Page created by Carlos Armstrong

SIS NKHE            a publication of the United Nations Family in Eswatini

                ONE-ON-ONE UN75
                  DIALOGUE WITH
                THE LATE PREMIER
                       COVID-19 CAMPAIGN
                UN & GOVERNMENT SIGN
                     UNSDCF 2021-2025
                                                         4        Foreword by the UN Resident Coordinator
 30                                                      5        Message from the UN Communications Group
                                                         5        UNDP launches Accelerator Labs
                                                         6        UN Day celebration with partners
                                                         8        UN, Government sign UNSDCF 2021-2025
                                                         10       UN staff celebrate UN Day with Lubulini folk
                                                         12       16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
                                                         14       Do-it-All Campaign roadshows in all towns
                                                         16       COVID-19 media and social mobilisation campaign in hotspots
A transport operator appeals for fairness of the
lockdown measures, highlighting the transport            18       World AIDS Campaign kicks off from the regions
industry has been crippled by COVID-19. UN75             20       Eswatini achieves 95-95-95 HIV targets
dialogues were held with various groups across the
the country, from October 2019 to December 2020
                                                         22       UNESCO empowers rural communities with chickens
                                  4                      23       One-on-one between the late PM and UNRC
                                                         26       UNICEF delivering results for children in emergency situations
                                                         28       WFP cash-based tranfers changing lives

SIS NKHE                        10

   Editor-in-Chief - Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh, UN
                                                                  UNDP launches campaign against plastic pollution
                                                                  Business growth for Eswatini’s informal sector
                                                                  Building resilient education systems with digital solutions
                                                         34       3 Zeros remain a priority
   Resident Coordinator
                                                         35       Youth Bill dialogues
   UNCG Chair ad interim - Ms. Margaret Tembe-           36       Stakeholders review national population policy
   Thwala, UNFPA Head of Office
                                                         38       UNESCO addresses climate change through man and biosphere
   Editing & Design - Mr. Sibusiso Mngadi,
                                                         40       Labour markets versus skills
   Communications Coordinator, RCO
                                                         42       UN75 dialogues across the country
   Ms. Winile Mavuso-Ndlovu, Communications
   Officer, WHO
   Dr. Kevin Makadzange, Health Promotion Officer,
   Ms. Phumzile Hlophe, Communications Focal
   Person, UNESCO
   Ms. Nelisiwe Ndwandwe, Education Offcer, UNESCO
   Ms. Nonhlanhla Hleta-Nkambule, Communications
   Specialist, UNICEF
   Ms. Olga Tsabedze, Communications Focal Person,
   Ms. Antoinette Manana, Communications Focal         Sisonkhe is published on behalf of the UN Eswatini by the Resident Coordinator’s
   Person, UNFPA                                       Office through the UN Communications Group (UNCG), a Delivering As One
   Mr. Mavie Gavin Thwala, Accelerator Labs, Head of   mechanism comprising communications officers from all agencies, funds and
   Exploration                                         programmes in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
   Ms. Lindelwa Masilela, Communications Officer,
   WFP                                                 Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations. Articles
   Ms. Tshepo Mohatle, Communications Officer, ILO     from this magazine may be freely reprinted, with attribution to the author and to
   Ms. Nomaswazi Dlamini, Programme Officer, ILO       UN Eswatini; a copy of the reproduced material would be highly appreciated.
   Mr. Thulani Mkhaliphi, Communications Focal
   Person, IOM
   Nontobeko Mlangeni, Head of Solutions Mapping -     © 2020 UN Eswatini. All Rights Reserved.
   Accelerator Labs, UNDP
   Ms. Thembisile Dlamini, Communications Focal        For feedback, write to:
   Person, UNAIDS                                      The Editor, Sisonkhe                              @UNEswatini
   Ms. Erin Kennedy, Communications & Advocacy         Resident Coordinator’s Office
   IUNV, RCO                                           5th Floor, UN House                               @Ueswatini
   Ms. Deirdre Da Silva, Communications Intern,        Mbabane
   NUNV, RCO                                                                                   
                                                       Tel: +268 2409 6600 /01
     02 SIS      NKHE January 2020
                   SIS NKHE December 2020 02
United Nations Country Team

Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-S eh           Ms. Rose Craigue            Ms. Anne Githuku-Shongwe          Mr. Khalid El Mekwad
   UN Resident Coordinator       UNAIDS Country Director       UN WOMEN Representative           UNIDO Representative

    Dr. Cornelia Atsyor          Ms. Rose Ssebatindira            Mr. Jeremias Mendes            Ms. Cissy Byenkya
 WHO Resident Representative   UNDP Resident Representative        IOM Head of Office             WFP Head of Office

    Dr. Joni Musabayana            Dr. Alice Akunga               Ms. Beatrice Mutali         Ms. Margaret Tembe-Thwala
     ILO Director - BLES         UNICEF Representative           UNFPA Country Director           UNFPA Head of Office

      Mr. Patrice Talla                                            Mr. Hubert Gijzen
                                 Ms. Khanyisile Mabuza                                           Ms. Phumzile Hlophe
FAO Sub-Regional Coordinator                                    UNESCO Regional Director
                               Assistant FAO Representative                                   UNESCO Commission Sec. Gen.

     Mr. Leonard Zulu               Ms. Abigail Noko             Ms. Zhuldyz Akisheva             Ms. Cecilia Njenga
   UNHCR Representative           OHCHR Representative        UNODC Regional Representative    UNEP Regional Coordinator

ONE UN contributing towards a
prosperous, just and resilient Eswatini
where no one is left behind

