Page created by Joyce Lawrence
BigAnimals Expeditions | snow lEopArd Feb. 24 - March 8, 2019

                     SNOW LEOPARD
   A rare opportunity to spend time in one of the world’s last truly wild places,
     in search of a majestic, reclusive animal that only the most adventurous
           and intrepid will ever have the privilege of seeing in the wild. | | 189 Evans Ave #A, pacific Grove, CA 93950 | phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAChouM photoGrAphy
BigAnimals Expeditions | snow lEopArd Feb. 24 - March 8, 2019

                                                                                                        years of research determined that the best
                                                                                                    opportunity to observe snow leopards
                                                                                                    would be during their winter mating season.
                                                                                                    Based on a few previous sightings, the best
                                                                                                    destination would prove to be hemis
                                                                                                    national park located about 12 miles (20

              “   Phantom of the Himalayas
 Atop a himalayan summit in ladakh located between the states of Jammu and Kashmir
    in northern India, our journey to photograph snow leopards, a wilderness scene
          rarely observed much less photographed, was soon to be rewarded.
                                                                                                    km) between rumbak and Zinchen villages.
                                                                                                    the frozen rumbak stream was chosen as
                                                                                                    our base of operation because it was
                                                                                                    located between three observation peaks:
                                                                                                    tablung, husing, and Khalung. It took us
                                                                                                    three hours trekking on the solid ice stream
    After patiently waiting for hours, this          Instantly, she tucked her chin under his
                                                                                                    before we began the climb to husing
unimaginable encounter, nature's ultimate        strong neck. nuzzling him, she maternally
                                                                                                    observation peak.
gift, occurred at the end of a long, strenuous   closed her eyes while he curiously gazed
                                                                                                        Credit to our six excellent guides is well
climb to 12,500 feet (3,810 m) and up to         into the distance.
                                                                                                    deserved. while Gyalson shangku and
14,000 feet (4,267meter)                             we were experiencing a moment
                                                                                                    tsering Gurment found the snow leopards
    not only were we physically challenged       frozen in time, the perfect image of love
                                                                                                    we photographed, a pair of guides
by high elevation; we endured bitter cold        observed between a mother and her cub.
                                                                                                    searched each of the three peaks. daily at
and harsh terrain. snow with gale force          the only sound on himalaya’s rugged
                                                                                                    daybreak, they departed camp to scout the
winds brought daytime temperatures as            mountain peaks was the rapid-fire of
                                                                                                    mountain ranges for telltale leopard signs:
low as 14F (-10C) with bone chilling             camera shutters clicking.
                                                                                                    resting places or paw tracks left from hunting
nights dropping to -13 F (-25C). sunny               Emotional warmth exhibited by these
                                                                                                    or traveling. the guides communicated with
days brought warmer temperatures of              snow leopards, descendants of the
                                                                                                    one another using radio transmitters. By
40 F. For twelve days, we trekked trails         pre-historic saber tooth cat or tiger, stands
                                                                                                    6:00 AM, they will wake you up to get ready
covered with packed ice crisscrossing            in stark contrast to their winter environment.
                                                                                                    for the day scouting – we will not be waiting
frozen rivers. these conditions required         the snow leopard’s rarity and beauty
                                                                                                    for the other teams out there to tell us where
immense endurance and physical                   attracts a hard-core adventurer capable of
                                                                                                    or if they spot the “ghost cat” – we are
conditioning.                                    experiencing the frigid conditions of the
                                                                                                    aiming to be the first to locate them, that is
    the first sighting of a leopard mother       himalayas.
                                                                                                    the adventure and the one for wildlife
tenderly loving her two-year-old cub                                                                photographer aspiration. we also receive
transfixed us. this was not behavior we                                                             all the report arriving from the other guides
expected to observe from such a notorious                                                           sighting, and they would call us to join them.
predator. later in the day, viewing the                                                                 like most predators, snow leopards are
female morph into what appeared to be                                                               active early in the morning and around
a protective mode further amazed us.                                                                dusk into the night. we experienced our
    our wildlife guide quietly motioned                                                             unique sighting as darkness began to creep
toward an adjacent peak. Emerging from                                                              over the peak. the air, cold and thin, made
his den, a juvenile male stealthily, but                                                            it painful to breathe. someone whispered,
with great agility, climbed the steep                                                               “leopards!” we all jumped behind our
terrain toward the female. As the cub                                                               camera lenses. Fortunately, to accommodate
approached, the female rose. Emitting a                                                             the dimming light, I had changed my Iso
deep guttural sound, the call was one of                                                            from 800 to 6,400. A moment like this is a
familiarity and acceptance. the young                                                               reminder of how precious and inspiring the
male was her separated cub.                                                                         wilderness can be. If we respect Mother
                                                                                                    nature, the dividends are enormous. | | 189 Evans Ave #A, pacific Grove, CA 93950 | phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAChouM photoGrAphy
BigAnimals Expeditions | snow lEopArd Feb. 24 - March 8, 2019

