SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

                         INS ID E
           Aging In Place and Senior Resources
          Professional & Government Resources

          For more information visit
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County
2019 Resource Directory / 1
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County
Message from PGSPN President
    Welcome to the 2019 Prince George’s County Senior Resource Guide!

    The Prince George’s Senior Provider Network (PGSPN) is a non-profit
    501C3 service organization whose mission is to improve and enrich the
    quality of life for Prince George’s County seniors and their caregivers.
    Members of PGSPN include businesses, non-profits and government
    representatives dedicated to serving Prince George’s County seniors
    through collaboration, education, and service to the community.
    		 We are excited to partner with the Prince George’s County
    Department of Family Services, Aging and Disabilities Service Division
    to provide the 2019 Senior Resource Guide. We hope you find this
    resource valuable and take advantage of the following information pro-
    vided within which includes:
      • A Senior Transportation Guide
      • A Senior Housing Guide
      • Definitions of Senior Categories of Services
      • An Overview of Prince George’s County, Department of Family Services,
    		 Aging Services Division and Social Services programs
      • A Listing of PGSPN members dedicated to serving seniors
      • A Listing of Support Groups

    PGSPN supports Prince George’s County Seniors and their caregivers by:
      • Producing and disseminating the valuable resource, the Prince George’s Senior
    		 Resource Guide.
      • Offering a Speakers Bureau, featuring a variety of senior relevant topics, available
    		 for free to speak to senior groups, clubs, senior center patrons and community
    		 groups. For a complete list of topics and speakers, visit
      • Supporting senior community events through sponsorships.
      • Donating incontinence supplies for seniors in need.
      • Serving as a resource to public agencies regarding the special needs of seniors.
      • Hosting an annual senior special event such as a family caregivers retreat.
      • Supporting seniors in need through special projects.

    We hope you find this Senior Resource Guide valuable! For up to date information,
    please visit


    Darilyn Marinelli
    Darilyn Marinelli, PGSPN President

    Note: We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information; however, we cannot guarantee this Guide is free
    from error nor do we endorse the services included within.

2 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County
Area Agency on Aging (AAA)                             Assistive Technology/Devices
A local (city or county) agency, or non-profit         An assistive technology device is “any item,
funded under the federal Older Americans Act,          piece of equipment, or product system, whether
that serves as a one stop shop to provide infor-       acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or
mation, assistance and resources for persons 60        customized, that is used to increase, maintain,
years of age or older and their caregivers. The        or improve functional capabilities of individuals
network of AAA offices consists of more than 600       with disabilities.”
approved agencies. In Prince George’s County,
the Department of Family Services, Aging and           Caregiver Support
Disabilities Services Division serves as the local
                                                       If you provide support and assistance with various
                                                       activities to a family member, friend, or neigh-
                                                       bor then you are a caregiver. A caregiver may
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)            provide emotional or financial support, as well
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)          as hands-on help with different tasks. Caregivers
serve as single points of entry into the long-term     can use the formal and informal supports that
services and supports (LTSS) system for older          are available. Caregiving may also be done from
adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, vet-     long distance. Caregiving can be individuals who
erans and families. Some states refer to ADRCs         are unpaid or paid.
as “access points” or “no wrong door” systems.
                                                       Durable Medical Supplies
Adult Medical Day Care                                 Medical supply companies provide durable
Adult Day Care Programs are designed to offer a        medical equipment (DME) that your doctor pre-
safe environment for functionally impaired older       scribes for use in your home. Only your doc-
adults who are unable to remain home alone.            tor can prescribe medical equipment for you.
They can be a welcome respite for families and         Durable Medical Supplies meet these criteria:
spouses caring for a loved one. Adult Day pro-            • Durable – long lasting
grams provide clients with structured activity            • Used for a medical reason
and, when needed, assistance with activities of           • Not usually useful to someone who is not
daily living (ADLs). There are 2 types of adult day    		 sick or injured
programs: 1) Adult Day Care (ADC), which offers           • Used in your home
personal care services, and 2) Adult Day Health        Examples of DME are items such as blood sugar
(ADH), which offers personal care as well as skilled   monitor, test strips, braces (arm, leg, back and
nursing and rehab services. Some day programs          neck), canes, commode chairs, home oxygen
are designed specifically for persons needing          equipment and supplies, hospital beds, wheel-
memory care and support. Transportation is             chairs, infusion pumps, etc. Medicare Part B
often an option at most centers.                       usually covers durable medical equipment pre-
                                                       scribed by your doctor.
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

Financial Services/Insurance                          • Subsidized Housing
There are a wide variety of insurance programs        HUD’s Section 202 Supportive Housing for the
which range from health, life, home, and Long-        elderly provides rental housing for low-income
Term Care. The local Area Agency on Aging             tenants who are at least 62 years old with house-
provides counselors to assist with some forms         hold incomes no greater than 50 percent of the
of insurance that relate to Medicare and/or           area’s average.
Medicaid. Consumers need to weigh options
and compare plans to ensure coverage that best        Geriatric Care Management
fits the individual’s needs.                          A geriatric care manager is a professional who
                                                      specializes in assisting older adults, disabled
Housing Options                                       individuals, and their families with all of their
                                                      care needs, as well as connecting them with a
• Assisted Living
                                                      wide network of services, benefits, programs
Assisted Living facilities provide services to res-
                                                      and facilities in the community. They also serve
idents who need assistance with personal care,
                                                      as an advocate for their client’s health, safety
medication management, and/or home man-
                                                      and quality of life.
agement but do not require skilled health care.
Assisted living facilities can be a small home in
a community with as little as two to three resi-      Hospice Services
dents or larger facilities with private apartments.   Hospice care provides end-of-life care to patients
                                                      with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of
• Continuing Care Retirement Community                less than 6 months. Because most people pre-
(CCRC)                                                fer to stay at home, services are usually provided
CCRCs provide 3 levels of accommodations:             in the home setting as opposed to an in-patient
independent living, personal care/assisted liv-       facility. Services are provided by an inter-disci-
ing, and skilled nursing/rehab on the same cam-       plinary clinical team including nurses, certified
pus. Services vary by level of accommodation.         nursing assistants (CNAs), social workers, volun-
Most CCRCs require new residents to pay a one-        teers, bereavement counselors, chaplains, and
time entrance fee prior to admission. Entrance        medical directors.
fee refund policies vary. All CCRCs require pay-
ment of monthly or daily service fees.                Home Care (Non-medical)
                                                      Home health care can provide companion
• Independent Living                                  care, and personal care to an individual in their
Independent or Retirement Living Communities          home. Services may include light housekeeping,
are most appropriate for those who can man-           hygiene assistance, medication reminders, meal
age their health care needs on their own or with      preparation, shopping, and escort services. Fees
assistance from family or private caregivers in       vary for this service, usually private-pay and typ-
an apartment type setting. Independent Living         ically are not covered by insurance.
does not offer health care services or assistance,
but may offer a monthly meal plan, housekeep-
ing, social activities, and transportation.

SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County
Home Health Care (Skilled)                             Medicaid
Doctor’s orders are needed to begin skilled care.      A joint federal and state program that helps
Services are provided to patients in their homes,      with medical costs for some people with limited
typically for up to 60 days, and often following a     income and resources. Medicaid programs vary
hospital discharge. Skilled nursing is provided by     from state to state, but most health care costs
RNs and LPNs, and rehabilitation services (such        are covered if you qualify for both Medicare
as physical therapy and speech therapy) are            and Medicaid.
provided by licensed therapists. Home Health
care is usually less expensive, more convenient,       Medicare
and just as effective as care you get in a hospi-
                                                       Medicare is the federal health insurance pro-
tal or skilled nursing facility (SNF). Covered by
                                                       gram for:
most insurances.
                                                       • People who are 65 or older who have paid
                                                         into Social Security.
Legal Services/Elder Law/Estate Planning               • Certain younger people with disabilities.
Elder Law Attorneys are dedicated to helping           • People with End-Stage Renal Disease
seniors and their families with legal matters.           (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or
They can provide guidance and assistance with            a transplant, sometimes called ESRD)
creating important documents such as the dura-
ble medical power of attorney, health care power       Options Counseling
of attorney, financial power of attorney, a living
                                                       A person-centered service for older individuals,
will, a trust, and a last will and testament. In the
                                                       persons with disabilities, and/or their caregiv-
event a situation arises and none of these docu-
                                                       ers. It is an interactive decision-support process
ments is in place an elder law attorney can help
                                                       whereby consumers, family members and/or
the family navigate the legal proceeding neces-
                                                       significant others are supported in their discus-
sary to acquire legal authority, known as guard-
                                                       sions to determine appropriate long-term care
ianship. Additionally, when a loved one passes
                                                       choices that best meet their needs, preferences,
away, an elder law attorney can assist the family
                                                       values and individual circumstances.
with the probate process.

                                                       Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Facilities
Long Term Care
                                                       A skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility or
Long term care is the medical and social care given
                                                       nursing home provides 24-hour nursing super-
to people who have severe chronic impairments.
                                                       vision for those who medically need it. Skilled
It may include care in the home by family mem-
                                                       nursing facilities ensure medical, psychological,
bers, voluntary or employed assistance such as a
                                                       or social needs are met. These facilities offer a
home care agency, or in an institution such as a
                                                       full range of care including rehabilitation, and
nursing home.
                                                       specialized nutritional, social service and activity
                                                       programs. Skilled Nursing Facilities can be very
                                                       helpful in gaining necessary rehabilitation and
                                                       providing for a person’s needs for both long and
                                                       short term situations.

SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

Real Estate Services                                 Senior Villages
Real estate agents work with property buyers         Villages bring together volunteer-based services
or sellers and help them navigate the complex        and supports to help seniors live in their homes
nature of the property market. Agents talk with      as active, valued members of the community for
clients to find out what kind of property they       as long as they would like. Across the country,
want and what they are willing to sell or pay, and   the village movement is represented by commu-
any specific amenities they are seeking. They        nity-based, peer-run, member-driven organiza-
work with a real estate broker to find properties    tions (Villages) offering members a wide variety of
that suit their client’s needs.                      practical services, arranging for social activities,
                                                     and providing information about useful resources.
Senior Centers/Recreation/Leisure                    Villages structures and services reflect the unique
                                                     needs of their communities, embrace a not for
Today’s seniors are very active with a wide
                                                     profit ethic and can be all volunteer, staffed or
range of interests, abilities, and resources.
                                                     a combination of models. Village operations are
Senior centers have and continue to evolve to
                                                     often sustained by a blend of membership fees,
meet the changing and growing diverse needs.
                                                     donor support and grant funding.
Senior centers offer a variety of classes, trips,
special events, educational workshops, activities
                                                     For information on joining a village in your Prince
and senior resources. Senior centers frequently
                                                     George’s County community please call:
are community focal points providing a place
                                                     • Hyattsville Aging in Place, 301-887-3101
where older adults come together for services
                                                     • Cheverly Village, 240-770-1033
and activities and connect with each other and
                                                     • Helping Hands University Park, 301-892-6636
the community.
                                                     If you are interested in forming a village in your
Senior Move Transition Specialist/                   community or interested in attending an Aging in
Professional Organizers                              Place Prince George’s County - Village Working
Sometimes the desire to downsize and/or move         Group meeting, please call 240-542-2012.
is high but the task of doing so is overwhelming.
Professional organizers and senior move tran-
sition specialists provide expertise related to
organizing, senior move management, transition
and relocation issues affecting older adults.

SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

Members Directory
This Directory is a listing of PGSPN members. For additional resources, please call the Aging and
Disabilities Resource Center at 301-265-8450.

