Singapore Airlines Westpac Platinum Credit Cards Insurance Policy

Page created by Vanessa Welch
Singapore Airlines Westpac Platinum Credit Cards
                               Insurance Policy
                                Effective 7 May 2009
Important information about the insurances        4
                                                     Termination of these covers                       5
                                                     Privacy                                           5
                                                     General Insurance Code of Practice                6
                                                     Complaints and dispute resolution process         6
                                                     Definitions and interpretation                    7
                                                     Excess – what you contribute to a claim          14
                                                     Repairing or replacing damaged property/         15
                                                     personal goods
                                                     Safety of your property/personal goods           15
                                                     Reporting lost, stolen or wilfully damaged       16
                                                     property/personal goods
                                                     Pre-existing medical conditions                  16
                                                     Enquiries                                        17
                                                     Emergency and medical services whilst overseas   18
                                                     (overseas travel insurance)
                                                     Documents to take with you when you are          18
                                                     travelling overseas (Overseas travel insurance)
                                                     Insurance exclusions – what is not covered       19
                                                     Claims procedures                                23
                                                     Subrogation and you assisting Zurich             25
                                                     with your claim
                                                     Fraudulent claims                                26
                                                     Overseas travel insurance policy                 27
                                                     Purchase security insurance policy               42
                                                     Extended warranty insurance policy               42
                                                     Price guarantee cover                            43
                                                     Interstate flight inconvenience insurance        44
                                                     Benefits                                         45
                                                     Rental vehicle excess insurance in Australia     47
                                                     Transit accident insurance policy                47
                                                     Schedule of benefits                             49
The Insurer is Zurich Australian Insurance Limited   Summary of benefits for Singapore Airlines       49
ABN 13 000 296 640, AFSL Number 232507               Westpac Platinum cardholders
5 Blue Street, North Sydney, NSW, 2060               Limits on what we pay                            49
Phone: 1800 648 093
2                                                                                                       3
Important information about                                 Termination of these covers
the insurances                                              Westpac may terminate the benefits under any one or
This document contains your Singapore Airlines Westpac      all of the covers in this document for all cardholders or
Platinum Card complimentary insurance benefits, which       an individual cardholder, and if so will notify primary
are effective for purchases where the final payment is      cardholders of the termination. Purchases finalised
made on or after 1 October 2008 and are only available      before expiry of this notification will still be eligible for
to cardholders of eligible credit card accounts.            cover. However, purchases finalised after expiry of this
                                                            notification will not be eligible for cover.
These benefits are provided automatically to
cardholders under the Master Agreement                      Privacy
78 WPACPLT CCI, entered into between Westpac                Zurich respects your privacy. Before you make a claim
Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, AFS Licensee        under any of the policies in this document you should
No. 233714 of 275 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000              know the following things:
(“Westpac”) and Zurich Australian Insurance Limited         n   W
                                                                 e do not require personal information until a claim
(“Zurich”), ABN 13 000 296 640, AFS Licensee No.                is made. We may, however, need personal information
232507 of 5 Blue Street, North Sydney NSW 2060.                 to assess claims. We will, in relevant cases, disclose the
In this document, Zurich may also be expressed as               personal information (other than sensitive information
“Zurich”, “we”, “us” or “our”.                                  such as health information) to Westpac, their service
Although the benefits under the covers are                      providers and business partners in order to allow the
automatically provided to cardholders, cardholders are          Bank to monitor the claims service we provide, prevent
not obliged to take these benefits. However, if a person        fraud and to ensure persons are eligible for the cover.
wishes to claim these benefits, they will be bound by       n   W
                                                                 e will also, where relevant, disclose personal
the Definitions, Terms and Conditions, Exclusions and           information including sensitive information, such as
Claims Procedures of the policies. Therefore please             health information to our service providers (including
read this document carefully and keep it in a safe place.       medical practitioners, other health professionals,
Please also keep detailed particulars and proof of any          reinsurers, legal representatives and loss adjusters).
loss including the sales receipt and eligible credit card
                                                            n   B
                                                                 y submitting personal details, the person consents
account statement showing any purchases.
                                                                to those organisations collecting and us disclosing
Zurich is the product issuer of the policies detailed in        personal and sensitive information about you for
this document and these benefits are provided at no             this purpose.
additional cost to the cardholder. Westpac is not the
                                                            n   A
                                                                 list of the type of service providers and business
product issuer (insurer) of these policies and neither
                                                                partners we commonly use is available on request,
it nor any of its related corporations guarantee any of
                                                                or on our website. Go to and click on
the benefits under these covers and Westpac does not
                                                                the link “Privacy” on our home page.
receive any commission or remuneration in relation to
these benefits. Neither Westpac nor any of its related      n   I f a claimant does not provide the requested
corporations are Authorised Representatives of Zurich           information, the assessment of a claim may be
or any of its related companies.                                delayed or we may not accept a claim.
                                                            n   W
                                                                 e may also disclose personal information about

                                                                persons where we are required or permitted to do
                                                                so by law.

