Selection of perching site background color by

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Selection of perching site background color by
               Hamadryas feronia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Costa Rica:
                           Implications for industrial melanism
Luis Ricardo Murillo-Hiller
       Universidad de Costa Rica, Mariposario de la Escuela de Biología. 2060 San José, Costa Rica;

                              Received 11-vii-2011.               Corrected 20-i-2012.         Accepted 27-ii-2012.

       Abstract: Observations of the increased frequency of melanic forms in moths of the genus Biston in Great
       Britain after the industrial revolution lead to the development of the theory of Industrial Melanism. Nonetheless,
       arguments against that interpretation of the experimental evidence have polarized acceptance of the concept.
       New evidence based on diurnal butterflies is more credible because it involves behavior that can be seen in
       action, during daylight, and because the natural history of the selected species is well known. An experiment
       was carried out in which three substrate colors (white, black, and gray) were employed to test the landing prefer-
       ences of Hamadryas feronia. A marked preference was observed for landing on white and gray, and a chi-square
       (N=644 tests) showed evidence of a preference by males to land on white, and for females to land on gray.
       Black was rejected perhaps because it provides very little background matching with the butterfly’s colors. The
       butterfly habit of perching selectively on particular color substrates is a genetically fixed behavior, where the
       males possibly choose white as a tactic to be noticed by females and attract them, whereas females prefer gray
       to enhance crypsis and avoid attracting predators. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (3): 1231-1236. Epub 2012 September 01.

       Key words: crypsis, disruptive coloration, camouflage, industrial melanism, behavior.

     The term camouflage has been used for                                        preys that are best identified by their shapes
years even though it generally has been con-                                      (Cott 1940, Troscianko et al. 2009).
fused with other terms such as disruptive color-                                       Crypsis, therefore, is a key form of cam-
ation and background matching (Webster et al.                                     ouflage that initially prevents detection, as
2008, Stevens & Merilaita 2009a, Stevens &                                        disruptive coloration, background matching
Merilaita 2009b). Stevens & Merilaita (2009a)                                     and masquerade do. Another defense mecha-
proposed that the term camouflage be used to                                      nism is for the prey to avoid being caught
mean all strategies involved in concealment,                                      once it has been detected, for example through
and Cott (1940) presented circumstantial evi-                                     motion dazzle (Hanlon et al. 2008, Stevens &
dence that concealing coloration plays a major                                    Merilaita 2009a).
role in secure the safety of otherwise defense-                                        The concepts above presume intense co-
less animals.                                                                     evolution in visual interactions between preda-
     The manner in which predators detect their                                   tors and prey (Hanlon et al. 2008) because
prey depends upon the physical characteristics                                    the resting place selected by the prey must be
of the habitat in which they live and the amount                                  perceived in the same way by both predator and
and quality of available light (Cot 1940). In                                     prey. To enhance crypsis during resting, prey
general, the visual systems of diurnal animals                                    often search for backgrounds that mach their
are adapted to permit the detection of distant                                    body patterns and color reflectance (Kettlewell

Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (3): 1231-1236, September 2012                                1231
1958a, Sargent 1968, Sargent 1969, Steward                subtract to land on, and if their ability to select
1976, Hanlon et al. 2008). In many cases, the             it is shown to be deliberate, then new valu-
chosen backgrounds consist of small to medi-              able evidence may be available to support the
um-sized objects of moderate contrast, and for            concept of industrial melanism. Hamadryas
that reason mottled camouflage is extremely               feronia farinulenta (Fruhstorfer 1916) is a
common in many animals (Hanlon et al. 2008).              good example of a butterfly that is known to
     One of the most studied and a polemic case           be selective with respect to its perching site
of crypsis is the Industrial Melanism described           (Young 1974, Jenkins 1983, Monge-Nájera et
in Great Britain for moths of the genus Biston            al. 1998). The goal of this research is to test
Leach, 1815. According to Kettlewell (1958b)              the color preference of H. feronia butterflies
Biston betularia (Geometridae) is one of about            experimentally with regard to their choice of
70 species of British macrolepidoptera whose              resting sites, to investigate how that relates to
wing patterns fluctuate from light to dark,               their biology and behavior, and perhaps to be
depending upon the degree of air pollution in             able to provide a new example of the industrial
their area, in order to enhance crypsis. Nev-             melanism concept.
ertheless, a problem is posed by experimental
results indicating that melanic individuals of
                                                                      Materials and methods
several species prefer light over dark back-
grounds (Sargent 1968). Monge-Nájera et al.                    The experiment was carried out between
(1998) obtained data for a diurnal butterfly for          October 2009-July 2010 in San José, Costa
which it was not possible to combine a prefer-            Rica, in an open area in the vicinity of the Uni-
ence for perch color with a preference for bark           versity of Costa Rica campus, at 1 200m above
texture, in fact, he discovered that occasionally         sea level and an average temperature of 27°C.
the butterflies perched on inappropriate back-            A greenhouse 3m long, 2.5m wide and 2m
grounds, probably when attracted to them by               high, and with black screening allowing 80%
food or to be more visible to females.                    light penetration was built in the selected area.
     Sargent (1985) suggested that some melan-                 Three iron cylinders 17cm in diameter and
ic moths may be adapted to exploit white back-            40cm high were built and painted, each with
grounds that are variegated with black, rather            one of three different colors in order to resem-
than the uniformly dark backgrounds suggested             ble vertical tree trunks. The colors were White
by the traditional explanation of industrial              3500 Glidden brand glide-on paint, Black Dark
melanism (Kettlewell 1958a).                              Secret 05/000 Glidden glide-on and gray pre-
     Experimental studies of additional spe-              pared by mixing the first two colors, 50% each.
cies that show cryptic coloration might help                   The cylinders were set inside the green-
to understand in what way some butterflies                house, one at each point of an equilateral trian-
exploit background matching coloration. Diur-             gle, and a plate with rotting bananas (food) was
nal species are the best experimental subjects            placed in the center of the triangle. The rotting
because it is possible to observe them in the act         fruits were 10cm from each of the cylinders,
of choosing a background, either experimental-            and for every individual butterfly tested, the
ly or in the wild. Members of the genus Hama-             cylinders position were changed randomly to
dryas are well known butterflies that change              reduce the influence of external factors (Fig. 1).
their perches many times a day, during daylight                The H. feronia used for the experiments
hours, and which chose apparently matching                were caught in second growth forest in La
substrates. Protection from predators is the rea-         Guácima of Alajuela, Costa Rica, 9°56’36.88”
son most accepted for that behavior, until now            N - 84°15’37.53” W; at 750m where they were
(Young 1974, Jenkins 1983, Monge-Nájera                   very common from October 2009-July 2010.
et al. 1998). These butterflies are influenced            The butterflies were caught and kept alive in
by natural selection to choose an appropriate             a temporary cage for two days without food