Crescent Ridge Adult Day Health Center                   301-567-1885

Maryland Care Adult Medical Day Services                 240-716-3649

Independence Now                                         240-898-2183

                         Functional Therapy Solutions           Functional Therapy Solutions: Medically trained
                         301-641-7035                           Occupational Therapist (OT) providing solutions
                         10000 Running Sand Knoll               for a smarter living space (home modification,
                         Laurel, MD 20723                       assistive technology and accessibility consulta-
                                    tions.) An OT will work with medical profession-

                                                                                                                        S I LV E R
                                  als, case managers, Medicaid Waiver providers,
                         Contact: Eldorna Samuel                building contractors, interior designers, insur-
                                                                ance companies, etc. to ensure a barrier-free,
                                                                functional, & handicap accessible home. Our
                                                                goal is for you to remain in your home as inde-
                                                                pendent as possible.

Arden Courts Memory Care Community                       301-847-3051

Arbor Terrace Assisted Living & Memory Care 301-486-1590             

Bethel Assisted Living                                   240-381-0702

Elyon Assisted Living                                    240-602-8926

  Hannah’s Heart ALF                                     Hannah’s Heart represents the essence of a premier
  301-633-7087                                           living facility that provides optimal care. Protection
  8106 Highland Meadows Dr.                              and pampering are provided in a compassionate
                                                                                                                        S I LV E R

  Clinton, MD 20735                                      environment. We provide quality care in a home like
  www.myhannah’                                environment. All residents are treated with respect                              and dignity.
  Contact: Janice Osborne, RN

Home for Precious Gems                                   240-802-6202

                                                                                             2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 7
SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE 2019 - Prince George's County

                       Independence Court of             At Independence Court, we believe assisted liv-
                       Hyattsville                       ing should enhance your lifestyle. Our residents
                       301-699-7900                      enjoy elegant settings, a wide variety of social
                       582 Queens Chapel Road            activities and programs, good food, friends

                                                                                                             S I LV E R
                       Hyattsville, MD 20782             and living assistance tailored to each resident’s
                      needs. The way we see it, an assisted living
                 community should optimize your independence
                       Contact: Katherine Culotta        and assure peace of mind for both you and
                                                         your family.

 Kekeli Assisted Living Services                   301-449-3148

 Kingsgate Manor Assisted Living                   301-346-7487

 Rose’s Place, Incorporated                        301-577-3291

 Seabury at Springvale Terrace Senior Living       301-587-0190

 Serendipity in Beltsville                         301-937-4598

 Spring Arbor Senior Living                        410-451-1140

                         Tribute at Melford              Tribute at Melford offers Assisted Living and
                         301-329-5565                    Memory Care apartments. We provide restau-
                         17300 Melford Blvd.             rant style dining, daily excitement and per-

                                                                                                             S I LV E R
                         Bowie, MD 20715                 son-directed service. Our community is state of
                  the art and offers a host of benefits and ser-
                         larry.dix@tributeatmelford      vices. We are the future of Assisted Living and
                         Contact: Larry Dix              Memory Café care!

 The Castine Group                                 202-271-7703

 Gottlieb Insurance Advisory                       301-332-4337

                           J. E. Henderson Financial     We systematically address the following wealth
                           Savant Tax &                  management issues: investment and tax man-
                           Business Service              agement; cash flow and debt management;
                           301-459-3796                  family insurance management, including life,
                           6606 Woodstream Dr.           health, supplemental, disability, long-term care,
                                                                                                             S I LV E R

                           B-100                         Medicare, and annuities; and planning issues
                           Seabrook, MD 20706            involving retirement income, college tuition,
                    legacy and estate, and special needs. We spe-
                           cialize in small business benefits consulting. We
                           Contact:                      thoroughly analyze individual circumstances and
                           James E. Henderson, RFC       customize our advice to meet specific needs
                                                         and help make client dreams come true.

8 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

                                             Kaiser Permanente has provided quality health care
                                             for more than 60 years. We’re dedicated to improving
                                             the health of our members and the communities that
                                             we serve, by creating safe, healthy environments and

Kaiser Permanente                            providing care and cover for all. Medicare awarded
1-866-973-4584                               Kaiser Permanente high Medicare Star Quality Ratings
2101 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20852   for 2019 across all regions.

MiMutual Mortgage                            240-654-0955

Phoenix Consulting                           301-219-2912

Primerica                                    301-254-6702

Ann Craynon ElderCare Solutions, LLC         301-218-0958

                                             Independently owned and operated since 1988,
                                             our dedicated team of professional Aging Life Care
                                             Managers provides expert recommendations and
Debra Levy Eldercare Solutions, LLC          individualized support to families and their loved
Aging Life CareTM Management                 ones facing the challenges of aging or disability.

                                                                                                     S I LV E R
& Concierge Companion Services               Our team is comprised of social workers, nurses,
301-593-5285                                 and gerontologists, providing a wide variety of
11120 New Hampshire Ave., Suite 505          services to assist our clients and their families.
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Contact: Susy Murphy

Lifematters                                  301-652-7212

Reassurance4U Companion/Concierge Service    301-580-8844

Pickett Fences Senior Services, Inc          301-358-2066

Seabury Resources for Aging Care Management 202-364-0020

                                                                          2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 9

                                Discover U Health            Discover U Health provides holistic health
                                301-363-9233                 and wellness home care services for seniors
                                8101 Sandy Spring Rd.        and adults (55+). Our supportive services
                                Suite 300                    & team members address daily needs &
                                Laurel, MD 20707             help clients with Chronic Disease/Condition
                            Management to achieve health outcomes.

                                                                                                              S I LV E R
                          Experience our unique approach of bring-
                                Contact: Pamgrace Gachenge   ing health specialists to you eliminating
                                                             some of the stress that comes from man-
                                                             aging a chronic condition. We aim to help
                                                             individuals & families discover healthy
                                                             living, wellness, and resources to maneuver
                                                             through life challenges.

