              > Multiple accounts combined on one detailed
                                                                                                                                   balance of $2,500                                                            monthly statement
                mines your interest rate based on current
                money market rates—and rates can increase as         Making & Collecting Payments
                your balance grows.                                  Improve your cash position by simply streamlining     What comes with a PNC Business
                                                                     your systems for paying bills and collecting from                                                                       Free                Business            Business               Analysis
                                                                                                                           Checking Account                                                  Business            Basic               Enterprise             Business
                Treasury Enterprise Account     1
                                                                     your customers.                                                                                                         Checking            Checking            Checking               Checking
                Not just a checking account, this package allows
                you to manage your cash efficiently, help reduce     Remote Deposit For Business                           Combined transaction items free each month                          200                300                  500
                your business’ costs, improve cash flow and          Now you can deposit checks for your business          Cash deposited free each month                                      Up to              Up to                Up to
                simplify your accounting. This package meets         without making a trip to the bank! Remote                                                                                 $5,000             $10,000              $50,000
                the needs of larger companies with significant       deposit lets you make (transmit) deposits at your     Free Online Banking2 and Free Bill Pay                              Yes                Yes                  Yes                     Yes
                deposits, multiple checking accounts and the         convenience — 24/7 right from your place of           Free Visa Check Card with Reward Points               14
                                                                                                                                                                                               Yes                Yes                  Yes                     Yes
                flexibility to invest excess cash deposits.          business.4 Free up more time in your day — time       Free next-day funding on Visa and                                   Yes                Yes                  Yes                     Yes
                                                                     better spent on running your business. Ask your       MasterCard payment transactions
                Business Lines of Credit2                            PNC Business Banker how remote deposit can            with PNC Merchant Services3
                Instead of waiting until your money is tight and     be a simple and secure way to make check              Free global ATMs                                                                       Yes                  Yes                     Yes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Product Guide
                you need financing, request a line of credit when
Product Guide

                                                                     deposits.                                             25% discount on Clarke American checks                                                 Yes                  Yes
                things are going well. You’ll have easy access by
                                                                     Merchant Services3                                    Merchant Services discounts6                                                                                Yes
                check and flexibility when it comes to rates,
                repayment schedules and secured, unsecured           PNC Merchant Services® offers more than credit        Free first order of Clarke American checks                                                                  Yes

                and overdraft protection options.                    and debit card acceptance. Our solutions encom-       Earnings credit rate used to offset fees                                                                                            Yes
                                                                     pass traditional non-cash acceptance, gift cards,     Free Personal Performance Checking Account15                                           Yes                  Yes
                Business Sweep Checking*                             statement and reconciliation tools, e-commerce        (Limit 10 per business)
                If you normally have more money in your busi-        options, Electronic Check Acceptance® (ECA®) and      Free overdraft protection set up1                                                                           Yes
                ness checking account than you need to cover         more! Services are backed up with one-on-one          Loan origination fee discount1                                                         Yes                  Yes
                your daily operating expenses, let that extra        customer service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
                cash work for you with a sweep account. A            Plus, receive free next-day funding for payments          See PNC Bank’s “Account Information - Business Checking Accounts and Related Charges” document for further information. Bank deposit products