4                                                                                                                           5
n   I n most cases, on request we will give persons        If you are unhappy with our response or we cannot
    access to the personal information we hold about        agree with you on reasonable alternative timeframes,
    them. In some circumstances, we may charge a fee        you can refer the matter to the external Disputes
    for giving this access, which will vary but will be     Resolution Scheme of which we are a member. This
    based upon our costs.                                   scheme is administered by the Financial Ombudsman
                                                            Service (FOS). FOS will review our decision in
General Insurance Code of Practice
                                                            accordance with their terms of reference. You are
As a member of the Insurance Council of Australia           not bound by their decision. However, we are bound
Limited, Zurich subscribes to the General Insurance         to act immediately on the Ombudsman’s decision.
Code of Practice.                                           This is a free service provided by an independent
The purpose of the Code is to raise the standards of        body. Brochures outlining the operations of FOS are
practice and service in the general insurance industry.     available from us or the Insurance Council of Australia
The Code aims to:                                           in your State or Territory. You can phone the FOS from
n   c onstantly improve claims by handling them in an      anywhere in Australia on 1300 780 808 or write to
    efficient, honest and fair manner;                      them at:
n   b uild and maintain community faith and trust in the   Financial Ombudsman Service
    financial integrity of the insurance industry; and      GPO Box 3,
                                                            Melbourne, Victoria 3001
n   p
     rovide helpful community information and
                                                            Fax: (03) 9613 6399
    education about general insurance.
Complaints and dispute resolution process                   Internet:
If you have a complaint about an insurance product          Definitions and interpretation
issued by us or a service you have received from us,
                                                            The following key words (and/or their plurals) when
including the settlement of a claim, please call us on
                                                            highlighted in italics have special meaning in the covers
132 687. We will respond to your complaint within 15
                                                            included in this document.
working days provided we have all necessary information
and have completed any investigation required. If more      “accident” means any sudden and unexpected physical
information or investigation is required we will agree on   force, which occurs on a trip and causes an injury that is
reasonable alternative timeframes with you.                 described in the Schedule of Benefits contained in the
                                                            “Transit accident insurance policy”.
If you are unhappy with our response or we cannot
agree on reasonable alternative timeframes, your            “act of terrorism” means an act, including but
complaint will be registered as a dispute and it will be    not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the
reviewed by our internal dispute resolution process         threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons,
which is free of charge.                                    whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection
                                                            with any organisation(s) or government(s), which from
We will respond to your dispute within 15 working
                                                            its nature or context is done for, or in connection with,
days provided we have all necessary information and
                                                            political, religious, ideological or similar purposes
have completed any investigation required. If more
                                                            or reasons, including the intention to influence any
information or investigation is required we will agree on
                                                            government and/or to put the public, or any section
reasonable alternative timeframes with you. We will keep
                                                            of the public, in fear.
you informed of the progress of our review at least every
10 working days and give you our response in writing.
6                                                                                                                       7
“Australia” means the area enclosed by the territorial         “eligible credit card account” means a current and
waters of the Commonwealth of Australia where                  valid Singapore Airlines Westpac Platinum credit card
Medicare benefits are payable and “Australian” has a           credit facility provided by Westpac to which purchases
corresponding meaning.                                         made by cardholders are charged.
“Australian warranty” means the manufacturer’s                 “family” means a cardholder and his/her spouse and/or
expressed written warranty, that is applicable and             child/children and/or parents, provided they are eligible
able to be fulfilled within Australia and which has been       for the overseas travel insurance .
properly registered with the manufacturer, provided the        “frequent flyer points” means KrisFlyer Miles.
warranty is for a period in excess of six months but less
                                                               “injury/injured” means loss of life or bodily hurt, but
than four years.
                                                               not an illness or sickness:
“bed care patient” means that as a result of an injury
                                                               n   c aused by an accident whilst the policy is in force; and
or illness during your journey, you are confined to an
overseas hospital bed for a continuous period of not less      n   resulting independently of any other cause.
than 24 hours. Your confinement must be certified as           Furthermore injury as used in the “Transit accident
necessary by a legally qualified and registered medical        insurance policy” with reference to hand or foot means
practitioner and you must be under the continuous              severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint and,
care of a registered nurse (other than yourself or a           as used with reference to an eye means irrecoverable
member of your family). You are not classified as a bed        loss of the entire sight thereof.
care patient if you are a patient in any institution used      “interstate flight” means travel on a registered
primarily as a nursing or convalescent home, a place of        passenger airline (but not charter trips) from Tasmania
rest, a geriatric ward, a mental institution, rehabilitation   to any mainland Australian State or Territory, or from
or external care facility or a place for the care or           any mainland Australian State or Territory to another
treatment of alcoholism or drug addiction.                     mainland Australian State or Territory or to Tasmania.
“cardholder” means a person who permanently resides            “journey”
in Australia and to whom Westpac has issued a credit           The journey starts:
card for an eligible credit card account. This includes        n  o
                                                                   n the departure date (from Australia) shown on the
additional cardholders. If a family is travelling together,       return overseas travel ticket; or
only one person can claim the benefits payable to the
                                                               n   o
                                                                    nce you leave your home, if you travel directly from
cardholder. The others can only claim as a spouse or
                                                                   your home in Australia to the Australian air or sea
child or parent.
                                                                   terminal that is the departure point for your trip.
In relation to the “Purchase security insurance policy”
                                                               The journey ends when the first of the following occurs:
this definition is also extended to include any Australian
                                                               n  a t midnight on the date when your scheduled
resident who, by way of a gift from the cardholder,
                                                                  transport (as shown on your return overseas travel
receives any personal goods, purchased by the
                                                                  ticket) is due to arrive in Australia; or
                                                               n   w
                                                                    hen you return to your home in Australia, provided
“child/children” means all children of a cardholder, of
                                                                   you travel directly there from the air or sea terminal
any age.
                                                                   where you landed in Australia; or
“eligible credit card” means a current and valid
                                                               n   s ix months after the date of departure shown on
Singapore Airlines Westpac Platinum credit card issued
                                                                   your return overseas travel tickets; or
by Westpac for an eligible credit card account.
                                                               n   when you cancel your return overseas travel ticket.
8                                                                                                                           9
“KrisFlyer miles” means the miles awarded to                  n   f or all other sections in the “overseas travel
members of the KrisFlyer Programme.                               insurance policy”, the period of cover means the
“KrisFlyer Programme” means the programme                         period of the journey.
operated by Singapore Airlines awarding free travel, travel   “personal good(s)” includes all new personal property
upgrades and other travel-related benefits to members of      acquired for personal domestic or household use, but
the programme.                                                does not include:
“natural disaster” means any event or force of nature         n   i tems acquired for the purpose of resupply/resale; or
that has catastrophic consequences such as avalanche,         n   items acquired for transformation in a business; or
earthquake, flood, tsunami and volcanic eruption, but
                                                              n   items purchased in a business name; or
not epidemics or pandemics.
“overseas” means outside Australia.                           n   business owned or business related items; or

Also for the purposes of the overseas travel                  n   animals or plant life; or
insurance policy:                                             n   computer software or non-tangible items; or
n    t ravel from Tasmania or from mainland Australia to     n   c ash, bullion, negotiable instruments, trading cards,
     Norfolk Island or Christmas Island will be considered        lottery tickets or other gambling related items,
     as overseas travel; and                                      tickets of any description, traveller’s cheques, or
n    t ravel from Norfolk Island or from Christmas Island        collections such as stamps, coins and cards; or
     to Tasmania or mainland Australia will be considered     n   c onsumable or perishable items (including but not
     as overseas travel; however, medical and hospital            limited to food, drugs, fuel or oil); or
     expenses will not be covered if the person claiming      n   b oats, automobiles, motorboats, airplanes or any
     is eligible for Medicare benefits; and                       other motorised vehicles and their integral parts
n    t ravel from Tasmania or from mainland Australia to         and installed accessories; or
     Lord Howe Island or Cocos Island will be considered      n   s econd-hand items, including antiques; or
     as overseas travel; however, medical and hospital
                                                              n   items of contraband; or
     expenses are not covered; and
                                                              n   r eal estate and movable fixtures or fittings
n	travel  from Lord Howe Island or from Cocos Island
                                                                  (including but not limited to dish washers and fixed
     to Tasmania or mainland Australia will be considered
                                                                  air conditioners) which are, or are intended to form
     as overseas travel; however, medical and hospital
     expenses are not covered.                                    part of any home or real estate; or

