Shareholders Rights Directive II in Luxembourg Are you ready? - A modern legal framework to foster the development of more engaged shareholding ...

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Shareholders Rights Directive II in Luxembourg Are you ready? - A modern legal framework to foster the development of more engaged shareholding ...
Shareholders Rights
Directive II in Luxembourg
Are you ready?
A modern legal framework to foster
the development of more engaged
shareholding and sustainable companies
Shareholders Rights Directive II in Luxembourg Are you ready? - A modern legal framework to foster the development of more engaged shareholding ...
On 1 August 20191, the Directive 2017/828/EU of 17 May 20172
which amends Directive 2007/36/EC3 as regards the encouragement
of long-term shareholder engagement (SRD II) was transposed into
Luxembourg law (the Law, the 1 August 2019 Law). The Law amends
and supplements the Luxembourg Law of 24 May 2011 concerning
the transposition of the European Directive 2007/36/EC on the
exercise of certain rights of shareholders in general meetings of listed

    Directive (EU) 2017/828 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement
    of long-term shareholder engagement – (thereafter SRD II)
    The European Directive 2007/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders in listed companies – (thereafter SRD I)
Shareholders Rights Directive II in Luxembourg Are you ready? - A modern legal framework to foster the development of more engaged shareholding ...
SRD II is one of the key cornerstones of the EU sustainability agenda
aiming at improving the long-term viability of European companies                                            Key takeaway
and creating a more attractive environment for shareholders. Below
measures are key in achieving these goals:
                                                                                                             • SRD II aims to enhance the sustainability of EU
                                                                                                                  companies whose shares are listed on a regulated
• Identify shareholders - enabling direct communication                                                           market in an EU Member State, encouraging a long-term
       between companies and owners                                                                               investment engagement amongst shareholders and
• Improve engagement of institutional investors and asset                                                         increasing transparency towards investors
       managers - encouraging focus on long-term company                                                     •    SRD II extends its scope to institutional investors and
       performance                                                                                                assets managers
•      Enhance disclosure requirements for institutional investors,                                          •    The legislation is wide-ranging and includes a number of
       assets managers and proxy advisors – enabling informed                                                     new provisions such as:
       investors decisions                                                                                       • The establishment of a framework for listed
•      Introduce rights to vote at the general meetings on                                                           companies to identify their shareholders by obliging
       the directors’ remuneration (remuneration policy and                                                          intermediaries to timely transmit information related
       remuneration report) - strengthening the link between pay                                                     to shareholders identity.
       and performance of directors (Say on pay)                                                                 • The mandatory transparency of the voting and
•      Improve shareholder oversight on material related party4                                                      engagement policies of institutional investors and
       transactions                                                                                                  asset managers.
•      Facilitate the exercise of rights by investors                                                            • The obligation for proxy advisors to provide
                                                                                                                     information about their voting recommendation and
This alert is a high-level overview of some relevant novelties                                                       to disclose their conflicts of interest.
brought by the Law. The Law entered into force on 24 August                                                      • The disclosure of the directors’ remuneration policy
2019.                                                                                                                and individual remuneration, in combination with a
                                                                                                                     shareholder vote.
                                                                                                                 • The improvement of shareholders’ oversight on
                                                                                                                     companies’ material related-parties’ transactions.

    Related party has the same meaning as in the International Accounting Standards adopted in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Entities in scope
                                                       The Law applies to the following entities:
                                                       • Luxembourg companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market5 of a
                                                           Member State6 (EU-regulated market), (the EU listed companies)
                                                       • Luxembourg companies, whose securities are traded on a market of a non-Member State,
                                                           which is regulated, operates regularly, is recognised and open to the public; may choose to
                                                           subject themselves to the requirements of the Law, by an express provision in their articles,
                                                           (the non-EU listed companies, together with the EU listed companies the Listed companies)
                                                       • Institutional investors (e.g., life insurers and pension funds), to the extent they invest directly
                                                           or through an asset manager in shares traded of listed companies
                                                       • Asset managers (e.g., investment firms providing individual discretionary portfolio
                                                           management services, AIFMs7, Management Companies), to the extent they invest in such
                                                           listed companies on behalf of investors
                                                       • Intermediaries in the custody chain (e.g., depositaries, central securities depository), in so
                                                           far as they provide depositary services to shareholders or other intermediaries with respect
                                                           to shares in listed companies
                                                       • Proxy advisors, to the extent they provide services to shareholders with respect to shares of
                                                           listed companies

                                                       The Law currently exempts UCITs8 and AIFs7 from the provisions of SRD II except for the
                                                       requirements of its chapter III dealing with transparency of institutional investors, assets managers
                                                       and proxy advisors.