1232                                      Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (3): 1231-1236, September 2012
substrate color, and then I removed the insect
                                                                                  from the greenhouse.
                                                                                       Males landed mostly on the white back-
                                                                                  ground, and secondly on the gray background;
                                                                                  (X2, p
et al. (1998), which showed that perching                      Color perception is also important to con-
on cryptic backgrounds was more frequent.                 sider when studying substrate selection in diur-
Besides, these tests suggest that males and               nal butterflies. Butterflies do not perceive the
females have different preferences at the time            colors the same way we do, since they are also
of selecting a place to land. Statistical analy-          sensible to ultraviolet wavelength (Menzel &
sis showed a marked preference for females                Backhaus 1991). In any case, this is not a weak
to perch on gray, which makes sense because               point of the experimental design, because the
of the increased crypsis and makes females                tree trunks where Hamadryas has evolved to
employ more energy in reproduction: eggs                  land on, has no ecological reason to hide ultravi-
represent a biggest investment than sperm                 olet colors. The color we see in the bark of a tree
and they emphasize protection over finding a              is the same the butterflies perceive, even when
mate quickly (Hickman et al. 1998). Males on              they can see a wider spectrum of wavelength.
the other hand, are more compelled to find a                   Another aspect of these results is their rel-
mate despite a possible decrease in their fitness         evance to the concept of industrial melanism.
(Hickman et al. 1998) because living without              Hamadryas feronia may be considered a better
reproducing is like dying young (Freeman &                example to explain the process of background
Herron 2002). An additional possibility is that           selection than Biston betularia from Great Brit-
this behavior reflects sexual selection: maybe            ain, because its natural history and taxonomy
males prefer to land on white where they                  are well known and its behavior can be seen
are more visually-evident to females, so with             during daylight (Jenkins 1983, Monge-Nájera
predators. This may evolve if females select              & Hernandez 1991, Monge-Nájera 1992,
males with faster reaction responses to preda-            Monge-Nájera et al. 1998).
tor attacks (Hickman et al. 1998). This phe-                   Some unclear points in previous research
nomenon was reported in butterflies that have             include melanic forms perching on white sur-
brilliant coloration, sacrificing crypsis and             faces (Sargent 1968), which could be attributed
increasing the predation risk (Scoble 1992).              to the fact that the melanism is not genetically
     The colors employed in the experiments               linked to the behavior, which needs more time
were solid, white, gray or black, in contrast to          to be fixed by natural selection (Sargent 1985).
the mottled tree trunks found in the wild. This           Melanic forms of the moths behave as normal
is important because in nature a butterfly’s              because they do not know they are black as has
decision to land is easier because mottled sur-           been shown by Sargent (1968), and contrary
faces represent better matches with their wing            to Kettlewell (1955) assumptions. Instead, H.
patterns and thus provides better protection              feronia is a well known species that has fixed
(Hanlon et al. 2008).                                     both, genetically and morphological together,
     Methodological improvements are impor-               and therefore evidence of behavior increasing
tant to consider for future experiments. A                fitness related to wing coloration support the
weak point of the experiment is that the black            industrial melanism theory without the meth-
color absorbs more radiation from de sun light            odological problems that B. betularia presents
than the other two colors, this could have an             (Monge-Nájera et al. 1998).
effect on the substrate surface temperature,
favoring butterflies avoid it. This variable is                            Acknowledgments
important to keep in consideration for future
studies; nevertheless, I did not observe any                   I thank J. Monge-Nájera for important
particular behavior that supports this argu-              discussion and for providing helpful literature,
ment; besides, during cloudy days when the                to Federico Bolaños for statistical support
temperature was lower in all of the cylinders,            and also to Paul Hanson and Adrea González-
the behavior was similar to the observed in               Karlsson for providing critical comments and a
sunny conditions.                                         review of the manuscript.

1234                                      Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (3): 1231-1236, September 2012
Resumen                                               Kettlewell, H.B.D. 1958b. A survey of the frequencies of
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las formas melánicas de la polilla Biston de Gran Bretaña
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de vista de su historia natural. El experimento que desa-                             butterflies (Hamadryas, Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae):
rrolle consiste en tres sustratos de diferente color (blanco,                         implications for the ¨industrial melanism¨ debate.
negro y gris) en donde se pone a prueba la preferencia de                             Rev. Biol. Trop. 46: 297-330.
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