                                                                                                                               provided by PNC Bank, National Association and PNC Bank, Delaware. Members FDIC.
                                                                                                                               Payment processing services are subject to credit approval and provided by PNC Merchant Services Company. See PNC Bank’s Business Checking
  24                                                                                                                           Accounts and Related Charges for further information.                                                                                              25
deposited to your PNC Bank Business checking
                account.3 Call 888-562-2300 today and ask for a
                                                                                          PINACLE® Web
                                                                                          When your business has grown enough to need                                     PERSONAL
                complimentary analysis of your current processing
                statement to validate whether you are receiving
                                                                                          sophisticated Treasury Management Services,
                                                                                          PINACLE Web provides our most sophisticated
                the best rates for your business.                                         cash management tools. All the features of                                      Personal Banking*
                                                                                          PINACLE Express are included, plus a selection of                               It’s what you need to run your life right now. And
                Free Online Bill Pay6                                                     online cash management services from PNC                                        cover what’s going to happen later.
                Use your PC to pay business bills and schedule                            Treasury Management.                                                                                 • Checking • Savings
                future or recurring payments. Spend less time
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Money Market Accounts and CDs
                writing checks, reordering checks and buying                              Specialty Checking*
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Mortgages and Home Equity Loans8
                stamps. Take advantage of vendors who offer elec-                         A selection of accounts for very specific industries
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Education and Personal Loans
                tronic delivery of invoices. Save time by download-                       and situations.
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Credit Cards • Online Banking
                ing invoices and their payment history into popular
                business accounting programs. Best of all, it’s free.                     Non-Profit Checking
                                                                                          PNC supports the efforts of non-profit organiza-
                                                                                                                                                                          This is the dream part. Where you see your kids                               you can access your funds online or by writing a
                Treasury Management Services                                              tions with an account designed exclusively for
                                                                                                                                                                          dressed in graduation gowns. A second home                                    check, or with optional overdraft protection for
                PNC Bank offers an extensive array of Treasury                            them—featuring no minimum balance require-
                                                                                                                                                                          on a rocky coast. Teeing off on the first fairway of                          your PNC Bank Business Checking Account.
                Management Services to help you manage your                               ment and no monthly maintenance fee.
                                                                                                                                                                          your retirement.
                company’s cash flow and financial position,                                                                                                                                                                                             Business Equity Line of Credit
                streamline business operations, gain better
                                                                                          Analysis Business Checking With Interest                                                        • IRAs and Retirement Plans                                   Provide some capital for your business by using
                                                                                          A qualifying business, non-profit, government                                                     • Education Savings Plans
                control and accelerate your collection processes.                                                                                                                                                                                       the equity in your home or company building.
                                                                                          agency or sole proprietor can open the account.                                                      • Brokerage Services
                Talk to us about electronic tax payment lockbox                                                                                                                                                                                         Available in amounts from $10,000 to $1,000,000.
                                                                                          This account has the features of Analysis                                                        • Mutual Funds • Annuities
                services, ACH, Wire Transfer, Zero Balance                                                                                                                                                                                              Offers variable interest rate based on Prime Rate10
                                                                                          Business Checking plus earns interest on the                                                   • Tax-Advantaged Investments
                Account, Money Room Services and more.                                                                                                                                                                                                  and a 10-year principal repayment. Easy online
                                                                                          entire account balance. An Earnings Credit does
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        access or by writing a check.
                                                                                          not apply to this account.
                Online Information & Reporting
                Free Online Banking5                                                      IOLTA (Interest On Lawyers’ Trust Accounts)                                     FINANCING                                                                     Secured Line of Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Use your company’s assets to free up cash.
                                                                                          Specifically designed to manage funds for multi-
                Online Banking gives you free 24-hour access to                                                                                                           At PNC, we’re always looking for ways to help our                             Because the line of credit is backed by the value of
                your PNC Bank accounts, for a complete picture                            ple clients. Interest earned on an IOLTA, less any
                                                                                                                                                                          clients meet the challenges of running their                                  your business assets, inventory and receivables, it
                of your business finances. View your current day                          permitted service fees, is forwarded to the state
                                                                                                                                                                          businesses. When it comes to credit, that means                               offers lower interest rates than unsecured
                ledger and available balances, daily deposit                              IOLTA board. No minimum balance or monthly
                                                                                                                                                                          providing flexible interest rates, convenient repay-                          options. Available in amounts from $100,000 to
                account activity and transaction history up to                            maintenance fee.
                                                                                                                                                                          ment terms and credit availability. We help you                               $2,000,000, and interest-only payments deducted
                90 days. See the status of your loan balances and                         Client Escrow Management Account                                                choose the right loan from a wide range of loan                               automatically from your PNC Bank business
                verify payments. View images of cleared checks                            Managing and tracking client escrow accounts                                    products, so we can match interest rate, term and                             checking account.
                and deposit tickets up to 180 days. Transfer funds                        made easy. This account has one master account                                  other features for your particular situation and
                between your accounts,7 including draws on select                         that can be linked to any number of individual                                  needs. Our lending philosophy is what truly sets                              Growing Your Business
                lines of credit. Place stop-payment orders and                                                                                                            us apart—our goal is to ultimately say “yes” as                               Solutions for financing business expansion, the
                                                                                          client sub-accounts. Option to earn interest on
                order copies of checks, deposits or statements.                                                                                                           often as possible.8                                                           purchase of a business, equipment purchases or
                                                                                          client accounts. Account provides one detailed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        other major business expenses.
                                                                                          monthly statement.
                PINACLE® Express                                                                                                                                          Managing Cash Flow
                For growing businesses that need to expand their                                                                                                          A line of credit can help you manage the peaks and                            Choice CreditSM for Business
                cash management, PINACLE Express provides                                                                                                                 valleys of your cash flow.                                                    Installment Loan