 Montgomery Health Advocates, LLC                    240-418-6310

 A Network of Care                                   301-885-2100

 Assisting Hands                                     301-965-0521

                                ComforCare                   ComForCare is a non-medical home care
                                240-764-5844                 agency. We are committed to ensuring that
                                9420 Annapolis Road          everyone we meet gets the attention and
                                Suite 216                    care they need and deserve to attain and
                                Lanham, MD 20706             maintain the highest level of independence,

                                                                                                              S I LV E R
Live your best life possible.           dignity and quality of life. This is done by
                             ensuring we listen to the client and family to
                                Contact: Cary Hithon         really understand their needs and put them
                                                             at ease regarding our ability to address those
                                                             needs. Simply put we are passionate about
                                                             serving. We are here for you!

 CW Health Care Services LLC                         301-364-6699

10 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

                     Distinctive Home Care, Inc.          Distinctive Home Care is a licensed,
                     301-925-2900                         bonded, and insured home health care
                     9500 Arena Drive, Suite 105          company based in Largo, MD. We service
                     Largo, MD 20774                      the senior and disabled community. We

                                                                                                          S I LV E R
                     are privately owned. Our Care Providers
                  are certified, thoroughly screened, and
                     Contact: Jim Guynn                   employees of DHC. We provide care on a
                                                          live in or live out basis from 4 – 24 hours
                                                          per day.

                     Family Choice Healthcare             For over 20 years, Family Choice Healthcare
                     888-358-1341                         has delivered quality in-home care. We
                     4601 Forbes Blvd, Suite 320          provide companion care, assist with rou-
                     Lanham, MD 20706                     tine daily activities and accompany your
                  loved one to doctor’s appointments and

                                                                                                          S I LV E R
              physical/occupational therapies. Family
                     Contact: Kym Taylor                  Choice Healthcare offers a level of care that
                                                          brings balance and peace to both clients
                                                          and caregivers. Our staff is trained to deal
                                                          with demanding behaviors associated with

Genesis SelectCare                              410-375-7731

Griswold Home Care                              301-899-3200

Home Care Assistance                            443-302-2771

                     Home Helpers/Direct Link of          Home Helpers/Direct link of Bowie,
                     Bowie, MD                            Maryland, a locally owned, trusted provider
                     301-955-6013                         of quality, compassionate in-home care,
                     16701 Melford Blvd, Suite 400        customizing solutions to your unique situ-
                     Bowie, MD 20715                      ation that keeps your loved one at home         S I LV E R
                    where they’re happiest. Our Professional
                     bowie/home                           Caregivers have background checks, are
                   experienced, well-trained, insured and
                     Contact: Jonathan Wynn               available for 1 hour to 24 hours a day,
                                                          depending on need.

Interim Healthcare of Prince George’s Co.       240-510-1357

Regent Healthcare                               410-872-0310

                                                                             2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 11

 Right at Home                                  301-255-0066
 Serving You Home Care                          410-980-3145

                                                       Visiting Angels is a non-medical home care
                                                       company specializing in giving our clients “a
                                                       peace of mind” while providing customized
                                                       care for your loved ones. We are licensed by
                                                       the state of Maryland; all our caregivers are

  Visiting Angels Home Care Agency
                                                       bonded, and we conduct background checks.
                                                       Call us to schedule your “Angel” today!
  9701 Apollo Dr., Suite 297, Largo, MD 20774
  Contact: Vikki Kalitsi

 Active Home Care Services, LLC                 240-542-4240

 All Care Advanced Homecare                     301-604-2273

                     Assigned Health Services, Inc     Assigned Health Services, Inc. provides
                     301-812-3513                      Home Care, Placement Services & HMG
                     15400 Mount Oak Road              Assisted Living (Residential Services Agency
                     Bowie, MD 20716                   Lic#R4131 Maryland Dept. of Office of Health
               Care Quality). Locally owned and operated,

                                                                                                       S I LV E R
                     we provide highly trained caregivers as well
                     Contact: Naomi Elcock, RN, MHA,   as skilled nursing (wound care & medication
                     CM, DN, Executive Director        administration) in the patient’s home or our
                                                       assisted living home. Services available
                                                       also includes nursing case management and
                                                       placement services.

 Care Positive LLC, MD & DC                     301-439-1810

 Defyd Health Care Services                     410-262-1228

12 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

                    Family and Nursing Care            Since 1968, Family and Nursing Care, the
                    301-588-8200                       leading provider of home care referral ser-
                    1010 Wayne Ave, Suite 1100         vices in suburban Maryland and Washington
                    Silver Spring, MD 20910            DC, has helped older adults maintain their

                                                                                                        S I LV E R
                    independence and quality of life as they age.
                    Contact: Angelique Jackson
                    301-525-5221 (cell)

Galaxy Healthcare Solutions                     202-609-9796

Lifemattersusa/private duty home care           301-652-7212

                     NurtureLink, LLC                  NurtureLink is an in-home care provider
                     301-562-8800                      serving families in the Prince George’s and
                     1300 Mercantile Lane              Montgomery Counties. NurtureLink offers
                     Suite 136                         medication management, personal hygiene
                     Largo, MD 20774                   care in the home (such as feeding, bathing,

                                                                                                        S I LV E R
                          continence care, dressing and grooming),
                         companion care, meal preparation, light-
                     Contact: La Juan Russell          house keeping and transportation to doctor
                                                       visits. We also provide respite care for short
                                                       term temporary relief and rest and renewal
                                                       for family caregivers.

                     Prestige Healthcare               Providing compassion and care isn’t just our
                     Resources, Inc                    profession at Prestige Healthcare Resources.
                     240-334-4394                      It’s our passion, and it’s our culture! Our
                     9500 Arena Dr. Suite 474          Mission: To support our clients in living

                     Largo, MD 20774                   a vibrant, comfortable and dignified life.
                       Prestige Healthcare Resources, Inc. provides
                      competent, affordable and exceptional
                     Contact: John S. Smith, Jr.       “in-home” care, medical staffing, case man-
                                                       agement, and mental health services.

