Service Delivery Statements - Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games

Page created by Manuel Hughes
State Budget 2014-15

                                       Service Delivery Statements
                                       Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business
                                                            and the Commonwealth Games

     Great state. Great opportunity.
2014–15 State Budget Papers
1. Budget Speech
2. Budget Strategy and Outlook
3. Capital Statement
4. Budget Measures
5. Service Delivery Statements
Appropriation Bills
Concessions Statement

The suite of Budget Papers is similar to that published in 2013-14.

The Budget Papers are available online at

© Crown copyright
All rights reserved
Queensland Government 2014

Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced, with appropriate
acknowledgement, as permitted under the Copyright Act.

Service Delivery Statements

ISSN 1445-4890 (Print)
ISSN 1445-4904 (Online)
Department of Tourism, Major
Events, Small Business and the
   Commonwealth Games
Summary of portfolio budgets
                                                                                                       2013-14               2014-15
Page           Agency                                                                                Est. Actual              Budget
                                                                                                           $’000               $’000

2              Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small
               Business and the Commonwealth Games –
               controlled                                                             99,607              95,116             107,441

               Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small
               Business and the Commonwealth Games –
               administered                                                          108,472             107,166             119,393

26             Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games
               Corporation                                                            16,515              16,999              29,154

34             Tourism and Events Queensland                                         118,860             123,612              98,675

1.     Explanations of variances are provided in the financial statements.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements - Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games
Ministerial and portfolio responsibilities
The table below represents the agencies and services which are the responsibility of the Minister for
Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games:

          Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
                            Commonwealth Games
                                       The Honourable Jann Stuckey MP

                                    Assistant Minister for Tourism
                                                    Gavin King, MP

     Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
                      Commonwealth Games
                                    Director-General: Dr Richard Eden
Service Area 1: Tourism and Events Development
Service Area 2: Business to Government Services

             Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation
                                               CEO: Mark Peters
Objective: To plan, organise and deliver the Commonwealth Games, in conjunction with
the Australian Commonwealth Games Association and Commonwealth Games

                               Tourism and Events Queensland
                                           CEO: Leanne Coddington
Objective: Tourism and Events Queensland is the Queensland Government’s lead
marketing, experience and destination development, and major events agency,
representing the state’s tourism and events industries.

Additional information about these agencies can be sourced from:

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements - Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                           1

Strategic direction
The Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games vision is
to provide leadership in making Queensland a highly attractive destination for tourists, investment
and events, supported by strong, capable and responsive small businesses. The following strategic
objectives support this vision:
x     grow priority markets
x     deliver a successful Commonwealth Games
x     enable new products and experiences
x     competitive small businesses
x     easier to do business
x     an agile, high performing and engaged organisation.

These objectives contribute to the Government’s objectives for the community to:
x     grow a four pillar economy—through actions aimed at increasing annual overnight visitor
      expenditure from $15 billion in 2010 to $30 billion in 2020
x     invest in better infrastructure and planning—through investment attraction strategies, and by
      ensuring the Commonwealth Games provides a lasting legacy for Queensland
x     revitalise front-line services—through continued improvement to business’ ability to transact
      online with Government through the business and industry portal.

The department works in close partnership with industry and our portfolio partners to achieve our
objectives, taking into account external factors such as strong international and interstate
competition for tourism and major events and changing business and consumer behaviours and

