Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition

Page created by Carolyn Lowe
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church

                                 Fall 2020 Edition
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
that we are loved and filled with the
                                                                           potential that today is the day I can
                                                                           serve my neighbor. Today is the day
                                                                           that I can advance love, justice, and
                                                                           peace one step further. Today is a
                                                                           day I can act. Today is a day that I
                                                                           can rejoice. And, so I do.
                                                                           This is the day for our congregation
                                                                           to rejoice – to rejoice in the ability

                                                                           to make the world a more just
                                                                           place. Today is the day to surround
                                                                           our neighbors with love. Today is
 This is the day that the LORD has made;                                   the day to worship God. Today is
                                                                           the day to lift our voice in praise.
 let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
                                                                           Today is the day to share the Good
                                                                           News that the Spirit is at work in
                                                                           this world, Jesus has risen, and
                                                                           God has provided us breath, mind,

S ometimes, a Bible verse soars       – taking in one of the dozens of     imagination and will.
  in my heart. Other times, that      beautiful, faithful pieces of music It is okay to have a day when it all
same verse is a smack to my face.     produced by SOLLC musicians and seems hard, and the promises of
                                      friends....                          God seem far off, and joy is in
Over the past five months, I
have experienced times of great       And, I have experienced what one short supply. And, it is good to
significance – marching together      of my peers termed “Ambiguity        have the words of the Psalmist
with dozens of clergy, lifting up the Fatigue” where the future always     ring in our ears until the echo of
need for justice; great worship –     seems to be equal chance of being the song becomes the soundtrack
sitting with Gretchen and offering “this” or “that”. Or the sense          for our day.
each other communion on a             of, after five months of social      Today is the day that the Lord
Sunday morning at home; great         disruption we are no closer to being has made. Let us rejoice and be
joy – having a “mask-free” time       free of this virus than we were at   glad in it! Thank you for being the
with family at the cabin (after       the beginning (Come on, vaccine. people of God!
testing and quarantining); great      Or political will. Or rational human
community – sitting on a porch        behavior....). Does this sound
with two longtime friends sharing familiar to you?
our stresses and our joys; great
                                      And then, I remember – every day Pastor Dan Poffenberger
work – with my brilliant, faithful,
                                      is the day that the Lord has made. Senior Pastor
smart and funny coworkers at
                                      Every day filled with the promise
Shepherd of the Lake; great pride
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
Fall Worship Series | September 13-November 22

When we are alone, abandoned, disconnected or exiled,
God is at work to bring us back together. Even now, when
we choose to physically distance ourselves from each other,
we have faith in a God who can bridge the vast distances
between us.

When two rivers merge together in a confluence, it’s
impossible to tell which molecules of water were once the
Minnesota, and which were the Mississippi. In the same
way, when we’re united with Jesus Christ, we’re fully joined
together, not only with Jesus, but with other disciples all
over the world and throughout time.

In this lectionary-based series, we’ll explore the ways
in which God takes two or more things (some of which
seemingly irreconcilable) and unites them together to do
something amazing. Eventually this river will lead to the
supreme example of confluence - the divine merging with
the human - as we anticipate the celebration of the divine
becoming flesh.

  We continue to gather digitally on Sundays at 9am and 5pm via
  Facebook Live. We’re thankful for all of you who have embraced
    this new platform of fellowship in a time of social distancing.

                                                                      Fall 2020 Edition | 2
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
NEW                                           SEASONS
“I am so pleased to introduce Justin to the
congregation. Once again, we are blessed
with a talented person who has amazing
gifts to share. I am most grateful that
Justin said ‘yes’ to Shepherd of the Lake
– so please reach out and welcome Justin
and his family to our community!
I am grateful that we’re experiencing
another healthy staff transition. It is
normal for a congregation like Shepherd
to welcome and send talented leaders on
a regular basis. We are a place people
are eager to serve in; where leaders can
learn, grow and be sent out into the larger
church. Thank you to the council and all
who served on the interview team that has
brought Justin to SOLLC!” – Pastor Dan