              The Endangered Snow Leopard                                                            snow leopards show several adaptations
                                                                                                 for living in a cold, mountainous environment.
  snow leopards live solitary lives spent regularly patrolling their territory, which often      their bodies are stocky, their fur is thick,
   covers hundreds of square miles. territorial, they leave markings throughout these            and their ears are small and rounded, all
      vast areas: scraping the ground with their paws or spraying urine on rocks.                of which help to minimize heat loss. their
                                                                                                 paws are wide, which distributes their
   occasionally, they rub against rocks            snow leopards are slightly smaller than
                                                                                                 weight better for walking on snow, and
leaving clumps of hair. the snow leopard’s     the other big cats but, like them, exhibit a
                                                                                                 have fur on their undersides to increase
breeding season occurs between                 range of sizes, generally weighing be-
                                                                                                 their grip on steep and unstable surfaces;
december and March. the only large             tween 27 and 55 kg (60 and 121 lb.), with
                                                                                                 it also helps to minimize heat loss.
cat that cannot roar, snow leopard             an occasional large male reaching 75 kg
                                                                                                     snow leopards’ tails are long and flexible,
vocalizations include hisses, chuffing,          (165 lb.) and small female of under 25 kg
                                                                                                 helping them to maintain their balance,
mews, growls, and wailing. during              (55 lb.). they have a relatively short body,
                                                                                                 which is very important in the rocky terrain
mating season a pair will call back and        measuring in length from the head to the
                                                                                                 they inhabit. their tails are also very thick
forth to one other by snarling.                base of the tail 75 to 130 cm (30 to 50 in).
                                                                                                 due to storage of fat and are very thickly
                                               however, the tail is quite long, at 80 to
                                                                                                 covered with fur, which allows them to be
                                               100 cm (31 to 39 in), with only the domes-
                                                                                                 used like a blanket to protect their faces
                                               tic-cat-sized marbled cat being relatively
                                                                                                 when asleep.
                                               longer-tailed. they are stocky and short-
                                               legged big cats, standing about 60 cm
                                               (24 in) at the shoulder.
                                                   snow leopards have long, thick fur, and
                                               their base color varies from smoky gray to
                                               yellowish tan, with whitish underparts.
                                               they have dark grey to black open
                                               rosettes on their bodies, with small spots
   the snow leopard is a large cat native      of the same color on their heads and
to the mountain ranges of Central and          larger spots on their legs and tails. unusu-
south Asia. It is listed as endangered on      ally among cats, their eyes are pale green
the IuCn red list of threatened species        or grey in color.
                                                                                                 perhaps the snow leopard is only observed
because as of 2003, the size of the global
                                                                                                 when it feels so inclined. during our
population was estimated at 4,080–
                                                                                                 encounters, these incredible animals
6,590 adults, of which fewer than 2,500
                                                                                                 seemed well aware of our presence before
individuals may reproduce in the wild.
                                                                                                 we ever located them, and they disap-
today their number is estimated ay
                                                                                                 peared without a trace whenever they
3,000 only.
                                                                                                 chose to. perhaps, that is why they are
   snow leopards inhabit alpine and
                                                                                                 called the phantom of the himalayas.
subalpine zones at elevations from 3,000
to 4,500 m (9,800 to 14,800 ft.). In the
northern range countries, they also
occur at lower elevations. | | 189 Evans Ave #A, pacific Grove, CA 93950 | phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAChouM photoGrAphy
BigAnimals Expeditions | snow lEopArd Feb. 24-March 8, 2019

                                                                                               snow leopard trek,
                                                                                               Feb. 24 - March 8, 2019
                                                                                               nature at its Best. Feel
                                                                                               your heart pound.

                                                                                               ExpErIEnCE: 3 years

                                                                                               whErE: ladakh, India
                                               Enhance your                                    dAtEs: February 24-March 8, 2019
                                               photographic skills                             durAtIon: 14days