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Product Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Choose a fixed or variable term loan based on
Product Guide

                an affordable and easy-to-use way to conduct
                your company’s banking online. With a single                                                                                                              Choice CreditSM for Business Line of Credit                                   Prime Rate10 and a repayment schedule that
                sign-on, you have one-stop, 24-hour access to                                                                                                             An unsecured line of credit that puts from $5,000                             best fits your situation. Payments are deducted
                critical information and a variety of services that                                                                                                       up to $100,000 at your fingertips.9 Applying is easy                          automatically from your PNC Bank Business
                help you monitor and control complex cash                                                                                                                 and quick, with a simple application and a decision,                          Checking Account. Available in amounts from
                management activities.                                                                                                                                    in most cases, in one business day or less. Plus,                             $2,500 to $100,000.

                    All loans subject to credit approval and require automatic payment        ices is subject to credit approval and provided by PNC Merchant             5
                                                                                                                                                                              There are fees for certain optional PNC Online Banking Services. See      7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Federal regulations prohibit you from making more than a total of
                    deduction from a PNC Bank business checking account. Origination          Services Company. Please speak with your representative for further             our “Account Information – Business Checking Accounts and Related             6 transfers each month to other accounts from a savings or money
                    and/or annual fees may apply.                                             details. PINACLE® is a registered trademark of The PNC Financial Services       Charges” brochure for further information. Offers, products and pric-         market account.
                                                                                              Group, Inc.                                                                     ing subject to change.
                    Next day funding valid only when processing Visa and Mastercard                                                                                       6
                                                                                                                                                                              Payment processing services are subject to credit approval and provided
                    transactions is provided by PNC Merchant Services and funds are       4
                                                                                              Credits to the accounts are Monday - Friday after midnight. See the
                                                                                                                                                                              by PNC Merchant Services Company. See PNC Bank’s Business
                    deposited into a PNC Bank Business Checking account. Merchant serv-       applicable “Funds Availability Policy” to determine when the funds
                                                                                                                                                                              Checking Accounts and Related Charges for further information.
                                                                                              will be made available. Remote deposit is subject to Bank approval.
  26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               27
Business Equity Term Loan                                             SBA Loans and Other Government Business
                Use the equity in your home or company building                       Loan Programs
                or both to get the cash you need. Payments are                        The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
                deducted automatically from your PNC Bank                             offers a number of loan programs, some of which
                business checking account. Available in amounts                       are targeted to specific types of businesses,
                from $10,000 to $1,000,000 and for a repayment                        owners or opportunities. PNC Bank can help you
                period of up to 20 years.11                                           choose the right program with the right features
                                                                                      to meet your borrowing needs. Ask your PNC
                Business Secured Term Loan                                            Business Banker about SBA loans and other gov-
                Use assets like accounts receivables and inventory                    ernment business loan programs today.
                to secure funding for equipment, machinery or
                other major expenses. Competitive fixed interest                      Conducting Everyday Business
                                                                                                                                                             Purchasing Card
                                                                                                                                                             A streamlined process for purchasing a variety                                            VA LU E A D D E D
                rates and a variety of repayment options are
                offered. Available in amounts from $10,000 to
                                                                                      Manage routine expenses better.                                        of business goods and services. Reduces costs
                                                                                                                                                             and paperwork associated with purchase orders
                $2,000,000 and a term up to seven years.                              PNC Platinum Business Rewards                                          and checks. Provides flexible spending limits,                                            Paychex®
                                                                                      MasterCard®                                                            merchant controls and fraud prevention.                                                   PNC provides access to Paychex®, a leading
                Other Business Financing Needs                                        Keep business and personal expenses separate.                                                                                                                    provider of payroll processing services.13 Paychex
                PNC also offers business credit solutions for                         Our Platinum Business Rewards MasterCard® is                           Employee Benefits                                                                         streamlines the administration of employee
                specific borrowing needs—such as Commercial                           a great way to manage and control travel, enter-                       PNC provides access to 401(k)s,† Simple IRAs,                                             compensation programs and provides all the
                Mortgages and Business Vehicle Financing.                             tainment and other business expenses. Track                            group insurance12** and our own WorkPlace                                                 documentation necessary to keep your payroll
                Leasing options are available and offer your                          expenses by category or employee.                                      Banking program—a program providing personal                                              system in compliance with state and
                company the opportunity to procure equipment at                                                                                              banking services and educational seminars to                                              federal requirements.
                a fixed rate for a fixed amount of time.***                                                                                                  your employees at no cost to your company.
                                                                                                                                                             Talk to a PNC Business Banker about 401(k) plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Visa Extras
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Turn everyday business purchases into
                                                                                                                                                             today and discover a competitive edge in attracting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       redeemable points for the rewards you want or
                                                                                                                                                             and retaining employees.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       need—just by signing your name. You can also
                                                                                                                                                             Business Insurance                                                                        earn points for online or electronic purchases.14
                Business Credit Solutions                       8