                                                                           2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 13

                            CBSA HealthCare Staffing           Healthcare Staffing and recruitment means
                            Skilled and Non-Skilled            more than just filling a position. Whether
                            Services                           you need nurses for a day or direct hire
                            301-971-4306                       services for your acute-care facility, perma-

                                                                                                               S I LV E R
                            9701 Apollo Dr, Suite 100          nent staff nurses for your medical practice,
                            Largo, MD 20774                    experienced home care nurse staffing,
                       interim nurse leaders, or the flexibility of
                     nurse staffing options, CBSA can connect
                            Contact: Pam Knight                you to the largest and most diverse nurse
                                                               staffing candidates in the country.

 ReciproCare                                       240-560-3554


                                                    Hospice of the Chesapeake’s mission is to care for
                                                    life throughout the journey with illness and loss.
                                                    Hospice of the Chesapeake provides physical,
                                                    psycho-social and spiritual support services to indi-
                                                    viduals living with and affected by advanced illness.
  Hospice of the Chesapeake
                                                    These services are provided wherever the patient
  Hospice Care, Grief Support

                                                    calls home. Hospice of the Chesapeake is committed
                                                    to providing the best possible care for all regardless
  John and Cathy Belcher Campus
                                                    of their inability to pay.
  90 Ritchie Hwy.
  Pasadena, MD 21122
  Contact: Karen Bryant RN, CHPN

 Capital Caring Hospice & Palliative Care          855-571-5700

14 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network


                         &                             We are a law firm that offers wise and
                                                       experienced counsel and guidance. Our
                                                       attorneys have over 75 years of combined
                                                       experience. Each attorney’s practice focus
Byrd & Byrd, LLC                                       is unique and can meet your different legal

Attorneys at Law                                       needs. Our key objective is to provide our
301-464-7448                                           clients with the knowledge and tools to
14300 Gallant Fox Ln., Bowie, MD 20715                 achieve every benefit the law allows. Byrd                                    & Byrd, Attorneys at Law, based in Prince                              George’s County also serving in surround-
Contact: R. Anthony Pasciuto “Tony”                    ing counties and Washington D.C.

                       The Law Office of Cheryl       We are dedicated to serving individuals
                       Chapman Henderson, LLC -       & families in Maryland and the District of
                       A Law for God Firm             Columbia who need legal assistance in
                       301-220-4463                   the following areas: Estate Planning, Elder

                       4920 Niagara Road, Suite 200   Law, Asset Protection, Benefits Planning,
                       College Park, MD 20740         Probate & Estate Administration.

Profit Law Firm, LLC                         301-882-3670

                       Arthritis and Pain Associates   We have Rheumatology physicians at
                       of Prince George’s County       3 locations (Greenbelt, Clinton, and
                       301-345-5600                    Laurel.) We treat autoimmune diseases,
                       7300 Hanover Dr. #201           Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Gout,
                       Greenbelt, MD 20770             Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, back pain,
                      knee pain, shoulder pain and any joint
                           pain. We perform bone density testing in
                       Contact: Barbara Taylor         the Greenbelt office. We also test for Total
                                                       Body Composition by Dexa which gives
                                                       you an accurate measurement of your lean
                                                       muscle vs. body fat.

Center for Vein Restoration                  301-491-4525

                                                                          2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 15

                                               At Envision Eye and Laser, Dr. Renee Bovelle and her team
                                               employ a patient-oriented approach to deliver expert
                                               ophthalmic care. Dr. Bovelle a board certified ophthal-
  Envision Eye & Laser Center, PA              mologist was trained at Wellesley College, UCLA School
  301-805-4664                                 of Medicine, Yale University and the LSU Eye Center. She
  12200 Annapolis Rd, Suite 116                offers each patient an individualized treatment plan, and
                                               she is dedicated to helping patients make informed deci-

  Glenn Dale, MD 20769                  sions about medical, surgical, and aesthetic treatments.                 Some of the conditions treated and services offered
  Contact: Dr. Bovelle                         include: Comprehensive Eye Care, Cornea and Refractive
                                               Surgery, Refractive Cataract Surgery, LASIK, Botox,
                                               Dermal Fillers, Dry Eye, Diabetic Eye exams, Glaucoma,
                                               Keratoconus and Ptyergium. At Envision Eye and Laser,
                                               Your Best Vision is our focus.

                                               Johns Hopkins Medicine’s vision, ‘Together, we will deliver
                                               the promise of medicine” is supported by its mission to
                                               improve the health of the community and the world by
  John Hopkins Community Physicians            the setting of the standard of excellence in medical edu-
  at Bowie                                     cation, research, and clinical care. Diverse and inclusive,

                                                                                                             S I LV E R
  240-556-1000                                 Johns Hopkins Medicine educates medical students, sci-
  17001 Science Drive, Suite 102               entists, health care professionals and the public: conducts
  Bowie, MD 20715                              biomedical research; provides patient-centered medicine                            to prevent, diagnose and treat human illness.
  Contact: Saundra Matthews

 Loving Hands Podiatry                              301-323-5652

 Mobile Medical Imaging                             800-680-9729

                                               Dedicated to excellence, Portera Rehabilitation provides
                                               Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
  Portera Rehabilitation
                                                                                                             S I LV E R

  4467 Old Branch Ave, Suite 103
  Temple Hills, MD 20748
  Contact: Raphael Denbow

16 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

                  DHC Medical                 We are a leading Medical Equipment and
                  301-918-1750                Supply company serving the community for
                  8855 Annapolis Rd.          over 12 years. We provide mobility equipment
                  Suite 100                   like wheelchairs, scooters, canes and knee

                                                                                                 S I LV E R
                  Lanham, MD 20706            walkers; incontinence supplies; homecare
            equipment like hospital beds, patient lift and
                                              bed rails. With free delivery and two locations,
                                              we are closer than you think! We accept all
                                              major insurances.