“parent” means the mother or father of a cardholder.          n   i tems acquired for a purchase price exceeding
“period of cover”
                                                              “pre-existing medical condition” is relevant to the
n    f or “unexpected cancellation of travel arrangements
                                                              cardholder, any relative, travel companion or any other
     and other unexpected expenses” in the “overseas
                                                              person that may give cause for you to claim and means:
     travel insurance policy”, this means the period
     of cover commencing after the deposit for your           n   a ny existing medical condition, including but not
     planned return overseas travel ticket has been               limited to mental disorder, anxiety, alcoholism,
     arranged by use of the cardholder’s eligible credit          drug addiction or pregnancy and/or any chronic
     card and you intend to obtain the remainder of               or ongoing physical, medical or dental condition,
     your return overseas travel ticket by use of the             for which investigation (whether or not a diagnosis
     cardholder’s eligible credit card; and                       has been made), treatment or advice has been

10                                                                                                                       11
received, or medication prescribed or taken at any       “rental vehicle” means a rented passenger vehicle
     time before you obtained your return overseas travel     rented from a licensed motor vehicle rental company.
     ticket; and                                              “return overseas travel ticket” means a ticket or
n    a ny condition, including but not limited to mental     tickets allowing travel from and returning to Australia.
     disorder, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction or         “SIA” means Singapore Airlines Limited (Company
     pregnancy and/or any physical, medical or dental         Registration Number 197200078R, a company
     condition, for which investigation (whether or not       incorporated in Singapore).
     a diagnosis has been made), treatment or advice is
                                                              “special event” means a wedding, funeral, pre-paid
     received, or medication prescribed or taken, after
                                                              conference, pre-paid sporting event or pre-paid concert,
     you obtained your return overseas travel ticket, but
                                                              or other event which does not ordinarily occur on a
     prior to the commencement of your journey; and
                                                              regular basis which before you left Australia you had
n    a ny complication arising from any such condition       planned to attend. We reserve the right to determine if
     outlined above, except that unexpected/unforeseen        any other event other than those listed above qualifies
     events relating to pregnancy are not regarded as a       as a special event.
     pre-existing medical condition.
                                                              “spouse” means a defacto partner of the cardholder
“primary cardholder” means the person(s) in whose             who is permanently living with the cardholder at the
name(s) the eligible credit card account is opened.           time the journey starts or a person married to the
“reasonable” means:                                           cardholder. We may ask for proof of any relationship.
n    f or medical and hospital expenses, the care obtained   “travel companion” means a person who, before
     should be at the standard level given in the country     the journey began, arranged to accompany you from
     you are in and not exceed the level you would            Australia and then on your journey for at least 50% of
     normally receive in Australia; and                       the time of your journey.
n    f or all other expenses, such as unexpected travel      “trip” means:
     and accommodation, the standard must not exceed          n   p
                                                                   assage by the cardholder as a paying passenger
     the average standard of travel and accommodation             (not as a pilot, driver, or crew member etc.) in
     you booked for the rest of your journey.                     a licensed plane, bus, train or ferry authorised
“relative” means the cardholder’s:                                pursuant to any statute, regulation, by-law or
n    spouse; or                                                   the equivalent thereof for the transportation of
                                                                  passengers for hire. Provided the cost of the passage
n    parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, guardian; or
                                                                  was charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
n    grandparent; or                                              account and the cardholder is not on their way to or
n    child, grandchild, stepchild; or                             from their place of work (whether paid, unpaid or
n    brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law; or           voluntary work); and
n    daughter, daughter-in-law, son, son-in-law; or           n   p
                                                                   assage by the spouse and/or child and/or parent

n    fiancé, fiancée; or                                          as paying passengers (not as a pilot, driver, or crew
                                                                  member etc.) in a licensed plane, bus, train or ferry
n    uncle, aunt; or
                                                                  authorised pursuant to any statute, regulation,
n    half-brother, half-sister; or                                by-law or the equivalent thereof for the
n    niece, nephew.                                               transportation of passengers for hire. Provided the
                                                                  cost of the passage was charged to the cardholder’s
12                                                                                                                       13
eligible credit card account and they are not on their   replacement of your travel documents, credit cards and
     way to or from their place of work (whether paid,        travellers cheques and the emergency replacement of
     unpaid or voluntary work).                               your clothes and toiletries. Also if you make more than
“unattended” means (but is not limited to) your               one claim as the result of a single event, the excess only
possessions are not with either you or your travel            applies once.
companion or are in a position where they can be taken        “Interstate flight inconvenience insurance” – You
without you or your travel companion knowing or being         must pay the first A$200 for each claim made under
able to prevent them from being taken.                        “Benefits 2 and 4”.
“use of the cardholder’s eligible credit card                 Repairing or replacing damaged property/
account” means that the total value (i.e. including but       personal goods
not limited to money and/or frequent flyer points and/
                                                              If an item is damaged, lost or stolen we may choose to:
or staff discounts) of the return overseas travel ticket
(but not taxes, airport or travel agent charges) was          n   repair the item; or
obtained for your journey by one or a combination of          n   r eplace the item, less depreciation. This means we
the following methods:                                            will replace the item for an amount equal to its
n    w
      as paid for being charged to a cardholder’s eligible
                                                                  original cost, less a depreciation figure which takes
     credit card account; and/or                                  into account its age and condition; or

n    t he cardholder is a current Singapore Airlines         n   p
                                                                   ay you the amount it would cost us to replace the

