Sharesave 2015 Maturity - Reward & Benefits - YBS Share Plans

Page created by Phillip Sandoval
2015 Maturity

                Reward & Benefits
Your Sharesave journey...

                                                       Keeping your shares and
      Your Sharesave Maturity     Option on Maturity            FAQs
                                                       becoming a share holder

     How do I process my chosen       Key dates        Where do I go for help?
Your Sharesave Maturity

You have been saving for the last 36 months and on 1 December                It is your responsibility to
2018 your 2015 Sharesave account will mature, providing you                  monitor the Share Price of
have not missed any contributions.                                           Kier Group plc shares before
If you have not made all your contributions, payroll will continue to make   making your decision. Please
deductions from your salary until all 36 payments have been made.            be aware that the current Kier
                                                                             Share Price can be found on
                                                                             the Company website.
  You now need to choose what you would like to do with
  your savings:

  Take your savings as cash and not buy any shares.

  Buy your Kier Shares at £11.47 per share and receive a share
  At the time of writing this, the current open market Share Price
  for Kier Group plc is significantly lower than the Fixed Option
  Price at which you are able to purchase shares.
Your Sharesave Maturity (continued...)

You do not have to decide if you want
to buy your Kier shares straight away,
you have until 22 May 2019 to return
your Maturity Instruction Form to
YBS Share Plans in order to buy your
shares before your options lapse on
1 June 2019.
Share prices can fall as well as rise,
therefore, you should check the price
of Kier shares just before deciding
whether or not to buy the shares.
Past share price performance is not
necessarily an indication of future
Once you have decided what you want
to do, please refer to the “My Choices”
section for details about how to provide
your instructions to YBS Share Plans.
Options on Maturity

Take your savings as cash
At the time of writing this brochure, the current open market Share
Price for Kier Group plc is significantly lower than the Fixed Option Price
at which you are able to purchase shares.
Therefore, you have the option to request your saving back as cash.
This can be processed by the methods below:

     Return your Maturity Instruction Form in the
     pre-paid envelope provided. See My Choices
     section for further details.

     Simply call the YBS Share Plans Helpline on
     0345 1200 300.
     See My Choices section for further details.)
Options on Maturity (continued...)

Keeping your shares
                                                                                     At the time of writing this, the
The shares you buy will be registered in your own name, unless
                                                                                     current open market Share
you instruct Kier registrars (Link Asset Services) otherwise when
                                                                                     Price for Kier Group plc is
completing your instructions.
                                                                                     significantly lower than the
                                                                                     Fixed Option Price at which
  You should normally receive your Share Certificate within 30 days                  you are able to purchase
  of exercising your option to purchase shares.                                      shares.
  If you do not receive your share certificate within 6 weeks of
  exercising your options please contact Link on 0871 664 0300

As a shareholder in Kier, you will be entitled to attend and vote at the
Company’s general meetings, of which you will be given advance notice,
and you can expect to receive dividends. Kier usually pays dividends to
shareholders twice a year. Dividends received over £2,000 are taxable and
you will need to declare them on your tax return. Dividends are not guaranteed
and share prices can fall as well as rise.

  Important information
  In the event that YBS Share Plans receive your instructions to purchase shares and the Kier Group share price is lower
  than the Option Price at the time of closure, then YBS Share Plans reserve the right to cancel your instruction, close
  your Sharesave account and return your savings to you. In these circumstances your option to buy Kier shares remains
  exercisable for a period of six months following your maturity date. If the Kier Group share price subsequently rises
  above the Option Price during this six month period please call the YBS Share Plans Helpline for more information.

How can I sell my shares in               What if I have missed a                   If you leave before 1 December
the future?                               payment?                                  2018 due to redundancy, retirement
                                                                                    (as defined in the scheme rules),
If you exercise your option and receive   If you have missed one or more            transfer to another company under the
a share certificate but decide you wish   payments, you may have a deferred         Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of
to sell your shares in the future, you    maturity date. The choices available      Employment) Regulations 2006, injury
can do so by using a stockbroker of       to you remain the same as set out in      or disability you will be able to buy
your choice.                              this document, but you will have six      your shares.
If you have been notified that you are    months from the deferred maturity
                                          date in which to buy your shares.         If you leave for any other reason, such
subject to the Share Dealing Code
                                          For example, if you missed one            as resignation or dismissal, you will
for transactions in securities of Kier
                                          month’s payment, your 2015                not be able to buy your shares.
Group plc, you must comply with the
requirements of that Code and seek        Sharesave contract will mature on         If you have left and are able to buy
clearance before dealing in securities    1 January 2019 and you will have until    your shares, you must do so within six
of the Company. All employees, even       1 July 2019 to exercise your option to    months of leaving the company and
those not included on an insider list,    buy the shares.                           not within six months of the maturity
must not deal in securities of the                                                  date.
Company if they believe that they are     What if I leave the Company?
in possession of inside information       If you have already left Kier, you may
and must immediately notify the           not be able to exercise your option. It
Company Secretary.                        will depend on the reason for leaving
                                          and the date on which you left.
FAQs (continued...)