                                              Norbrook Medical Equipment and Supplies,
                                              Inc. in Lanham is your full-service home medi-
                                              cal equipment provider. We carry a full line of
                                              home medical products including sleep apnea
Norbrook Medical Equipment & Supplies, Inc.   supplies, oxygen accessories, incontinent

                                                                                                 S I LV E R
301-577-5846                                  supplies, wheelchairs, scooters and so much
9463 Annapolis Road                           more. We also have a Certified Mastectomy &
Lanham, MD 20706                              Custom Compression Garments Fitter on site!
Contact: Cory Daley

Tricare Medical & Health Supplies        301-333-0564

First Baptist Church Glenarden           301-773-3600

Charlotte Hall Veterans Home             301-884-8171 ext. 483

                                                                     2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 17

                                                FutureCare is Prince George’s County’s leader in
                                                short-stay rehabilitation and wellness for seniors,
                                                providing state of the art rehabilitation services
                                                7 days per week. Our Pineview location, a staple
                                                in the community for over 30 years, is now joined
  FutureCare Pineview                           by our newest facility- FutureCare Capital Region
  301-856-2930                                  in Landover. This flagship facility has a 4,500 sq.

  9106 Pineview Lane                            ft. rehabilitation gym that’s designed to get you
  Clinton, MD 20735                             home faster, and stronger! FutureCare offers short
                                                stay rehabilitation, Dialysis and Ventilator Services
  FutureCare Capital Region                     at both locations.
  1051 Brightseat Road
  Landover, Md 20785

                                                Hillhaven offers a spectrum of services from
                                                Assisted Living, Memory Care, Rehabilitation
                                                Services, Respite and Long-Term Senior Care.
  Hillhaven Assisted Living Nursing &

                                                                                                          S I LV E R
  Rehabilitation Center
  3210 Powder Mill Road
  Adelphi, MD 20783
  Contact: Janine Hume

 Express Care Pharmacy                         410-707-7549

                                               Professional Care Pharmacy, an independently owned
                                               & operated Long Term Care Pharmacy, providing all
                                               the pharmaceutical needs to LTC- Communities. We
                                               specialize in serving community based residential
  Professional Care Pharmacy                   programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities
                                                                                                          S I LV E R

  410-484-4801                                 as well Assisted Living Communities. Our goal - the
  806 Reisterstown Road, Unit 3                right medication to the right patient at the right time.
  Pikesville, MD 21208                         Working with us can reduce costs, billing complaints                         and help limit medication errors. We provide delivery                    twice a day, every day.
  Contact: Kateryna Donets
  (C) 443-204-9909

18 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

                      Prince George’s County,          Prince George’s County, Department of
                      Department of Social Services,   Social Services provides opportunities for
                      Adult Resource Bureau            residents of the County to become inde-
                      301-909-2085                     pendent, responsible and stable members
                      805 Brightseat Road              of the community. We do this by providing
                      Landover, MD 20785               intervention services, that strengthen fami-

                lies, protect children and vulnerable adults,
                  encourage self-sufficiency and promote
                      Contact: Shirley Jacobs          personal responsibility, We achieve this by
                                                       building community capacity, identifying
                                                       gaps in service, developing communi-
                                                       ty-based solutions, and building a collabo-
                                                       rative and competitive network of providers
                                                       that includes DSS.

Office of Congressman Steny Hoyer           301-474-0119

Long and Foster Real Estate Services        410-878-5597

                      The Tilghman Team of Keller      Jennifer’s Real Estate Team provides ser-
                      Williams Preferred Properties    vices to those in transitions whether it be
                      301-661-4472                     the senior, the caregiver or family mem-
                      1441 McCormick Dr., Ste 1020     ber of the senior... those facing divorce,
                      Upper Marlboro, MD 20774         baby boomers downsizing, and even to

                                                                                                       S I LV E R
                      the newlywed looking for their first home.
                             These transitions can be overwhelming, and
                      Contact: Jennifer Tilghman       Jennifer’s team provides the care and com-
                                                       passion throughout the entire real estate
                                                       transaction. They provide various resources
                                                       needed and manages the activities minimiz-
                                                       ing the stress of the move.

Remax Specialists                           240-765-1300

                                                                         2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 19

 Bowie Senior Center                           301-809-2300

 MNCPPC Senior Services                        301-446-3420

 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center      301-206-3350

 Langley Park Senior Activity Center           301-408-4343

 Gwendolyn Britt Senior Activity Center        301-699-1238

 Evelyn Cole Senior Activity Center            301-386-5525

 J.E. Howard Senior Activity Center            301-735-2400

 Camp Springs Senior Activity Center           301-449-0490

 Tooo Smooth Dudes Trio                        240-565-3239

 SAGE/Prince George’s Community College        301-546-0923

 Care Patrol of Prince George’s County         301-852-9310

 Pin Oak Village                               301-464-6830

 Changing Keys by Susan                        410-571-1499

20 / Prince George’s Senior Provider Network

Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area 240-518-8496

                                             ClearCaptions is a free phone captioning service
                                             that provides near real-time call captions of phone
                                             conversations for anyone hard-of-hearing or with any
ClearCaptions, LLC                           form of hearing loss. It can be used on our revolu-

                                                                                                    S I LV E R
916-525-8231                                 tionary home phone, your mobile device or your
301 Lava Ridge Ct., Suite 100                computer. Paid for by a fund administered by the
Roseville, MD                                Federal Communications Commission.
Contact: Juliet Grider

The Juanita C. Grant Foundation             301-325-8850     S.Orlene Grant, Pres./