J  ustin grew up in Michigan and
   moved to the Twin Cities with
his wife in 2003. Their two kids are
                                              to be back in MN, which still feels
                                              like home!
                                                                                    ways of being church.
                                                                                    “Hi everyone, and thanks for your warm
considered the ‘real Minnesotans’                                                   welcome to Shepherd of the Lake. I realize
because they were born and                    His wife, Angie, has been             that’s a ridiculous sentiment, since I’ve
raised here. Over the ten years               teaching for 17 years, and their      barely met any of you in person yet, and
living in MN, he led worship and              kids, Owen and Zoe, bring them        probably won’t for the foreseeable future.
                                                                                    Trust me when I say that in the many and
music as a part of several different          joy. As a family they love games,     small ways I’ve been introduced to SOLLC
churches, and also dipped his                 playing with their dog, Luna, and     - in the staff and community leadership,
toes into writing and recording.              spending time together. Justin        in the space, in our dreams for the future -
In 2013, Justin felt called to a              is excited for the day we’ll get to   I can see the kind of open, welcoming, and
seminary education, so their                  worship together in the same          supportive community that God has been
family opted for adventure and                space. Until then, he’s thankful      building here. Thank you for inviting my
                                                                                    family and me into that- I know that God
relocated to Columbia, SC. Now,               that God has called them to a         has big things in store.” –Justin Rimbo
seven years later, they are excited           community that’s exploring new

3 | Fall 2020 Edition
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
W     hen Governor Waltz asked us to “Stay at Home”,
      we were also asked to not gather in small or large
groups. That meant no more Bible studies, no more choir
practice. No more Sunday worship.

Worship is often the reset button in our day-to-day
lives. It is when we are nourished with God’s Word and
through our relationships with our fellow followers of

Knowing we need to stay in relationship with each other,
Pastoral Care Ministries created the Call Connection
Care Ministry. Nine coaches (SOLLC pastors and staff)
asked 10-15 volunteers to connect with approximately
1500 family units. The hope was each family would
hear from their church community. In those exchanges
with families, volunteers shared worship opportunities
through Nightly Faith Online and Sunday’s Around the
Table. Families were also reminded of the Quarantine
Buddies for support of grocery shopping and asked if
there were any pastoral needs.

The ministry of CCC has been a gift for the caller and the
called. Sue Galazen, a caller said about her visits, “While
I was making the calls, I became aware of the need we all
have to know someone really cares about our wellbeing.
My heart was lifted as I heard joy in the voices as I told
them SOLLC was reaching out to them personally.”

              NEW CALL-IN WORSHIP
           If you’re not ‘online’, this option is for you!
            Call 952-230-1030 on Sundays to listen
          the sermon and a selection of worship music.
          Need help? Call the church office at 952-230-2988
                                                              Fall 2020 Edition | 4
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
                          Proudly Offering Quality Education in a Christian Environment since 1997

                        From past to present, Shepherd’s       moved to the current location
                        Flock preschool has been a             in 2003. To accommodate the
                        cornerstone in this community.         growing number of students, two
                                                               additional teachers were hired

                        S   hepherd’s Flock Preschool
                            began as a Community
                        Outreach program for
                                                               the next year and the program
                                                               has continued to grow since
                                                               then to its current level of 11 staff
                        Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran          members.
                        Church in 1997 led by Colleen
                        Gardner as Director and                In 2013, Shelle Prairie took
                        Shelle Prairie and Colleen             over as the new Director of
                        as teachers. The following             Shepherd’s Flock Preschool.
                        year Kay Dunning joined the            During her time in that position
                        team as a teacher and in 2001          the preschool achieved both
                        Alice Handrich took over as            NAEYC (National Association
                        Director as well as teaching.          for the Education of Young
5 | Fall 2020 Edition   Both the church and preschool          Children) accreditation and a
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
with our talented teachers to
                                                                      offer high-quality learning
                                                                      opportunities for the students
                                                                      and families we serve as part
                                                                      of the mission and ministry of
                                                                      Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran

                                                                      As Shepherd’s Flock looks
                                                                      to the future, we will be
                                                                      offering both HALF DAY
                                                                      and FULL DAY options. Our
                                                                      faith-based preschool is
                                                                      open to all children ages 33
                                                                      months to five years old. The
                                                                      programming uses Creative
                                                                      Curriculum for learning and
                                                                      experiential teaching and
                                                                      encourages utilizing outdoor
                                                                      spaces for exploration and
                                                                      learning too. We also look
                                                                      forward to continuing our
4-star Parent Aware rating, as       Flock children and families!     intergenerational connections
well as adding a third classroom.                                     with McKenna Crossing in the
On August 1, 2020 after 22           This year we’ve had the          future as well as community
years with the program, Shelle       pleasure of welcoming            giving opportunities. Our
has retired and is excited to be     Ann Janisch into the role of     commitment of providing
spending more time with her          Preschool Director. Ann has a    every child the opportunity
family. The first class she taught   BA in Psychology and Social      for a high-quality educational
has since graduated college and      Work and a background with       experience remains the
many of those students have          children as a therapist and      same. We will continue to
furthered their education in         teacher. She lives in Savage     offer physical, intellectual,
professional programs becoming       with her husband and three       emotional, social, and spiritual
doctors, nurses, psychologists,      children. Ann commented,         nurturing in a safe, Christian
pharmacists, teachers and more!      “I will be following in Shelle   environment, fostered and
We’ll always be thankful for the     Prairie’s great leadership       supported as part of the
energy, passion and love Shelle      and programming footsteps,       mission and ministry of
poured out to our Shepherd’s         and will continue partnering     Shepherd of the Lake.
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
“Looking ahead I know there are so many wonderful
                                  new families to meet, new ‘little friends’ to cherish,
                                 and brand-new days at preschool filled with laughter,
                                     love, and growing in faith.” –Kelly Stavedahl

 “I look forward to meeting                                                                  “I love watching “our kiddos”
more of you and celebrating                                                                flourish & blossom as they learn
  your children’s academic,                                                                  & grow at Shepherd’s Flock”.
social, and spiritual growth.”                                                                     -Carrie Mikolyzk
       –Jessie Carney

                                          We’re so thankful for our
                                            families and teachers
                                          past, present, and future!
                                                                                                  HERD’S FL
                                                   Learn More & Register at                      P



                                          Follow Shepherd’s Flock on Facebook
                                                                                                 PR                  L
                                                                                                      ESC H O O
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
5 months of Sunday worship
                                                                          experiences. I am proud of the
                                                                          quality and faithfulness of those

                                                                          offerings. I am not aware of any
                                                                          other ELCA congregation that

                                                                          has entered the digital space
                                                                          so fully. For our members who
       RE-OPENING UPDATE FROM PASTOR DAN                                  are not “plugged in” we have
                                                                          created a calling tree, mailings
                                                                          and recently, a phone-connected
                                                                          worship experience featuring
                                                                          the weekly sermon and other
                                                                          As Minnesota opens schools,
                                                                          we are watching the effect on
                                                                          our families and community.
I n many ways these 5 months
  have been some of the most
rewarding and challenging of
                                     The Church Council has
                                     authorized a re-opening team
                                     that has been working over the
                                                                          We are preparing to open our
                                                                          space for small, safe gatherings
my 30 years of ministry. I am so     past two months to prepare our       and experimenting with
proud and grateful for the work      facility for in-person gatherings.   offerings such as prayer services
and faith of our congregation        The team continues to be             to begin to provide some way
this year. You continue to inspire   informed by the Minnesota            for our faith community to
me and remind me of the power        Health Department, the CDC           physically connect in a safe and
of Christian community. It is        and NHS recommendations and          appropriate manner.
nice to know that we are the         the practices of the ELCA and        The reality of our public health
church even when we gather           our sister large membership          crisis changes so very quickly, so
in a digital space – continuing      ELCA congregations around the        stay tuned for regular updates
to learn, grow, worship, care        country. All of this has informed    via the Shepherd of the Lake
and serve together. We are           our cautious approach, and our       App (download it if you have
approaching this fall with new       investments in digital worship       not yet done so) email and old-
programming and ministry             expressed in our Nightly Faith       fashioned letters.
opportunities for all of our         Online (NFO) and Sunday              Once again, thank you for your
ministries – most offered            Around the Table experiences.        faithfulness and the ways you
digitally, with the options to       To date, we have offered over 80     serve your neighbor in love –
do in person versions when           nights of NFO material (over 250     masks, social distancing, and
possible.                            individual pieces) and almost        other healthy measures.
Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church - Fall 2020 Edition
  Pastor Laila Shares Five Opportunities to Engage This Fall