What about Tax?
Under current legislation, you may be liable to pay Capital
Gains Tax if you sell the shares acquired after exercising
your option and any profit you may make, when added to
other capital gains you may make in the relevant tax year,
exceeds the annual exemption (£11,700 for 2018/2019).
Your profit on selling shares is calculated as the difference
between the sale proceeds of the shares and the amount
paid for the number of shares sold. In this case, it would
be the difference between the Option Price and the selling
price for each share sold, less sale expenses. If your total
capital gains exceed the annual exemption they should
be reported to HM Revenue and Customs, whether you
receive a tax return or not.
How do I process my chosen option?

Paper                                                   Phone
              Don’t buy shares and...                    Simply call the YBS Share Plans Helpline
                                                         on 0345 1200 300 and a cheque will be
                                                         sent out within 24 hours of closing your
          Take my savings back as cash                   Sharesave account.

  Please tick box the box in Section One of the YBS
        Share Plans Maturity Instruction Form
 Now complete Section 3 and return the form to YBS       See the next page.
       Share Plans in the envelope provided

 A cheque will be sent within 24 hours of closing our
                 Sharesave account.

 Important information
 At the time of writing this, the current open market Share Price
 for Kier Group plc is significantly lower than the Fixed Option
 Price at which you are able to purchase shares.
 If you want to purchase the shares please call the YBS Share
 Plans Helpline on 0345 1200 300.
How do I process my chosen option? (continued...)

You now have the option to provide your            instructions to complete the cash
maturity instructions using the secure online      or shares closure process. You’ll
facility provided by YBS Share Plans by visiting   receive an email confirmation once and clicking          you’ve successfully submitted your
on ‘Login’. You’ll need your Customer Number       instructions online.
and Password to hand, which were confirmed         YBS Share Plans will use an
when you first registered your account(s).         electronic system to verify your
If you’ve forgotten this information you’ll        identity when you provide your
need to call the YBS Share Plans Helpline on       maturity instruction online. For
0345 1200 300, but for security reasons you’ll     further details about this and how to
have to call from the telephone number we          provide your instructions please refer
have registered against your account otherwise     to the ‘Online Instructions Guide’ at
these details will be re-issued to you through
the post.
Once you’ve logged in you’ll need to select the
maturing Sharesave account in the account
view section (please make sure the account
number you select matches the account
number stated on your Maturity Instruction
Form), click on ‘Closure Options’, make
your choice and then follow the on-screen
Key dates

 22 November 2018                      1 December 2018              1 June 2019
 If you wish to request the issue      Maturity date                Your option to buy shares lapses and you
 of a Share Certificate in the first                                can only receive your savings back as cash.
 batch, this is the last date for
 receipt of your online instruction
 or Maturity Instruction Form by       22 May 2019
 YBS Share Plans.
                                       Last date for your online
 If your form is not received by       instruction or receipt       NOTE:
 22 November 2018, three               of YBS Share Plans           What you do with your savings is your
 further batches have been             Maturity Instruction         decision. Neither Kier nor YBS Share
 scheduled for forms received          Form to ensure your          Plans can advise you on what is the best
 on or before 29 November,             option is exercised by       course of action for you in your individual
 6 December and 13 December.           1 June 2019 (after           circumstances. You may want to clarify your
 Thereafter the forms will be          which date your option       tax position or to seek guidance on how
 processed fortnightly after           to buy shares will lapse).   best to link together most efficiently the
 13 December 2018.                                                  various courses of action available to you.
Where do I go for help?

           Any Questions                                                                                             The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
                                                                                                                     Important information about compensation arrangements
                                                                                                                     Your eligible deposits with Yorkshire Building Society are protected up to a total
           If there’s any further questions you’d like                                                               of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK’s deposit
           to ask about the Sharesave after reading                                                                  guarantee scheme.
           this information booklet you can call the                                                                 This limit is applied to the total of any deposits you have with the following: Yorkshire
           plan administrator YBS Share Plans on                                                                     Building Society, Chelsea Building Society, Norwich & Peterborough Building Society
                                                                                                                     and Egg. Offset deposits through our subsidiary Accord Mortgages Limited are held

           0345 1200 300                                                                                             by Yorkshire Building Society on behalf of Accord. Any total deposits you hold above
                                                                                                                     the £85,000 limit between these brands are unlikely to be covered. For further
           Lines are open 9.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Friday                                                       information please see Section VI of the Sharesave Terms and Conditions.
           (excluding public holidays in England and Wales).

                                                                                                                     Full details are contained in the rules of the Kier Sharesave scheme, which can be
                                                                                                                     inspected on application to Kier. If there should be any difference between the rules
                                                                                                                     and this brochure, the rules take precedence

       YBS Share Plans is part of Yorkshire Building Society.
       YBS Share Plans, Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford, BD5 8LJ
       Tel: 0345 1 200 300 • Fax: +44 (0)1274 357 950 •
       Yorkshire Building Society provides share plan trustee and administration services, including deposit taking, in the UK and subject to English law and regulation.
       We are not responsible for share plan deposits held by local savings carriers outside the UK.
       Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Building Societies Association and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
       Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Yorkshire Building Society is entered in the Financial Services Register and its registration number is
       106085. Head Office: Yorkshire House, Yorkshire Drive, Bradford, BD5 8LJ.
       Yorkshire Building Society is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service. Further details are available on request from the Society.
       All communications with Yorkshire Building Society may be monitored/recorded to improve the quality of their service and for your protection and security. Calls to
       03 numbers are charged at the same standard network rate as 01 or 02 landline numbers, even when calling from a mobile.

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                                                                                                                                                               Reward & Benefits
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