During 2014-15, the department will:
x     deliver the third DestinationQ forum on the Sunshine Coast in September 2014
x     implement the actions outlined in the Destination Success Action Plan January 2013-June 2015
x     attract investment into new and revitalised tourism infrastructure to develop Queensland
      tourism destinations
x     manage the Attracting Aviation Investment Fund to secure new visitors to Queensland
x     support drive tourism as part of the Queensland Drive Tourism Strategy 2013-15
x     continue to develop the Business and Industry Portal to deliver on the Government’s
      One-Stop Shop Plan 2013-18
x     commence implementation of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Forward
      Procurement Plan and GC2018 Business Development Framework
x     develop and implement the Evaluation and Monitoring Framework to support Embracing our
      Games Legacy: Queensland’s legacy for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games ™
x     lead Queensland Government representation at Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games,
      including promoting trade and tourism benefits of GC2018
x     host the ICC Cricket World Cup and 2015 Asian Cup to leverage benefits for Queensland.
x     publish a public report of progress towards GC2018.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            2
During 2013-14 key achievements for the department included:
x     delivered the second annual DestinationQ forum on the Gold Coast on 27-28 August 2013
x     launched Destination Success, the 20-year plan for tourism, which was formed on outcomes of
      the 2013 DestinationQ forum
x     in conjunction with the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning,
      finalised the GC2018 Venues Delivery Program, completed the redevelopment of the Gold
      Coast Aquatic Centre and commenced development of the Commonwealth Games Village
x     launched Embracing our Games legacy: Queensland’s legacy for the GC2018 and established
      the Embracing 2018 Advisory Committee
x     finalised the GC2018 Procurement Framework and Business Development Framework to
      reduce red tape for suppliers, create efficiencies for government, help maximise the
      opportunities and provide support to local businesses
x     published the GC2018 Forward Procurement Plan
x     in conjunction with Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation, successfully
      coordinated the Commonwealth Games Federation Coordination Commission visit which was
      satisfied with Games preparations and impressed with progress in a range of areas
x     actioned key items within the Queensland Small Business Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2015
x     delivered Queensland Small Business Week in July 2013 with 4,500 business people
      participating in 91 activities and events across the state
x     developed a central strategy for business related services across the Queensland Government
      to support the business and industry portal of the Queensland Government’s One-Stop Shop
x     launched new online tendering support resources for small businesses in March 2014
      including a ‘fit to supply’ diagnostic tool to help businesses determine their supplier capability
      and an enhanced search function to assist companies to identify open tender opportunities
      from the “Q-Tender” website
x     delivered over 100 Mentoring for Growth panel sessions, with expert business mentors
      donating around 800 hours of their time to the program
x     delivered the Next Generation Tourism Planning Guideline to support the State Planning
x     partnered with the Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing in running a
      state-wide EOI process for ecotourism investment opportunities
x     completed Stage one Expression of Interest for the Obi Obi Zipline ecotourism opportunity
x     launched the Queensland Camping Options Toolkit to help local governments effectively
      manage camping in their regions
x     implemented new tourism signage guidelines and online application process for commercial
      tourism signage
x     supported new airline routes to the Sunshine Coast from Auckland and the Gold Coast from
      Kuala Lumpur, and the A380 aircraft upgrade by Emirates between Dubai/Brisbane/Auckland
      under the Attracting Aviation Investment Fund
x     delivered 16 tourism investment attraction initiatives and provided case management
      assistance to 48 tourism investment proponents
x     updated and released the Guide to Hotel Investment in Brisbane, in conjunction with the
      Brisbane City Council
x     established a standing offer arrangement for purchasing a whole-of-government customer
      relationship management platform
x     continued the development and delivery of specialist webinars for business and industry,
      -      co-delivered over 19 webinars with Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland;
      -      delivered 6 specialist topics to assist Small and Medium Enterprises tender for
             government business, particularly for Commonwealth Games procurement activities
             and Tourism Investment; and
      -      access to Webinar recordings, supporting resource materials and webisodes (short
             sharp three to five minute clips of webinars) through the Business and Industry Portal.
2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            3
Departmental Budget Summary
The table below shows the total resources available in 2014-15 from all sources and summarises
how resources will be applied by service area and by controlled and administered classifications.
Department of Tourism, Major Events,
                                                                 Adjusted                2013-14                   2014-15
Small Business and the
                                                                   Budget              Est. Actual                  Budget
Commonwealth Games
                                                                    $’000                    $’000                   $’000
Appropriation revenue
   Deferred from previous year/s                                     3,164                   3,314                   16,409
   Balance of service appropriation                                 96,443                  71,402                   70,432
Other revenue                                                            ..                 20,400                   20,600
Total income                                                        99,607                  95,116                 107,441

Tourism and Events Development                                      92,754                  86,402                   99,737
Business to Government Services                                      6,853                   8,714                    7,704
Total expenses                                                      99,607                  95,116                 107,441
Operating surplus/deficit                                                  ..                       ..                        ..

Net assets                                                              (24)                  2,591                  18,315

Commonwealth revenue                                                    ..                       ..                      ..
Appropriation revenue                                             108,472                  107,166                 119,393
Other administered revenue                                              ..                       ..                      ..
Total revenue                                                     108,472                  107,166                 119,393

Transfers to government                                                 ..                       ..                      ..
Administered expenses                                             108,472                  107,166                 119,393
Total expenses                                                    108,472                  107,166                 119,393

Net assets                                                                 ..                       ..                        ..

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 4
Budget Measures Summary1
The table shows a summary of Budget measures relating to the department since the 2013-14
Budget. Further details are contained in Budget Paper No. 4.
                                                      2013-14          2014-15         2015-16          2016-17          2017-18
Name of Department
                                                        $’000            $’000           $’000            $’000            $’000
Revenue measures
   Administered                                                ..               ..               ..              ..           ..
   Departmental                                                ..               ..               ..              ..           ..
Expense measures
   Administered                                              ..          14,500            4,700            4,700             ..
   Departmental                                         10,000                ..               ..               ..            ..
Capital measures
   Administered                                                ..               ..               ..              ..           ..
   Departmental                                                ..               ..               ..              ..           ..

1.     The totals reconcile with Budget Paper 4.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 5
Service Areas                                                         Notes         Adjusted          2013-14             2014-15
                                                                                      Budget        Est. Actual            Budget

Tourism and Events Development                                        2, 3, 4                45                50             60
Business to Government Services                                          2, 3                62                63             61
TOTAL                                                                                      107                113             121

1.     Full-time equivalents (FTEs) as at 30 June.
2.     Corporate FTEs are allocated across the service to which they relate.
3.     The department participates in a partnership arrangement from which it receives other corporate
4.     Small growth attributed to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games activities increasing. This will
       continue to occur until the program ceases post the 2018 event.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                              6
Our service areas are:

Tourism and Events Development
Tourism and Events Development service area promotes sustainable industry growth by delivering a
strategic, whole-of-Government approach to the future of tourism. It works across Government to
improve the planning and approval processes for new tourism industry projects.

The service area helps ensure industry has opportunities to invest in our State’s tourism activities,
supporting the Government’s objectives for the community to grow tourism as one of the four
pillars of the economy and invest in better infrastructure and better planning for our State.
Initiatives such as an ecotourism investment model and the Attracting Aviation Investment Fund
showcase Queensland as an investment destination attracting investment into our State’s tourism

This service area also focuses on developing future events for Queensland to ensure our State’s
tourism industry and economy benefit from the boost that major events provide. It also works in
partnership with the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation to plan and prepare for
the Commonwealth Games.