     Westpac Platinum cardholder and a member of                  item less depreciation.
     the KrisFlyer Programme and has redeemed their           However, property/personal goods left unattended in a
     frequent flyer points earned on the cardholder’s         motor vehicle are only insured for up to A$2,500 in total.
     eligible credit card account to obtain your return       If you bought the item duty free or overseas the
     overseas travel ticket.                                  amount you paid for the item will be the maximum
“you”, “your”, “yours”, “yourself” means the                  amount paid by us.
cardholder or the cardholder’s spouse or cardholder’s         Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive
children or cardholder’s parents provided they are            no more than the value of the particular part or parts
eligible for the insurance.                                   lost, stolen or damaged, regardless of any special value
Excess – what you contribute to a claim                       that the item may have by way of being part of such
                                                              pair or set.
Excesses may apply to certain sections of cover. An
excess is not an additional fee charged by us at the          Safety of your property/personal goods
time of making a claim. Rather, it is the uninsured first     You must take all adequate and reasonable precautions
portion of a loss for which you are otherwise covered         (considering the value of the items) to protect your
(i.e. the amount that you must contribute towards each        property/personal goods and you are not covered if you
claim). Details of the excess amounts and circumstances       do not take reasonable precautions (considering the value
in which they will be applied are set out below:              of the items) to protect your property/personal goods.
“Overseas travel insurance” – You must pay the first          Property/personal goods is/are not covered under any of
A$200 for each claim made under Benefits 1 to 7 of            the insurances if left:
‘Part B’. However, under “Benefit 2: ‘Loss or damage          n   u nattended in a public place; or
to personal items” there is no excess payable for the
                                                              n   unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle; or

14                                                                                                                        15
n    u nattended in a motor vehicle in view of someone     1800 812 994. Our team of medical professionals will
     looking into the motor vehicle; or                     assess your condition. If Zurich Assist determines to
n    unattended in a motor vehicle overnight; or            cover your pre-existing medical condition, you will need
                                                            to pay an administration fee and Zurich Assist will send
n    behind, forgotten or misplaced; or
                                                            you a letter confirming that your pre-existing medical
n    w
      ith a person who steals or deliberately
                                                            condition is covered for the remainder of the period of
     damages them.                                          cover for the journey in question.
A “public place” includes, but is not limited to shops,     In regard to pregnancy, we do not insure you for any
airports, bus depots, streets, hotel foyers (or hallways    expenses that arise due to the normal development and
and grounds), restaurants, beaches, public toilets, car     consequences of pregnancy, including but not limited to
parks, office areas, behind counters, housing and hostel    regular or routine medical consultations and tests (such
common areas, unlocked hostel and hotel rooms and           as ultrasounds) and the childbirth itself. We do cover
any place which is accessible to the public.                the mother’s expenses if they arise as an unforeseen
Reporting lost, stolen or wilfully damaged                  consequence of the pregnancy or childbirth and for
property/personal goods                                     which otherwise the mother would be covered. This,
In the event that your property/personal goods are          however, does not mean that cover is provided for the
stolen, wilfully damaged or accidentally lost, you          health of a child born on the journey.
must make a report to the police or to the nearest          Enquiries
government agency or authority. You must do this            n   A
                                                                 dditional copies of this document can be obtained
within 24 hours of learning of the theft, loss or damage        by phoning Westpac on 1300 859 100 or visit
and the report must list and describe the missing or   (select “Credit Cards” from the
damaged property/personal goods.                                navigation menu).
If the loss or willful damage occurs overseas, a copy       n   I f you require personal advice on any of these
of this report must be obtained and the authority               insurances, please see your insurance adviser.
must sign the copy and write on it that it is a true and
                                                            n   I f you wish to make a general enquiry regarding the
accurate copy of the original.
                                                                cover outlined in this document you can phone us
Pre-existing medical conditions                                 on 1800 091 710; however, please make sure you
The insurances do not cover you for any event that is           have this document on hand when you phone us.
caused by or arises as a result of a pre-existing medical   Please also note:
condition of yours or any pre-existing medical condition    n   T he “overseas travel insurance” cover is for a
of a relative, travel companion or any other person that        maximum period of six consecutive months and
may give cause for you to claim. If, however, you are           cannot be extended. You do not have to advise us
going overseas you may, prior to leaving Australia, apply       that you will be travelling as you are automatically
for your pre-existing medical condition to be covered           covered, provided you are eligible for this cover and
under the “overseas travel insurance”.                          adhere to the Definitions, Terms and Conditions,
The pre-existing medical conditions of your relatives,          Exclusions and Claims Procedures of that policy.
travel companion or any other persons that may give
cause for you to claim cannot be waived.
If you wish to apply for cover for your pre-existing
medical condition, please phone Zurich Assist on
16                                                                                                                      17
Emergency and medical services whilst overseas             In the event that you need to make a claim under the
(overseas travel insurance)                                “overseas travel insurance policy” (especially if claiming
In the event of an emergency overseas, simply call         whilst overseas), it will be necessary for Westpac or
Zurich Assist (reverse charge/collect) any time from any   its agents to confirm to us or our agents that your
place in the world. You can usually do this by phoning     return overseas travel ticket was obtained by use of the
the operator where you are and booking a reverse           cardholder’s eligible credit card account. Without this
charges call to Australia +61 2 9995 2021.                 information, a claim may be delayed and it may not be
                                                           possible for us or our agents to give approval for any
Zurich’s team of medical professionals is only a phone
                                                           overseas medical attention.
call away and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a
week for advice and assistance in the event of a medical   Insurance exclusions – what is not covered
emergency and any associated problems for travellers       In any insurance policy there are situations that are
outside Australia.                                         not covered. Whilst we try to extend our cover to most
Zurich Assist has access to a worldwide team of skilled    situations, we are not able to insure some situations
doctors and medical professionals and provides the         because of the costs or types of events involved.
following services free of charge:                         In addition to any specific exclusions contained in
n    a ccess to Registered Medical Practitioners for      any individual cover in this document, the following
     emergency assistance and advice;                      exclusions apply to all the covers in this policy:
n    e mergency transportation to the nearest             n   W
                                                                e reserve the right to not insure you if you act

     suitable hospital;                                        against our advice or that of our Medical Team, i.e.
n    e mergency evacuation, if necessary;                     we decide to arrange for you to be moved from your
                                                               location to hospital at another location and decide
n    a dvise your family in Australia of your medical
                                                               against it.
     condition and keep them informed of the situation
     (only at your request);                               n   W
                                                                e do not insure you for any event that is caused