                                                                                 W      hen I started in my role as
                                                                                        Pastor of Lifelong Learning

   01                                     02
                                                                                 at Shepherd of the Lake five years
                                                                                 ago, I could never have predicted
                                                                                 that I’d be learning how to curate
I’M STILL HERE: BLACK                   REEL THEOLOGY:                           and create digital classes and faith
DIGNITY IN A WORLD                      FAITH AND FILM                           formation opportunities during a
MADE FOR WHITENESS                                                               global pandemic. I always wanted
                                        We will watch a movie in common on       to offer online classes, but truth
                                        our own, then come together online
Mondays, 9/21-10/26 from 6:30-8pm                                                be told I was intimidated by the
                                        to discuss the theological themes
6-week online discussion group based                                             thought of learning all the things
                                        present in that movie. Email Pastor
on Austin Channing Brown’s book with
                                        Laila to nominate your favorite movie!   necessary to make it happen. I don’t
Pastor Laila.
                                                                                 do technology super well – or, I didn’t
                                                                                 before now. The learning curve was
                                                                                 steep, friends. I shed some tears
  03                                      04                                     and said some words I’d better not
                                                                                 hear my kids use as I learned how
                                                                                 to reboot my router after an Internet
 HONORING OUR                           SMALL GROUPS                             crash and retrieve class participants
 NEIGHBORS FAITH                                                                 lost in cyberspace on their way to
                                        Small Groups continue to form even
 Back by popular demand! Stay tuned     during the Pandemic! If you would like   virtual breakout rooms. This was not
 as we are working out details of how   to lead a Small Group or be part of a    covered in seminary.
 to safely offer interfaith learning    Small Group, please contact Pastor
 experiences during this time. Watch    Laila. Download the SOLLC app to         What was covered in seminary, and
 your email for updates!                stay up-to-date on new opportunities!
                                                                                 all over in the Bible frankly; what

9 | Fall 2020 Edition
is woven into the depths of our

hearts and the core of our being is
the desire to know God in ways that
surpass knowledge; to be rooted
and grounded in God’s love for us;        DIALOGUES ON: RACE
to be connected to community; to          Mondays, 11/2-12/14 6:30-8pm
love and be loved; to do justice, love
                                          Join Pastor Laila for this 8-week online
kindness, and walk humbly with            small group experience that explores issues
God. Turns out, we can do lots of         around race, the Bible, whiteness, African
this online. Since the start of the       American & Native American experiences in
pandemic, we’ve gathered online           the United States, the role of women in racial
                                          justice movements, and more. We will read a
for Bible studies, small group book       collection of essays together – one each week
studies, fellowship groups, meetings,     – and practice dialogue techniques that help
worship, and classes including            us stay present and grounded as we discover
                                          new and sometimes challenging insights about
Dialogues On: Race. Now we’re all         ourselves and the world in which we live, and
set to offer online learning and faith    as we engage in difficult conversations in our
formation experiences for the Fall!       daily lives. Space is limited, registration is
We look forward to gathering
                                          Email Pastor Laila at to
together for Lifelong Learning            register or with questions.
opportunities when it’s safe to do
so. The reopening team has their
ear to the ground, their eye on
                                         most current information and for
the numbers, and their hearts in
                                         additional class and small group
prayer as they discern timing and
conditions of reopening for various
activities. For the moment, all of the   As always, thanks for being you and
classes listed are online. If/when it    thanks for being church. It’s a joy
becomes a safe option to gather in       and a privilege to travel this road
person for learning, we will offer       with you. We may not have a map
BOTH in-person and online learning       for this part of the journey, but we
opportunities so you can make the        do have each other and the presence
choice that’s right for you. Please      and promises of God made known to
stay tuned and watch your email          us in the life, death and resurrection
and Nightly Faith Online for the         of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!