The department delivers its Tourism and Events Development service in close partnership with
Tourism and Events Queensland to ensure events attraction and tourism marketing help grow
tourism and to double annual overnight visitor expenditure from $15 billion to $30 billion by 2020.

Business to Government Services
This service area ensures the government can effectively provide information and services to
business, encourage small business growth and foster a diverse economic base for Queensland.

Aligned with the department’s objectives to provide a stronger digital and online presence, it
promotes engagement by businesses with its interactive online services. This not only improves
accessibility to whole of Government business information and services but encourages more
effective service delivery by having feedback mechanisms directly connected to our existing services.

Small businesses represent over 96% of businesses State-wide and employ almost half of all private
sector workers. These businesses are essential for a vibrant Queensland economy. Client
satisfaction with Government’s services is measured to ensure we continue to meet business and
industry needs.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            7
Red tape reduction
In 2013-14 the department further improved services for businesses via the Queensland
Government’s Business and Industry Portal (BIP) by releasing new online support resources to
reduce red tape and assist small businesses in tendering for government procurement opportunities.

The online tendering resources included:
x     guides for helping small businesses develop competitive tender responses and help them
      through the process of supplying to government
x     a ‘fit to supply’ diagnostic tool to help businesses determine their supplier capability and a list
      of key resources to help enhance supplier capabilities
x     a specialised search function for the ‘Q-Tender’ database of government open tender

Resources were developed by the department in collaboration with the Department of Housing and
Public Works and the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning; and used
experience from the London 2012 Olympic Games and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in
equipping small and medium sized businesses to tender for commercial contracts.

In 2014-15, the department will further progress our ongoing work to reduce red tape through the
use of SmartForms technology. This will involve the transformation of manual paper-based business
forms to online transactions saving businesses both time and money.

2014-15 Service Summary1
                                                                          Sources of Revenue
                                                            State               Charges and             C’wealth                Other
Service area
                                          Total cost Contribution                      Fees             Revenue               Revenue
                                              $’000         $’000                     $’000                $’000                 $’000

Tourism and Events
Development                                    99,737              79,137                      ..                  ..          20,600

Business to Government
Services                                        7,704                7,704                     ..                  ..                  ..
TOTAL                                        107,441               86,841                     ..                   ..          20,600

1.     Explanations of variances are provided in the financial statements.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 8
Performance Statement
 Department of Tourism, Major
 Events, Small Business and the                            Notes            2013-14              2013-14               2014-15
 Commonwealth Games                                                      Target/Est.           Est. Actual          Target/Est.
 Tourism and Events
 Service standards
 Amount of additional capital
 attracted into tourism
 investment                                                              $25 million           $25 million          $25 million

 Percentage of applications for
 the Attracting Aviation
 Investment Fund evaluated
 within nine working days                                        1                90%                 100%                     90%

 Percentage of cross-agency
 tourism project milestones
 delivered on schedule and on
 budget                                                                           80%                   80%                    80%

 Level of Commonwealth Games
 Federation’s satisfaction with
 preparedness for the
 Commonwealth Games                                                          Satisfied            Satisfied             Satisfied
 State contribution ($000)                                                    92,754               66,002                79,137
                                                          5, 8, 11
 Other revenue ($000)                                         6, 9                   ..            20,400                20,600
 Total cost ($000)                                       7, 10, 12            92,754               86,402                99,737
 Business to Government
 Service standards
 Estimated value of efficiency
 savings by businesses assisted                                2, 3      $60 million           $12 million          $12 million

 Estimated value of costs avoided
 by businesses                                                 3, 4     $110 million          $ 80 million          $70 million

 Percentage of overall customer
 satisfaction with the usefulness
 of online services                                                               80%                  83%                     80%
 State contribution ($000)                                                       6,853                8,714                   7,704
 Other revenue ($000)                                                                ..                   ..                      ..
 Total cost ($000)                                                               6,853                8,714                   7,704