              efore I begin, we are reminded                                                          articles (OP-ED) in national newspapers,
              of the great African proverb:                                                           which highlight the purpose, targets and
              “If you want to go fast, go                                                             criticality of individual SDGs at the global,
              alone; if you want to go far, go                                                        regional and national level. We wish to thank,
              together.” 2020 has taught us                                                           Eswatini Observer, a key partner of the UN
the undeniable value of going together. We                                                            family in Eswatini, for teaming up with us in
have walked a difficult journey this year,                                                            this major endeavor.
reflected in the immense loss of a great                                                                   In honour of the United Nations' 75th
leader, His Excellency, the Right Honorable                                                           Anniversary, from December 2019 until
Prime Minister, Ambrose Mandvulo                                                                      December 2020, the UN in Eswatini conducted
Dlamini. Yet it is my honour and a privilege                                                          18 dialogues with the Prime Minister,
to have witnessed the United Nations in                                                               Members of Parliament, the media and
Eswatini deliver as ONE during a time that                                                            vulnerable groups including children, rural
threatened to tear us apart.                                                                          and businesswomen, youth, the elderly,
     As the COVID-19 pandemic surged                                                                  persons living with disabilities, people living
through the world, touching every household,                                                          with HIV and AIDS, the LGBTQI community,
including those of Emaswati, the United                                                               artists, migrant and refugee populations, and
Nations responded immediately thanks to the                                                           others. These dialogues, of which a second and
release by the UN Secretary-General, Mr                                                               last round has recently commenced, gave
Antó nio Guterres, of a series of briefs. These                                                      significant insight into the impact of the
briefs served as invaluable guiding principles
for the global response to COVID-19, covering
                                                   Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh                            COVID-19 pandemic on Emaswati, their hopes
                                                                                                      and dreams for the future, challenges to their
Strategic Preparedness, Humanitarian and            UN Resident Coordinator                           vision and the role of the United Nations.
Socio-Economic aspects of this response.                                                                   Running parallel to the dialogues was the
     The Secretary-General ensured that                 Despite the difficult circumstances, the      UN75 essay competition entitled: “The Future
responses prioritised those who are at             United Nations Development System in               We Want, the UN We Need,” for young people
greatest risk of being left behind through         Eswatini delivered the exceptional                 aged 10 to 16 and 17 to 24. It became evident
briefs on 19 populations and areas of              achievement of formulating, negotiating and        through the winning essays that the future of
vulnerability at the country level.                signing with the Government of Eswatini, the       the Eswatini nation is bright: the young minds
     It is with this same spirit of protecting     United Nations Sustainable Development             and spirits of today will be great leaders of
vulnerable persons, ourselves and our loved        Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-               tomorrow. However, it is our duty to ensure
ones, that the United Nations in Eswatini          2025 on 22 October 2020. The UNSDCF will           that they have the correct support to reach
entered Phase Three, 'Emergency Mode', of its      serve as a strategic instrument in the             their full potential.
Three-Phase Activation Plan, adopted in            implementation of His Majesty's Vision 2022;            So too did we share with one another and
March. During that phase, we found ourselves       the National Development Plan; the Post-           our valued partners, a joyous celebration of the
adapting to a 'new normal' of teleworking and,     Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan and Agenda         United Nations' 75th Anniversary, hosted at
at one stage, observing a strict and critical      2030. It will come into effect on the 1st of       the UN premises; as well as a memorable day of
national lockdown. However, despite the            January 2020 to contribute to “a prosperous,       community outreach with the Ntuthwakazi
immense disruption to our 'normality', the UN      just and resilient Eswatini where no one is        community in Lubulini, Lubombo, delivering
delivered an exceptional response to COVID-        left behind”.                                      food hampers, sanitisers, face masks, Personal
19 mitigation, response and recovery efforts in         Also significantly, the Kingdom of Eswatini   Protective Equipment (PPE) and health kits for
the Kingdom of Eswatini while contributing to      was elected to serve in the prestigious position   girls.
building a nation resilient to shocks.             of Vice President of the 75th Session of UN            It is with those achievements in mind that
     From April to October 2020, a total of USD    General Assembly, thereby enabling Eswatini        the protection of you, our greatest asset and
6,5 million were mobilized and re-purposed         to play a leading role in decision and policy-     resource, our UN personnel, remains to date
to address the health emergency as well as the     making during an unprecedented and                 the UN Country Team's (UNCT) utmost
socio-economic and humanitarian impacts of         historical time of our humanity. The               priority. As we seek to establish the UN
the pandemic. Our agencies worked tirelessly       September 2020 sessions of the UN General          Isolation Care Centre, I urge you to continue to
to ensure health services, social protection,      Assembly convened under the theme: 'The            follow strictly all precautionary measures and
food security, water, sanitation and education     Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming        keep safe. As the UN family in Eswatini, we
for our nation's people. Through numerous          our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism'      could not have delivered all what we have, in
meetings with Development and                      were held virtually, under unprecedented           such exceptionally challenging times, without
Humanitarian partners, the United Nations          circumstances.                                     the support of one another.
Development System served humbly, in unity              Throughout this tumultuous year, the              Congratulations to you all for a successful
and in solidarity with the people of Eswatini,     United Nations celebrated many days of             year in unprecedented and particularly
delivering a commendable response to COVID-        importance, from the World Health Day and          challenging circumstances. I wish you a
19.                                                the World AIDS Day, to the World Children's        pleasant time of reading and reflection.
     The statistics are reflective of those        Day, the International Day for Persons Living
collective efforts, as a total of 6,768 positive   with Disabilities, 16 Days of Activism and
COVID-19 cases were reported, with a               many more. We continued to advocate for the
significant 6,379 recoveries, as of the 14th of    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
December, 2020.                                    Agenda 2030, through monthly opinion

04 SIS       NKHE      December 2020

Sailing through the COVID-19
storm to Deliver As ONE UN
                                                                                                            UNCG, this is treasured as a constant
                                                                                                            reminder of the former UNAIDS
                                                                                                            Country Director, who chaired the
                                                                                                            UNCG and UN Joint Team on HIV and
                                                                                                            AIDS (JUNTA). His commitment in
                                                                                                            leading the UNCG in the period where
                                                                                                            everyone was overwhelmed with the
                                                                                                            COVID-19 pandemic, is much
                                                                                                                While sailing through the storm, we
                                                                                                            did not forget our mandate - delivering
                                                                                                            as one. The exciting show pulled
                                                                                                            together during the commemoration of
                                                                                                            the UN Day exhibited that and the
                                                                                                            humbling gesture by UN staff in coming
                                                                                                            through for the Community of
                                                                                                            Ntuthwakazi was heartwarming.
                                                                                                                The signing of the new Cooperation
                                                                                                            Framework with the Government of
                                                                                                            Eswatini also renews the mandate of
                                                                                                            the UNCG. The public's need for
                                                                                                            information remains important and
                                                                                                            that requires the vibrant team to bring
                                                                                                            more innovative ideas on how best the
                           Margaret Tembe-Thwala                                                            results of the UN can be communicated.
                           UNCG Chair-ad.interim                                                                The UNCG also looks forward to a
                                                                                                            new year, an opportune moment for
                                                                                                            unified efforts towards communicating
                                                                                                            the results of the UN system as one and

D            ubbed 'Twenty Plenty' by
            many, the year 2020 started on
            a high note. Some looked
forward to the experience of double
decades into the millennium. The UN
                                                       pregnancies and millions of school
                                                       children missing out on school, called for
                                                       all innovations for advocacy and
                                                       behaviour change communication. The
                                                       te a m p u l l e d t h ro u gh w i t h g re a t
                                                                                                            guided by the UN Eswatini Joint
                                                                                                            C o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d A dvo c a c y
                                                                                                            Strategy 2021-2025 that the Group has
                                                                                                            developed in a bid to strengthen
                                                                                                            communication of the UNSDCF results
system was ready to unleash all energy                 enthusiasm and determination                         from 2021 going forward.
to fast track progress towards the                     s u p p o r t i n g t h e d e ve l o p m e n t o f
Sustainable Development Goals in the                   messages to keep the work of the UN
decade that lied ahead.                                going despite the pandemic.
    The Diamond Jubilee also presented                      Despite all the havoc, the UN system
new opportunities for communication, as                showed resilience. From Headquarters
UN75 dialogues continued to roll-out.                  to Regional Offices and down to Country
However, the leap year had other plans. It             Offices, information was flowing like
took us by surprise with the COVID-19                  rivers during floods. This strengthened
pandemic, which threatened to reverse                  the adaptation to the new normal.
all gains made towards the Sustainable                 Transitioning to the teleworking
Development Goals. The worst test of the               modality also showed that we can
UN system since formation as the                       deliver more despite being miles apart.
Secretary General rightly said.                            O n t h e a c h i eve m e n t n o te , n o
    The vulnerability of women, girls,                 celebration befits the achievements of
children, people with disabilities and                 the 95-95-95 target in HIV/AIDS
elderly was exacerbated as all systems -               m a n a g e m e n t . We c o m m e n d
h e a l t h , e c o n o m y, e d u c a t i o n a n d   Government and the unending support
transport, got disrupted. The predicted                from the UN Systems provided through
millions of women experiencing violence,               the Funds and Programmes led by
hundreds of thousands of unintended                    UNAIDS and its co-sponsors. To the