                                                                                           Fall 2020 Edition | 10

                         A NEW STUDENT SERIES

HOW ARE OUR STUDENTS NAVIGATING?                        they know, it looks and feels very different with
Many of you may be familiar with the popular            twists and turns along the way.
Netflix series Stranger Things. The series follows
a group of young friends who experience                 Our young people have experienced an upside
supernatural or alien forces in their small Indiana     down world over the past six months. Most of their
town. As they seek to figure out the root of a series   normal rhythms and routines have become a thing
of strange occurrences, the kids find themselves        of the past with many open ended questions. Many
going deeper into an alternate universe they call       students have lost opportunities to participate
The Upside Down. Although it resembles the world        in sports, music, arts, church programs, or even

11 | Fall 2020 Edition
their high school graduation. For many students
this has been fairly disorientating in one way,
shape, or form. But there is also a spirit of hope
and strength. Students are adapting and finding          NAVIGATING
new ways to stay connected to the people and
opportunities that sustain them. I have been           THE UPSIDE DOWN
fortunate to hear the stories of students seeking      A Student’s Journey Through Covid-19
to serve others and persevering in the midst of
uncertainty. It is so important that we hear the
stories of our young people and the faith and                        Meg May
courage they continue to exhibit in the face of this                September 3
                                                                  Parker Young
WHAT’S IN THIS DIGITAL SERIES?                                     September 10
Navigating The Upside Down shares the journey
of four SOLLC high school students in their own                Rachael Knobloch
words. It offers us a window into their journey over
the past six months with all of the ups and downs                   September 17
and twists and turns they have experienced.
                                                                    Jack Tocko
In our first episode we interview Meg May who
                                                                   September 24
is a student athlete and an active leader in our
high school program. She plays multiple sports            Episode of Navigating the Upside Down
including her primary sport which is softball. She         will be released weekly on Facebook,
is a member of the Fun Squad for Living Water and           YouTube, and via the SOLLC App
leads games and activities on Wednesday nights.
We are also privileged to hear incredible stories
from Parker Young, Rachael Knoblauch, and Jack

    We hope that you tune in and listen to these
     unique journeys of faith, hope, and life.

                                                                                           Fall 2020 Edition | 12
        Engaging New Platforms for Digital Faith Formation
     Children, Youth, and Family is our ministry to birth through young adult with an emphasis on
  engaging the whole family. Our goal is to provide meaningful intersections for families to encounter
    the living Christ. We seek to invite children, youth, and families to join us in creating a space for
                                  relationships with God and each other.
       The CYF Team is working hard to offer fun and meaningful programs for the 2020-21 year.
        We have made the decision to meet digitally through the end of 2020 and plan to resume
                       in-person gathering in early 2021 when it's safe to do so!

Begins September 13

Begins September 23

Begins October 21

Learn More & Register at
                         YOUTUBE                          Follow /shepherdofthelake                     FACEBOOK

                                                                                 Every Move I Make | CYF Collaboration
                                                                                 Enjoy this rendition of ‘Every Move
                                                                                 I Make’ from our students in Sunday
                                                                                 School and Living Water...for every
                                                                                 move we make, we make in Jesus.