                                                               by or arises as a result of any pre-existing medical
n    p
      ayment guarantees to hospitals and
                                                               condition of yours, a relative, travel companion or
     insurance verification;
                                                               any other person that may give cause for you to
n    second opinions on medical matters; and                   claim unless it relates to overseas travel insurance
n    u
      rgent message service and emergency                     and we have given prior written approval to cover
     travel planning.                                          your pre-existing medical condition and you have
Documents to take with you when you are                        paid the administration fee.
travelling overseas (overseas travel insurance)            n   W
                                                                e do not cover your property/personal goods left

You should take this document (it contains important           unattended in a motor vehicle for any more than
phone numbers and details of the cover provided),              $3,500 in total.
and copies of your return overseas travel ticket and       n   We do not insure you in regard to any travel that:
also your eligible credit card account statement and/          – you book or take against medical advice; or
or the necessary documentation to prove that your              –	you take for the purpose of getting medical
return overseas travel ticket was obtained by use of the          treatment or advice; or
cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
                                                               –	you take after a qualified and registered member
                                                                  of the medical profession informs you that you are
                                                                  terminally ill.
18                                                                                                                    19
n    W
      e do not insure you for any event that is caused by      – any act of terrorism; or
     or arises from:                                            –	any loss arising out of or in connection to an
     –	you failing to follow advice or take heed of a             epidemic or pandemic event; or
        warning from:                                           –	any war or warlike activities, whether war has
        • any government;                                          been formally declared or not, any hostilities,
        • or any official body;                                    rebellion or revolution, or civil war, military
        • or any publication or broadcast by any member           coup, or overthrow/attempted overthrow of a
           of the mass media; or                                   government/military power; or
     –	you being under the influence of liquor or drugs; or    –	any person or organisation, who lawfully destroys
     –	your involvement in illegal activities, fraud or           or removes your ownership or control of any
        abuse; or                                                  property/personal goods; or
     –	your underwater activities that involve using           –	any government prohibition or restrictions or
        artificial breathing equipment (unless you have            government customs, or government authorities
        an open water diving license or are diving with a          delaying or detaining you or seizing or keeping
        qualified and registered diving instructor); or            your baggage; or
     –	your mountaineering or rock climbing (if you            –	non-receipt of the property/personal goods that
        need to use climbing equipment, ropes or guides),          you have purchased and are being transported to
        white water rafting or boating, abseiling, bungy           you; or
        jumping, pot holing, running with the bulls, caving     –	your participation as a crew member or pilot of
        or tobogganing; or                                         any conveyance; or
     – you racing (other than foot); or                         –	you or your travel companion’s employment
     –	your participation in any kind of professional             or work (whether paid or unpaid or voluntary)
        sport; or                                                  either in Australia or overseas. This includes not
     –	your air travel or any aerial activity (for example,       being able to take leave from that employment,
        hang-gliding, base jumping and skydiving). But             unless your claim is covered under “unexpected
        if you are a paid passenger in a fully licensed            cancellation of travel arrangements” and other
        commercial passenger aircraft, we do insure you; or        unexpected expenses in the “overseas travel
                                                                   insurance policy”; or
     –	any activities involving hunting equipment or
        projectiles (e.g. shooting and archery); or             –	you or your travel companion’s financial
                                                                   circumstances or any business or other
     – your participation in motorcycling, unless:
                                                                   contractual relationship; or
       • it involves a hired motorcycle with an engine
          capacity of 200cc or less; and                        –	changes in currency rates, or any losses due to the
       • you are the driver; and                                  devaluation or change in currency value; or
       • you hold a current Australian motorcycle              –	theft, loss or damage to business owned items,
          licence; and                                             business related items or items purchased in a
       • you are also licensed (if a licence is required) to      business name; or
          drive the motorcycle in the country you are in; but   –	you or your travel companion not wanting to
       • we never cover any event that is caused by or            continue with your travel arrangements/journey,
          arises from motorcycle racing; or                        or cancelling it or cutting it short, unless your