                                                                                                                     SIS NKHE December 2020 05

 UN Eswatini celebrates
 UN Day with partners
 His Excellency, the late Prime Minister, Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini graces
 celebration held at the parking lot of the UN premises in Mbabane

              n Friday, 23 October                 Development Goals (SDGs) around             Executive Director, Mr Khanya Mabuza,
              2020, the United Nations             Mbabane, on a warm morning, followed        and CEO of Businesswomen Eswatini,
              Development System in                by addresses from Guests of Honour. So      Ms Tokky Hou.
              Eswatini celebrated the              too did the young winners of the UN75          The addresses were followed by a
              o r g a n i s a t i o n’ s 7 5 t h   essay competition make powerful             tour of stalls; those which demonstrate
 anniversary.                                      remarks.                                    the work of the United Nations and
    The occasion was held at the UN                   The UN Resident Coordinator, Heads       partners in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
 premises’ car park in Mbabane.                    and Representatives of UN agencies, used    The eight agencies showcasing their
    The celebrations were attended by              the celebration to share tokens of          important work were: UNICEF, UNDP,
 the late Right Honorable Prime Minister,          appreciation with critical partners, who    UNFPA, UNAIDS, IOM, WFP, FAO and
 Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini, Minister of             have been crucial in the implementation     WHO, as well as the Resident
 Foreign Affairs and International                 of Agenda 2030 in Eswatini. Partners        Coordinator’s Office (RCO).
 Cooperation, Senator Thulie Dladla, the           included: the Right Honourable Prime           The celebrations were concluded
 UN Resident Coordinator, Ms Nathalie              Minister, H.E. the Deputy Prime Minister,   with a UN75 cake-cutting ceremony by
 Ndongo-Seh, Heads of UN agencies and              H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E       the Right Honourable Prime Minister.
 partners.                                         Minister of Economic Planning and              The occasion marked 75 years since
    UN staff and invited guests                    Development, CEO of the National            the implementation of the UN Charter,
 commenced the celebrations with an                Disaster Management Agency, Mr Russell      signifying the UN’s commitment to
 Awareness Walk on the Sustainable                 Dlamini, CEO of CANGO, NERCHA               ensuring the prosperity of the people
                                                                                               and the planet.

06 SIS    NKHE    December 2020

    “This year’s UN Day celebrations
come at an unprecedented time in
which COVID-19 has laid bare the
severe and systemic inequalities
within society,” stated the United
Nations Resident Coordinator.
    “ To m a r k t h e U N ’ s 7 5 t h
anniversary, the UN Secretary-General,
Mr Antó nio Guterres, launched the
biggest global conversation on how we
can build a better future for all. The UN
in Eswatini hosted 16 dialogues with
vulnerable populations, who
demonstrated the resilience and
strength of Emaswati. This feedback
was then shared during the 75th
session of the UN General Assembly in
September 2020, at which the
Kingdom of Eswatini served in the
prestigious position of Vice President.”
    “I would like to take this                Un75 personnel and partners marching through Mbabane, promoting SDGs.
opportunity to congratulate and thank
His Majesty King Mswati III, for
partnering with United Nations in
Eswatini for over 50 years. We look
fo r wa rd to a wo n d e r f u l d ay o f
celebration today and many more to
come,” continued Ms Ndongo-Seh.
    The event was broadcast live on
Channel Yemaswati and livestreamed
on UN Eswatini’s YouTube page,
between 7:30am and 12pm.
    The UN Day celebration followed
the signing of the United Nations
Sustainable Development Cooperation
Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025 on
22 October, by the Government of
Eswatini and the United Nations
Development System. The UNSDCF is a
strategic instrument that acts as a
partnership and accountability
framework between the United                  The Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the UN Resident Coordinator on
Nations and Government of Eswatini.           a guided tour of information stalls at the carpark.

                                            Winners of the UN75 Essay Competition on “The Future We Want. The UN We Need”,
                                            Lungiselwe Mbingo and Hlelelwe Ginindza, were part of the celebrations and made speeches.
                                                                                                    SIS NKHE December 2020 07

 UN Eswatini, Government sign
 UNSDCF 2021-2025
 New cooperation framework commits to contributing to “a prosperous,
 just and resilient Eswatini where no one is left behind”

              n the 22nd of October 2020,     collective offer to support the Kingdom of
              the United Nations              Eswatini in addressing its national                   As an instrument for planning and
              Development System in           development priorities, advancing the             implementing development programmes
              Eswatini together with the      2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development           and activities at the country level, the
              Government of the               Goals, and transforming the lives of              UNSDCF 2021 – 2025 has been developed
 Kingdom of Eswatini, signed the UN           Emaswati in this last Decade of Action.           in close collaboration between the
 Sustainable Development Cooperation              Speaking at the signing ceremony, the         G ove r n m e n t , t h e U n i te d N a t i o n s ,
 Framework (UNSDCF) for the period            UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie             development partners, civil society,
 2021 – 2025.                                 Ndongo-Seh stated that the UNSDCF                 academia, the private sector, and
    The United Nations Development            articulates the collective vision of the entire   community groups.
 Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the         UN Development System in Eswatini,                    The Eswatini UNSDCF 2021 – 2025
 2016 – 2020 cycle will be coming to an end   striving to Deliver As One UN family with         will come into effect on the 1st of January
 in December 2020 and the UN will             the Government of Eswatini to support “a          2021 and represents a major milestone
 transition to the new programme, the         prosperous, just and resilient Eswatini           for both the Kingdom of Eswatini and the
 United Nations Sustainable Development       where no one is left behind”, in line with His    United Nations at a time of great
 Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), for the      Majesty's Vision 2022, the National               uncertainty and devastation because of
 2021 – 2025 cycle.                           Development Plan and Strategic Road Map,          COVID-19.
    The UNSDCF 2021 – 2025 represents         Agenda 2030, Agenda 2063 and the voices               In celebration of this momentous
 the United Nations Development System's      of many Emaswati.                                 occasion, Prime Minister Ambrose