    Regulated market as defined by art 1 § 31 of the Law of 30 May 2018 on markets in financial instruments, established or operating in a Member State of the European Union (EU)
    Member State is a member state of the EU
    Alternative Investment Funds Managers (AIFMs), Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) as defined by art 1 § 46 and art 1 § 39 respectively of the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers
    Undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) as defined by art 2 § 2 of the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment
How is your firm impacted?
Remuneration Transparency                                                                                                      Engagement & Voting Transparency
•   Analyse the remuneration policy of the                                                                                     •   Publicly announce material related party
    listed company and adapt voting behavior                                                                                       transactions
    accordingly                                                                                                                •   Transmit information to enable all
                                                                                                                                   shareholders to engage and exercise their
Engagement & Voting Transparency                                                                                                   voting rights
                                                                                                                               •   Confirm shareholders’ votes being validity
•   Develop and annually disclose an
                                                               Asset Managers /                                                    recorded and counted
    engagement policy explaining how
    shareholder engagement is included
                                                               Investors                                                       Remuneration Transparency
    in the chosen investment strategy and
    implemented via the exercised voting                                       pacte firms                                     •   Establish policy regarding remuneration of
    behavior                                                                                                                       directors
•   Annually disclose to institutional investors                                                           Listed              •   Hold vote on remuneration policy by
    how the chosen investment strategy and                                                                                         general meeting of shareholders
    implementation thereof contributes to the
    medium to long-term performance of the
                                                                                   SRD II                                      •   Disclose annual report on remuneration
                                                                                                                                   publicly on their website for a period of
    assets of the institutional investors (asset                                                                                   10 years
    managers only)
•   Annually describe and disclose the
    inclusion of shareholder engagement in the
    investment strategy (institutional investors
•   Annually disclose arrangements with asset
    manager (institutional investors only)

                               Shareholder Identification                                  Engagement & Voting Transparency
                               •   Establish a framework for listed entities to identify   •   Transmit information to enable all shareholders to
                                   their shareholders                                          engage and exercise their voting rights
                               •   Ensure transmission of related information to           •   Facilitate exercise of rights by shareholders
                                   listed entities on request by the listed entity         •   Provide confirmation of receipt of the shareholders’ vote
                                   without delay                                           •   Provide confirmation on vote processing to shareholders
                                                                                               on request (maximum three month after the vote) unless
                                                                                               that information is already available)
                                                                                           •   Conduct reviews of the fee grids
                                                                                           •   Safeguard proportionality of costs
                                                                                           •   Safeguard non-discrimination between issuer (for fees
                                                                                               depending on issuer’s primary market)
Date of application
The local Luxembourg transposition of SRD II was adopted on 10 July 2019. The Law entered into force on 24 August 2019. Accordingly,
the requirements around Engagement & Voting Transparency and Remuneration Transparency should be applicable from that date on. The
requirements around Shareholder Identification & Engagement will only be applicable from 3 September 2020 as per EU implementing
regulatory technical standards.

                                                                 Implementation Phase

  3 September 2018                              10 July 2019                                      3 September 2020
  European Commission published                 Parliament Adoption                               Intermediary
  Regulation (EU) 2018/1212 laying down         of the bill of law                                requirements
  minimum requirements and guidance
  implementing SRD II                                                                             Shareholder Identification & Engagement

     January 2019        February 2019             24 August 2019
     Vote on the bill    Publication of            Entry into force
       of law in the     the bill of law           of the Law
       government                                   Engagement & Voting Transparency                           December 2020
            council                                                                                            First end-of-year
                                                    Remuneration Transparency                                  reporting for all

      2018                                                                                                                 2021

                          February – March
                          Comments period
                          for the bill of law
How EY Luxembourg can help
        EY proposes a holistic approach to identify areas of non-conformities and subsequently implement SRD II. By combining regulatory and
        industry expertise with digital solutions, EY can assess compliance gaps and help to efficiently put SRD II requirements into practice.

                     Awareness                            Health Check                          Final Report                   Detailed Assessment

                                        High- level                           High- level                           Detailed

                                       assessment                            assessment                           assessment

                Context and Changes              Compliance Assessment                      Regulatory Report             Detailed Gap Analysis
                                                                                                                          + Implementation

            Kick-off meeting                   On the field                           Wrap-up meeting                    Depends on complexity
            • Raise awareness for              • Assess current                       • List major high level gaps       • Analyze regulatory gaps
                SRD II amongst the key                compliance status by                  and focus areas                    in detail

                stakeholders of the                   main requirement                •     Display the impact on the    • Implement appropriate
                organization                   •      Evaluate impact on                    business                           measures to fill gaps
            •   Agree on focus areas for              client’s business               •     Discuss further steps and          identified
                assessment                                                                  present EY tools
            •   Identify additional key
            •   Agree on timeline
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                                                                          Partner, Financial Services Advisory Leader
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