20                                                                                                                      21
claim is covered under the “overseas travel               –	disappearance of the property/personal goods in
       insurance policy” in the section “unexpected                 circumstances which cannot be explained to our
       cancellation of travel arrangements and other                satisfaction; or
       unexpected expenses”; or                                  –	radioactivity, radioactivity contamination or
     –	deterioration, normal wear and tear; or                     the use, existence or escape of any nuclear fuel,
     –	any defective item or any defect in an item, or             nuclear material or nuclear waste; or
        damage arising from inherent defects in an item          –	consequential loss or damage, punitive damages
        or an electrical or mechanical fault or breakdown,          or any fines or penalties, including punitive,
        unless covered under the “Extended warranty                 exemplary, liquidated or aggravated damages; or
        insurance policy”; or                                    –	you or your travel companion’s failure to procure a
     –	any process of servicing, repairing or restoring an         passport or visa; or
        item unless we have given prior approval; or             –	the inability of the tour operator, wholesaler,
     –	laundering (including washing, ironing and dry              transport provider, travel agent or any other
        cleaning) whether by professional persons or                service provider to complete arrangements or
        otherwise; or                                               complete any part of a tour.
     –	vermin or insects, mildew, atmospheric or climatic    Claims procedures
        conditions, or flood; or
                                                              Please do not contact Westpac in the event of a claim,
     –	your failure to comply with the recommended           as Westpac does not approve claims and is not involved
        security guidelines for the use of bank or currency   in processing the claims.
        notes, cheques, credit card, postal or money
                                                              If you want to make a claim under any of these policies,
        orders or petrol coupons; or
                                                              you must:
     –	you not taking all adequate precautions
                                                              1.	Whilst you are overseas:
        (considering the value of the items) to protect
                                                                  Phone Zurich Assist (refer to page 18, “Emergency
        your property/personal goods or if the property/
                                                                  and medical services whilst overseas”).
        personal goods are left:
                                                                  In order for Zurich Assist to confirm your eligibility
        • unattended in a public place; or
                                                                  for overseas travel insurance, you will need to
        • unattended in an unlocked motor vehicle; or
                                                                  have copies of the documents listed on page 18,
        • unattended in a motor vehicle in view of
                                                                  ‘Documents to take with you’.
           someone looking into the motor vehicle; or
        • unattended in a motor vehicle overnight; or        2.	If you are in Australia (or when you return to
        • behind, forgotten or misplaced; or                      Australia), you must follow the steps listed below.
        • with a person who steals or deliberately               Contact us on 1800 648 093 within 30 days of
           damages them.                                          returning home from overseas or interstate (even if
                                                                  you have previously reported the matter to Zurich
		A “public place” includes, but is not limited to
                                                                  Assist), or if you are already home, contact us within
   shops, airports, bus depots, streets, hotel foyers
                                                                  30 days of learning of an occurrence (loss, damage
   (or hallways and grounds), restaurants, beaches,
                                                                  or breakdown) that may result in a claim. However,
   public toilets, car parks, office areas, behind
                                                                  if you are making a guaranteed pricing claim, you
   counters, housing and hostel common areas,
                                                                  must contact us within 21 days of the purchase of
   unlocked hostel and hotel rooms and any place
                                                                  the personal good.
   which is accessible to the public; or
22                                                                                                                         23
We may require you to complete a written loss report. If         n   i f your travel or accommodation arrangements are
we do, we will provide you with the forms which should               cancelled and you intend claiming, you must provide
be returned to us within 30 days after you receive them.             a letter from the carrier, hotel, etc., outlining the
Alternatively, in order to provide you with the most                 refund you were entitled to;
immediate response you can download the appropriate              n   a ny damaged items for which you are claiming
claim form from the Zurich website,                so that they can be inspected by us or our
Note: Failing to contact us or return the completed loss             authorised representative;
report (if required) within the times stated might result        n   a quote (at your expense) for the replacement of lost
in denial of the claim.                                              or stolen items, or quote (noting the serial number
You must provide us with any evidence/documentation                  for “Extended warranty insurance” claims) for the
we require to verify your claim. Depending on the policy             repair of damaged or broken-down items. We will,
you are claiming under, this might include (but is not               however, pay the reasonable cost of the quote if we
limited to) any of the following:                                    agree to pay the claim;
n    p
      roof that you are eligible for insurance cover – e.g.     n   c opy of the Australian warranty if claiming under the
     your eligible credit card account statement and                 “Extended warranty insurance policy”;
     credit card receipt to confirm the purchase of your         n   i n regard to the guaranteed pricing scheme, we
     return overseas travel ticket(s), etc.;                         require evidence that the cheaper item is the same
n    if items were stolen, willfully damaged, or accidentally       (i.e. model number, model year, and manufacturer)
     lost you must give us the police report number, or if           as the personal good you purchased, and we require
     the incident occurred whilst you were overseas, a copy          a copy of the printed catalogue advertising the
     of the report you obtained from the police or nearest           cheaper item, and evidence that the advertisement
     government agency or authority. The report should               was printed after you purchased the personal good.
     be certified by the relevant authority as being a true
                                                                 Subrogation and you assisting Zurich with
     and correct copy of the original;
                                                                 your claim
n    p
      roof of your ownership of any lost, stolen or
                                                                 When making a claim you must advise us of any
     damaged items – e.g. purchase receipts;
                                                                 details of any other insurance under which you are
n    e vidence of your intended flight – e.g. ticket, travel    entitled to claim.
     agent’s itinerary showing your flight or a letter from
                                                                 You must also, as far as allowed by law, give us all the
     the airline, etc.;
                                                                 assistance we may require to institute proceedings
n    e vidence of the delay, including in the case of           against other parties for the purpose of enforcing rights
     luggage delay, a lost property/delayed property             or remedies to which we would become entitled or
     report issued by the airline;                               subrogated upon, by making good any loss or damage
n    r eceipts for any items you buy to replace those           under any of the covers included in this document.
     that were lost or stolen or purchased as emergency
     replacement of your clothes and toiletries;
n    i f any items are lost or stolen during the time that a
     carrier was responsible for looking after them, you
     must get a letter from the carrier explaining what
     happened and stating the amount of refund you
     received from them;
24                                                                                                                        25
Fraudulent claims                                             Overseas travel insurance policy
When making a claim you have a responsibility to assist       “Overseas travel insurance” is a benefit available
Zurich and to act in an honest and truthful manner.           to current Westpac cardholders, who by use of the
If any claim is fraudulent in any way or if you or any one    cardholder’s eligible credit card account, paid for in full
acting on your behalf uses fraudulent means to make           the cost of their return overseas travel tickets. It is also
a claim on any of the covers in this document, then           available to the cardholder’s spouse and the cardholder’s
no payment will be made in regard to the claim. Also,         children and cardholder’s parents, provided their return
Westpac will be informed of the situation and you may         overseas travel tickets were paid for in full by use of the
no longer be eligible for any of the insurances and “Price    cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
guarantee cover” contained in this document.                  The cover is available for a period of six months and can
In the event we believe you or any one acting on your         not be extended. However, if your return to Australia is
behalf has made or attempted to make a fraudulent             delayed because of events covered under this policy, or
claim, we may file a criminal complaint. You will also be     your scheduled transport back to Australia is delayed
liable for any loss we incur as a result of your fraudulent   for reasons beyond your control, the period of insurance
claim.                                                        will automatically be extended for a period of up to
                                                              four weeks or until you return to your home in Australia,
                                                              whichever occurs first.

26                                                                                                                      27
Overseas travel insurance index                          Part A – The limits that apply and a summary of
                                                         the cover
Part A                                        29
The limits that apply and a summary of the cover         The table below shows the limits that apply and an
                                                         outline of the cover available for cardholders and their
Part B                                             31   spouses and children and parents. Please read the
The cover we provide                                     entire policy to make sure you understand the details
Medical and hospital expenses incurred overseas    31   of the cover provided and to ensure it meets your
Loss or damage to personal property                33   requirements.
Unexpected cancellation of travel arrangements     34   Benefit         Limits
and other unexpected expenses.                           1. Medical      Unlimited, except bed care patient allowance (i.e.
Resumption of journey following the death          38   and hospital    miscellaneous expenses such as phone calls and
of a relative                                            expenses        TV rental) of A$100 per day, and is limited to
                                                         incurred        A$12,000 in total. Note: No cover for pre-existing
Special event                                      38   overseas.       medical conditions, unless prior approval given and
Rental vehicle excess                              39                   the administrative fee is paid.
                                                         2. Loss or      Up to A$20,000 per person and up to
Travel delay                                       39
                                                         damage to       a maximum A$30,000 for a family
Funeral expenses                                   39   personal        subject to the following limits. However, property/
Accidental death                                   40   property.       personal goods left unattended
                                                                         in a motor vehicle are only insured up to A$3,500
Legal liability                                    40                   in total.
                                                                         Clothing and personal valuables –A$3,500/item.
                                                                         Portable electrical equipment and binoculars –
                                                                         Cameras and associated equipment/accessories –
                                                                         Laptop computers and associated equipment/
                                                                         accessories – A$5,500 in total.
                                                                         Travel documents, traveller’s cheques, credit
                                                                         cards, cash etc. – A$550/person to a maximum of
                                                                         A$1,250 for a family.
                                                                         Emergency replacement of your clothes and
                                                                         toiletries with a maximum of A$1,250 for a family
                                                                         – A$550/person. Note: No cover for items used for
                                                                         any business purpose or purchased in a business
                                                         3. Unexpected   Unlimited for covered events, except for travel
                                                         cancellation    agent’s cancellation fee, which is limited to an
                                                         of travel       amount equal to the lesser of A$500 or 15% of
                                                         arrangements    the value of the travel arranged by the agent.
                                                         and other       Also, cover for the financial insolvency or financial
                                                         unexpected      collapse of a licensed service provider is limited to
                                                         expenses.       A$3,750 per person up to a maximum of A$7,500
                                                                         for a family.