08 SIS    NKHE     December 2020
Mandvulo Dlamini expressed appreciation        strengths, vulnerabilities and needs of the              In UNSDCF 2021-2025, special
for the “52 years of impactful partnership     country; a nd t he 2030 Agenda for                   attention will be given – amongst others -
between the Kingdom of Eswatini and the        Sustainable Development.                             to: private sector investment; small and
United Nations; a relationship that is built       Through its Prosperity, People and               medium sized enterprise development;
on trust, collaboration and commitment to      Planet priority areas, the UNSDCF presents           sustainable and smart agriculture;
the people of Eswatini.”                       the UN's offer to the people and the                 promotion of decent work; food security;
    The signing ceremony saw the UNSDCF        Government through four interlinked                  strengthening institutional capacities in
2021 – 2025 being signed by the entire         outcomes:                                            the health and the education sectors;
Cabinet and all Heads of UN Agencies,              · Outcome 1 (Prosperity): Promoting              technical assistance in the health,
Funds and Programmes in Eswatini (16 in        Sustainable and Inclusive Economic                   nutrition, HIV and education
total), thereby committing individually        Growth.                                              programmes; improved access to and use
and collectively to its implementation and         · Outcome 2 (People): Investing in               of clean, reliable, and affordable energy for
successful delivery in the interest of the     Human Resources and Social Development.              all citizens, especially vulnerable and
people of Eswatini.                                · Outcome 3 (People): Accountable                marginalized communities; support to
    The Cooperation Framework was              Governance, Justice and Human Rights; and            equitable access to safe and affordable
developed through a highly participatory,          · Outcome 4 (Planet): Strengthening              drinking water for all citizens; integrated
inclusive and transparent process that         Natural Resources Management, Climate                approaches targeting the most vulnerable
included consultations with the                Resilience and Environmental                         and marginalized communities and
Government, development partners, civil        Sustainability.                                      groups.
society, the academia, non-governmental            T h e C o o p e ra t i o n Fra m e w o r k i s       The UNSDCF acts as a partnership and
organisations, the private sector and          evidence-based and guided by six key                 accountability framework between the
community groups between April 2019            principles, namely: (i) Leaving No One               United Nations Development System and
and August 2020.                               Behind; (ii) Human Rights Based Approach;            the Government of Eswatini.
    UNSDCF 2021-2025 is substantively          (iii) Gender Equality and Women's
based on the 2020 UN Eswatini Common           Empowerment; (iv) Resilience; (v)
Country Analysis (CCA), which identifies       Sustainability and (vi) Accountability.

                                                                                                     UNICEF Representative, Dr. Alice Akunga.
 Minister of Economic Planning and              UNDP Resident Representative, Ms. Rose
 Development, Dr. Tambo Gina.                   Ssebatindira and FAO Assistant Rep,
                                                Ms. Khanyisile Mabuza.

                                                IOM Head of Office, Mr. Jeremias Mendes.             Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sen. Thulie
Minister of Education, Hon. Lady Howard-                                                             Dladla.

NERCHA Director, Mr. Khanyakwezwe               India High Commissioner, Ms. Radha                   UN Resident Coordinator and Prime
Mabuza among the guests.                        Venkataraman among guests.                           Minister show off the signed documents.

                                                                                                              SIS NKHE December 2020 09

 UN celebrates UN Day
 with rural community
 UN Resident Coordinator on her first official visit to a rural community
 is welcomed by the Minister of Economic Planning in Lubulini

       Community Service
                                                      UN staff being welcomed to Ntuthwakazi chiefdom where gifts including food hampers
                                                      and PEP materials were also handed over to the traditional authorities.

               he United Nations
              Development System in
              Eswatini, led by the
              United Nations
              Communications Group
 (UNCG) and the Staff Federation,
 celebrated UN Day on Saturday, 24
 October 2020, with the community of
 Ntuthwakazi at Lubulini in the
 Lubombo Region.
     A group of about 20 staff members,
 accompanied by the UN Resident
 Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh
 and the UNCG Chairperson, Ms. Margaret
 Te m b e -T hwa l a , d i s t r i b u t e d fo o d
 hampers, face masks, sanitary pads and
 other goodies to the chiefdom
 authorities of Ntuthwakazi. UNFPA also
 donated packs for young girls which
 included sanitary pads, sanitisers and
 facemasks in a carrybag. Head of Office
 for the International Organisation for               Ms. Sally Mlotsa, from UNFPA, handing face masks to community members

10 SIS      NKHE      December 2020

A member of the community makes a contribution during the meeting. The community lamented the lack of potable water, saying bathing
was a luxury and only necessary when one needed to go to town only.

 Migration (IOM), Mr. Jeremias Mendes                 Dr. Gina expressed appreciation that the
 also attended the community                          UN had chosen his community to
 outreach.                                            celebrate UN Day. He noted that he
     Minister of Economic Planning and                already has a good working relationship
 Development, Dr. Tambo Gina, who is a                with the UN, through the Resident
 Member of Parliament for Lubulini                    Coordinator, and that this engagement
 Inkhundla, welcomed the UN team to                   would strengthen the relationship. “It is
 the community.                                       pleasing that we are engaging today in a
 D u r i n g t h e s h o r t p re s e n t a t i o n   less formal way in my community and
 ceremony held under a tree near the                  this will definitely enhance the way we
 chiefdom kraal, the UN Resident                      work in Mbabane,” he said.
 Coordinator told the community that                  At the end of the presentation, the UN
 the UN was eager to work directly with               te a m s p e n t s o m e t i m e e n ga g i n g
 communities to alleviate poverty and                 informally with the community while
 help them contribute to the                          distributing masks and other UN75
 achievement of the Sustainable                       promotional materials.
 Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.                    In 2021, IOM is preparing to introduce
 She noted that this was her first                    an integrated programme to include
 engagement with a community ever                     Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV
 since her arrival in Eswatini about 2                prevention for young girls in the
 years ago. “I want to assure that we will            community.
 come back and design a programme
 that will help the community address
 its development issues,” she said.
 “Today I would like to hear from you                                                                    Lubulini youth displaying facemasks
 directly what your issues are, what                                                                     donated by the UN visiting team
 your fears are, and I will take this up
 with my teams to see what can be

                                                                                                                 SIS NKHE December 2020 11

 Orange Eswatini
   Fund, Respond, Prevent and Collect

                  he 16 days of activism against
                  gender-based violence (GBV)
                  was launched by the Deputy
                  Prime Minister –His
                  Excellency Mr Themba
 Masuku, in the Hhohho region in Pigg's Peak,
 Gobolondlo Hall on the 25th November 2020.
 This was held under the theme “Orange the
 World: Fund, Respond, Prevent and Collect”,
 which calls for collective action in the
 addressing gender-based violence.
     The launch was held in partnership with
 the Swatini Action Group Against Abuse
 (SWAGAA), European Union and United
 Nation. The event was graced by the UN
 Resident Coordinator Natalie Ndongo-seh
 and the EU Ambassador to Eswatini Her
 Excellency Esmeralda Hernandez Aragones.
     Her Excellency, the UNRC elaborated on
 the scourge of GBV in Eswatini further
 highlighting its impact on the development of
 women and girls.
     “In the Kingdom of Eswatini, 1 in 3 Swazi
 girls experience sexual violence before the
 age of 18, while, nearly half of Swazi women
 will experience sexual violence in their
 lifetime. Women and girls fight on the
 frontlines for their communities and families,    EU Ambassador, H.E. Esmeralda Aragones and UN Resident Coordinator, H.E. Nathalie
 daring to start their own businesses, to teach    Ndongo-Seh also made statements.