1.     Strict procedures are in place under the Attracting Aviation Investment Fund Operational Framework to
       ensure timeframes are met. During this period no applications required further data to be provided or
       in-depth analysis to be undertaken and hence 100% of applications considered were processed within
       nine working days.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                     9
2.      The original targets reflected business grants, licencing and regulation information when only a small
        proportion of the services were delivered online. These services have now been transitioned to a fully
        online self-service environment and the targets have now been revised downwards to reflect this
        environment. The reduced unit benefit/saving will be partially offset in cost avoided by businesses due
        to the significant increases in the volume of activity.
3.      The previous methodology for calculating benefits/savings to business is being re-examined to ensure it
        is still appropriate and inclusive of online delivery. This review will also consider if it is still appropriate
        to measure efficiency and costs avoided separately, or to develop a combined measure.
4.      This measure relies on customer-reported value of services delivered online. The value attributed
        typically varies with consumption, business sentiment, business conditions and portal brand
        recognition. The target has been revised down due to customers already operating online and the
        dramatic reduction in costs already been achieved.
5.      The reduction between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2013-14 Estimated Actual principally relates to
        the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games (GC2018) being contributed directly from the City of Gold
        Coast Council, rather than as appropriation revenue for services. Also contributing to the reduction is
        the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show Relocation,
        Attracting Aviation Investment Fund (AAIF), DestinationQ (DQ) and the GC2018. This is partially offset
        by funding for development of the Theme Park Capital of Australia advertising campaign.
6.      The increase between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2013-14 Estimated Actual principally relates to
        revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
7.      The reduction between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2013-14 Estimated Actual relates to the
        realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show Relocation, Attracting
        Aviation Investment Fund (AAIF), DQ and the GC2018. This is partially offset by funding for
        development of the Theme Park Capital of Australia advertising campaign.
8.      The reduction between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2014-15 Target/Estimate principally relates to the
        GC2018 being contributed directly from the City of Gold Coast Council, rather than as appropriation
        revenue for services. The reallocation of controlled funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
        Games Corporation from controlled to administered contributes to the reduction. This is partially offset
        by an increase due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for projects including
        the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
9.      The increase between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2014-15 Target/Estimate principally relates to
        revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
10.     The increase between 2013-14 Target/Estimate and 2014-15 Target/Estimate principally relates to the
        realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for projects including the Gold Coast Show
        Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
11.     The increase between 2013-14 Estimated Actual and 2014-15 Target/Estimate is due to the realignment
        of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and
        increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
12.     The increase between 2013-14 Estimated Actual and 2014-15 Target/Estimate is due to the realignment
        of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and
        increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            10
Administered Items
Administered activities are those undertaken by departments on behalf of the Government.

The Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games
administers funds on behalf of the State which includes the provision of funding to
Tourism and Events Queensland and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation.

Tourism and Events Queensland is the Queensland Government’s lead marketing, experience
development and major events agency, representing the state’s tourism and events industries.

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation’s purpose is to plan, organise and deliver the
Commonwealth Games, in conjunction with the Australian Commonwealth Games Association
(ACGA) and the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF).

Financial statements and variance explanations in relation to Administered Items appear in the
Departmental Financial Statements.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            11
Capital program
The capital program for the Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games (DTESB) in 2014-15 includes $51.6 million for the development and
construction of venues for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games and $11 million in capital
grants for the construction of new facilities for the Gold Coast Show.

Property, Plant and Equipment
The capital purchases for the department in 2014-15 include $15.7 million for the development and
construction of Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games venues, including:
x     $14.9 million is allocated towards the Queensland State Velodrome for track cycling
x     $0.8 million is allocated towards the Belmont Shooting Centre for shooting (clay, target, full
      bore, pistol and small bore).

Capital Grants
The capital grants for the department in 2014-15 include $11 million for construction of new
facilities for the Gold Coast Show and $35.9M for the development and construction of Gold Coast
2018 Commonwealth Games venues, including:
x       $11 million is allocated for capital grants to the Gold Coast Turf Club for the development and
        construction of the relocated Gold Coast Showgrounds
x       $18.7 million is allocated as capital grants for the Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre
x       $12.6 million is allocated as capital grants for the Coomera Sports and Leisure Centre
x       $1.2 million is allocated as capital grants for the Runaway Bay Sports Centre
x       $0.1 million is allocated as capital grants for the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre
x       $3.3 million is allocated as capital grants for other venues.

Capital budget statement
Department of Tourism, Major Events,
                                                                                 Adjusted           2013-14             2014-15
Small Business and the Commonwealth                               Notes
                                                                                   Budget         Est. Actual            Budget
                                                                                    $’000               $’000             $’000
Capital Purchases1
Total land, buildings and infrastructure                                                    ..               ..               ..
Total plant and equipment                                                                   ..           1,227           15,724
Total other capital                                                                         ..          46,173           46,865
Total Capital Purchases                                                                    ..           47,400           62,589

1.     For more detail on the agency’s capital acquisitions please refer to Budget Paper 3.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 12
An analysis of the department’s budgeted financial statements, as reflected in the department’s
financial statements, is provided below.

Departmental income statement
Total expenses are estimated to be $107.4 million in 2014-15, an increase of $12.3 million from the
2013-14 financial year. The increase is mainly due to additional funding in 2014-15 for the 2018 Gold
Coast Commonwealth Games and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup and the Attracting
Aviation Investment Fund. This is partially offset by a reduction as a result of the reclassification of
payments to the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation from 1 July 2014 from
controlled to administered.

The variation in funding over the forward estimates is the result of increased activity associated with
preparations for the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games primarily relating to the development
and construction of venues.

Chart: Total departmental expenses across the Forward Estimates period

                                      Total Departmental Expenses
    $ '000

                                                                                                       Total Expenses
                      2013-14         2014-15         2015-16      2016-17            2017-18
                                                    Financial Year

Departmental balance sheet
The department’s major assets are in property, plant and equipment with $17.2 million in 2014-15
with this expected to increase to $79 million by 2017-18 for the development and construction of
State owned venues for the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.