Maryland Institute of Language & Technology 301-793-7971

Maryland Relay                              410-767-0969

Optimum Health & Wellness                   240-464-0544

Walking for Wellness - Educator             240-731-6488

Roseville Travels, Inc                      301-357-6438

Cheverly Village                            202-258-6167

Greenbelt Assistance In Living (GAIL)       301-345-6660

Hyattsville Aging in Place                  301-887-3101

Helping Hands University Park (HHUP)        301-892-6636

                                                                        2019 PGSPN Member Directory / 21
Advisory Committee on Aging is comprised of            Alert & Return Prince George’s is a program
24 members, appointed by the County Executive          to provide 24/7 wandering and emergency
and confirmed by the County Council to advise          response services for individuals with Alzheimer’s
them on issues related to aging. The members are       disease or other related dementias. In addition,
citizen leaders representing public, agency and        the Prince George’s County Safe Return Program
private communities. Its mission is to advise the      will provide resources to individuals diagnosed
Prince George’s County Executive and County            with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias,
Council on issues related to aging and to support      their families and caregivers, including: In Home
and advocate the promotion of choice, dignity,         Assessment; Wandering and Personal Emergency
and independence for all older Prince Georges          Response Systems (PERS); Linkage to Community
and their families.                                    Based Services; Caregiver/Community Education-
     Meetings are held throughout the year and         (Safety Tip Sheet); Semi-Annual Monitoring/
are open to public. If you would like additional       Reassessment.
information about the Advisory Committee on
Aging contact us at 301-265-8450 or email us at        Community First Choice provides community                             services and supports to enable individuals who
                                                       meet an institutional level of care to live in their
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)            own home. Services include personal assistance,
offers a single point of contact for senior citizens   nurse monitoring, and home delivered meals.
and their families who need information, referral
and/or assistance to deal with the complex and         Community Options Waiver enables older adults
continually changing nature of aging programs,         to remain in a community setting even though
services and benefits. Linkage to these services       their advanced age or disability would warrant
and programs are also available to isolated            placement in a long-term care facility. The Waiver
seniors and those with disabilities. This service      allows services that are typically covered by
also includes follow-up to assure service delivery     Medicaid only in a long-term care facility to be
to clients. The ADRC can also link persons with        provided to eligible persons in their own homes
older family members living outside the area with      or in assisted living facilities.
services in their community.

Community Personal Assistance Services for-            care, and other support services. The caregiver
merly known as the Medical Assistance Personal         provides care to an older individual who may be
Care Program (MAPC) provides support to indi-          losing their ability to live and care for themselves
viduals who require assistance with their activities   independently.
of daily living, but do not meet an institutional
level of care. Community Personal Assistance           Foster Grandparent Program provides oppor-
Services allow individuals who are chronically ill,    tunities for older volunteers to work with physi-
frail, or disabled the opportunity to stay in their    cally, mentally and emotionally challenged chil-
home by granting personal support with daily           dren in schools and special centers throughout
tasks such as bathing, dressing, and meal prepa-       the County. These children would otherwise be
ration. Other services include nurse monitoring        without the personal attention necessary for their
and support planning.                                  social adjustment and maturation.

Dementia Friendly Prince George’s                      Health Promotion and Disease Prevention is a
“A dementia–friendly community” is one in              program designed to promote and educate the
which people with dementia are empowered to            importance of a healthy lifestyle to senior citizens
have high aspirations and feel confident, know-        that attend Area Agency on Aging sponsored
ing they can contribute and participate in activ-      programs.
ities that are meaningful to them. The goal of
the Prince George’s County Dementia Friendly           Long Term Care Ombudsman Program pro-
Initiative is to leverage resources, both public       motes the highest quality of life and care possi-
and private to create a community that supports        ble for residents in long term care facilities. The
those with dementia, their caregivers and fami-        Ombudsman, with the assistance of volunteers,
lies. Dementia Friendly Prince George’s is a volun-    investigates and seeks problem resolutions which
teer-driven collaboration preparing communities        affect residents’ rights, health, care, safety and
for the personal, social, and budgetary impacts of     welfare.
Alzheimer’s disease.
                                                       Maryland Access Point of Prince George’s County
Evidence-based       Chronic      Disease     Self-    serves as a single point of entry into the long-term
Management provides the “Living Well” Chronic          care system for older adults and persons with dis-
Disease Self-Management Program to Older               abilities. The MAP is a partnership effort with the
Adults in the County. This program is a workshop;      local Health Department, Department of Social
given two and a half hours, once a week, for six       Services, and Independence Now, Inc. which ser-
weeks, in community settings. People with dif-         vices as the local Center for Independent Living
ferent chronic health problems attend together.        (CIL). This collaboration facilitates a one-stop shop
Workshops are facilitated by two trained leaders,      for older persons, persons with disabilities and
one or both of whom are non-health profession-         their families.
als with a chronic disease themselves. This pro-
gram is especially helpful for people with chronic     Money Follows the Person (MFP) is designed
illness, such as hypertension and diabetes, as it      to streamline the transition process for individu-
gives them the skills to understand how to com-        als who chose to transition from a long-term care
municate effectively with doctors, manage their        facility to a community setting. A community set-
own health, medications and nutrition, as well as      ting as defined by MFP is a residential setting with
understand the effect of stress, anxiety and pain.     four or less unrelated residents.

Family Caregivers Program provides assistance          Public Guardianship Program ensures the pro-
to caregivers; who may include family, friends, and    vision of optimum care/services for adjudicated
members of the community, with access to sup-          wards of the court, through professional case
port groups, problem solving, education, respite       management. As an agent of the Circuit Court,

                                                                                  2019 Resource Directory / 23
Area Agency on Aging Programs
case management decisions are made pertaining;             emergency response system, and other services.
to medical care, living arrangements and overall           Senior Care is a gap-filling program for seniors 65
personal welfare issues.                                   years of age and older who have limited income
                                                           and assets.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program provides
volunteer opportunities for over 500 seniors,              State Health Insurance Program provides free
age 55 and older. Volunteers serve in a variety of         health insurance counseling and assistance to
interesting and challenging assignments at over            persons with Medicare and other health insurance
50 non-profit organizations, schools and govern-           benefits. Trained staff and volunteer counselors
ment agencies. In addition, RSVP offers such pro-          provide information about Medicare, Medicaid,
grams as; friendly visiting, telephone reassurance,        Medigap, Long-Term Care Insurance, Health
tutoring to school-aged children, and supportive           Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), claims,
services to community and government agencies.             appeals, and physician and hospital bills.