                                               with nathaniel.                                 MAx no. oF GuEsts: 6

                                               the Experience is                               AvAIlABIlIty: open

nAthAnIEl sMAllEy
                                               priceless!                                      prICInG: $9,800 per person, based on
                                                                                               double occupancy
Expedition leader
                                                                                               rEGIstrAtIon: deposit of $3,300
    For nathaniel, becoming established          BigAnimals’ unique services –
as a full time, professional nature pho-      raising the bar of services in every             ACtIvItIEs: photography, hiking,
tographer has been the realization of a       adventure we operate around the
                                                                                               Climbing, and Exploring
lifelong dream.                               world is our policy.
    nathaniel was awarded ‘honorable             we lead by example with immaculate            tEMpErAturE: 40F(4C)/sunny to
Mention’ in the national wildlife Federa-     safety record. Each wildlife expedition is       14F(-10C)/ snow & wind
tion’s nature photography competition         carefully scouted before offered to the           night: 0F (-18C) to -13F(-25C)/extreme
for his image titled ‘peek-A-Boo’ of a        public and we schedule departures                cold & snow
sandhill Crane. Also in 2012 his image        only during peak animal presence and
‘levitation’ of an Anna’s hummingbird         behavior displays, led by nathaniel              trIp prICE InCludEs:
was a ‘Finalist’ at the stanford Birding      smalley and based on Amos nachoum’s              • 2 nights hotel in new delhi, single
photographic Competition in Capetown,         35 years of exploring and photographing          • 12 nights of mixed accommodation –
south Africa.                                 around the world.                                 hotels leh are based on single
    he was recognized as the ‘Featured           our snow leopard trek is strictly              accommodation. Camping, private
photographer’ for Audubon Arizona in          limited to only 6 privileged guests.              tent for each person
2013 and joined their Central leadership      this is with consideration of the                • 10 days of trekking
Council that same year. he also served as     animals’ welfare and behavior, your              • All transfers, in accordance with group
the Field trip Chairman for Maricopa          safety, and to photograph and film with
Audubon from 2013 – 2014.                     personalized attention and advice.
                                                                                               • photography seminar/photo coaching
    In 2014 he became sponsored by                                                              by nathaniel smally
naneu Camera Bags, was accepted into
the community of nikon pro services                                                            trIp prICE ExCludEs:
photographers and was invited to join                                                          • All International flights
the Ethics Committee for the north                                                             • Airfare to and from delhi
American nature photographers Associ-                                                          • overweight luggage or excess
ation.                                                                                           baggage
    snathaniel never feels alone explor-
                                                                                               • Meals that aren’t specified above
ing the vast wilderness in search of his
                                                                                               • personal charges such as laundry, bar,
photographs. For him it is a sanctuary
                                                                                                 and telecommunication charges
where he captures images of the living
                                                                                               • Insurance – it is mandatory you buy
world and shares them with those who
                                                                                                 your own travel, health insurance,
love and appreciate nature as he does.
                                                                                                 including evacuation
                                                                                               • Gratuities | | 189 Evans Ave #A, pacific Grove, CA 93950 | phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAChouM photoGrAphy
BigAnimals Expeditions | snow lEopArd Feb. 24 - March 8, 2019

SNOW LEOPARD TRIP ITINERARY >Feb.24-March 8,'19                                                      we may move camp, trekking a few
                                                                                                   hours to the very remote village of
                                                                                                   rumbak, where snow leopards are known
                                                                                                   to prey on livestock. Again this will depend
Itinerary                                                                                          on messages coming through passing
 while this itinerary can change, the        DAY 1                                                 villagers that may make us aware about
snow leopard expedition begins in new          ArrIvE in delhi, clear customs, and check           sightings. we’ll camp near village, but
delhi. this Indian city can be described     into hotel. usually flights in India arrive late at   spend the evening enjoying tibetan
as a smorgasbord for the senses: vibrant     night, hence we will give you time to rest this       hospitality with the locals. there is a
colors, intoxicating smells, baffling traffic,   evening.                                              possibility we may stay in a homestay.
and overwhelming sounds. Before trekking                                                             At camp we have one heated social
to the 14,000-foot (4,267 meters) thin-air
elevation of hemis national park, we
                                             DAY 2                                                 tent for eating, meeting and generator to
                                                                                                   charge your camera batteries. At camp
                                                wake up at leisure. It is important to adjust      you will have limited supply of fresh water
acclimated by spending several days in
                                             to the time change before heading to leh. A           for basic hygiene.
the tibetan-influenced city of leh,
                                             short sightseeing tour will be arranged. If any         A team of sherpa that carry you
considered the capital of the ancient
                                             items need to be bought, this would be the            camera and tripod will support you. other
himalayan kingdom of ladakh.
                                             day. dinner at a local restaurant with briefing.      team is dedicated to bring lunch and hot
these days are spent visiting local
                                                                                                   drink during the day no matter how far
markets and a number of the region's
Buddhist (hems, thickset and shay)
                                             DAY 3                                                 we are in search of the leopard.

