Signatory Name: JB Hi-Fi Limited

Page created by Roy George
Signatory Name: JB Hi-Fi Limited
   The question numbers in this report refer to the numbers in the report template. Not all questions are displayed in
   this report.

   Status: Completed

   The content in this APC Annual Report is hereby endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer, or equivalent officer of the

5. Industry sector (please select 1 only):
          Brand Owner / Wholesaler / Retailer
          Packaging Manufacturer
          Waste Management
          Other - Commercial Organisation
          Community Group
          Industry Association
          Raw Material Supplier

6. Industry type (please select 1 only):

          Food & Beverage
          Pharmaceutical / Personal Care / Medical
          Communications / Electronics
          Clothing / Footwear / Fashion
          Chemicals / Agriculture
          Large Retailer
          Shipping Company

7. Please indicate your organisation's reporting period:
          Financial Year: 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013
          Calendar Year: 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013
Goal 1: Design

KPI 1: % of signatories with documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the
SPGs or equivalent.

8. Does your company have documented policies and procedures for evaluating and procuring packaging using the
   SPGs or equivalent?

                      Yes                                             No

     Provide details of policies and procedures
     JB Hi-Fi has a Buy Recycled Policy which is adhered to by our Analysis, Planning & Treasury (APT) team which manage
     the procurement of office supplies. Application of this policy ensures that where financially viable and quality is
     maintained, a recycled product can be substituted.

     The APT team, in conjunction with the Risk Management team, also apply the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG)
     to all new and old packaging products.

9. Of the types of packaging existing at the beginning of the reporting period, what percentage had been reviewed
   using the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG) by the end of the reporting period?

                                  100    %

10. Have any new types of packaging been introduced during the reporting period?
                      Yes                                             No

11. If yes, of the new types of packaging introduced during the reporting period, what percentage have been
    reviewed using the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPG) by the end of the reporting


12. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 1

        Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set      Actual: What did you achieve?
        out to do?

1.      Review and document the usage of shrink wrap in line         SPG was applied to shrink wrap and opportunities to
        with Sustainable Packaging Guidelines                        reduce and eliminate were investigated.
                                                                     Shrink wrap is currently utilised for security purposes and
                                                                     therefore is used by all JB Hi-Fi stores. As technology
                                                                     advances on securing products there will be an
                                                                     opportunity for JB Hi-Fi to reduce shrink wrap usage in
                                                                     the future.

13. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI

     Opportunities have been identified as a result of applying the SPG to all JB Hi-Fi branded packaging. These include
     altering the range and plastic consistency of JB Hi-Fi bags. All options will be provided to APT for next suppliers tender
Goal 2: Recycling

KPI 3: % signatories applying on-site recovery systems for used packaging.

14. Do you have on-site recovery systems for recycling used packaging?
          Yes at all facilities/ sites
          Yes at some, but not all facilities/ sites

15. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 3

       Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set   Actual: What did you achieve?
       out to do?

1.     Trial and assessment of plastic recycling bins JB Hi-Fi   During FY12 co-mingled bin trial, it was identified that
       stores                                                    there was an opportunity to recycle plastic signage used
                                                                 in stores. The signage is used to advertise sales and
                                                                 involves manually writing on the plastic which is either
                                                                 wall mounted or hung from the roof.
                                                                 It has been established that stores predominately reuse
                                                                 the plastic. The reuse option will be further encouraged
                                                                 and communicated during the FY13 reporting year.

2.     Collect and recyle used JB Hi-Fi Gift Cards               JB Hi-Fi Gift Cards once redeemed must be disposed of
                                                                 due to the inability to reload with more funds. It was
                                                                 identified that our customers will therefore generally leave
                                                                 them at point of sale once fully redeemed.
                                                                 A procedure for disposing of them in an environmentally
                                                                 friendly manner was required and a process has now
                                                                 been introduced. Gift cards that are left in store are now
                                                                 to be returned to JB Hi-Fi support office where they are
                                                                 collected and sent for recycling. During the FY13 period,
                                                                 as result of this new procedure over 150,000 cards were
                                                                 returned to our supplier for recycling, avoiding landfill.
                                                                 This process will now occur annually.

16. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI
KPI 4: Signatories implement formal policy of buying packaging made from recycled products.

17. Does your company have a formal policy of buying packaging made from recycled packaging?
                      Yes                                            No

     Provide details of policies and procedures (including names of policies/ procedures)
     Buy Recycled Policy applies to the purchase of all products and/or materials conducted for, or on behalf if JB Hi-Fi where
     they are deemed practicable and environmentally beneficial.