Senior Assisted Living Group Home Subsidy                  Senior Nutrition Program offers a variety of nutri-
Program combines housing with supportive ser-              tious meals which meets 1/3 of the Recommended
vices for seniors who need regular assistance              Dietary Allowances for older adults. Meals are
with activities of daily living, but are not in need       served at the congregate site locations and are
of nursing home placement. By offering congre-             delivered to those homebound seniors within the
gate meals, housekeeping, personal services and            community. The program provides hot, frozen
24-hour supervision, this program enables frail            and kosher meals to eligible participants.
elders to continue living in the community. The
homes are licensed by the Department of Health             Senior Medicare Patrol is a program designed
and Mental Hygiene. Homes that are enrolled in             to reduce the amount of federal and state funds
the Senior Assisted Living Group Subsidy Program           lost, due to health insurance fraud, by increasing
that have subsidy residents are monitored quar-            the public’s ability to detect and report possible
terly by the Area Agency on Aging’s Program                fraud, waste, and abuse.
Monitor. All other 4-16 bed Assisted Living
Facilities are monitored every 12-15 months.               Telephone Reassurance Program recruits vol-
                                                           unteers from the community, senior centers and
Senior Community Service Employment                        other volunteer programs to place daily reassur-
Program (SCSEP) is a subsidized employment                 ing telephone calls to senior citizens within Prince
and training program which provides part-time              George’s County. The goal of the program is to
employment and training for low-income older               eliminate some of the concerns facing home-
adults and improves and expands community ser-             bound senior citizens who live alone, thereby,
vices where needed.                                        reducing social isolation. The program provides
                                                           the opportunity for seniors to connect by tele-
Senior Care funds services for seniors who may             phone with a friendly voice; this allows individuals
be at risk of nursing home placement. Clients can          to stay in contact with their community and helps
access publicly provided services, or if they are          decrease the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
not available, Senior Care will make arrangements          The Program also provides added peace of mind
with private vendors. These services can include;          for relatives who live out of town.
personal care, chore, adult day care, medical
supplies, respite care, home delivered meals,

                         Like us on Facebook           pgcfamilyservices
                         Follow us on Twitter          @pgcfamilyserve and on Instagram           @pgcfamily
Prince George’s County
Health Department
   Adult Evaluation Review Services (AERS)
• AERS evaluates the needs of elderly and chronically ill
persons who are Prince George’s County residents. There               Dental and HIV/STI Services
are no fees for service.                                           • A sliding scale Fee for Service
• Staff Nurses and Social Workers do a comprehensive               Oral Health program for adults and
evaluation to identify services available to help the individual   seniors without dental insurance,
remain in the community or the least restrictive environment       including emergency treatment
while functioning at the highest level of independence and         prophylactic and restorative services.
personal well-being. Recommendations and resources are             Dentures and crowns will be available
provided. Evaluations are completed for persons seeking            at reduced rates.
services from the Senior Care Program, Community Options           • HIV and STI testing and treatment
Waiver, and Medical Assistance Personal Care Program,              for adults and seniors.
Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) and
other individuals who may need community services.

   Medical Assistance Transportation (MATP is for seniors with Medicaid)
• These Medical Assistance Transportation services are provided using Health Department vans
and contracted vendors that provide sedan, wheelchair, and ambulance transportation. For fee and
scheduling, contact 301-856-9555.
   ◊◊ MATP does not include emergency transportation or transportation to or from the following
   services: workshops or daycare programs, visitation purposes, non-medical services, during severe
   weather conditions when deemed unsafe, and any medical services not payable through Medicaid.
• There is no fee for services. Non-emergency transportation services must be scheduled a minimum
of 24 hours in advance. Transportation services are not guaranteed unless patients have just been
discharged from the hospital.
• Recipients requesting to use transportation services will be screened by program staff. Eligibility is
as follows:
   ◊◊ The recipient must provide a copy of their Medicaid card, a Maryland State identification card
   evidencing the client is a resident of Prince George’s County and a signed HIPPA form. A primary
   care physician certification will be obtained after screening. Out-of-area physician referrals may
   also be needed prior to appointments that exceed 30 miles from the recipient’s home.
   ◊◊ Trips to medical appointments are verified in advance of scheduling; post-verifications are
   also performed.

                                       PrinceGeorgesCountyHealthDepartment                  @PGCHealth
                                       Prince George's County Health Department
Social Service Programs
The Department of Social Services (DSS) partners with the community, our customers and other
service providers to stabilize and strengthen families, to protect children and vulnerable adults, and
to encourage self-sufficiency and personal responsibility. Generally, DSS is known for assistance with
provision of emergency housing, cash, medical and food assistance programs, utility assistance, fos-
ter care and adoption services and child and adult protective services. Below you will find greater
detail of some of the services the Department of Social Services provides to the community.

Medicaid is a comprehensive health care insurance program for individuals with low-income. Apply
for medical assistance services at

QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary) and SLIMB (Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary)
The Program connects the two largest public health programs in the country, Medicare and
Medicaid, as Medicaid pays for all or part of the Medicare premium and deductible amounts for indi-
viduals with low-income who are financially eligible. Visit for
more information.

Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
Provides limited cash assistance for disabled adults.

Food Supplemental Program (Food Stamps)
Helps individuals with low-income buy the food they need for good health.

Child Protective Services (CPS)
Investigates alleged child abuse, child sexual abuse and child neglect. Abuse and neglect prevention
requires identification, treatment and the involvement of everyone in our community.
• Child Abuse is the physical or mental injury of a child by a parent, caregiver or family member; or
   sexual abuse of a child whether physical injuries are sustained or not.
• Child Neglect is the failure to give proper care and attention to a child, thereby placing the child’s
   health and welfare in jeopardy. Report Child Abuse and Neglect on (301) 909-2450 or 211 (24-
   hours daily).

Foster Care
Foster Care is the provision of short-term care and supportive services to children who are unable to
live at home due to child abuse and neglect. DSS places children in family foster homes, as well as
in group-care settings. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please call (301) 909-2300.

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