SERVICE GUIDE - Smoke Alarm Servicing Corded Internal Window Compliance Methamphetamine Screening Safety Switch Testing Water Meter Reading ...

SERVICE GUIDE - Smoke Alarm Servicing Corded Internal Window Compliance Methamphetamine Screening Safety Switch Testing Water Meter Reading ...

      Smoke Alarm Servicing

Corded Internal Window Compliance

   Methamphetamine Screening

       Safety Switch Testing

       Water Meter Reading

            1300 974 615
SERVICE GUIDE - Smoke Alarm Servicing Corded Internal Window Compliance Methamphetamine Screening Safety Switch Testing Water Meter Reading ...
Smoke Alarm Compliance
      Legislation applying to Smoke Alarm installation and maintenance is detailed by the Queensland
Government in the Fire and Emergency Services (Domestic Smoke Alarms) Amendment Act 2016 and is available
to view in summary on the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services website. This legislation regulates the type
of smoke alarms that can be used in a residential rental property, where smoke alarms must be positioned,
     when replacement of smoke alarms is required and obligations surrounding cleaning and testing.

            To comply with current and future legislative requirements, Smoke Alarm Integrity
                    offers three annual servicing plans, all of which include as standard:

  Alarms to AS3786-2014 standard      Cleaning and testing    Battery replacement      Unlimited inspections
   24/7 client portal   Safety switch testing on request   Water meter reading on request       Compliance
 reports within 24 hours    After hours phone service for sounding alarms       Calling card left by technician
                                       upon completion of inspection.

                                        $79 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN
                                              Current Legislation
                              -Faulty and expired alarm replacement included,
                                 additional alarms only charged as required-

                                         $99 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN
                                              Current Legislation
                               -All alarms required for compliance are included-

                                   $99 ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN - 2022
                                               2022 Legislation
                               -Only pay for replacement alarms as required-

                                              1300 974 615
SERVICE GUIDE - Smoke Alarm Servicing Corded Internal Window Compliance Methamphetamine Screening Safety Switch Testing Water Meter Reading ...
2022 Smoke Alarm Compliance

From 1 January 2022, Smoke Alarm legislation in Queensland will be
                                                                                    OPTION 1:
    changing. This means that smoke alarms in residential rental
                                                                          CLIPSAL PAY ON COMPLETION
properties must be AS3786-2014 compliant photoelectric alarms and         Standard price per alarm applied
   must be either 240-volt hardwired or powered by 10-year non               when paid on completion:
 removable batteries. Each alarm will need to be interconnected so
                    that if one sounds, they all do.

Legislated positioning will result in alarms needing to be installed in
                                                                                    OPTION 2:
each bedroom, in addition to hallways connecting bedrooms and the                CLIPSAL PRE-PAY
rest of the property or if there is no hallway, between the bedrooms       5% discount per alarm applied
                                                                           when paid prior to completion:
  and other parts of the storey and if there are no bedrooms on a
storey at least one smoke alarm must be installed in the most likely
                 path of travel to exit the dwelling.

This means that between now and this deadline many lessors will be
                                                                                    OPTION 3:
required to have the smoke alarms in their rental properties replaced       RED PAY ON COMPLETION
  and/or have new or additional alarms installed. It is important to      Standard price per alarm applied
                                                                             when paid on completion:
   note that if a residential rental property is not compliant by the
deadline, it cannot be leased, existing tenancies cannot be renewed
                  and the property cannot be sold.

To help coordinate these changes, Smoke Alarm Integrity has an easy
                                                                                    OPTION 4:
 to understand pricing and estimation structure for the supply and
                                                                                   RED PRE-PAY
  installation of 2022 compliant smoke alarms. Simply choose from          5% discount per alarm applied
 one of the four options listed to determine the price per alarm and       when paid prior to completion:
 multiply this by the number of alarms required for your property (if
known). Staged payments are also available on request, meaning we
  can take your total payment in monthly instalments of three or
                            four payments.

SERVICE GUIDE - Smoke Alarm Servicing Corded Internal Window Compliance Methamphetamine Screening Safety Switch Testing Water Meter Reading ...
Corded Window Compliance                                         Methamphetamine Screening
Regulations applying to corded internal window coverings           The use and production of methamphetamine in a
  have been in place since 2010 and in 2014, additional             rental property can result in the contamination of
 regulations were introduced Australia-wide. These are            surfaces and building materials, posing serious health
recorded in the Australian Governments 'Federal Register           risks to visitors and occupants of that property and
of Legislation' as Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety        financial risk to lessors and agents who may not be
 Standard - Corded Internal Window Coverings) Regulations          covered by insurance and/or be considered liable if
   2010 and Competition and Consumer (Corded Internal            steps are not taken to confirm the presence of residue
  Window Coverings) Safety Standard 2014 respectively.                 in properties where methamphetamine use or
                                                                 production is suspected. To minimise risk to lessors and
  While these safety standards apply to corded internal            agents, we recommend screening rental properties
  window coverings installed from 2010, the Australian           between each tenancy as this will help establish a time
 Competition and Consumer Commission has reported                 frame in which methamphetamine use or production
  that between one and two children die in Australian                                   has occurred.
 homes every year as a result of non-compliant corded
blinds and curtains. To ensure safety in rental properties,       The presumptive screening kits used by Smoke Alarm
we recommend retrofitting older corded internal window             Integrity are highly sensitive and will detect minute
 coverings with safety devices and tags to prevent risk of        traces of numerous illegal substances. In the event a
                strangulation to children.                       positive reading is returned, further scientific laboratory
                                                                  testing must be carried out for conclusive evidence of
   To ensure peace of mind for lessors, Smoke Alarm                         the presence of illegal substances.
 Integrity offers two options for corded internal window
compliance as outlined below. Where safety devices are           Our methamphetamine screening inspections include,
not included in the cost of the plan, tensioners and cleats                              as standard:
 are charged at $5.00 each and safety warning tags and
          chain links are charged at $2.00 each.                    Immediate results      Comprehensive presumptive
                                                                   screening     Inspection conducted by certified meth
                                                                               tester   Fully detailed reporting

                  ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN
                                                                               $99 ONE-OFF INSPECTION
       (When combined with Smoke Alarm Servicing)
                                                                        (When combined with Smoke Alarm Servicing)
         -Safety devices, safety tags and chain links
            needed for compliance are included-

                  ANNUAL SERVICE PLAN
                                                                                $165 ONE-OFF INSPECTION
       (When combined with Smoke Alarm Servicing)
                                                                               (Without Smoke Alarm Servicing)
         -Safety devices, safety tags and chain links
    needed for compliance are only charged as required-

                                                        1300 974 615
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