                                                                                                   DAY 13
monasteries dating back to the 15th            Fly to leh, the ancient capital of the former
and 16th centuries. on the third             himalayan kingdom of ladakh. our local
morning, after departing leh by car for      guides will take us to hotel omasilla. spend            we pack up early morning, load our gear
the tiny village of Zingchen, we crossed     the day relaxing and acclimating to the altitude      on the mule convoy and set out back by foot
the Indus river before reaching our          (11,500 feet!). omasilla is a family run hotel.       for Zinchen 2 – 3 hours hike. At Zinchen you
destination in hemis national park.          heating is provided in the room through               meet your van and driven back to leh. rest
only two families call Zingchen home.        heaters and hot water bottles. It is essential to     and take hot bath.
 For the next ten days your guides           start getting used to the cold.
Gyalson shangku and tsering Gurmet             we spend the day continuing to get used to
                                             the altitude, visiting the local sights such as
                                                                                                   DAY 14
then lead our trek into the himalayas.
                                             the ancient Buddhist monasteries and the                 we take you to the airport for morning
Each member of the group had an
                                             bustling markets around leh. return to the            flight to delhi. All day at leisure in delhi. A day
assistant, sherpa helping you to carry
                                             omasilla.                                             room has been booked for you. Evening
your camera with the big lens and tri-
                                                                                                   transfer to airport for international flight.
pod. during early mornings we searched
for the leopards along ridgelines, hoping    DAY 4
to observe them returning to their             drive to Zinchen, and begin our trek                pAyMEnt polICy And dEposIt:
daytime resting place. unsuccessful, we      through snow leopard country. packhorses
                                                                                                   when we receive your deposit, you will re-
viewed a flock of chukar partridge or        carry the bulk of our gear, you’ll carry a small
                                                                                                   ceive confirmation. All flights and trip
herds of blue sheep. As the leopard’s        day- pack, your binoculars and camera. we’ll
                                                                                                   costs are subject to change without prior
primary source of food, locating blue        spend 2 – 3 hours hiking to our first campsite,
                                                                                                   notice until your reservation is
sheep in the valley is a good omen.          a distance of about 5 kilometers (a little over
                                                                                                   confirmed. A non-refundable deposit of
there are about five key observation         3 miles). spend the night in the sleeping bag
                                                                                                   one third of the expedition price is re-
points along the river stretch. the guide    you brought (it needs to be rated to at least –
                                                                                                   quired to secure a place on the trip.
will choose each morning where to go         25 degrees C). we supply the 2-person private
                                             tent to each person. this is hemis national           Full payment is due no later than 90 days
and the camp team is prepared in
                                             park and we will be in the husing valley.             before departure. we reserve the right to
sending lunch and hot drinks, much
                                                                                                   sell any space that is not paid in full 60
                                             DAY 5 - 12
needed energy and warmth during the
                                                                                                   days before departure. A refund will be
day to our location that some days can
                                                                                                   made if the space can be filled in time,
10-15 miles away from camp.                    we’re now at around 12,500 feet, and we             less unrecoverable costs of sales, adminis-
                                             should all feel pretty comfortable hiking             tration, or special promotion.
                                             around at this height. we’ll trek to nearby           Cancellation must be made in writing.
                                             valleys and rock formations looking for blue          deposits are non-refundable if cancellation
                                             sheep, because the snow leopards are looking          is made 180 days or less before departure.
                                             for blue sheep, too. the program everyday is          no refunds for unused part of the itinerary.
                                             not fixed. Everything will depend on weather          For payment, please mail your check to:
                                             conditions and snow leopard movements.                Big Animals Expeditions
                                             the idea is to have the best possibility to track     189 Evans Avenue, suite A
                                             the” ghost cat” (snow leopard).                       pacific Grove, CA 93950 | | 189 Evans Ave #A, pacific Grove, CA 93950 | phone 831.241.6657 | © AMos nAChouM photoGrAphy
Biganimals expeditions | snoW leoParD february 24-march 8, 2019

                                               ApplicAtion Form
                        expedition snow leopard| expeditions Dates: Feb.24-march 8, '19

Personal InformatIon

first name                                               last name

Date of Birth                                                       Gender:           female            male


City                                                              state                             Zip

Work Phone                                             Home Phone


Citizen of                               Passport #                             Place Issued & Date

trip price $9,800 per person. Deposit of 1/3 of trip price is required to secure space = $3,300 non-refundable.
final payment due 90 days before departure. $

Please make your check payment to Biganimals expeditions, 189 evans ave #a, Pacific Grove, Ca 93950.
overseas payment can be done via bank wire, instructions will be sent to you upon receipt of this application.

Promotional code

travel insurance:           Yes          no      Provider                                   Policy #
travel insurance is prerequisite and mandatory on Biganimals adventures. We need to have your policy number.. | | 189 evans ave #a, Pacific Grove, Ca 93950 | Phone 831.241.6657 | © amos naCHoum PHotoGraPHY
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