Meeting You There | Digital Series
Wherever you are on your faith journey,                                          Who You Say I Am | Contemporary Band
we will meet you there with Open Hearts,                                         When we live in a reality marked by a
Open Minds, and an Open Table. In                                                constantly shifting news, and messages
this digital series, Pastor Laila talks with                                     that trigger fear in our hearts and minds,
SOLLC members and friends about the                                              the simple act of recentering on our
ways these ideas embedded in these value                                         identity as a Child of God, as loved and
statements have shown up in their lives to                                       accepted unconditionally, is so healing!
bring new insights and hope.

           @shepherdofthelake             |    @sollclw     |   @sollchs                                INSTAGRAM

                                                          NEW ACCOUNTS & GROUPS
                                                          We’ve added Instagram accounts for Living Water and High
                                                          School students as well as Facebook groups for Children’s
                                                          Ministry, Living Water, and High School families.
                                                          Exclusive content coming soon!

                                                          Thank you Abbie for sharing your inspiring driveway art with us!
                                                          #chalk #outside #diy #sollc #childrensministry #cross
Pastor Korla writes about the heart of Shepherd of the         Trinity Lutheran Church, was uniquely positioned
Lake’s Outreach and Stewardship ministries. These
                                                               to respond when those flames touched a number
ministries are two-fold: recognizing and responding to
needs created by systems that deny the full belovedness of
                                                               of local grocery stores.
any part of God’s good Creation, and recognizing the ways
that God has gifted each of us individually and all of us as   Since the first week of June, Holy Trinity has
a community to live lives of faithful discipleship.            been staffing a food and supply distribution site
                                                               multiple days a week, with the ongoing support
That’s a pretty broad scope of ministry! And                   of local congregations, neighbors, protest leaders,
it certainly overlaps in countless ways with                   volunteers, and donations from around the world.
the worship, education, finance, care, and                     We have been part of that holy work, as teams
social ministries in this congregation. Both                   of shoppers and drivers at SOLLC kicked into
Outreach and Stewardship take our hearts                       gear and bought food and household goods to
and self-awareness, our giving dollars, and our                deliver to the distribution site. We have been a
compassion and creativity. And they involve                    part of that work as the broader community of
responding to urgent needs, sometimes with                     SOLLC has given financially to this effort. And
quick actions that fill a gap, and sometimes with              we will continue to partner with Holy Trinity as
long-term structural impact. Right now in the                  Fall comes in earnest and the shape of this work
life of our Outreach ministries here at Shepherd,              changes.
we’ve got both of those going on.
                                                               ...TO NEIGHBORS CLOSER TO HOME
...TO NEIGHBORS IN THE CITY                                    Here in Scott County, we know that COVID-19
When George Floyd was murdered on Memorial                     has exacerbated an already-urgent housing
Day, it touched a deep and long-burning pain.                  crisis. In January, our friends at Beacon Interfaith
That pain was expressed through tears and                      Housing kicked off the campaign to build Prairie
prophetic chants and flames and courage in                     Pointe, the first development of Family Supportive
the same streets I grew on in the Longfellow                   Housing that will ever be built in Scott County.
Neighborhood. Our sibling congregation, Holy                   And the road toward building Prairie Pointe has
been at times smooth and at times pretty bumpy.         learn, and our relationships with one another, our
SOLLC members have borne witness at Shakopee            neighbors, Holy Scripture, and Creation. Toward
City Council and Scott County Commission                that end, a group of SOLLC members has come
meetings to our shared commitment to affordable         together to explore that very thing -- what we
housing for all our neighbors, even in the face of      as a community of faithful people believe and
misinformation and fear of homeless and low-            proclaim about God as relates to Stewardship.
income families. The future of Prairie Pointe           This Working Group will learn together and will
is not 100% secure yet, but we are hopeful and          eventually craft a statement of Shepherd of the
committed. We know that there is a need here in         Lake’s Theology of Stewardship. This project
our community. We know that the funding exists.         builds on the work and witness of the Shepherd
And we know that when we come together with             of the Lake Values Statement, adopted last year.
a vision that we can do powerful things. As Fall        The statement produced will be both aspirational
and Winter progress, keep an eye out for updates        and truthful. And it will guide the ongoing
on how to support this project and bring Family         Stewardship Ministry of this place. Stay tuned for
Supportive Housing to Scott County, for all our         updates as this Working Group begins to meet and
neighbors. It is a blessing to get to be part of this   share what we’re learning together. And please
work as a congregation                                  pray for us as we embark on this journey together