The department’s main liabilities relate to payables for long service leave and annual leave levies
which are estimated to be $1.5 million by 2017-18.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            13
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000

   Appropriation revenue                                                   1, 6, 11      99,607          74,716         86,841
   Taxes                                                                                      ..              ..             ..
   User charges and fees                                                                      ..              ..             ..
   Royalties and land rents                                                                   ..              ..             ..
   Grants and other contributions                                                             ..              ..             ..
   Interest                                                                                   ..              ..             ..
   Other revenue                                                               2, 7           ..         20,400         20,600
   Gains on sale/revaluation of assets                                                        ..              ..             ..
 Total income                                                                            99,607          95,116        107,441

   Employee expenses                                                       3, 8, 12      11,774          12,130          13,283
   Supplies and services:
    - Outsourced service delivery                                                             ..              ..             ..
    - Other supplies and services                                         4, 9, 13       11,922          10,340         29,968
   Grants and subsidies                                                  5, 10 ,14       71,884          68,619         60,603
   Depreciation and amortisation                                                             12              12              7
   Finance/borrowing costs                                                                    ..              ..             ..
   Other expenses                                                                         4,015           4,015          3,580
   Losses on sale/revaluation assets                                                          ..              ..             ..
 Total expenses                                                                          99,607          95,116        107,441

 OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)                                                                     ..             ..            ..

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 14
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000

  Net effect of the changes in accounting policies
  and prior year adjustments                                                                     ..             ..            ..
  Increase/(decrease) in asset revaluation reserve                                               ..             ..            ..
  Net amount of all revenue and expense
  adjustments direct to equity not disclosed above                                               ..             ..            ..

 Net income recognised directly in equity                                                        ..             ..            ..

 Surplus/(deficit) for the period                                                                ..             ..            ..
 Total recognised income and expense for the
 period                                                                                          ..             ..            ..
 Equity injection/(withdrawal)                                              15, 16               ..        1,227         15,724
 Equity adjustments (inc. MoG transfers)                                                         ..            ..             ..
 Total movement in equity for period                                                             ..        1,227         15,724

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 15
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000
   Cash assets                                                                               884           1,267          1,256
   Receivables                                                              17, 21           794           1,258          1,303
   Other financial assets                                                                      ..              ..             ..
   Inventories                                                                                 ..              ..             ..
   Other                                                                    22, 26            51              51              ..
  Non-financial assets held for sale                                                           ..              ..             ..
 Total current assets                                                                      1,729           2,576          2,559
   Receivables                                                                                   ..            ..             ..
   Other financial assets                                                                        ..            ..             ..
   Property, plant and equipment                                        18, 23, 27               7         1,517         17,234
   Intangibles                                                                                   ..            ..             ..
   Other                                                                                         ..            ..             ..
 Total non-current assets                                                                        7         1,517         17,234

 TOTAL ASSETS                                                                              1,736           4,093         19,793
  Payables                                                                                   691             890            935
  Accrued employee benefits                                                 19, 24         1,069             612            543
  Interest-bearing liabilities and derivatives                                                 ..              ..             ..
  Provisions                                                                                   ..              ..             ..
  Other                                                                                        ..              ..             ..
 Total current liabilities                                                                 1,760           1,502          1,478
   Payables                                                                                      ..             ..            ..
   Accrued employee benefits                                                                     ..             ..            ..
   Interest-bearing liabilities and derivatives                                                  ..             ..            ..
   Provisions                                                                                    ..             ..            ..
   Other                                                                                         ..             ..            ..
 Total non-current liabilities                                                                   ..             ..            ..
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                         1,760           1,502          1,478

 NET ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                                                                    (24)          2,591         18,315
  Capital/contributed equity                                            20, 25, 28           (37)          2,460         18,184
  Accumulated surplus/(accumulated deficit)                                                    13            131            131
   - Asset revaluation surplus                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   - Other (specify)                                                                             ..             ..            ..

 TOTAL EQUITY                                                                                (24)          2,591         18,315

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 16
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000
     Appropriation receipts                                             29, 36, 44       99,607          75,050          86,841
     User charges and fees                                                                    ..              ..              ..
     Royalties and land rent receipts                                                         ..              ..              ..
     Grants and other contributions                                                           ..              ..              ..
     Interest received                                                                        ..              ..              ..
     Taxes                                                                                    ..              ..              ..
     Other                                                                  30, 37            ..         21,200          20,580
     Employee costs                                                         38, 45     (11,670)        (11,976)        (13,377)
     Supplies and services                                              31, 39, 46     (15,750)        (13,866)        (33,311)
     Grants and subsidies                                               32, 40, 47     (71,884)        (68,619)        (60,603)
     Borrowing costs                                                                          ..              ..              ..
     Other                                                                  33, 41        (849)           (165)           (141)
 Net cash provided by/(used in) operating
 activities                                                                                (546)           1,624              (11)
     Sales of non-financial assets                                                               ..             ..              ..
     Investments redeemed                                                                        ..             ..              ..
     Loans and advances redeemed                                                                 ..             ..              ..
     Payments for non-financial assets                                  34, 42, 48               ..      (1,227)       (15,724)
     Payments for investments                                                                    ..            ..             ..
     Loans and advances made                                                                     ..            ..             ..
 Net cash provided by/(used in) investing
 activities                                                                                      ..      (1,227)       (15,724)
     Borrowings                                                                                  ..            ..             ..
     Equity injections                                                  35, 43, 49               ..        1,227         15,724
     Borrowing redemptions                                                                       ..             ..              ..
     Finance lease payments                                                                      ..             ..              ..
     Equity withdrawals                                                                          ..             ..              ..
 Net cash provided by/(used in) financing
 activities                                                                                      ..        1,227         15,724

  Net increase/(decrease) in cash held                                                     (546)           1,624              (11)