12 SIS     NKHE     December 2020
and empower children, care for the elderly,
run farms, provide livelihoods for their
families and serve with strength, courage,
tenacity and dignity. Let us not allow the girls
and women of today and tomorrow to be left
behind as the world recovers from COVID-19.”
     “Let us locate and expose inequalities, and
t u r n t h e m i n t o o p p o r t u n i t i e s ,” s h e
     The day began with hosting dialogues for
young women, in school and out of school
youth, boys' groups, young and older men and
key populations. These were held with the
purpose of drawing challenges that the
different groups and identify gaps and ideas
how the Government could intervene, from
which the Deputy Prime Minister's office
sought to develop a plan to address the
findings. All the group representatives got an
opportunity to present to the Deputy Prime
Minister , what came out of their discussions.
      In his remarks, the DPM unpacked the
theme for Emaswati, challenging them to be
vigorous in the fight against GBV.
     “Let me draw us closer to the global theme
for this year's campaign which Eswatini has
fully adopted; it is: Orange the World: Fund,
Respond, Prevent, and Collect. Fund -
                                                             Deputy Prime Minister, Sen. Themba Masuku officially launched the campaign.
prioritise funding for a minimum package of
essential services that include GBV prevention
in COVID-19 fiscal stimulus packages;                                                                             up for human rights”
Respond - maintain services for survivors of                     L e ave n o o n e b e h i n d – Pe o p l e o f
                                                             concerns: In the spirit of leaving no one behind         In partnership with OHCHR 16 days of
GBV as essential during COVID-19 lockdowns;                                                                       activism came to an end on human rights
Prevent - declare national zero tolerance                    and in partnership with Caritas, Ministry of
                                                             Home Affairs, ADRA and UNHCR GBV dialogues           day 10th December 2020. The 2020 theme
policy for GBV with a concrete action plan in                                                                     related to the COVID-19 pandemic and
place, and collect data for improvement of GBV               with women, men, youth and urban people of
                                                             concern were conducted on the 27th and 30th          focused on the need to build back better by
services and programmes.”                                                                                         ensuring human rights as central to the
                                                             December; 2nd and 3rd December 2020 to
                                                             raise awareness and understand challenges            recovery efforts. This was an opportunity to
    A virtual conversation-Girls                                                                                  reaffirm the importance of human rights to
vulnerabilities:                                             faced by displaced populations. A competition
                                                             was held residents of the Malindza camp to           rebuild the world we want and re-iterate the
    On the 26th November the UN Gender                                                                            message pushed at the height of COVID
Theme Group hosted a virtual dialogue based                  create poems, drawings and essays on violence
                                                             including GBV particularly faced by refugees. A      crisis. Eswatini woke up to a challenge
on the theme and films from girl rising –Nepal                                                                    engaging members of the public, UN staff
and Haiti chapters which depicted                            main commemoration day was held on the 9th
                                                             of December 2020 at the Malindza Camp, an            and partners, CSOs, etc, as an
vulnerabilities that girls faced in our societies.                                                                encouragement that everyone had a role in
This was followed by panel discussion on the                 event graced by the Principal Secretary from
                                                             the Ministry of Home Affairs, The UNGTG Chair        building a better post COVID world for
overall UN role in addressing gender-based                                                                        present and future generations. Photos of
violence including human trafficking and                     and UNFPA HOO Margaret Tembe-Thwala and
                                                             refugee Commissioner. Emphasis was placed            individuals with a “Recover Better” sign was
ending harmful practices presented by the UN                                                                      the order of the day, on WhatsApp groups
Resident Coordinator Natalie Ndongo-Seh;                     on partnerships and commitment in
                                                             supporting programmes that address GBV and           and social media while tagging those you
Violence against Children and the Education                                                                       challenged join with their own affirmations.
perspective by UNICEF Representative, Dr                     other issues faced by People of Concern. UNFPA
                                                             committed it's support to working with               UN agency heads joined the challenge which
Alice Akunga; the health consequences by                                                                          brought an excitement to the day.
WHO representative, Dr Cornelia Atsyor and                   organisations who work with these vulnerable
the government role in addressing GBV by a                   groups in this decade of acceleration.
representative from the Department of                            The commitments made: As part of the 16
Gender and Family issues- Mr Mpendulo                        days the Department of Gender and family
Masuku.                                                      issues under the Deputy Prime Minister office
     Conclusions drawn from the conversation                 engaged communities in the four regions of
were that addressing GBV needs a multi-                      Eswatini through conducting dialogues to
sector response and services should be                       disseminate approved state reports which
accessible and available in spite of the                     included CEDAW, Beijing, Maputo, African
pandemic, and the need for protocols to                      Decade among others. These dialogues were
ensure standardised provision of these                       held in two communities per region from the
services. Of note was the role that all can play             2nd of December to the 10th of December to
in advocating for funding for gender equality                share progress made by the country towards
and women empowerment during budgeting                       gender equality and women's empowerment
opportunities and the importance of GBV data                 and gaps that need to be worked on. Feedback
                                                             from these dialogues are being consolidated          SWAGAA Director, Ms. Nonhlanhla Dlamini
for evidenced-based programming.                                                                                  delivering her address at the launch.
                                                             and will be shared.
    16 Days Dialogues in the communities:                        Human rights day “Recover better, stand

                                                                                                                          SIS NKHE December 2020 13

 Mobile Digital Display truck was used during the roadshows across major towns and cities in the country

 DO-IT-ALL campaign hits all towns
 UN agencies support Government to reignite COVID-19 infection
 prevention and control at the onset of the Festive Season

                                                                                               T          he Ministry of Health has
                                                                                                          conducted roadshows
                                                                                                          under the Umgcini Wesive
                                                                                           D o - I t -A l l c a m p a i g n a i m e d a t
                                                                                           increasing compliance to COVID-19
                                                                                           prevention during the Festive
                                                                                              Do-It-All is a behaviour change
                                                                                           campaign which is implemented by the
                                                                                           Risk Communication and Community
                                                                                           Engagement (RCCE) team for COVID-
                                                                                           19 prevention. The campaign is
                                                                                           supported by the World Health
                                                                                           Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF. The
                                                                                           campaign has different components
                                                                                           which include community engagement
                                                                                           which is done through the Baphalali
                                                                                           Eswatini Red Cross volunteers who
                                                                                           move from door to door in

14 SIS   NKHE    December 2020

communities educating people about             mobile TV company to help disseminate         knowledge from the EFTTIT team
COVID-19 prevention. The Do-It-All             messages during the roadshows, which          which is made up of medical doctors,
campaign emphasises on the 3Ws which           kicked off at the Mbabane Bus rank on         nurses and paramedics. The team also
include Wearing of face masks, Washing         Friday. The Risk Communication team           provided screening and swabbing for
hands and Watching distance of one             For COVID-19 is working together with         those who meet the criteria for testing.
metre and above. It also encourages            the Educate, Find, Test, Treat, Isolate and   The roadshow was taken to other
people to avoid the 3Cs-Crowded places,        Track (EFTTIT), which was set up by the       places such as Nkoyoyo, Ngwenya
Close-contact settings, Confined and           Ministry of Health in July to intensify       Border, Ezulwini (Corner Plaza) and
enclosed spaces.                               case finding.                                 Mankayane. Dr Makadzange said the
    Recently the Ministry of Health                During the roadshows, the teams           team visited other places such as
predicted an increase in the number of         provided extensive education to people        Manzini, Matsapha, Siphofaneni, Siteki
COVID-19 cases over the Festive Season.        who are in town, either for work or other     and Nhlangano among other towns.
A lot of people are expected into the          business. Dr Kevin Makadzange, the
country as it is usually the case during the   WHO Health Promotion Officer who is
Festive Season. A majority of people will      also a member of the Risk
be coming from their places of work in         Communication team said the campaign
South Africa. Worth noting is that South       was received with enthusiasm when it
Africa is one of the hardest hit countries     first hit town last Friday. “Many people
in the African region by the virus. It is,     were very excited about the campaign
therefore, important to strengthen             and were eager to learn from the team on
prevention during this time where              how to prevent themselves from
people will be moving in and out of the        contracting COVID-19. Over and above
two countries.                                 the messages on prevention, people are
    In order to increase knowledge and         also advised to seek medical help as soon
compliance on COVID-19 prevention, the         as they feel flu symptoms,” he said.
Ministry of Health has contracted a local          Many people came to seek more

     A volunteer from the Baphalali Red Cross Society helping a community member sanitize.