Outreach and Stewardship Ministries also involve           TENDING TO...
listening to the movement of God stirring in
ourselves and our communities. What is God                 FORWARD TOGETHER
calling us to as faithful people and how has God           Forward Together is coming to a close and
given us the gifts to live faithfully? There is a          for the past three years, FT has provided
growing sense that all congregations have what we          funding that has dramatically lowered our
might call a “theology of stewardship” -- existing         mortgage balance, fueled a retooling of
ways of understanding how God has called us in             worship and student ministry staff positions,
baptism and equipped us for lives of discipleship          improved our facility and deepened our
in God’s world. Often, that way of understanding is        outreach capacity. If you have made a
implied or unnamed rather than investigated and            three-year commitment, please fulfill that
said out loud.                                             commitment by the end of 2020. If you
                                                           have not yet made a commitment to this
As people called to proclaim the truth about               fund, please do so. These funds have helped
God’s life-giving gospel, there’s a value to saying        moved Shepherd of the Lake into a healthier,
what we believe God has to do with our money               more vibrant future. Thanks to all who have
and budgets, our natural talents and skills, the           contributed! Let’s finish strong!
things we’ve buckled down and still struggled to                                               Happenings                                  952-230-2988

              WORSHIP & ARTS                                            YOUTH CHOIR PROGRAM
                                                                        The youth choirs at SOLLC are an engaging music ministry for
                                                                        children Kindergarten through 12th grade. It is comprised of 4
                                                                        youth choirs; Cherub Singers (K), Hosanna Singers (Grades 1-2),
   MUSIC MINISTRIES AT SHEPHERD OF THE LAKE                             Alleluia Singers (Grades 3-4), or Living Water Singers (Grades
   Music has always played an important role in the worship of          5-8). Each of these choirs have the opportunity to sing in
   God’s people. The purpose of Music Ministry at Shepherd of the       worship throughout the year and engage in special programing
   Lake is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and        like Lessons and Carols in December as well as outside
   lead the congregation in worship. Music Ministry provides a way      opportunities. This year the combined SOLLC Youth Choirs
   in which individuals of all ages may share their gifts and be an     performed a virtual rendition of the National Anthem at
   integral part of the worship service.                                a Twins game in August.

   The 2020/2021 program year will look different this year as we       If you are interested in joining the youth choirs or would like
   enter into our season during the pandemic. However, we will be       more information regarding the upcoming year, contact
   exploring engaging options for participants in the program to        Patti Arntz (Director of Youth Music) at
   continue honing their singing gifts and contributing to worship in
   meaningful ways.

   ADULT CHOIR PROGRAM                                                  CHILDREN YOUTH & FAMILY
   The SOLLC Adult Choir program has been a strong staple of the
   church since its inception and has grown in the past few years
   with the addition of more members as well as the support of          SUNDAY SCHOOL
   the Section Leader quartet. The choir meets weekly during the        Shepherd of the Lake Sunday School Registration is OPEN
   program year, supports the worship music at the traditional          for Fall 2020. We will be meeting digitally starting September 13
   services, and rehearses and performs special anthems for             with a plan to return to in-person sessions in early 2021.
   services to inspire and support the liturgy during worship.          Register today at!
   If you are interested in joining the Adult Choir or learning more
                                                                        LIVING WATER
   about our upcoming year, contact JoAnna Johnson (Vocal and
                                                                        This is SOLLC’s confirmation ministry for youth in grades 5
   Traditional Music Director) at
                                                                        through 8. We meet from 6:30-8pm on Wednesday nights. For
                                                                        2020-2021, we start the year meeting virtually until we can all
   BELL CHOIR PROGRAM                                                   safely meet together. the way of Jesus. Register today at!
   The Glory Ringers rehearse and share each month in the
   traditional worship service. They learn a variety of music from      HIGH SCHOOL - HOUSE GROUPS
   contemporary to traditional. They represent SOLLC at Bells of        All High School students are invited to join a House Group that
   the Lakes BellFest every year at North Heights Lutheran Church       meets monthly to connect and share about life and faith. House
   in Arden Hills, MN, where they perform with hundreds other           Groups are led by an SOLLC adult leader and include snacks
   ringers from around the Midwest.                                     fun, and faith discussion. *Our 2020 house groups will meet via
                                                                        Zoom with the hopes of resuming in-person gathering in 2021
   If you are interested in trying hand bells or would like more        when it is safe to do so. Register today at!
   information about the upcoming year, contact Leah Toppen
   (Organist & Bell Choir Director) at            SHEPHERD’S FLOCK PRESCHOOL
                                                                        For more information about enrollment for the 2020-21 School
                                                                        Year, visit or contact our Preschool Director,
                                                                        Ann Janisch at!