                                                                                                                                                             Protect your business. PNC provides access from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The choice is yours every time you use your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PNC Bank Visa Business Check Card for a quali-
                                                    PNC          Loan                                                                                        simple, low-cost insurance packages for small
                Need                              Solution      Amounts                      Features                                 Benefits                                                                                                         fying purchase when you enroll in Visa Extras.14
                                                                                                                                                             businesses to more comprehensive, customized
                Short-term working capital,        Choice       $5,000 to    Unsecured Line of Credit with check,         Simple application and decision,
                                                                                                                                                             insurance solutions for businesses with more
                equipment purchases and          CreditSM for   $100,000     telephone and online access and a            in most cases, in one business
                                                                                                                                                             complex needs.12 Talk to your PNC Business Banker.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  To learn more about how a
                general business needs            Business                   variable interest rate based on the          day or less. Optional overdraft
                                                                             Prime Rate.10 Or Term Loan with either       protection for your PNC                                                                                                             relationship with PNC Bank makes
                                                                             a fixed interest rate or variable interest   Business Checking Account.
                                                                             rate based on the Prime Rate.10                                                                                                                                                banking easier, stop by any branch, call
                                                                                                                                                                  All loans and lines of credit subject to credit approval and if applica-
                Working capital, equipment       Business       $10,000 to   Line of Credit secured by primary            Equity in real estate you own –         ble, require automatic deduction from a PNC Bank checking account.                        1.877.BUS.BNKG or visit
                purchases, expansion and        Equity Loan     $1,000,000   residence and/or owner-occupied              your home, your company’s               Origination and/or other fees may apply. All first mortgage products
                building improvements                                        commercial property, with check,             building or both, can be used           are offered and provided by PNC Mortgage, LLC. PNC Mortgage, LLC
                                                                             telephone and online access and a            to secure a longer repayment            is licensed in New Jersey as a Department of Banking Mortgage                        14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A “qualifying purchase” is any signature-based purchase, phone or mail
                                                                             variable interest rate. Or Term Loan         term and lower interest rate            Banker. PNC Mortgage, LLC may not be available in your area. Credit                       order purchase, or automatic bill payment made with an enrolled VISA
                                                                                                                                                                  subject to approval.                                                                      card, which is processed or submitted through the VISA USA Transaction
                                                                             secured by primary residence and/or          compared to other loan options.    9
                                                                                                                                                                  $175 annual fee applies to Choice CreditSM for Business Line of Credit.                   Processing System.
                                                                             owner-occupied commercial property
                                                                             with a fixed interest rate.
                                                                                                                                                                  “Prime Rate” means the highest prime rate published in the “Money
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            See our Consumer Schedule of Service Charges and Fees for further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            information. Bank deposit products provided by PNC Bank, National