                                                                                                     SIS NKHE December 2020 15

  A billboard featuring the Deputy Prime Minister, Sen. Themba Masuku was among the 6 billboards supported by the UN to
  encourage adherence to lockdown measures as well as wearing of face masks in public places.

 UN supports COVID-19 media campaign
 and community mobilisation in hotspots
 UN supports campaign aimed at ensuring adherence to partial
 lockdown measures and wearing of facemasks in public places

                 t the height of the partial   observing the lockdown measures to                     Coordinator, Ms Nathalie Ndongo-She,
                 lockdown to prevent the       prevent the further spread of the                      stated at the launch.
                 spread of COVID-19, the       coronavirus following a sharp rise in new                  “The solidarity and partnership
                 Deputy Prime Minister,        infections in some townships, especially               already evident in the implementation
                 M r. T h e m b a M a s u ku   in Manzini.                                            of this campaign will help all us to reach
  launched a media and social                      The campaign was implemented over                  those who have inadvertently been left
  mobilisation campaign targeting              three months by the COVID-19 Regional                  behind or who may be at risk to be left
  areas considered to be hotspots in           Task Forces in partnership with NDMA,                  behind including the elderly, people
  the Manzini and Hhohho Regions.              CANGO, NERCHA and many other                           with disabilities, PLHIV and people in
     The campaign, supported by UN             partners including the private sector and              rural areas.”
  agencies including UNFPA, WHO,               the media in urban and peri-urban areas                    The UN supported the Sensitisation
  U NA I D S , I O M , U N RCO, FAO, wa s      considered as COVID-19 hotspots in                     Campaign through the training of 80
  launched with the Regional                   Ma nzini, Ma t sa pha , Ezulw ini a nd                 volunteers by the World Health
  Administrators for Manzini, HRH Prince       Mbabane municipalities.                                Organisation (WHO) and the Ministry
  Gija a nd Hhohho, HRH Princess                   “This Coronavirus Sensitisation and                of Health, to disseminate important
  Tsandzile as well as the UN Resident         Awareness Campaign is building up and                  COVID-19 messages, and the provision
  Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh         adding to ongoing efforts aimed at                     of transport , megaphones, PPE,
  and National Disaster Management             sustaining critical messaging to ensure                reusable face masks, and information
  Agency CEO, Mr. Russell Dlamini.             that every liSwati is reached to protect               materials.
     Through mass media, digital media         themselves and their families so that we                   In the subsequent weeks after the
  and community engagement, people             can save the lives and livelihoods in this             launch, the UN Resident Coordinator
  were sensitised on the importance of         b e a u t i f u l n a t i o n ,” U N R e s i d e n t   joined the Regional Administrators

16 SIS     NKHE    December 2020
during their routine social mobilisation     the Government and the organisations of          creating an enabling environment for
engagements as a way to encourage the        the United Nations system engaged in             young people to grow and contribute to
volunteers on the ground in both regions.    operational activities for development.”         the economic prosperity of the country
    The King reiterated the country's           The Resident Coordinator also                 and for leading the African Leaders
commitment towards achieving the SDGs        commended the King for charting a clear          Malaria Alliance (ALMA) that aims at
while stressing: “We have integrated         direction to revive the country's                achieving near-zero malaria deaths in
these goals in our national programmes       economy by prioritising key sectors to           Africa.
                                             ensure results are achieved in the                   Ms. Ndongo-Seh concluded her
and they remain at the top of our national
                                                                                              remarks by expressing appreciation to the
agenda”. He further committed to the fight   shortest possible time. These sectors
                                                                                              King for the piece of land where UN
against HIV and AIDS and provide quality     include ICT, tourism, agro-processing,
                                                                                              premises have been built and extended an
basic services including quality             manufacturing, energy and mining. “The
                                                                                              invitation to His Majesty to visit and
education, health and social services.       UN family in Eswatini wishes to applaud
                                                                                              inaugurate the premises.
    Ms. Ndongo-Seh congratulated His         His Majesty's newly-elected government
                                                                                                  The ceremony was followed by a tete-
Majesty for his leadership in the            for its proactiveness in developing a
                                                                                              a-tete between his Majesty and his
successful integration of the SDGs into      roadmap around these priority sectors”,
                                                                                              entourage, and the UN Resident
national planning processes. Indeed,         she stated.
                                                                                              Coordinator accompanied by UNDP
Eswatini has reviewed its National               Ms. Ndongo-Seh further congratulated
                                                                                              Resident Representative and WHO
                                             His Majesty for attending the UN High-level
Development Strategy 1997-2022 in line                                                        Country Representative to discuss issues
                                             Conference on South-South Cooperation;
with the SDGs and AU Agenda 2063,                                                             of mutual concern.
                                             for launching a bid to host the Secretariat of
resulting in a new strategy themed:          the African Continental Free Trade Area
'Strategy for Sustainable Development        (AfCTA), as well as for the King's efforts in
and Inclusive Growth (SSDIG 2030)'. She      ensuring representation of women in
reiterated her commitment to further         parliament, in the judiciary and in the
“strengthen the collaboration between        Cabinet. She also commended the King for

    UN Resident Coordinator joined the Manzini volunteers during community a outreach at Mbhuleni Township in Matsapha.

                                                                                                      SIS NKHE December 2020 17
Health & Well Being

     Health & Wellbeing
                                               Minister of Health, Senator Lizzie Nkosi lights up a candle at the launch of the World AIDS
                                               Campaign on 29 October 2020.