17 | Fall 2020 Edition
LIFELONG LEARNING                                                                      OUTREACH

“I’M STILL HERE: BLACK DIGNITY IN A WORLD MADE                          Outreach opportunities develop and evolve quickly!
FOR WHITENESS” DISCUSSION GROUP                                          Have questions about how you can get involved?
Mondays, September 21 - October 26 from 6:30-8pm                            Watch Nightly Faith Online for updates or
Join Pastor Laila for a 6-week discussion group online.                   email Pastor Korla at
Interested? Email Pastor Laila at to register
and get the zoom link.

Mondays, November 2 - December 14 6:30-8pm
Join Pastor Laila for this 8-week online small group experience
                                                                                 CARE MINISTRY
that explores issues around race, the Bible, whiteness, African
American & Native American experiences in the United States,
the role of women in racial justice movements, and more.
                                                                      MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDITION
Space is limited, registration is required. Email Pastor Laila at
                                                                      Did you know? One in five adults in the U.S. experience mental to register, or with questions.
                                                                      health illness each year. One in six of youth 6-17 live with a
                                                                      mental health disorder. And, one in four adults is affected by
                                                                      addiction or knows someone living with addiction.
We will watch a movie in common on our own, then come
together online to discuss the theological themes present in that     Pre-COVID, you probably met people living with these
movie. I promise it’s not as nerdy as it sounds. Email Pastor Laila   challenges every day. With COVID, most are keeping behind
to nominate your favorite movie!                                      closed doors. The impact is critical.
                                                                      SOLLC Mental Health and Addiction team is wondering how we
HONORING OUR NEIGHBORS’ FAITH                                         can be a resource and help. If you are interested in joining the
Back by popular demand! Please stay tuned as we are working           team, contact Pastor Karen at
out details of how to safely offer interfaith learning experiences
during this time. Watch your email and NFOs for updates!
                                                                      WEEKLY TWELVE STEP MEETINGS
SMALL GROUPS                                                          Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meets Mondays at 7pm
Small Groups are a great way to grow in your relationship with        Al-Anon meets Tuesdays at 7pm
God and with other people who may be in the same stage in             Gamblers Anonymous (GA) meets Saturdays at 6:30pm
life, have similar passions for service, are interested in extended
learning opportunities, or some combination of the three!                 Curious about resources or need a listening ear?
Check out our small groups online or contact Pastor Laila at               Contact Pastor Karen at if you have an idea to start your own!

                                                                                                                   Fall 2020 Edition | 18
Shepherd of the Lake                                                             NON-PROFIT
        3611 North Berens Road NW                                                       U.S. POSTAGE
        Prior Lake, MN 55379                                                                 PAID
                                                                                        PERMIT NO. 38
                                                                                       PRIOR LAKE MN

                                    CONNECT WITH US!

                                    Senior Pastor Dan Poffenberger
                                    Communication Director Karolina Stark

                                    3611 North Berens Road NW | Prior Lake, MN 55379
                           | 952.230.2988
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