  Cash at the beginning of financial year                                                  1,430           (357)          1,267
  Cash transfers from restructure                                                              ..              ..             ..
  Cash at the end of financial year                                                          884           1,267          1,256

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                   17
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000

   Appropriation revenue                                               50, 52, 54       108,472        107,166         119,393
   Taxes                                                                                      ..             ..              ..
   User charges and fees                                                                      ..             ..              ..
   Royalties and land rents                                                                   ..             ..              ..
   Grants and other contributions                                                             ..             ..              ..
   Interest                                                                                   ..             ..              ..
   Other revenue                                                                              ..             ..              ..
   Gains on sale/revaluation of assets                                                        ..             ..              ..
 Total income                                                                           108,472       107,166          119,393

   Employee expenses                                                                             ..             ..            ..
   Supplies and services:
    - Outsourced service delivery                                                             ..             ..              ..
    - Other supplies and services                                                             ..             ..              ..
   Grants and subsidies                                                51, 53, 55       108,472        107,166         119,393
   Depreciation and amortisation                                                              ..             ..              ..
   Finance/borrowing costs                                                                    ..             ..              ..
   Other expenses                                                                             ..             ..              ..
   Losses on sale/revaluation assets                                                          ..             ..              ..
   Transfers of Administered Revenue to
   Government                                                                                 ..             ..              ..
 Total expenses                                                                         108,472        107,166         119,393

 OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)                                                                     ..             ..            ..

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 18
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted         2013-14         2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget         Est. Act.        Budget
                                                                                         $’000            $’000          $’000
   Cash assets                                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   Receivables                                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   Other financial assets                                                                        ..             ..            ..
   Inventories                                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   Other                                                                                         ..             ..            ..
  Non-financial assets held for sale                                                             ..             ..            ..
 Total current assets                                                                            ..             ..            ..

   Receivables                                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   Other financial assets                                                                        ..             ..            ..
   Property, plant and equipment                                                                 ..             ..            ..
   Intangibles                                                                                   ..             ..            ..
   Other                                                                                         ..             ..            ..
 Total non-current assets                                                                        ..             ..            ..
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                    ..             ..            ..
  Payables                                                                                       ..             ..            ..
  Transfers to Government Payable                                                                ..             ..            ..
  Accrued employee benefits                                                                      ..             ..            ..
  Interest-bearing liabilities and derivatives                                                   ..             ..            ..
  Provisions                                                                                     ..             ..            ..
  Other                                                                                          ..             ..            ..
 Total current liabilities                                                                       ..             ..            ..

   Payables                                                                                      ..             ..            ..
   Accrued employee benefits                                                                     ..             ..            ..
   Interest-bearing liabilities and derivatives                                                  ..             ..            ..
   Provisions                                                                                    ..             ..            ..
   Other                                                                                         ..             ..            ..
 Total non-current liabilities                                                                   ..             ..            ..
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                               ..             ..            ..

 NET ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                                                                        ..             ..            ..
  Capital/contributed equity                                                                     ..             ..            ..
  Accumulated surplus/(accumulated deficit)                                                      ..             ..            ..
    - Asset revaluation surplus                                                                  ..             ..            ..
    - Other (specify)                                                                            ..             ..            ..
 TOTAL EQUITY                                                                                    ..             ..            ..

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                                 19
 Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small                                           Adjusted          2013-14          2014-15
 Business and the Commonwealth Games                                                    Budget          Est. Act.         Budget
                                                                                         $’000             $’000           $’000
     Appropriation receipts                                           56, 58, 60        108,472         113,848          119,393
     User charges and fees                                                                    ..              ..               ..
     Royalties and land rent receipts                                                         ..              ..               ..
     Grants and other contributions                                                           ..              ..               ..
     Interest received                                                                        ..              ..               ..
     Taxes                                                                                    ..              ..               ..
     Other                                                                                    ..              ..               ..
     Employee costs                                                                           ..              ..               ..
     Supplies and services                                                                    ..              ..               ..
     Grants and subsidies                                              57, 59, 61     (108,472)       (113,848)        (119,393)
     Borrowing costs                                                                          ..              ..               ..
     Other                                                                                    ..              ..               ..
     Transfers to Government                                                                  ..              ..               ..
 Net cash provided by/(used in) operating
 activities                                                                                      ..              ..            ..
     Sales of non-financial assets                                                               ..              ..            ..
     Investments redeemed                                                                        ..              ..            ..
     Loans and advances redeemed                                                                 ..              ..            ..
     Payments for non-financial assets                                                           ..              ..            ..
     Payments for investments                                                                    ..              ..            ..
     Loans and advances made                                                                     ..              ..            ..
 Net cash provided by/(used in) investing
 activities                                                                                      ..              ..            ..
     Borrowings                                                                                  ..              ..            ..
     Equity injections                                                                           ..              ..            ..
     Borrowing redemptions                                                                       ..              ..            ..
     Finance lease payments                                                                      ..              ..            ..
     Equity withdrawals                                                                          ..              ..            ..
 Net cash provided by/(used in) financing
 activities                                                                                      ..              ..            ..
  Net increase/(decrease) in cash held                                                           ..              ..            ..

  Cash at the beginning of financial year                                                        ..              ..            ..
  Cash transfers from restructure                                                                ..              ..            ..
  Cash at the end of financial year                                                              ..              ..            ..