  Solidarity, shared responsibility to address
  colliding epidemics of HIV and COVID-19

                    he World AIDS Day Campaign            services in order to contribute to the fight       The campaign moved to the Hhohho
                    (WAC/WAD) began with a                against HIV and AIDS. Notable partners         region on the 20th November, where the
                    launch on the 29th October at         present included UNAIDS Country Director,      Minister of Finance, Neil Rikjenberg was
                    the Royal Villas hotel in             Rose Craigue. Before he left, the Minister     the Guest of Honour. The thematic area for
                    Ezulwini and graced by the            handed out masks to workers, road users        the Hhohho Region was adolescents, the
 Minister of Health, Senator Lizzy Nkosi.                 and community members, encouraging             youth and the synergies between COVID-
 The global theme for this year is, "Global               them to comply with COVID-19 regulations       19, teenage pregnancy and Gender-Based
 Solidarity, A Shared Responsibility" was                 in the uptake of HIV services.
 adapted to the Eswatini context to be, "
 Eswatini Ending AIDS in Solidarity by
 2022: A Shared Responsibility". The
 launch was followed by regional events
 which were a build up to the main day on
 December 1.
       The first regional Commemoration was
 held in the Lubombo region on the 13th of
 November at Maphiveni in the sugar belt
 d i s t r i c t , wh e re t h e fo c u s g ro u p wa s
 Workplace; employer-employee in informal
 settlements and their access to HIV services.
 The Minister responsible was Minister of
 Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs, Harries
 Madze Bulunga who spoke passionately
 about the youth in the workforce,
 encouraging them to ensure uptake of HIV

                                                          Minister Bulunga with UNAIDS Country Director, Rose Craigue on a guided tour during
18 SIS       NKHE       December 2020                     the regional commemoration in Lubombo.

Violence. During his remarks, the Minister         Eswatini end stigma and discrimination as
emphasised the role of the youth in the Ending     well as usher the country to an HIV free
AIDS agenda and how keeping girls in school        Eswatini by 2022.
was one of the key components of dealing with           The World AIDS Commemoration ended
factors such as teenage pregnancy and              in a very high note with the big one on the 1st
dropouts. The minister also noted that other       December, being World AIDS day 2020,
contributing factors to teenage pregnancy are      which was held at the George Hotel in
economical in nature and that the youth            Manzini. The momentous occasion was
needed to be met at the point of their needs. As   graced by the Deputy Prime Minister,
a practical example to this notion, the minister   Themba Masuku, on behalf of the Head of
handed out dignity packs to the youth, where       Government. Partners in the HIV response
girls received sanitary pads and deodorant         also showed up in their numbers, such as the
roll-ons while boys received underwear and         US Ambassador, Lisa Paterson, UN Resident
                                                   Coordinator, Nathalie Ndongo-Seh, UNAIDS          Deputy Prime Minister, Sen. Themba Masuku
deodorant.                                                                                           and the Director of Health Services, Dr.Vusi
    The third and last regional                    Country Director, Rose Craigue, PEPFAR,
                                                                                                     Magagula touring information stalls on WAD.
Commemoration was held on the 27th                 CANGO and many others. The highlight of the
November in the Shiselweni region at               day was having HIV positive youth speaking
Matsanjeni South Inkhundla and graced by the       bravely about their challenges and how they
Minister of Natural Resources and Energy,          are willing to support government to end
Peter Bhembe. The focus group for Shiselweni       AIDS if they receive the necessary support.
was People Living with HIV (PLHIV)and how          The event was held in high compliance to
they have survived the two pandemics, being        COVID-19 regulations as different groups
HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. The Minister was left       participated virtually in different venues and
in awe as PLHIV displayed high levels of           various platforms such as zoom, Facebook
confidence about how living with HIV has           and YouTube. The event was also LIVE on the
changed their lives for the better as they have    local radio station EBIS1 and TV station,
strong support systems through their PLHIV         Channel YemaSwati.
support groups where they have formed
livelihood projects. The minister noted that the
Shiselweni region was indeed the one to help
                                                                                                     NERCHA Director, Mr. Khanyakwezwe
                                                                                                     Mabuza with Royal Eswatini Sugar Corporation,
                                                                                                     Mr. Nick Jackson.

Minister of Health, Lizzie Nkosi flanked by stakeholders in the response to HIV & AIDS at the launch of the World AIDS Campaign

                                                                                                              SIS NKHE December 2020 19

 From the world's highest prevalence
 Eswatini conquers HIV

   UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh with the Deputy Prime Minister, Sen.
   Themba Masuku and NERCHA Director, Mr. Khanya Mabuza at the stadium

                   ecause her government
                                                                                                                      The Government's commitment meant
                  aggressively pursued                       After detecting the first case of HIV in
                                                                                                                  providing free antiretroviral (ART) drugs to
                  treatment as prevention for            1986, the country experienced an explosion
                                                                                                                  HIV patients. “We were the first country to
                  people living with HIV, Thembi         of HIV cases. Following several waves of new
                                                                                                                  say we need to look closely at treatment,”
                  D l a m i n i a n d m a ny o t h e r   HIV infections and deaths, His Majesty King
                                                                                                                  says NERCHA Director Khanya Mabuza. In
women in her support group have been able to             M swa t i I I I d e c l a re d H I V a n a t i o n a l
                                                                                                                  2016, the commitment expanded to cover
give family advice, make floor polish and body           e m e r g e n c y i n 1 9 9 7 . F u r t h e r, t h e
                                                                                                                  the provision of drugs as soon as someone
creams to sell and teach one another about               Ingwenyama declared that by 2022 HIV and
                                                                                                                  tested positive, which is called Test and
gardens and handiwork. In other words, the               AIDS must no longer be a public health
government gave them a life together.                    threat.
                                                                                                                      “To ensure uninterrupted treatment
    Without the availability of the drugs for                The King's speech propels committed
                                                                                                                  programmes, the Government procures
free, “we would have died”, she says.                    action.
                                                                                                                  80% of the antiretroviral drugs, whilst
    It is this pivotal decision and several other            His words galvanised the multisector
                                                                                                                  international partners cover the gap”, says
critical supporting moves that have enabled the          response, considered in the foundational
                                                                                                                  Dr Vusi Magagula, Director of Health
Kingdom of Eswatini to become the first                  success factor. The National Emergency
                                                                                                                  Services. The Government also provided
country in Africa to achieve the United Nations          Response Council on HIV/AIDS (NERCHA)
                                                                                                                  laboratory technologies for CD4 and viral
HIV target: 95% of people living with HIV know           was established in 2001 to coordinate
                                                                                                                  load monitoring. Another critical part of the
their status, 95% of them are on life-saving             activities from government to communities,
                                                                                                                  strategy has been improving patients’
antiretroviral treatment, and 95% of those on            including training of traditional leaders.
                                                                                                                  access to these monitoring and treatment
treatment have a suppressed viral load. The              Housed within the Prime Minister's Office
                                                                                                                  services. Access improved for HIV clients
country that once had the world's highest HIV            and funded by government, NERCHA
                                                                                                                  through the implementation of game-
prevalence did so 10 years (2019) ahead of the           steered the agenda and programmes
                                                                                                                  changing nurse-led ART policy, where clinic
2030 goal.                                               towards that goal.
                                                                                                                  nurses were trained to initiate treatment