18. Is this policy actively used?
                      Yes                                            No

19. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 4

        Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set     Actual: What did you achieve?
        out to do?

1.      Review all packaging supply contracts in light of buy       During this reporting year it was decided that this target
        recycled policy                                             was very broad and should be split into;
                                                                    1. Packaging of stock; and
                                                                    2. Packaging for the transport of our stock purchases.

                                                                    JB Hi-Fi is a retailer and therefore has limited ability to
                                                                    influence packaging of our products sold in store. Such
                                                                    packaging is reliant upon our suppliers to review and
                                                                    implement recycled where possible. JB Hi-Fi has
                                                                    communicated our support of the Australian Packaging
                                                                    Covenant (the Covenant) and SPG; many of our suppliers
                                                                    have confirmed they are also working towards better
                                                                    options and are also signatories to the Covenant.

                                                                    JB Hi-Fi's packaging supplier (plastic bags) is a signatory
                                                                    to the Covenant and is constantly reviewing and
                                                                    communicating any improvement opportunities to JB Hi-
                                                                    Fi's current packaging. Where quality is maintained and it
                                                                    is financially viable the APT team will implement. During
                                                                    the current reporting year there have not been any
                                                                    alterations to packaging.

20. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI

Goal 3: Product Stewardship

KPI 6: % signatories with formal processes to work collaboratively on packaging design and / or recycling.

21. Does your company have formal processes in place for collaborating with other companies or organisations on
    improved packaging designs and/or recycling which aims to reduce or eliminate waste?

                      Yes                                            No

22. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 6

        Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set     Actual: What did you achieve?
        out to do?

1.      Engage with top 30 suppliers who are signatories to the     This target was delayed until the next reporting period.
        APC regarding their application of the SPG and provide
        input and assistance where required
23. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI

KPI 7: % signatories showing other Product Stewardship outcomes.

24. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 7

        Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set      Actual: What did you achieve?
        out to do?

1.      E-waste recycling options investigated                       The review of e-waste recycling options was a significant
                                                                     project undertaken during the current reporting year.
                                                                     Whilst there are many companies that are committed to
                                                                     recycling electronic products, the logistics of collection
                                                                     and disposal has been difficult to implement. JB Hi-Fi will
                                                                     continue to support e-waste however will not be an option
                                                                     provided to our customers in the short term.

2.      Support Office and Store Recycling Rates                     General recycling (paper and cardboard) and specific
                                                                     recycling schemes such as Mobile Muster (phones) and
                                                                     Planet Ark (cartridges) are fully operational.

3.      Internal communication around company commitment to          Company communication in regards to commitment to
        environmental initiatives                                    environmental initiatives was identified as an opportunity.
                                                                     Whilst JB Hi-Fi's commitment is fully disclosed in the
                                                                     company annual report and social media was utilised to
                                                                     share commitment, internally there are still opportunities
                                                                     that will actioned during the next reporting year.

25. Since the beginning of the reporting period, has your company had any other outcomes related to product

                      Yes                                             No

     If yes, please give examples of other product stewardship outcomes

26. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI

KPI 8: Reductions in packaging items in the litter stream.

27. Please indicate your progress this year towards achieving your annual targets and milestones for KPI 8

        Target: According to your Action Plan, what did you set      Actual: What did you achieve?
        out to do?

1.      Reduce bag usage through point of sale (POS) staff           New counter staff are required to be involved in training
        communication                                                on all systems and customer communication. They are
                                                                     encouraged to ask all customers if a bag is required with
                                                                     each purchase.

28. Describe any constraints or opportunities that affected performance under this KPI

     JB Hi-Fi continues to look at all packaging in the litter stream and what options there are at reducing. Majority of
     packaging is taken off site by our customers so therefore we have limited control in reducing apart from looking at
     methods of increasing awareness of curbside options.
Your Experiences

This section lets you share with us any achievements, good news stories and areas of difficulties in making progress against
your plan and the Covenant goals and KPIs.

29. Key achievements or good news stories
    As JB Hi-Fi is a retailer we have limited ability to influence the packaging of the products sold in our stores. However, we
    are strong supporters of the Covenant and many of our major suppliers are also signatories so together we will continue
    to communicate, encourage and implement packaging improvements in the retail sector.

30. Areas of difficulties in making progress against your plan, Covenant goals or KPIs
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