28                                                                                                                           29
4. Resumption Up to A$5,750 per person up to a maximum               Part B – The cover we provide
of journey    A$12,500 for a family.
following the
                                                                     Benefit 1: Medical and hospital expenses
death of a                                                           incurred overseas
relative.                                                            We insure you for medical and hospital expenses you
5. Special      Up to A$3,750 for reasonable cost of arranging       incur overseas on your journey.
event.          alternative transport in order to attend a special
                event.                                               We reserve the right to return you to Australia for
6. Rental       Up to A$5,500.                                       ongoing medical attention. In Australia we are not
vehicle excess.                                                      licensed to pay medical and hospital expenses and you
7. Travel delay. For reasonable additional meal and                  would need to claim on Medicare and/or your Australian
                 accommodation costs after a six hour delay, up to   medical insurer. If you choose not to return to Australia
                 A$500 per person up to a maximum of A$1,000         we will cease to pay for the subsequent medical and
                 for a family.
                                                                     hospital expenses you incur overseas.
8. Funeral      Up to A$12,750 per person to a maximum
expenses.       A$25,500 for a family for an overseas funeral/       By medical expenses we mean expenses for:
                cremation or return of remains to Australia.         n   m
                                                                          edical, paramedical, or surgical treatment; or
9. Accidental   In the event of accidental death which is not
                                                                     n   o
                                                                          ther treatment, given or prescribed by a qualified
death.          covered under the “Transit accident insurance
                policy” included in this document, we will pay
                                                                         and registered member of the medical profession; or
                A$17,500 per cardholder and A$12,500 for a           n   e mergency dental treatment to natural healthy
                spouse.                                                  teeth (but not ongoing dental treatment) up to
10. Legal                                                                A$1,250 where the treating dentist confirms in
                Limit of A$2,500,000.
                                                                         writing that the treatment was solely to relieve
                                                                         sudden and severe pain; or
                                                                     n   ambulance, hospital, or nursing home charges; or
                                                                     n   e xpenses for emergency evacuation to Australia or
                                                                         another country, if the local medical services are
                                                                         inadequate or not available. The evacuation must
                                                                         be authorised and arranged by Zurich Assist (book
                                                                         a reverse charge/collect call from anywhere in the
                                                                         world on +61 2 9995 2021).
                                                                     If we agree to pay the hospital and medical expenses
                                                                     associated with your stay in an overseas hospital, we will
                                                                     also pay you, in addition to the hospital and medical
                                                                     charges, a cash bed care allowance, which covers
                                                                     incidental expenses, such as a rental TV, newspapers
                                                                     or hospital phone calls, for each continuous 24-hour
                                                                     period you are confined in an overseas hospital as a bed
                                                                     care patient, provided the claim is supported by written
                                                                     confirmation from the hospital of the length of your stay.

30                                                                                                                             31
We will also pay for a relative or friend to travel to               approval to cover your pre-existing medical condition
where you are, to either care for you or to escort you               and you have paid the administration fee; or
back to your normal residence in Australia if:                   n   a rise from dental treatment caused by or related to
n    y ou are injured or become seriously ill during the            the deterioration and/or decay of teeth or involving
     period of cover; and                                            the use of precious metals; or
n    y ou show us medical advice written by a qualified         n   y ou can recover from any private medical fund or
     and registered member of the medical profession,                similar government scheme; or
     stating that a companion/escort is necessary; and           n   y ou incur in Australia; or
n    Z
      urich Assist agrees that a companion/escort is            n   a rise from HIV, AIDS, ARC (AIDS Related Complex,
     reasonably necessary.                                           however this syndrome may be acquired or named),
The companion’s/escort’s costs will be reimbursed to                 or any related illness, no matter how you become
the person who incurs the expense.                                   infected; or
Medical expenses                                                 n   a rise from a sexually transmitted disease; or
                                                                 n   a rise from any disease that is transmitted when
We will pay for…
                                                                     giving or taking a drug. Unless the giving or taking of
We will pay for your overseas medical expenses during                the drug is supervised by a qualified and registered
the period of cover if you:                                          member of the medical profession and the disease is
n    b ecome ill overseas; or                                       not excluded anywhere else in this ”Overseas travel
n    g et injured overseas, provided the injury was                 insurance policy”; or
     accidentally caused by a sudden physical force.             n   y ou incur more than 12 months after the date of
We will only cover your medical expenses if:                         your illness or disablement.
n    you incur them overseas, during your journey; and           Benefit 2: Loss or damage to personal property
n    you are legally responsible for paying them; and            We insure you, during your journey for the theft and
n    y ou show us medical advice, written by a registered       accidental loss or damage to the following property/
     and qualified member of the medical profession, as          personal goods that you either take with you or buy on
     proof of your illness or injury and the treatment you       your journey:
      need for it.                                               n   baggage, clothing and personal valuables; and
n    W
      e assess that your medical expenses are reasonable        n   p
                                                                      ortable electrical equipment and binoculars (but
     in amount and reasonably necessary.                             we will not pay for scratched lenses); and
Please remember that you can only claim for                      n   c ameras and associated equipment/accessories (but
emergency evacuation if it is arranged by Zurich Assist              we will not pay for scratched lenses); and
(book a reverse charge call from anywhere in the world           n   l aptop computers and associated equipment/
on +61 2 9995 2021).                                                 accessories (but we will not pay for scratched
But we will not pay for…                                             screens); and
We will not pay for medical expenses that:                       n   t ravel documents, travellers cheques, bank notes,
n    a rise from pre-existing medical conditions unless prior       currency notes, postal orders, money orders, cash
     to you leaving Australia, we have given prior written           credit cards or petrol coupons taken with you on
                                                                     your journey for personal use.