20 SIS       NKHE      December 2020
under the mentorship of doctors from                 Other innovative community approaches                 resistance surveys, which led to a shift to a
nearby hospitals, with regular oversight        common across Eswatini are peer-to-peer                    new drug in the ART regimen, in line with
provided by PEPFAR partners.                    support for people living with HIV through                 WHO guidelines.
    The HIV services at the community           expert clients, mentor-mothers and                             The combined gravitas of all the
primary health care clinics were linked with    community adherence treatment supporters                   interventions led to a 66% decline in new
HIV prevention activities as well as            for adolescents and young people.                          HIV infections between 2010 and 2019, with
prevention of mother-to-child transmission           Thembi Dlamini helped start one of the                AIDS-related deaths declining by 49%.
of HIV, tuberculosis services and non-          peer-support groups in her community,                          “Eswatini is a small country with a
communicable disease services. HIV testing      Mayiwane in the Northern Hhohho Region,                    population of just over a million people.
services are routinely provided at all health   which she says includes HIV-negative                       Hence, its achievement of the 95-95-95
facilities, and the age of consent for HIV      members. “We do this so that those who have                should be an inspiration to many other
testing was reduced to 12 years.                not tested yet can see that they can live a                countries, as we have shown that it can be
    Early on, in 2009, the Government opted     normal life even after testing HIV positive.               done,” says Minister of Health Lizzie Nkosi in
to give patients with a stable record of high   There's no need for discrimination,” she                   an interview.
adherence to their treatment three months'      explains, after describing how she was                         T h e c o m m e m o ra t i o n , wh i c h wa s
refill of their medication. Recently and due    shunned when she first discovered her HIV                  organised under the auspices of the Ministry
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government        status. “Many people thought I had been                    of Health and the National Emergency
accelerated the plan to dispense six months'    bewitched because I was very sick.”                        Response Against HIV and AIDS (NERCHA),
refill supplies.                                     “The community mobilisation and HIV                   included exhibition by stakeholders in the
    In response to the effects of COVID-19      communication programmes have influenced                   national response to HIV and AIDS.
pandemic on continuity of services, the         c h a n g e i n b e h av i o u r s o n s t i g m a a n d
Government expanded its community               discrimination and improved HIV service
service delivery to take HIV testing,           uptake in communities,” says Dr Nomthandazo
prevention and ART drug refills to people       Lukhele, the World Health Organization
through outreach programmes that rely on        (WHO) HIV/TB Officer in Eswatini.
rural health motivators and HIV treatment            Protecting the success in the pandemic
adherence support initiatives. The effect of         A critical part of the drug-adherence
all these initiatives helped to maintain        monitoring has been keeping a close eye on
uninterrupted regimes and to connect with       drug resistance. In 2016, the Ministry of Health
key and vulnerable populations.                 and PEPFAR carried out two HIV drug

                                                                                                                     SIS NKHE December 2020 21

       Indigenous chickens growing at the Mhlalini centre near Bhunya.

   Empowering communities with
   indigenous chickens farming
  The Bridge Africa Programme and UNESCO empower
  communities with income generating projects

 T         he United Nations Educational,
           Scientific and Cultural
           Organisation (UNESCO), with
 su p p ort from t he B ridg e A fric a
 Programme, and in partnership with
                                                                                                    how to raise chickens, which is an
                                                                                                    initiative endorsed by the Swaziland
                                                                                                    National Institute (SNI), will enable
                                                                                                    community members to earn
 the Sebenta National Institute (SNI), is                                                           sustainable incomes using local
 empowering the lives of people in three                                                            methods,” says Vumile Dlamini, SNI
 communities across the country                                                                     Programme Officer.
 through basic literacy skills and                                                                      The Bridge Africa Programme, in
 income-generation projects.                                                                        partnership with UNESCO, aims to
     These learning centres are located                                                             enhance the self-reliance capabilities of
 on Swazi Nation Land near the towns of                                                             communities across Eswatini, whilst
 Piggs Peak, Mankayane and Nhlangano.                                                               ensuring that local resources are well-
     Six literacy facilitators from three                SNI facilitators learning about the        used, yet not exploited in the process.
 different Community Learning Centres                    commercial production of indigenous        This partnership is also working to
 (CLCs) have been trained to improve                     chickens.                                  enable Early Childhood Development,
 knowledge among community                                  Facilitators have been trained to       literacy skills, vocational skills, non-
 members on how to functionalise their                   empower their communities on               formal secondary education and
 basic literacy skills; a curriculum                     commercial production of indigenous        infrastructure improvement within
 developed by SNI. Through these                         chickens. The training covers indigenous   communities across Eswatini.
 various learning programmes,                            chicken value chains, commercial
 community members have been                             breeding, hatching, rearing, disease
 e n ro l l e d i n l ive l i h o o d p ro j e c t s ,   control, processing and distribution,
 including raising indigenous free-range                 record-keeping, and market
 chickens with the assistance of local                   opportunities.
 breeders and suppliers of the chickens.                    “Understanding the technicalities of

22 SIS       NKHE      December 2020

                                                       UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh shaking hands with the late
                                                       Prime Minister, H.E. Ambrose Dlamini at the end of the UN75 dialogue.

Late PM wishes prosperity &
human rights for all Emaswati
A dialogue between the late Prime Minister, H.E. Ambrose Mandvulo Dlamini
and the UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Nathalie Ndongo-Seh

             n the 16th July, the Prime           today.                                                   I think that should be fostered quite
             Minister of Eswatini, late H.E.          Excellency, my first question to you is; as a   strongly to deal with the issues of COVID-
             Prime Minister Ambrose               world leader, how do you think that the             19. Secondly, support to developing
             Mandvulo Dlamini and the             international community can recover better          nations would be very important. Financial
             UN Resident Coordinator, Ms          in these times of COVID-19. What should be          support and providing resources to the less
Nathalie Ndongo-Seh, shared a dialogue            the international priorities?”                      privileged nations would help the world to
as part of the commemoration of the 75th                                                              deal with the effects of COVID-19; as a
Anniversary of the United Nations. In                  Prime Minister (PM): “Thank you very           country's the strength to fight this
2020, the UN Secretary-General, Mr                much, your Excellency. Firstly, I would like to     pandemic depends on access to resources.
António Guterres, launched dialogues              congratulate the United Nations on its 75th              The third point would be access to
with different groups across the world to         year celebration. As a member of the UN,            health for everybody and strengthening the
gather views and solutions to the world’s         Eswatini would like to extend our heartfelt         health system. The COVID-19 pandemic
biggest challenges; including the COVID-          congratulations and wish the United Nations         caught many countries, particularly
19 pandemic.                                      all the best going forward.                         developing countries, unawares. The health
                                                       In terms of key priorities for the world,      systems need to be strengthened; a lot of
    UN Resident Coordinator (RC): “We are         what we believe as the Kingdom of Eswatini,         investment is needed to deal with the
very grateful for the time you have set aside     now speaking on behalf of His Majesty who is        effects of COVID-19 and prepare for future
today to speak with us about the 75th             Head of State and managing the positive             pandemics because it is clear that this may
Anniversary of the United Nations. The UN         relationship with the UN, the first thing would     not be the last serious and damaging
Secretary-General shared on this                  be to foster equality between countries and         pandemic. Investing in access to health, in
anniversary what matters the most, using          members states of the UN and promote                my view, would be very important. In fact, it
words such as, 'unity, humanity' and how we       equality within countries. Many developing          is a fundamental human right that I think is
need to work collaboratively. It is the year of   nations experience inequalities in many             critical in helping the world to deal with the
multilateralism. He initiated a number of         respects, whether amongst women, the youth          effects of COVID-19.”
dialogues and we are pleased to have you          or the disadvantaged.
                                                                                                                SIS NKHE December 2020 23
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