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                              20
From 1 July 2014 departments (excluding commercialised business units) will no longer be liable for payroll
tax. To provide comparable cost forecasts across all periods, the 2013-14 Adjusted Budget and the 2013-14
Estimated Actual have been recast to reflect the removal of payroll tax from Employee expenses and an
associated reduction has been made to Appropriation revenue. The 2013-14 Adjusted Budget Appropriation
revenue and Employee expenses have been reduced by $0.385 million. The 2013-14 Estimated Actual
Appropriation revenue and Employee expenses have been reduced by $0.399 million.

Income statement
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2013-14 Estimated actual include:
1.    The reduction principally relates to the revenue for GC2018 being contributed directly from the City of
      Gold Coast Council, rather than as appropriation revenue for services. Also contributing to the
      reduction is the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show
      Relocation, Attracting Aviation Investment Fund (AAIF), DestinationQ (DQ) and the GC2018. This is
      partially offset by funding for development of the Theme Park Capital of Australia advertising campaign.
2.    The increase principally relates to revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
3.    The increase is principally due to the reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies
      and services for the expected growth occurring in the GC2018.
4.    The reduction is mainly due to a realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for the
      GC2018 and DQ.
5.    The reduction principally relates to a realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for the
      AAIF and the Gold Coast Show Relocation. This is partially offset by funding for development of the
      Theme Park Capital of Australia advertising campaign.

Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
6.    The reduction principally relates to the GC2018 being contributed directly from the City of Gold Coast
      Council, rather than as appropriation revenue for services. The reallocation of controlled funding for
      the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered contributes
      to the reduction. This is partially offset by an increase due to the realignment of funding to match
      anticipated cashflows for projects including the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and
      increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
7.    The increase relates to revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
8.    The increase is principally due to the reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies
      and services for the expected growth occurring in the GC2018.
9.    The increase relates to the realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for DQ and
      increased activity for the GC2018. This is partially offset by a reduction in expenses following
      reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies and services for the expected
      growth occurring in the GC2018.
10.   The reduction principally relates to a reduction in expenses following reallocation of controlled funding
      for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered. This is
      partially offset by an increase due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for
      projects including the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup
      and GC2018.

Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
11.   The increase is due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast
      Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
12.   The increase is principally due to the reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies
      and services for the expected growth occurring in the GC2018.
13.   The increase relates to realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for DQ and GC2018.
14.   The reduction principally relates to the reallocation of controlled funding for the Gold Coast 2018
      Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered. This is partially offset by an
      increase due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for projects including the
      Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            21
Statement of Changes in Equity
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
15.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.

Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
16.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.

Balance sheet
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2013-14 Estimated actual include:
17.   The increase relates to Receivables from the Annual Leave Central scheme and Input Tax Credits from
      the Australian Taxation Office.
18.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
19.   The reduction principally relates to payables for Long Service Leave and Annual Leave Central Scheme.
20.   The increase primarily relates to re-profiling for GC2018 Games Venues Construction and a swap from
      Equity for Metricon Stadium.

Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
21.   The increase relates to Receivables from the Annual Leave Central scheme and Input Tax Credits from
      the Australian Taxation Office.
22.   The reduction reflects prepayments for software maintenance support licenses relating to multiple
      financial years.
23.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
24.   The reduction principally relates to payables for Long Service Leave and Annual Leave Central Scheme.
25.   The increase primarily relates to re-profiling for GC2018 Games Venues Construction and a swap from
      Equity for Metricon Stadium.

Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
26.   The reduction reflects prepayments for software maintenance support licenses relating to multiple
      financial years.
27.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
28.   The increase primarily relates to re-profiling for GC2018 Games Venues Construction and a swap from
      Equity for Metricon Stadium.

Cash flow statement
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2013-14 Estimated actual include:
29.   The reduction principally relates to the GC2018 being contributed directly from the City of Gold Coast
      Council, rather than as appropriation revenue for services. Also contributing to the reduction is the
      realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ
      and GC2018. This is partially offset by funding for development of the Theme Park Capital of Australia
      advertising campaign.
30.   The increase principally relates to revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
31.   The reduction is mainly due to a realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for the
      GC2018 and DQ.
32.   The reduction principally relates to a realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for the
      AAIF and the Gold Coast Show Relocation. This is partially offset by funding for development of the
      Theme Park Capital of Australia advertising campaign.
33.   The decrease relates to a realignment of expenses in relation to the GC2018.
34.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
35.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            22
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
36.   The reduction principally relates to the GC2018 being contributed directly from the City of Gold Coast
      Council, rather than as appropriation revenue for services. The reallocation of controlled funding for
      the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered contributes
      to the reduction. This is partially offset by an increase due to the realignment of funding to match
      anticipated cashflows for projects including the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and
      increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
37.   The increase relates to revenue from the City of Gold Coast Council for the GC2018.
38.   The increase is principally due to the reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies
      and services for the expected growth occurring in the GC2018.
39.   The increase relates to the realignment of expenses to match anticipated cashflows for DQ and
      increased activity for the GC2018. This is partially offset by a reduction in expenses following
      reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies and services for the expected
      growth occurring in the GC2018.
40.   The reduction principally relates to a reduction in expenses following reallocation of controlled funding
      for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered. This is
      partially offset by an increase due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for
      projects including the Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF, increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup
      and GC2018.
41.   The reduction relates to a realignment of expenses to match anticipated payments in relation to the
42.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
43.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.

Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
44.   The increase is due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for the Gold Coast
      Show Relocation, AAIF, DQ, GC2018 and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
45.   The increase is principally due to the reallocation of expenses between employee expenses and supplies
      and services for the expected growth occurring in the GC2018.
46.   The increase relates to realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for DQ and GC2018.
47.   The reduction principally relates to the reallocation of controlled funding for the Gold Coast 2018
      Commonwealth Games Corporation from controlled to administered. This is partially offset by an
      increase due to the realignment of funding to match anticipated cashflows for projects including the
      Gold Coast Show Relocation, AAIF and increased funding for the AFC 2015 Asian Cup.
48.   The increase relates to funding for GC2018 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.
49.   The increase relates to funding for GC2 venues works sites, Queensland State Velodrome and the
      Belmont Shooting Centre.

Administered income statement
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2013-14 Estimated actual include:
50.   The reduction principally relates to the realignment of grant expenses for TEQ to match cashflows to
      known commitments for business and regional events.
51.   The reduction principally relates to the realignment of grant expenses for TEQ to match cashflows to
      known commitments for business and regional events.

Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
52.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.
53.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            23
Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
54.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.
55.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.

Administered cash flow statement
Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2013-14 Estimated actual include:
56.   The increase principally relates to the realignment of grant expenses for TEQ to match cashflows to
      known commitments for business and regional events.
57.   The increase principally relates to the realignment of grant expenses for TEQ to match cashflows to
      known commitments for business and regional events.

Major variations between 2013-14 Adjusted budget and 2014-15 Budget include:
58.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.
59.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.

Major variations between 2013-14 Estimated actual and the 2014-15 Budget include:
60.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.
61.   The increase principally relates to the reallocation of funding for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
      Games Corporation from controlled to administered. Also included is an increase for V8 Supercars
      funding. This is partially offset by the cessation of deferred grant funding from 2012-13 for TEQ to
      match cashflows to known commitments for business and regional events taking place in 2013-14.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            24
2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the
Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            25

                GAMES CORPORATION
Strategic direction
The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) was established on 1 January
2012 under the Commonwealth Games Arrangements Act 2011. Its purpose is to plan, organise and
deliver the Commonwealth Games, in conjunction with the Australian Commonwealth Games
Association (ACGA) and the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF).

The Gold Coast will host the Commonwealth Games from the fourth to 15 April 2018. The Games
will be a memorable and exciting celebration of sport and culture. The event will create an
atmosphere that inspires achievement, harmony and a sense of unity with the Games vision “to
stage a great Games in a great city leaving great memories and great benefits for all”.
GOLDOCs objectives are:

x       to attract the best athletes to compete in a technically excellent, world class, fun and friendly
        Commonwealth Games
x       to launch the Commonwealth Games into a new decade with an inspiring, memorable and
        landmark event
x       to help our partners make the most of the opportunities presented by the Games
x       to engage and harness the enthusiasm of our communities
x       to contribute to economic growth by working with our partners to promote Queensland
        tourism, trade and investment
x       to present the Games in a creative way that will encourage comprehensive and positive
        exposure and support.

Over the next year, the Corporation will progress planning activities across all 41 Games functional
areas with a focus on key areas including Security, Transport, Sport, Workforce, Venue Operations,
Village, Overlay and Technology. These activities include:
x      validating our strategic plans for key functional areas as part of the official observer program
       of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
x      planning for and participating in the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games closing ceremony
       when the Commonwealth Games Federation flag is officially lowered and passed on to Gold
x      designing and implementing Commonwealth Games Federation requirements for key
       competition and non-competition venues, including the Commonwealth Games Village
x      developing a ticketing and pricing strategy
x      implementing the sponsorship marketing plan that outlines the strategy to acquire and service
       corporate sponsors from within Australia and overseas for the 2018 Commonwealth Games
x      continuing to implement a suite of corporate software solutions to meet the Corporation’s

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation   26
x       implementing a long-term office accommodation strategy to meet the needs of the
        Corporation’s forecast workforce
x       implementing the risk management framework that integrates with the practices of Games
        partners and key stakeholders.

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation   27
 Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth
                                                               Notes         Adjusted           2013-14            2014-15
 Games Corporation
                                                                               Budget         Est. Actual           Budget

 Number of FTEs                                                      1                44                46              102

 1.     Full-time equivalents (FTEs) as at 30 June.

Performance Statement
 Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth                                                2013-14           2013-14             2014-15
 Games Corporation                                                         Target/Est        Est. Actual         Target/Est
 Service standards
 Commonwealth Games Federations
 satisfaction with preparedness for the
                                                                     1                          Satisfied          Satisfied
 Commonwealth Games

 Level of target markets engagement in
 the Commonwealth Games                                              2                                59%              50%

 1.     A level of satisfied reflects that the preparation for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games is
        meeting the anticipated milestones and compliance requirements established by the
        Commonwealth Games Federation. These obligations are outlined in the Host City Contract,
        Candidature City Files (Bid Book) and other agreements. Requirements covered include financial
        arrangements, timelines, programming and service standards. Also refer to this service standard
        under the Tourism and Events Development service area.
 2.     The target market is defined as all people over 18 years of age living on the Gold Coast, in Brisbane,
        within a four hour drive of the Gold Coast (excluding Brisbane and the Gold Coast), Sydney and

2014-15 Queensland State Budget - Service Delivery Statements – Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation                 28
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