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Product Guide
                                                                                                                                                                  Rates” section of The Wall Street Journal for the last day of the preceding calen-
Product Guide

                Larger working capital needs,   Secured Loan Line of Credit Line of Credit secured by business            Leverage the value of your              dar month.                                                                                Association and PNC Bank, Delaware. Members FDIC.
                seasonal inventory purchases,                 $100,000 to assets with check and telephone                 receivables, inventory and         11
                                                                                                                                                                  20-year term available with residential equity only.                                 PINACLE® is a registered trademark of the PNC Financial Services
                equipment and machinery                       $1,000,000 access and variable interest rate,               equipment to obtain larger loan    †
                                                                                                                                                                  Securities and brokerage services are provided by PNC Investments LLC.               Group, Inc.
                purchases                                                   based on the Prime Rate.10 Or Term            amounts. Optional overdraft             Member NASD and SIPC. A licensed affiliate of PNC Bank, N. A. may                         * Bank deposit products provided by PNC Bank, National Association and
                                                              Term Loan Loan secured by business assets with              protection for your PNC Bank            receive compensation if you purchase.
                                                              $10,000 to    a fixed interest rate.                        Business Checking Account.                                                                                                         PNC Bank, Delaware. Members FDIC. Loans subject to credit approval.
                                                                                                                                                                  Insurance products and advice are provided by PNC Insurance Services,
                                                              $2,000,000                                                                                          LLC Inc., a licensed insurance agency affiliate of PNC Bank, N.A. or by               **                               Important Investor Information: Securities
                                                                                                                                                                  licensed insurance agencies that are not affiliated with PNC Bank, N.A.                                                and brokerage services are provided by PNC
                Purchase or finance             Commercial      $50,000 to   Loan secured by commercial property. Streamlined process to buy                                                                                                                                             Investments LLC, member NASD and SIPC.
                                                                                                                                                                  PNC Insurance Services Inc. will receive compensation if you choose to
                commercial property              Mortgage       $2,000,000   Choice of fixed or variable interest rate. or refinance your company’s               purchase coverage through this program. A decision to purchase insur-                                                  Annuities and other insurance products are
                                                                                                                        building.                                 ance will not affect the cost or availability of other products or services                                            offered by PNC Insurance Services, LLC, a
                                                                                                                                                                  from PNC Bank, N.A. The coverage can be purchased from any source of                                                   licensed insurance agency.
                Purchase business vehicle         Business      $10,000 to   Loan secured by vehicle, with a fixed        100% financing of new cars
                                                                                                                                                                  your choice.                                                                         *** Leasing services provided by PNC Equipment Finance, LLC.
                                                Vehicle Loan    $250,000     interest rate.                               and trucks, 80% financing of
                                                                                                                          used vehicles.
                                                                                                                                                                  Payroll services are provided by Paychex, Inc. PNC Bank receives compen-
                                                                                                                                                                  sation from Paychex in connection with payroll services provided to PNC                                 TT: 1.800.531.1648
                                                                                                                                                                  Banks’ customers.

  28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     29
“Highest in Customer
       Satisfaction with Small
         Business Banking”                                                                                                        †

       We’re honored and humbled
       with this recognition from our
       small business customers.
       To us you’re more than
       customers; you’re a source
       of inspiration. Thank you.

† PNC Bank received the highest numerical score in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2006 Small Business Banking Satisfaction StudySM. Study
based on 4,996 total responses, measuring 13 financial institutions and measures opinions of small business customers with annual revenues from
$100,000 to $10 million. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of customers surveyed in July – September 2006. Your
experiences may vary. Visit

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