32                                                                                                                         33
Note: Items used for any business purpose or purchased         Also, the cardholder’s spouse and/or children and/or
in a business name are not covered.                            parents will become eligible under this section provided
We will also provide for the emergency replacement             the deposit for their return overseas travel ticket(s)
of your clothes and toiletries, if your entire luggage is      has been obtained by use of the cardholder’s eligible
delayed, misdirected, or temporarily misplaced by any          credit card and it is intended that they will obtain their
carrier for more than 12 hours.                                return overseas travel ticket(s) entirely by use of the
                                                               cardholder’s eligible credit card.
If your travel documents, credit cards or traveller’s
cheques are accidentally lost or stolen you are covered        Under this section Zurich covers you for the unexpected
for their replacement and any legal liability for payment      cancellation of travel arrangements and other unexpected
arising out of their unauthorised use only if:                 expenses, provided the claim is not covered elsewhere
                                                               in this policy. The expense must be incurred during the
n    y ou have complied with all the conditions you
                                                               period of cover for one of the reasons listed below:
     agreed to when your travel documents, credit cards
     or cheques were issued; and                               n   t here is a natural disaster, or a natural disaster has
                                                                   recently happened or is reasonably expected to
n    y ou have reported the loss to the appropriate
                                                                   happen either at your destination or at your or your
     authorities (e.g. police) as soon as possible after the
                                                                   travel companion’s normal residence in Australia; or
     discovery of the loss.
                                                               n   w
                                                                    hilst overseas you or your travel companion’s travel
If you are claiming for the emergency replacement
                                                                   documents are lost or stolen; or
of your clothes and toiletries, you will need to obtain
written confirmation from the carrier who was                  n   y our or your travel companion’s normal residence in
responsible for the luggage and you will need to provide           Australia is destroyed; or
us with receipts for the replacement items you needed          n   you or your travel companion are quarantined; or
to purchase.                                                   n   y ou or your travel companion are subpoenaed to
In the event of a claim you must prove your ownership              attend court in Australia; or
of the property and prove the value of the property            n   y our pre-existing medical condition, if we have
(e.g. receipt or valuation for jewellery). If you can not          given prior written approval to cover your pre-
prove the value of your property, the most we will pay             existing medical condition and you have paid the
for each individual item is 10% of the limit shown for             administration fee; or
the type of item in “Part A – The limits that apply and a
                                                               n   y our pre-existing medical condition, if after
summary of the cover”.
                                                                   purchasing your return overseas travel ticket(s),
Benefit 3: Unexpected cancellation of travel                       you become aware you have a medical condition,
arrangements and other unexpected expenses                         which we will then not provide pre-existing medical
In regard to the cover provided under this benefit, the            condition cover for; or
cardholder will become eligible for the benefits when          n   y ou, your travel companion or a relative
the deposit for their return overseas travel ticket(s)             living in Australia:
has been obtained by use of the cardholder’s eligible              – dies; or
credit card and the cardholder intends to obtain their
                                                                   – is seriously injured; or
return overseas travel ticket(s) entirely by use of the
cardholder’s eligible credit card.                                 – becomes seriously ill.

34                                                                                                                         35
Note: We will need to see medical advice written by         n   c ancel any other travel or accommodation
  a qualified and registered member of the medical                arrangements that depend on your cancelled
  profession regarding any of the above events and be             arrangements and that you are now unable to use.
  satisfied that the cancellation was appropriate and         We will pay for...
  reasonably necessary.
                                                              If you continue your travel
n    t he unexpected cancellation of you or your travel
                                                              You may decide to continue your cancelled
     companion’s authorised prearranged leave provided
                                                              travel arrangements. If you do this at the earliest
     the person whose leave has been cancelled is a
                                                              possible opportunity after cancellation, we will,
     full time employee of the police, fire, ambulance,
                                                              at our option, either:
     defence or emergency services; or
                                                              n   p
                                                                   ay for any part of your cancelled travel
n    y ou or your travel companion having to sit
                                                                  arrangements that:
     unexpected exams in regard to studies either of you
     are undertaking; or                                          – you have paid for but are unable to use; and
n    a special event has been cancelled or postponed for         – that are non-refundable; or
     reasons beyond your expectations or control; or          n   p
                                                                   ay the costs of a higher class of travel, or increased

n    y our arranged travel is cancelled or delayed by the        seasonal rates for travel, if that is the only class or
     carrier because of unexpected:                               rate available. We will pay these costs minus the
                                                                  amount of any refundable part of your cancelled
     – mechanical breakdown; or
                                                                  travel arrangements. We will only pay to upgrade
     – weather conditions; or                                     your travel on the type of transport you chose in
     – natural disasters; or                                      your cancelled travel arrangements.
     –	riots, strikes, civil commotion (but not acts of      We will also pay for any part of your cancelled
        terrorism, any warlike activities, war, whether it    accommodation arrangements that:
        has been formally declared or not, any hostilities,   n   you have paid for but are unable to use; and
        rebellion or revolution, or military coup, or
                                                              n   which are non-refundable.
        overthrow of a government); or
n    y ou or your travel companion are unexpectedly          If you do not continue your travel
     retrenched. This does not include voluntary              You may decide not to continue with the cancelled
     retrenchment or redundancy; or                           travel arrangements at the earliest possible opportunity
n    t he financial insolvency or financial collapse of a    after cancellation. If so, we will pay for any part of your
     licensed service provider, provided the booking was      cancelled travel and accommodation arrangements that:
     made via a licensed travel agent.                        n   you have paid for, but will not use; and
Important                                                     n   which are non-refundable.
If you want to claim under this section, you must take        How we value travel tickets or accommodation
steps to minimise your losses. As soon as possible after      obtained by way of redeeming frequent flyer points.
the cancellation you must:                                    If the travel/accommodation provider or travel agent
n    recover any refund you are entitled to; and              will not refund the value of the component (or will only
                                                              refund a portion of the value) of the accommodation/
                                                              transport ticket which was obtained by redeeming

36                                                                                                                       37
You can also read